<?php /** * Avatar crop action * */ $guid = get_input('guid'); $owner = get_entity($guid); if (!$owner || !($owner instanceof ElggUser) || !$owner->canEdit()) { register_error(elgg_echo('avatar:crop:fail')); forward(REFERER); } $x1 = (int) get_input('x1', 0); $y1 = (int) get_input('y1', 0); $x2 = (int) get_input('x2', 0); $y2 = (int) get_input('y2', 0); $filehandler = new ElggFile(); $filehandler->owner_guid = $owner->getGUID(); $filehandler->setFilename("profile/" . $owner->guid . "master" . ".jpg"); $filename = $filehandler->getFilenameOnFilestore(); //@todo make this configurable? $icon_sizes = array( 'topbar' => array('w'=>16, 'h'=>16, 'square'=>TRUE, 'upscale'=>TRUE), 'tiny' => array('w'=>25, 'h'=>25, 'square'=>TRUE, 'upscale'=>TRUE), 'small' => array('w'=>40, 'h'=>40, 'square'=>TRUE, 'upscale'=>TRUE), 'medium' => array('w'=>100, 'h'=>100, 'square'=>TRUE, 'upscale'=>TRUE), 'large' => array('w'=>200, 'h'=>200, 'square'=>FALSE, 'upscale'=>FALSE) ); // get the images and save their file handlers into an array // so we can do clean up if one fails. $files = array(); foreach ($icon_sizes as $name => $size_info) { $resized = get_resized_image_from_existing_file($filename, $size_info['w'], $size_info['h'], $size_info['square'], $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $size_info['upscale']); if ($resized) { //@todo Make these actual entities. See exts #348. $file = new ElggFile(); $file->owner_guid = $guid; $file->setFilename("profile/{$guid}{$name}.jpg"); $file->open('write'); $file->write($resized); $file->close(); $files[] = $file; } else { // cleanup on fail foreach ($files as $file) { $file->delete(); } system_message(elgg_echo('avatar:resize:fail')); forward(REFERER); } } $owner->icontime = time(); $owner->x1 = $x1; $owner->x2 = $x2; $owner->y1 = $y1; $owner->y2 = $y2; system_message(elgg_echo('avatar:crop:success')); forward(REFERER);