* Simple Lorea Seed Monitor Run an nginx static website to show current status of selected seeds. ** How to setup the seed for using the monitor? *** Using PHP5-FPM (recommended) This is the recommended solution as it ensures the PHP process is running. : ping.path = /.ping : ping.response = pong example.org *** Using Apache Classical lorea setup. : echo 'pong example.org' > /var/www/example.org/.ping *** Using nginx New lorea setup. In =/etc/nginx/sites-available/example.org=: : location = /.ping { : default_type text/plain; : echo "pong $http_host"; : echo_flush; : } ** How do I add a seed to the monitor? Edit =/usr/local/bin/lorea_refresh_status= to add the domain name and the IP address of the server: : SEED[example.org]=""