*** CODING STANDARDS *** These are the coding standards for Elgg. All core development, bundled plugins, and tickets attached to Trac are expected to be in this format. * Unix line endings * Hard tabs, 4 character tab spacing. * No shortcut tags ( tag at EOF. (Avoids problems with trailing whitespace, marginal speed improvements.) *** DEPRECATING APIs *** Occasionally, functions and classes must be deprecated in favor of newer replacements. Since 3rd party plugin authors rely on a consistent API, backward compatibility must be maintained, but will not be maintained indefinitely as plugin authors are expected to properly update their plugins. In order to maintain backward compatibility, deprecated APIs will follow these guidelines: * API changes cannot occur between bugfix versions (1.6.0 - 1.6.1). * API changes between minor versions (1.6 - 1.7) must maintain backward compatibility for at least 2 minor versions. (See procedures, below.) * Bugfixes that change the API cannot be included in bugfix versions. * API changes between major versions (1.0 - 2.0) can occur without regard to backward compatibility. The procedures for deprecating an API are as follows: * The first minor version (1.7) with a deprecated API must include a wrapper function/class (or otherwise appropriate means) to maintain backward compatibility, including any bugs in the original function/class. This wrapper function will use elgg_log('...', 'WARNING') to announce that the function is deprecated. * The second minor version (1.8) maintains the backward compatibility wrapper, but in addition to elgg_log(), a register_error() message is also thrown. * The third minor version (1.9) removes the wrapper function. Any use of the deprecated API should be corrected before this. The general timeline for three minor releases is 8 to 12 months.