= Version history = x.x: - added: german translation (thanks to Originalhardy http://community.elgg.org/pg/profile/Originalhardy) - changed: internal function for better performance - removed: some legacy code 1.2.1 (2012-03-02): - fixed: CSS issue on plugin edit - fixed: custom translations not loaded in some cases - fixed: language selection (on settings) sometimes displays to many languages - fixed: not using an available function - fixed: using define in stead of string - fixed: issue where disabled languages could not be removed - changed: layout to be consistent with Elgg design - removed: some icons where replaced by Elgg default icons 1.2 (2011-12-06): - added: French translation for version 1.1, thanks to Jean-Baptiste Duclos (http://community.elgg.org/pg/profile/Duclos) - fixed: a deadloop problem with detecting vsprintf aguments is some cases 1.1 (2011-11-28): - added: event trigger on merge of a translation "language:merge" => "translation_editor" - fixed: page_handler issue with Elgg 1.8.1 1.0 (2011-11-14): - added: check on missing params in sprintf strings - fixed: removing of custom translations failed due to missing JS function - fixed: depricated notice in add language form - fixed: translations reload on plugin enable/disable - fixed: translations reload when running upgrade.php - changed: links to merge and delete custom translation 1.0 beta (2011-10-05): - added: shortcut link from translation search results to related plugins - added: breadcrumb navigation - changed: support for Elgg 1.8 - changed: layout cleanup 0.6 (2011-07-27): - added: key search - fixed: typo in translate action - changed: improved search performance 0.5.4 (2011-05-31): - fixed: translation caching on multisite setup 0.5.3 (2011-05-17): - changed: translations event moved to jQuery Live - changed: loading of translation now from one file 0.5.2 (2011-04-05): - fixed: language save bug when only one language is available 0.5.1 (2011-01-04): - fixed: division by zero error - fixed: disableing languages when simplecache is enabled - fixed: apache warning when no customkeys have been made yet - fixed: elgg_deprecated warning in start.php 0.5 (2010-12-20): - added: disable a language - added: user will have no language selector (settings) option if only english is installed - added: add a custom language - added: search for translations - added: add custom translation keys - added: current site language in language list 0.4: - added: jQuery save onChange textarea - added: security tokens (for Elgg 1.7) - added: admin option to delete translation - fixed: bug with unsupported data type when having the translator role - fixed: tools menu item not working (credit to Zacke) 0.3 (2010-01-25): - added: allowedprotocols jaavscript - added: allowedtags attribute onclick for a - added: allowedtags attribute id for span 0.2 (2010-01-19): - added: option to merge translations to a PHP/Elgg language file - added: column to see how many keys are translated - added: filter for custom translations 0.1: - initial release