path: root/views/default/object/image
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2012-08-01Ajax views was messy and wasn't resizing well, moved to only images.Sem
2012-08-01Added support for colorbox.Sem
2012-01-02displaying the labels on tags nowcash
2012-01-02displaying the tag on the photo but not a label for the tagcash
2012-01-02added photo tagging - but not displaying or deleting tags yetcash
2011-12-11added lightbox to single imagescash
2011-12-11added navigation when viewing full imagecash
2011-12-03some more clean-upcash
2011-12-03better image display code - using elgg_view_entity_icon() nowcash
2011-11-20working on settingscash
2011-11-19basic pages for viewing all/mine/friends and viewing an albumcash