path: root/engine/lib
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2008-10-29Annotation pagination is now corrected where more than 10 items are being dis...ben
2008-10-29Logrotate and archive containing offset. Table still created as $now but cont...marcus
2008-10-28Views are now more granular.ben
2008-10-28Closes #440marcus
2008-10-28Flags to prevent queries being run multiple times. marcus
2008-10-28Removed spurious noticemarcus
2008-10-27Refs #215: Minor tweak to logicmarcus
2008-10-27Refs #215: System hook for archiving log. Cron yet to be added.marcus
2008-10-24The friend invite infrastructure is now secure.ben
2008-10-24Added the ability to add a user to a user's friends list on registration.ben
2008-10-24Improvements for container overrides.ben
2008-10-22Better default forwardmarcus
2008-10-22Increasing sub-hour cron granularitymarcus
2008-10-22Closes #453 and #463: Completed work. Sessions now stored in database.marcus
2008-10-22Semi-working session code. Still won't permit logging in, commented out until...marcus
2008-10-21Database session code.marcus
2008-10-21Closes #457: Now returns $guid on success, false on failmarcus
2008-10-21Added safety rail to prevent disabling/deleting of currently viewed site.marcus
2008-10-20The input filter now deals with two-dimensional input arrays.ben
2008-10-20Important fix for deleted plugins.ben
2008-10-17Closes #335: Marcus Povey : marcus
2008-10-17Changes to access any system log code. Introducing owner guid on items which ...marcus
2008-10-16You can now reorder plugins.ben
2008-10-16Improved online users stats so that more than 10 get displayedben
2008-10-16Moving internal function out of elgg_view_tree() since this caused problemsmarcus
2008-10-16Closes #438marcus
2008-10-16git-svn-id: https://code.elgg.org/elgg/trunk@2268 36083f99-b078-4883-b0ff-0f9...marcus
2008-10-16Closes #442: Requires schema upgrade. Side effect - friends activity rivers w...marcus
2008-10-16River performance tweakmarcus
2008-10-14Removed an annoying variable cast that was destroying everything.ben
2008-10-14The word blacklist for filter_string is now loaded on init.ben
2008-10-13git-svn-id: https://code.elgg.org/elgg/trunk@2253 36083f99-b078-4883-b0ff-0f9...marcus
2008-10-13Catching error on datalistsmarcus
2008-10-13Closes #412marcus
2008-10-13Refs #431: Belts and braces added to river viewmarcus
2008-10-13Closes #430marcus
2008-10-13Fixed the previous user login issue.ben
2008-10-13Introducing get_current_language(). Refs #235marcus
2008-10-08Default icon overrides.ben
2008-10-08Simple hook to allow for default user and entity icons.ben
2008-10-08git-svn-id: https://code.elgg.org/elgg/trunk@2224 36083f99-b078-4883-b0ff-0f9...marcus
2008-10-08Closes #417 & #418marcus
2008-10-08Minor optimisations.marcus
2008-10-08Closes #301: Profile icons now use getIcon() API. Overrides now possible:marcus
2008-10-08Allowing '.' in username, refs #415marcus
2008-10-07Removing pagination from online users.ben
2008-10-07Removed debugmarcus
2008-10-07Minor tweaks to the getIcon code:marcus
2008-10-07Removed pagination for the groups widgetben