Age | Commit message (Expand) | Author |
2011-02-19 | Installation loads 3 default widgets for the admin dashboard. | brettp |
2011-02-19 | Refs #2961: Restoring old icon CSS for sprites and hover menu. | brettp |
2011-02-19 | Fixes #2962. I hate ie. | brettp |
2011-02-19 | Refs #2916. More cleanup of the messageboard widget. | brettp |
2011-02-19 | Refs #2753. Missed this one. | brettp |
2011-02-19 | elgg.action() now supports full URLs. | brettp |
2011-02-19 | fixed tinymce "remove editor" javascript | cash |
2011-02-19 | updated language string for comments | cash |
2011-02-19 | elgg.normalize_url() JS does the same as elgg_normalize_url() PHP. | brettp |
2011-02-19 | updated the custom index for new views layout structure | cash |
2011-02-19 | fixed the call to unextend the user settings for notifications | cash |
2011-02-19 | system messages use autop() for formatting rather than output/longtext | cash |
2011-02-19 | improved the styling of the comment area | cash |
2011-02-19 | Fixes #2824 moved byline text in core language file | cash |
2011-02-19 | Avatar menus use live() so they'll work with content inserted into the dom. | brettp |
2011-02-19 | added elgg-output class for displaying user input with typical styling for li... | cash |
2011-02-19 | fixed typo | cash |
2011-02-19 | another work around to suppress incorrect warnings from elgg_view() | cash |
2011-02-19 | added a work around for injecting internal* variables to handle deprecation c... | cash |
2011-02-19 | improved icon css so that they do not require having display: block | cash |
2011-02-19 | removed a $CONFIG usage in css/screen view | cash |
2011-02-19 | Genericked up annotation/generic_comment view to allow reuse in plugins. | brettp |
2011-02-19 | Fixes #2959: Removed engine/lib/install.php from ElggInstaller since it's no ... | brettp |
2011-02-19 | fixed typo on function name | cash |
2011-02-19 | Moving elgg-heading-main into typography | ewinslow |
2011-02-19 | That wasn't supposed to be there... | ewinslow |
2011-02-19 | Moved elgg-heading-site into typography | ewinslow |
2011-02-19 | Refs #2916: Moved messageboard js into elgg.messageboard object. Moved forms ... | brettp |
2011-02-19 | More consistent way of building topbar item for messages plugin | ewinslow |
2011-02-19 | sticky form wasn't being cleared in bookmarks - that's fixed now | cash |
2011-02-19 | fixed display issue when a bookmark has no description text | cash |
2011-02-19 | elgg-state-selected doesn't make sense for non-default buttons | ewinslow |
2011-02-19 | fixed forward url when deleting a bookmark | cash |
2011-02-19 | Fixes #2905: Admin action links on user hover menu asks for confirmation. | brettp |
2011-02-19 | Added 4 methods to ElggMenuItem: get/setLinkClass() and get/setItemClass(). T... | brettp |
2011-02-19 | added documentation for the livesearch page handler | cash |
2011-02-19 | More buttons in forms theme preview | ewinslow |
2011-02-19 | Pulled the confirm link output view's JS into Any links with elgg-re... | brettp |
2011-02-19 | Fixed the tab that was showing up in every text area. | brettp |
2011-02-19 | removed $CONFIG usage in search hooks | cash |
2011-02-19 | Fixes #2955 fixed typo | cash |
2011-02-19 | missed this is a commit last week on external pages | cash |
2011-02-19 | Fixes #2428 last of the $CONFIG removals. Anything missed can be individual t... | cash |
2011-02-19 | Fixes #2768. min-height needed a little bit more for the profile widgets. | brettp |
2011-02-19 | Removing test group default widget code. | brettp |
2011-02-19 | Fixes #2753: Default widgets merged into core as extensible admin section and... | brettp |
2011-02-19 | clearfix > clearfloat | ewinslow |
2011-02-19 | theme_preview is using more familiar/correct page handling practices | ewinslow |
2011-02-18 | Added stub for page owners in elgg.js | brettp |
2011-02-18 | Fixes #2953: Like button doesn't show up for logged out users. | brettp |