path: root/views/failsafe/input
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'views/failsafe/input')
9 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/views/failsafe/input/button.php b/views/failsafe/input/button.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a72f38b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/failsafe/input/button.php
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ /**
+ * Create a input button
+ * Use this view for forms rather than creating a submit/reset button tag in the wild as it provides
+ * extra security which help prevent CSRF attacks.
+ *
+ * @package Elgg
+ * @subpackage Core
+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
+ * @author Curverider Ltd
+ * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
+ * @link http://elgg.org/
+ *
+ * @uses $vars['value'] The current value, if any
+ * @uses $vars['js'] Any Javascript to enter into the input tag
+ * @uses $vars['internalname'] The name of the input field
+ * @uses $vars['type'] Submit or reset, defaults to submit.
+ * @uses $vars['src'] Src of an image
+ *
+ */
+ global $CONFIG;
+ $class = $vars['class'];
+ if (!$class) $class = "submit_button";
+ if (isset($vars['type'])) { $type = strtolower($vars['type']); } else { $type = 'submit'; }
+ switch ($type)
+ {
+ case 'button' : $type='button'; break;
+ case 'reset' : $type='reset'; break;
+ case 'submit':
+ default: $type = 'submit';
+ }
+ $value = htmlentities($vars['value'], null, 'UTF-8');
+ $name = $vars['internalname'];
+ $src = $vars['src'];
+ if (strpos($src,$CONFIG->wwwroot)===false) $src = ""; // blank src if trying to access an offsite image.
+<input type="<?php echo $type; ?>" class="<?php echo $type; ?>_button" <?php echo $vars['js']; ?> value="<?php echo $value; ?>" src="<?php echo $src; ?>" class="<?php echo $class; ?>" /> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/views/failsafe/input/checkboxes.php b/views/failsafe/input/checkboxes.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff3ab8523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/failsafe/input/checkboxes.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ /**
+ * Elgg checkbox input
+ * Displays a checkbox input field
+ *
+ * @package Elgg
+ * @subpackage Core
+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
+ * @author Curverider Ltd
+ * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
+ * @link http://elgg.org/
+ *
+ * @uses $vars['value'] The current value, if any
+ * @uses $vars['js'] Any Javascript to enter into the input tag
+ * @uses $vars['internalname'] The name of the input field
+ * @uses $vars['options'] An array of strings representing the options for the checkbox field
+ *
+ */
+ $class = $vars['class'];
+ if (!$class) $class = "input-checkboxes";
+ foreach($vars['options'] as $label => $option) {
+ //if (!in_array($option,$vars['value'])) {
+ if (is_array($vars['value'])) {
+ if (!in_array($option,$vars['value'])) {
+ $selected = "";
+ } else {
+ $selected = "checked = \"checked\"";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($option != $vars['value']) {
+ $selected = "";
+ } else {
+ $selected = "checked = \"checked\"";
+ }
+ }
+ $labelint = (int) $label;
+ if ("{$label}" == "{$labelint}") {
+ $label = $option;
+ }
+ $disabled = "";
+ if ($vars['disabled']) $disabled = ' disabled="yes" ';
+ echo "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" $disabled {$vars['js']} name=\"{$vars['internalname']}[]\" {$selected} value=\"".htmlentities($option, null, 'UTF-8')."\" {$selected} class=\"$class\" />{$label}</label><br />";
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/views/failsafe/input/form.php b/views/failsafe/input/form.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a640619bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/failsafe/input/form.php
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ /**
+ * Create a form for data submission.
+ * Use this view for forms rather than creating a form tag in the wild as it provides
+ * extra security which help prevent CSRF attacks.
+ *
+ * @package Elgg
+ * @subpackage Core
+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
+ * @author Curverider Ltd
+ * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
+ * @link http://elgg.org/
+ *
+ * @uses $vars['body'] The body of the form (made up of other input/xxx views and html
+ * @uses $vars['method'] Method (default POST)
+ * @uses $vars['enctype'] How the form is encoded, default blank
+ * @uses $vars['action'] URL of the action being called
+ *
+ */
+ if (isset($vars['internalid'])) { $id = $vars['internalid']; } else { $id = ''; }
+ if (isset($vars['internalname'])) { $name = $vars['internalname']; } else { $name = ''; }
+ $body = $vars['body'];
+ $action = $vars['action'];
+ if (isset($vars['enctype'])) { $enctype = $vars['enctype']; } else { $enctype = ''; }
+ if (isset($vars['method'])) { $method = $vars['method']; } else { $method = 'POST'; }
+<form <?php if ($id) { ?>id="<?php echo $id; ?>" <?php } ?> <?php if ($name) { ?>name="<?php echo $name; ?>" <?php } ?> action="<?php echo $action; ?>" method="<?php echo $method; ?>" <?php if ($enctype!="") echo "enctype=\"$enctype\""; ?>>
+<?php echo $body; ?>
+</form> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/views/failsafe/input/hidden.php b/views/failsafe/input/hidden.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ff9f31da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/failsafe/input/hidden.php
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ /**
+ * Create a hidden data field
+ * Use this view for forms rather than creating a hidden tag in the wild as it provides
+ * extra security which help prevent CSRF attacks.
+ *
+ * @package Elgg
+ * @subpackage Core
+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
+ * @author Curverider Ltd
+ * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
+ * @link http://elgg.org/
+ *
+ * @uses $vars['value'] The current value, if any
+ * @uses $vars['js'] Any Javascript to enter into the input tag
+ * @uses $vars['internalname'] The name of the input field
+ *
+ */
+<input type="hidden" <?php echo $vars['js']; ?> name="<?php echo $vars['internalname']; ?>" value="<?php echo htmlentities($vars['value'], null, 'UTF-8'); ?>" /> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/views/failsafe/input/longtext.php b/views/failsafe/input/longtext.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85c3f8186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/failsafe/input/longtext.php
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ /**
+ * Elgg long text input
+ * Displays a long text input field
+ *
+ * @package Elgg
+ * @subpackage Core
+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
+ * @author Curverider Ltd
+ * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
+ * @link http://elgg.org/
+ *
+ * @uses $vars['value'] The current value, if any
+ * @uses $vars['js'] Any Javascript to enter into the input tag
+ * @uses $vars['internalname'] The name of the input field
+ *
+ */
+ $class = $vars['class'];
+ if (!$class) $class = "input-textarea";
+<textarea class="<?php echo $class; ?>" name="<?php echo $vars['internalname']; ?>" <?php if ($vars['disabled']) echo ' disabled="yes" '; ?> <?php echo $vars['js']; ?>><?php echo $vars['value']; ?></textarea> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/views/failsafe/input/pulldown.php b/views/failsafe/input/pulldown.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96b4d19aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/failsafe/input/pulldown.php
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ /**
+ * Elgg pulldown input
+ * Displays a pulldown input field
+ *
+ * @package Elgg
+ * @subpackage Core
+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
+ * @author Curverider Ltd
+ * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
+ * @link http://elgg.org/
+ *
+ * @uses $vars['value'] The current value, if any
+ * @uses $vars['js'] Any Javascript to enter into the input tag
+ * @uses $vars['internalname'] The name of the input field
+ * @uses $vars['options'] An array of strings representing the options for the pulldown field
+ * @uses $vars['options_values'] An associative array of "value" => "option" where "value" is an internal name and "option" is
+ * the value displayed on the button. Replaces $vars['options'] when defined.
+ */
+ $class = $vars['class'];
+ if (!$class) $class = "input-pulldown";
+<select name="<?php echo $vars['internalname']; ?>" <?php echo $vars['js']; ?> <?php if ($vars['disabled']) echo ' disabled="yes" '; ?> class="<?php echo $class; ?>">
+ if ($vars['options_values'])
+ {
+ foreach($vars['options_values'] as $value => $option) {
+ if ($value != $vars['value']) {
+ echo "<option value=\"$value\">{$option}</option>";
+ } else {
+ echo "<option value=\"$value\" selected=\"selected\">{$option}</option>";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ foreach($vars['options'] as $option) {
+ if ($option != $vars['value']) {
+ echo "<option>{$option}</option>";
+ } else {
+ echo "<option selected=\"selected\">{$option}</option>";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+</select> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/views/failsafe/input/reset.php b/views/failsafe/input/reset.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6aa9d1c82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/failsafe/input/reset.php
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ /**
+ * Create a reset input button
+ * Use this view for forms rather than creating a submit/reset button tag in the wild as it provides
+ * extra security which help prevent CSRF attacks.
+ *
+ * @package Elgg
+ * @subpackage Core
+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
+ * @author Curverider Ltd
+ * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
+ * @link http://elgg.org/
+ *
+ * @uses $vars['value'] The current value, if any
+ * @uses $vars['js'] Any Javascript to enter into the input tag
+ * @uses $vars['internalname'] The name of the input field
+ * @uses $vars['type'] Submit or reset, defaults to submit.
+ *
+ */
+ $vars['type'] = 'reset';
+ $class = $vars['class'];
+ if (!$class) $class = "submit_button";
+ $vars['class'] = $class;
+ echo elgg_view('input/button', $vars);
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/views/failsafe/input/submit.php b/views/failsafe/input/submit.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..591a43998
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/failsafe/input/submit.php
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ /**
+ * Create a submit input button
+ * Use this view for forms rather than creating a submit/reset button tag in the wild as it provides
+ * extra security which help prevent CSRF attacks.
+ *
+ * @package Elgg
+ * @subpackage Core
+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
+ * @author Curverider Ltd
+ * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
+ * @link http://elgg.org/
+ *
+ * @uses $vars['value'] The current value, if any
+ * @uses $vars['js'] Any Javascript to enter into the input tag
+ * @uses $vars['internalname'] The name of the input field
+ * @uses $vars['type'] Submit or reset, defaults to submit.
+ *
+ */
+ $vars['type'] = 'submit';
+ $class = $vars['class'];
+ if (!$class) $class = "submit_button";
+ $vars['class'] = $class;
+ echo elgg_view('input/button', $vars);
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/views/failsafe/input/text.php b/views/failsafe/input/text.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6045cf4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/failsafe/input/text.php
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ /**
+ * Elgg text input
+ * Displays a text input field
+ *
+ * @package Elgg
+ * @subpackage Core
+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
+ * @author Curverider Ltd
+ * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
+ * @link http://elgg.org/
+ *
+ * @uses $vars['value'] The current value, if any
+ * @uses $vars['js'] Any Javascript to enter into the input tag
+ * @uses $vars['internalname'] The name of the input field
+ * @uses $vars['disabled'] If true then control is read-only
+ * @uses $vars['class'] Class override
+ */
+ $class = $vars['class'];
+ if (!$class) $class = "input-text";
+<input type="text" <?php if ($vars['disabled']) echo ' disabled="yes" '; ?> <?php echo $vars['js']; ?> name="<?php echo $vars['internalname']; ?>" value="<?php echo htmlentities($vars['value'], null, 'UTF-8'); ?>" class="<?php echo $class ?>"/> \ No newline at end of file