path: root/views/default/beechat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'views/default/beechat')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 3308 deletions
diff --git a/views/default/beechat/beechat.js.php b/views/default/beechat/beechat.js.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 09f4e8852..000000000
--- a/views/default/beechat/beechat.js.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2498 +0,0 @@
- * Beechat
- *
- * @package beechat
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Beechannels <contact@beechannels.com>
- * @copyright Beechannels 2007-2010
- * @link http://beechannels.com/
- */
-/** Globals
- *
- */
-g_beechat_user = null;
-g_beechat_roster_items = null;
-g_beechat_rooms = new Array();
-function debugXMPP(msg) {
- try {
- //console.log(msg)
- }
- catch (err) {
- }
- //$('#layout_footer').html($('#layout_footer').html()+'<br/>'+msg);
-/** Class: BeeChat
- * An object container for all BeeChat mod functions
- *
- */
-BeeChat = {
- BOSH_SERVICE: '/http-bind/',
- DOMAIN: '<?php echo $vars['config']->chatsettings['domain'] ?>',
- RESOURCE: 'beebac',
- NS: {
- CHAT_STATES: 'http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates'
- },
- Message: {
- Types: {
- NORMAL: 'normal',
- CHAT: 'chat',
- GROUPCHAT: 'groupchat',
- HEADLINE: 'headline',
- ERROR: 'error'
- },
- ChatStates: {
- COMPOSING: 'composing',
- PAUSED: 'paused',
- ACTIVE: 'active',
- INACTIVE: 'inactive',
- GONE: 'gone'
- }
- },
- IQ: {
- Types: {
- GET: 'get',
- RESULT: 'result',
- SET: 'set',
- ERROR: 'error'
- }
- },
- Presence: {
- Types: {
- UNAVAILABLE: 'unavailable',
- SUBSCRIBE: 'subscribe',
- SUBSCRIBED: 'subscribed',
- UNSUBSCRIBE: 'unsubscribe',
- UNSUBSCRIBED: 'unsubscribed',
- PROBE: 'probe',
- ERROR: 'error'
- },
- ChildElements: {
- SHOW: 'show',
- STATUS: 'status',
- PRIORITY: 'priority'
- },
- ShowElements: {
- CHAT: 'chat',
- DND: 'dnd',
- AWAY: 'away',
- XA: 'xa'
- }
- },
- Roster: {
- DEFAULT_GROUP: 'Contacts'
- },
- Events: {
- Identifiers: {
- },
- Messages: {
- ConnectionStates: {
- CONNECTING: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:connection:state:connecting'); ?>",
- AUTHENTICATING: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:connection:state:authenticating'); ?>",
- FAILED: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:connection:state:failed'); ?>",
- DISCONNECTING: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:connection:state:disconnecting'); ?>",
- OFFLINE: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:connection:state:offline'); ?>",
- ONLINE: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:connection:state:online'); ?>"
- }
- }
- }
-/** Class: BeeChat.Core
- * An object container for all BeeChat Core functions
- *
- */
-BeeChat.Core = {
- ReferenceTables: {
- AvailabilityRates: {
- ONLINE: 0,
- CHAT: 0,
- DND: 1,
- AWAY: 2,
- XA: 3,
- }
- }
-/** Class: BeeChat.Core.User
- * Create a BeeChat.Core.User object
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (String) jid - The user's jabber id
- *
- * Returns:
- * A new BeeChat.Core.User.
- */
-BeeChat.Core.User = function(jid)
- if (!(this instanceof arguments.callee))
- return new BeeChat.Core.User(jid);
- /** Private members
- *
- */
- var _connection = null;
- var _attached = false;
- var _initialized = false;
- var _jid = null;
- var _roster = null;
- var _msgTemp = [];
- var _funcs = [];
- /** Constructor
- *
- */
- this.init = function(jid)
- {
- _jid = jid;
- _roster = new BeeChat.Core.Roster();
- }
- /** Accessors
- *
- */
- this.getConnection = function()
- {
- return _connection;
- }
- this.getJid = function()
- {
- return _jid;
- }
- this.getRoster = function()
- {
- return _roster;
- }
- this.isAttached = function()
- {
- return _attached;
- }
- this.isInitialized = function()
- {
- return _initialized;
- }
- /** Mutators
- *
- */
- this.setInitialized = function(isInitialized)
- {
- _initialized = isInitialized;
- }
- /** Function: addObserver
- * Add an observer for a specified type of event
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (BeeChat.Events.Identifiers) eventType - The type of event to observer
- * (Object) pFunc - A function to call when the event will be triggered
- */
- this.addObserver = function(eventType, pFunc)
- {
- if (jQuery.inArray(pFunc, _funcs) == -1) {
- if (!_funcs[eventType])
- _funcs[eventType] = [];
- _funcs[eventType].push(pFunc);
- }
- }
- /** Function: removeObserver
- * Remove an observer
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (Object) pFunc - The registered function
- */
- this.removeObserver = function(pFunc)
- {
- var index = null;
- for (var key in _funcs) {
- if (typeof _funcs[key] != 'object')
- continue;
- if ((index = jQuery.inArray(pFunc, _funcs[key])) != -1)
- _funcs.splice(index, 1);
- }
- }
- /** Function: connect
- * Connect the user to the BOSH service
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (String) password - The user's password
- *
- */
- this.connect = function(password)
- {
- debugXMPP('connect');
- if (_connection == null)
- _connection = new Strophe.Connection(BeeChat.BOSH_SERVICE);
- _connection.connect(_jid, password, _onConnect);
- }
- /** Function: attach
- * Attach user's connection to an existing XMPP session
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (String) sid - The SID of the existing XMPP session
- * (String) rid - The RID of the existing XMPP session
- */
- this.attach = function(sid, rid)
- {
- if (_connection == null) {
- _connection = new Strophe.Connection(BeeChat.BOSH_SERVICE);
- }
- _connection.attach(_jid, sid, rid, _onConnect);
- _attached = true;
- _onConnect(Strophe.Status.CONNECTED);
- }
- /** Function: disconnect
- * Disconnect the user from the BOSH service
- *
- */
- this.disconnect = function()
- {
- debugXMPP('disconnect');
- if (_connection != null) {
- _connection.disconnect();
- _connection = null;
- }
- }
- /** Function: requestSessionPause
- * Request a session pause to the server connection manager
- *
- */
- this.requestSessionPause = function()
- {
- var req = $build('body', {
- rid: _connection.rid,
- sid: _connection.sid,
- xmlns: Strophe.NS.HTTPBIND
- });
- _attached = false;
- _connection.send(req.tree());
- }
- /** Function: requestRoster
- * Request a new roster to the server
- *
- */
- this.requestRoster = function()
- {
- var req = $iq({from: _jid, type: BeeChat.IQ.Types.GET})
- .c('query', {xmlns: Strophe.NS.ROSTER});
- _connection.send(req.tree());
- }
- /** Function: sendInitialPresence
- * Send initial presence to the server in order to signal availability for communications
- *
- */
- this.sendInitialPresence = function()
- {
- _connection.send($pres().tree());
- _initialized = true;
- }
- /** Function: sendChatMessage
- * Send a chat message to the server
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (String) addressee - The addressee of the chat message
- * (String) msg - The chat message
- *
- */
- this.sendChatMessage = function(addressee, msg, msgtype)
- {
- if (msgtype == null)
- msgtype = BeeChat.Message.Types.CHAT;
- var req = $msg({
- type: msgtype,
- to: addressee,
- from: _connection.jid
- }).c('body').t(msg).up().c(BeeChat.Message.ChatStates.ACTIVE, {xmlns: BeeChat.NS.CHAT_STATES});
- _connection.send(req.tree());
- }
- /** Function: sendChatStateMessage
- * Send a chat state message to the server
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (String) addressee - The addressee of the chat state message
- * (BeeChat.Message.ChatsState) state - The chat state that will be send
- *
- */
- this.sendChatStateMessage = function(addressee, state)
- {
- var req = $msg({
- type: BeeChat.Message.Types.CHAT,
- to: addressee,
- from: _connection.jid
- }).c(state, {xmlns: BeeChat.NS.CHAT_STATES});
- _connection.send(req.tree());
- }
- /** Function: sendPresenceAvailabiliy
- * Send a detailed presence stanza to the server
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (BeeChat.Presence.ShowElements) availability - The availability status
- * (String) details - Detailed status information
- *
- */
- this.sendPresenceAvailability = function(availability, details)
- {
- var req = $pres()
- .c(BeeChat.Presence.ChildElements.SHOW).t(availability).up()
- .c(BeeChat.Presence.ChildElements.STATUS).t(details).up()
- .c(BeeChat.Presence.ChildElements.PRIORITY).t('1');
- _connection.send(req.tree());
- }
- /** PrivateFunction: _fire
- * Triggers registered funcs of registered observers for a specified type of event
- *
- */
- function _fire(eventType, data, scope)
- {
- if (_funcs[eventType] != undefined) {
- for (var i = 0; i < _funcs[eventType].length; i++)
- _funcs[eventType][i].call((scope || window), data);
- }
- }
- this.joinRoom = function(roomname, room_guid) {
- var roomJid = roomname;
- _connection['muc'].join(roomJid, BeeChat.UI.Resources.Strings.ChatMessages.SELF, false, false, '');
- if (!(roomJid in g_beechat_rooms)) {
- g_beechat_rooms[roomJid] = room_guid;
- $.ajax({
- url: BeeChat.UI.addActionTokens('<?php echo $vars['url'] . "action/beechat/join_groupchat?group_guid="; ?>'+room_guid, '&'),
- async: true });
- }
- }
- this.reconnectRooms = function() {
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_CHATBOXES).children().each(function() {
- if (roomJid in g_beechat_rooms)
- delete g_beechat_rooms[roomJid];
- var contactBareJid = $(this).attr('bareJid');
- var isroom = ($(this).attr('isroom')=='true')?true:false;
- if (isroom) {
- _connection['muc'].join(contactBareJid, BeeChat.UI.Resources.Strings.ChatMessages.SELF, false, false, '');
- }
- });
- }
- this.leaveRoom = function(roomJid) {
- if (roomJid in g_beechat_rooms) {
- $.ajax({
- url: BeeChat.UI.addActionTokens('<?php echo $vars['url'] . "action/beechat/leave_groupchat?group_guid="; ?>'+g_beechat_rooms[roomJid], '&'),
- async: true });
- }
- _connection['muc'].leave(roomJid, BeeChat.UI.Resources.Strings.ChatMessages.SELF, function(){});
- }
- /** PrivateFunction: _onConnect
- * Connection state manager
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (Strophe.Status) status - A Strophe connection status constant
- *
- */
- function _onConnect(status)
- {
- var msg = null;
- if (status == Strophe.Status.CONNECTING)
- msg = BeeChat.Events.Messages.ConnectionStates.CONNECTING;
- }
- else if (status == Strophe.Status.AUTHENTICATING) {
- msg = BeeChat.Events.Messages.ConnectionStates.AUTHENTICATING;
- }
- else if (status == Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL)
- msg = BeeChat.Events.Messages.ConnectionStates.FAILED;
- else if (status == Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL)
- msg = BeeChat.Events.Messages.ConnectionStates.FAILED;
- else if (status == Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTING)
- msg = BeeChat.Events.Messages.ConnectionStates.DISCONNECTING;
- else if (status == Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTED)
- msg = BeeChat.Events.Messages.ConnectionStates.OFFLINE;
- else if (status == Strophe.Status.CONNECTED) {
- msg = BeeChat.Events.Messages.ConnectionStates.ONLINE;
- _connection.addHandler(_onIQResult, null, 'iq', BeeChat.IQ.Types.RESULT, null, null);
- _connection.addHandler(_onPresence, null, 'presence', null, null, null);
- _connection.addHandler(_onMessageChat, null, 'message', BeeChat.Message.Types.CHAT, null, null);
- _connection.addHandler(_onMessageChatRoom, null, 'message', BeeChat.Message.Types.GROUPCHAT, null, null);
- }
- _fire(BeeChat.Events.Identifiers.UPDATE_CONNECTION_STATE, msg);
- }
- /** PrivateFunction: _onIQResult
- * Manage received IQ stanza of 'result' type
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (XMLElement) iq - The iq stanza received
- *
- */
- function _onIQResult(iq)
- {
- _roster.updateFromIQResult(iq);
- _fire(BeeChat.Events.Identifiers.UPDATE_ROSTER, _roster.getItems());
- return true;
- }
- /** PrivateFunction: _onPresence
- * Manage received presence stanza
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (XMLElement) presence - The presence stanza received
- *
- */
- function _onPresence(presence)
- {
- var xquery = presence.getElementsByTagName("x");
- debugXMPP('_onPresence'+xquery);
- if (xquery.length > 0)
- {
- //Ignore MUC user protocol
- for (var i = 0; i < xquery.length; i++)
- {
- var xmlns = xquery[i].getAttribute("xmlns");
- if (xmlns && xmlns.match(Strophe.NS.MUC + '#user'))
- {
- var contactBareJid = $(presence).attr('from').split('/')[0];
- var userNick = $(presence).attr('from').split('/')[1];
- var chatBoxElm = BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm(contactBareJid);
- if ($(presence).attr('type') != 'unavailable') {
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.updateRoster(contactBareJid, userNick, presence);
- }
- else {
- if (chatBoxElm.length) {
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.updateRoster(contactBareJid, userNick, presence);
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- if (xmlns && xmlns.match(Strophe.NS.MUC))
- {
- var contactBareJid = $(presence).attr('from').split('/')[0];
- var chatBoxElm = BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm(contactBareJid);
- if ($(presence).attr('type') != 'unavailable' && $(presence).attr('type') != 'error') {
- if (chatBoxElm.length == 0) {
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.add(contactBareJid);
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (Strophe.getBareJidFromJid($(presence).attr('from')).toLowerCase() != Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(_jid).toLowerCase()) {
- _roster.updateFromPresence(presence);
- }
- _fire(BeeChat.Events.Identifiers.RECV_PRESENCE, _roster.getOnlineItems());
- return true;
- }
- /** PrivateFunction: _onMessageChat
- * Manage received message stanza of 'chat' type
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (XMLElement) message - The message stanza received
- *
- */
- function _onMessageChatRoom(message)
- {
- var roomJid = $(message).attr('from').split('/');
-// BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.updateChatState($(message).attr('from'), message);
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.update(roomJid[0], roomJid[1], Strophe.getText($(message).find('body')[0]), true);
- return true;
- }
- function _onMessageChat(message)
- {
- var data = {
- contactBareJid: Strophe.getBareJidFromJid($(message).attr('from')),
- msg: message
- };
- _msgTemp.push(data);
- //alert("message");
- if (_initialized == true) {
- for (var key in _msgTemp) {
- if (typeof _msgTemp[key] != 'object')
- continue;
- _fire(BeeChat.Events.Identifiers.RECV_CHAT_MESSAGE, _msgTemp[key]);
- _msgTemp.shift();
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- this.init(jid);
-/** Constructor: BeeChat.Core.Roster
- * Create a BeeChat.Core.Roster object
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (Object) items - The roster's items in object notation
- *
- * Returns:
- * A new BeeChat.Core.Roster.
- */
-BeeChat.Core.Roster = function()
- if (!(this instanceof arguments.callee))
- return new BeeChat.Core.Roster();
- /** Private members
- *
- */
- _items = null;
- /** Constructor
- *
- */
- this.init = function()
- {
- _items = (arguments.length > 0) ? arguments[0] : {};
- }
- /** Accessors
- *
- */
- this.getItems = function()
- {
- return _items;
- }
- /** Mutators
- *
- */
- this.setItems = function(items)
- {
- for (var key in items) {
- _items[key] = new BeeChat.Core.RosterItem(items[key]);
- var contactBareJid = items[key].bareJid;
- var chatBoxElm = BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm(contactBareJid);
- var status = items[key].status;
- /*if (status != 'unavailable' && status != 'error') {
- if (chatBoxElm.length == 0) {
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.add(contactBareJid);
- }
- }*/
- }
- }
- this.setIcons = function(icons)
- {
- if (_items) {
- for (var key in icons) {
- if (_items[key]) {
- _items[key].icon_small = icons[key].small;
- _items[key].icon_tiny = icons[key].tiny;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- this.setStatuses = function(statuses)
- {
- if (_items) {
- for (var key in statuses) {
- if (_items[key]) {
- _items[key].status = statuses[key];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /** Function: updateFromIQResult
- * Update the roster items from an IQ result stanza
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (XMLElement) iq - The IQ result stanza
- */
- this.updateFromIQResult = function(iq)
- {
- $(iq).find('item').each(function() {
- var attr = {
- bareJid: Strophe.getBareJidFromJid($(this).attr('jid')).toLowerCase(),
- name: $(this).attr('name'),
- subscription: $(this).attr('subscription'),
- groups: [],
- presences: {}
- };
- $(this).find('group').each(function() {
- attr['groups'].push($(this).text());
- });
- if (attr['groups'].length == 0)
- attr['groups'].push(BeeChat.Roster.DEFAULT_GROUP);
- if (!_items[attr.bareJid])
- _items[attr.bareJid] = new BeeChat.Core.RosterItem(attr);
- else {
- _items[attr.bareJid].bareJid = attr.bareJid;
- _items[attr.bareJid].name = attr.name;
- _items[attr.bareJid].subscription = attr.subscription;
- _items[attr.bareJid].groups = attr.groups;
- }
- });
- }
- /** Function: updateFromPresence
- * Update the roster items from a presence stanza
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (XMLElement) presence - The presence stanza
- *
- * Returns:
- * (String) The bare jid of the roster item who updated his presence
- */
- this.updateFromPresence = function(presence)
- {
- var jid = $(presence).attr('from').toLowerCase();
- var attr = {
- bareJid: Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(jid),
- name: null,
- subscription: null,
- groups: null,
- presences: {}
- };
- attr.presences[jid] = {};
- attr.presences[jid].type = (!$(presence).attr('type')) ? 'available' : $(presence).attr('type');
- //alert($(presence).attr('from')+presence.toString());
- //alert("presencetype"+attr.presences[jid].type);
- if (attr.presences[jid].type == 'available') {
- $(presence).children().each(function() {
- if (this.tagName == BeeChat.Presence.ChildElements.SHOW)
- attr.presences[jid].show = $(this).text();
- if (this.tagName == BeeChat.Presence.ChildElements.STATUS)
- attr.presences[jid].status = $(this).text();
- });
- if (!attr.presences[jid].show)
- attr.presences[jid].show = 'chat';
- } else {
- attr.presences[jid].show = 'offline';
- }
- if (!_items[attr.bareJid])
- _items[attr.bareJid] = new BeeChat.Core.RosterItem(attr);
- else
- _items[attr.bareJid].presences[jid] = attr.presences[jid];
- }
- /** Function: getOnlineItems
- *
- *
- */
- this.getOnlineItems = function()
- {
- var sortedOnlineBareJid = [];
- var sortedOnlineItems = {};
- for (var key in _items) {
- if (typeof _items[key] != 'object')
- continue;
- var pres = _items[key].getStrongestPresence();
- if (pres != null && pres.type == 'available') {
- sortedOnlineBareJid.push(key);
- }
- }
- if (sortedOnlineBareJid.length > 1) {
- sortedOnlineBareJid.sort();
- sortedOnlineBareJid.sort(statusSort);
- }
- for (var key in sortedOnlineBareJid) {
- sortedOnlineItems[sortedOnlineBareJid[key]] = _items[sortedOnlineBareJid[key]];
- }
- return (sortedOnlineItems);
- }
- /** Function: getSizeOnlineItems
- * Return the number of available items
- *
- * Returns:
- * (int) The number of available items
- */
- this.getSizeOnlineItems = function()
- {
- var n = 0;
- for (var key in _items) {
- if (typeof _items[key] != 'object')
- continue;
- var pres = _items[key].getStrongestPresence();
- if (pres != null && pres.type == 'available')
- ++n;
- }
- return (n);
- }
- /** Function: getItemsUsernamesAsList
- *
- */
- this.getItemsUsernamesAsList = function()
- {
- var data = '';
- for (var key in _items) {
- if (typeof _items[key] != 'object')
- continue;
- data = data + Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(key) + ',';
- // data = data + Strophe.getNodeFromJid(key) + ',';
- }
- return (data);
- }
- /** PrivateFunction: statusSort
- *
- */
- function statusSort(x, y)
- {
- var xPres = _items[x].getStrongestPresence();
- var yPres = _items[y].getStrongestPresence();
- if (xPres != null && yPres != null)
- return (BeeChat.Core.Roster.Utils.comparePresences(xPres, yPres));
- return (0);
- }
- this.init();
-BeeChat.Core.Roster.Utils = {
- /** Function: comparePresences
- * Compare the two presences x and y
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (Object) xPres - The x presence in object notation
- * (Object) yPres - The y presence in object notation
- *
- * Returns:
- * 0 if presence are equal, 1 if x > y, -1 if y > x
- *
- * Note:
- * Presences are tagged in the following order:
- *
- */
- comparePresences: function(xPres, yPres)
- {
- var xRate = 0;
- var yRate = 0;
- if (xPres.type == 'unavailable')
- xRate += BeeChat.Core.ReferenceTables.AvailabilityRates[xPres.type.toUpperCase()];
- if (yPres.type == 'unavailable')
- yRate += BeeChat.Core.ReferenceTables.AvailabilityRates[yPres.type.toUpperCase()];
- if (xPres.show != null)
- xRate += BeeChat.Core.ReferenceTables.AvailabilityRates[xPres.show.toUpperCase()];
- if (yPres.show != null)
- yRate =+ BeeChat.Core.ReferenceTables.AvailabilityRates[yPres.show.toUpperCase()];
- if (xRate > yRate)
- return (1);
- else if (xRate == yRate)
- return (0);
- return (-1);
- }
-/** Constructor: BeeChat.Core.RosterItem
- * Create a BeeChat.Core.RosterItem object
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (Object) attr - The RosterItem's attributes in object notation
- *
- * Returns:
- * A new BeeChat.Core.RosterItem.
- */
-BeeChat.Core.RosterItem = function()
- this.bareJid = (arguments.length > 0) ? arguments[0].bareJid : null;
- this.name = (arguments.length > 0) ? arguments[0].name : null;
- this.subscription = (arguments.length > 0) ? arguments[0].subscription : null;
- this.groups = (arguments.length > 0) ? arguments[0].groups : null;
- this.presences = (arguments.length > 0) ? arguments[0].presences : null;
- this.icon_small = (arguments.length > 0) ? arguments[0].icon_small : null;
- this.icon_tiny = (arguments.length > 0) ? arguments[0].icon_tiny : null;
- this.status = (arguments.length > 0) ? arguments[0].status : null;
-BeeChat.Core.RosterItem.prototype = {
- /** Function: getStrongestPresence
- * Return the strongest presence of the RosterItem
- *
- */
- getStrongestPresence: function()
- {
- var res = null;
- for (var key in this.presences) {
- if (typeof this.presences[key] != 'object')
- continue;
- if (res == null)
- res = this.presences[key];
- else
- if (BeeChat.Core.Roster.Utils.comparePresences(this.presences[key], res) == -1)
- res = this.presences[key];
- }
- return (res);
- }
-/** Class: BeeChat.UI
- * An object container for all BeeChat UI functions
- *
- */
-BeeChat.UI = {
- HAS_FOCUS: true,
- Resources: {
- Paths: {
- ICONS: '<?php echo $vars['config']->url; ?>mod/beechat/graphics/icons/',
- MEMBER_PROFILE: '<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>profile/'
- },
- Sounds: {
- NEW_MESSAGE: 'beechat_sounds_new_message'
- },
- /*
- Cookies: {
- DOMAIN: 'beechannels.com',
- FILENAME_CONN: 'beechat_conn'
- },
- */
- Emoticons: {
- FILENAME_SMILE: 'emoticon_smile.png',
- FILENAME_UNHAPPY: 'emoticon_unhappy.png',
- FILENAME_GRIN: 'emoticon_grin.png',
- FILENAME_EVILGRIN: 'emoticon_evilgrin.png',
- FILENAME_SURPRISED: 'emoticon_surprised.png',
- FILENAME_TONGUE: 'emoticon_tongue.png',
- FILENAME_WINK: 'emoticon_wink.png'
- },
- Strings: {
- Availability: {
- AVAILABLE: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:available'); ?>",
- CHAT: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:available'); ?>",
- ONLINE: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:available'); ?>",
- DND: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:dnd'); ?>",
- AWAY: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:away'); ?>",
- XA:"<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:xa'); ?>",
- OFFLINE: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:offline'); ?>"
- },
- Contacts: {
- BUTTON: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:contacts:button'); ?>"
- },
- ChatMessages: {
- SELF: "<?php echo $_SESSION['user']->name; ?>",
- COMPOSING: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:chat:composing'); ?>"
- },
- Box: {
- MINIMIZE: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:box:minimize'); ?>",
- CLOSE: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:box:close'); ?>",
- SHOWHIDE: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:box:showhide'); ?>"
- }
- },
- StyleClasses: {
- Availability: {
- Left: {
- ONLINE: 'beechat_left_availability_chat',
- DND: 'beechat_left_availability_dnd',
- AWAY: 'beechat_left_availability_away',
- XA: 'beechat_left_availability_xa',
- OFFLINE: 'beechat_left_availability_offline',
- ROOM: 'beechat_left_availability_room'
- },
- Right: {
- ONLINE: 'beechat_right_availability_chat',
- DND: 'beechat_right_availability_dnd',
- AWAY: 'beechat_right_availability_away',
- XA: 'beechat_right_availability_xa',
- OFFLINE: 'beechat_right_availability_offline',
- ROOM: 'beechat_right_availability_room'
- },
- Control: {
- UP: 'beechat_availability_switcher_control_up',
- DOWN: 'beechat_availability_switcher_control_down'
- }
- },
- ChatBox: {
- MAIN: 'beechat_chatbox',
- MAINROOM: 'beechat_chatbox_room',
- TOP: 'beechat_chatbox_top',
- SUBTOP: 'beechat_chatbox_subtop',
- TOP_ICON: 'beechat_chatbox_top_icon',
- TOP_CONTROLS: 'beechat_chatbox_top_controls',
- CONTENT: 'beechat_chatbox_content',
- INPUT: 'beechat_chatbox_input',
- BOTTOM: 'beechat_chatbox_bottom',
- CONTROL: 'beechat_chatbox_control',
- STATE: 'beechat_chatbox_state',
- MESSAGE: 'beechat_chatbox_message',
- MESSAGE_SENDER: 'beechat_chatbox_message_sender',
- MESSAGE_DATE: 'beechat_chatbox_message_date',
- CHATROOM: 'beechat_chatbox_chatroom',
- ROOMROSTER: 'beechat_chatbox_roomroster',
- ROSTER_ITEM: 'beechat_chatbox_roomrosteritem'
- },
- ScrollBox: {
- SELECTED: 'beechat_scrollbox_selected'
- },
- BOX_CONTROL: 'beechat_box_control',
- LABEL: 'beechat_label',
- UNREAD_COUNT: 'beechat_unread_count'
- },
- Elements: {
- ID_DIV_BAR: 'beechat',
- ID_DIV_BAR_CENTER: 'beechat_center',
- ID_DIV_BAR_RIGHT: 'beechat_right',
- ID_TOOLTIP_TRIGGER: 'beechat_tooltip_trigger',
- ID_SPAN_CONTACTS_BUTTON: 'beechat_contacts_button',
- ID_SPAN_CLOSE_BOX: 'beechat_box_control_close',
- ID_DIV_CONTACTS: 'beechat_contacts',
- ID_DIV_CONTACTS_CONTROLS: 'beechat_contacts_controls',
- ID_SPAN_CONTACTS_CONTROL_MINIMIZE: 'beechat_contacts_control_minimize',
- ID_DIV_CONTACTS_CONTENT: 'beechat_contacts_content',
- ID_UL_CONTACTS_LIST: 'beechat_contacts_list',
- ID_DIV_AVAILABILITY_SWITCHER: 'beechat_availability_switcher',
- ID_SPAN_AVAILABILITY_SWITCHER_CONTROL: 'beechat_availability_switcher_control',
- ID_SPAN_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY: 'beechat_current_availability',
- ID_UL_AVAILABILITY_SWITCHER_LIST: 'beechat_availability_switcher_list',
- ID_DIV_CHATBOXES: 'beechat_chatboxes',
- ID_DIV_SCROLLBOXES: 'beechat_scrollboxes'
- }
- },
- /** Function: initialize
- * Initialize the BeeChat UI
- *
- */
- initialize: function(ts, token)
- {
- this.ts = ts;
- this.token = token;
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_TOOLTIP_TRIGGER).tooltip({
- offset: [-3, 8],
- effect: 'fade'
- });
- $('#accountlinks').find('li').filter('[class=last]').bind('click', function() {
- if (g_beechat_user != null)
- g_beechat_user.disconnect();
- });
- BeeChat.UI.AvailabilitySwitcher.initialize(BeeChat.Presence.ShowElements.CHAT);
- BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.initialize();
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.initialize();
- BeeChat.UI.loadConnection();
- },
- /** Function: getUserDetails
- * Retrieve user details
- *
- * Returns:
- * User details in object notation.
- *
- */
- addActionTokens: function(url_string, sep)
- {
- if (sep == null)
- sep = "?";
- return url_string + sep + "__elgg_ts="+this.ts + "&__elgg_token=" + this.token;
- },
- getUserDetails: function(cb_func)
- {
- var json = null;
- var self = this;
- $.ajax({
- url: self.addActionTokens('<?php echo $vars['url'] . "action/beechat/get_details"; ?>'),
- async: true,
- dataType: 'json',
- success: function(data) {
- cb_func(data);
- }
- });
- return (json);
- },
- /** Function: connect
- * Create the user and connect him to the BOSH service
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (Object) conn - Running connection informations in object notation
- */
- connect: function()
- {
- var conn = (arguments.length > 0) ? arguments[0] : null;
- var userDetails = {
- jid: (conn != null) ? conn.jid : null,
- password: null
- }
- var self = this;
- //alert("connect");
- if (conn == null || (conn != null && conn.attached)) {
- BeeChat.UI.getUserDetails(function(retrievedUserDetails) {
- userDetails.jid = retrievedUserDetails.username + '@' + BeeChat.DOMAIN + '/' + BeeChat.RESOURCE;
- userDetails.password = retrievedUserDetails.password;
- self.connect_end(conn, userDetails)
- });
- }
- else
- this.connect_end(conn, userDetails)
- },
- connect_end: function(conn, userDetails)
- {
- g_beechat_user = new BeeChat.Core.User(userDetails.jid);
- g_beechat_user.addObserver(BeeChat.Events.Identifiers.UPDATE_CONNECTION_STATE, BeeChat.UI.updateConnectionStatus);
- g_beechat_user.addObserver(BeeChat.Events.Identifiers.UPDATE_ROSTER, BeeChat.UI.onRosterUpdate);
- g_beechat_user.addObserver(BeeChat.Events.Identifiers.RECV_PRESENCE, BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.update);
- g_beechat_user.addObserver(BeeChat.Events.Identifiers.RECV_CHAT_MESSAGE, BeeChat.UI.onChatMessage);
- if (conn == null || (conn != null && conn.attached))
- g_beechat_user.connect(userDetails.password);
- else
- g_beechat_user.attach(conn.sid, conn.rid);
- },
- /** Function: disconnect
- * Terminate the user's XMPP session
- *
- */
- disconnect: function()
- {
- g_beechat_user.disconnect();
- },
- /** Function: updateConnectionStatus
- *
- */
- updateConnectionStatus: function(connStatusMsg)
- {
- BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.updateButtonText(connStatusMsg);
- if (connStatusMsg == BeeChat.Events.Messages.ConnectionStates.ONLINE) {
- if (!g_beechat_user.isAttached()) {
- debugXMPP("not attached");
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.isOpened = true;
- g_beechat_user.requestRoster();
- g_beechat_user.reconnectRooms();
- //BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.toggleDisplay();
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_UL_CONTACTS_LIST).show();
- $('.' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.INPUT + '>textarea').removeAttr('disabled');
- for (room_idx in g_user_rooms) {
- var room = g_user_rooms[room_idx];
- var chatBox = BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm(room[0]);
- if (chatBox.length == 0) {
- g_beechat_user.joinRoom(room[0], room[1])
- }
- }
- }
- if (g_beechat_user.isAttached()) {
- debugXMPP("attached");
- BeeChat.UI.loadState();
- }
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_SPAN_CONTACTS_BUTTON).attr('class', 'online');
- BeeChat.UI.saveConnection();
- }
- else if (connStatusMsg == BeeChat.Events.Messages.ConnectionStates.OFFLINE) {
- var contactsBoxElm = $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_CONTACTS);
- if (!contactsBoxElm.is(':hidden'))
- BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.toggleDisplay();
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_UL_CONTACTS_LIST).empty();
- BeeChat.UI.AvailabilitySwitcher.initialize(BeeChat.Presence.ShowElements.CHAT);
- BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.updateButtonText(BeeChat.UI.Resources.Strings.Contacts.BUTTON);
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_SPAN_CONTACTS_BUTTON).attr('class', 'offline');
- $('.' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.INPUT + '>textarea').attr('disabled', 'true');
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_CHATBOXES).children().hide();
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_SCROLLBOXES).find('ul').children()
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.LABEL + ' ' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.ReferenceTables.Styles.Availability.Left[BeeChat.Presence.Types.UNAVAILABLE.toUpperCase()]);
- g_beechat_user = null;
- BeeChat.UI.saveConnection();
- }
- },
- /** Function: saveConnection
- * Save connection informations (non sensible data) in $_SESSION.
- *
- */
- saveConnection: function()
- {
- var conn = null;
- if (g_beechat_user != null) {
- var userConn = g_beechat_user.getConnection();
- conn = {
- 'jid': userConn.jid,
- 'sid': userConn.sid,
- 'rid': userConn.rid,
- 'attached': g_beechat_user.isAttached()
- };
- }
- var self = this;
- $.ajax({
- type: 'POST',
- async: false,
- url: self.addActionTokens('<?php echo $vars['url'] . "action/beechat/save_state"; ?>'),
- data: { beechat_conn: JSON.stringify(conn) }
- });
- /*
- $.cookie(BeeChat.UI.Resources.Cookies.FILENAME_CONN, null);
- $.cookie(BeeChat.UI.Resources.Cookies.FILENAME_CONN, JSON.stringify(conn), {path: '/', domain: BeeChat.UI.Resources.Cookies.DOMAIN});
- */
- },
- /** Function: loadConnection
- * Check if a connection already exists. In the case that a connection exists,
- * this function triggers the connection process.
- *
- */
- loadConnection: function()
- {
- var self = this;
- $.ajax({
- type: 'GET',
- async: false,
- cache: false,
- dataType: 'json',
- url: self.addActionTokens('<?php echo $vars['url'] . "action/beechat/get_connection"; ?>'),
- success: function(conn) {
- if (conn != null) {
- if (conn.attached)
- BeeChat.UI.connect();
- else
- BeeChat.UI.connect(conn);
- }
- },
- error: function() {
- BeeChat.UI.connect();
- }
- });
- /*
- var conn = JSON.parse($.cookie(BeeChat.UI.Resources.Cookies.FILENAME_CONN));
- if (conn != null) {
- if (conn.attached)
- BeeChat.UI.connect();
- else
- BeeChat.UI.connect(conn);
- } else
- BeeChat.UI.connect();
- */
- },
- /** Function: saveState
- * Save app state in $_SESSION
- *
- */
- saveState: function()
- {
- var self = this;
- var currentAvailabilityClass = $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_SPAN_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY).attr('class');
- var currentAvailability = currentAvailabilityClass.substr(currentAvailabilityClass.lastIndexOf('_') + 1);
- var data = {
- availability: currentAvailability,
- contacts: g_beechat_roster_items,
- chats: {},
- contacts_list: {
- minimized: $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_CONTACTS).is(':hidden')
- }
- };
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_CHATBOXES).children().each(function() {
- var contactBareJid = $(this).attr('bareJid');
- //var contactBareJid = $(this).data('bareJid');
- var isroom = ($(this).attr('isroom') == 'true');
- if (isroom)
- var roster = $(this).find('div').filter('[class=' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.ROOMROSTER + ']');
- var html_content = $(this).children().filter('[bareJid="' + contactBareJid + '"]').html();
- data.chats[contactBareJid] = {
- 'html_content': escape(html_content),
- 'roster_content': isroom?escape(roster.html()):'',
- 'isroom': $(this).attr('isroom'),
- 'group_guid': (contactBareJid in g_beechat_rooms)?g_beechat_rooms[contactBareJid]:0,
- 'minimized': $(this).is(':hidden'),
- 'unread': BeeChat.UI.UnreadCountBox.getElm(contactBareJid).text()
- };
- });
- $.ajax({
- type: 'POST',
- async: false,
- url: self.addActionTokens('<?php echo $vars['url'] . "action/beechat/save_state"; ?>'),
- data: { beechat_state: JSON.stringify(data) }
- });
- },
- /** Function: loadState
- * Load app state from $_SESSION
- *
- */
- loadState: function()
- {
- var self = this;
- $.ajax({
- type: 'GET',
- async: true,
- cache: false,
- dataType: 'json',
- url: self.addActionTokens('<?php echo $vars['url'] . "action/beechat/get_state"; ?>'),
- error: function() {
- alert('error getting state');
- },
- success: function(json) {
- debugXMPP('loadState');
- BeeChat.UI.AvailabilitySwitcher.initialize(json.availability);
- if (!json.contacts_list.minimized) {
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_CONTACTS).show();
- BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.showedStyle();
- }
- g_beechat_user.getRoster().setItems(json.contacts);
- self.loadRosterItemsIcons(false);
- self.loadRosterItemsStatuses(false);
- g_beechat_roster_items = g_beechat_user.getRoster().getItems();
- BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.update(g_beechat_user.getRoster().getOnlineItems())
- g_beechat_user.setInitialized(true);
- var scrollBoxesElm = $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_SCROLLBOXES);
- var scrollBoxElmToShow = null;
- // Load saved chats
- for (var key in json.chats) {
- var isroom = (json.chats[key].isroom == 'true');
- if (isroom)
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.addRoom(key);
- else
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.add(key);
- var chatBoxElm = BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm(key);
- debugXMPP("load chat " + key);
- chatBoxElm.hide();
- if (!json.chats[key].minimized) {
- scrollBoxElmToShow = BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.getScrollBoxElm(key);
- }
- var chatBoxContentElm = chatBoxElm.children().filter('[bareJid="' + key + '"]');
- chatBoxContentElm.append(unescape(json.chats[key].html_content));
- chatBoxContentElm.attr({scrollTop: chatBoxContentElm.attr('scrollHeight')});
- if (isroom) {
- g_beechat_rooms[key] = json.chats[key].room_guid;
- var rosterElm = chatBoxElm.find('div').filter('[class=' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.ROOMROSTER + ']');
- rosterElm.append(unescape(json.chats[key].roster_content));
- }
- BeeChat.UI.UnreadCountBox.update(key, json.chats[key].unread);
- }
- if (scrollBoxElmToShow != null)
- scrollBoxesElm.trigger('goto', scrollBoxesElm.find('ul').children().index(scrollBoxElmToShow));
- else
- scrollBoxesElm.trigger('goto', 0);
- // g_beechat_user.sendPresenceAvailability(json.availability, '');
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.isInitialized = true;
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.isOpened = true;
- for (var key in json.chats) {
- if (json.chats[key].minimized) {
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm(key).hide();
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.unselect(key);
- }
- else {
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm(key).show();
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.select(key);
- }
- }
- for (room_idx in g_user_rooms) {
- var room = g_user_rooms[room_idx];
- var chatBox = BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm(room[0]);
- if (chatBox.length == 0) {
- g_beechat_user.joinRoom(room[0], room[1])
- }
- }
- },
- error: function() {
- BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.initialize();
- }
- });
- },
- /** Function: loadRosterItemsIcons
- *
- */
- loadRosterItemsIcons: function(is_async, cb)
- {
- var data = g_beechat_user.getRoster().getItemsUsernamesAsList();
- var self = this;
- $.ajax({
- type: 'POST',
- url: self.addActionTokens('<?php echo $vars['url'] . "action/beechat/get_icons"; ?>'),
- async: is_async,
- cache: false,
- data: {'beechat_roster_items_usernames': data},
- dataType: 'json',
- success: function(json) {
- g_beechat_user.getRoster().setIcons(json);
- g_beechat_roster_items = g_beechat_user.getRoster().getItems();
- BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.update(g_beechat_user.getRoster().getOnlineItems())
- if (cb) {
- cb();
- }
- }
- });
- },
- /** Function: loadRosterItemsStatuses
- *
- */
- loadRosterItemsStatuses: function(is_async, cb)
- {
- var data = g_beechat_user.getRoster().getItemsUsernamesAsList();
- var self = this;
- $.ajax({
- type: 'POST',
- url: self.addActionTokens('<?php echo $vars['url'] . "action/beechat/get_statuses"; ?>'),
- async: true, // force
- cache: false,
- data: {'beechat_roster_items_usernames': data},
- dataType: 'json',
- success: function(json) {
- g_beechat_user.getRoster().setStatuses(json);
- g_beechat_roster_items = g_beechat_user.getRoster().getItems();
- BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.update(g_beechat_user.getRoster().getOnlineItems())
- if (cb) {
- cb();
- }
- }
- });
- },
- /** Function: onRosterUpdate
- * Notified by core on a roster update
- *
- */
- onRosterUpdate: function(rosterItems)
- {
- g_beechat_roster_items = rosterItems;
- //alert("get roster");
- if (!g_beechat_user.isInitialized()) {
- //alert("load roster" + rosterItems.length);
- BeeChat.UI.loadRosterItemsStatuses(true,
- function() { BeeChat.UI.loadRosterItemsIcons(true,
- function() {g_beechat_user.sendInitialPresence();}); });
- //BeeChat.UI.loadRosterItemsIcons(false);
- //g_beechat_user.sendInitialPresence();
- }
- },
- /** Function: onChatMessage
- *
- */
- onChatMessage: function(data)
- {
- if ($(data.msg).find('body').length == 0) {
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.updateChatState(data.contactBareJid, data.msg);
- }
- else {
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.update(data.contactBareJid, BeeChat.UI.Utils.getContactName(data.contactBareJid), Strophe.getText($(data.msg).find('body')[0]));
- }
- }
-/** Class: BeeChat.UI.Resources.ReferenceTables
- * An object container for all reference tables
- *
- */
-BeeChat.UI.Resources.ReferenceTables = {
- Styles: {
- Availability: {
- Left: {
- AVAILABLE: BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Left.ONLINE,
- CHAT: BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Left.ONLINE,
- DND: BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Left.DND,
- AWAY: BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Left.AWAY,
- XA: BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Left.XA,
- UNAVAILABLE: BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Left.OFFLINE,
- OFFLINE: BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Left.OFFLINE,
- ROOM: BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Left.ROOM
- },
- Right: {
- AVAILABLE: BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Right.ONLINE,
- CHAT: BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Right.ONLINE,
- DND: BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Right.DND,
- AWAY: BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Right.AWAY,
- XA: BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Right.XA,
- UNAVAILABLE: BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Right.OFFLINE,
- OFFLINE: BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Right.OFFLINE,
- ROOM: BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Right.ROOM
- }
- }
- }
-/** Class: BeeChat.UI.ContactsList
- * An object container for all ContactsList functions
- *
- */
-BeeChat.UI.ContactsList = {
- /** Function: initialize
- * Initialize the contacts list by binding elements
- *
- */
- initialize: function()
- {
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_SPAN_CONTACTS_CONTROL_MINIMIZE).unbind('click').bind('click', BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.toggleDisplay);
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_SPAN_CONTACTS_BUTTON).unbind('click').bind('click', function() {
- if (g_beechat_user == null)
- BeeChat.UI.connect();
- else
- BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.toggleDisplay();
- });
- },
- /** Function: update
- * Update the contacts list content
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (Object)(BeeChat.Core.RosterItem) onlineRosterItems - A hash of RosterItems in object notation
- *
- */
- update: function(onlineRosterItems)
- {
- var contactsListElm = $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_UL_CONTACTS_LIST);
- contactsListElm.children().each(function() {
- var contactBareJid = $(this).attr('bareJid');
- if (g_beechat_roster_items != null) {
- if ($.inArray(contactBareJid, onlineRosterItems) == -1) {
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.updateAvailability(contactBareJid);
- $(this).remove();
- }
- }
- });
- for (var key in onlineRosterItems) {
- if (typeof onlineRosterItems[key] != 'object')
- continue;
- var contactElm = contactsListElm.find('li').filter('[bareJid="' + key + '"]');
- if (contactElm.length == 0) {
- contactElm = $('<li></li>')
- .attr('bareJid', key)
- .append($('<img />')
- .attr('src', g_beechat_roster_items[key].icon_tiny))
- .append(BeeChat.UI.Utils.getTruncatedContactName(key, 25))
- .appendTo(contactsListElm)
- .bind('click', function() {
- if (!BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm($(this).attr('bareJid')).is(':visible')) {
- BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.toggleDisplay();
- }
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.add($(this).attr('bareJid'), false, true);
- });
- }
- BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.updateContactAvailability(contactElm, key);
- }
- BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.updateButtonText(BeeChat.UI.Resources.Strings.Contacts.BUTTON + ' (<strong>' + g_beechat_user.getRoster().getSizeOnlineItems() + '</strong>)');
- },
- /** Function: updateContactAvailability
- *
- */
- updateContactAvailability: function(contactElm, contactBareJid)
- {
- // Update from contactsList
- contactElm.attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.ReferenceTables.Styles.Availability.Right[g_beechat_roster_items[contactBareJid].getStrongestPresence().show.toUpperCase()]);
- // Update from scrollBoxes
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.updateAvailability(contactBareJid);
- },
- /** Function: updateButtonText
- *
- *
- */
- updateButtonText: function(msg)
- {
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_SPAN_CONTACTS_BUTTON).html(msg);
- },
- /** Function: toggleDisplay
- * Toggle the contacts box display (hide | show)
- *
- */
- toggleDisplay: function()
- {
- var contactsBoxElm = $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_CONTACTS);
- contactsBoxElm.toggle();
- if (contactsBoxElm.is(':hidden')) {
- BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.hiddenStyle();
- } else {
- BeeChat.UI.ContactsList.showedStyle();
- }
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_UL_AVAILABILITY_SWITCHER_LIST).hide();
- },
- /** Function: hiddenStyle
- *
- */
- hiddenStyle: function()
- {
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_BAR_RIGHT).css({'border-left': '1px solid #BBBBBB', 'border-right': '1px solid #BBBBBB', 'background-color': '#DDDDDD'});
- },
- /** Function: showedStyle
- *
- */
- showedStyle: function()
- {
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_BAR_RIGHT).css({'border-left': '1px solid #666666', 'border-right': '1px solid #666666', 'background-color': 'white'});
- }
-/** Class: BeeChat.UI.AvailabilitySwitcher
- * An object container for all AvailabilitySwitcher functions
- *
- */
-BeeChat.UI.AvailabilitySwitcher = {
- /** Function: initialize
- * Initialize the availability switcher by setting the current user's availability
- * and binding actions
- *
- */
- initialize: function(availability)
- {
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_SPAN_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY).unbind('click').bind('click', BeeChat.UI.AvailabilitySwitcher.toggleListDisplay);
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_SPAN_AVAILABILITY_SWITCHER_CONTROL).unbind('click').bind('click', BeeChat.UI.AvailabilitySwitcher.toggleListDisplay);
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_UL_AVAILABILITY_SWITCHER_LIST).find('li').each(function() {
- $(this).unbind('click').bind('click', function() {
- var availabilityClass = $(this).attr('class');
- var availability = availabilityClass.substr(availabilityClass.lastIndexOf('_') + 1);
- if (availability == 'offline')
- BeeChat.UI.disconnect();
- else {
- g_beechat_user.sendPresenceAvailability(availability, '');
- BeeChat.UI.AvailabilitySwitcher.update(availability);
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_UL_AVAILABILITY_SWITCHER_LIST).hide('slow');
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_UL_CONTACTS_LIST).show('slow');
- }
- });
- });
- BeeChat.UI.AvailabilitySwitcher.update(availability);
- },
- /** Function: update
- * Update the current user's availability
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (BeeChat.Presence.ShowElements) availability - The current user's availability
- */
- update: function(availability)
- {
- var upperCasedAvailability = availability.toUpperCase();
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_SPAN_CURRENT_AVAILABILITY)
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.ReferenceTables.Styles.Availability.Left[upperCasedAvailability])
- .text(BeeChat.UI.Resources.Strings.Availability[upperCasedAvailability]);
- if (availability == 'chat')
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_SPAN_CONTACTS_BUTTON).attr('class', 'online');
- else if (availability == 'xa' || availability == 'away')
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_SPAN_CONTACTS_BUTTON).attr('class', 'away');
- else if (availability == 'dnd')
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_SPAN_CONTACTS_BUTTON).attr('class', 'dnd');
- },
- /** Function: switchControlClass
- *
- */
- switchControlClass: function()
- {
- var switcherControlElm = $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_SPAN_AVAILABILITY_SWITCHER_CONTROL);
- if (switcherControlElm.attr('class') == BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Control.UP)
- switcherControlElm.attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Control.DOWN);
- else
- switcherControlElm.attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Control.UP);
- },
- /** Function: toggleListDisplay
- *
- */
- toggleListDisplay: function()
- {
- BeeChat.UI.AvailabilitySwitcher.switchControlClass();
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_UL_CONTACTS_LIST).toggle('slow');
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_UL_AVAILABILITY_SWITCHER_LIST).toggle('slow');
- }
-/** Class: BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes
- * An object container for all ScrollBoxes related functions
- *
- */
-BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes = {
- isInitialized: false,
- isOpened: false,
- /** Function: initialize
- *
- */
- initialize: function() {
- var $prev = $('#beechat_center_prev'),
- $next = $('#beechat_center_next');
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_BAR_CENTER).serialScroll({
- target: '#beechat_scrollboxes',
- items: 'li',
- prev: '#beechat_center_prev',
- next: '#beechat_center_next',
- axys: 'x',
- start: 2,
- step: -1,
- interval: 0,
- duration: 0,
- cycle: false,
- force: true,
- jump: true,
- lock: true,
- lazy: true,
- constant: true,
- onBefore: function(e, elem, $pane, $items, pos) {
- $next.add($prev).hide();
- $prev.add($next).hide();
- if (pos != 0) {
- $next.show();
- }
- if (pos != $items.length - 1)
- $prev.show();
- },
- onAfter: function(elem) {
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.takeStand($(elem).attr('bareJid'));
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.isInitialized = true;
- }
- });
- },
- /** Function: add
- * Add a scrollbox to the scrollboxes bar
- *
- */
- addRoom: function(contactBareJid)
- {
- debugXMPP('addRoom' + contactBareJid);
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.add(contactBareJid, true);
- var scrollBoxElm = BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.getScrollBoxElm(contactBareJid);
- scrollBoxElm.attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.Availability.Left.ROOM);
- },
- add: function(contactBareJid, isroom)
- {
- var scrollBoxesElm = $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_SCROLLBOXES);
- var scrollBoxElm = scrollBoxesElm.find('ul').children().filter('[bareJid="' + contactBareJid + '"]');
- debugXMPP("add " + contactBareJid + " " + scrollBoxElm.length);
- if (scrollBoxElm.length == 0) {
- var availClass = null;
- var pres = null;
- if (g_beechat_roster_items != undefined)
- pres = g_beechat_roster_items[contactBareJid] != null ? g_beechat_roster_items[contactBareJid].getStrongestPresence() : null;
- if (pres != null)
- availClass = BeeChat.UI.Resources.ReferenceTables.Styles.Availability.Left[pres.show.toUpperCase()];
- else
- availClass = BeeChat.UI.Resources.ReferenceTables.Styles.Availability.Left[BeeChat.Presence.Types.UNAVAILABLE.toUpperCase()];
- scrollBoxElm = $('<li></li>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.LABEL + ' ' + availClass)
- .attr('bareJid', contactBareJid)
- .attr('isroom', isroom?'true':'false')
- .attr('title', BeeChat.UI.Resources.Strings.Box.SHOWHIDE)
- .text(BeeChat.UI.Utils.getTruncatedContactName(contactBareJid, 11))
- .append($('<span></span>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.BOX_CONTROL)
- .attr('id', BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_SPAN_CLOSE_BOX)
- .text('X')
- .attr('title', BeeChat.UI.Resources.Strings.Box.CLOSE)
- .bind('click', function() {
- if (isroom)
- g_beechat_user.leaveRoom(contactBareJid);
- var scrollBoxesElm = $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_SCROLLBOXES);
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.remove($(this).parent().attr('bareJid'));
- BeeChat.UI.UnreadCountBox.remove($(this).parent().attr('bareJid'));
- scrollBoxesElm.trigger('goto', scrollBoxesElm.find('ul').children().index(BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.getSelectedScrollBoxElm()));
- BeeChat.UI.saveState();
- }));
- scrollBoxesElm.find('ul').append(scrollBoxElm);
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.add(contactBareJid, isroom);
- if (arguments.length == 3 && arguments[2])
- scrollBoxesElm.trigger('goto', scrollBoxesElm.find('ul').children().index(scrollBoxElm));
- if (!isroom) {
- BeeChat.UI.loadRosterItemsStatuses(true, function () { BeeChat.UI.loadRosterItemsIcons(true); });
- }
- } else {
- scrollBoxesElm.trigger('goto', scrollBoxesElm.find('ul').children().index(scrollBoxElm));
- }
- },
- /** Function: remove
- *
- */
- remove: function(contactBareJid)
- {
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.getScrollBoxElm(contactBareJid).remove();
- },
- /** Function: unselect
- *
- */
- unselect: function(contactBareJid)
- {
- var scrollBoxElm = BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.getScrollBoxElm(contactBareJid);
- scrollBoxElm.attr('class', (scrollBoxElm.attr('class')).replace(/beechat_scrollbox_selected/, ''));
- },
- /** Function: select
- *
- */
- select: function(contactBareJid)
- {
- var scrollBoxElm = BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.getScrollBoxElm(contactBareJid);
- var scrollBoxElmClasses = scrollBoxElm.attr('class');
- if (scrollBoxElmClasses.search(/beechat_scrollbox_selected/) == -1)
- scrollBoxElm.attr('class', scrollBoxElmClasses + ' ' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ScrollBox.SELECTED);
- },
- /** Function: updateAvailability
- *
- */
- updateAvailability: function(contactBareJid)
- {
- var pres = g_beechat_roster_items[contactBareJid].getStrongestPresence();
- var scrollBoxElm = BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.getScrollBoxElm(contactBareJid);
- var scrollBoxElmClasses = scrollBoxElm.attr('class');
- var updatedAvailability = null;
- if (pres != null)
- updatedAvailability = BeeChat.UI.Resources.ReferenceTables.Styles.Availability.Left[pres.show.toUpperCase()];
- else
- updatedAvailability = BeeChat.UI.Resources.ReferenceTables.Styles.Availability.Left[BeeChat.Presence.Types.UNAVAILABLE.toUpperCase()];
- if (scrollBoxElmClasses == undefined || scrollBoxElmClasses.search(/(beechat_left_availability_)/g) == -1) {
- scrollBoxElm.attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.LABEL + ' ' + updatedAvailability);
- } else {
- updatedAvailability = updatedAvailability.replace(/(beechat_left_availability)/g, '');
- scrollBoxElmClasses = scrollBoxElmClasses.replace(/(_chat)/g, updatedAvailability);
- scrollBoxElmClasses = scrollBoxElmClasses.replace(/(_dnd)/g, updatedAvailability);
- scrollBoxElmClasses = scrollBoxElmClasses.replace(/(_away)/g, updatedAvailability);
- scrollBoxElmClasses = scrollBoxElmClasses.replace(/(_xa)/g, updatedAvailability);
- scrollBoxElmClasses = scrollBoxElmClasses.replace(/(_offline)/g, updatedAvailability);
- scrollBoxElm.attr('class', scrollBoxElmClasses);
- }
- },
- /** Function: getSelectedScrollBoxElm
- *
- */
- getSelectedScrollBoxElm: function(contactBareJid)
- {
- var elm = undefined;
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_SCROLLBOXES).find('ul').children().each(function() {
- if ($(this).attr('class').search(/beechat_scrollbox_selected/) != -1)
- elm = $(this);
- });
- return (elm);
- },
- /** Function: getScrollBoxElm
- *
- */
- getScrollBoxElm: function(contactBareJid)
- {
- return $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_SCROLLBOXES).find('ul').children().filter('[bareJid="' + contactBareJid + '"]');
- }
-/** Class: BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes
- * An object container for all ChatBoxes related functions
- *
- */
-BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes = {
- dateLastComposing: {},
- lastTimedPauses: {},
- /** Function: add
- *
- */
- add: function(contactBareJid, isroom)
- {
- var chatBoxes = $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_CHATBOXES);
- if ($(chatBoxes).children().filter('[bareJid="' + contactBareJid + '"]').length == 0) {
- debugXMPP("create chatbox " + contactBareJid);
- var chatBox = $('<div></div>')
- .attr('class', isroom ? BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.MAIN : BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.MAIN)
- .attr('bareJid', contactBareJid)
- .attr('isroom', isroom ? 'true' : 'false')
- .hide();
- var chatBoxTop = $('<div></div>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.TOP);
- if (!isroom)
- chatBoxTop.append($('<a></a>')
- .attr('href', BeeChat.UI.Resources.Paths.MEMBER_PROFILE + Strophe.getNodeFromJid(contactBareJid))
- .append($('<img />')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.TOP_ICON)
- .attr('src', (g_beechat_roster_items != null && g_beechat_roster_items[contactBareJid] != undefined)?g_beechat_roster_items[contactBareJid].icon_small:'')))
- chatBoxTop.append($('<span></span>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.LABEL)
- .html(isroom?BeeChat.UI.Utils.getTruncatedContactName(contactBareJid).split('@')[0]:'<a href="' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Paths.MEMBER_PROFILE + Strophe.getNodeFromJid(contactBareJid) + '">' + BeeChat.UI.Utils.getTruncatedContactName(contactBareJid) + '</a>'))
- .append($('<div></div>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.TOP_CONTROLS)
- .append($('<span></span>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.CONTROL)
- .attr('id', BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_SPAN_CLOSE_BOX)
- .text('X')
- .attr('title', BeeChat.UI.Resources.Strings.Box.CLOSE)
- .bind('click', function() {
- if (isroom)
- g_beechat_user.leaveRoom(contactBareJid);
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.remove(contactBareJid);
- }))
- .append($('<span></span>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.CONTROL)
- .attr('id', BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_SPAN_CLOSE_BOX)
- .text('_')
- .attr('title', BeeChat.UI.Resources.Strings.Box.MINIMIZE)
- .css({'font-size': '1.6em', 'position': 'relative', 'line-height': '4px'})
- .bind('click', function() {
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.unselect($(this).parent().parent().parent().attr('bareJid'));
- $(this).parent().parent().parent().fadeOut('slow');
- })));
- var chatBoxSubTop = $('<div></div>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.SUBTOP)
- .append(BeeChat.UI.Utils.getTruncatedContactStatus((g_beechat_roster_items != null && g_beechat_roster_items[contactBareJid] != undefined && g_beechat_roster_items[contactBareJid].status != undefined) ? g_beechat_roster_items[contactBareJid].status : ''));
- var chatBoxContent = $('<div></div>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.CONTENT)
- .attr('bareJid', contactBareJid);
- var chatBoxInput = $('<div></div>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.INPUT)
- .append($('<textarea></textarea>')
- .attr('bareJid', contactBareJid)
- .bind('keypress', isroom?BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.onRoomTypingMessage:BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.onTypingMessage)
- .bind('keyup', function(e) {
- if ((e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which) == 13)
- $(this).attr('value', '');
- }));
- var chatBoxBottom = $('<div></div>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.BOTTOM)
- .append($('<span></span>')
- .append($('<span></span>')));
- if (isroom) {
- //var chatBoxBox = $('<div></div>')
- // .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.CHATROOM)
- var chatBoxRoster = $('<div></div>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.ROOMROSTER)
- //chatBoxBox.append(chatBoxTop).append(chatBoxSubTop).append(chatBoxContent).append(chatBoxInput).append(chatBoxBottom)
- //chatBox.append(chatBoxRoster).append(chatBoxBox).appendTo(chatBoxes);
- chatBox.append(chatBoxTop).append(chatBoxSubTop).append(chatBoxContent).append(chatBoxInput).append(chatBoxBottom).append(chatBoxRoster).appendTo(chatBoxes);
- }
- else
- chatBox.append(chatBoxTop).append(chatBoxSubTop).append(chatBoxContent).append(chatBoxInput).append(chatBoxBottom).appendTo(chatBoxes);
- }
- else {
- /*debugXMPP("show chatbox " + contactBareJid);
- var chatBox = $(chatBoxes).children().filter('[bareJid="' + contactBareJid + '"]');
- chatBox.show();*/
- }
- },
- /** Function: takeStand
- *
- */
- takeStand: function(contactBareJid)
- {
- var chatBoxesElm = $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_CHATBOXES).children();
- var chatBoxElm = chatBoxesElm.filter('[bareJid="' + contactBareJid + '"]');
- var chatBoxContentElm = chatBoxElm.children().filter('[bareJid="' + contactBareJid + '"]');
- var scrollBoxesElm = $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_SCROLLBOXES);
- var scrollBoxElm = BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.getScrollBoxElm(contactBareJid);
- if (!chatBoxElm.is(':hidden')) {
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.unselect(contactBareJid);
- chatBoxElm.hide();
- } else {
- // Hide all other chatboxes
- $.each(chatBoxesElm.filter('[bareJid!="' + contactBareJid + '"]'), function() {
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.unselect($(this).attr('bareJid'));
- $(this).hide();
- });
- // Add selected scrollbox style
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.select(contactBareJid);
- // Remove UnreadCountBox
- BeeChat.UI.UnreadCountBox.remove(contactBareJid);
- // Position the chatbox
- var pos = scrollBoxElm.position().left - (chatBoxElm.width() - scrollBoxElm.width()) + 24;
- chatBoxElm.css({'left': pos});
- if (!BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.isOpened)
- return;
- chatBoxElm.show().css({'left': pos});
- // Scroll down the content of the chatbox
- chatBoxContentElm.attr({scrollTop: chatBoxContentElm.attr('scrollHeight')});
- // Focus textarea
- chatBoxElm.children().filter('[class=' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.INPUT + ']').find('textarea').focus();
- }
- },
- /** Function: onTypingMessage
- *
- */
- onRoomTypingMessage: function(e) {
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes._onTypingMessage(e, true, this);
- },
- onTypingMessage: function(e) {
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes._onTypingMessage(e, false, this);
- },
- _onTypingMessage: function(e, isroom, self)
- {
- var keyCode = (e.keyCode) ? e.keyCode : e.which;
- var contactBareJid = $(self).attr('bareJid');
- var msgtype = BeeChat.Message.Types.CHAT;
- if (isroom)
- msgtype = BeeChat.Message.Types.GROUPCHAT;
- if (keyCode == 13 && $(self).val() != '') {
- g_beechat_user.sendChatMessage(contactBareJid, jQuery.trim($(self).val()), msgtype);
- if (!isroom)
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.update(contactBareJid, BeeChat.UI.Utils.truncateString(BeeChat.UI.Resources.Strings.ChatMessages.SELF, 24), $(self).val(), isroom);
- clearTimeout(BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.lastTimedPauses[contactBareJid]);
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.lastTimedPauses[contactBareJid] = null;
- } else {
- var nowTime = new Date().getTime();
- if (BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.dateLastComposing[contactBareJid] == null || BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.dateLastComposing[contactBareJid] + 2000 < nowTime) {
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.dateLastComposing[contactBareJid] = nowTime;
- g_beechat_user.sendChatStateMessage(contactBareJid, BeeChat.Message.ChatStates.COMPOSING);
- }
- clearTimeout(BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.lastTimedPauses[contactBareJid]);
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.lastTimedPauses[contactBareJid] = setTimeout('g_beechat_user.sendChatStateMessage(\'' + contactBareJid + '\', BeeChat.Message.ChatStates.PAUSED)', 2000);
- var chatBoxTextAreaElm = BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm(contactBareJid).children().filter('[class=' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.INPUT + ']').find('textarea');
- chatBoxTextAreaElm.attr({scrollTop: chatBoxTextAreaElm.attr('scrollHeight')});
- }
- },
- updateRoster: function(contactBareJid, fromName, presence)
- {
- var availability = $(presence).attr('type');
- var item = $(presence).find('item');
- var chatBoxElm = BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm(contactBareJid);
- if (chatBoxElm.length == 0) {
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.add(contactBareJid);
- //BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.addRoom(contactBareJid);
- chatBoxElm = BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm(contactBareJid);
- }
- //var chatBoxContentElm = chatBoxElm.children().filter('[bareJid="' + contactBareJid + '"]');
- var roster = chatBoxElm.find('div').filter('[class=' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.ROOMROSTER + ']');
- if (availability == 'unavailable') {
- roster.find('div').filter('[contactName='+fromName+']').remove();
- }
- else {
- var hasName = roster.find('div').filter('[contactName='+fromName+']');
- if (hasName.length == 0) {
- roster.append($('<div>' + fromName + '</div>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.ROSTER_ITEM)
- .attr('title', item.attr('affiliation') + '/' + item.attr('role'))
- .attr('contactName', fromName))
- }
- }
- },
- /** Function: update
- *
- */
- update: function(contactBareJid, fromName, msg, isroom)
- {
- var chatBoxElm = BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm(contactBareJid);
- debugXMPP(contactBareJid + " " + msg + " " + chatBoxElm.length);
- if (chatBoxElm.length == 0) {
- if (isroom) {
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.addRoom(contactBareJid);
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.show(contactBareJid);
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.takeStand(contactBareJid);
- }
- else {
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.add(contactBareJid,false,true);
- // BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.show(contactBareJid);
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.takeStand(contactBareJid);
- }
- chatBoxElm = BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm(contactBareJid);
- }
- var chatBoxContentElm = chatBoxElm.children().filter('[bareJid="' + contactBareJid + '"]');
- chatBoxContentElm.find('p').filter('[class=' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.STATE + ']').remove();
- var chatBoxLastMessageElm = $(chatBoxContentElm).find('div').filter('[class=' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.MESSAGE + ']').filter(':last');
- if (chatBoxLastMessageElm && chatBoxLastMessageElm.find('span').filter('[class=' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.MESSAGE_SENDER + ']').text() == fromName) {
- chatBoxLastMessageElm.append('<p>' + BeeChat.UI.Utils.getPrintableChatMessage(msg) + '</p>');
- } else {
- chatBoxContentElm.append($('<div></div>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.MESSAGE)
- .append($('<span></span>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.MESSAGE_SENDER)
- .text(fromName))
- .append($('<span></span>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.MESSAGE_DATE)
- .text(BeeChat.UI.Utils.getNowFormattedTime()))
- .append('<p>' + BeeChat.UI.Utils.getPrintableChatMessage(msg) + '</p>'));
- }
- chatBoxContentElm.attr({scrollTop: chatBoxContentElm.attr('scrollHeight')});
- var scrollBoxesElm = $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_SCROLLBOXES);
- var scrollBoxElm = BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.getScrollBoxElm(contactBareJid);
- if (BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.isInitialized == false) {
- scrollBoxesElm.trigger('goto', scrollBoxesElm.find('ul').children().index(scrollBoxElm));
- }
- debugXMPP("about to update number!");
- if (chatBoxElm.is(':hidden')) {
- debugXMPP("update number!");
- BeeChat.UI.UnreadCountBox.update(contactBareJid);
-// if (BeeChat.UI.HAS_FOCUS)
-// document.getElementById(BeeChat.UI.Resources.Sounds.NEW_MESSAGE).Play();
- }
-// if (!BeeChat.UI.HAS_FOCUS)
-// document.getElementById(BeeChat.UI.Resources.Sounds.NEW_MESSAGE).Play();
- },
- /** Function: updateChatState
- *
- */
- updateChatState: function(contactBareJid, msg)
- {
- var chatBoxContentElm = BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm(contactBareJid).children().filter('[bareJid="' + contactBareJid + '"]');
- $(msg).children().each(function() {
- if (this.tagName == BeeChat.Message.ChatStates.COMPOSING) {
- if (chatBoxContentElm.find('p').filter('[class=' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.STATE + ']').length == 0) {
- $('<p></p>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.STATE)
- .html(BeeChat.UI.Utils.getContactName(contactBareJid) + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Strings.ChatMessages.COMPOSING + "</br />")
- .appendTo(chatBoxContentElm);
- }
- } else if (this.tagName == BeeChat.Message.ChatStates.PAUSED) {
- chatBoxContentElm.find('p').filter('[class=' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.ChatBox.STATE + ']').remove();
- }
- });
- chatBoxContentElm.attr({scrollTop: chatBoxContentElm.attr('scrollHeight')});
- },
- /** Function: remove
- *
- */
- remove: function(contactBareJid)
- {
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm(contactBareJid).remove();
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.getScrollBoxElm(contactBareJid).remove();
- },
- /** Function: show
- *
- */
- show: function(contactBareJid)
- {
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm(contactBareJid).show();
- },
- /** Function: hide
- *
- */
- hide: function(contactBareJid)
- {
- BeeChat.UI.ChatBoxes.getChatBoxElm(contactBareJid).hide();
- },
- /** Function: getChatBoxElm
- *
- */
- getChatBoxElm: function(contactBareJid)
- {
- return $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_CHATBOXES).children().filter('[bareJid="' + contactBareJid + '"]');
- }
-BeeChat.UI.UnreadCountBox = {
- /** Function: add
- *
- */
- add: function(contactBareJid)
- {
- BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.getScrollBoxElm(contactBareJid)
- .append($('<span></span>')
- .attr('class', BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.UNREAD_COUNT));
- },
- /** Function: remove
- *
- */
- remove: function(contactBareJid)
- {
- BeeChat.UI.UnreadCountBox.getElm(contactBareJid).remove();
- },
- /** Function: update
- *
- */
- update: function(contactBareJid)
- {
- if (arguments.length > 1 && !arguments[1])
- return;
- var unreadCountBoxElm = BeeChat.UI.UnreadCountBox.getElm(contactBareJid);
- if (unreadCountBoxElm.length == 0) {
- BeeChat.UI.UnreadCountBox.add(contactBareJid);
- unreadCountBoxElm = BeeChat.UI.UnreadCountBox.getElm(contactBareJid);
- }
- if (arguments.length == 1) {
- var unreadCount = unreadCountBoxElm.text();
- unreadCountBoxElm.text(++unreadCount);
- } else
- unreadCountBoxElm.text(arguments[1]);
- },
- /** Function: getElm
- *
- */
- getElm: function(contactBareJid)
- {
- return BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.getScrollBoxElm(contactBareJid).find('span').filter('[class=' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.StyleClasses.UNREAD_COUNT +' ]');
- }
-/** Class: BeeChat.UI.Utils
- * An object container for all UI utilities functions
- *
- */
-BeeChat.UI.Utils = {
- /** Function: getTruncatedContactName
- *
- */
- getTruncatedContactName: function(bareJid)
- {
- return (BeeChat.UI.Utils.truncateString(BeeChat.UI.Utils.getContactName(bareJid), (arguments.length == 2) ? arguments[1] : 21));
- },
- /** Function: getTruncatedContactStatus
- *
- */
- getTruncatedContactStatus: function(contactStatus)
- {
- return (BeeChat.UI.Utils.truncateString(contactStatus, (arguments.length == 2 ? arguments[1] : 50)));
- },
- /** Function: getContactName
- *
- */
- getContactName: function(bareJid)
- {
- var contactName = bareJid;
- if (g_beechat_roster_items != null && g_beechat_roster_items[bareJid])
- contactName = g_beechat_roster_items[bareJid].name;
- // no contact name so we show bareJid
- if (!contactName || contactName == '')
- contactName = bareJid;
- return (contactName);
- },
- /** Function: getPrintableChatMessage
- *
- */
- getPrintableChatMessage: function(msg)
- {
- var val = new String;
- val = $('<div>' + msg + '</div>');
- msg = val.text();
- msg = jQuery.trim(msg);
- msg = BeeChat.UI.Utils.replaceLinks(msg);
- msg = BeeChat.UI.Utils.replaceSmileys(msg);
- return msg;
- },
- /** Function: getNowFormattedTime
- *
- */
- getNowFormattedTime: function()
- {
- var date = new Date();
- var hours = date.getHours();
- var minutes = date.getMinutes();
- var seconds = date.getSeconds();
- if (hours < 10)
- hours = '0' + hours;
- if (minutes < 10)
- minutes = '0' + minutes;
- if (seconds < 10)
- seconds = '0' + seconds;
- return (hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds);
- },
- /** Function: replaceSmileys
- * Replace smileys founded in a string to beautiful icons :)
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (String) str - The string containing smileys
- *
- */
- replaceSmileys: function(str)
- {
- str = str.replace(/(;\))/gi, '<img src="' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Paths.ICONS + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Emoticons.FILENAME_WINK + '" />');
- str = str.replace(/(:\))/gi, '<img src="' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Paths.ICONS + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Emoticons.FILENAME_SMILE + '" />');
- str = str.replace(/(:\()/gi, '<img src="' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Paths.ICONS + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Emoticons.FILENAME_UNHAPPY + '" />');
- str = str.replace(/(:D)/gi, '<img src="' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Paths.ICONS + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Emoticons.FILENAME_GRIN + '" />');
- str = str.replace(/(:o)/gi, '<img src="' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Paths.ICONS + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Emoticons.FILENAME_SURPRISED + '" />');
- str = str.replace(/(xD)/gi, '<img src="' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Paths.ICONS + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Emoticons.FILENAME_EVILGRIN + '" />');
- str = str.replace(/(:p)/gi, '<img src="' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Paths.ICONS + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Emoticons.FILENAME_TONGUE + '" />');
- return (str);
- },
- /** Function: replaceLinks
- * Transform links founded in a string to clickable links
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (String) str - The string where will be replaced links
- */
- replaceLinks: function(str)
- {
- var xpr =
- /((ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?)/gi;
- return (str.replace(xpr, '<a href="$1" target="_blank">$1</a>'));
- },
- /** Function: truncateString
- * Truncate a string at a specified length
- *
- * Parameters:
- * (String) str - The string to truncate
- * (int) len - The maximum length of str
- */
- truncateString: function(str, len)
- {
- if (str != null && str.length > len)
- return ((str.substr(0, len) + '...'));
- return (str);
- }
-/** Executed when the DOM is ready
- *
- */
-function init_beechat(ts, token) {
- if (typeof document.body.style.maxHeight === "undefined") { // IE6
- return;
- }
- BeeChat.UI.initialize(ts, token);
-/** Window resizing
- *
- */
-$(window).resize(function() {
- if (typeof document.body.style.maxHeight === "undefined") { // IE6
- return;
- }
- $('#' + BeeChat.UI.Resources.Elements.ID_DIV_CHATBOXES).children().each(function() {
- var scrollBoxElm = BeeChat.UI.ScrollBoxes.getScrollBoxElm($(this).attr('bareJid'));
- var pos = scrollBoxElm.position().left - ($(this).width() - scrollBoxElm.width()) + 24;
- $(this).css({'left': pos});
- });
-/** Executed when the page is unloaded
- *
- */
-$(window).unload(function() {
- if (typeof document.body.style.maxHeight === "undefined") { // IE6
- return;
- }
- if (!$('#beechat').length)
- return;
- if (g_beechat_user != null) {
- g_beechat_user.requestSessionPause();
- BeeChat.UI.saveState();
- }
- BeeChat.UI.saveConnection();
- });
-/** Check whether the BeeChat tab is active or not
- *
- */
-$(window).bind('blur', function() {
- BeeChat.UI.HAS_FOCUS = false;
- });
-$(window).bind('focus', function() {
- BeeChat.UI.HAS_FOCUS = true;
- });
diff --git a/views/default/beechat/beechat.php b/views/default/beechat/beechat.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 397d35f74..000000000
--- a/views/default/beechat/beechat.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Beechat
- *
- * @package beechat
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Beechannels <contact@beechannels.com>
- * @copyright Beechannels 2007-2010
- * @link http://beechannels.com/
- */
-if (elgg_is_logged_in() && elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity()->chatenabled && elgg_get_context() != 'admin') {
-<div id="beechat">
- <div id="beechat_left">
- <a id="beechat_tooltip_trigger" href="<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $vars['config']->wwwroot; ?>favicon.ico" /></a>
- <div class="tooltip tooltipchat">
- <h3><?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:icons:home'); ?></h3>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="beechat_center">
- <span id="beechat_center_prev" class="prev"></span>
- <div id="beechat_scrollboxes"><ul></ul></div>
- <span id="beechat_center_next" class="next"></span>
- </div>
- <div id="beechat_right">
- <span id="beechat_contacts_button" class="offline">
- <?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:contacts:button'); ?>
- </span>
- </div>
- <div id="beechat_contacts">
- <div id="beechat_contacts_top">
- <span class="beechat_label"><?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:contacts:button'); ?></span>
- <div id="beechat_contacts_controls">
- <span id="beechat_contacts_control_minimize" class="beechat_control" title="<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:box:minimize'); ?>">_</span>
- </div>
- <br clear="all" />
- </div>
- <div id="beechat_availability_switcher">
- <span id="beechat_current_availability"></span>
- <span class="beechat_availability_switcher_control_down" id="beechat_availability_switcher_control"></span>
- </div>
- <div id="beechat_contacts_content">
- <ul id="beechat_contacts_list"></ul>
- <ul id="beechat_availability_switcher_list">
- <li class="beechat_left_availability_chat"><?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:available'); ?></li>
- <li class="beechat_left_availability_dnd"><?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:dnd'); ?></li>
- <li class="beechat_left_availability_away"><?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:away'); ?></li>
- <li class="beechat_left_availability_xa"><?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:xa'); ?></li>
- <li class="beechat_left_availability_offline"><?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:offline'); ?></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <div id="beechat_contacts_bottom">
- <span id="beechat_contacts_bottom_bar"></span>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="beechat_chatboxes"></div>
-<!-- SOUNDS -->
-<embed src="<?php echo $vars['config']->staticurl; ?>mod/beechat/sounds/newmessage.wav" autostart=false width=0 height=0
- id="beechat_sounds_new_message"
- enablejavascript="true" />
- $ts = time();
- $token = generate_action_token($ts);
- $(function () {
- var e = document.createElement('script');
- e.async = true;
- e.type = 'text/javascript';
- e.text = 'init_beechat("<?php echo $ts; ?>","<?php echo $token; ?>");';
- document.getElementById('beechat').appendChild(e);
- })
- }
diff --git a/views/default/beechat/beechat.userjs.php b/views/default/beechat/beechat.userjs.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ed59b683f..000000000
--- a/views/default/beechat/beechat.userjs.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<script type="text/javascript">
-BeeChat.Events.Messages = {
- ConnectionStates: {
- CONNECTING: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:connection:state:connecting'); ?>",
- AUTHENTICATING: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:connection:state:authenticating'); ?>",
- FAILED: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:connection:state:failed'); ?>",
- DISCONNECTING: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:connection:state:disconnecting'); ?>",
- OFFLINE: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:connection:state:offline'); ?>",
- ONLINE: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:connection:state:online'); ?>"
- }
- }
-BeeChat.UI.Resources.Strings = {
- Availability: {
- AVAILABLE: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:available'); ?>",
- CHAT: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:available'); ?>",
- ONLINE: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:available'); ?>",
- DND: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:dnd'); ?>",
- AWAY: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:away'); ?>",
- XA:"<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:xa'); ?>",
- OFFLINE: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:availability:offline'); ?>"
- },
- Contacts: {
- BUTTON: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:contacts:button'); ?>"
- },
- ChatMessages: {
- SELF: "<?php echo $_SESSION['user']->name; ?>",
- COMPOSING: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:chat:composing'); ?>"
- },
- Box: {
- MINIMIZE: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:box:minimize'); ?>",
- CLOSE: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:box:close'); ?>",
- SHOWHIDE: "<?php echo elgg_echo('beechat:box:showhide'); ?>"
- }
- }
-g_user_rooms = new Array();
-if (elgg_is_logged_in()) {
- $user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity();
- $chatrooms = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship(array('relationship' => 'groupchat',
- 'relationship_guid' => $user->guid,
- 'inverse_relationship' => false,
- 'limit' => 0));
- if (!empty($chatrooms)) {
- foreach($chatrooms as $chatroom) {
- echo "g_user_rooms.push(['".beechat_friendly_title($chatroom->name)."@".elgg_get_plugin_setting("groupdomain", "beechat")."', '".$chatroom->guid."']);";
- }
- }
diff --git a/views/default/beechat/screen.css.php b/views/default/beechat/screen.css.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 930e60089..000000000
--- a/views/default/beechat/screen.css.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,672 +0,0 @@
- global $CONFIG;
- $url = $CONFIG->wwwroot;
- * Beechat
- *
- * @package beechat
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Beechannels <contact@beechannels.com>
- * @copyright Beechannels 2007-2010
- * @link http://beechannels.com/
- */
-div#beechat {
- display: block !important;
- display: none;
- position: fixed;
- left: 1%;
- right: 1%;
- bottom: 0;
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0;
- height: 20px;
- z-index: 999;
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- font-size: 0.9em;
- color: #222222;
- background-color: #DDDDDD;
- border-top: 1px solid #BBBBBB;
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-div#beechat a img {
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-div#beechat a {
- text-decoration: none;
-div#beechat img {
- vertical-align: middle;
-div#beechat a:hover {
- text-decoration: underline;
-.beechat_control {
- cursor: pointer;
- color: #CCCCFF;
- font-size: 1.6em;
-.beechat_control:hover {
- color: white;
-.beechat_box_control {
- cursor: pointer;
- color: #888888;
- font-size: 1em;
-.beechat_box_control:hover {
- color: #222222;
-.beechat_chatbox_control {
- cursor: pointer;
- color: #CCCCFF;
- font-size: 1.6em;
-.beechat_chatbox_control:hover {
- color: white;
-.beechat_label {
- font-weight: bold;
- font-size: 1.1em;
-** -
-** left side
-** -
-div#beechat_left {
- position: absolute;
- top: 0;
- left: 0;
- width: 116px;
- height: 18px;
- margin: 0;
- padding: 1px 2px;
-** -
-** right side
-** -
-div#beechat_right {
- position: absolute;
- top: 0;
- right: 0;
- width: 220px;
- height: 20px;
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0 0 0 0;
- border-left: 1px solid #BBBBBB;
- border-right: 1px solid #BBBBBB;
-div#beechat_contacts {
- position: absolute;
- right: 0px;
- bottom: 0;
- width: 222px;
- height: 240px;
- margin: 0 auto 20px auto;
- padding: 0;
- display: none;
- background-color: white;
-div#beechat_contacts_top {
- color: white;
- background-color: #193C60;
- width: 220px;
- height: 32px;
- border-top: 1px solid #0B2C4F;
- border-left: 1px solid #0B2C4F;
- border-right: 1px solid #0B2C4F;
-div#beechat_contacts_top .beechat_label {
- float: left;
- height: 20px;
- padding: 6px;
-div#beechat_contacts_controls {
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0;
-div#beechat_contacts_controls span#beechat_contacts_control_minimize {
- position: relative;
- top: -7px;
- float: right;
- display: block;
- width: 20px;
- height: 20px;
- padding: 2px;
- font-size: 1.6em;
- font-weight: bold;
- text-align: center;
-span#beechat_contacts_button {
- display: block;
- width: 190px;
- padding: 2px 6px 0 24px;
- height: 18px;
- cursor: pointer;
- font-size: 1.1em;
- font-weight: normal;
- background-image: url('<?php echo $url; ?>mod/beechat/graphics/icons/statuses.png');
-span#beechat_contacts_button.online {
- background-position: 4px -750px;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
-span#beechat_contacts_button.dnd {
- background-position: 4px -796px;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
-span#beechat_contacts_button.away {
- background-position: 4px -842px;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
-span#beechat_contacts_button.offline {
- background-position: 4px -888px;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
-span#beechat_contacts_button:hover {
- background-color: white;
-div#beechat_availability_switcher {
- width: 218px;
- height: 24px;
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0 0 0 2px;
- background-color: #EEEEEE;
- border-left: 1px solid #666666;
- border-right: 1px solid #666666;
- border-bottom: 1px solid #BBBBBB;
-span#beechat_current_availability {
- float: left;
- padding: 4px 4px 4px 22px;
- font-weight: bold;
- cursor: pointer;
-span#beechat_current_availability:hover {
- text-decoration: underline;
-span#beechat_availability_switcher_control {
- float: right;
- width: 24px;
- height: 20px;
- cursor: pointer;
-span.beechat_availability_switcher_control_up {
- background: no-repeat 50% 50% url('<?php echo $url; ?>mod/beechat/graphics/icons/bullet_arrow_up.png');
-span.beechat_availability_switcher_control_down {
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-** -
-** center area
-** -
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-** --
-** availability classes
-** --
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-** --
-** tooltips
-** --
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-** --
-** chatboxes
-** --
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