diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendors/simpletest/test')
51 files changed, 10925 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/acceptance_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/acceptance_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9dbb5a35a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/acceptance_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,1633 @@ +<?php +// $Id: acceptance_test.php 1700 2008-03-24 16:17:48Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../compatibility.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../browser.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../web_tester.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../unit_tester.php'); + +class SimpleTestAcceptanceTest extends WebTestCase { + function samples() { + return 'http://www.lastcraft.com/test/'; + } +} + +class TestOfLiveBrowser extends UnitTestCase { + function samples() { + return SimpleTestAcceptanceTest::samples(); + } + + function testGet() { + $browser = &new SimpleBrowser(); + $browser->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + $this->assertTrue($browser->get($this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php')); + $this->assertPattern('/target for the SimpleTest/', $browser->getContent()); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>GET<\/dd>/', $browser->getContent()); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getTitle(), 'Simple test target file'); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getResponseCode(), 200); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getMimeType(), 'text/html'); + } + + function testPost() { + $browser = &new SimpleBrowser(); + $browser->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + $this->assertTrue($browser->post($this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php')); + $this->assertPattern('/target for the SimpleTest/', $browser->getContent()); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>POST<\/dd>/', $browser->getContent()); + } + + function testAbsoluteLinkFollowing() { + $browser = &new SimpleBrowser(); + $browser->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + $browser->get($this->samples() . 'link_confirm.php'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->clickLink('Absolute')); + $this->assertPattern('/target for the SimpleTest/', $browser->getContent()); + } + + function testRelativeEncodedeLinkFollowing() { + $browser = &new SimpleBrowser(); + $browser->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + $browser->get($this->samples() . 'link_confirm.php'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->clickLink("m�rc�l kiek'eboe")); + $this->assertPattern('/target for the SimpleTest/', $browser->getContent()); + } + + function testRelativeLinkFollowing() { + $browser = &new SimpleBrowser(); + $browser->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + $browser->get($this->samples() . 'link_confirm.php'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->clickLink('Relative')); + $this->assertPattern('/target for the SimpleTest/', $browser->getContent()); + } + + function testUnifiedClickLinkClicking() { + $browser = &new SimpleBrowser(); + $browser->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + $browser->get($this->samples() . 'link_confirm.php'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->click('Relative')); + $this->assertPattern('/target for the SimpleTest/', $browser->getContent()); + } + + function testIdLinkFollowing() { + $browser = &new SimpleBrowser(); + $browser->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + $browser->get($this->samples() . 'link_confirm.php'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->clickLinkById(1)); + $this->assertPattern('/target for the SimpleTest/', $browser->getContent()); + } + + function testCookieReading() { + $browser = &new SimpleBrowser(); + $browser->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + $browser->get($this->samples() . 'set_cookies.php'); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getCurrentCookieValue('session_cookie'), 'A'); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getCurrentCookieValue('short_cookie'), 'B'); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getCurrentCookieValue('day_cookie'), 'C'); + } + + function testSimpleSubmit() { + $browser = &new SimpleBrowser(); + $browser->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + $browser->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->clickSubmit('Go!')); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>POST<\/dd>/', $browser->getContent()); + $this->assertPattern('/go=\[Go!\]/', $browser->getContent()); + } + + function testUnifiedClickCanSubmit() { + $browser = &new SimpleBrowser(); + $browser->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + $browser->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->click('Go!')); + $this->assertPattern('/go=\[Go!\]/', $browser->getContent()); + } +} + +class TestRadioFields extends SimpleTestAcceptanceTest { + function testSetFieldAsInteger() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form_with_radio_buttons.html'); + $this->assertTrue($this->setField('tested_field', 2)); + $this->clickSubmitByName('send'); + $this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), $this->samples() . 'form_with_radio_buttons.html?tested_field=2&send=click+me'); + } + + function testSetFieldAsString() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form_with_radio_buttons.html'); + $this->assertTrue($this->setField('tested_field', '2')); + $this->clickSubmitByName('send'); + $this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), $this->samples() . 'form_with_radio_buttons.html?tested_field=2&send=click+me'); + } +} + +class TestOfLiveFetching extends SimpleTestAcceptanceTest { + function setUp() { + $this->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + } + + function testFormWithArrayBasedInputs() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form_with_array_based_inputs.php'); + $this->setField('value[]', '3', '1'); + $this->setField('value[]', '4', '2'); + $this->clickSubmit('Go'); + $this->assertPattern('/QUERY_STRING : value%5B%5D=3&value%5B%5D=4&submit=Go/'); + } + + function testFormWithQuotedValues() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form_with_quoted_values.php'); + $this->assertField('a', 'default'); + $this->assertFieldById('text_field', 'default'); + $this->clickSubmit('Go'); + $this->assertPattern('/a=default&submit=Go/'); + } + + function testGet() { + $this->assertTrue($this->get($this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php')); + $this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), $this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php'); + $this->assertText('target for the SimpleTest'); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>GET<\/dd>/'); + $this->assertTitle('Simple test target file'); + $this->assertTitle(new PatternExpectation('/target file/')); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertMime('text/html'); + $this->assertHeader('connection', 'close'); + $this->assertHeader('connection', new PatternExpectation('/los/')); + } + + function testSlowGet() { + $this->assertTrue($this->get($this->samples() . 'slow_page.php')); + } + + function testTimedOutGet() { + $this->setConnectionTimeout(1); + $this->ignoreErrors(); + $this->assertFalse($this->get($this->samples() . 'slow_page.php')); + } + + function testPost() { + $this->assertTrue($this->post($this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php')); + $this->assertText('target for the SimpleTest'); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>POST<\/dd>/'); + } + + function testGetWithData() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php', array("a" => "aaa")); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>GET<\/dd>/'); + $this->assertText('a=[aaa]'); + } + + function testPostWithData() { + $this->post($this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php', array("a" => "aaa")); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>POST<\/dd>/'); + $this->assertText('a=[aaa]'); + } + + function testPostWithRecursiveData() { + $this->post($this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php', array("a" => "aaa")); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>POST<\/dd>/'); + $this->assertText('a=[aaa]'); + + $this->post($this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php', array("a[aa]" => "aaa")); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>POST<\/dd>/'); + $this->assertText('a=[aa=[aaa]]'); + + $this->post($this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php', array("a[aa][aaa]" => "aaaa")); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>POST<\/dd>/'); + $this->assertText('a=[aa=[aaa=[aaaa]]]'); + + $this->post($this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php', array("a" => array("aa" => "aaa"))); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>POST<\/dd>/'); + $this->assertText('a=[aa=[aaa]]'); + + $this->post($this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php', array("a" => array("aa" => array("aaa" => "aaaa")))); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>POST<\/dd>/'); + $this->assertText('a=[aa=[aaa=[aaaa]]]'); + } + + function testRelativeGet() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'link_confirm.php'); + $this->assertTrue($this->get('network_confirm.php')); + $this->assertText('target for the SimpleTest'); + } + + function testRelativePost() { + $this->post($this->samples() . 'link_confirm.php'); + $this->assertTrue($this->post('network_confirm.php')); + $this->assertText('target for the SimpleTest'); + } +} + +class TestOfLinkFollowing extends SimpleTestAcceptanceTest { + function setUp() { + $this->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + } + + function testLinkAssertions() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'link_confirm.php'); + $this->assertLink('Absolute', $this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php'); + $this->assertLink('Absolute', new PatternExpectation('/confirm/')); + $this->assertClickable('Absolute'); + } + + function testAbsoluteLinkFollowing() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'link_confirm.php'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickLink('Absolute')); + $this->assertText('target for the SimpleTest'); + } + + function testRelativeLinkFollowing() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'link_confirm.php'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickLink('Relative')); + $this->assertText('target for the SimpleTest'); + } + + function testLinkIdFollowing() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'link_confirm.php'); + $this->assertLinkById(1); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickLinkById(1)); + $this->assertText('target for the SimpleTest'); + } + + function testAbsoluteUrlBehavesAbsolutely() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'link_confirm.php'); + $this->get('http://www.lastcraft.com'); + $this->assertText('No guarantee of quality is given or even intended'); + } + + function testRelativeUrlRespectsBaseTag() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'base_tag/base_link.html'); + $this->click('Back to test pages'); + $this->assertTitle('Simple test target file'); + } +} + +class TestOfLivePageLinkingWithMinimalLinks extends SimpleTestAcceptanceTest { + function setUp() { + $this->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + } + + function testClickToExplicitelyNamedSelfReturns() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/a_page.php'); + $this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), $this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/a_page.php'); + $this->assertTitle('Simple test page with links'); + $this->assertLink('Self'); + $this->clickLink('Self'); + $this->assertTitle('Simple test page with links'); + } + + function testClickToMissingPageReturnsToSamePage() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/a_page.php'); + $this->clickLink('No page'); + $this->assertTitle('Simple test page with links'); + $this->assertText('[action=no_page]'); + } + + function testClickToBareActionReturnsToSamePage() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/a_page.php'); + $this->clickLink('Bare action'); + $this->assertTitle('Simple test page with links'); + $this->assertText('[action=]'); + } + + function testClickToSingleQuestionMarkReturnsToSamePage() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/a_page.php'); + $this->clickLink('Empty query'); + $this->assertTitle('Simple test page with links'); + } + + function testClickToEmptyStringReturnsToSamePage() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/a_page.php'); + $this->clickLink('Empty link'); + $this->assertTitle('Simple test page with links'); + } + + function testClickToSingleDotGoesToCurrentDirectory() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/a_page.php'); + $this->clickLink('Current directory'); + $this->assertTitle( + 'Simple test front controller', + '%s -> index.php needs to be set as a default web server home page'); + } + + function testClickBackADirectoryLevel() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/'); + $this->clickLink('Down one'); + $this->assertPattern('|Index of .*?/test|i'); + } +} + +class TestOfLiveFrontControllerEmulation extends SimpleTestAcceptanceTest { + function setUp() { + $this->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + } + + function testJumpToNamedPage() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/'); + $this->assertText('Simple test front controller'); + $this->clickLink('Index'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('[action=index]'); + } + + function testJumpToUnnamedPage() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/'); + $this->clickLink('No page'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('Simple test front controller'); + $this->assertText('[action=no_page]'); + } + + function testJumpToUnnamedPageWithBareParameter() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/'); + $this->clickLink('Bare action'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('Simple test front controller'); + $this->assertText('[action=]'); + } + + function testJumpToUnnamedPageWithEmptyQuery() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/'); + $this->clickLink('Empty query'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertPattern('/Simple test front controller/'); + $this->assertPattern('/raw get data.*?\[\].*?get data/si'); + } + + function testJumpToUnnamedPageWithEmptyLink() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/'); + $this->clickLink('Empty link'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertPattern('/Simple test front controller/'); + $this->assertPattern('/raw get data.*?\[\].*?get data/si'); + } + + function testJumpBackADirectoryLevel() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/'); + $this->clickLink('Down one'); + $this->assertPattern('|Index of .*?/test|'); + } + + function testSubmitToNamedPage() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/'); + $this->assertText('Simple test front controller'); + $this->clickSubmit('Index'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('[action=Index]'); + } + + function testSubmitToSameDirectory() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/index.php'); + $this->clickSubmit('Same directory'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('[action=Same+directory]'); + } + + function testSubmitToEmptyAction() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/index.php'); + $this->clickSubmit('Empty action'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('[action=Empty+action]'); + } + + function testSubmitToNoAction() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/index.php'); + $this->clickSubmit('No action'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('[action=No+action]'); + } + + function testSubmitBackADirectoryLevel() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/'); + $this->clickSubmit('Down one'); + $this->assertPattern('|Index of .*?/test|'); + } + + function testSubmitToNamedPageWithMixedPostAndGet() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/?a=A'); + $this->assertText('Simple test front controller'); + $this->clickSubmit('Index post'); + $this->assertText('action=[Index post]'); + $this->assertNoText('[a=A]'); + } + + function testSubmitToSameDirectoryMixedPostAndGet() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/index.php?a=A'); + $this->clickSubmit('Same directory post'); + $this->assertText('action=[Same directory post]'); + $this->assertNoText('[a=A]'); + } + + function testSubmitToEmptyActionMixedPostAndGet() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/index.php?a=A'); + $this->clickSubmit('Empty action post'); + $this->assertText('action=[Empty action post]'); + $this->assertText('[a=A]'); + } + + function testSubmitToNoActionMixedPostAndGet() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'front_controller_style/index.php?a=A'); + $this->clickSubmit('No action post'); + $this->assertText('action=[No action post]'); + $this->assertText('[a=A]'); + } +} + +class TestOfLiveHeaders extends SimpleTestAcceptanceTest { + function setUp() { + $this->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + } + + function testConfirmingHeaderExistence() { + $this->get('http://www.lastcraft.com/'); + $this->assertHeader('content-type'); + $this->assertHeader('content-type', 'text/html'); + $this->assertHeaderPattern('content-type', '/HTML/i'); + $this->assertNoHeader('WWW-Authenticate'); + } +} + +class TestOfLiveRedirects extends SimpleTestAcceptanceTest { + function setUp() { + $this->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + } + + function testNoRedirects() { + $this->setMaximumRedirects(0); + $this->get($this->samples() . 'redirect.php'); + $this->assertTitle('Redirection test'); + } + + function testRedirects() { + $this->setMaximumRedirects(1); + $this->get($this->samples() . 'redirect.php'); + $this->assertTitle('Simple test target file'); + } + + function testRedirectLosesGetData() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'redirect.php', array('a' => 'aaa')); + $this->assertNoText('a=[aaa]'); + } + + function testRedirectKeepsExtraRequestDataOfItsOwn() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'redirect.php'); + $this->assertText('r=[rrr]'); + } + + function testRedirectLosesPostData() { + $this->post($this->samples() . 'redirect.php', array('a' => 'aaa')); + $this->assertTitle('Simple test target file'); + $this->assertNoText('a=[aaa]'); + } + + function testRedirectWithBaseUrlChange() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'base_change_redirect.php'); + $this->assertTitle('Simple test target file in folder'); + $this->get($this->samples() . 'path/base_change_redirect.php'); + $this->assertTitle('Simple test target file'); + } + + function testRedirectWithDoubleBaseUrlChange() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'double_base_change_redirect.php'); + $this->assertTitle('Simple test target file'); + } +} + +class TestOfLiveCookies extends SimpleTestAcceptanceTest { + function setUp() { + $this->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + } + + function here() { + return new SimpleUrl($this->samples()); + } + + function thisHost() { + $here = $this->here(); + return $here->getHost(); + } + + function thisPath() { + $here = $this->here(); + return $here->getPath(); + } + + function testCookieSettingAndAssertions() { + $this->setCookie('a', 'Test cookie a'); + $this->setCookie('b', 'Test cookie b', $this->thisHost()); + $this->setCookie('c', 'Test cookie c', $this->thisHost(), $this->thisPath()); + $this->get($this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php'); + $this->assertText('Test cookie a'); + $this->assertText('Test cookie b'); + $this->assertText('Test cookie c'); + $this->assertCookie('a'); + $this->assertCookie('b', 'Test cookie b'); + $this->assertTrue($this->getCookie('c') == 'Test cookie c'); + } + + function testNoCookieSetWhenCookiesDisabled() { + $this->setCookie('a', 'Test cookie a'); + $this->ignoreCookies(); + $this->get($this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php'); + $this->assertNoText('Test cookie a'); + } + + function testCookieReading() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'set_cookies.php'); + $this->assertCookie('session_cookie', 'A'); + $this->assertCookie('short_cookie', 'B'); + $this->assertCookie('day_cookie', 'C'); + } + + function testNoCookieReadingWhenCookiesDisabled() { + $this->ignoreCookies(); + $this->get($this->samples() . 'set_cookies.php'); + $this->assertNoCookie('session_cookie'); + $this->assertNoCookie('short_cookie'); + $this->assertNoCookie('day_cookie'); + } + + function testCookiePatternAssertions() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'set_cookies.php'); + $this->assertCookie('session_cookie', new PatternExpectation('/a/i')); + } + + function testTemporaryCookieExpiry() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'set_cookies.php'); + $this->restart(); + $this->assertNoCookie('session_cookie'); + $this->assertCookie('day_cookie', 'C'); + } + + function testTimedCookieExpiryWith100SecondMargin() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'set_cookies.php'); + $this->ageCookies(3600); + $this->restart(time() + 100); + $this->assertNoCookie('session_cookie'); + $this->assertNoCookie('hour_cookie'); + $this->assertCookie('day_cookie', 'C'); + } + + function testNoClockOverDriftBy100Seconds() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'set_cookies.php'); + $this->restart(time() + 200); + $this->assertNoCookie( + 'short_cookie', + '%s -> Please check your computer clock setting if you are not using NTP'); + } + + function testNoClockUnderDriftBy100Seconds() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'set_cookies.php'); + $this->restart(time() + 0); + $this->assertCookie( + 'short_cookie', + 'B', + '%s -> Please check your computer clock setting if you are not using NTP'); + } + + function testCookiePath() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'set_cookies.php'); + $this->assertNoCookie('path_cookie', 'D'); + $this->get('./path/show_cookies.php'); + $this->assertPattern('/path_cookie/'); + $this->assertCookie('path_cookie', 'D'); + } +} + +class LiveTestOfForms extends SimpleTestAcceptanceTest { + function setUp() { + $this->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + } + + function testSimpleSubmit() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit('Go!')); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>POST<\/dd>/'); + $this->assertText('go=[Go!]'); + } + + function testDefaultFormValues() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->assertFieldByName('a', ''); + $this->assertFieldByName('b', 'Default text'); + $this->assertFieldByName('c', ''); + $this->assertFieldByName('d', 'd1'); + $this->assertFieldByName('e', false); + $this->assertFieldByName('f', 'on'); + $this->assertFieldByName('g', 'g3'); + $this->assertFieldByName('h', 2); + $this->assertFieldByName('go', 'Go!'); + $this->assertClickable('Go!'); + $this->assertSubmit('Go!'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit('Go!')); + $this->assertText('go=[Go!]'); + $this->assertText('a=[]'); + $this->assertText('b=[Default text]'); + $this->assertText('c=[]'); + $this->assertText('d=[d1]'); + $this->assertNoText('e=['); + $this->assertText('f=[on]'); + $this->assertText('g=[g3]'); + } + + function testFormSubmissionByButtonLabel() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->setFieldByName('a', 'aaa'); + $this->setFieldByName('b', 'bbb'); + $this->setFieldByName('c', 'ccc'); + $this->setFieldByName('d', 'D2'); + $this->setFieldByName('e', 'on'); + $this->setFieldByName('f', false); + $this->setFieldByName('g', 'g2'); + $this->setFieldByName('h', 1); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit('Go!')); + $this->assertText('a=[aaa]'); + $this->assertText('b=[bbb]'); + $this->assertText('c=[ccc]'); + $this->assertText('d=[d2]'); + $this->assertText('e=[on]'); + $this->assertNoText('f=['); + $this->assertText('g=[g2]'); + } + + function testAdditionalFormValues() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit('Go!', array('add' => 'A'))); + $this->assertText('go=[Go!]'); + $this->assertText('add=[A]'); + } + + function testFormSubmissionByName() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->setFieldByName('a', 'A'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmitByName('go')); + $this->assertText('a=[A]'); + } + + function testFormSubmissionByNameAndAdditionalParameters() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmitByName('go', array('add' => 'A'))); + $this->assertText('go=[Go!]'); + $this->assertText('add=[A]'); + } + + function testFormSubmissionBySubmitButtonLabeledSubmit() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmitByName('test')); + $this->assertText('test=[Submit]'); + } + + function testFormSubmissionWithIds() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->assertFieldById(1, ''); + $this->assertFieldById(2, 'Default text'); + $this->assertFieldById(3, ''); + $this->assertFieldById(4, 'd1'); + $this->assertFieldById(5, false); + $this->assertFieldById(6, 'on'); + $this->assertFieldById(8, 'g3'); + $this->assertFieldById(11, 2); + $this->setFieldById(1, 'aaa'); + $this->setFieldById(2, 'bbb'); + $this->setFieldById(3, 'ccc'); + $this->setFieldById(4, 'D2'); + $this->setFieldById(5, 'on'); + $this->setFieldById(6, false); + $this->setFieldById(8, 'g2'); + $this->setFieldById(11, 'H1'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmitById(99)); + $this->assertText('a=[aaa]'); + $this->assertText('b=[bbb]'); + $this->assertText('c=[ccc]'); + $this->assertText('d=[d2]'); + $this->assertText('e=[on]'); + $this->assertNoText('f=['); + $this->assertText('g=[g2]'); + $this->assertText('h=[1]'); + $this->assertText('go=[Go!]'); + } + + function testFormSubmissionWithLabels() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->assertField('Text A', ''); + $this->assertField('Text B', 'Default text'); + $this->assertField('Text area C', ''); + $this->assertField('Selection D', 'd1'); + $this->assertField('Checkbox E', false); + $this->assertField('Checkbox F', 'on'); + $this->assertField('3', 'g3'); + $this->assertField('Selection H', 2); + $this->setField('Text A', 'aaa'); + $this->setField('Text B', 'bbb'); + $this->setField('Text area C', 'ccc'); + $this->setField('Selection D', 'D2'); + $this->setField('Checkbox E', 'on'); + $this->setField('Checkbox F', false); + $this->setField('2', 'g2'); + $this->setField('Selection H', 'H1'); + $this->clickSubmit('Go!'); + $this->assertText('a=[aaa]'); + $this->assertText('b=[bbb]'); + $this->assertText('c=[ccc]'); + $this->assertText('d=[d2]'); + $this->assertText('e=[on]'); + $this->assertNoText('f=['); + $this->assertText('g=[g2]'); + $this->assertText('h=[1]'); + $this->assertText('go=[Go!]'); + } + + function testSettingCheckboxWithBooleanTrueSetsUnderlyingValue() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->setField('Checkbox E', true); + $this->assertField('Checkbox E', 'on'); + $this->clickSubmit('Go!'); + $this->assertText('e=[on]'); + } + + function testFormSubmissionWithMixedPostAndGet() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form_with_mixed_post_and_get.html'); + $this->setField('Text A', 'Hello'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit('Go!')); + $this->assertText('a=[Hello]'); + $this->assertText('x=[X]'); + $this->assertText('y=[Y]'); + } + + function testFormSubmissionWithMixedPostAndEncodedGet() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form_with_mixed_post_and_get.html'); + $this->setField('Text B', 'Hello'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit('Go encoded!')); + $this->assertText('b=[Hello]'); + $this->assertText('x=[X]'); + $this->assertText('y=[Y]'); + } + + function testFormSubmissionWithoutAction() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form_without_action.php?test=test'); + $this->assertText('_GET : [test]'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit('Submit Post With Empty Action')); + $this->assertText('_GET : [test]'); + $this->assertText('_POST : [test]'); + } + + function testImageSubmissionByLabel() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->assertImage('Image go!'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickImage('Image go!', 10, 12)); + $this->assertText('go_x=[10]'); + $this->assertText('go_y=[12]'); + } + + function testImageSubmissionByLabelWithAdditionalParameters() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickImage('Image go!', 10, 12, array('add' => 'A'))); + $this->assertText('add=[A]'); + } + + function testImageSubmissionByName() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickImageByName('go', 10, 12)); + $this->assertText('go_x=[10]'); + $this->assertText('go_y=[12]'); + } + + function testImageSubmissionById() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickImageById(97, 10, 12)); + $this->assertText('go_x=[10]'); + $this->assertText('go_y=[12]'); + } + + function testButtonSubmissionByLabel() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit('Button go!', 10, 12)); + $this->assertPattern('/go=\[ButtonGo\]/s'); + } + + function testNamelessSubmitSendsNoValue() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form_with_unnamed_submit.html'); + $this->click('Go!'); + $this->assertNoText('Go!'); + $this->assertNoText('submit'); + } + + function testNamelessImageSendsXAndYValues() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form_with_unnamed_submit.html'); + $this->clickImage('Image go!', 4, 5); + $this->assertNoText('ImageGo'); + $this->assertText('x=[4]'); + $this->assertText('y=[5]'); + } + + function testNamelessButtonSendsNoValue() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form_with_unnamed_submit.html'); + $this->click('Button Go!'); + $this->assertNoText('ButtonGo'); + } + + function testSelfSubmit() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'self_form.php'); + $this->assertNoText('[Submitted]'); + $this->assertNoText('[Wrong form]'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit()); + $this->assertText('[Submitted]'); + $this->assertNoText('[Wrong form]'); + $this->assertTitle('Test of form self submission'); + } + + function testSelfSubmitWithParameters() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'self_form.php'); + $this->setFieldByName('visible', 'Resent'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit()); + $this->assertText('[Resent]'); + } + + function testSettingOfBlankOption() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->assertTrue($this->setFieldByName('d', '')); + $this->clickSubmit('Go!'); + $this->assertText('d=[]'); + } + + function testAssertingFieldValueWithPattern() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form.html'); + $this->setField('c', 'A very long string'); + $this->assertField('c', new PatternExpectation('/very long/')); + } + + function testSendingMultipartFormDataEncodedForm() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form_data_encoded_form.html'); + $this->assertField('Text A', ''); + $this->assertField('Text B', 'Default text'); + $this->assertField('Text area C', ''); + $this->assertField('Selection D', 'd1'); + $this->assertField('Checkbox E', false); + $this->assertField('Checkbox F', 'on'); + $this->assertField('3', 'g3'); + $this->assertField('Selection H', 2); + $this->setField('Text A', 'aaa'); + $this->setField('Text B', 'bbb'); + $this->setField('Text area C', 'ccc'); + $this->setField('Selection D', 'D2'); + $this->setField('Checkbox E', 'on'); + $this->setField('Checkbox F', false); + $this->setField('2', 'g2'); + $this->setField('Selection H', 'H1'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit('Go!')); + $this->assertText('a=[aaa]'); + $this->assertText('b=[bbb]'); + $this->assertText('c=[ccc]'); + $this->assertText('d=[d2]'); + $this->assertText('e=[on]'); + $this->assertNoText('f=['); + $this->assertText('g=[g2]'); + $this->assertText('h=[1]'); + $this->assertText('go=[Go!]'); + } + + function testSettingVariousBlanksInFields() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form_with_false_defaults.html'); + $this->assertField('Text A', ''); + $this->setField('Text A', '0'); + $this->assertField('Text A', '0'); + $this->assertField('Text area B', ''); + $this->setField('Text area B', '0'); + $this->assertField('Text area B', '0'); + $this->assertField('Text area C', " "); + $this->assertField('Selection D', ''); + $this->setField('Selection D', 'D2'); + $this->assertField('Selection D', 'D2'); + $this->setField('Selection D', 'D3'); + $this->assertField('Selection D', '0'); + $this->setField('Selection D', 'D4'); + $this->assertField('Selection D', '?'); + $this->assertField('Checkbox E', ''); + $this->assertField('Checkbox F', 'on'); + $this->assertField('Checkbox G', '0'); + $this->assertField('Checkbox H', '?'); + $this->assertFieldByName('i', 'on'); + $this->setFieldByName('i', ''); + $this->assertFieldByName('i', ''); + $this->setFieldByName('i', '0'); + $this->assertFieldByName('i', '0'); + $this->setFieldByName('i', '?'); + $this->assertFieldByName('i', '?'); + } + + function testSubmissionOfBlankFields() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form_with_false_defaults.html'); + $this->setField('Text A', ''); + $this->setField('Text area B', ''); + $this->setFieldByName('i', ''); + $this->click('Go!'); + $this->assertText('a=[]'); + $this->assertText('b=[]'); + $this->assertPattern('/c=\[ \]/'); + $this->assertText('d=[]'); + $this->assertText('e=[]'); + $this->assertText('i=[]'); + } + + function testSubmissionOfEmptyValues() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form_with_false_defaults.html'); + $this->setField('Selection D', 'D2'); + $this->click('Go!'); + $this->assertText('a=[]'); + $this->assertText('b=[]'); + $this->assertText('d=[D2]'); + $this->assertText('f=[on]'); + $this->assertText('i=[on]'); + } + + function testSubmissionOfZeroes() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form_with_false_defaults.html'); + $this->setField('Text A', '0'); + $this->setField('Text area B', '0'); + $this->setField('Selection D', 'D3'); + $this->setFieldByName('i', '0'); + $this->click('Go!'); + $this->assertText('a=[0]'); + $this->assertText('b=[0]'); + $this->assertText('d=[0]'); + $this->assertText('g=[0]'); + $this->assertText('i=[0]'); + } + + function testSubmissionOfQuestionMarks() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form_with_false_defaults.html'); + $this->setField('Text A', '?'); + $this->setField('Text area B', '?'); + $this->setField('Selection D', 'D4'); + $this->setFieldByName('i', '?'); + $this->click('Go!'); + $this->assertText('a=[?]'); + $this->assertText('b=[?]'); + $this->assertText('d=[?]'); + $this->assertText('h=[?]'); + $this->assertText('i=[?]'); + } + + function testSubmissionOfHtmlEncodedValues() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'form_with_tricky_defaults.html'); + $this->assertField('Text A', '&\'"<>'); + $this->assertField('Text B', '"'); + $this->assertField('Text area C', '&\'"<>'); + $this->assertField('Selection D', "'"); + $this->assertField('Checkbox E', '&\'"<>'); + $this->assertField('Checkbox F', false); + $this->assertFieldByname('i', "'"); + $this->click('Go!'); + $this->assertText('a=[&\'"<>, "]'); + $this->assertText('c=[&\'"<>]'); + $this->assertText("d=[']"); + $this->assertText('e=[&\'"<>]'); + $this->assertText("i=[']"); + } + + function testFormActionRespectsBaseTag() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'base_tag/form.html'); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit('Go!')); + $this->assertText('go=[Go!]'); + $this->assertText('a=[]'); + } +} + +class TestOfLiveMultiValueWidgets extends SimpleTestAcceptanceTest { + function setUp() { + $this->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + } + + function testDefaultFormValueSubmission() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'multiple_widget_form.html'); + $this->assertFieldByName('a', array('a2', 'a3')); + $this->assertFieldByName('b', array('b2', 'b3')); + $this->assertFieldByName('c[]', array('c2', 'c3')); + $this->assertFieldByName('d', array('2', '3')); + $this->assertFieldByName('e', array('2', '3')); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit('Go!')); + $this->assertText('a=[a2, a3]'); + $this->assertText('b=[b2, b3]'); + $this->assertText('c=[c2, c3]'); + $this->assertText('d=[2, 3]'); + $this->assertText('e=[2, 3]'); + } + + function testSubmittingMultipleValues() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'multiple_widget_form.html'); + $this->setFieldByName('a', array('a1', 'a4')); + $this->assertFieldByName('a', array('a1', 'a4')); + $this->assertFieldByName('a', array('a4', 'a1')); + $this->setFieldByName('b', array('b1', 'b4')); + $this->assertFieldByName('b', array('b1', 'b4')); + $this->setFieldByName('c[]', array('c1', 'c4')); + $this->assertField('c[]', array('c1', 'c4')); + $this->setFieldByName('d', array('1', '4')); + $this->assertField('d', array('1', '4')); + $this->setFieldByName('e', array('e1', 'e4')); + $this->assertField('e', array('1', '4')); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit('Go!')); + $this->assertText('a=[a1, a4]'); + $this->assertText('b=[b1, b4]'); + $this->assertText('c=[c1, c4]'); + $this->assertText('d=[1, 4]'); + $this->assertText('e=[1, 4]'); + } + + function testSettingByOptionValue() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'multiple_widget_form.html'); + $this->setFieldByName('d', array('1', '4')); + $this->assertField('d', array('1', '4')); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit('Go!')); + $this->assertText('d=[1, 4]'); + } + + function testSubmittingMultipleValuesByLabel() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'multiple_widget_form.html'); + $this->setField('Multiple selection A', array('a1', 'a4')); + $this->assertField('Multiple selection A', array('a1', 'a4')); + $this->assertField('Multiple selection A', array('a4', 'a1')); + $this->setField('multiple selection C', array('c1', 'c4')); + $this->assertField('multiple selection C', array('c1', 'c4')); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit('Go!')); + $this->assertText('a=[a1, a4]'); + $this->assertText('c=[c1, c4]'); + } + + function testSavantStyleHiddenFieldDefaults() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'savant_style_form.html'); + $this->assertFieldByName('a', array('a0')); + $this->assertFieldByName('b', array('b0')); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit('Go!')); + $this->assertText('a=[a0]'); + $this->assertText('b=[b0]'); + } + + function testSavantStyleHiddenDefaultsAreOverridden() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'savant_style_form.html'); + $this->assertTrue($this->setFieldByName('a', array('a1'))); + $this->assertTrue($this->setFieldByName('b', 'b1')); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmit('Go!')); + $this->assertText('a=[a1]'); + $this->assertText('b=[b1]'); + } + + function testSavantStyleFormSettingById() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'savant_style_form.html'); + $this->assertFieldById(1, array('a0')); + $this->assertFieldById(4, array('b0')); + $this->assertTrue($this->setFieldById(2, 'a1')); + $this->assertTrue($this->setFieldById(5, 'b1')); + $this->assertTrue($this->clickSubmitById(99)); + $this->assertText('a=[a1]'); + $this->assertText('b=[b1]'); + } +} + +class TestOfFileUploads extends SimpleTestAcceptanceTest { + function setUp() { + $this->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + } + + function testSingleFileUpload() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'upload_form.html'); + $this->assertTrue($this->setField('Content:', + dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/upload_sample.txt')); + $this->assertField('Content:', dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/upload_sample.txt'); + $this->click('Go!'); + $this->assertText('Sample for testing file upload'); + } + + function testMultipleFileUpload() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'upload_form.html'); + $this->assertTrue($this->setField('Content:', + dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/upload_sample.txt')); + $this->assertTrue($this->setField('Supplemental:', + dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/supplementary_upload_sample.txt')); + $this->assertField('Supplemental:', + dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/supplementary_upload_sample.txt'); + $this->click('Go!'); + $this->assertText('Sample for testing file upload'); + $this->assertText('Some more text content'); + } + + function testBinaryFileUpload() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'upload_form.html'); + $this->assertTrue($this->setField('Content:', + dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/latin1_sample')); + $this->click('Go!'); + $this->assertText( + implode('', file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/latin1_sample'))); + } +} + +class TestOfLiveHistoryNavigation extends SimpleTestAcceptanceTest { + function setUp() { + $this->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + } + + function testRetry() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'cookie_based_counter.php'); + $this->assertPattern('/count: 1/i'); + $this->retry(); + $this->assertPattern('/count: 2/i'); + $this->retry(); + $this->assertPattern('/count: 3/i'); + } + + function testOfBackButton() { + $this->get($this->samples() . '1.html'); + $this->clickLink('2'); + $this->assertTitle('2'); + $this->assertTrue($this->back()); + $this->assertTitle('1'); + $this->assertTrue($this->forward()); + $this->assertTitle('2'); + $this->assertFalse($this->forward()); + } + + function testGetRetryResubmitsData() { + $this->assertTrue($this->get( + $this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php?a=aaa')); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>GET<\/dd>/'); + $this->assertText('a=[aaa]'); + $this->retry(); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>GET<\/dd>/'); + $this->assertText('a=[aaa]'); + } + + function testGetRetryResubmitsExtraData() { + $this->assertTrue($this->get( + $this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php', + array('a' => 'aaa'))); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>GET<\/dd>/'); + $this->assertText('a=[aaa]'); + $this->retry(); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>GET<\/dd>/'); + $this->assertText('a=[aaa]'); + } + + function testPostRetryResubmitsData() { + $this->assertTrue($this->post( + $this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php', + array('a' => 'aaa'))); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>POST<\/dd>/'); + $this->assertText('a=[aaa]'); + $this->retry(); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>POST<\/dd>/'); + $this->assertText('a=[aaa]'); + } + + function testGetRetryResubmitsRepeatedData() { + $this->assertTrue($this->get( + $this->samples() . 'network_confirm.php?a=1&a=2')); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>GET<\/dd>/'); + $this->assertText('a=[1, 2]'); + $this->retry(); + $this->assertPattern('/Request method.*?<dd>GET<\/dd>/'); + $this->assertText('a=[1, 2]'); + } +} + +class TestOfLiveAuthentication extends SimpleTestAcceptanceTest { + function setUp() { + $this->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + } + + function testChallengeFromProtectedPage() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'protected/'); + $this->assertResponse(401); + $this->assertAuthentication('Basic'); + $this->assertRealm('SimpleTest basic authentication'); + $this->assertRealm(new PatternExpectation('/simpletest/i')); + $this->authenticate('test', 'secret'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->retry(); + $this->assertResponse(200); + } + + function testTrailingSlashImpliedWithinRealm() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'protected/'); + $this->authenticate('test', 'secret'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->get($this->samples() . 'protected'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + } + + function testTrailingSlashImpliedSettingRealm() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'protected'); + $this->authenticate('test', 'secret'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->get($this->samples() . 'protected/'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + } + + function testEncodedAuthenticationFetchesPage() { + $this->get('http://test:secret@www.lastcraft.com/test/protected/'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + } + + function testEncodedAuthenticationFetchesPageAfterTrailingSlashRedirect() { + $this->get('http://test:secret@www.lastcraft.com/test/protected'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + } + + function testRealmExtendsToWholeDirectory() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'protected/1.html'); + $this->authenticate('test', 'secret'); + $this->clickLink('2'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->clickLink('3'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + } + + function testRedirectKeepsAuthentication() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'protected/local_redirect.php'); + $this->authenticate('test', 'secret'); + $this->assertTitle('Simple test target file'); + } + + function testRedirectKeepsEncodedAuthentication() { + $this->get('http://test:secret@www.lastcraft.com/test/protected/local_redirect.php'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertTitle('Simple test target file'); + } + + function testSessionRestartLosesAuthentication() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'protected/'); + $this->authenticate('test', 'secret'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->restart(); + $this->get($this->samples() . 'protected/'); + $this->assertResponse(401); + } +} + +class TestOfLoadingFrames extends SimpleTestAcceptanceTest { + function setUp() { + $this->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + } + + function testNoFramesContentWhenFramesDisabled() { + $this->ignoreFrames(); + $this->get($this->samples() . 'one_page_frameset.html'); + $this->assertTitle('Frameset for testing of SimpleTest'); + $this->assertText('This content is for no frames only'); + } + + function testPatternMatchCanReadTheOnlyFrame() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'one_page_frameset.html'); + $this->assertText('A target for the SimpleTest test suite'); + $this->assertNoText('This content is for no frames only'); + } + + function testMessyFramesetResponsesByName() { + $this->assertTrue($this->get( + $this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html')); + $this->assertTitle('Frameset for testing of SimpleTest'); + + $this->assertTrue($this->setFrameFocus('Front controller')); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('Simple test front controller'); + + $this->assertTrue($this->setFrameFocus('One')); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertLink('2'); + + $this->assertTrue($this->setFrameFocus('Frame links')); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertLink('Set one to 2'); + + $this->assertTrue($this->setFrameFocus('Counter')); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('Count: 1'); + + $this->assertTrue($this->setFrameFocus('Redirected')); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('r=rrr'); + + $this->assertTrue($this->setFrameFocus('Protected')); + $this->assertResponse(401); + + $this->assertTrue($this->setFrameFocus('Protected redirect')); + $this->assertResponse(401); + + $this->assertTrue($this->setFrameFocusByIndex(1)); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('Simple test front controller'); + + $this->assertTrue($this->setFrameFocusByIndex(2)); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertLink('2'); + + $this->assertTrue($this->setFrameFocusByIndex(3)); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertLink('Set one to 2'); + + $this->assertTrue($this->setFrameFocusByIndex(4)); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('Count: 1'); + + $this->assertTrue($this->setFrameFocusByIndex(5)); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('r=rrr'); + + $this->assertTrue($this->setFrameFocusByIndex(6)); + $this->assertResponse(401); + + $this->assertTrue($this->setFrameFocusByIndex(7)); + } + + function testReloadingFramesetPage() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->assertText('Count: 1'); + $this->retry(); + $this->assertText('Count: 2'); + $this->retry(); + $this->assertText('Count: 3'); + } + + function testReloadingSingleFrameWithCookieCounter() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'counting_frameset.html'); + $this->setFrameFocus('a'); + $this->assertText('Count: 1'); + $this->setFrameFocus('b'); + $this->assertText('Count: 2'); + + $this->setFrameFocus('a'); + $this->retry(); + $this->assertText('Count: 3'); + $this->retry(); + $this->assertText('Count: 4'); + $this->setFrameFocus('b'); + $this->assertText('Count: 2'); + } + + function testReloadingFrameWhenUnfocusedReloadsWholeFrameset() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'counting_frameset.html'); + $this->setFrameFocus('a'); + $this->assertText('Count: 1'); + $this->setFrameFocus('b'); + $this->assertText('Count: 2'); + + $this->clearFrameFocus('a'); + $this->retry(); + + $this->assertTitle('Frameset for testing of SimpleTest'); + $this->setFrameFocus('a'); + $this->assertText('Count: 3'); + $this->setFrameFocus('b'); + $this->assertText('Count: 4'); + } + + function testClickingNormalLinkReplacesJustThatFrame() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->clickLink('2'); + $this->assertLink('3'); + $this->assertText('Simple test front controller'); + } + + function testJumpToNamedPageReplacesJustThatFrame() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->assertPattern('/Simple test front controller/'); + $this->clickLink('Index'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('[action=index]'); + $this->assertText('Count: 1'); + } + + function testJumpToUnnamedPageReplacesJustThatFrame() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->clickLink('No page'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('Simple test front controller'); + $this->assertText('[action=no_page]'); + $this->assertText('Count: 1'); + } + + function testJumpToUnnamedPageWithBareParameterReplacesJustThatFrame() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->clickLink('Bare action'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('Simple test front controller'); + $this->assertText('[action=]'); + $this->assertText('Count: 1'); + } + + function testJumpToUnnamedPageWithEmptyQueryReplacesJustThatFrame() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->clickLink('Empty query'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertPattern('/Simple test front controller/'); + $this->assertPattern('/raw get data.*?\[\].*?get data/si'); + $this->assertPattern('/Count: 1/'); + } + + function testJumpToUnnamedPageWithEmptyLinkReplacesJustThatFrame() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->clickLink('Empty link'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertPattern('/Simple test front controller/'); + $this->assertPattern('/raw get data.*?\[\].*?get data/si'); + $this->assertPattern('/Count: 1/'); + } + + function testJumpBackADirectoryLevelReplacesJustThatFrame() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->clickLink('Down one'); + $this->assertPattern('/index of .*\/test/i'); + $this->assertPattern('/Count: 1/'); + } + + function testSubmitToNamedPageReplacesJustThatFrame() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->assertPattern('/Simple test front controller/'); + $this->clickSubmit('Index'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('[action=Index]'); + $this->assertText('Count: 1'); + } + + function testSubmitToSameDirectoryReplacesJustThatFrame() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->clickSubmit('Same directory'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('[action=Same+directory]'); + $this->assertText('Count: 1'); + } + + function testSubmitToEmptyActionReplacesJustThatFrame() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->clickSubmit('Empty action'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('[action=Empty+action]'); + $this->assertText('Count: 1'); + } + + function testSubmitToNoActionReplacesJustThatFrame() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->clickSubmit('No action'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('[action=No+action]'); + $this->assertText('Count: 1'); + } + + function testSubmitBackADirectoryLevelReplacesJustThatFrame() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->clickSubmit('Down one'); + $this->assertPattern('/index of .*\/test/i'); + $this->assertPattern('/Count: 1/'); + } + + function testTopLinkExitsFrameset() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->clickLink('Exit the frameset'); + $this->assertTitle('Simple test target file'); + } + + function testLinkInOnePageCanLoadAnother() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->assertNoLink('3'); + $this->clickLink('Set one to 2'); + $this->assertLink('3'); + $this->assertNoLink('2'); + $this->assertTitle('Frameset for testing of SimpleTest'); + } + + function testFrameWithRelativeLinksRespectsBaseTagForThatPage() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'base_tag/frameset.html'); + $this->click('Back to test pages'); + $this->assertTitle('Frameset for testing of SimpleTest'); + $this->assertText('A target for the SimpleTest test suite'); + } + + function testRelativeLinkInFrameIsNotAffectedByFramesetBaseTag() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'base_tag/frameset_with_base_tag.html'); + $this->assertText('This is page 1'); + $this->click('To page 2'); + $this->assertTitle('Frameset for testing of SimpleTest'); + $this->assertText('This is page 2'); + } +} + +class TestOfFrameAuthentication extends SimpleTestAcceptanceTest { + function setUp() { + $this->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + } + + function testUnauthenticatedFrameSendsChallenge() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'protected/'); + $this->setFrameFocus('Protected'); + $this->assertAuthentication('Basic'); + $this->assertRealm('SimpleTest basic authentication'); + $this->assertResponse(401); + } + + function testCanReadFrameFromAlreadyAuthenticatedRealm() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'protected/'); + $this->authenticate('test', 'secret'); + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->setFrameFocus('Protected'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('A target for the SimpleTest test suite'); + } + + function testCanAuthenticateFrame() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->setFrameFocus('Protected'); + $this->authenticate('test', 'secret'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('A target for the SimpleTest test suite'); + $this->clearFrameFocus(); + $this->assertText('Count: 1'); + } + + function testCanAuthenticateRedirectedFrame() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'messy_frameset.html'); + $this->setFrameFocus('Protected redirect'); + $this->assertResponse(401); + $this->authenticate('test', 'secret'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertText('A target for the SimpleTest test suite'); + $this->clearFrameFocus(); + $this->assertText('Count: 1'); + } +} + +class TestOfNestedFrames extends SimpleTestAcceptanceTest { + function setUp() { + $this->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + } + + function testCanNavigateToSpecificContent() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'nested_frameset.html'); + $this->assertTitle('Nested frameset for testing of SimpleTest'); + + $this->assertPattern('/This is frame A/'); + $this->assertPattern('/This is frame B/'); + $this->assertPattern('/Simple test front controller/'); + $this->assertLink('2'); + $this->assertLink('Set one to 2'); + $this->assertPattern('/Count: 1/'); + $this->assertPattern('/r=rrr/'); + + $this->setFrameFocus('pair'); + $this->assertPattern('/This is frame A/'); + $this->assertPattern('/This is frame B/'); + $this->assertNoPattern('/Simple test front controller/'); + $this->assertNoLink('2'); + + $this->setFrameFocus('aaa'); + $this->assertPattern('/This is frame A/'); + $this->assertNoPattern('/This is frame B/'); + + $this->clearFrameFocus(); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->setFrameFocus('messy'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->setFrameFocus('Front controller'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertPattern('/Simple test front controller/'); + $this->assertNoLink('2'); + } + + function testReloadingFramesetPage() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'nested_frameset.html'); + $this->assertPattern('/Count: 1/'); + $this->retry(); + $this->assertPattern('/Count: 2/'); + $this->retry(); + $this->assertPattern('/Count: 3/'); + } + + function testRetryingNestedPageOnlyRetriesThatSet() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'nested_frameset.html'); + $this->assertPattern('/Count: 1/'); + $this->setFrameFocus('messy'); + $this->retry(); + $this->assertPattern('/Count: 2/'); + $this->setFrameFocus('Counter'); + $this->retry(); + $this->assertPattern('/Count: 3/'); + + $this->clearFrameFocus(); + $this->setFrameFocus('messy'); + $this->setFrameFocus('Front controller'); + $this->retry(); + + $this->clearFrameFocus(); + $this->assertPattern('/Count: 3/'); + } + + function testAuthenticatingNestedPage() { + $this->get($this->samples() . 'nested_frameset.html'); + $this->setFrameFocus('messy'); + $this->setFrameFocus('Protected'); + $this->assertAuthentication('Basic'); + $this->assertRealm('SimpleTest basic authentication'); + $this->assertResponse(401); + + $this->authenticate('test', 'secret'); + $this->assertResponse(200); + $this->assertPattern('/A target for the SimpleTest test suite/'); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/adapter_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/adapter_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f4564ea87 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/adapter_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +<?php +// $Id: adapter_test.php 1505 2007-04-30 23:39:59Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../extensions/pear_test_case.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../extensions/phpunit_test_case.php'); + +class SameTestClass { +} + +class TestOfPearAdapter extends PHPUnit_TestCase { + + function testBoolean() { + $this->assertTrue(true, "PEAR true"); + $this->assertFalse(false, "PEAR false"); + } + + function testName() { + $this->assertTrue($this->getName() == get_class($this)); + } + + function testPass() { + $this->pass("PEAR pass"); + } + + function testNulls() { + $value = null; + $this->assertNull($value, "PEAR null"); + $value = 0; + $this->assertNotNull($value, "PEAR not null"); + } + + function testType() { + $this->assertType("Hello", "string", "PEAR type"); + } + + function testEquals() { + $this->assertEquals(12, 12, "PEAR identity"); + $this->setLooselyTyped(true); + $this->assertEquals("12", 12, "PEAR equality"); + } + + function testSame() { + $same = &new SameTestClass(); + $this->assertSame($same, $same, "PEAR same"); + } + + function testRegExp() { + $this->assertRegExp('/hello/', "A big hello from me", "PEAR regex"); + } +} + +class TestOfPhpUnitAdapter extends TestCase { + function TestOfPhpUnitAdapter() { + $this->TestCase('TestOfPhpUnitAdapter'); + } + + function testBoolean() { + $this->assert(true, 'PHP Unit true'); + } + + function testName() { + $this->assert($this->name() == 'TestOfPhpUnitAdapter'); + } + + function testEquals() { + $this->assertEquals(12, 12, 'PHP Unit equality'); + } + + function testMultilineEquals() { + $this->assertEquals("a\nb\n", "a\nb\n", 'PHP Unit equality'); + } + + function testRegExp() { + $this->assertRegexp('/hello/', 'A big hello from me', 'PHPUnit regex'); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/all_tests.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/all_tests.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..99ce9451e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/all_tests.php @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +<?php +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); + +class AllTests extends TestSuite { + function AllTests() { + $this->TestSuite('All tests for SimpleTest ' . SimpleTest::getVersion()); + $this->addFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/unit_tests.php'); + $this->addFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/shell_test.php'); + $this->addFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/live_test.php'); + $this->addFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/acceptance_test.php'); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/authentication_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/authentication_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8573eddc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/authentication_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +<?php +// $Id: authentication_test.php 1505 2007-04-30 23:39:59Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../authentication.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../http.php'); +Mock::generate('SimpleHttpRequest'); + +class TestOfRealm extends UnitTestCase { + + function testWithinSameUrl() { + $realm = &new SimpleRealm( + 'Basic', + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/hello.html')); + $this->assertTrue($realm->isWithin( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/hello.html'))); + } + + function testInsideWithLongerUrl() { + $realm = &new SimpleRealm( + 'Basic', + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/')); + $this->assertTrue($realm->isWithin( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/hello.html'))); + } + + function testBelowRootIsOutside() { + $realm = &new SimpleRealm( + 'Basic', + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/')); + $this->assertTrue($realm->isWithin( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/more/hello.html'))); + } + + function testOldNetscapeDefinitionIsOutside() { + $realm = &new SimpleRealm( + 'Basic', + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/')); + $this->assertFalse($realm->isWithin( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/pathmore/hello.html'))); + } + + function testInsideWithMissingTrailingSlash() { + $realm = &new SimpleRealm( + 'Basic', + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/')); + $this->assertTrue($realm->isWithin( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path'))); + } + + function testDifferentPageNameStillInside() { + $realm = &new SimpleRealm( + 'Basic', + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/hello.html')); + $this->assertTrue($realm->isWithin( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/goodbye.html'))); + } + + function testNewUrlInSameDirectoryDoesNotChangeRealm() { + $realm = &new SimpleRealm( + 'Basic', + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/hello.html')); + $realm->stretch(new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/goodbye.html')); + $this->assertTrue($realm->isWithin( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/index.html'))); + $this->assertFalse($realm->isWithin( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/index.html'))); + } + + function testNewUrlMakesRealmTheCommonPath() { + $realm = &new SimpleRealm( + 'Basic', + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/here/hello.html')); + $realm->stretch(new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/there/goodbye.html')); + $this->assertTrue($realm->isWithin( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/here/index.html'))); + $this->assertTrue($realm->isWithin( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/there/index.html'))); + $this->assertTrue($realm->isWithin( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/index.html'))); + $this->assertFalse($realm->isWithin( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/index.html'))); + $this->assertFalse($realm->isWithin( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/paths/index.html'))); + $this->assertFalse($realm->isWithin( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/pathindex.html'))); + } +} + +class TestOfAuthenticator extends UnitTestCase { + + function testNoRealms() { + $request = &new MockSimpleHttpRequest(); + $request->expectNever('addHeaderLine'); + $authenticator = &new SimpleAuthenticator(); + $authenticator->addHeaders($request, new SimpleUrl('http://here.com/')); + } + + function &createSingleRealm() { + $authenticator = &new SimpleAuthenticator(); + $authenticator->addRealm( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/hello.html'), + 'Basic', + 'Sanctuary'); + $authenticator->setIdentityForRealm('www.here.com', 'Sanctuary', 'test', 'secret'); + return $authenticator; + } + + function testOutsideRealm() { + $request = &new MockSimpleHttpRequest(); + $request->expectNever('addHeaderLine'); + $authenticator = &$this->createSingleRealm(); + $authenticator->addHeaders( + $request, + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/hello.html')); + } + + function testWithinRealm() { + $request = &new MockSimpleHttpRequest(); + $request->expectOnce('addHeaderLine'); + $authenticator = &$this->createSingleRealm(); + $authenticator->addHeaders( + $request, + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/path/more/hello.html')); + } + + function testRestartingClearsRealm() { + $request = &new MockSimpleHttpRequest(); + $request->expectNever('addHeaderLine'); + $authenticator = &$this->createSingleRealm(); + $authenticator->restartSession(); + $authenticator->addHeaders( + $request, + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/hello.html')); + } + + function testDifferentHostIsOutsideRealm() { + $request = &new MockSimpleHttpRequest(); + $request->expectNever('addHeaderLine'); + $authenticator = &$this->createSingleRealm(); + $authenticator->addHeaders( + $request, + new SimpleUrl('http://here.com/path/hello.html')); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/autorun_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/autorun_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..76c919d6c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/autorun_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +<?php
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php');
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/test1.php');
+class LoadIfIncludedTestCase extends UnitTestCase {
+ function test_load_if_included() {
+ $tests = new GroupTest();
+ $tests->addFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/test1.php');
+ $this->assertEqual($tests->getSize(), 1);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/bad_test_suite.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/bad_test_suite.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b426013be --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/bad_test_suite.php @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +<?php +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); + +class BadTestCases extends TestSuite { + function BadTestCases() { + $this->TestSuite('Two bad test cases'); + $this->addFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/empty_test_file.php'); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/browser_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/browser_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..18faee8f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/browser_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,779 @@ +<?php +// $Id: browser_test.php 1624 2008-01-01 15:00:43Z pp11 $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../browser.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../user_agent.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../http.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../page.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../encoding.php'); + +Mock::generate('SimpleHttpResponse'); +Mock::generate('SimplePage'); +Mock::generate('SimpleForm'); +Mock::generate('SimpleUserAgent'); +Mock::generatePartial( + 'SimpleBrowser', + 'MockParseSimpleBrowser', + array('_createUserAgent', '_parse')); +Mock::generatePartial( + 'SimpleBrowser', + 'MockUserAgentSimpleBrowser', + array('_createUserAgent')); + +class TestOfHistory extends UnitTestCase { + + function testEmptyHistoryHasFalseContents() { + $history = &new SimpleBrowserHistory(); + $this->assertIdentical($history->getUrl(), false); + $this->assertIdentical($history->getParameters(), false); + } + + function testCannotMoveInEmptyHistory() { + $history = &new SimpleBrowserHistory(); + $this->assertFalse($history->back()); + $this->assertFalse($history->forward()); + } + + function testCurrentTargetAccessors() { + $history = &new SimpleBrowserHistory(); + $history->recordEntry( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertIdentical($history->getUrl(), new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/')); + $this->assertIdentical($history->getParameters(), new SimpleGetEncoding()); + } + + function testSecondEntryAccessors() { + $history = &new SimpleBrowserHistory(); + $history->recordEntry( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.first.com/'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $history->recordEntry( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.second.com/'), + new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 1))); + $this->assertIdentical($history->getUrl(), new SimpleUrl('http://www.second.com/')); + $this->assertIdentical( + $history->getParameters(), + new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 1))); + } + + function testGoingBackwards() { + $history = &new SimpleBrowserHistory(); + $history->recordEntry( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.first.com/'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $history->recordEntry( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.second.com/'), + new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 1))); + $this->assertTrue($history->back()); + $this->assertIdentical($history->getUrl(), new SimpleUrl('http://www.first.com/')); + $this->assertIdentical($history->getParameters(), new SimpleGetEncoding()); + } + + function testGoingBackwardsOffBeginning() { + $history = &new SimpleBrowserHistory(); + $history->recordEntry( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.first.com/'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertFalse($history->back()); + $this->assertIdentical($history->getUrl(), new SimpleUrl('http://www.first.com/')); + $this->assertIdentical($history->getParameters(), new SimpleGetEncoding()); + } + + function testGoingForwardsOffEnd() { + $history = &new SimpleBrowserHistory(); + $history->recordEntry( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.first.com/'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertFalse($history->forward()); + $this->assertIdentical($history->getUrl(), new SimpleUrl('http://www.first.com/')); + $this->assertIdentical($history->getParameters(), new SimpleGetEncoding()); + } + + function testGoingBackwardsAndForwards() { + $history = &new SimpleBrowserHistory(); + $history->recordEntry( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.first.com/'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $history->recordEntry( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.second.com/'), + new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 1))); + $this->assertTrue($history->back()); + $this->assertTrue($history->forward()); + $this->assertIdentical($history->getUrl(), new SimpleUrl('http://www.second.com/')); + $this->assertIdentical( + $history->getParameters(), + new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 1))); + } + + function testNewEntryReplacesNextOne() { + $history = &new SimpleBrowserHistory(); + $history->recordEntry( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.first.com/'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $history->recordEntry( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.second.com/'), + new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 1))); + $history->back(); + $history->recordEntry( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.third.com/'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertIdentical($history->getUrl(), new SimpleUrl('http://www.third.com/')); + $this->assertIdentical($history->getParameters(), new SimpleGetEncoding()); + } + + function testNewEntryDropsFutureEntries() { + $history = &new SimpleBrowserHistory(); + $history->recordEntry( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.first.com/'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $history->recordEntry( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.second.com/'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $history->recordEntry( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.third.com/'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $history->back(); + $history->back(); + $history->recordEntry( + new SimpleUrl('http://www.fourth.com/'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertIdentical($history->getUrl(), new SimpleUrl('http://www.fourth.com/')); + $this->assertFalse($history->forward()); + $history->back(); + $this->assertIdentical($history->getUrl(), new SimpleUrl('http://www.first.com/')); + $this->assertFalse($history->back()); + } +} + +class TestOfParsedPageAccess extends UnitTestCase { + + function &loadPage(&$page) { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse($this); + + $agent = &new MockSimpleUserAgent($this); + $agent->setReturnReference('fetchResponse', $response); + + $browser = &new MockParseSimpleBrowser($this); + $browser->setReturnReference('_createUserAgent', $agent); + $browser->setReturnReference('_parse', $page); + $browser->SimpleBrowser(); + + $browser->get('http://this.com/page.html'); + return $browser; + } + + function testAccessorsWhenNoPage() { + $agent = &new MockSimpleUserAgent($this); + + $browser = &new MockParseSimpleBrowser($this); + $browser->setReturnReference('_createUserAgent', $agent); + $browser->SimpleBrowser(); + + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), ''); + } + + function testParse() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnValue('getRequest', "GET here.html\r\n\r\n"); + $page->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'Raw HTML'); + $page->setReturnValue('getTitle', 'Here'); + $page->setReturnValue('getFrameFocus', 'Frame'); + $page->setReturnValue('getMimeType', 'text/html'); + $page->setReturnValue('getResponseCode', 200); + $page->setReturnValue('getAuthentication', 'Basic'); + $page->setReturnValue('getRealm', 'Somewhere'); + $page->setReturnValue('getTransportError', 'Ouch!'); + + $browser = &$this->loadPage($page); + + $this->assertEqual($browser->getRequest(), "GET here.html\r\n\r\n"); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'Raw HTML'); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getTitle(), 'Here'); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getFrameFocus(), 'Frame'); + $this->assertIdentical($browser->getResponseCode(), 200); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getMimeType(), 'text/html'); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getAuthentication(), 'Basic'); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getRealm(), 'Somewhere'); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getTransportError(), 'Ouch!'); + } + + function testLinkAffirmationWhenPresent() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnValue('getUrlsByLabel', array('http://www.nowhere.com')); + $page->expectOnce('getUrlsByLabel', array('a link label')); + $browser = &$this->loadPage($page); + $this->assertIdentical($browser->getLink('a link label'), 'http://www.nowhere.com'); + } + + function testLinkAffirmationByIdWhenPresent() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnValue('getUrlById', 'a_page.com', array(99)); + $page->setReturnValue('getUrlById', false, array('*')); + $browser = &$this->loadPage($page); + $this->assertIdentical($browser->getLinkById(99), 'a_page.com'); + $this->assertFalse($browser->getLinkById(98)); + } + + function testSettingFieldIsPassedToPage() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectOnce('setField', array(new SimpleByLabelOrName('key'), 'Value', false)); + $page->setReturnValue('getField', 'Value'); + $browser = &$this->loadPage($page); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getField('key'), 'Value'); + $browser->setField('key', 'Value'); + } +} + +class TestOfBrowserNavigation extends UnitTestCase { + + function &createBrowser(&$agent, &$page) { + $browser = &new MockParseSimpleBrowser(); + $browser->setReturnReference('_createUserAgent', $agent); + $browser->setReturnReference('_parse', $page); + $browser->SimpleBrowser(); + return $browser; + } + + function testClickLinkRequestsPage() { + $agent = &new MockSimpleUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('fetchResponse', new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $agent->expectArgumentsAt( + 0, + 'fetchResponse', + array(new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/page.html'), new SimpleGetEncoding())); + $agent->expectArgumentsAt( + 1, + 'fetchResponse', + array(new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/new.html'), new SimpleGetEncoding())); + $agent->expectCallCount('fetchResponse', 2); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnValue('getUrlsByLabel', array(new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/new.html'))); + $page->expectOnce('getUrlsByLabel', array('New')); + $page->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'A page'); + + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($agent, $page); + $browser->get('http://this.com/page.html'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->clickLink('New')); + } + + function testClickLinkWithUnknownFrameStillRequestsWholePage() { + $agent = &new MockSimpleUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('fetchResponse', new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $agent->expectArgumentsAt( + 0, + 'fetchResponse', + array(new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/page.html'), new SimpleGetEncoding())); + $target = new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/new.html'); + $target->setTarget('missing'); + $agent->expectArgumentsAt( + 1, + 'fetchResponse', + array($target, new SimpleGetEncoding())); + $agent->expectCallCount('fetchResponse', 2); + + $parsed_url = new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/new.html'); + $parsed_url->setTarget('missing'); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnValue('getUrlsByLabel', array($parsed_url)); + $page->setReturnValue('hasFrames', false); + $page->expectOnce('getUrlsByLabel', array('New')); + $page->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'A page'); + + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($agent, $page); + $browser->get('http://this.com/page.html'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->clickLink('New')); + } + + function testClickingMissingLinkFails() { + $agent = &new MockSimpleUserAgent($this); + $agent->setReturnReference('fetchResponse', new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnValue('getUrlsByLabel', array()); + $page->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'stuff'); + + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($agent, $page); + $this->assertTrue($browser->get('http://this.com/page.html')); + $this->assertFalse($browser->clickLink('New')); + } + + function testClickIndexedLink() { + $agent = &new MockSimpleUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('fetchResponse', new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $agent->expectArgumentsAt( + 1, + 'fetchResponse', + array(new SimpleUrl('1.html'), new SimpleGetEncoding())); + $agent->expectCallCount('fetchResponse', 2); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnValue( + 'getUrlsByLabel', + array(new SimpleUrl('0.html'), new SimpleUrl('1.html'))); + $page->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'A page'); + + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($agent, $page); + $browser->get('http://this.com/page.html'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->clickLink('New', 1)); + } + + function testClinkLinkById() { + $agent = &new MockSimpleUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('fetchResponse', new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $agent->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'fetchResponse', array( + new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/link.html'), + new SimpleGetEncoding())); + $agent->expectCallCount('fetchResponse', 2); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnValue('getUrlById', new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/link.html')); + $page->expectOnce('getUrlById', array(2)); + $page->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'A page'); + + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($agent, $page); + $browser->get('http://this.com/page.html'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->clickLinkById(2)); + } + + function testClickingMissingLinkIdFails() { + $agent = &new MockSimpleUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('fetchResponse', new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnValue('getUrlById', false); + + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($agent, $page); + $browser->get('http://this.com/page.html'); + $this->assertFalse($browser->clickLink(0)); + } + + function testSubmitFormByLabel() { + $agent = &new MockSimpleUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('fetchResponse', new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $agent->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'fetchResponse', array( + new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/handler.html'), + new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 'A')))); + $agent->expectCallCount('fetchResponse', 2); + + $form = &new MockSimpleForm(); + $form->setReturnValue('getAction', new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/handler.html')); + $form->setReturnValue('getMethod', 'post'); + $form->setReturnValue('submitButton', new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 'A'))); + $form->expectOnce('submitButton', array(new SimpleByLabel('Go'), false)); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnReference('getFormBySubmit', $form); + $page->expectOnce('getFormBySubmit', array(new SimpleByLabel('Go'))); + $page->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'stuff'); + + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($agent, $page); + $browser->get('http://this.com/page.html'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->clickSubmit('Go')); + } + + function testDefaultSubmitFormByLabel() { + $agent = &new MockSimpleUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('fetchResponse', new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $agent->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'fetchResponse', array( + new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/page.html'), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('a' => 'A')))); + $agent->expectCallCount('fetchResponse', 2); + + $form = &new MockSimpleForm(); + $form->setReturnValue('getAction', new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/page.html')); + $form->setReturnValue('getMethod', 'get'); + $form->setReturnValue('submitButton', new SimpleGetEncoding(array('a' => 'A'))); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnReference('getFormBySubmit', $form); + $page->expectOnce('getFormBySubmit', array(new SimpleByLabel('Submit'))); + $page->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'stuff'); + $page->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/page.html')); + + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($agent, $page); + $browser->get('http://this.com/page.html'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->clickSubmit()); + } + + function testSubmitFormByName() { + $agent = &new MockSimpleUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('fetchResponse', new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + + $form = &new MockSimpleForm(); + $form->setReturnValue('getAction', new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/handler.html')); + $form->setReturnValue('getMethod', 'post'); + $form->setReturnValue('submitButton', new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 'A'))); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnReference('getFormBySubmit', $form); + $page->expectOnce('getFormBySubmit', array(new SimpleByName('me'))); + $page->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'stuff'); + + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($agent, $page); + $browser->get('http://this.com/page.html'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->clickSubmitByName('me')); + } + + function testSubmitFormById() { + $agent = &new MockSimpleUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('fetchResponse', new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + + $form = &new MockSimpleForm(); + $form->setReturnValue('getAction', new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/handler.html')); + $form->setReturnValue('getMethod', 'post'); + $form->setReturnValue('submitButton', new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 'A'))); + $form->expectOnce('submitButton', array(new SimpleById(99), false)); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnReference('getFormBySubmit', $form); + $page->expectOnce('getFormBySubmit', array(new SimpleById(99))); + $page->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'stuff'); + + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($agent, $page); + $browser->get('http://this.com/page.html'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->clickSubmitById(99)); + } + + function testSubmitFormByImageLabel() { + $agent = &new MockSimpleUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('fetchResponse', new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + + $form = &new MockSimpleForm(); + $form->setReturnValue('getAction', new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/handler.html')); + $form->setReturnValue('getMethod', 'post'); + $form->setReturnValue('submitImage', new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 'A'))); + $form->expectOnce('submitImage', array(new SimpleByLabel('Go!'), 10, 11, false)); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnReference('getFormByImage', $form); + $page->expectOnce('getFormByImage', array(new SimpleByLabel('Go!'))); + $page->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'stuff'); + + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($agent, $page); + $browser->get('http://this.com/page.html'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->clickImage('Go!', 10, 11)); + } + + function testSubmitFormByImageName() { + $agent = &new MockSimpleUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('fetchResponse', new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + + $form = &new MockSimpleForm(); + $form->setReturnValue('getAction', new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/handler.html')); + $form->setReturnValue('getMethod', 'post'); + $form->setReturnValue('submitImage', new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 'A'))); + $form->expectOnce('submitImage', array(new SimpleByName('a'), 10, 11, false)); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnReference('getFormByImage', $form); + $page->expectOnce('getFormByImage', array(new SimpleByName('a'))); + $page->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'stuff'); + + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($agent, $page); + $browser->get('http://this.com/page.html'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->clickImageByName('a', 10, 11)); + } + + function testSubmitFormByImageId() { + $agent = &new MockSimpleUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('fetchResponse', new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + + $form = &new MockSimpleForm(); + $form->setReturnValue('getAction', new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/handler.html')); + $form->setReturnValue('getMethod', 'post'); + $form->setReturnValue('submitImage', new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 'A'))); + $form->expectOnce('submitImage', array(new SimpleById(99), 10, 11, false)); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnReference('getFormByImage', $form); + $page->expectOnce('getFormByImage', array(new SimpleById(99))); + $page->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'stuff'); + + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($agent, $page); + $browser->get('http://this.com/page.html'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->clickImageById(99, 10, 11)); + } + + function testSubmitFormByFormId() { + $agent = &new MockSimpleUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('fetchResponse', new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $agent->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'fetchResponse', array( + new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/handler.html'), + new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 'A')))); + $agent->expectCallCount('fetchResponse', 2); + + $form = &new MockSimpleForm(); + $form->setReturnValue('getAction', new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/handler.html')); + $form->setReturnValue('getMethod', 'post'); + $form->setReturnValue('submit', new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 'A'))); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnReference('getFormById', $form); + $page->expectOnce('getFormById', array(33)); + $page->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'stuff'); + + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($agent, $page); + $browser->get('http://this.com/page.html'); + $this->assertTrue($browser->submitFormById(33)); + } +} + +class TestOfBrowserFrames extends UnitTestCase { + + function &createBrowser(&$agent) { + $browser = &new MockUserAgentSimpleBrowser(); + $browser->setReturnReference('_createUserAgent', $agent); + $browser->SimpleBrowser(); + return $browser; + } + + function &createUserAgent($pages) { + $agent = &new MockSimpleUserAgent(); + foreach ($pages as $url => $raw) { + $url = new SimpleUrl($url); + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', $url); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', $raw); + $agent->setReturnReference('fetchResponse', $response, array($url, '*')); + } + return $agent; + } + + function testSimplePageHasNoFrames() { + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($this->createUserAgent( + array('http://site.with.no.frames/' => 'A non-framed page'))); + $this->assertEqual( + $browser->get('http://site.with.no.frames/'), + 'A non-framed page'); + $this->assertIdentical($browser->getFrames(), 'http://site.with.no.frames/'); + } + + function testFramesetWithNoFrames() { + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($this->createUserAgent( + array('http://site.with.no.frames/' => '<frameset></frameset>'))); + $this->assertEqual($browser->get('http://site.with.no.frames/'), ''); + $this->assertIdentical($browser->getFrames(), array()); + } + + function testFramesetWithSingleFrame() { + $frameset = '<frameset><frame name="a" src="frame.html"></frameset>'; + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($this->createUserAgent(array( + 'http://site.with.one.frame/' => $frameset, + 'http://site.with.one.frame/frame.html' => 'A frame'))); + $this->assertEqual($browser->get('http://site.with.one.frame/'), 'A frame'); + $this->assertIdentical( + $browser->getFrames(), + array('a' => 'http://site.with.one.frame/frame.html')); + } + + function testTitleTakenFromFramesetPage() { + $frameset = '<title>Frameset title</title>' . + '<frameset><frame name="a" src="frame.html"></frameset>'; + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($this->createUserAgent(array( + 'http://site.with.one.frame/' => $frameset, + 'http://site.with.one.frame/frame.html' => '<title>Page title</title>'))); + $browser->get('http://site.with.one.frame/'); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getTitle(), 'Frameset title'); + } + + function testFramesetWithSingleUnnamedFrame() { + $frameset = '<frameset><frame src="frame.html"></frameset>'; + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($this->createUserAgent(array( + 'http://site.with.one.frame/' => $frameset, + 'http://site.with.one.frame/frame.html' => 'One frame'))); + $this->assertEqual( + $browser->get('http://site.with.one.frame/'), + 'One frame'); + $this->assertIdentical( + $browser->getFrames(), + array(1 => 'http://site.with.one.frame/frame.html')); + } + + function testFramesetWithMultipleFrames() { + $frameset = '<frameset>' . + '<frame name="a" src="frame_a.html">' . + '<frame name="b" src="frame_b.html">' . + '<frame name="c" src="frame_c.html">' . + '</frameset>'; + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($this->createUserAgent(array( + 'http://site.with.frames/' => $frameset, + 'http://site.with.frames/frame_a.html' => 'A frame', + 'http://site.with.frames/frame_b.html' => 'B frame', + 'http://site.with.frames/frame_c.html' => 'C frame'))); + $this->assertEqual( + $browser->get('http://site.with.frames/'), + 'A frameB frameC frame'); + $this->assertIdentical($browser->getFrames(), array( + 'a' => 'http://site.with.frames/frame_a.html', + 'b' => 'http://site.with.frames/frame_b.html', + 'c' => 'http://site.with.frames/frame_c.html')); + } + + function testFrameFocusByName() { + $frameset = '<frameset>' . + '<frame name="a" src="frame_a.html">' . + '<frame name="b" src="frame_b.html">' . + '<frame name="c" src="frame_c.html">' . + '</frameset>'; + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($this->createUserAgent(array( + 'http://site.with.frames/' => $frameset, + 'http://site.with.frames/frame_a.html' => 'A frame', + 'http://site.with.frames/frame_b.html' => 'B frame', + 'http://site.with.frames/frame_c.html' => 'C frame'))); + $browser->get('http://site.with.frames/'); + $browser->setFrameFocus('a'); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'A frame'); + $browser->setFrameFocus('b'); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'B frame'); + $browser->setFrameFocus('c'); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'C frame'); + } + + function testFramesetWithSomeNamedFrames() { + $frameset = '<frameset>' . + '<frame name="a" src="frame_a.html">' . + '<frame src="frame_b.html">' . + '<frame name="c" src="frame_c.html">' . + '<frame src="frame_d.html">' . + '</frameset>'; + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($this->createUserAgent(array( + 'http://site.with.frames/' => $frameset, + 'http://site.with.frames/frame_a.html' => 'A frame', + 'http://site.with.frames/frame_b.html' => 'B frame', + 'http://site.with.frames/frame_c.html' => 'C frame', + 'http://site.with.frames/frame_d.html' => 'D frame'))); + $this->assertEqual( + $browser->get('http://site.with.frames/'), + 'A frameB frameC frameD frame'); + $this->assertIdentical($browser->getFrames(), array( + 'a' => 'http://site.with.frames/frame_a.html', + 2 => 'http://site.with.frames/frame_b.html', + 'c' => 'http://site.with.frames/frame_c.html', + 4 => 'http://site.with.frames/frame_d.html')); + } + + function testFrameFocusWithMixedNamesAndIndexes() { + $frameset = '<frameset>' . + '<frame name="a" src="frame_a.html">' . + '<frame src="frame_b.html">' . + '<frame name="c" src="frame_c.html">' . + '<frame src="frame_d.html">' . + '</frameset>'; + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($this->createUserAgent(array( + 'http://site.with.frames/' => $frameset, + 'http://site.with.frames/frame_a.html' => 'A frame', + 'http://site.with.frames/frame_b.html' => 'B frame', + 'http://site.with.frames/frame_c.html' => 'C frame', + 'http://site.with.frames/frame_d.html' => 'D frame'))); + $browser->get('http://site.with.frames/'); + $browser->setFrameFocus('a'); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'A frame'); + $browser->setFrameFocus(2); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'B frame'); + $browser->setFrameFocus('c'); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'C frame'); + $browser->setFrameFocus(4); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'D frame'); + $browser->clearFrameFocus(); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'A frameB frameC frameD frame'); + } + + function testNestedFrameset() { + $inner = '<frameset>' . + '<frame name="page" src="page.html">' . + '</frameset>'; + $outer = '<frameset>' . + '<frame name="inner" src="inner.html">' . + '</frameset>'; + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($this->createUserAgent(array( + 'http://site.with.nested.frame/' => $outer, + 'http://site.with.nested.frame/inner.html' => $inner, + 'http://site.with.nested.frame/page.html' => 'The page'))); + $this->assertEqual( + $browser->get('http://site.with.nested.frame/'), + 'The page'); + $this->assertIdentical($browser->getFrames(), array( + 'inner' => array( + 'page' => 'http://site.with.nested.frame/page.html'))); + } + + function testCanNavigateToNestedFrame() { + $inner = '<frameset>' . + '<frame name="one" src="one.html">' . + '<frame name="two" src="two.html">' . + '</frameset>'; + $outer = '<frameset>' . + '<frame name="inner" src="inner.html">' . + '<frame name="three" src="three.html">' . + '</frameset>'; + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($this->createUserAgent(array( + 'http://site.with.nested.frames/' => $outer, + 'http://site.with.nested.frames/inner.html' => $inner, + 'http://site.with.nested.frames/one.html' => 'Page one', + 'http://site.with.nested.frames/two.html' => 'Page two', + 'http://site.with.nested.frames/three.html' => 'Page three'))); + + $browser->get('http://site.with.nested.frames/'); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'Page onePage twoPage three'); + + $this->assertTrue($browser->setFrameFocus('inner')); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getFrameFocus(), array('inner')); + $this->assertTrue($browser->setFrameFocus('one')); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getFrameFocus(), array('inner', 'one')); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'Page one'); + + $this->assertTrue($browser->setFrameFocus('two')); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getFrameFocus(), array('inner', 'two')); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'Page two'); + + $browser->clearFrameFocus(); + $this->assertTrue($browser->setFrameFocus('three')); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getFrameFocus(), array('three')); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'Page three'); + + $this->assertTrue($browser->setFrameFocus('inner')); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'Page onePage two'); + } + + function testCanNavigateToNestedFrameByIndex() { + $inner = '<frameset>' . + '<frame src="one.html">' . + '<frame src="two.html">' . + '</frameset>'; + $outer = '<frameset>' . + '<frame src="inner.html">' . + '<frame src="three.html">' . + '</frameset>'; + $browser = &$this->createBrowser($this->createUserAgent(array( + 'http://site.with.nested.frames/' => $outer, + 'http://site.with.nested.frames/inner.html' => $inner, + 'http://site.with.nested.frames/one.html' => 'Page one', + 'http://site.with.nested.frames/two.html' => 'Page two', + 'http://site.with.nested.frames/three.html' => 'Page three'))); + + $browser->get('http://site.with.nested.frames/'); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'Page onePage twoPage three'); + + $this->assertTrue($browser->setFrameFocusByIndex(1)); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getFrameFocus(), array(1)); + $this->assertTrue($browser->setFrameFocusByIndex(1)); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getFrameFocus(), array(1, 1)); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'Page one'); + + $this->assertTrue($browser->setFrameFocusByIndex(2)); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getFrameFocus(), array(1, 2)); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'Page two'); + + $browser->clearFrameFocus(); + $this->assertTrue($browser->setFrameFocusByIndex(2)); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getFrameFocus(), array(2)); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'Page three'); + + $this->assertTrue($browser->setFrameFocusByIndex(1)); + $this->assertEqual($browser->getContent(), 'Page onePage two'); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/collector_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/collector_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..803974c73 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/collector_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +<?php +// $Id: collector_test.php 1505 2007-04-30 23:39:59Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../collector.php'); +SimpleTest::ignore('MockTestSuite'); +Mock::generate('TestSuite'); + +class PathEqualExpectation extends EqualExpectation { + function PathEqualExpectation($value, $message = '%s') { + $this->EqualExpectation(str_replace("\\", '/', $value), $message); + } + + function test($compare) { + return parent::test(str_replace("\\", '/', $compare)); + } +} + +class TestOfCollector extends UnitTestCase { + + function testCollectionIsAddedToGroup() { + $suite = &new MockTestSuite(); + $suite->expectMinimumCallCount('addTestFile', 2); + $suite->expectArguments( + 'addTestFile', + array(new PatternExpectation('/collectable\\.(1|2)$/'))); + $collector = &new SimpleCollector(); + $collector->collect($suite, dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/collector/'); + } +} + +class TestOfPatternCollector extends UnitTestCase { + + function testAddingEverythingToGroup() { + $suite = &new MockTestSuite(); + $suite->expectCallCount('addTestFile', 2); + $suite->expectArguments( + 'addTestFile', + array(new PatternExpectation('/collectable\\.(1|2)$/'))); + $collector = &new SimplePatternCollector('/.*/'); + $collector->collect($suite, dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/collector/'); + } + + function testOnlyMatchedFilesAreAddedToGroup() { + $suite = &new MockTestSuite(); + $suite->expectOnce('addTestFile', array(new PathEqualExpectation( + dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/collector/collectable.1'))); + $collector = &new SimplePatternCollector('/1$/'); + $collector->collect($suite, dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/collector/'); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/command_line_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/command_line_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5baabff33 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/command_line_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +<?php +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../default_reporter.php'); + +class TestOfCommandLineParsing extends UnitTestCase { + + function testDefaultsToEmptyStringToMeanNullToTheSelectiveReporter() { + $parser = new SimpleCommandLineParser(array()); + $this->assertIdentical($parser->getTest(), ''); + $this->assertIdentical($parser->getTestCase(), ''); + } + + function testNotXmlByDefault() { + $parser = new SimpleCommandLineParser(array()); + $this->assertFalse($parser->isXml()); + } + + function testCanDetectRequestForXml() { + $parser = new SimpleCommandLineParser(array('--xml')); + $this->assertTrue($parser->isXml()); + } + + function testCanReadAssignmentSyntax() { + $parser = new SimpleCommandLineParser(array('--test=myTest')); + $this->assertEqual($parser->getTest(), 'myTest'); + } + + function testCanReadFollowOnSyntax() { + $parser = new SimpleCommandLineParser(array('--test', 'myTest')); + $this->assertEqual($parser->getTest(), 'myTest'); + } + + function testCanReadShortForms() { + $parser = new SimpleCommandLineParser(array('-t', 'myTest', '-c', 'MyClass', '-x')); + $this->assertEqual($parser->getTest(), 'myTest'); + $this->assertEqual($parser->getTestCase(), 'MyClass'); + $this->assertTrue($parser->isXml()); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/compatibility_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/compatibility_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ea48f8396 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/compatibility_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +<?php +// $Id: compatibility_test.php 1505 2007-04-30 23:39:59Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../compatibility.php'); + +class ComparisonClass { +} + +class ComparisonSubclass extends ComparisonClass { +} + +if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5') >= 0) { + eval('interface ComparisonInterface { }'); + eval('class ComparisonClassWithInterface implements ComparisonInterface { }'); +} + +class TestOfCompatibility extends UnitTestCase { + + function testIsA() { + $this->assertTrue(SimpleTestCompatibility::isA( + new ComparisonClass(), + 'ComparisonClass')); + $this->assertFalse(SimpleTestCompatibility::isA( + new ComparisonClass(), + 'ComparisonSubclass')); + $this->assertTrue(SimpleTestCompatibility::isA( + new ComparisonSubclass(), + 'ComparisonClass')); + } + + function testIdentityOfNumericStrings() { + $numericString1 = "123"; + $numericString2 = "00123"; + $this->assertNotIdentical($numericString1, $numericString2); + } + + function testIdentityOfObjects() { + $object1 = new ComparisonClass(); + $object2 = new ComparisonClass(); + $this->assertIdentical($object1, $object2); + } + + function testReferences () { + $thing = "Hello"; + $thing_reference = &$thing; + $thing_copy = $thing; + $this->assertTrue(SimpleTestCompatibility::isReference( + $thing, + $thing)); + $this->assertTrue(SimpleTestCompatibility::isReference( + $thing, + $thing_reference)); + $this->assertFalse(SimpleTestCompatibility::isReference( + $thing, + $thing_copy)); + } + + function testObjectReferences () { + $object = &new ComparisonClass(); + $object_reference = &$object; + $object_copy = new ComparisonClass(); + $object_assignment = $object; + $this->assertTrue(SimpleTestCompatibility::isReference( + $object, + $object)); + $this->assertTrue(SimpleTestCompatibility::isReference( + $object, + $object_reference)); + $this->assertFalse(SimpleTestCompatibility::isReference( + $object, + $object_copy)); + if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5', '>=')) { + $this->assertTrue(SimpleTestCompatibility::isReference( + $object, + $object_assignment)); + } else { + $this->assertFalse(SimpleTestCompatibility::isReference( + $object, + $object_assignment)); + } + } + + function testInteraceComparison() { + if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5', '<')) { + return; + } + + $object = new ComparisonClassWithInterface(); + $this->assertFalse(SimpleTestCompatibility::isA( + new ComparisonClass(), + 'ComparisonInterface')); + $this->assertTrue(SimpleTestCompatibility::isA( + new ComparisonClassWithInterface(), + 'ComparisonInterface')); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/cookies_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/cookies_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0b49e43bf --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/cookies_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +<?php +// $Id: cookies_test.php 1506 2007-05-07 00:58:03Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../cookies.php'); + +class TestOfCookie extends UnitTestCase { + + function testCookieDefaults() { + $cookie = new SimpleCookie("name"); + $this->assertFalse($cookie->getValue()); + $this->assertEqual($cookie->getPath(), "/"); + $this->assertIdentical($cookie->getHost(), false); + $this->assertFalse($cookie->getExpiry()); + $this->assertFalse($cookie->isSecure()); + } + + function testCookieAccessors() { + $cookie = new SimpleCookie( + "name", + "value", + "/path", + "Mon, 18 Nov 2002 15:50:29 GMT", + true); + $this->assertEqual($cookie->getName(), "name"); + $this->assertEqual($cookie->getValue(), "value"); + $this->assertEqual($cookie->getPath(), "/path/"); + $this->assertEqual($cookie->getExpiry(), "Mon, 18 Nov 2002 15:50:29 GMT"); + $this->assertTrue($cookie->isSecure()); + } + + function testFullHostname() { + $cookie = new SimpleCookie("name"); + $this->assertTrue($cookie->setHost("host.name.here")); + $this->assertEqual($cookie->getHost(), "host.name.here"); + $this->assertTrue($cookie->setHost("host.com")); + $this->assertEqual($cookie->getHost(), "host.com"); + } + + function testHostTruncation() { + $cookie = new SimpleCookie("name"); + $cookie->setHost("this.host.name.here"); + $this->assertEqual($cookie->getHost(), "host.name.here"); + $cookie->setHost("this.host.com"); + $this->assertEqual($cookie->getHost(), "host.com"); + $this->assertTrue($cookie->setHost("dashes.in-host.com")); + $this->assertEqual($cookie->getHost(), "in-host.com"); + } + + function testBadHosts() { + $cookie = new SimpleCookie("name"); + $this->assertFalse($cookie->setHost("gibberish")); + $this->assertFalse($cookie->setHost("host.here")); + $this->assertFalse($cookie->setHost("host..com")); + $this->assertFalse($cookie->setHost("...")); + $this->assertFalse($cookie->setHost("host.com.")); + } + + function testHostValidity() { + $cookie = new SimpleCookie("name"); + $cookie->setHost("this.host.name.here"); + $this->assertTrue($cookie->isValidHost("host.name.here")); + $this->assertTrue($cookie->isValidHost("that.host.name.here")); + $this->assertFalse($cookie->isValidHost("bad.host")); + $this->assertFalse($cookie->isValidHost("nearly.name.here")); + } + + function testPathValidity() { + $cookie = new SimpleCookie("name", "value", "/path"); + $this->assertFalse($cookie->isValidPath("/")); + $this->assertTrue($cookie->isValidPath("/path/")); + $this->assertTrue($cookie->isValidPath("/path/more")); + } + + function testSessionExpiring() { + $cookie = new SimpleCookie("name", "value", "/path"); + $this->assertTrue($cookie->isExpired(0)); + } + + function testTimestampExpiry() { + $cookie = new SimpleCookie("name", "value", "/path", 456); + $this->assertFalse($cookie->isExpired(0)); + $this->assertTrue($cookie->isExpired(457)); + $this->assertFalse($cookie->isExpired(455)); + } + + function testDateExpiry() { + $cookie = new SimpleCookie( + "name", + "value", + "/path", + "Mon, 18 Nov 2002 15:50:29 GMT"); + $this->assertTrue($cookie->isExpired("Mon, 18 Nov 2002 15:50:30 GMT")); + $this->assertFalse($cookie->isExpired("Mon, 18 Nov 2002 15:50:28 GMT")); + } + + function testAging() { + $cookie = new SimpleCookie("name", "value", "/path", 200); + $cookie->agePrematurely(199); + $this->assertFalse($cookie->isExpired(0)); + $cookie->agePrematurely(2); + $this->assertTrue($cookie->isExpired(0)); + } +} + +class TestOfCookieJar extends UnitTestCase { + + function testAddCookie() { + $jar = new SimpleCookieJar(); + $jar->setCookie("a", "A"); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/')), array('a=A')); + } + + function testHostFilter() { + $jar = new SimpleCookieJar(); + $jar->setCookie('a', 'A', 'my-host.com'); + $jar->setCookie('b', 'B', 'another-host.com'); + $jar->setCookie('c', 'C'); + $this->assertEqual( + $jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('my-host.com')), + array('a=A', 'c=C')); + $this->assertEqual( + $jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('another-host.com')), + array('b=B', 'c=C')); + $this->assertEqual( + $jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('www.another-host.com')), + array('b=B', 'c=C')); + $this->assertEqual( + $jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('new-host.org')), + array('c=C')); + $this->assertEqual( + $jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/')), + array('a=A', 'b=B', 'c=C')); + } + + function testPathFilter() { + $jar = new SimpleCookieJar(); + $jar->setCookie('a', 'A', false, '/path/'); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/')), array()); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/elsewhere')), array()); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/path/')), array('a=A')); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/path')), array('a=A')); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/pa')), array()); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/path/here')), array('a=A')); + } + + function testPathFilterDeeply() { + $jar = new SimpleCookieJar(); + $jar->setCookie('a', 'A', false, '/path/more_path/'); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/path/')), array()); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/path')), array()); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/pa')), array()); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/path/more_path/')), array('a=A')); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/path/more_path/and_more')), array('a=A')); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/path/not_here/')), array()); + } + + function testMultipleCookieWithDifferentPathsButSameName() { + $jar = new SimpleCookieJar(); + $jar->setCookie('a', 'abc', false, '/'); + $jar->setCookie('a', '123', false, '/path/here/'); + $this->assertEqual( + $jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/')), + array('a=abc')); + $this->assertEqual( + $jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('my-host.com/')), + array('a=abc')); + $this->assertEqual( + $jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('my-host.com/path/')), + array('a=abc')); + $this->assertEqual( + $jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('my-host.com/path/here')), + array('a=abc', 'a=123')); + $this->assertEqual( + $jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('my-host.com/path/here/there')), + array('a=abc', 'a=123')); + } + + function testOverwrite() { + $jar = new SimpleCookieJar(); + $jar->setCookie('a', 'abc', false, '/'); + $jar->setCookie('a', 'cde', false, '/'); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/')), array('a=cde')); + } + + function testClearSessionCookies() { + $jar = new SimpleCookieJar(); + $jar->setCookie('a', 'A', false, '/'); + $jar->restartSession(); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/')), array()); + } + + function testExpiryFilterByDate() { + $jar = new SimpleCookieJar(); + $jar->setCookie('a', 'A', false, '/', 'Wed, 25-Dec-02 04:24:20 GMT'); + $jar->restartSession("Wed, 25-Dec-02 04:24:19 GMT"); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/')), array('a=A')); + $jar->restartSession("Wed, 25-Dec-02 04:24:21 GMT"); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/')), array()); + } + + function testExpiryFilterByAgeing() { + $jar = new SimpleCookieJar(); + $jar->setCookie('a', 'A', false, '/', 'Wed, 25-Dec-02 04:24:20 GMT'); + $jar->restartSession("Wed, 25-Dec-02 04:24:19 GMT"); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/')), array('a=A')); + $jar->agePrematurely(2); + $jar->restartSession("Wed, 25-Dec-02 04:24:19 GMT"); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/')), array()); + } + + function testCookieClearing() { + $jar = new SimpleCookieJar(); + $jar->setCookie('a', 'abc', false, '/'); + $jar->setCookie('a', '', false, '/'); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/')), array('a=')); + } + + function testCookieClearByLoweringDate() { + $jar = new SimpleCookieJar(); + $jar->setCookie('a', 'abc', false, '/', 'Wed, 25-Dec-02 04:24:21 GMT'); + $jar->setCookie('a', 'def', false, '/', 'Wed, 25-Dec-02 04:24:19 GMT'); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/')), array('a=def')); + $jar->restartSession('Wed, 25-Dec-02 04:24:20 GMT'); + $this->assertEqual($jar->selectAsPairs(new SimpleUrl('/')), array()); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/detached_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/detached_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..06db8280b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/detached_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +<?php +// $Id: detached_test.php 1505 2007-04-30 23:39:59Z lastcraft $ +require_once('../detached.php'); +require_once('../reporter.php'); + +// The following URL will depend on your own installation. +$command = 'php ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/visual_test.php xml'; + +$test = &new TestSuite('Remote tests'); +$test->addTestCase(new DetachedTestCase($command)); +if (SimpleReporter::inCli()) { + exit ($test->run(new TextReporter()) ? 0 : 1); +} +$test->run(new HtmlReporter()); +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/dumper_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/dumper_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..789047de9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/dumper_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +<?php +// $Id: dumper_test.php 1505 2007-04-30 23:39:59Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); + +class DumperDummy { +} + +class TestOfTextFormatting extends UnitTestCase { + + function testClipping() { + $dumper = new SimpleDumper(); + $this->assertEqual( + $dumper->clipString("Hello", 6), + "Hello", + "Hello, 6->%s"); + $this->assertEqual( + $dumper->clipString("Hello", 5), + "Hello", + "Hello, 5->%s"); + $this->assertEqual( + $dumper->clipString("Hello world", 3), + "Hel...", + "Hello world, 3->%s"); + $this->assertEqual( + $dumper->clipString("Hello world", 6, 3), + "Hello ...", + "Hello world, 6, 3->%s"); + $this->assertEqual( + $dumper->clipString("Hello world", 3, 6), + "...o w...", + "Hello world, 3, 6->%s"); + $this->assertEqual( + $dumper->clipString("Hello world", 4, 11), + "...orld", + "Hello world, 4, 11->%s"); + $this->assertEqual( + $dumper->clipString("Hello world", 4, 12), + "...orld", + "Hello world, 4, 12->%s"); + } + + function testDescribeNull() { + $dumper = new SimpleDumper(); + $this->assertPattern('/null/i', $dumper->describeValue(null)); + } + + function testDescribeBoolean() { + $dumper = new SimpleDumper(); + $this->assertPattern('/boolean/i', $dumper->describeValue(true)); + $this->assertPattern('/true/i', $dumper->describeValue(true)); + $this->assertPattern('/false/i', $dumper->describeValue(false)); + } + + function testDescribeString() { + $dumper = new SimpleDumper(); + $this->assertPattern('/string/i', $dumper->describeValue('Hello')); + $this->assertPattern('/Hello/', $dumper->describeValue('Hello')); + } + + function testDescribeInteger() { + $dumper = new SimpleDumper(); + $this->assertPattern('/integer/i', $dumper->describeValue(35)); + $this->assertPattern('/35/', $dumper->describeValue(35)); + } + + function testDescribeFloat() { + $dumper = new SimpleDumper(); + $this->assertPattern('/float/i', $dumper->describeValue(0.99)); + $this->assertPattern('/0\.99/', $dumper->describeValue(0.99)); + } + + function testDescribeArray() { + $dumper = new SimpleDumper(); + $this->assertPattern('/array/i', $dumper->describeValue(array(1, 4))); + $this->assertPattern('/2/i', $dumper->describeValue(array(1, 4))); + } + + function testDescribeObject() { + $dumper = new SimpleDumper(); + $this->assertPattern( + '/object/i', + $dumper->describeValue(new DumperDummy())); + $this->assertPattern( + '/DumperDummy/i', + $dumper->describeValue(new DumperDummy())); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/eclipse_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/eclipse_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0f1bf4bd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/eclipse_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +<?php +// $Id: eclipse_test.php 1505 2007-04-30 23:39:59Z lastcraft $ + +//To run this from the eclipse plugin...you need to make sure that the +//SimpleTest path in the preferences is the same as the location of the +//eclipse.php file below otherwise you end up with two "different" eclipse.php +//files included and that does not work... + +include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../eclipse.php'); +Mock::generate('SimpleSocket'); + +class TestOfEclipse extends UnitTestCase { + + function testPass() { + $listener = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + + $fullpath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/support/test1.php'); + $testpath = EclipseReporter::escapeVal($fullpath); + $expected = "{status:\"pass\",message:\"pass1 at [$testpath line 4]\",group:\"$testpath\",case:\"test1\",method:\"test_pass\"}"; + //this should work...but it doesn't so the next line and the last line are the hacks + //$listener->expectOnce('write',array($expected)); + $listener->setReturnValue('write',-1); + + $pathparts = pathinfo($fullpath); + $filename = $pathparts['basename']; + $test= &new TestSuite($filename); + $test->addTestFile($fullpath); + $test->run(new EclipseReporter(&$listener)); + $this->assertEqual($expected,$listener->output); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/encoding_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/encoding_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..95031fb0f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/encoding_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +<?php +// $Id: encoding_test.php 1571 2007-09-07 17:14:32Z pp11 $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../url.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../socket.php'); + +Mock::generate('SimpleSocket'); + +class TestOfEncodedParts extends UnitTestCase { + + function testFormEncodedAsKeyEqualsValue() { + $pair = new SimpleEncodedPair('a', 'A'); + $this->assertEqual($pair->asRequest(), 'a=A'); + } + + function testMimeEncodedAsHeadersAndContent() { + $pair = new SimpleEncodedPair('a', 'A'); + $this->assertEqual( + $pair->asMime(), + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"a\"\r\n\r\nA"); + } + + function testAttachmentEncodedAsHeadersWithDispositionAndContent() { + $part = new SimpleAttachment('a', 'A', 'aaa.txt'); + $this->assertEqual( + $part->asMime(), + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"a\"; filename=\"aaa.txt\"\r\n" . + "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\nA"); + } +} + +class TestOfEncoding extends UnitTestCase { + var $_content_so_far; + + function write($content) { + $this->_content_so_far .= $content; + } + + function clear() { + $this->_content_so_far = ''; + } + + function assertWritten($encoding, $content, $message = '%s') { + $this->clear(); + $encoding->writeTo($this); + $this->assertIdentical($this->_content_so_far, $content, $message); + } + + function testGetEmpty() { + $encoding = &new SimpleGetEncoding(); + $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), false); + $this->assertIdentical($encoding->asUrlRequest(), ''); + } + + function testPostEmpty() { + $encoding = &new SimplePostEncoding(); + $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), false); + $this->assertWritten($encoding, ''); + } + + function testPrefilled() { + $encoding = &new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 'aaa')); + $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), 'aaa'); + $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a=aaa'); + } + + function testPrefilledWithTwoLevels() { + $query = array('a' => array('aa' => 'aaa')); + $encoding = &new SimplePostEncoding($query); + $this->assertTrue($encoding->hasMoreThanOneLevel($query)); + $this->assertEqual($encoding->rewriteArrayWithMultipleLevels($query), array('a[aa]' => 'aaa')); + $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a[aa]'), 'aaa'); + $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a%5Baa%5D=aaa'); + } + + function testPrefilledWithThreeLevels() { + $query = array('a' => array('aa' => array('aaa' => 'aaaa'))); + $encoding = &new SimplePostEncoding($query); + $this->assertTrue($encoding->hasMoreThanOneLevel($query)); + $this->assertEqual($encoding->rewriteArrayWithMultipleLevels($query), array('a[aa][aaa]' => 'aaaa')); + $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a[aa][aaa]'), 'aaaa'); + $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a%5Baa%5D%5Baaa%5D=aaaa'); + } + + function testPrefilledWithObject() { + $encoding = &new SimplePostEncoding(new SimpleEncoding(array('a' => 'aaa'))); + $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), 'aaa'); + $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a=aaa'); + } + + function testMultiplePrefilled() { + $query = array('a' => array('a1', 'a2')); + $encoding = &new SimplePostEncoding($query); + $this->assertTrue($encoding->hasMoreThanOneLevel($query)); + $this->assertEqual($encoding->rewriteArrayWithMultipleLevels($query), array('a[0]' => 'a1', 'a[1]' => 'a2')); + $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a[0]'), 'a1'); + $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a[1]'), 'a2'); + $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a%5B0%5D=a1&a%5B1%5D=a2'); + } + + function testSingleParameter() { + $encoding = &new SimplePostEncoding(); + $encoding->add('a', 'Hello'); + $this->assertEqual($encoding->getValue('a'), 'Hello'); + $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a=Hello'); + } + + function testFalseParameter() { + $encoding = &new SimplePostEncoding(); + $encoding->add('a', false); + $this->assertEqual($encoding->getValue('a'), false); + $this->assertWritten($encoding, ''); + } + + function testUrlEncoding() { + $encoding = &new SimplePostEncoding(); + $encoding->add('a', 'Hello there!'); + $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a=Hello+there%21'); + } + + function testUrlEncodingOfKey() { + $encoding = &new SimplePostEncoding(); + $encoding->add('a!', 'Hello'); + $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a%21=Hello'); + } + + function testMultipleParameter() { + $encoding = &new SimplePostEncoding(); + $encoding->add('a', 'Hello'); + $encoding->add('b', 'Goodbye'); + $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a=Hello&b=Goodbye'); + } + + function testEmptyParameters() { + $encoding = &new SimplePostEncoding(); + $encoding->add('a', ''); + $encoding->add('b', ''); + $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a=&b='); + } + + function testRepeatedParameter() { + $encoding = &new SimplePostEncoding(); + $encoding->add('a', 'Hello'); + $encoding->add('a', 'Goodbye'); + $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), array('Hello', 'Goodbye')); + $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a=Hello&a=Goodbye'); + } + + function testAddingLists() { + $encoding = &new SimplePostEncoding(); + $encoding->add('a', array('Hello', 'Goodbye')); + $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), array('Hello', 'Goodbye')); + $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a=Hello&a=Goodbye'); + } + + function testMergeInHash() { + $encoding = &new SimpleGetEncoding(array('a' => 'A1', 'b' => 'B')); + $encoding->merge(array('a' => 'A2')); + $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), array('A1', 'A2')); + $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('b'), 'B'); + } + + function testMergeInObject() { + $encoding = &new SimpleGetEncoding(array('a' => 'A1', 'b' => 'B')); + $encoding->merge(new SimpleEncoding(array('a' => 'A2'))); + $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), array('A1', 'A2')); + $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('b'), 'B'); + } + + function testPrefilledMultipart() { + $encoding = &new SimpleMultipartEncoding(array('a' => 'aaa'), 'boundary'); + $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), 'aaa'); + $this->assertwritten($encoding, + "--boundary\r\n" . + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"a\"\r\n" . + "\r\n" . + "aaa\r\n" . + "--boundary--\r\n"); + } + + function testAttachment() { + $encoding = &new SimpleMultipartEncoding(array(), 'boundary'); + $encoding->attach('a', 'aaa', 'aaa.txt'); + $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), 'aaa.txt'); + $this->assertwritten($encoding, + "--boundary\r\n" . + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"a\"; filename=\"aaa.txt\"\r\n" . + "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" . + "\r\n" . + "aaa\r\n" . + "--boundary--\r\n"); + } +} + +class TestOfFormHeaders extends UnitTestCase { + + function testEmptyEncodingWritesZeroContentLength() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'write', array("Content-Length: 0\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'write', array("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n")); + $encoding = &new SimplePostEncoding(); + $encoding->writeHeadersTo($socket); + } + + function testEmptyMultipartEncodingWritesEndBoundaryContentLength() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'write', array("Content-Length: 14\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'write', array("Content-Type: multipart/form-data, boundary=boundary\r\n")); + $encoding = &new SimpleMultipartEncoding(array(), 'boundary'); + $encoding->writeHeadersTo($socket); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/errors_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/errors_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7db8769a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/errors_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ +<?php +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../errors.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../expectation.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../test_case.php'); +Mock::generate('SimpleTestCase'); +Mock::generate('SimpleExpectation'); +SimpleTest::ignore('MockSimpleTestCase'); + +class TestOfErrorQueue extends UnitTestCase { + + function setUp() { + $context = &SimpleTest::getContext(); + $queue = &$context->get('SimpleErrorQueue'); + $queue->clear(); + } + + function tearDown() { + $context = &SimpleTest::getContext(); + $queue = &$context->get('SimpleErrorQueue'); + $queue->clear(); + } + + function testOrder() { + $context = &SimpleTest::getContext(); + $queue = &$context->get('SimpleErrorQueue'); + $queue->add(1024, 'Ouch', 'here.php', 100); + $queue->add(512, 'Yuk', 'there.php', 101); + $this->assertEqual( + $queue->extract(), + array(1024, 'Ouch', 'here.php', 100)); + $this->assertEqual( + $queue->extract(), + array(512, 'Yuk', 'there.php', 101)); + $this->assertFalse($queue->extract()); + } + + function testAssertNoErrorsGivesTrueWhenNoErrors() { + $test = &new MockSimpleTestCase(); + $test->expectOnce('assert', array( + new IdenticalExpectation(new TrueExpectation()), + true, + 'Should be no errors')); + $test->setReturnValue('assert', true); + $queue = &new SimpleErrorQueue(); + $queue->setTestCase($test); + $this->assertTrue($queue->assertNoErrors('%s')); + } + + function testAssertNoErrorsIssuesFailWhenErrors() { + $test = &new MockSimpleTestCase(); + $test->expectOnce('assert', array( + new IdenticalExpectation(new TrueExpectation()), + false, + 'Should be no errors')); + $test->setReturnValue('assert', false); + $queue = &new SimpleErrorQueue(); + $queue->setTestCase($test); + $queue->add(1024, 'Ouch', 'here.php', 100); + $this->assertFalse($queue->assertNoErrors('%s')); + } + + function testAssertErrorFailsWhenNoError() { + $test = &new MockSimpleTestCase(); + $test->expectOnce('fail', array('Expected error not found')); + $test->setReturnValue('assert', false); + $queue = &new SimpleErrorQueue(); + $queue->setTestCase($test); + $this->assertFalse($queue->assertError(false, '%s')); + } + + function testAssertErrorFailsWhenErrorDoesntMatchTheExpectation() { + $test = &new MockSimpleTestCase(); + $test->expectOnce('assert', array( + new IdenticalExpectation(new FailedExpectation()), + 'B', + 'Expected PHP error [B] severity [E_USER_NOTICE] in [b.php] line [100]')); + $test->setReturnValue('assert', false); + $queue = &new SimpleErrorQueue(); + $queue->setTestCase($test); + $queue->add(1024, 'B', 'b.php', 100); + $this->assertFalse($queue->assertError(new FailedExpectation(), '%s')); + } + + function testExpectationMatchCancelsIncomingError() { + $test = &new MockSimpleTestCase(); + $test->expectOnce('assert', array( + new IdenticalExpectation(new AnythingExpectation()), + 'B', + 'a message')); + $test->setReturnValue('assert', true); + $test->expectNever('error'); + $queue = &new SimpleErrorQueue(); + $queue->setTestCase($test); + $queue->expectError(new AnythingExpectation(), 'a message'); + $queue->add(1024, 'B', 'b.php', 100); + } +} + +class TestOfErrorTrap extends UnitTestCase { + var $_old; + + function setUp() { + $this->_old = error_reporting(E_ALL); + set_error_handler('SimpleTestErrorHandler'); + } + + function tearDown() { + restore_error_handler(); + error_reporting($this->_old); + } + + function testQueueStartsEmpty() { + $context = &SimpleTest::getContext(); + $queue = &$context->get('SimpleErrorQueue'); + $this->assertFalse($queue->extract()); + } + + function testTrappedErrorPlacedInQueue() { + trigger_error('Ouch!'); + $context = &SimpleTest::getContext(); + $queue = &$context->get('SimpleErrorQueue'); + list($severity, $message, $file, $line) = $queue->extract(); + $this->assertEqual($message, 'Ouch!'); + $this->assertEqual($file, __FILE__); + $this->assertFalse($queue->extract()); + } + + function testErrorsAreSwallowedByMatchingExpectation() { + $this->expectError('Ouch!'); + trigger_error('Ouch!'); + } + + function testErrorsAreSwallowedInOrder() { + $this->expectError('a'); + $this->expectError('b'); + trigger_error('a'); + trigger_error('b'); + } + + function testAnyErrorCanBeSwallowed() { + $this->expectError(); + trigger_error('Ouch!'); + } + + function testErrorCanBeSwallowedByPatternMatching() { + $this->expectError(new PatternExpectation('/ouch/i')); + trigger_error('Ouch!'); + } + + function testErrorWithPercentsPassesWithNoSprintfError() { + $this->expectError("%"); + trigger_error('%'); + } +} + +class TestOfErrors extends UnitTestCase { + var $_old; + + function setUp() { + $this->_old = error_reporting(E_ALL); + } + + function tearDown() { + error_reporting($this->_old); + } + + function testDefaultWhenAllReported() { + error_reporting(E_ALL); + trigger_error('Ouch!'); + $this->assertError('Ouch!'); + } + + function testNoticeWhenReported() { + error_reporting(E_ALL); + trigger_error('Ouch!', E_USER_NOTICE); + $this->assertError('Ouch!'); + } + + function testWarningWhenReported() { + error_reporting(E_ALL); + trigger_error('Ouch!', E_USER_WARNING); + $this->assertError('Ouch!'); + } + + function testErrorWhenReported() { + error_reporting(E_ALL); + trigger_error('Ouch!', E_USER_ERROR); + $this->assertError('Ouch!'); + } + + function testNoNoticeWhenNotReported() { + error_reporting(0); + trigger_error('Ouch!', E_USER_NOTICE); + } + + function testNoWarningWhenNotReported() { + error_reporting(0); + trigger_error('Ouch!', E_USER_WARNING); + } + + function testNoticeSuppressedWhenReported() { + error_reporting(E_ALL); + @trigger_error('Ouch!', E_USER_NOTICE); + } + + function testWarningSuppressedWhenReported() { + error_reporting(E_ALL); + @trigger_error('Ouch!', E_USER_WARNING); + } + + function testErrorWithPercentsReportedWithNoSprintfError() { + trigger_error('%'); + $this->assertError('%'); + } +} + +class TestOfPHP52RecoverableErrors extends UnitTestCase { + function skip() { + $this->skipIf( + version_compare(phpversion(), '5.2', '<'), + 'E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR not tested for PHP below 5.2'); + } + + function testError() { + eval(' + class RecoverableErrorTestingStub { + function ouch(RecoverableErrorTestingStub $obj) { + } + } + '); + + $stub = new RecoverableErrorTestingStub(); + $this->expectError(new PatternExpectation('/must be an instance of RecoverableErrorTestingStub/i')); + $stub->ouch(new stdClass()); + } +} + +class TestOfErrorsExcludingPHP52AndAbove extends UnitTestCase { + function skip() { + $this->skipIf( + version_compare(phpversion(), '5.2', '>='), + 'E_USER_ERROR not tested for PHP 5.2 and above'); + } + + function testNoErrorWhenNotReported() { + error_reporting(0); + trigger_error('Ouch!', E_USER_ERROR); + } + + function testErrorSuppressedWhenReported() { + error_reporting(E_ALL); + @trigger_error('Ouch!', E_USER_ERROR); + } +} + +SimpleTest::ignore('TestOfNotEnoughErrors'); +/** + * This test is ignored as it is used by {@link TestRunnerForLeftOverAndNotEnoughErrors} + * to verify that it fails as expected. + * + * @ignore + */ +class TestOfNotEnoughErrors extends UnitTestCase { + function testExpectTwoErrorsThrowOne() { + $this->expectError('Error 1'); + trigger_error('Error 1'); + $this->expectError('Error 2'); + } +} + +SimpleTest::ignore('TestOfLeftOverErrors'); +/** + * This test is ignored as it is used by {@link TestRunnerForLeftOverAndNotEnoughErrors} + * to verify that it fails as expected. + * + * @ignore + */ +class TestOfLeftOverErrors extends UnitTestCase { + function testExpectOneErrorGetTwo() { + $this->expectError('Error 1'); + trigger_error('Error 1'); + trigger_error('Error 2'); + } +} + +class TestRunnerForLeftOverAndNotEnoughErrors extends UnitTestCase { + function testRunLeftOverErrorsTestCase() { + $test = new TestOfLeftOverErrors(); + $this->assertFalse($test->run(new SimpleReporter())); + } + + function testRunNotEnoughErrors() { + $test = new TestOfNotEnoughErrors(); + $this->assertFalse($test->run(new SimpleReporter())); + } +} + +// TODO: Add stacked error handler test +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/exceptions_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/exceptions_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9cc35c590 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/exceptions_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +<?php +// $Id: exceptions_test.php 1618 2007-12-29 22:52:30Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../exceptions.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../expectation.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../test_case.php'); +Mock::generate('SimpleTestCase'); +Mock::generate('SimpleExpectation'); + +class MyTestException extends Exception {} +class HigherTestException extends MyTestException {} +class OtherTestException extends Exception {} + +class TestOfExceptionExpectation extends UnitTestCase { + + function testExceptionClassAsStringWillMatchExceptionsRootedOnThatClass() { + $expectation = new ExceptionExpectation('MyTestException'); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(new MyTestException())); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(new HigherTestException())); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(new OtherTestException())); + } + + function testMatchesClassAndMessageWhenExceptionExpected() { + $expectation = new ExceptionExpectation(new MyTestException('Hello')); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(new MyTestException('Hello'))); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(new HigherTestException('Hello'))); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(new OtherTestException('Hello'))); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(new MyTestException('Goodbye'))); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(new MyTestException())); + } + + function testMessagelessExceptionMatchesOnlyOnClass() { + $expectation = new ExceptionExpectation(new MyTestException()); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(new MyTestException())); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(new HigherTestException())); + } +} + +class TestOfExceptionTrap extends UnitTestCase { + + function testNoExceptionsInQueueMeansNoTestMessages() { + $test = new MockSimpleTestCase(); + $test->expectNever('assert'); + $queue = new SimpleExceptionTrap(); + $this->assertFalse($queue->isExpected($test, new Exception())); + } + + function testMatchingExceptionGivesTrue() { + $expectation = new MockSimpleExpectation(); + $expectation->setReturnValue('test', true); + $test = new MockSimpleTestCase(); + $test->setReturnValue('assert', true); + $queue = new SimpleExceptionTrap(); + $queue->expectException($expectation, 'message'); + $this->assertTrue($queue->isExpected($test, new Exception())); + } + + function testMatchingExceptionTriggersAssertion() { + $test = new MockSimpleTestCase(); + $test->expectOnce('assert', array( + '*', + new ExceptionExpectation(new Exception()), + 'message')); + $queue = new SimpleExceptionTrap(); + $queue->expectException(new ExceptionExpectation(new Exception()), 'message'); + $queue->isExpected($test, new Exception()); + } +} + +class TestOfCatchingExceptions extends UnitTestCase { + + function testCanCatchAnyExpectedException() { + $this->expectException(); + throw new Exception(); + } + + function testCanMatchExceptionByClass() { + $this->expectException('MyTestException'); + throw new HigherTestException(); + } + + function testCanMatchExceptionExactly() { + $this->expectException(new Exception('Ouch')); + throw new Exception('Ouch'); + } + + function testLastListedExceptionIsTheOneThatCounts() { + $this->expectException('OtherTestException'); + $this->expectException('MyTestException'); + throw new HigherTestException(); + } +} + +class TestOfCallingTearDownAfterExceptions extends UnitTestCase { + private $debri = 0; + + function tearDown() { + $this->debri--; + } + + function testLeaveSomeDebri() { + $this->debri++; + $this->expectException(); + throw new Exception(__FUNCTION__); + } + + function testDebriWasRemovedOnce() { + $this->assertEqual($this->debri, 0); + } +} + +class TestOfExceptionThrownInSetUpDoesNotRunTestBody extends UnitTestCase { + + function setUp() { + $this->expectException(); + throw new Exception(); + } + + function testShouldNotBeRun() { + $this->fail('This test body should not be run'); + } + + function testShouldNotBeRunEither() { + $this->fail('This test body should not be run either'); + } +} + +class TestOfExpectExceptionWithSetUp extends UnitTestCase { + + function setUp() { + $this->expectException(); + } + + function testThisExceptionShouldBeCaught() { + throw new Exception(); + } + + function testJustThrowingMyTestException() { + throw new MyTestException(); + } +} + +class TestOfThrowingExceptionsInTearDown extends UnitTestCase { + + function tearDown() { + throw new Exception(); + } + + function testDoesntFatal() { + $this->expectException(); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/expectation_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/expectation_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8f4fc3878 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/expectation_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ +<?php +// $Id: expectation_test.php 1539 2007-06-09 08:35:54Z pachanga $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../expectation.php'); + +class TestOfEquality extends UnitTestCase { + + function testBoolean() { + $is_true = &new EqualExpectation(true); + $this->assertTrue($is_true->test(true)); + $this->assertFalse($is_true->test(false)); + } + + function testStringMatch() { + $hello = &new EqualExpectation("Hello"); + $this->assertTrue($hello->test("Hello")); + $this->assertFalse($hello->test("Goodbye")); + } + + function testInteger() { + $fifteen = &new EqualExpectation(15); + $this->assertTrue($fifteen->test(15)); + $this->assertFalse($fifteen->test(14)); + } + + function testFloat() { + $pi = &new EqualExpectation(3.14); + $this->assertTrue($pi->test(3.14)); + $this->assertFalse($pi->test(3.15)); + } + + function testArray() { + $colours = &new EqualExpectation(array("r", "g", "b")); + $this->assertTrue($colours->test(array("r", "g", "b"))); + $this->assertFalse($colours->test(array("g", "b", "r"))); + } + + function testHash() { + $is_blue = &new EqualExpectation(array("r" => 0, "g" => 0, "b" => 255)); + $this->assertTrue($is_blue->test(array("r" => 0, "g" => 0, "b" => 255))); + $this->assertFalse($is_blue->test(array("r" => 0, "g" => 255, "b" => 0))); + } + + function testHashWithOutOfOrderKeysShouldStillMatch() { + $any_order = &new EqualExpectation(array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2)); + $this->assertTrue($any_order->test(array('b' => 2, 'a' => 1))); + } +} + +class TestOfWithin extends UnitTestCase { + + function testWithinFloatingPointMargin() { + $within = new WithinMarginExpectation(1.0, 0.2); + $this->assertFalse($within->test(0.7)); + $this->assertTrue($within->test(0.8)); + $this->assertTrue($within->test(0.9)); + $this->assertTrue($within->test(1.1)); + $this->assertTrue($within->test(1.2)); + $this->assertFalse($within->test(1.3)); + } + + function testOutsideFloatingPointMargin() { + $within = new OutsideMarginExpectation(1.0, 0.2); + $this->assertTrue($within->test(0.7)); + $this->assertFalse($within->test(0.8)); + $this->assertFalse($within->test(1.2)); + $this->assertTrue($within->test(1.3)); + } +} + +class TestOfInequality extends UnitTestCase { + + function testStringMismatch() { + $not_hello = &new NotEqualExpectation("Hello"); + $this->assertTrue($not_hello->test("Goodbye")); + $this->assertFalse($not_hello->test("Hello")); + } +} + +class RecursiveNasty { + var $_me; + + function RecursiveNasty() { + $this->_me = $this; + } +} + +class TestOfIdentity extends UnitTestCase { + + function testType() { + $string = &new IdenticalExpectation("37"); + $this->assertTrue($string->test("37")); + $this->assertFalse($string->test(37)); + $this->assertFalse($string->test("38")); + } + + function _testNastyPhp5Bug() { + $this->assertFalse(new RecursiveNasty() != new RecursiveNasty()); + } + + function _testReallyHorribleRecursiveStructure() { + $hopeful = &new IdenticalExpectation(new RecursiveNasty()); + $this->assertTrue($hopeful->test(new RecursiveNasty())); + } +} + +class DummyReferencedObject{} + +class TestOfReference extends UnitTestCase { + + function testReference() { + $foo = "foo"; + $ref =& $foo; + $not_ref = $foo; + $bar = "bar"; + + $expect = &new ReferenceExpectation($foo); + $this->assertTrue($expect->test($ref)); + $this->assertFalse($expect->test($not_ref)); + $this->assertFalse($expect->test($bar)); + } + + function testObjectsReferencesDualityForPhp5AndPhp4() { + $dummy = new DummyReferencedObject(); + $ref =& $dummy; + $not_ref = $dummy; + + $hopeful = &new ReferenceExpectation($dummy); + $this->assertTrue($hopeful->test($ref)); + + if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5') >= 0) { + $this->assertTrue($hopeful->test($not_ref)); + } else { + $this->assertFalse($hopeful->test($not_ref)); + } + } + + function testReallyHorribleRecursiveStructure() { + $nasty = new RecursiveNasty(); + $ref =& $nasty; + $hopeful = &new ReferenceExpectation($nasty); + $this->assertTrue($hopeful->test($ref)); + } +} + +class TestOfNonIdentity extends UnitTestCase { + + function testType() { + $string = &new NotIdenticalExpectation("37"); + $this->assertTrue($string->test("38")); + $this->assertTrue($string->test(37)); + $this->assertFalse($string->test("37")); + } +} + +class TestOfPatterns extends UnitTestCase { + + function testWanted() { + $pattern = &new PatternExpectation('/hello/i'); + $this->assertTrue($pattern->test("Hello world")); + $this->assertFalse($pattern->test("Goodbye world")); + } + + function testUnwanted() { + $pattern = &new NoPatternExpectation('/hello/i'); + $this->assertFalse($pattern->test("Hello world")); + $this->assertTrue($pattern->test("Goodbye world")); + } +} + +class ExpectedMethodTarget { + function hasThisMethod() {} +} + +class TestOfMethodExistence extends UnitTestCase { + + function testHasMethod() { + $instance = &new ExpectedMethodTarget(); + $expectation = &new MethodExistsExpectation('hasThisMethod'); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test($instance)); + $expectation = &new MethodExistsExpectation('doesNotHaveThisMethod'); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test($instance)); + } +} + +class TestOfIsA extends UnitTestCase { + + function testString() { + $expectation = &new IsAExpectation('string'); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test('Hello')); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(5)); + } + + function testBoolean() { + $expectation = &new IsAExpectation('boolean'); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(true)); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(1)); + } + + function testBool() { + $expectation = &new IsAExpectation('bool'); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(true)); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(1)); + } + + function testDouble() { + $expectation = &new IsAExpectation('double'); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(5.0)); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(5)); + } + + function testFloat() { + $expectation = &new IsAExpectation('float'); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(5.0)); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(5)); + } + + function testReal() { + $expectation = &new IsAExpectation('real'); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(5.0)); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(5)); + } + + function testInteger() { + $expectation = &new IsAExpectation('integer'); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(5)); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(5.0)); + } + + function testInt() { + $expectation = &new IsAExpectation('int'); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(5)); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(5.0)); + } +} + +class TestOfNotA extends UnitTestCase { + + function testString() { + $expectation = &new NotAExpectation('string'); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test('Hello')); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(5)); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/form_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/form_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bdc6f67d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/form_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ +<?php +// $Id: form_test.php 1624 2008-01-01 15:00:43Z pp11 $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../url.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../form.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../page.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../encoding.php'); +Mock::generate('SimplePage'); + +class TestOfForm extends UnitTestCase { + + function &page($url, $action = false) { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl($url)); + $page->setReturnValue('expandUrl', new SimpleUrl($url)); + return $page; + } + + function testFormAttributes() { + $tag = &new SimpleFormTag(array('method' => 'GET', 'action' => 'here.php', 'id' => '33')); + $form = &new SimpleForm($tag, $this->page('http://host/a/index.html')); + $this->assertEqual($form->getMethod(), 'get'); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getId(), '33'); + $this->assertNull($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('a'))); + } + + function testAction() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectOnce('expandUrl', array(new SimpleUrl('here.php'))); + $page->setReturnValue('expandUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://host/here.php')); + $tag = &new SimpleFormTag(array('method' => 'GET', 'action' => 'here.php')); + $form = &new SimpleForm($tag, $page); + $this->assertEqual($form->getAction(), new SimpleUrl('http://host/here.php')); + } + + function testEmptyAction() { + $tag = &new SimpleFormTag(array('method' => 'GET', 'action' => '', 'id' => '33')); + $form = &new SimpleForm($tag, $this->page('http://host/a/index.html')); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->getAction(), + new SimpleUrl('http://host/a/index.html')); + } + + function testMissingAction() { + $tag = &new SimpleFormTag(array('method' => 'GET')); + $form = &new SimpleForm($tag, $this->page('http://host/a/index.html')); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->getAction(), + new SimpleUrl('http://host/a/index.html')); + } + + function testRootAction() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectOnce('expandUrl', array(new SimpleUrl('/'))); + $page->setReturnValue('expandUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://host/')); + $tag = &new SimpleFormTag(array('method' => 'GET', 'action' => '/')); + $form = &new SimpleForm($tag, $page); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->getAction(), + new SimpleUrl('http://host/')); + } + + function testDefaultFrameTargetOnForm() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectOnce('expandUrl', array(new SimpleUrl('here.php'))); + $page->setReturnValue('expandUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://host/here.php')); + $tag = &new SimpleFormTag(array('method' => 'GET', 'action' => 'here.php')); + $form = &new SimpleForm($tag, $page); + $form->setDefaultTarget('frame'); + $expected = new SimpleUrl('http://host/here.php'); + $expected->setTarget('frame'); + $this->assertEqual($form->getAction(), $expected); + } + + function testTextWidget() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('htp://host')); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleTextTag( + array('name' => 'me', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => 'Myself'))); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('me')), 'Myself'); + $this->assertTrue($form->setField(new SimpleByName('me'), 'Not me')); + $this->assertFalse($form->setField(new SimpleByName('not_present'), 'Not me')); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('me')), 'Not me'); + $this->assertNull($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('not_present'))); + } + + function testTextWidgetById() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('htp://host')); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleTextTag( + array('name' => 'me', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => 'Myself', 'id' => 50))); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleById(50)), 'Myself'); + $this->assertTrue($form->setField(new SimpleById(50), 'Not me')); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleById(50)), 'Not me'); + } + + function testTextWidgetByLabel() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('htp://host')); + $widget = &new SimpleTextTag(array('name' => 'me', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => 'a')); + $form->addWidget($widget); + $widget->setLabel('thing'); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleByLabel('thing')), 'a'); + $this->assertTrue($form->setField(new SimpleByLabel('thing'), 'b')); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleByLabel('thing')), 'b'); + } + + function testSubmitEmpty() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('htp://host')); + $this->assertIdentical($form->submit(), new SimpleGetEncoding()); + } + + function testSubmitButton() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('http://host')); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleSubmitTag( + array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'go', 'value' => 'Go!', 'id' => '9'))); + $this->assertTrue($form->hasSubmit(new SimpleByName('go'))); + $this->assertEqual($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('go')), 'Go!'); + $this->assertEqual($form->getValue(new SimpleById(9)), 'Go!'); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->submitButton(new SimpleByName('go')), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('go' => 'Go!'))); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->submitButton(new SimpleByLabel('Go!')), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('go' => 'Go!'))); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->submitButton(new SimpleById(9)), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('go' => 'Go!'))); + } + + function testSubmitWithAdditionalParameters() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('http://host')); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleSubmitTag( + array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'go', 'value' => 'Go!'))); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->submitButton(new SimpleByLabel('Go!'), array('a' => 'A')), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('go' => 'Go!', 'a' => 'A'))); + } + + function testSubmitButtonWithLabelOfSubmit() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('http://host')); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleSubmitTag( + array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'test', 'value' => 'Submit'))); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->submitButton(new SimpleByName('test')), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('test' => 'Submit'))); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->submitButton(new SimpleByLabel('Submit')), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('test' => 'Submit'))); + } + + function testSubmitButtonWithWhitespacePaddedLabelOfSubmit() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('http://host')); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleSubmitTag( + array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'test', 'value' => ' Submit '))); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->submitButton(new SimpleByLabel('Submit')), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('test' => ' Submit '))); + } + + function testImageSubmitButton() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('htp://host')); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleImageSubmitTag(array( + 'type' => 'image', + 'src' => 'source.jpg', + 'name' => 'go', + 'alt' => 'Go!', + 'id' => '9'))); + $this->assertTrue($form->hasImage(new SimpleByLabel('Go!'))); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->submitImage(new SimpleByLabel('Go!'), 100, 101), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('go.x' => 100, 'go.y' => 101))); + $this->assertTrue($form->hasImage(new SimpleByName('go'))); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->submitImage(new SimpleByName('go'), 100, 101), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('go.x' => 100, 'go.y' => 101))); + $this->assertTrue($form->hasImage(new SimpleById(9))); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->submitImage(new SimpleById(9), 100, 101), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('go.x' => 100, 'go.y' => 101))); + } + + function testImageSubmitButtonWithAdditionalData() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('htp://host')); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleImageSubmitTag(array( + 'type' => 'image', + 'src' => 'source.jpg', + 'name' => 'go', + 'alt' => 'Go!'))); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->submitImage(new SimpleByLabel('Go!'), 100, 101, array('a' => 'A')), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('go.x' => 100, 'go.y' => 101, 'a' => 'A'))); + } + + function testButtonTag() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('http://host')); + $widget = &new SimpleButtonTag( + array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'go', 'value' => 'Go', 'id' => '9')); + $widget->addContent('Go!'); + $form->addWidget($widget); + $this->assertTrue($form->hasSubmit(new SimpleByName('go'))); + $this->assertTrue($form->hasSubmit(new SimpleByLabel('Go!'))); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->submitButton(new SimpleByName('go')), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('go' => 'Go'))); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->submitButton(new SimpleByLabel('Go!')), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('go' => 'Go'))); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->submitButton(new SimpleById(9)), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('go' => 'Go'))); + } + + function testMultipleFieldsWithSameNameSubmitted() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('htp://host')); + $input = &new SimpleTextTag(array('name' => 'elements[]', 'value' => '1')); + $form->addWidget($input); + $input = &new SimpleTextTag(array('name' => 'elements[]', 'value' => '2')); + $form->addWidget($input); + $form->setField(new SimpleByLabelOrName('elements[]'), '3', 1); + $form->setField(new SimpleByLabelOrName('elements[]'), '4', 2); + $submit = $form->submit(); + $this->assertEqual(count($submit->_request), 2); + $this->assertIdentical($submit->_request[0], new SimpleEncodedPair('elements[]', '3')); + $this->assertIdentical($submit->_request[1], new SimpleEncodedPair('elements[]', '4')); + } + + function testSingleSelectFieldSubmitted() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('htp://host')); + $select = &new SimpleSelectionTag(array('name' => 'a')); + $select->addTag(new SimpleOptionTag( + array('value' => 'aaa', 'selected' => ''))); + $form->addWidget($select); + $this->assertIdentical( + $form->submit(), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('a' => 'aaa'))); + } + + function testSingleSelectFieldSubmittedWithPost() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array('method' => 'post')), $this->page('htp://host')); + $select = &new SimpleSelectionTag(array('name' => 'a')); + $select->addTag(new SimpleOptionTag( + array('value' => 'aaa', 'selected' => ''))); + $form->addWidget($select); + $this->assertIdentical( + $form->submit(), + new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 'aaa'))); + } + + function testUnchecked() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('htp://host')); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag( + array('name' => 'me', 'type' => 'checkbox'))); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('me')), false); + $this->assertTrue($form->setField(new SimpleByName('me'), 'on')); + $this->assertEqual($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('me')), 'on'); + $this->assertFalse($form->setField(new SimpleByName('me'), 'other')); + $this->assertEqual($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('me')), 'on'); + } + + function testChecked() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('htp://host')); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag( + array('name' => 'me', 'value' => 'a', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'checked' => ''))); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('me')), 'a'); + $this->assertTrue($form->setField(new SimpleByName('me'), 'a')); + $this->assertEqual($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('me')), 'a'); + $this->assertTrue($form->setField(new SimpleByName('me'), false)); + $this->assertEqual($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('me')), false); + } + + function testSingleUncheckedRadioButton() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('htp://host')); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleRadioButtonTag( + array('name' => 'me', 'value' => 'a', 'type' => 'radio'))); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('me')), false); + $this->assertTrue($form->setField(new SimpleByName('me'), 'a')); + $this->assertEqual($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('me')), 'a'); + } + + function testSingleCheckedRadioButton() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('htp://host')); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleRadioButtonTag( + array('name' => 'me', 'value' => 'a', 'type' => 'radio', 'checked' => ''))); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('me')), 'a'); + $this->assertFalse($form->setField(new SimpleByName('me'), 'other')); + } + + function testUncheckedRadioButtons() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('htp://host')); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleRadioButtonTag( + array('name' => 'me', 'value' => 'a', 'type' => 'radio'))); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleRadioButtonTag( + array('name' => 'me', 'value' => 'b', 'type' => 'radio'))); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('me')), false); + $this->assertTrue($form->setField(new SimpleByName('me'), 'a')); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('me')), 'a'); + $this->assertTrue($form->setField(new SimpleByName('me'), 'b')); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('me')), 'b'); + $this->assertFalse($form->setField(new SimpleByName('me'), 'c')); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('me')), 'b'); + } + + function testCheckedRadioButtons() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('htp://host')); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleRadioButtonTag( + array('name' => 'me', 'value' => 'a', 'type' => 'radio'))); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleRadioButtonTag( + array('name' => 'me', 'value' => 'b', 'type' => 'radio', 'checked' => ''))); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('me')), 'b'); + $this->assertTrue($form->setField(new SimpleByName('me'), 'a')); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('me')), 'a'); + } + + function testMultipleFieldsWithSameKey() { + $form = &new SimpleForm(new SimpleFormTag(array()), $this->page('htp://host')); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag( + array('name' => 'a', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 'me'))); + $form->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag( + array('name' => 'a', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 'you'))); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('a')), false); + $this->assertTrue($form->setField(new SimpleByName('a'), 'me')); + $this->assertIdentical($form->getValue(new SimpleByName('a')), 'me'); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/frames_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/frames_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..160eebc1b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/frames_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,549 @@ +<?php +// $Id: frames_test.php 1555 2007-07-14 02:04:34Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../tag.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../page.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../frames.php'); +Mock::generate('SimplePage'); +Mock::generate('SimpleForm'); + +class TestOfFrameset extends UnitTestCase { + + function testTitleReadFromFramesetPage() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnValue('getTitle', 'This page'); + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset($page); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getTitle(), 'This page'); + } + + function TestHeadersReadFromFramesetByDefault() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnValue('getHeaders', 'Header: content'); + $page->setReturnValue('getMimeType', 'text/xml'); + $page->setReturnValue('getResponseCode', 401); + $page->setReturnValue('getTransportError', 'Could not parse headers'); + $page->setReturnValue('getAuthentication', 'Basic'); + $page->setReturnValue('getRealm', 'Safe place'); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset($page); + + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getHeaders(), 'Header: content'); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getMimeType(), 'text/xml'); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getResponseCode(), 401); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getTransportError(), 'Could not parse headers'); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getAuthentication(), 'Basic'); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getRealm(), 'Safe place'); + } + + function testEmptyFramesetHasNoContent() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'This content'); + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset($page); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getRaw(), ''); + } + + function testRawContentIsFromOnlyFrame() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectNever('getRaw'); + + $frame = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'Stuff'); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset($page); + $frameset->addFrame($frame); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getRaw(), 'Stuff'); + } + + function testRawContentIsFromAllFrames() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectNever('getRaw'); + + $frame1 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame1->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'Stuff1'); + + $frame2 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame2->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'Stuff2'); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset($page); + $frameset->addFrame($frame1); + $frameset->addFrame($frame2); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getRaw(), 'Stuff1Stuff2'); + } + + function testTextContentIsFromOnlyFrame() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectNever('getText'); + + $frame = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame->setReturnValue('getText', 'Stuff'); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset($page); + $frameset->addFrame($frame); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getText(), 'Stuff'); + } + + function testTextContentIsFromAllFrames() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectNever('getText'); + + $frame1 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame1->setReturnValue('getText', 'Stuff1'); + + $frame2 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame2->setReturnValue('getText', 'Stuff2'); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset($page); + $frameset->addFrame($frame1); + $frameset->addFrame($frame2); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getText(), 'Stuff1 Stuff2'); + } + + function testFieldFoundIsFirstInFramelist() { + $frame1 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame1->setReturnValue('getField', null); + $frame1->expectOnce('getField', array(new SimpleByName('a'))); + + $frame2 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame2->setReturnValue('getField', 'A'); + $frame2->expectOnce('getField', array(new SimpleByName('a'))); + + $frame3 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame3->expectNever('getField'); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset($page); + $frameset->addFrame($frame1); + $frameset->addFrame($frame2); + $frameset->addFrame($frame3); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'A'); + } + + function testFrameReplacementByIndex() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectNever('getRaw'); + + $frame1 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame1->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'Stuff1'); + + $frame2 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame2->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'Stuff2'); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset($page); + $frameset->addFrame($frame1); + $frameset->setFrame(array(1), $frame2); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getRaw(), 'Stuff2'); + } + + function testFrameReplacementByName() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectNever('getRaw'); + + $frame1 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame1->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'Stuff1'); + + $frame2 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame2->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'Stuff2'); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset($page); + $frameset->addFrame($frame1, 'a'); + $frameset->setFrame(array('a'), $frame2); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getRaw(), 'Stuff2'); + } +} + +class TestOfFrameNavigation extends UnitTestCase { + + function testStartsWithoutFrameFocus() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset($page); + $frameset->addFrame($frame); + $this->assertFalse($frameset->getFrameFocus()); + } + + function testCanFocusOnSingleFrame() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectNever('getRaw'); + + $frame = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame->setReturnValue('getFrameFocus', array()); + $frame->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'Stuff'); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset($page); + $frameset->addFrame($frame); + + $this->assertFalse($frameset->setFrameFocusByIndex(0)); + $this->assertTrue($frameset->setFrameFocusByIndex(1)); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getRaw(), 'Stuff'); + $this->assertFalse($frameset->setFrameFocusByIndex(2)); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getFrameFocus(), array(1)); + } + + function testContentComesFromFrameInFocus() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + + $frame1 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame1->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'Stuff1'); + $frame1->setReturnValue('getFrameFocus', array()); + + $frame2 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame2->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'Stuff2'); + $frame2->setReturnValue('getFrameFocus', array()); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset($page); + $frameset->addFrame($frame1); + $frameset->addFrame($frame2); + + $this->assertTrue($frameset->setFrameFocusByIndex(1)); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getFrameFocus(), array(1)); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getRaw(), 'Stuff1'); + + $this->assertTrue($frameset->setFrameFocusByIndex(2)); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getFrameFocus(), array(2)); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getRaw(), 'Stuff2'); + + $this->assertFalse($frameset->setFrameFocusByIndex(3)); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getFrameFocus(), array(2)); + + $frameset->clearFrameFocus(); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getRaw(), 'Stuff1Stuff2'); + } + + function testCanFocusByName() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + + $frame1 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame1->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'Stuff1'); + $frame1->setReturnValue('getFrameFocus', array()); + + $frame2 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame2->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'Stuff2'); + $frame2->setReturnValue('getFrameFocus', array()); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset($page); + $frameset->addFrame($frame1, 'A'); + $frameset->addFrame($frame2, 'B'); + + $this->assertTrue($frameset->setFrameFocus('A')); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getFrameFocus(), array('A')); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getRaw(), 'Stuff1'); + + $this->assertTrue($frameset->setFrameFocusByIndex(2)); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getFrameFocus(), array('B')); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getRaw(), 'Stuff2'); + + $this->assertFalse($frameset->setFrameFocus('z')); + + $frameset->clearFrameFocus(); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getRaw(), 'Stuff1Stuff2'); + } +} + +class TestOfFramesetPageInterface extends UnitTestCase { + var $_page_interface; + var $_frameset_interface; + + function TestOfFramesetPageInterface() { + $this->UnitTestCase(); + $this->_page_interface = $this->_getPageMethods(); + $this->_frameset_interface = $this->_getFramesetMethods(); + } + + function assertListInAnyOrder($list, $expected) { + sort($list); + sort($expected); + $this->assertEqual($list, $expected); + } + + function _getPageMethods() { + $methods = array(); + foreach (get_class_methods('SimplePage') as $method) { + if (strtolower($method) == strtolower('SimplePage')) { + continue; + } + if (strtolower($method) == strtolower('getFrameset')) { + continue; + } + if (strncmp($method, '_', 1) == 0) { + continue; + } + if (strncmp($method, 'accept', 6) == 0) { + continue; + } + $methods[] = $method; + } + return $methods; + } + + function _getFramesetMethods() { + $methods = array(); + foreach (get_class_methods('SimpleFrameset') as $method) { + if (strtolower($method) == strtolower('SimpleFrameset')) { + continue; + } + if (strncmp($method, '_', 1) == 0) { + continue; + } + if (strncmp($method, 'add', 3) == 0) { + continue; + } + $methods[] = $method; + } + return $methods; + } + + function testFramsetHasPageInterface() { + $difference = array(); + foreach ($this->_page_interface as $method) { + if (! in_array($method, $this->_frameset_interface)) { + $this->fail("No [$method] in Frameset class"); + return; + } + } + $this->pass('Frameset covers Page interface'); + } + + function testHeadersReadFromFrameIfInFocus() { + $frame = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://localhost/stuff')); + + $frame->setReturnValue('getRequest', 'POST stuff'); + $frame->setReturnValue('getMethod', 'POST'); + $frame->setReturnValue('getRequestData', array('a' => 'A')); + $frame->setReturnValue('getHeaders', 'Header: content'); + $frame->setReturnValue('getMimeType', 'text/xml'); + $frame->setReturnValue('getResponseCode', 401); + $frame->setReturnValue('getTransportError', 'Could not parse headers'); + $frame->setReturnValue('getAuthentication', 'Basic'); + $frame->setReturnValue('getRealm', 'Safe place'); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset(new MockSimplePage()); + $frameset->addFrame($frame); + $frameset->setFrameFocusByIndex(1); + + $url = new SimpleUrl('http://localhost/stuff'); + $url->setTarget(1); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getUrl(), $url); + + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getRequest(), 'POST stuff'); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getMethod(), 'POST'); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getRequestData(), array('a' => 'A')); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getHeaders(), 'Header: content'); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getMimeType(), 'text/xml'); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getResponseCode(), 401); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getTransportError(), 'Could not parse headers'); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getAuthentication(), 'Basic'); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getRealm(), 'Safe place'); + } + + function testUrlsComeFromBothFrames() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectNever('getUrls'); + + $frame1 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame1->setReturnValue( + 'getUrls', + array('http://www.lastcraft.com/', 'http://myserver/')); + + $frame2 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame2->setReturnValue( + 'getUrls', + array('http://www.lastcraft.com/', 'http://test/')); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset($page); + $frameset->addFrame($frame1); + $frameset->addFrame($frame2); + $this->assertListInAnyOrder( + $frameset->getUrls(), + array('http://www.lastcraft.com/', 'http://myserver/', 'http://test/')); + } + + function testLabelledUrlsComeFromBothFrames() { + $frame1 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame1->setReturnValue( + 'getUrlsByLabel', + array(new SimpleUrl('goodbye.php')), + array('a')); + + $frame2 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame2->setReturnValue( + 'getUrlsByLabel', + array(new SimpleUrl('hello.php')), + array('a')); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset(new MockSimplePage()); + $frameset->addFrame($frame1); + $frameset->addFrame($frame2, 'Two'); + + $expected1 = new SimpleUrl('goodbye.php'); + $expected1->setTarget(1); + $expected2 = new SimpleUrl('hello.php'); + $expected2->setTarget('Two'); + $this->assertEqual( + $frameset->getUrlsByLabel('a'), + array($expected1, $expected2)); + } + + function testUrlByIdComesFromFirstFrameToRespond() { + $frame1 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame1->setReturnValue('getUrlById', new SimpleUrl('four.php'), array(4)); + $frame1->setReturnValue('getUrlById', false, array(5)); + + $frame2 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame2->setReturnValue('getUrlById', false, array(4)); + $frame2->setReturnValue('getUrlById', new SimpleUrl('five.php'), array(5)); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset(new MockSimplePage()); + $frameset->addFrame($frame1); + $frameset->addFrame($frame2); + + $four = new SimpleUrl('four.php'); + $four->setTarget(1); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getUrlById(4), $four); + $five = new SimpleUrl('five.php'); + $five->setTarget(2); + $this->assertEqual($frameset->getUrlById(5), $five); + } + + function testReadUrlsFromFrameInFocus() { + $frame1 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame1->setReturnValue('getUrls', array('a')); + $frame1->setReturnValue('getUrlsByLabel', array(new SimpleUrl('l'))); + $frame1->setReturnValue('getUrlById', new SimpleUrl('i')); + + $frame2 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame2->expectNever('getUrls'); + $frame2->expectNever('getUrlsByLabel'); + $frame2->expectNever('getUrlById'); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset(new MockSimplePage()); + $frameset->addFrame($frame1, 'A'); + $frameset->addFrame($frame2, 'B'); + $frameset->setFrameFocus('A'); + + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getUrls(), array('a')); + $expected = new SimpleUrl('l'); + $expected->setTarget('A'); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getUrlsByLabel('label'), array($expected)); + $expected = new SimpleUrl('i'); + $expected->setTarget('A'); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getUrlById(99), $expected); + } + + function testReadFrameTaggedUrlsFromFrameInFocus() { + $frame = &new MockSimplePage(); + + $by_label = new SimpleUrl('l'); + $by_label->setTarget('L'); + $frame->setReturnValue('getUrlsByLabel', array($by_label)); + + $by_id = new SimpleUrl('i'); + $by_id->setTarget('I'); + $frame->setReturnValue('getUrlById', $by_id); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset(new MockSimplePage()); + $frameset->addFrame($frame, 'A'); + $frameset->setFrameFocus('A'); + + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getUrlsByLabel('label'), array($by_label)); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getUrlById(99), $by_id); + } + + function testFindingFormsById() { + $frame = &new MockSimplePage(); + $form = &new MockSimpleForm(); + $frame->setReturnReference('getFormById', $form, array('a')); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset(new MockSimplePage()); + $frameset->addFrame(new MockSimplePage(), 'A'); + $frameset->addFrame($frame, 'B'); + $this->assertReference($frameset->getFormById('a'), $form); + + $frameset->setFrameFocus('A'); + $this->assertNull($frameset->getFormById('a')); + + $frameset->setFrameFocus('B'); + $this->assertReference($frameset->getFormById('a'), $form); + } + + function testFindingFormsBySubmit() { + $frame = &new MockSimplePage(); + $form = &new MockSimpleForm(); + $frame->setReturnReference( + 'getFormBySubmit', + $form, + array(new SimpleByLabel('a'))); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset(new MockSimplePage()); + $frameset->addFrame(new MockSimplePage(), 'A'); + $frameset->addFrame($frame, 'B'); + $this->assertReference($frameset->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByLabel('a')), $form); + + $frameset->setFrameFocus('A'); + $this->assertNull($frameset->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByLabel('a'))); + + $frameset->setFrameFocus('B'); + $this->assertReference($frameset->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByLabel('a')), $form); + } + + function testFindingFormsByImage() { + $frame = &new MockSimplePage(); + $form = &new MockSimpleForm(); + $frame->setReturnReference( + 'getFormByImage', + $form, + array(new SimpleByLabel('a'))); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset(new MockSimplePage()); + $frameset->addFrame(new MockSimplePage(), 'A'); + $frameset->addFrame($frame, 'B'); + $this->assertReference($frameset->getFormByImage(new SimpleByLabel('a')), $form); + + $frameset->setFrameFocus('A'); + $this->assertNull($frameset->getFormByImage(new SimpleByLabel('a'))); + + $frameset->setFrameFocus('B'); + $this->assertReference($frameset->getFormByImage(new SimpleByLabel('a')), $form); + } + + function testSettingAllFrameFieldsWhenNoFrameFocus() { + $frame1 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame1->expectOnce('setField', array(new SimpleById(22), 'A')); + + $frame2 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame2->expectOnce('setField', array(new SimpleById(22), 'A')); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset(new MockSimplePage()); + $frameset->addFrame($frame1, 'A'); + $frameset->addFrame($frame2, 'B'); + $frameset->setField(new SimpleById(22), 'A'); + } + + function testOnlySettingFieldFromFocusedFrame() { + $frame1 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame1->expectOnce('setField', array(new SimpleByLabelOrName('a'), 'A')); + + $frame2 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame2->expectNever('setField'); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset(new MockSimplePage()); + $frameset->addFrame($frame1, 'A'); + $frameset->addFrame($frame2, 'B'); + $frameset->setFrameFocus('A'); + $frameset->setField(new SimpleByLabelOrName('a'), 'A'); + } + + function testOnlyGettingFieldFromFocusedFrame() { + $frame1 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame1->setReturnValue('getField', 'f', array(new SimpleByName('a'))); + + $frame2 = &new MockSimplePage(); + $frame2->expectNever('getField'); + + $frameset = &new SimpleFrameset(new MockSimplePage()); + $frameset->addFrame($frame1, 'A'); + $frameset->addFrame($frame2, 'B'); + $frameset->setFrameFocus('A'); + $this->assertIdentical($frameset->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'f'); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/http_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/http_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d249850c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/http_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,427 @@ +<?php +// $Id: http_test.php 1505 2007-04-30 23:39:59Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../encoding.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../http.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../socket.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../cookies.php'); +Mock::generate('SimpleSocket'); +Mock::generate('SimpleCookieJar'); +Mock::generate('SimpleRoute'); +Mock::generatePartial('SimpleRoute', 'PartialSimpleRoute', array('_createSocket')); +Mock::generatePartial( + 'SimpleProxyRoute', + 'PartialSimpleProxyRoute', + array('_createSocket')); + +class TestOfDirectRoute extends UnitTestCase { + + function testDefaultGetRequest() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'write', array("GET /here.html HTTP/1.0\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'write', array("Host: a.valid.host\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(2, 'write', array("Connection: close\r\n")); + $socket->expectCallCount('write', 3); + + $route = &new PartialSimpleRoute(); + $route->setReturnReference('_createSocket', $socket); + $route->SimpleRoute(new SimpleUrl('http://a.valid.host/here.html')); + + $this->assertReference($route->createConnection('GET', 15), $socket); + } + + function testDefaultPostRequest() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'write', array("POST /here.html HTTP/1.0\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'write', array("Host: a.valid.host\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(2, 'write', array("Connection: close\r\n")); + $socket->expectCallCount('write', 3); + + $route = &new PartialSimpleRoute(); + $route->setReturnReference('_createSocket', $socket); + $route->SimpleRoute(new SimpleUrl('http://a.valid.host/here.html')); + + $route->createConnection('POST', 15); + } + + function testGetWithPort() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'write', array("GET /here.html HTTP/1.0\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'write', array("Host: a.valid.host:81\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(2, 'write', array("Connection: close\r\n")); + $socket->expectCallCount('write', 3); + + $route = &new PartialSimpleRoute(); + $route->setReturnReference('_createSocket', $socket); + $route->SimpleRoute(new SimpleUrl('http://a.valid.host:81/here.html')); + + $route->createConnection('GET', 15); + } + + function testGetWithParameters() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'write', array("GET /here.html?a=1&b=2 HTTP/1.0\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'write', array("Host: a.valid.host\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(2, 'write', array("Connection: close\r\n")); + $socket->expectCallCount('write', 3); + + $route = &new PartialSimpleRoute(); + $route->setReturnReference('_createSocket', $socket); + $route->SimpleRoute(new SimpleUrl('http://a.valid.host/here.html?a=1&b=2')); + + $route->createConnection('GET', 15); + } +} + +class TestOfProxyRoute extends UnitTestCase { + + function testDefaultGet() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'write', array("GET http://a.valid.host/here.html HTTP/1.0\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'write', array("Host: my-proxy:8080\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(2, 'write', array("Connection: close\r\n")); + $socket->expectCallCount('write', 3); + + $route = &new PartialSimpleProxyRoute(); + $route->setReturnReference('_createSocket', $socket); + $route->SimpleProxyRoute( + new SimpleUrl('http://a.valid.host/here.html'), + new SimpleUrl('http://my-proxy')); + $route->createConnection('GET', 15); + } + + function testDefaultPost() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'write', array("POST http://a.valid.host/here.html HTTP/1.0\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'write', array("Host: my-proxy:8080\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(2, 'write', array("Connection: close\r\n")); + $socket->expectCallCount('write', 3); + + $route = &new PartialSimpleProxyRoute(); + $route->setReturnReference('_createSocket', $socket); + $route->SimpleProxyRoute( + new SimpleUrl('http://a.valid.host/here.html'), + new SimpleUrl('http://my-proxy')); + $route->createConnection('POST', 15); + } + + function testGetWithPort() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'write', array("GET http://a.valid.host:81/here.html HTTP/1.0\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'write', array("Host: my-proxy:8081\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(2, 'write', array("Connection: close\r\n")); + $socket->expectCallCount('write', 3); + + $route = &new PartialSimpleProxyRoute(); + $route->setReturnReference('_createSocket', $socket); + $route->SimpleProxyRoute( + new SimpleUrl('http://a.valid.host:81/here.html'), + new SimpleUrl('http://my-proxy:8081')); + $route->createConnection('GET', 15); + } + + function testGetWithParameters() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'write', array("GET http://a.valid.host/here.html?a=1&b=2 HTTP/1.0\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'write', array("Host: my-proxy:8080\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(2, 'write', array("Connection: close\r\n")); + $socket->expectCallCount('write', 3); + + $route = &new PartialSimpleProxyRoute(); + $route->setReturnReference('_createSocket', $socket); + $route->SimpleProxyRoute( + new SimpleUrl('http://a.valid.host/here.html?a=1&b=2'), + new SimpleUrl('http://my-proxy')); + $route->createConnection('GET', 15); + } + + function testGetWithAuthentication() { + $encoded = base64_encode('Me:Secret'); + + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'write', array("GET http://a.valid.host/here.html HTTP/1.0\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'write', array("Host: my-proxy:8080\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(2, 'write', array("Proxy-Authorization: Basic $encoded\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(3, 'write', array("Connection: close\r\n")); + $socket->expectCallCount('write', 4); + + $route = &new PartialSimpleProxyRoute(); + $route->setReturnReference('_createSocket', $socket); + $route->SimpleProxyRoute( + new SimpleUrl('http://a.valid.host/here.html'), + new SimpleUrl('http://my-proxy'), + 'Me', + 'Secret'); + $route->createConnection('GET', 15); + } +} + +class TestOfHttpRequest extends UnitTestCase { + + function testReadingBadConnection() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + + $route = &new MockSimpleRoute(); + $route->setReturnReference('createConnection', $socket); + + $request = &new SimpleHttpRequest($route, new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $reponse = &$request->fetch(15); + $this->assertTrue($reponse->isError()); + } + + function testReadingGoodConnection() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->expectOnce('write', array("\r\n")); + + $route = &new MockSimpleRoute(); + $route->setReturnReference('createConnection', $socket); + $route->expectArguments('createConnection', array('GET', 15)); + + $request = &new SimpleHttpRequest($route, new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertIsA($request->fetch(15), 'SimpleHttpResponse'); + } + + function testWritingAdditionalHeaders() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'write', array("My: stuff\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'write', array("\r\n")); + $socket->expectCallCount('write', 2); + + $route = &new MockSimpleRoute(); + $route->setReturnReference('createConnection', $socket); + + $request = &new SimpleHttpRequest($route, new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $request->addHeaderLine('My: stuff'); + $request->fetch(15); + } + + function testCookieWriting() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'write', array("Cookie: a=A\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'write', array("\r\n")); + $socket->expectCallCount('write', 2); + + $route = &new MockSimpleRoute(); + $route->setReturnReference('createConnection', $socket); + + $jar = new SimpleCookieJar(); + $jar->setCookie('a', 'A'); + + $request = &new SimpleHttpRequest($route, new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $request->readCookiesFromJar($jar, new SimpleUrl('/')); + $this->assertIsA($request->fetch(15), 'SimpleHttpResponse'); + } + + function testMultipleCookieWriting() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'write', array("Cookie: a=A;b=B\r\n")); + + $route = &new MockSimpleRoute(); + $route->setReturnReference('createConnection', $socket); + + $jar = new SimpleCookieJar(); + $jar->setCookie('a', 'A'); + $jar->setCookie('b', 'B'); + + $request = &new SimpleHttpRequest($route, new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $request->readCookiesFromJar($jar, new SimpleUrl('/')); + $request->fetch(15); + } +} + +class TestOfHttpPostRequest extends UnitTestCase { + + function testReadingBadConnectionCausesErrorBecauseOfDeadSocket() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + + $route = &new MockSimpleRoute(); + $route->setReturnReference('createConnection', $socket); + + $request = &new SimpleHttpRequest($route, new SimplePostEncoding()); + $reponse = &$request->fetch(15); + $this->assertTrue($reponse->isError()); + } + + function testReadingGoodConnection() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'write', array("Content-Length: 0\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'write', array("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(2, 'write', array("\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(3, 'write', array("")); + + $route = &new MockSimpleRoute(); + $route->setReturnReference('createConnection', $socket); + $route->expectArguments('createConnection', array('POST', 15)); + + $request = &new SimpleHttpRequest($route, new SimplePostEncoding()); + $this->assertIsA($request->fetch(15), 'SimpleHttpResponse'); + } + + function testContentHeadersCalculated() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'write', array("Content-Length: 3\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'write', array("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(2, 'write', array("\r\n")); + $socket->expectArgumentsAt(3, 'write', array("a=A")); + + $route = &new MockSimpleRoute(); + $route->setReturnReference('createConnection', $socket); + $route->expectArguments('createConnection', array('POST', 15)); + + $request = &new SimpleHttpRequest( + $route, + new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 'A'))); + $this->assertIsA($request->fetch(15), 'SimpleHttpResponse'); + } +} + +class TestOfHttpHeaders extends UnitTestCase { + + function testParseBasicHeaders() { + $headers = new SimpleHttpHeaders( + "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" . + "Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 15:50:29 GMT\r\n" . + "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" . + "Server: Apache/1.3.24 (Win32) PHP/4.2.3\r\n" . + "Connection: close"); + $this->assertIdentical($headers->getHttpVersion(), "1.1"); + $this->assertIdentical($headers->getResponseCode(), 200); + $this->assertEqual($headers->getMimeType(), "text/plain"); + } + + function testNonStandardResponseHeader() { + $headers = new SimpleHttpHeaders( + "HTTP/1.1 302 (HTTP-Version SP Status-Code CRLF)\r\n" . + "Connection: close"); + $this->assertIdentical($headers->getResponseCode(), 302); + } + + function testCanParseMultipleCookies() { + $jar = &new MockSimpleCookieJar(); + $jar->expectAt(0, 'setCookie', array('a', 'aaa', 'host', '/here/', 'Wed, 25 Dec 2002 04:24:20 GMT')); + $jar->expectAt(1, 'setCookie', array('b', 'bbb', 'host', '/', false)); + + $headers = new SimpleHttpHeaders( + "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" . + "Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 15:50:29 GMT\r\n" . + "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" . + "Server: Apache/1.3.24 (Win32) PHP/4.2.3\r\n" . + "Set-Cookie: a=aaa; expires=Wed, 25-Dec-02 04:24:20 GMT; path=/here/\r\n" . + "Set-Cookie: b=bbb\r\n" . + "Connection: close"); + $headers->writeCookiesToJar($jar, new SimpleUrl('http://host')); + } + + function testCanRecogniseRedirect() { + $headers = new SimpleHttpHeaders("HTTP/1.1 301 OK\r\n" . + "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" . + "Content-Length: 0\r\n" . + "Location: http://www.somewhere-else.com/\r\n" . + "Connection: close"); + $this->assertIdentical($headers->getResponseCode(), 301); + $this->assertEqual($headers->getLocation(), "http://www.somewhere-else.com/"); + $this->assertTrue($headers->isRedirect()); + } + + function testCanParseChallenge() { + $headers = new SimpleHttpHeaders("HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization required\r\n" . + "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" . + "Connection: close\r\n" . + "WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Somewhere\""); + $this->assertEqual($headers->getAuthentication(), 'Basic'); + $this->assertEqual($headers->getRealm(), 'Somewhere'); + $this->assertTrue($headers->isChallenge()); + } +} + +class TestOfHttpResponse extends UnitTestCase { + + function testBadRequest() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->setReturnValue('getSent', ''); + + $response = &new SimpleHttpResponse($socket, new SimpleUrl('here'), new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertTrue($response->isError()); + $this->assertPattern('/Nothing fetched/', $response->getError()); + $this->assertIdentical($response->getContent(), false); + $this->assertIdentical($response->getSent(), ''); + } + + function testBadSocketDuringResponse() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(0, "read", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(1, "read", "Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 15:50:29 GMT\r\n"); + $socket->setReturnValue("read", ""); + $socket->setReturnValue('getSent', 'HTTP/1.1 ...'); + + $response = &new SimpleHttpResponse($socket, new SimpleUrl('here'), new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertTrue($response->isError()); + $this->assertEqual($response->getContent(), ''); + $this->assertEqual($response->getSent(), 'HTTP/1.1 ...'); + } + + function testIncompleteHeader() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(0, "read", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(1, "read", "Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 15:50:29 GMT\r\n"); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(2, "read", "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"); + $socket->setReturnValue("read", ""); + + $response = &new SimpleHttpResponse($socket, new SimpleUrl('here'), new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertTrue($response->isError()); + $this->assertEqual($response->getContent(), ""); + } + + function testParseOfResponseHeadersWhenChunked() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(0, "read", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nDate: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 15:50:29 GMT\r\n"); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(1, "read", "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(2, "read", "Server: Apache/1.3.24 (Win32) PHP/4.2.3\r\nConne"); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(3, "read", "ction: close\r\n\r\nthis is a test file\n"); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(4, "read", "with two lines in it\n"); + $socket->setReturnValue("read", ""); + + $response = &new SimpleHttpResponse($socket, new SimpleUrl('here'), new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertFalse($response->isError()); + $this->assertEqual( + $response->getContent(), + "this is a test file\nwith two lines in it\n"); + $headers = $response->getHeaders(); + $this->assertIdentical($headers->getHttpVersion(), "1.1"); + $this->assertIdentical($headers->getResponseCode(), 200); + $this->assertEqual($headers->getMimeType(), "text/plain"); + $this->assertFalse($headers->isRedirect()); + $this->assertFalse($headers->getLocation()); + } + + function testRedirect() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(0, "read", "HTTP/1.1 301 OK\r\n"); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(1, "read", "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(2, "read", "Location: http://www.somewhere-else.com/\r\n"); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(3, "read", "Connection: close\r\n"); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(4, "read", "\r\n"); + $socket->setReturnValue("read", ""); + + $response = &new SimpleHttpResponse($socket, new SimpleUrl('here'), new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $headers = $response->getHeaders(); + $this->assertTrue($headers->isRedirect()); + $this->assertEqual($headers->getLocation(), "http://www.somewhere-else.com/"); + } + + function testRedirectWithPort() { + $socket = &new MockSimpleSocket(); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(0, "read", "HTTP/1.1 301 OK\r\n"); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(1, "read", "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(2, "read", "Location: http://www.somewhere-else.com:80/\r\n"); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(3, "read", "Connection: close\r\n"); + $socket->setReturnValueAt(4, "read", "\r\n"); + $socket->setReturnValue("read", ""); + + $response = &new SimpleHttpResponse($socket, new SimpleUrl('here'), new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $headers = $response->getHeaders(); + $this->assertTrue($headers->isRedirect()); + $this->assertEqual($headers->getLocation(), "http://www.somewhere-else.com:80/"); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/interfaces_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/interfaces_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b6980edb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/interfaces_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +<?php +// $Id: interfaces_test.php 1699 2008-03-24 16:01:29Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +if (function_exists('spl_classes')) { + include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/spl_examples.php'); +} + +interface DummyInterface { + function aMethod(); + function anotherMethod($a); + function &referenceMethod(&$a); +} + +Mock::generate('DummyInterface'); +Mock::generatePartial('DummyInterface', 'PartialDummyInterface', array()); + +class TestOfMockInterfaces extends UnitTestCase { + + function testCanMockAnInterface() { + $mock = new MockDummyInterface(); + $this->assertIsA($mock, 'SimpleMock'); + $this->assertIsA($mock, 'MockDummyInterface'); + $this->assertTrue(method_exists($mock, 'aMethod')); + $this->assertTrue(method_exists($mock, 'anotherMethod')); + $this->assertNull($mock->aMethod()); + } + + function testMockedInterfaceExpectsParameters() { + $mock = new MockDummyInterface(); + $mock->anotherMethod(); + $this->assertError(); + } + + function testCannotPartiallyMockAnInterface() { + $this->assertFalse(class_exists('PartialDummyInterface')); + } +} + +class TestOfSpl extends UnitTestCase { + + function skip() { + $this->skipUnless(function_exists('spl_classes'), 'No SPL module loaded'); + } + + function testCanMockAllSplClasses() { + if (! function_exists('spl_classes')) { + return; + } + foreach(spl_classes() as $class) { + if ($class == 'SplHeap') { + continue; + } + $mock_class = "Mock$class"; + Mock::generate($class); + $this->assertIsA(new $mock_class(), $mock_class); + } + } + + function testExtensionOfCommonSplClasses() { + Mock::generate('IteratorImplementation'); + $this->assertIsA( + new IteratorImplementation(), + 'IteratorImplementation'); + Mock::generate('IteratorAggregateImplementation'); + $this->assertIsA( + new IteratorAggregateImplementation(), + 'IteratorAggregateImplementation'); + } +} + +class WithHint { + function hinted(DummyInterface $object) { } +} + +class ImplementsDummy implements DummyInterface { + function aMethod() { } + function anotherMethod($a) { } + function &referenceMethod(&$a) { } + function extraMethod($a = false) { } +} +Mock::generate('ImplementsDummy'); + +class TestOfImplementations extends UnitTestCase { + + function testMockedInterfaceCanPassThroughTypeHint() { + $mock = new MockDummyInterface(); + $hinter = new WithHint(); + $hinter->hinted($mock); + } + + function testImplementedInterfacesAreCarried() { + $mock = new MockImplementsDummy(); + $hinter = new WithHint(); + $hinter->hinted($mock); + } + + function testNoSpuriousWarningsWhenSkippingDefaultedParameter() { + $mock = new MockImplementsDummy(); + $mock->extraMethod(); + } +} + +interface SampleClassWithConstruct { + function __construct($something); +} + +class TestOfInterfaceMocksWithConstruct extends UnitTestCase { + function testBasicConstructOfAnInterface() { + Mock::generate('SampleClassWithConstruct'); + $this->assertNoErrors(); + } +} + +interface SampleInterfaceWithHintInSignature { + function method(array $hinted); +} + +class TestOfInterfaceMocksWithHintInSignature extends UnitTestCase { + function testBasicConstructOfAnInterfaceWithHintInSignature() { + Mock::generate('SampleInterfaceWithHintInSignature'); + $this->assertNoErrors(); + $mock = new MockSampleInterfaceWithHintInSignature(); + $this->assertIsA($mock, 'SampleInterfaceWithHintInSignature'); + } +} + +interface SampleInterfaceWithClone { + function __clone(); +} + +class TestOfSampleInterfaceWithClone extends UnitTestCase { + function testCanMockWithoutErrors() { + Mock::generate('SampleInterfaceWithClone'); + $this->assertNoErrors(); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/live_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/live_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b294030e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/live_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +<?php +// $Id: live_test.php 1505 2007-04-30 23:39:59Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../socket.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../http.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../compatibility.php'); + +if (SimpleTest::getDefaultProxy()) { + SimpleTest::ignore('LiveHttpTestCase'); +} + +class LiveHttpTestCase extends UnitTestCase { + + function testBadSocket() { + $socket = &new SimpleSocket('bad_url', 111, 5); + $this->assertTrue($socket->isError()); + $this->assertPattern( + '/Cannot open \\[bad_url:111\\] with \\[/', + $socket->getError()); + $this->assertFalse($socket->isOpen()); + $this->assertFalse($socket->write('A message')); + } + + function testSocketClosure() { + $socket = &new SimpleSocket('www.lastcraft.com', 80, 15, 8); + $this->assertTrue($socket->isOpen()); + $this->assertTrue($socket->write("GET /test/network_confirm.php HTTP/1.0\r\n")); + $socket->write("Host: www.lastcraft.com\r\n"); + $socket->write("Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); + $this->assertEqual($socket->read(), "HTTP/1.1"); + $socket->close(); + $this->assertIdentical($socket->read(), false); + } + + function testRecordOfSentCharacters() { + $socket = &new SimpleSocket('www.lastcraft.com', 80, 15); + $this->assertTrue($socket->write("GET /test/network_confirm.php HTTP/1.0\r\n")); + $socket->write("Host: www.lastcraft.com\r\n"); + $socket->write("Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); + $socket->close(); + $this->assertEqual($socket->getSent(), + "GET /test/network_confirm.php HTTP/1.0\r\n" . + "Host: www.lastcraft.com\r\n" . + "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/mock_objects_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/mock_objects_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a208ff727 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/mock_objects_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,994 @@ +<?php +// $Id: mock_objects_test.php 1700 2008-03-24 16:17:48Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../expectation.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../mock_objects.php'); + +class TestOfAnythingExpectation extends UnitTestCase { + + function testSimpleInteger() { + $expectation = new AnythingExpectation(); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(33)); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(false)); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(null)); + } +} + +class TestOfParametersExpectation extends UnitTestCase { + + function testEmptyMatch() { + $expectation = new ParametersExpectation(array()); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(array())); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(array(33))); + } + + function testSingleMatch() { + $expectation = new ParametersExpectation(array(0)); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(array(1))); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(array(0))); + } + + function testAnyMatch() { + $expectation = new ParametersExpectation(false); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(array())); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(array(1, 2))); + } + + function testMissingParameter() { + $expectation = new ParametersExpectation(array(0)); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(array())); + } + + function testNullParameter() { + $expectation = new ParametersExpectation(array(null)); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(array(null))); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(array())); + } + + function testAnythingExpectations() { + $expectation = new ParametersExpectation(array(new AnythingExpectation())); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(array())); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test(array(null)), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test(array(13)), true); + } + + function testOtherExpectations() { + $expectation = new ParametersExpectation( + array(new PatternExpectation('/hello/i'))); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(array('Goodbye'))); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(array('hello'))); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(array('Hello'))); + } + + function testIdentityOnly() { + $expectation = new ParametersExpectation(array("0")); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(array(0))); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(array("0"))); + } + + function testLongList() { + $expectation = new ParametersExpectation( + array("0", 0, new AnythingExpectation(), false)); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(array("0", 0, 37, false))); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(array("0", 0, 37, true))); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(array("0", 0, 37))); + } +} + +class TestOfSimpleSignatureMap extends UnitTestCase { + + function testEmpty() { + $map = new SimpleSignatureMap(); + $this->assertFalse($map->isMatch("any", array())); + $this->assertNull($map->findFirstAction("any", array())); + } + + function testExactReference() { + $map = new SimpleSignatureMap(); + $ref = "Fred"; + $map->add(array(0), $ref); + $this->assertEqual($map->findFirstAction(array(0)), "Fred"); + $ref2 = &$map->findFirstAction(array(0)); + $this->assertReference($ref2, $ref); + } + + function testDifferentCallSignaturesCanHaveDifferentReferences() { + $map = new SimpleSignatureMap(); + $fred = 'Fred'; + $jim = 'jim'; + $map->add(array(0), $fred); + $map->add(array('0'), $jim); + $this->assertReference($fred, $map->findFirstAction(array(0))); + $this->assertReference($jim, $map->findFirstAction(array('0'))); + } + + function testWildcard() { + $fred = 'Fred'; + $map = new SimpleSignatureMap(); + $map->add(array(new AnythingExpectation(), 1, 3), $fred); + $this->assertTrue($map->isMatch(array(2, 1, 3))); + $this->assertReference($map->findFirstAction(array(2, 1, 3)), $fred); + } + + function testAllWildcard() { + $fred = 'Fred'; + $map = new SimpleSignatureMap(); + $this->assertFalse($map->isMatch(array(2, 1, 3))); + $map->add('', $fred); + $this->assertTrue($map->isMatch(array(2, 1, 3))); + $this->assertReference($map->findFirstAction(array(2, 1, 3)), $fred); + } + + function testOrdering() { + $map = new SimpleSignatureMap(); + $map->add(array(1, 2), new SimpleByValue("1, 2")); + $map->add(array(1, 3), new SimpleByValue("1, 3")); + $map->add(array(1), new SimpleByValue("1")); + $map->add(array(1, 4), new SimpleByValue("1, 4")); + $map->add(array(new AnythingExpectation()), new SimpleByValue("Any")); + $map->add(array(2), new SimpleByValue("2")); + $map->add("", new SimpleByValue("Default")); + $map->add(array(), new SimpleByValue("None")); + $this->assertEqual($map->findFirstAction(array(1, 2)), new SimpleByValue("1, 2")); + $this->assertEqual($map->findFirstAction(array(1, 3)), new SimpleByValue("1, 3")); + $this->assertEqual($map->findFirstAction(array(1, 4)), new SimpleByValue("1, 4")); + $this->assertEqual($map->findFirstAction(array(1)), new SimpleByValue("1")); + $this->assertEqual($map->findFirstAction(array(2)), new SimpleByValue("Any")); + $this->assertEqual($map->findFirstAction(array(3)), new SimpleByValue("Any")); + $this->assertEqual($map->findFirstAction(array()), new SimpleByValue("Default")); + } +} + +class TestOfCallSchedule extends UnitTestCase { + function testCanBeSetToAlwaysReturnTheSameReference() { + $a = 5; + $schedule = &new SimpleCallSchedule(); + $schedule->register('aMethod', false, new SimpleByReference($a)); + $this->assertReference($schedule->respond(0, 'aMethod', array()), $a); + $this->assertReference($schedule->respond(1, 'aMethod', array()), $a); + } + + function testSpecificSignaturesOverrideTheAlwaysCase() { + $any = 'any'; + $one = 'two'; + $schedule = &new SimpleCallSchedule(); + $schedule->register('aMethod', array(1), new SimpleByReference($one)); + $schedule->register('aMethod', false, new SimpleByReference($any)); + $this->assertReference($schedule->respond(0, 'aMethod', array(2)), $any); + $this->assertReference($schedule->respond(0, 'aMethod', array(1)), $one); + } + + function testReturnsCanBeSetOverTime() { + $one = 'one'; + $two = 'two'; + $schedule = &new SimpleCallSchedule(); + $schedule->registerAt(0, 'aMethod', false, new SimpleByReference($one)); + $schedule->registerAt(1, 'aMethod', false, new SimpleByReference($two)); + $this->assertReference($schedule->respond(0, 'aMethod', array()), $one); + $this->assertReference($schedule->respond(1, 'aMethod', array()), $two); + } + + function testReturnsOverTimecanBeAlteredByTheArguments() { + $one = '1'; + $two = '2'; + $two_a = '2a'; + $schedule = &new SimpleCallSchedule(); + $schedule->registerAt(0, 'aMethod', false, new SimpleByReference($one)); + $schedule->registerAt(1, 'aMethod', array('a'), new SimpleByReference($two_a)); + $schedule->registerAt(1, 'aMethod', false, new SimpleByReference($two)); + $this->assertReference($schedule->respond(0, 'aMethod', array()), $one); + $this->assertReference($schedule->respond(1, 'aMethod', array()), $two); + $this->assertReference($schedule->respond(1, 'aMethod', array('a')), $two_a); + } + + function testCanReturnByValue() { + $a = 5; + $schedule = &new SimpleCallSchedule(); + $schedule->register('aMethod', false, new SimpleByValue($a)); + $this->assertClone($schedule->respond(0, 'aMethod', array()), $a); + } + + function testCanThrowException() { + if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5', '>=')) { + $schedule = &new SimpleCallSchedule(); + $schedule->register('aMethod', false, new SimpleThrower(new Exception('Ouch'))); + $this->expectException(new Exception('Ouch')); + $schedule->respond(0, 'aMethod', array()); + } + } + + function testCanEmitError() { + $schedule = &new SimpleCallSchedule(); + $schedule->register('aMethod', false, new SimpleErrorThrower('Ouch', E_USER_WARNING)); + $this->expectError('Ouch'); + $schedule->respond(0, 'aMethod', array()); + } +} + +class Dummy { + function Dummy() { + } + + function aMethod() { + return true; + } + + function anotherMethod() { + return true; + } +} +Mock::generate('Dummy'); +Mock::generate('Dummy', 'AnotherMockDummy'); +Mock::generate('Dummy', 'MockDummyWithExtraMethods', array('extraMethod')); + +class TestOfMockGeneration extends UnitTestCase { + + function testCloning() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $this->assertTrue(method_exists($mock, "aMethod")); + $this->assertNull($mock->aMethod()); + } + + function testCloningWithExtraMethod() { + $mock = &new MockDummyWithExtraMethods(); + $this->assertTrue(method_exists($mock, "extraMethod")); + } + + function testCloningWithChosenClassName() { + $mock = &new AnotherMockDummy(); + $this->assertTrue(method_exists($mock, "aMethod")); + } +} + +class TestOfMockReturns extends UnitTestCase { + + function testDefaultReturn() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->setReturnValue("aMethod", "aaa"); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->aMethod(), "aaa"); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->aMethod(), "aaa"); + } + + function testParameteredReturn() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->setReturnValue('aMethod', 'aaa', array(1, 2, 3)); + $this->assertNull($mock->aMethod()); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->aMethod(1, 2, 3), 'aaa'); + } + + function testReferenceReturned() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $object = new Dummy(); + $mock->setReturnReference('aMethod', $object, array(1, 2, 3)); + $this->assertReference($zref = &$mock->aMethod(1, 2, 3), $object); + } + + function testPatternMatchReturn() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->setReturnValue( + "aMethod", + "aaa", + array(new PatternExpectation('/hello/i'))); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->aMethod('Hello'), "aaa"); + $this->assertNull($mock->aMethod('Goodbye')); + } + + function testMultipleMethods() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->setReturnValue("aMethod", 100, array(1)); + $mock->setReturnValue("aMethod", 200, array(2)); + $mock->setReturnValue("anotherMethod", 10, array(1)); + $mock->setReturnValue("anotherMethod", 20, array(2)); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->aMethod(1), 100); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->anotherMethod(1), 10); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->aMethod(2), 200); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->anotherMethod(2), 20); + } + + function testReturnSequence() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->setReturnValueAt(0, "aMethod", "aaa"); + $mock->setReturnValueAt(1, "aMethod", "bbb"); + $mock->setReturnValueAt(3, "aMethod", "ddd"); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->aMethod(), "aaa"); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->aMethod(), "bbb"); + $this->assertNull($mock->aMethod()); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->aMethod(), "ddd"); + } + + function testReturnReferenceSequence() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $object = new Dummy(); + $mock->setReturnReferenceAt(1, "aMethod", $object); + $this->assertNull($mock->aMethod()); + $this->assertReference($zref =& $mock->aMethod(), $object); + $this->assertNull($mock->aMethod()); + } + + function testComplicatedReturnSequence() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $object = new Dummy(); + $mock->setReturnValueAt(1, "aMethod", "aaa", array("a")); + $mock->setReturnValueAt(1, "aMethod", "bbb"); + $mock->setReturnReferenceAt(2, "aMethod", $object, array('*', 2)); + $mock->setReturnValueAt(2, "aMethod", "value", array('*', 3)); + $mock->setReturnValue("aMethod", 3, array(3)); + $this->assertNull($mock->aMethod()); + $this->assertEqual($mock->aMethod("a"), "aaa"); + $this->assertReference($zref =& $mock->aMethod(1, 2), $object); + $this->assertEqual($mock->aMethod(3), 3); + $this->assertNull($mock->aMethod()); + } + + function testMultipleMethodSequences() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->setReturnValueAt(0, "aMethod", "aaa"); + $mock->setReturnValueAt(1, "aMethod", "bbb"); + $mock->setReturnValueAt(0, "anotherMethod", "ccc"); + $mock->setReturnValueAt(1, "anotherMethod", "ddd"); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->aMethod(), "aaa"); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->anotherMethod(), "ccc"); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->aMethod(), "bbb"); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->anotherMethod(), "ddd"); + } + + function testSequenceFallback() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->setReturnValueAt(0, "aMethod", "aaa", array('a')); + $mock->setReturnValueAt(1, "aMethod", "bbb", array('a')); + $mock->setReturnValue("aMethod", "AAA"); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->aMethod('a'), "aaa"); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->aMethod('b'), "AAA"); + } + + function testMethodInterference() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->setReturnValueAt(0, "anotherMethod", "aaa"); + $mock->setReturnValue("aMethod", "AAA"); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->aMethod(), "AAA"); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->anotherMethod(), "aaa"); + } +} + +class TestOfMockExpectationsThatPass extends UnitTestCase { + + function testAnyArgument() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->expect('aMethod', array('*')); + $mock->aMethod(1); + $mock->aMethod('hello'); + } + + function testAnyTwoArguments() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->expect('aMethod', array('*', '*')); + $mock->aMethod(1, 2); + } + + function testSpecificArgument() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->expect('aMethod', array(1)); + $mock->aMethod(1); + } + + function testExpectation() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->expect('aMethod', array(new IsAExpectation('Dummy'))); + $mock->aMethod(new Dummy()); + } + + function testArgumentsInSequence() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->expectAt(0, 'aMethod', array(1, 2)); + $mock->expectAt(1, 'aMethod', array(3, 4)); + $mock->aMethod(1, 2); + $mock->aMethod(3, 4); + } + + function testAtLeastOnceSatisfiedByOneCall() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->expectAtLeastOnce('aMethod'); + $mock->aMethod(); + } + + function testAtLeastOnceSatisfiedByTwoCalls() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->expectAtLeastOnce('aMethod'); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->aMethod(); + } + + function testOnceSatisfiedByOneCall() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->expectOnce('aMethod'); + $mock->aMethod(); + } + + function testMinimumCallsSatisfiedByEnoughCalls() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->expectMinimumCallCount('aMethod', 1); + $mock->aMethod(); + } + + function testMinimumCallsSatisfiedByTooManyCalls() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->expectMinimumCallCount('aMethod', 3); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->aMethod(); + } + + function testMaximumCallsSatisfiedByEnoughCalls() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->expectMaximumCallCount('aMethod', 1); + $mock->aMethod(); + } + + function testMaximumCallsSatisfiedByNoCalls() { + $mock = &new MockDummy(); + $mock->expectMaximumCallCount('aMethod', 1); + } +} + +class MockWithInjectedTestCase extends SimpleMock { + function &_getCurrentTestCase() { + $context = &SimpleTest::getContext(); + $test = &$context->getTest(); + return $test->getMockedTest(); + } +} +SimpleTest::setMockBaseClass('MockWithInjectedTestCase'); +Mock::generate('Dummy', 'MockDummyWithInjectedTestCase'); +SimpleTest::setMockBaseClass('SimpleMock'); +Mock::generate('SimpleTestCase'); + +class LikeExpectation extends IdenticalExpectation { + function LikeExpectation($expectation) { + $expectation->_message = ''; + $this->IdenticalExpectation($expectation); + } + + function test($compare) { + $compare->_message = ''; + return parent::test($compare); + } + + function testMessage($compare) { + $compare->_message = ''; + return parent::testMessage($compare); + } +} + +class TestOfMockExpectations extends UnitTestCase { + var $test; + + function setUp() { + $this->test = &new MockSimpleTestCase(); + } + + function &getMockedTest() { + return $this->test; + } + + function testSettingExpectationOnNonMethodThrowsError() { + $mock = &new MockDummyWithInjectedTestCase(); + $mock->expectMaximumCallCount('aMissingMethod', 2); + $this->assertError(); + } + + function testMaxCallsDetectsOverrun() { + $this->test->expectOnce('assert', array( + new LikeExpectation(new MaximumCallCountExpectation('aMethod', 2)), + 3)); + $mock = &new MockDummyWithInjectedTestCase(); + $mock->expectMaximumCallCount('aMethod', 2); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->_mock->atTestEnd('testSomething', $this->test); + } + + function testTallyOnMaxCallsSendsPassOnUnderrun() { + $this->test->expectOnce('assert', array( + new LikeExpectation(new MaximumCallCountExpectation('aMethod', 2)), + 2)); + $mock = &new MockDummyWithInjectedTestCase(); + $mock->expectMaximumCallCount("aMethod", 2); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->_mock->atTestEnd('testSomething', $this->test); + } + + function testExpectNeverDetectsOverrun() { + $this->test->expectOnce('assert', array( + new LikeExpectation(new MaximumCallCountExpectation('aMethod', 0)), + 1)); + $mock = &new MockDummyWithInjectedTestCase(); + $mock->expectNever('aMethod'); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->_mock->atTestEnd('testSomething', $this->test); + } + + function testTallyOnExpectNeverStillSendsPassOnUnderrun() { + $this->test->expectOnce('assert', array( + new LikeExpectation(new MaximumCallCountExpectation('aMethod', 0)), + 0)); + $mock = &new MockDummyWithInjectedTestCase(); + $mock->expectNever('aMethod'); + $mock->_mock->atTestEnd('testSomething', $this->test); + } + + function testMinCalls() { + $this->test->expectOnce('assert', array( + new LikeExpectation(new MinimumCallCountExpectation('aMethod', 2)), + 2)); + $mock = &new MockDummyWithInjectedTestCase(); + $mock->expectMinimumCallCount('aMethod', 2); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->_mock->atTestEnd('testSomething', $this->test); + } + + function testFailedNever() { + $this->test->expectOnce('assert', array( + new LikeExpectation(new MaximumCallCountExpectation('aMethod', 0)), + 1)); + $mock = &new MockDummyWithInjectedTestCase(); + $mock->expectNever('aMethod'); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->_mock->atTestEnd('testSomething', $this->test); + } + + function testUnderOnce() { + $this->test->expectOnce('assert', array( + new LikeExpectation(new CallCountExpectation('aMethod', 1)), + 0)); + $mock = &new MockDummyWithInjectedTestCase(); + $mock->expectOnce('aMethod'); + $mock->_mock->atTestEnd('testSomething', $this->test); + } + + function testOverOnce() { + $this->test->expectOnce('assert', array( + new LikeExpectation(new CallCountExpectation('aMethod', 1)), + 2)); + $mock = &new MockDummyWithInjectedTestCase(); + $mock->expectOnce('aMethod'); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->_mock->atTestEnd('testSomething', $this->test); + } + + function testUnderAtLeastOnce() { + $this->test->expectOnce('assert', array( + new LikeExpectation(new MinimumCallCountExpectation('aMethod', 1)), + 0)); + $mock = &new MockDummyWithInjectedTestCase(); + $mock->expectAtLeastOnce("aMethod"); + $mock->_mock->atTestEnd('testSomething', $this->test); + } + + function testZeroArguments() { + $this->test->expectOnce('assert', array( + new LikeExpectation(new ParametersExpectation(array())), + array(), + '*')); + $mock = &new MockDummyWithInjectedTestCase(); + $mock->expect("aMethod", array()); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->_mock->atTestEnd('testSomething', $this->test); + } + + function testExpectedArguments() { + $this->test->expectOnce('assert', array( + new LikeExpectation(new ParametersExpectation(array(1, 2, 3))), + array(1, 2, 3), + '*')); + $mock = &new MockDummyWithInjectedTestCase(); + $mock->expect('aMethod', array(1, 2, 3)); + $mock->aMethod(1, 2, 3); + $mock->_mock->atTestEnd('testSomething', $this->test); + } + + function testFailedArguments() { + $this->test->expectOnce('assert', array( + new LikeExpectation(new ParametersExpectation(array('this'))), + array('that'), + '*')); + $mock = &new MockDummyWithInjectedTestCase(); + $mock->expect('aMethod', array('this')); + $mock->aMethod('that'); + $mock->_mock->atTestEnd('testSomething', $this->test); + } + + function testWildcardsAreTranslatedToAnythingExpectations() { + $this->test->expectOnce('assert', array( + new LikeExpectation(new ParametersExpectation(array( + new AnythingExpectation(), 123, new AnythingExpectation()))), + array(100, 123, 101), + '*')); + $mock = &new MockDummyWithInjectedTestCase($this); + $mock->expect("aMethod", array('*', 123, '*')); + $mock->aMethod(100, 123, 101); + $mock->_mock->atTestEnd('testSomething', $this->test); + } + + function testSpecificPassingSequence() { + $this->test->expectAt(0, 'assert', array( + new LikeExpectation(new ParametersExpectation(array(1, 2, 3))), + array(1, 2, 3), + '*')); + $this->test->expectAt(1, 'assert', array( + new LikeExpectation(new ParametersExpectation(array('Hello'))), + array('Hello'), + '*')); + $mock = &new MockDummyWithInjectedTestCase(); + $mock->expectAt(1, 'aMethod', array(1, 2, 3)); + $mock->expectAt(2, 'aMethod', array('Hello')); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->aMethod(1, 2, 3); + $mock->aMethod('Hello'); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->_mock->atTestEnd('testSomething', $this->test); + } + + function testNonArrayForExpectedParametersGivesError() { + $mock = &new MockDummyWithInjectedTestCase(); + $mock->expect("aMethod", "foo"); + $this->assertErrorPattern('/\$args.*not an array/i'); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->tally(); + $mock->_mock->atTestEnd('testSomething', $this->test); + } +} + +class TestOfMockComparisons extends UnitTestCase { + + function testEqualComparisonOfMocksDoesNotCrash() { + $expectation = &new EqualExpectation(new MockDummy()); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(new MockDummy(), true)); + } + + function testIdenticalComparisonOfMocksDoesNotCrash() { + $expectation = &new IdenticalExpectation(new MockDummy()); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(new MockDummy())); + } +} + +class ClassWithSpecialMethods { + function __get($name) { } + function __set($name, $value) { } + function __isset($name) { } + function __unset($name) { } + function __call($method, $arguments) { } + function __toString() { } +} +Mock::generate('ClassWithSpecialMethods'); + +class TestOfSpecialMethods extends UnitTestCase { + function skip() { + $this->skipIf(version_compare(phpversion(), '5', '<='), 'Overloading not tested unless PHP 5+'); + } + + function testCanMockTheThingAtAll() { + $mock = new MockClassWithSpecialMethods(); + } + + function testReturnFromSpecialAccessor() { + $mock = &new MockClassWithSpecialMethods(); + $mock->setReturnValue('__get', '1st Return', array('first')); + $mock->setReturnValue('__get', '2nd Return', array('second')); + $this->assertEqual($mock->first, '1st Return'); + $this->assertEqual($mock->second, '2nd Return'); + } + + function testcanExpectTheSettingOfValue() { + $mock = &new MockClassWithSpecialMethods(); + $mock->expectOnce('__set', array('a', 'A')); + $mock->a = 'A'; + } + + function testCanSimulateAnOverloadmethod() { + $mock = &new MockClassWithSpecialMethods(); + $mock->expectOnce('__call', array('amOverloaded', array('A'))); + $mock->setReturnValue('__call', 'aaa'); + $this->assertIdentical($mock->amOverloaded('A'), 'aaa'); + } + + function testCanEmulateIsset() { + $mock = &new MockClassWithSpecialMethods(); + $mock->setReturnValue('__isset', true); + $this->assertIdentical(isset($mock->a), true); + } + + function testCanExpectUnset() { + $mock = &new MockClassWithSpecialMethods(); + $mock->expectOnce('__unset', array('a')); + unset($mock->a); + } + + function testToStringMagic() { + $mock = &new MockClassWithSpecialMethods(); + $mock->expectOnce('__toString'); + $mock->setReturnValue('__toString', 'AAA'); + ob_start(); + print $mock; + $output = ob_get_contents(); + ob_end_clean(); + $this->assertEqual($output, 'AAA'); + } +} + +if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5', '>=')) { + $class = 'class WithStaticMethod { '; + $class .= ' static function aStaticMethod() { } '; + $class .= '}'; + eval($class); +} +Mock::generate('WithStaticMethod'); + +class TestOfMockingClassesWithStaticMethods extends UnitTestCase { + function skip() { + $this->skipUnless(version_compare(phpversion(), '5', '>='), 'Static methods not tested unless PHP 5+'); + } + + function testStaticMethodIsMockedAsStatic() { + $mock = new WithStaticMethod(); + $reflection = new ReflectionClass($mock); + $method = $reflection->getMethod('aStaticMethod'); + $this->assertTrue($method->isStatic()); + } +} + +if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5', '>=')) { + class MockTestException extends Exception { } +} + +class TestOfThrowingExceptionsFromMocks extends UnitTestCase { + function skip() { + $this->skipUnless(version_compare(phpversion(), '5', '>='), 'Exception throwing not tested unless PHP 5+'); + } + + function testCanThrowOnMethodCall() { + $mock = new MockDummy(); + $mock->throwOn('aMethod'); + $this->expectException(); + $mock->aMethod(); + } + + function testCanThrowSpecificExceptionOnMethodCall() { + $mock = new MockDummy(); + $mock->throwOn('aMethod', new MockTestException()); + $this->expectException(); + $mock->aMethod(); + } + + function testThrowsOnlyWhenCallSignatureMatches() { + $mock = new MockDummy(); + $mock->throwOn('aMethod', new MockTestException(), array(3)); + $mock->aMethod(1); + $mock->aMethod(2); + $this->expectException(); + $mock->aMethod(3); + } + + function testCanThrowOnParticularInvocation() { + $mock = new MockDummy(); + $mock->throwAt(2, 'aMethod', new MockTestException()); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->aMethod(); + $this->expectException(); + $mock->aMethod(); + } +} + +class TestOfThrowingErrorsFromMocks extends UnitTestCase { + + function testCanGenerateErrorFromMethodCall() { + $mock = new MockDummy(); + $mock->errorOn('aMethod', 'Ouch!'); + $this->expectError('Ouch!'); + $mock->aMethod(); + } + + function testGeneratesErrorOnlyWhenCallSignatureMatches() { + $mock = new MockDummy(); + $mock->errorOn('aMethod', 'Ouch!', array(3)); + $mock->aMethod(1); + $mock->aMethod(2); + $this->expectError(); + $mock->aMethod(3); + } + + function testCanGenerateErrorOnParticularInvocation() { + $mock = new MockDummy(); + $mock->errorAt(2, 'aMethod', 'Ouch!'); + $mock->aMethod(); + $mock->aMethod(); + $this->expectError(); + $mock->aMethod(); + } +} + +Mock::generatePartial('Dummy', 'TestDummy', array('anotherMethod')); + +class TestOfPartialMocks extends UnitTestCase { + + function testMethodReplacementWithNoBehaviourReturnsNull() { + $mock = &new TestDummy(); + $this->assertEqual($mock->aMethod(99), 99); + $this->assertNull($mock->anotherMethod()); + } + + function testSettingReturns() { + $mock = &new TestDummy(); + $mock->setReturnValue('anotherMethod', 33, array(3)); + $mock->setReturnValue('anotherMethod', 22); + $mock->setReturnValueAt(2, 'anotherMethod', 44, array(3)); + $this->assertEqual($mock->anotherMethod(), 22); + $this->assertEqual($mock->anotherMethod(3), 33); + $this->assertEqual($mock->anotherMethod(3), 44); + } + + function testReferences() { + $mock = &new TestDummy(); + $object = new Dummy(); + $mock->setReturnReferenceAt(0, 'anotherMethod', $object, array(3)); + $this->assertReference($zref =& $mock->anotherMethod(3), $object); + } + + function testExpectations() { + $mock = &new TestDummy(); + $mock->expectCallCount('anotherMethod', 2); + $mock->expect('anotherMethod', array(77)); + $mock->expectAt(1, 'anotherMethod', array(66)); + $mock->anotherMethod(77); + $mock->anotherMethod(66); + } + + function testSettingExpectationOnMissingMethodThrowsError() { + $mock = &new TestDummy(); + $mock->expectCallCount('aMissingMethod', 2); + $this->assertError(); + } +} + +class ConstructorSuperClass { + function ConstructorSuperClass() { } +} + +class ConstructorSubClass extends ConstructorSuperClass { +} + +class TestOfPHP4StyleSuperClassConstruct extends UnitTestCase { + /* + * This addresses issue #1231401. Without the fix in place, this will + * generate a fatal PHP error. + */ + function testBasicConstruct() { + Mock::generate('ConstructorSubClass'); + $mock = &new MockConstructorSubClass(); + $this->assertIsA($mock, 'ConstructorSubClass'); + $this->assertTrue(method_exists($mock, 'ConstructorSuperClass')); + } +} + +class TestOfPHP5StaticMethodMocking extends UnitTestCase { + function skip() { + $this->skipIf(version_compare(phpversion(), '5', '<='), 'Static methods not tested unless PHP 5+'); + } + + function testCanCreateAMockObjectWithStaticMethodsWithoutError() { + eval(' + class SimpleObjectContainingStaticMethod { + static function someStatic() { } + } + '); + + Mock::generate('SimpleObjectContainingStaticMethod'); + $this->assertNoErrors(); + } +} + +class TestOfPHP5AbstractMethodMocking extends UnitTestCase { + function skip() { + $this->skipIf(version_compare(phpversion(), '5', '<='), 'Abstract class/methods not tested unless PHP 5+'); + } + + function testCanCreateAMockObjectFromAnAbstractWithProperFunctionDeclarations() { + eval(' + abstract class SimpleAbstractClassContainingAbstractMethods { + abstract function anAbstract(); + abstract function anAbstractWithParameter($foo); + abstract function anAbstractWithMultipleParameters($foo, $bar); + } + '); + + Mock::generate('SimpleAbstractClassContainingAbstractMethods'); + $this->assertNoErrors(); + + $this->assertTrue( + method_exists( + 'MockSimpleAbstractClassContainingAbstractMethods', + 'anAbstract' + ) + ); + $this->assertTrue( + method_exists( + 'MockSimpleAbstractClassContainingAbstractMethods', + 'anAbstractWithParameter' + ) + ); + $this->assertTrue( + method_exists( + 'MockSimpleAbstractClassContainingAbstractMethods', + 'anAbstractWithMultipleParameters' + ) + ); + } + + function testMethodsDefinedAsAbstractInParentShouldHaveFullSignature() { + eval(' + abstract class SimpleParentAbstractClassContainingAbstractMethods { + abstract function anAbstract(); + abstract function anAbstractWithParameter($foo); + abstract function anAbstractWithMultipleParameters($foo, $bar); + } + + class SimpleChildAbstractClassContainingAbstractMethods extends SimpleParentAbstractClassContainingAbstractMethods { + function anAbstract(){} + function anAbstractWithParameter($foo){} + function anAbstractWithMultipleParameters($foo, $bar){} + } + + class EvenDeeperEmptyChildClass extends SimpleChildAbstractClassContainingAbstractMethods {} + '); + + Mock::generate('SimpleChildAbstractClassContainingAbstractMethods'); + $this->assertNoErrors(); + + $this->assertTrue( + method_exists( + 'MockSimpleChildAbstractClassContainingAbstractMethods', + 'anAbstract' + ) + ); + $this->assertTrue( + method_exists( + 'MockSimpleChildAbstractClassContainingAbstractMethods', + 'anAbstractWithParameter' + ) + ); + $this->assertTrue( + method_exists( + 'MockSimpleChildAbstractClassContainingAbstractMethods', + 'anAbstractWithMultipleParameters' + ) + ); + + Mock::generate('EvenDeeperEmptyChildClass'); + $this->assertNoErrors(); + + $this->assertTrue( + method_exists( + 'MockEvenDeeperEmptyChildClass', + 'anAbstract' + ) + ); + $this->assertTrue( + method_exists( + 'MockEvenDeeperEmptyChildClass', + 'anAbstractWithParameter' + ) + ); + $this->assertTrue( + method_exists( + 'MockEvenDeeperEmptyChildClass', + 'anAbstractWithMultipleParameters' + ) + ); + } +} + +?> diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/page_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/page_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..76e6a515b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/page_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,903 @@ +<?php +// $Id: page_test.php 1559 2007-07-16 18:13:24Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../expectation.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../http.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../page.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../parser.php'); +Mock::generate('SimpleHtmlSaxParser'); +Mock::generate('SimplePage'); +Mock::generate('SimpleHttpResponse'); +Mock::generate('SimpleHttpHeaders'); +Mock::generate('SimplePageBuilder'); +Mock::generatePartial( + 'SimplePageBuilder', + 'PartialSimplePageBuilder', + array('_createPage', '_createParser')); + +class TestOfPageBuilder extends UnitTestCase { + + function testLink() { + $tag = &new SimpleAnchorTag(array('href' => 'http://somewhere')); + $tag->addContent('Label'); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectArguments('acceptTag', array($tag)); + $page->expectCallCount('acceptTag', 1); + + $builder = &new PartialSimplePageBuilder(); + $builder->setReturnReference('_createPage', $page); + $builder->setReturnReference('_createParser', new MockSimpleHtmlSaxParser()); + $builder->SimplePageBuilder(); + + $builder->parse(new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $this->assertTrue($builder->startElement( + 'a', + array('href' => 'http://somewhere'))); + $this->assertTrue($builder->addContent('Label')); + $this->assertTrue($builder->endElement('a')); + } + + function testLinkWithId() { + $tag = &new SimpleAnchorTag(array("href" => "http://somewhere", "id" => "44")); + $tag->addContent("Label"); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectArguments("acceptTag", array($tag)); + $page->expectCallCount("acceptTag", 1); + + $builder = &new PartialSimplePageBuilder(); + $builder->setReturnReference('_createPage', $page); + $builder->setReturnReference('_createParser', new MockSimpleHtmlSaxParser()); + $builder->SimplePageBuilder(); + + $builder->parse(new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $this->assertTrue($builder->startElement( + "a", + array("href" => "http://somewhere", "id" => "44"))); + $this->assertTrue($builder->addContent("Label")); + $this->assertTrue($builder->endElement("a")); + } + + function testLinkExtraction() { + $tag = &new SimpleAnchorTag(array("href" => "http://somewhere")); + $tag->addContent("Label"); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectArguments("acceptTag", array($tag)); + $page->expectCallCount("acceptTag", 1); + + $builder = &new PartialSimplePageBuilder(); + $builder->setReturnReference('_createPage', $page); + $builder->setReturnReference('_createParser', new MockSimpleHtmlSaxParser()); + $builder->SimplePageBuilder(); + + $builder->parse(new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $this->assertTrue($builder->addContent("Starting stuff")); + $this->assertTrue($builder->startElement( + "a", + array("href" => "http://somewhere"))); + $this->assertTrue($builder->addContent("Label")); + $this->assertTrue($builder->endElement("a")); + $this->assertTrue($builder->addContent("Trailing stuff")); + } + + function testMultipleLinks() { + $a1 = new SimpleAnchorTag(array("href" => "http://somewhere")); + $a1->addContent("1"); + + $a2 = new SimpleAnchorTag(array("href" => "http://elsewhere")); + $a2->addContent("2"); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectArgumentsAt(0, "acceptTag", array($a1)); + $page->expectArgumentsAt(1, "acceptTag", array($a2)); + $page->expectCallCount("acceptTag", 2); + + $builder = &new PartialSimplePageBuilder(); + $builder->setReturnReference('_createPage', $page); + $builder->setReturnReference('_createParser', new MockSimpleHtmlSaxParser()); + $builder->SimplePageBuilder(); + + $builder->parse(new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $builder->startElement("a", array("href" => "http://somewhere")); + $builder->addContent("1"); + $builder->endElement("a"); + $builder->addContent("Padding"); + $builder->startElement("a", array("href" => "http://elsewhere")); + $builder->addContent("2"); + $builder->endElement("a"); + } + + function testTitle() { + $tag = &new SimpleTitleTag(array()); + $tag->addContent("HereThere"); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectArguments("acceptTag", array($tag)); + $page->expectCallCount("acceptTag", 1); + + $builder = &new PartialSimplePageBuilder(); + $builder->setReturnReference('_createPage', $page); + $builder->setReturnReference('_createParser', new MockSimpleHtmlSaxParser()); + $builder->SimplePageBuilder(); + + $builder->parse(new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $builder->startElement("title", array()); + $builder->addContent("Here"); + $builder->addContent("There"); + $builder->endElement("title"); + } + + function testForm() { + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectOnce("acceptFormStart", array(new SimpleFormTag(array()))); + $page->expectOnce("acceptFormEnd", array()); + + $builder = &new PartialSimplePageBuilder(); + $builder->setReturnReference('_createPage', $page); + $builder->setReturnReference('_createParser', new MockSimpleHtmlSaxParser()); + $builder->SimplePageBuilder(); + + $builder->parse(new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $builder->startElement("form", array()); + $builder->addContent("Stuff"); + $builder->endElement("form"); + } +} + +class TestOfPageParsing extends UnitTestCase { + + function testParseMechanics() { + $parser = &new MockSimpleHtmlSaxParser(); + $parser->expectOnce('parse', array('stuff')); + + $page = &new MockSimplePage(); + $page->expectOnce('acceptPageEnd'); + + $builder = &new PartialSimplePageBuilder(); + $builder->setReturnReference('_createPage', $page); + $builder->setReturnReference('_createParser', $parser); + $builder->SimplePageBuilder(); + + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', 'stuff'); + $builder->parse($response); + } +} + +class TestOfPageInterface extends UnitTestCase { + + function testInterfaceOnEmptyPage() { + $page = &new SimplePage(); + $this->assertEqual($page->getTransportError(), 'No page fetched yet'); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getRaw(), false); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getHeaders(), false); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getMimeType(), false); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getResponseCode(), false); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getAuthentication(), false); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getRealm(), false); + $this->assertFalse($page->hasFrames()); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getUrls(), array()); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getTitle(), false); + } +} + +class TestOfPageHeaders extends UnitTestCase { + + function testUrlAccessor() { + $headers = &new MockSimpleHttpHeaders(); + + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getHeaders', $headers); + $response->setReturnValue('getMethod', 'POST'); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('here')); + $response->setReturnValue('getRequestData', array('a' => 'A')); + + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getMethod(), 'POST'); + $this->assertEqual($page->getUrl(), new SimpleUrl('here')); + $this->assertEqual($page->getRequestData(), array('a' => 'A')); + } + + function testTransportError() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getError', 'Ouch'); + + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getTransportError(), 'Ouch'); + } + + function testHeadersAccessor() { + $headers = &new MockSimpleHttpHeaders(); + $headers->setReturnValue('getRaw', 'My: Headers'); + + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getHeaders', $headers); + + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getHeaders(), 'My: Headers'); + } + + function testMimeAccessor() { + $headers = &new MockSimpleHttpHeaders(); + $headers->setReturnValue('getMimeType', 'text/html'); + + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getHeaders', $headers); + + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getMimeType(), 'text/html'); + } + + function testResponseAccessor() { + $headers = &new MockSimpleHttpHeaders(); + $headers->setReturnValue('getResponseCode', 301); + + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getHeaders', $headers); + + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getResponseCode(), 301); + } + + function testAuthenticationAccessors() { + $headers = &new MockSimpleHttpHeaders(); + $headers->setReturnValue('getAuthentication', 'Basic'); + $headers->setReturnValue('getRealm', 'Secret stuff'); + + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getHeaders', $headers); + + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getAuthentication(), 'Basic'); + $this->assertEqual($page->getRealm(), 'Secret stuff'); + } +} + +class TestOfHtmlPage extends UnitTestCase { + + function testRawAccessor() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', 'Raw HTML'); + + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getRaw(), 'Raw HTML'); + } + + function testTextAccessor() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', '<b>Some</b> "messy" HTML'); + + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getText(), 'Some "messy" HTML'); + } + + function testNoLinks() { + $page = &new SimplePage(new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getUrls(), array()); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getUrlsByLabel('Label'), array()); + } + + function testAddAbsoluteLink() { + $link = &new SimpleAnchorTag(array('href' => 'http://somewhere.com')); + $link->addContent('Label'); + $page = &new SimplePage(new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $page->AcceptTag($link); + $this->assertEqual( + $page->getUrlsByLabel('Label'), + array(new SimpleUrl('http://somewhere.com'))); + } + + function testAddStrictRelativeLink() { + $link = &new SimpleAnchorTag(array('href' => './somewhere.php')); + $link->addContent('Label'); + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://host/')); + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $page->AcceptTag($link); + $this->assertEqual( + $page->getUrlsByLabel('Label'), + array(new SimpleUrl('http://host/somewhere.php'))); + } + + function testAddBareRelativeLink() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://host/')); + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $page->AcceptTag(new SimpleAnchorTag(array('href' => 'somewhere.php'))); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getUrls(), array('http://host/somewhere.php')); + } + + function testAddRelativeLinkWithBaseTag() { + $link = &new SimpleAnchorTag(array('href' => 'somewhere.php')); + $link->addContent('Label'); + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://host/')); + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $page->AcceptTag($link); + $base = &new SimpleBaseTag(array('href' => 'www.lastcraft.com/stuff/')); + $page->AcceptTag($base); + $this->assertEqual( + $page->getUrlsByLabel('Label'), + array(new SimpleUrl('www.lastcraft.com/stuff/somewhere.php'))); + } + + function testAddAbsoluteLinkWithBaseTag() { + $link = &new SimpleAnchorTag(array('href' => 'http://here.com/somewhere.php')); + $link->addContent('Label'); + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://host/')); + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $page->AcceptTag($link); + $base = &new SimpleBaseTag(array('href' => 'www.lastcraft.com/stuff/')); + $page->AcceptTag($base); + $this->assertEqual( + $page->getUrlsByLabel('Label'), + array(new SimpleUrl('http://here.com/somewhere.php'))); + } + + function testLinkIds() { + $link = &new SimpleAnchorTag(array('href' => './somewhere.php', 'id' => 33)); + $link->addContent('Label'); + + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://host/')); + + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $page->AcceptTag($link); + + $this->assertEqual( + $page->getUrlsByLabel('Label'), + array(new SimpleUrl('http://host/somewhere.php'))); + $this->assertFalse($page->getUrlById(0)); + $this->assertEqual( + $page->getUrlById(33), + new SimpleUrl('http://host/somewhere.php')); + } + + function testFindLinkWithNormalisation() { + $link = &new SimpleAnchorTag(array('href' => './somewhere.php', 'id' => 33)); + $link->addContent(' <em>Long & thin</em> '); + + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://host/')); + + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $page->AcceptTag($link); + + $this->assertEqual( + $page->getUrlsByLabel('Long & thin'), + array(new SimpleUrl('http://host/somewhere.php'))); + } + + function testFindLinkWithImage() { + $link = &new SimpleAnchorTag(array('href' => './somewhere.php', 'id' => 33)); + $link->addContent('<img src="pic.jpg" alt="<A picture>">'); + + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://host/')); + + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $page->AcceptTag($link); + + $this->assertEqual( + $page->getUrlsByLabel('<A picture>'), + array(new SimpleUrl('http://host/somewhere.php'))); + } + + function testTitleSetting() { + $title = &new SimpleTitleTag(array()); + $title->addContent('Title'); + $page = &new SimplePage(new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $page->AcceptTag($title); + $this->assertEqual($page->getTitle(), 'Title'); + } + + function testFramesetAbsence() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('here'); + $response = new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', $url); + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $this->assertFalse($page->hasFrames()); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getFrameset(), false); + } + + function testHasEmptyFrameset() { + $page = &new SimplePage(new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $page->acceptFramesetStart(new SimpleTag('frameset', array())); + $page->acceptFramesetEnd(); + $this->assertTrue($page->hasFrames()); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getFrameset(), array()); + } + + function testFramesInPage() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://here')); + + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $page->acceptFrame(new SimpleFrameTag(array('src' => '1.html'))); + $page->acceptFramesetStart(new SimpleTag('frameset', array())); + $page->acceptFrame(new SimpleFrameTag(array('src' => '2.html'))); + $page->acceptFrame(new SimpleFrameTag(array('src' => '3.html'))); + $page->acceptFramesetEnd(); + $page->acceptFrame(new SimpleFrameTag(array('src' => '4.html'))); + + $this->assertTrue($page->hasFrames()); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getFrameset(), array( + 1 => new SimpleUrl('http://here/2.html'), + 2 => new SimpleUrl('http://here/3.html'))); + } + + function testNamedFramesInPage() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://here')); + + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + $page->acceptFramesetStart(new SimpleTag('frameset', array())); + $page->acceptFrame(new SimpleFrameTag(array('src' => '1.html'))); + $page->acceptFrame(new SimpleFrameTag(array('src' => '2.html', 'name' => 'A'))); + $page->acceptFrame(new SimpleFrameTag(array('src' => '3.html', 'name' => 'B'))); + $page->acceptFrame(new SimpleFrameTag(array('src' => '4.html'))); + $page->acceptFramesetEnd(); + + $this->assertTrue($page->hasFrames()); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getFrameset(), array( + 1 => new SimpleUrl('http://here/1.html'), + 'A' => new SimpleUrl('http://here/2.html'), + 'B' => new SimpleUrl('http://here/3.html'), + 4 => new SimpleUrl('http://here/4.html'))); + } + + function testRelativeFramesRespectBaseTag() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://here.com/')); + $page = &new SimplePage($response); + + $base = &new SimpleBaseTag(array('href' => 'https://there.com/stuff/')); + $page->AcceptTag($base); + + $page->acceptFramesetStart(new SimpleTag('frameset', array())); + $page->acceptFrame(new SimpleFrameTag(array('src' => '1.html'))); + $page->acceptFramesetEnd(); + $this->assertIdentical( + $page->getFrameset(), + array(1 => new SimpleUrl('https://there.com/stuff/1.html'))); + } +} + +class TestOfFormsCreatedFromEventStream extends UnitTestCase { + + function testFormCanBeSubmitted() { + $page = &new SimplePage(new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $page->acceptFormStart( + new SimpleFormTag(array('method' => 'GET', 'action' => 'here.php'))); + $page->AcceptTag( + new SimpleSubmitTag(array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 's'))); + $page->acceptFormEnd(); + $form = &$page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByLabel('Submit')); + $this->assertEqual( + $form->submitButton(new SimpleByLabel('Submit')), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('s' => 'Submit'))); + } + + function testInputFieldCanBeReadBack() { + $page = &new SimplePage(new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $page->acceptFormStart( + new SimpleFormTag(array("method" => "GET", "action" => "here.php"))); + $page->AcceptTag( + new SimpleTextTag(array("type" => "text", "name" => "a", "value" => "A"))); + $page->AcceptTag( + new SimpleSubmitTag(array("type" => "submit", "name" => "s"))); + $page->acceptFormEnd(); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'A'); + } + + function testInputFieldCanBeReadBackByLabel() { + $label = &new SimpleLabelTag(array()); + $page = &new SimplePage(new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $page->acceptFormStart( + new SimpleFormTag(array("method" => "GET", "action" => "here.php"))); + $page->acceptLabelStart($label); + $label->addContent('l'); + $page->AcceptTag( + new SimpleTextTag(array("type" => "text", "name" => "a", "value" => "A"))); + $page->acceptLabelEnd(); + $page->AcceptTag( + new SimpleSubmitTag(array("type" => "submit", "name" => "s"))); + $page->acceptFormEnd(); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('l')), 'A'); + } +} + +class TestOfPageScraping extends UnitTestCase { + + function &parse($response) { + $builder = &new SimplePageBuilder(); + $page = &$builder->parse($response); + return $page; + } + + function testEmptyPage() { + $page = &new SimplePage(new MockSimpleHttpResponse()); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getUrls(), array()); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getTitle(), false); + } + + function testUninterestingPage() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', '<html><body><p>Stuff</p></body></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getUrls(), array()); + } + + function testLinksPage() { + $raw = '<html>'; + $raw .= '<a href="there.html">There</a>'; + $raw .= '<a href="http://there.com/that.html" id="0">That page</a>'; + $raw .= '</html>'; + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', $raw); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/a/index.html')); + + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertIdentical( + $page->getUrls(), + array('http://www.here.com/a/there.html', 'http://there.com/that.html')); + $this->assertIdentical( + $page->getUrlsByLabel('There'), + array(new SimpleUrl('http://www.here.com/a/there.html'))); + $this->assertEqual( + $page->getUrlById('0'), + new SimpleUrl('http://there.com/that.html')); + } + + function testTitle() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', '<html><head><title>Me</title></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getTitle(), 'Me'); + } + + function testNastyTitle() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue( + 'getContent', + '<html><head><Title> <b>Me&Me </TITLE></b></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getTitle(), "Me&Me"); + } + + function testCompleteForm() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><head><form>' . + '<input type="text" name="here" value="Hello">' . + '</form></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('here')), "Hello"); + } + + function testUnclosedForm() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><head><form>' . + '<input type="text" name="here" value="Hello">' . + '</head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('here')), "Hello"); + } + + function testEmptyFrameset() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue( + 'getContent', + '<html><frameset></frameset></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertTrue($page->hasFrames()); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getFrameset(), array()); + } + + function testSingleFrame() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue( + 'getContent', + '<html><frameset><frame src="a.html"></frameset></html>'); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://host/')); + + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertTrue($page->hasFrames()); + $this->assertIdentical( + $page->getFrameset(), + array(1 => new SimpleUrl('http://host/a.html'))); + } + + function testSingleFrameInNestedFrameset() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><frameset><frameset>' . + '<frame src="a.html">' . + '</frameset></frameset></html>'); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://host/')); + + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertTrue($page->hasFrames()); + $this->assertIdentical( + $page->getFrameset(), + array(1 => new SimpleUrl('http://host/a.html'))); + } + + function testFrameWithNoSource() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue( + 'getContent', + '<html><frameset><frame></frameset></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertTrue($page->hasFrames()); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getFrameset(), array()); + } + + function testFramesCollectedWithNestedFramesetTags() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><frameset>' . + '<frame src="a.html">' . + '<frameset><frame src="b.html"></frameset>' . + '<frame src="c.html">' . + '</frameset></html>'); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://host/')); + + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertTrue($page->hasFrames()); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getFrameset(), array( + 1 => new SimpleUrl('http://host/a.html'), + 2 => new SimpleUrl('http://host/b.html'), + 3 => new SimpleUrl('http://host/c.html'))); + } + + function testNamedFrames() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><frameset>' . + '<frame src="a.html">' . + '<frame name="_one" src="b.html">' . + '<frame src="c.html">' . + '<frame src="d.html" name="_two">' . + '</frameset></html>'); + $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl('http://host/')); + + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertTrue($page->hasFrames()); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getFrameset(), array( + 1 => new SimpleUrl('http://host/a.html'), + '_one' => new SimpleUrl('http://host/b.html'), + 3 => new SimpleUrl('http://host/c.html'), + '_two' => new SimpleUrl('http://host/d.html'))); + } + + function testFindFormByLabel() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue( + 'getContent', + '<html><head><form><input type="submit"></form></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertNull($page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByLabel('submit'))); + $this->assertNull($page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByName('submit'))); + $this->assertIsA( + $page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByLabel('Submit')), + 'SimpleForm'); + } + + function testConfirmSubmitAttributesAreCaseSensitive() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue( + 'getContent', + '<html><head><FORM><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="S" VALUE="S"></FORM></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertIsA( + $page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByName('S')), + 'SimpleForm'); + $this->assertIsA( + $page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByLabel('S')), + 'SimpleForm'); + } + + function testFindFormByImage() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><head><form>' . + '<input type="image" id=100 alt="Label" name="me">' . + '</form></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertIsA( + $page->getFormByImage(new SimpleByLabel('Label')), + 'SimpleForm'); + $this->assertIsA( + $page->getFormByImage(new SimpleByName('me')), + 'SimpleForm'); + $this->assertIsA( + $page->getFormByImage(new SimpleById(100)), + 'SimpleForm'); + } + + function testFindFormByButtonTag() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><head><form>' . + '<button type="submit" name="b" value="B">BBB</button>' . + '</form></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertNull($page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByLabel('b'))); + $this->assertNull($page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByLabel('B'))); + $this->assertIsA( + $page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByName('b')), + 'SimpleForm'); + $this->assertIsA( + $page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByLabel('BBB')), + 'SimpleForm'); + } + + function testFindFormById() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue( + 'getContent', + '<html><head><form id="55"><input type="submit"></form></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertNull($page->getFormById(54)); + $this->assertIsA($page->getFormById(55), 'SimpleForm'); + } + + function testReadingTextField() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><head><form>' . + '<input type="text" name="a">' . + '<input type="text" name="b" value="bbb" id=3>' . + '</form></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertNull($page->getField(new SimpleByName('missing'))); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), ''); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getField(new SimpleByName('b')), 'bbb'); + } + + function testReadingTextFieldIsCaseInsensitive() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><head><FORM>' . + '<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="a">' . + '<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="b" VALUE="bbb" id=3>' . + '</FORM></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertNull($page->getField(new SimpleByName('missing'))); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), ''); + $this->assertIdentical($page->getField(new SimpleByName('b')), 'bbb'); + } + + function testSettingTextField() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><head><form>' . + '<input type="text" name="a">' . + '<input type="text" name="b" id=3>' . + '<input type="submit">' . + '</form></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByName('a'), 'aaa')); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'aaa'); + $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleById(3), 'bbb')); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleBYId(3)), 'bbb'); + $this->assertFalse($page->setField(new SimpleByName('z'), 'zzz')); + $this->assertNull($page->getField(new SimpleByName('z'))); + } + + function testSettingTextFieldByEnclosingLabel() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><head><form>' . + '<label>Stuff' . + '<input type="text" name="a" value="A">' . + '</label>' . + '</form></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'A'); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff')), 'A'); + $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff'), 'aaa')); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff')), 'aaa'); + } + + function testGettingTextFieldByEnclosingLabelWithConflictingOtherFields() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><head><form>' . + '<label>Stuff' . + '<input type="text" name="a" value="A">' . + '</label>' . + '<input type="text" name="b" value="B">' . + '</form></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'A'); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('b')), 'B'); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff')), 'A'); + } + + function testSettingTextFieldByExternalLabel() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><head><form>' . + '<label for="aaa">Stuff</label>' . + '<input id="aaa" type="text" name="a" value="A">' . + '</form></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff')), 'A'); + $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff'), 'aaa')); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff')), 'aaa'); + } + + function testReadingTextArea() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><head><form>' . + '<textarea name="a">aaa</textarea>' . + '<input type="submit">' . + '</form></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'aaa'); + } + + function testSettingTextArea() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><head><form>' . + '<textarea name="a">aaa</textarea>' . + '<input type="submit">' . + '</form></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByName('a'), 'AAA')); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'AAA'); + } + + function testSettingSelectionField() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><head><form>' . + '<select name="a">' . + '<option>aaa</option>' . + '<option selected>bbb</option>' . + '</select>' . + '<input type="submit">' . + '</form></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'bbb'); + $this->assertFalse($page->setField(new SimpleByName('a'), 'ccc')); + $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByName('a'), 'aaa')); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'aaa'); + } + + function testSettingSelectionFieldByEnclosingLabel() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><head><form>' . + '<label>Stuff' . + '<select name="a"><option selected>A</option><option>B</option></select>' . + '</label>' . + '</form></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff')), 'A'); + $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff'), 'B')); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff')), 'B'); + } + + function testSettingRadioButtonByEnclosingLabel() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', + '<html><head><form>' . + '<label>A<input type="radio" name="r" value="a" checked></label>' . + '<label>B<input type="radio" name="r" value="b"></label>' . + '</form></head></html>'); + $page = &$this->parse($response); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('A')), 'a'); + $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleBylabel('B'), 'b')); + $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('B')), 'b'); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/parse_error_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/parse_error_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c3ffb3d42 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/parse_error_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +<?php +// $Id: parse_error_test.php 1509 2007-05-08 22:11:49Z lastcraft $ +require_once('../unit_tester.php'); +require_once('../reporter.php'); + +$test = &new TestSuite('This should fail'); +$test->addFile('test_with_parse_error.php'); +$test->run(new HtmlReporter()); +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/parser_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/parser_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..83268d9e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/parser_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,551 @@ +<?php +// $Id: parser_test.php 1608 2007-12-27 09:03:07Z pp11 $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../parser.php'); +Mock::generate('SimpleHtmlSaxParser'); +Mock::generate('SimpleSaxListener'); + +class TestOfParallelRegex extends UnitTestCase { + + function testNoPatterns() { + $regex = &new ParallelRegex(false); + $this->assertFalse($regex->match("Hello", $match)); + $this->assertEqual($match, ""); + } + + function testNoSubject() { + $regex = &new ParallelRegex(false); + $regex->addPattern(".*"); + $this->assertTrue($regex->match("", $match)); + $this->assertEqual($match, ""); + } + + function testMatchAll() { + $regex = &new ParallelRegex(false); + $regex->addPattern(".*"); + $this->assertTrue($regex->match("Hello", $match)); + $this->assertEqual($match, "Hello"); + } + + function testCaseSensitive() { + $regex = &new ParallelRegex(true); + $regex->addPattern("abc"); + $this->assertTrue($regex->match("abcdef", $match)); + $this->assertEqual($match, "abc"); + $this->assertTrue($regex->match("AAABCabcdef", $match)); + $this->assertEqual($match, "abc"); + } + + function testCaseInsensitive() { + $regex = &new ParallelRegex(false); + $regex->addPattern("abc"); + $this->assertTrue($regex->match("abcdef", $match)); + $this->assertEqual($match, "abc"); + $this->assertTrue($regex->match("AAABCabcdef", $match)); + $this->assertEqual($match, "ABC"); + } + + function testMatchMultiple() { + $regex = &new ParallelRegex(true); + $regex->addPattern("abc"); + $regex->addPattern("ABC"); + $this->assertTrue($regex->match("abcdef", $match)); + $this->assertEqual($match, "abc"); + $this->assertTrue($regex->match("AAABCabcdef", $match)); + $this->assertEqual($match, "ABC"); + $this->assertFalse($regex->match("Hello", $match)); + } + + function testPatternLabels() { + $regex = &new ParallelRegex(false); + $regex->addPattern("abc", "letter"); + $regex->addPattern("123", "number"); + $this->assertIdentical($regex->match("abcdef", $match), "letter"); + $this->assertEqual($match, "abc"); + $this->assertIdentical($regex->match("0123456789", $match), "number"); + $this->assertEqual($match, "123"); + } +} + +class TestOfStateStack extends UnitTestCase { + + function testStartState() { + $stack = &new SimpleStateStack("one"); + $this->assertEqual($stack->getCurrent(), "one"); + } + + function testExhaustion() { + $stack = &new SimpleStateStack("one"); + $this->assertFalse($stack->leave()); + } + + function testStateMoves() { + $stack = &new SimpleStateStack("one"); + $stack->enter("two"); + $this->assertEqual($stack->getCurrent(), "two"); + $stack->enter("three"); + $this->assertEqual($stack->getCurrent(), "three"); + $this->assertTrue($stack->leave()); + $this->assertEqual($stack->getCurrent(), "two"); + $stack->enter("third"); + $this->assertEqual($stack->getCurrent(), "third"); + $this->assertTrue($stack->leave()); + $this->assertTrue($stack->leave()); + $this->assertEqual($stack->getCurrent(), "one"); + } +} + +class TestParser { + + function accept() { + } + + function a() { + } + + function b() { + } +} +Mock::generate('TestParser'); + +class TestOfLexer extends UnitTestCase { + + function testEmptyPage() { + $handler = &new MockTestParser(); + $handler->expectNever("accept"); + $handler->setReturnValue("accept", true); + $handler->expectNever("accept"); + $handler->setReturnValue("accept", true); + $lexer = &new SimpleLexer($handler); + $lexer->addPattern("a+"); + $this->assertTrue($lexer->parse("")); + } + + function testSinglePattern() { + $handler = &new MockTestParser(); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(0, "accept", array("aaa", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(1, "accept", array("x", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(2, "accept", array("a", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(3, "accept", array("yyy", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(4, "accept", array("a", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(5, "accept", array("x", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(6, "accept", array("aaa", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(7, "accept", array("z", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectCallCount("accept", 8); + $handler->setReturnValue("accept", true); + $lexer = &new SimpleLexer($handler); + $lexer->addPattern("a+"); + $this->assertTrue($lexer->parse("aaaxayyyaxaaaz")); + } + + function testMultiplePattern() { + $handler = &new MockTestParser(); + $target = array("a", "b", "a", "bb", "x", "b", "a", "xxxxxx", "a", "x"); + for ($i = 0; $i < count($target); $i++) { + $handler->expectArgumentsAt($i, "accept", array($target[$i], '*')); + } + $handler->expectCallCount("accept", count($target)); + $handler->setReturnValue("accept", true); + $lexer = &new SimpleLexer($handler); + $lexer->addPattern("a+"); + $lexer->addPattern("b+"); + $this->assertTrue($lexer->parse("ababbxbaxxxxxxax")); + } +} + +class TestOfLexerModes extends UnitTestCase { + + function testIsolatedPattern() { + $handler = &new MockTestParser(); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(0, "a", array("a", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(1, "a", array("b", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(2, "a", array("aa", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(3, "a", array("bxb", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(4, "a", array("aaa", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(5, "a", array("x", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(6, "a", array("aaaa", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(7, "a", array("x", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectCallCount("a", 8); + $handler->setReturnValue("a", true); + $lexer = &new SimpleLexer($handler, "a"); + $lexer->addPattern("a+", "a"); + $lexer->addPattern("b+", "b"); + $this->assertTrue($lexer->parse("abaabxbaaaxaaaax")); + } + + function testModeChange() { + $handler = &new MockTestParser(); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(0, "a", array("a", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(1, "a", array("b", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(2, "a", array("aa", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(3, "a", array("b", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(4, "a", array("aaa", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(0, "b", array(":", LEXER_ENTER)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(1, "b", array("a", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(2, "b", array("b", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(3, "b", array("a", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(4, "b", array("bb", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(5, "b", array("a", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(6, "b", array("bbb", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(7, "b", array("a", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectCallCount("a", 5); + $handler->expectCallCount("b", 8); + $handler->setReturnValue("a", true); + $handler->setReturnValue("b", true); + $lexer = &new SimpleLexer($handler, "a"); + $lexer->addPattern("a+", "a"); + $lexer->addEntryPattern(":", "a", "b"); + $lexer->addPattern("b+", "b"); + $this->assertTrue($lexer->parse("abaabaaa:ababbabbba")); + } + + function testNesting() { + $handler = &new MockTestParser(); + $handler->setReturnValue("a", true); + $handler->setReturnValue("b", true); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(0, "a", array("aa", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(1, "a", array("b", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(2, "a", array("aa", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(3, "a", array("b", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(0, "b", array("(", LEXER_ENTER)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(1, "b", array("bb", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(2, "b", array("a", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(3, "b", array("bb", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(4, "b", array(")", LEXER_EXIT)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(4, "a", array("aa", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(5, "a", array("b", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectCallCount("a", 6); + $handler->expectCallCount("b", 5); + $lexer = &new SimpleLexer($handler, "a"); + $lexer->addPattern("a+", "a"); + $lexer->addEntryPattern("(", "a", "b"); + $lexer->addPattern("b+", "b"); + $lexer->addExitPattern(")", "b"); + $this->assertTrue($lexer->parse("aabaab(bbabb)aab")); + } + + function testSingular() { + $handler = &new MockTestParser(); + $handler->setReturnValue("a", true); + $handler->setReturnValue("b", true); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(0, "a", array("aa", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(1, "a", array("aa", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(2, "a", array("xx", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(3, "a", array("xx", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(0, "b", array("b", LEXER_SPECIAL)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(1, "b", array("bbb", LEXER_SPECIAL)); + $handler->expectCallCount("a", 4); + $handler->expectCallCount("b", 2); + $lexer = &new SimpleLexer($handler, "a"); + $lexer->addPattern("a+", "a"); + $lexer->addSpecialPattern("b+", "a", "b"); + $this->assertTrue($lexer->parse("aabaaxxbbbxx")); + } + + function testUnwindTooFar() { + $handler = &new MockTestParser(); + $handler->setReturnValue("a", true); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(0, "a", array("aa", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(1, "a", array(")", LEXER_EXIT)); + $handler->expectCallCount("a", 2); + $lexer = &new SimpleLexer($handler, "a"); + $lexer->addPattern("a+", "a"); + $lexer->addExitPattern(")", "a"); + $this->assertFalse($lexer->parse("aa)aa")); + } +} + +class TestOfLexerHandlers extends UnitTestCase { + + function testModeMapping() { + $handler = &new MockTestParser(); + $handler->setReturnValue("a", true); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(0, "a", array("aa", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(1, "a", array("(", LEXER_ENTER)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(2, "a", array("bb", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(3, "a", array("a", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(4, "a", array("bb", LEXER_MATCHED)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(5, "a", array(")", LEXER_EXIT)); + $handler->expectArgumentsAt(6, "a", array("b", LEXER_UNMATCHED)); + $handler->expectCallCount("a", 7); + $lexer = &new SimpleLexer($handler, "mode_a"); + $lexer->addPattern("a+", "mode_a"); + $lexer->addEntryPattern("(", "mode_a", "mode_b"); + $lexer->addPattern("b+", "mode_b"); + $lexer->addExitPattern(")", "mode_b"); + $lexer->mapHandler("mode_a", "a"); + $lexer->mapHandler("mode_b", "a"); + $this->assertTrue($lexer->parse("aa(bbabb)b")); + } +} + +class TestOfSimpleHtmlLexer extends UnitTestCase { + + function &createParser() { + $parser = &new MockSimpleHtmlSaxParser(); + $parser->setReturnValue('acceptStartToken', true); + $parser->setReturnValue('acceptEndToken', true); + $parser->setReturnValue('acceptAttributeToken', true); + $parser->setReturnValue('acceptEntityToken', true); + $parser->setReturnValue('acceptTextToken', true); + $parser->setReturnValue('ignore', true); + return $parser; + } + + function testNoContent() { + $parser = &$this->createParser(); + $parser->expectNever('acceptStartToken'); + $parser->expectNever('acceptEndToken'); + $parser->expectNever('acceptAttributeToken'); + $parser->expectNever('acceptEntityToken'); + $parser->expectNever('acceptTextToken'); + $lexer = &new SimpleHtmlLexer($parser); + $this->assertTrue($lexer->parse('')); + } + + function testUninteresting() { + $parser = &$this->createParser(); + $parser->expectOnce('acceptTextToken', array('<html></html>', '*')); + $lexer = &new SimpleHtmlLexer($parser); + $this->assertTrue($lexer->parse('<html></html>')); + } + + function testSkipCss() { + $parser = &$this->createParser(); + $parser->expectNever('acceptTextToken'); + $parser->expectAtLeastOnce('ignore'); + $lexer = &new SimpleHtmlLexer($parser); + $this->assertTrue($lexer->parse("<style>Lot's of styles</style>")); + } + + function testSkipJavaScript() { + $parser = &$this->createParser(); + $parser->expectNever('acceptTextToken'); + $parser->expectAtLeastOnce('ignore'); + $lexer = &new SimpleHtmlLexer($parser); + $this->assertTrue($lexer->parse("<SCRIPT>Javascript code {';:^%^%�$'@\"*(}</SCRIPT>")); + } + + function testSkipHtmlComments() { + $parser = &$this->createParser(); + $parser->expectNever('acceptTextToken'); + $parser->expectAtLeastOnce('ignore'); + $lexer = &new SimpleHtmlLexer($parser); + $this->assertTrue($lexer->parse("<!-- <title>title</title><style>styles</style> -->")); + } + + function testTagWithNoAttributes() { + $parser = &$this->createParser(); + $parser->expectAt(0, 'acceptStartToken', array('<title', '*')); + $parser->expectAt(1, 'acceptStartToken', array('>', '*')); + $parser->expectCallCount('acceptStartToken', 2); + $parser->expectOnce('acceptTextToken', array('Hello', '*')); + $parser->expectOnce('acceptEndToken', array('</title>', '*')); + $lexer = &new SimpleHtmlLexer($parser); + $this->assertTrue($lexer->parse('<title>Hello</title>')); + } + + function testTagWithAttributes() { + $parser = &$this->createParser(); + $parser->expectOnce('acceptTextToken', array('label', '*')); + $parser->expectAt(0, 'acceptStartToken', array('<a', '*')); + $parser->expectAt(1, 'acceptStartToken', array('href', '*')); + $parser->expectAt(2, 'acceptStartToken', array('>', '*')); + $parser->expectCallCount('acceptStartToken', 3); + $parser->expectAt(0, 'acceptAttributeToken', array('= "', '*')); + $parser->expectAt(1, 'acceptAttributeToken', array('here.html', '*')); + $parser->expectAt(2, 'acceptAttributeToken', array('"', '*')); + $parser->expectCallCount('acceptAttributeToken', 3); + $parser->expectOnce('acceptEndToken', array('</a>', '*')); + $lexer = &new SimpleHtmlLexer($parser); + $this->assertTrue($lexer->parse('<a href = "here.html">label</a>')); + } +} + +class TestOfHtmlSaxParser extends UnitTestCase { + + function &createListener() { + $listener = &new MockSimpleSaxListener(); + $listener->setReturnValue('startElement', true); + $listener->setReturnValue('addContent', true); + $listener->setReturnValue('endElement', true); + return $listener; + } + + function testFramesetTag() { + $listener = &$this->createListener(); + $listener->expectOnce('startElement', array('frameset', array())); + $listener->expectOnce('addContent', array('Frames')); + $listener->expectOnce('endElement', array('frameset')); + $parser = &new SimpleHtmlSaxParser($listener); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse('<frameset>Frames</frameset>')); + } + + function testTagWithUnquotedAttributes() { + $listener = &$this->createListener(); + $listener->expectOnce( + 'startElement', + array('input', array('name' => 'a.b.c', 'value' => 'd'))); + $parser = &new SimpleHtmlSaxParser($listener); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse('<input name=a.b.c value = d>')); + } + + function testTagInsideContent() { + $listener = &$this->createListener(); + $listener->expectOnce('startElement', array('a', array())); + $listener->expectAt(0, 'addContent', array('<html>')); + $listener->expectAt(1, 'addContent', array('</html>')); + $parser = &new SimpleHtmlSaxParser($listener); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse('<html><a></a></html>')); + } + + function testTagWithInternalContent() { + $listener = &$this->createListener(); + $listener->expectOnce('startElement', array('a', array())); + $listener->expectOnce('addContent', array('label')); + $listener->expectOnce('endElement', array('a')); + $parser = &new SimpleHtmlSaxParser($listener); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse('<a>label</a>')); + } + + function testLinkAddress() { + $listener = &$this->createListener(); + $listener->expectOnce('startElement', array('a', array('href' => 'here.html'))); + $listener->expectOnce('addContent', array('label')); + $listener->expectOnce('endElement', array('a')); + $parser = &new SimpleHtmlSaxParser($listener); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<a href = 'here.html'>label</a>")); + } + + function testEncodedAttribute() { + $listener = &$this->createListener(); + $listener->expectOnce('startElement', array('a', array('href' => 'here&there.html'))); + $listener->expectOnce('addContent', array('label')); + $listener->expectOnce('endElement', array('a')); + $parser = &new SimpleHtmlSaxParser($listener); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<a href = 'here&there.html'>label</a>")); + } + + function testTagWithId() { + $listener = &$this->createListener(); + $listener->expectOnce('startElement', array('a', array('id' => '0'))); + $listener->expectOnce('addContent', array('label')); + $listener->expectOnce('endElement', array('a')); + $parser = &new SimpleHtmlSaxParser($listener); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse('<a id="0">label</a>')); + } + + function testTagWithEmptyAttributes() { + $listener = &$this->createListener(); + $listener->expectOnce( + 'startElement', + array('option', array('value' => '', 'selected' => ''))); + $listener->expectOnce('addContent', array('label')); + $listener->expectOnce('endElement', array('option')); + $parser = &new SimpleHtmlSaxParser($listener); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse('<option value="" selected>label</option>')); + } + + function testComplexTagWithLotsOfCaseVariations() { + $listener = &$this->createListener(); + $listener->expectOnce( + 'startElement', + array('a', array('href' => 'here.html', 'style' => "'cool'"))); + $listener->expectOnce('addContent', array('label')); + $listener->expectOnce('endElement', array('a')); + $parser = &new SimpleHtmlSaxParser($listener); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse('<A HREF = \'here.html\' Style="\'cool\'">label</A>')); + } + + function testXhtmlSelfClosingTag() { + $listener = &$this->createListener(); + $listener->expectOnce( + 'startElement', + array('input', array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'N', 'value' => 'V'))); + $parser = &new SimpleHtmlSaxParser($listener); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse('<input type="submit" name="N" value="V" />')); + } + + function testNestedFrameInFrameset() { + $listener = &$this->createListener(); + $listener->expectAt(0, 'startElement', array('frameset', array())); + $listener->expectAt(1, 'startElement', array('frame', array('src' => 'frame.html'))); + $listener->expectCallCount('startElement', 2); + $listener->expectOnce('addContent', array('<noframes>Hello</noframes>')); + $listener->expectOnce('endElement', array('frameset')); + $parser = &new SimpleHtmlSaxParser($listener); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse( + '<frameset><frame src="frame.html"><noframes>Hello</noframes></frameset>')); + } +} + +class TestOfTextExtraction extends UnitTestCase { + + function testImageSuppressionWhileKeepingParagraphsAndAltText() { + $this->assertEqual( + SimpleHtmlSaxParser::normalise('<img src="foo.png" /><p>some text</p><img src="bar.png" alt="bar" />'), + 'some text bar'); + + } + + function testSpaceNormalisation() { + $this->assertEqual( + SimpleHtmlSaxParser::normalise("\nOne\tTwo \nThree\t"), + 'One Two Three'); + } + + function testMultilinesCommentSuppression() { + $this->assertEqual( + SimpleHtmlSaxParser::normalise('<!--\n Hello \n-->'), + ''); + } + + function testCommentSuppression() { + $this->assertEqual( + SimpleHtmlSaxParser::normalise('<!--Hello-->'), + ''); + } + + function testJavascriptSuppression() { + $this->assertEqual( + SimpleHtmlSaxParser::normalise('<script attribute="test">\nHello\n</script>'), + ''); + $this->assertEqual( + SimpleHtmlSaxParser::normalise('<script attribute="test">Hello</script>'), + ''); + $this->assertEqual( + SimpleHtmlSaxParser::normalise('<script>Hello</script>'), + ''); + } + + function testTagSuppression() { + $this->assertEqual( + SimpleHtmlSaxParser::normalise('<b>Hello</b>'), + 'Hello'); + } + + function testAdjoiningTagSuppression() { + $this->assertEqual( + SimpleHtmlSaxParser::normalise('<b>Hello</b><em>Goodbye</em>'), + 'HelloGoodbye'); + } + + function testExtractImageAltTextWithDifferentQuotes() { + $this->assertEqual( + SimpleHtmlSaxParser::normalise('<img alt="One"><img alt=\'Two\'><img alt=Three>'), + 'One Two Three'); + } + + function testExtractImageAltTextMultipleTimes() { + $this->assertEqual( + SimpleHtmlSaxParser::normalise('<img alt="One"><img alt="Two"><img alt="Three">'), + 'One Two Three'); + } + + function testHtmlEntityTranslation() { + $this->assertEqual( + SimpleHtmlSaxParser::normalise('<>"&''), + '<>"&\''); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/reflection_php4_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/reflection_php4_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ee211b96 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/reflection_php4_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +<?php +// $Id: reflection_php4_test.php 1505 2007-04-30 23:39:59Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); + +class AnyOldThing { + function aMethod() { + } +} + +class AnyOldChildThing extends AnyOldThing { } + +class TestOfReflection extends UnitTestCase { + + function testClassExistence() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldThing'); + $this->assertTrue($reflection->classOrInterfaceExists()); + $this->assertTrue($reflection->classOrInterfaceExistsSansAutoload()); + } + + function testClassNonExistence() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('UnknownThing'); + $this->assertFalse($reflection->classOrInterfaceExists()); + $this->assertFalse($reflection->classOrInterfaceExistsSansAutoload()); + } + + function testDetectionOfInterfacesAlwaysFalse() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldThing'); + $this->assertFalse($reflection->isAbstract()); + $this->assertFalse($reflection->isInterface()); + } + + function testFindingParentClass() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldChildThing'); + $this->assertEqual(strtolower($reflection->getParent()), 'anyoldthing'); + } + + function testMethodsListFromClass() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldThing'); + $methods = $reflection->getMethods(); + $this->assertEqualIgnoringCase($methods[0], 'aMethod'); + } + + function testNoInterfacesForPHP4() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldThing'); + $this->assertEqual( + $reflection->getInterfaces(), + array()); + } + + function testMostGeneralPossibleSignature() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldThing'); + $this->assertEqualIgnoringCase( + $reflection->getSignature('aMethod'), + 'function &aMethod()'); + } + + function assertEqualIgnoringCase($a, $b) { + return $this->assertEqual(strtolower($a), strtolower($b)); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/reflection_php5_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/reflection_php5_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3bfc6e85b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/reflection_php5_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,271 @@ +<?php +// $Id: reflection_php5_test.php 1541 2007-06-10 02:27:59Z tswicegood $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../reflection_php5.php'); + +class AnyOldLeafClass { + function aMethod() { } +} + +abstract class AnyOldClass { + function aMethod() { } +} + +class AnyOldLeafClassWithAFinal { + final function aMethod() { } +} + +interface AnyOldInterface { + function aMethod(); +} + +interface AnyOldArgumentInterface { + function aMethod(AnyOldInterface $argument); +} + +interface AnyDescendentInterface extends AnyOldInterface { +} + +class AnyOldImplementation implements AnyOldInterface { + function aMethod() { } + function extraMethod() { } +} + +abstract class AnyAbstractImplementation implements AnyOldInterface { +} + +abstract class AnotherOldAbstractClass { + protected abstract function aMethod(AnyOldInterface $argument); +} + +class AnyOldSubclass extends AnyOldImplementation { } + +class AnyOldArgumentClass { + function aMethod($argument) { } +} + +class AnyOldArgumentImplementation implements AnyOldArgumentInterface { + function aMethod(AnyOldInterface $argument) { } +} + +class AnyOldTypeHintedClass implements AnyOldArgumentInterface { + function aMethod(AnyOldInterface $argument) { } +} + +class AnyDescendentImplementation implements AnyDescendentInterface { + function aMethod() { } +} + +class AnyOldOverloadedClass { + function __isset($key) { } + function __unset($key) { } +} + +class AnyOldClassWithStaticMethods { + static function aStatic() { } + static function aStaticWithParameters($arg1, $arg2) { } +} + +abstract class AnyOldAbstractClassWithAbstractMethods { + abstract function anAbstract(); + abstract function anAbstractWithParameter($foo); + abstract function anAbstractWithMultipleParameters($foo, $bar); +} + +class TestOfReflection extends UnitTestCase { + + function testClassExistence() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldLeafClass'); + $this->assertTrue($reflection->classOrInterfaceExists()); + $this->assertTrue($reflection->classOrInterfaceExistsSansAutoload()); + $this->assertFalse($reflection->isAbstract()); + $this->assertFalse($reflection->isInterface()); + } + + function testClassNonExistence() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('UnknownThing'); + $this->assertFalse($reflection->classOrInterfaceExists()); + $this->assertFalse($reflection->classOrInterfaceExistsSansAutoload()); + } + + function testDetectionOfAbstractClass() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldClass'); + $this->assertTrue($reflection->isAbstract()); + } + + function testDetectionOfFinalMethods() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldClass'); + $this->assertFalse($reflection->hasFinal()); + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldLeafClassWithAFinal'); + $this->assertTrue($reflection->hasFinal()); + } + + function testFindingParentClass() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldSubclass'); + $this->assertEqual($reflection->getParent(), 'AnyOldImplementation'); + } + + function testInterfaceExistence() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldInterface'); + $this->assertTrue($reflection->classOrInterfaceExists()); + $this->assertTrue($reflection->classOrInterfaceExistsSansAutoload()); + $this->assertTrue($reflection->isInterface()); + } + + function testMethodsListFromClass() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldClass'); + $this->assertIdentical($reflection->getMethods(), array('aMethod')); + } + + function testMethodsListFromInterface() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldInterface'); + $this->assertIdentical($reflection->getMethods(), array('aMethod')); + $this->assertIdentical($reflection->getInterfaceMethods(), array('aMethod')); + } + + function testMethodsComeFromDescendentInterfacesASWell() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyDescendentInterface'); + $this->assertIdentical($reflection->getMethods(), array('aMethod')); + } + + function testCanSeparateInterfaceMethodsFromOthers() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldImplementation'); + $this->assertIdentical($reflection->getMethods(), array('aMethod', 'extraMethod')); + $this->assertIdentical($reflection->getInterfaceMethods(), array('aMethod')); + } + + function testMethodsComeFromDescendentInterfacesInAbstractClass() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyAbstractImplementation'); + $this->assertIdentical($reflection->getMethods(), array('aMethod')); + } + + function testInterfaceHasOnlyItselfToImplement() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldInterface'); + $this->assertEqual( + $reflection->getInterfaces(), + array('AnyOldInterface')); + } + + function testInterfacesListedForClass() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldImplementation'); + $this->assertEqual( + $reflection->getInterfaces(), + array('AnyOldInterface')); + } + + function testInterfacesListedForSubclass() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldSubclass'); + $this->assertEqual( + $reflection->getInterfaces(), + array('AnyOldInterface')); + } + + function testNoParameterCreationWhenNoInterface() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldArgumentClass'); + $function = $reflection->getSignature('aMethod'); + if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.2', '<=')) { + $this->assertEqual('function amethod()', strtolower($function)); + } else { + $this->assertEqual('function aMethod()', $function); + } + } + + function testParameterCreationWithoutTypeHinting() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldArgumentImplementation'); + $function = $reflection->getSignature('aMethod'); + if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.2', '<=')) { + $this->assertEqual('function amethod(AnyOldInterface $argument)', $function); + } else { + $this->assertEqual('function aMethod(AnyOldInterface $argument)', $function); + } + } + + function testParameterCreationForTypeHinting() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldTypeHintedClass'); + $function = $reflection->getSignature('aMethod'); + if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.2', '<=')) { + $this->assertEqual('function amethod(AnyOldInterface $argument)', $function); + } else { + $this->assertEqual('function aMethod(AnyOldInterface $argument)', $function); + } + } + + function testIssetFunctionSignature() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldOverloadedClass'); + $function = $reflection->getSignature('__isset'); + if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.1.0', '>=')) { + $this->assertEqual('function __isset($key)', $function); + } else { + $this->assertEqual('function __isset()', $function); + } + } + + function testUnsetFunctionSignature() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldOverloadedClass'); + $function = $reflection->getSignature('__unset'); + if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.1.0', '>=')) { + $this->assertEqual('function __unset($key)', $function); + } else { + $this->assertEqual('function __unset()', $function); + } + } + + function testProperlyReflectsTheFinalInterfaceWhenObjectImplementsAnExtendedInterface() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyDescendentImplementation'); + $interfaces = $reflection->getInterfaces(); + $this->assertEqual(1, count($interfaces)); + $this->assertEqual('AnyDescendentInterface', array_shift($interfaces)); + } + + function testCreatingSignatureForAbstractMethod() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnotherOldAbstractClass'); + $this->assertEqual($reflection->getSignature('aMethod'), 'function aMethod(AnyOldInterface $argument)'); + } + + function testCanProperlyGenerateStaticMethodSignatures() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldClassWithStaticMethods'); + $this->assertEqual('static function aStatic()', $reflection->getSignature('aStatic')); + $this->assertEqual( + 'static function aStaticWithParameters($arg1, $arg2)', + $reflection->getSignature('aStaticWithParameters') + ); + } +} + +class TestOfReflectionWithTypeHints extends UnitTestCase { + function skip() { + $this->skipIf(version_compare(phpversion(), '5.1.0', '<'), 'Reflection with type hints only tested for PHP 5.1.0 and above'); + } + + function testParameterCreationForTypeHintingWithArray() { + eval('interface AnyOldArrayTypeHintedInterface { + function amethod(array $argument); + } + class AnyOldArrayTypeHintedClass implements AnyOldArrayTypeHintedInterface { + function amethod(array $argument) {} + }'); + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldArrayTypeHintedClass'); + $function = $reflection->getSignature('amethod'); + $this->assertEqual('function amethod(array $argument)', $function); + } +} + +class TestOfAbstractsWithAbstractMethods extends UnitTestCase { + function testCanProperlyGenerateAbstractMethods() { + $reflection = new SimpleReflection('AnyOldAbstractClassWithAbstractMethods'); + $this->assertEqual( + 'function anAbstract()', + $reflection->getSignature('anAbstract') + ); + $this->assertEqual( + 'function anAbstractWithParameter($foo)', + $reflection->getSignature('anAbstractWithParameter') + ); + $this->assertEqual( + 'function anAbstractWithMultipleParameters($foo, $bar)', + $reflection->getSignature('anAbstractWithMultipleParameters') + ); + } +} + +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/remote_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/remote_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..efcccaf05 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/remote_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +<?php +// $Id: remote_test.php 1505 2007-04-30 23:39:59Z lastcraft $ +require_once('../remote.php'); +require_once('../reporter.php'); + +// The following URL will depend on your own installation. +if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'])) { + $base_uri = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI']; +} elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { + $base_uri = 'http://'. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; +}; +$test_url = str_replace('remote_test.php', 'visual_test.php', $base_uri); + +$test = &new TestSuite('Remote tests'); +$test->addTestCase(new RemoteTestCase($test_url . '?xml=yes', $test_url . '?xml=yes&dry=yes')); +if (SimpleReporter::inCli()) { + exit ($test->run(new TextReporter()) ? 0 : 1); +} +$test->run(new HtmlReporter()); +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/shell_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/shell_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6199272a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/shell_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +<?php +// $Id: shell_test.php 1529 2007-06-04 18:33:09Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../shell_tester.php'); + +class TestOfShell extends UnitTestCase { + + function testEcho() { + $shell = &new SimpleShell(); + $this->assertIdentical($shell->execute('echo Hello'), 0); + $this->assertPattern('/Hello/', $shell->getOutput()); + } + + function testBadCommand() { + $shell = &new SimpleShell(); + $this->assertNotEqual($ret = $shell->execute('blurgh! 2>&1'), 0); + } +} + +class TestOfShellTesterAndShell extends ShellTestCase { + + function testEcho() { + $this->assertTrue($this->execute('echo Hello')); + $this->assertExitCode(0); + $this->assertoutput('Hello'); + } + + function testFileExistence() { + $this->assertFileExists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/all_tests.php'); + $this->assertFileNotExists('wibble'); + } + + function testFilePatterns() { + $this->assertFilePattern('/all[_ ]tests/i', dirname(__FILE__) . '/all_tests.php'); + $this->assertNoFilePattern('/sputnik/i', dirname(__FILE__) . '/all_tests.php'); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/shell_tester_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/shell_tester_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e536dcebd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/shell_tester_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +<?php +// $Id: shell_tester_test.php 1505 2007-04-30 23:39:59Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../shell_tester.php'); +Mock::generate('SimpleShell'); + +class TestOfShellTestCase extends ShellTestCase { + var $_mock_shell = false; + + function &_getShell() { + return $this->_mock_shell; + } + + function testGenericEquality() { + $this->assertEqual('a', 'a'); + $this->assertNotEqual('a', 'A'); + } + + function testExitCode() { + $this->_mock_shell = &new MockSimpleShell(); + $this->_mock_shell->setReturnValue('execute', 0); + $this->_mock_shell->expectOnce('execute', array('ls')); + $this->assertTrue($this->execute('ls')); + $this->assertExitCode(0); + } + + function testOutput() { + $this->_mock_shell = &new MockSimpleShell(); + $this->_mock_shell->setReturnValue('execute', 0); + $this->_mock_shell->setReturnValue('getOutput', "Line 1\nLine 2\n"); + $this->assertOutput("Line 1\nLine 2\n"); + } + + function testOutputPatterns() { + $this->_mock_shell = &new MockSimpleShell(); + $this->_mock_shell->setReturnValue('execute', 0); + $this->_mock_shell->setReturnValue('getOutput', "Line 1\nLine 2\n"); + $this->assertOutputPattern('/line/i'); + $this->assertNoOutputPattern('/line 2/'); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/simpletest_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/simpletest_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bf98d9748 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/simpletest_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +<?php +// $Id: simpletest_test.php 1505 2007-04-30 23:39:59Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../simpletest.php'); + +SimpleTest::ignore('ShouldNeverBeRunEither'); + +class ShouldNeverBeRun extends UnitTestCase { + function testWithNoChanceOfSuccess() { + $this->fail('Should be ignored'); + } +} + +class ShouldNeverBeRunEither extends ShouldNeverBeRun { } + +class TestOfStackTrace extends UnitTestCase { + + function testCanFindAssertInTrace() { + $trace = new SimpleStackTrace(array('assert')); + $this->assertEqual( + $trace->traceMethod(array(array( + 'file' => '/my_test.php', + 'line' => 24, + 'function' => 'assertSomething'))), + ' at [/my_test.php line 24]'); + } +} + +class DummyResource { } + +class TestOfContext extends UnitTestCase { + + function testCurrentContextIsUnique() { + $this->assertReference( + SimpleTest::getContext(), + SimpleTest::getContext()); + } + + function testContextHoldsCurrentTestCase() { + $context = &SimpleTest::getContext(); + $this->assertReference($this, $context->getTest()); + } + + function testResourceIsSingleInstanceWithContext() { + $context = &new SimpleTestContext(); + $this->assertReference( + $context->get('DummyResource'), + $context->get('DummyResource')); + } + + function testClearingContextResetsResources() { + $context = &new SimpleTestContext(); + $resource = &$context->get('DummyResource'); + $context->clear(); + $this->assertClone($resource, $context->get('DummyResource')); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/socket_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/socket_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce25be7d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/socket_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +<?php +// $Id: socket_test.php 1509 2007-05-08 22:11:49Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../socket.php'); +Mock::generate('SimpleSocket'); + +class TestOfSimpleStickyError extends UnitTestCase { + + function testSettingError() { + $error = new SimpleStickyError(); + $this->assertFalse($error->isError()); + $error->_setError('Ouch'); + $this->assertTrue($error->isError()); + $this->assertEqual($error->getError(), 'Ouch'); + } + + function testClearingError() { + $error = new SimpleStickyError(); + $error->_setError('Ouch'); + $this->assertTrue($error->isError()); + $error->_clearError(); + $this->assertFalse($error->isError()); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/support/collector/collectable.1 b/vendors/simpletest/test/support/collector/collectable.1 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/support/collector/collectable.1 diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/support/collector/collectable.2 b/vendors/simpletest/test/support/collector/collectable.2 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/support/collector/collectable.2 diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/support/empty_test_file.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/support/empty_test_file.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..31e3f7bed --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/support/empty_test_file.php @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +<?php +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../autorun.php'); +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/support/latin1_sample b/vendors/simpletest/test/support/latin1_sample new file mode 100644 index 000000000..190352577 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/support/latin1_sample @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +�������@�����櫻��
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/support/spl_examples.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/support/spl_examples.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..45add356c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/support/spl_examples.php @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +<?php + // $Id: spl_examples.php 1262 2006-02-05 19:35:31Z lastcraft $ + + class IteratorImplementation implements Iterator { + function current() { } + function next() { } + function key() { } + function valid() { } + function rewind() { } + } + + class IteratorAggregateImplementation implements IteratorAggregate { + function getIterator() { } + } +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/support/supplementary_upload_sample.txt b/vendors/simpletest/test/support/supplementary_upload_sample.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d8aa9e810 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/support/supplementary_upload_sample.txt @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Some more text content
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/support/test1.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/support/test1.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b414586d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/support/test1.php @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +<?php +class test1 extends UnitTestCase { + function test_pass(){ + $this->assertEqual(3,1+2, "pass1"); + } +} +?> diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/support/upload_sample.txt b/vendors/simpletest/test/support/upload_sample.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec98d7c5e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/support/upload_sample.txt @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Sample for testing file upload
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/tag_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/tag_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f81df64ea --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/tag_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,554 @@ +<?php +// $Id: tag_test.php 1509 2007-05-08 22:11:49Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../tag.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../encoding.php'); +Mock::generate('SimpleMultipartEncoding'); + +class TestOfTag extends UnitTestCase { + + function testStartValuesWithoutAdditionalContent() { + $tag = new SimpleTitleTag(array('a' => '1', 'b' => '')); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getTagName(), 'title'); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getAttribute('a'), '1'); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getAttribute('b'), ''); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getAttribute('c'), false); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getContent(), ''); + } + + function testTitleContent() { + $tag = &new SimpleTitleTag(array()); + $this->assertTrue($tag->expectEndTag()); + $tag->addContent('Hello'); + $tag->addContent('World'); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getText(), 'HelloWorld'); + } + + function testMessyTitleContent() { + $tag = &new SimpleTitleTag(array()); + $this->assertTrue($tag->expectEndTag()); + $tag->addContent('<b>Hello</b>'); + $tag->addContent('<em>World</em>'); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getText(), 'HelloWorld'); + } + + function testTagWithNoEnd() { + $tag = &new SimpleTextTag(array()); + $this->assertFalse($tag->expectEndTag()); + } + + function testAnchorHref() { + $tag = &new SimpleAnchorTag(array('href' => 'http://here/')); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getHref(), 'http://here/'); + + $tag = &new SimpleAnchorTag(array('href' => '')); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getAttribute('href'), ''); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getHref(), ''); + + $tag = &new SimpleAnchorTag(array()); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getAttribute('href'), false); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getHref(), ''); + } + + function testIsIdMatchesIdAttribute() { + $tag = &new SimpleAnchorTag(array('href' => 'http://here/', 'id' => 7)); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getAttribute('id'), '7'); + $this->assertTrue($tag->isId(7)); + } +} + +class TestOfWidget extends UnitTestCase { + + function testTextEmptyDefault() { + $tag = &new SimpleTextTag(array('type' => 'text')); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getDefault(), ''); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getValue(), ''); + } + + function testSettingOfExternalLabel() { + $tag = &new SimpleTextTag(array('type' => 'text')); + $tag->setLabel('it'); + $this->assertTrue($tag->isLabel('it')); + } + + function testTextDefault() { + $tag = &new SimpleTextTag(array('value' => 'aaa')); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getDefault(), 'aaa'); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), 'aaa'); + } + + function testSettingTextValue() { + $tag = &new SimpleTextTag(array('value' => 'aaa')); + $tag->setValue('bbb'); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), 'bbb'); + $tag->resetValue(); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), 'aaa'); + } + + function testFailToSetHiddenValue() { + $tag = &new SimpleTextTag(array('value' => 'aaa', 'type' => 'hidden')); + $this->assertFalse($tag->setValue('bbb')); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), 'aaa'); + } + + function testSubmitDefaults() { + $tag = &new SimpleSubmitTag(array('type' => 'submit')); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getName(), false); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), 'Submit'); + $this->assertFalse($tag->setValue('Cannot set this')); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), 'Submit'); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getLabel(), 'Submit'); + + $encoding = &new MockSimpleMultipartEncoding(); + $encoding->expectNever('add'); + $tag->write($encoding); + } + + function testPopulatedSubmit() { + $tag = &new SimpleSubmitTag( + array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 's', 'value' => 'Ok!')); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getName(), 's'); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), 'Ok!'); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getLabel(), 'Ok!'); + + $encoding = &new MockSimpleMultipartEncoding(); + $encoding->expectOnce('add', array('s', 'Ok!')); + $tag->write($encoding); + } + + function testImageSubmit() { + $tag = &new SimpleImageSubmitTag( + array('type' => 'image', 'name' => 's', 'alt' => 'Label')); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getName(), 's'); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getLabel(), 'Label'); + + $encoding = &new MockSimpleMultipartEncoding(); + $encoding->expectAt(0, 'add', array('s.x', 20)); + $encoding->expectAt(1, 'add', array('s.y', 30)); + $tag->write($encoding, 20, 30); + } + + function testImageSubmitTitlePreferredOverAltForLabel() { + $tag = &new SimpleImageSubmitTag( + array('type' => 'image', 'name' => 's', 'alt' => 'Label', 'title' => 'Title')); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getLabel(), 'Title'); + } + + function testButton() { + $tag = &new SimpleButtonTag( + array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 's', 'value' => 'do')); + $tag->addContent('I am a button'); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getName(), 's'); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), 'do'); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getLabel(), 'I am a button'); + + $encoding = &new MockSimpleMultipartEncoding(); + $encoding->expectOnce('add', array('s', 'do')); + $tag->write($encoding); + } +} + +class TestOfTextArea extends UnitTestCase { + + function testDefault() { + $tag = &new SimpleTextAreaTag(array('name' => 'a')); + $tag->addContent('Some text'); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getName(), 'a'); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getDefault(), 'Some text'); + } + + function testWrapping() { + $tag = &new SimpleTextAreaTag(array('cols' => '10', 'wrap' => 'physical')); + $tag->addContent("Lot's of text that should be wrapped"); + $this->assertEqual( + $tag->getDefault(), + "Lot's of\r\ntext that\r\nshould be\r\nwrapped"); + $tag->setValue("New long text\r\nwith two lines"); + $this->assertEqual( + $tag->getValue(), + "New long\r\ntext\r\nwith two\r\nlines"); + } + + function testWrappingRemovesLeadingcariageReturn() { + $tag = &new SimpleTextAreaTag(array('cols' => '20', 'wrap' => 'physical')); + $tag->addContent("\rStuff"); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getDefault(), 'Stuff'); + $tag->setValue("\nNew stuff\n"); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), "New stuff\r\n"); + } + + function testBreaksAreNewlineAndCarriageReturn() { + $tag = &new SimpleTextAreaTag(array('cols' => '10')); + $tag->addContent("Some\nText\rwith\r\nbreaks"); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), "Some\r\nText\r\nwith\r\nbreaks"); + } +} + +class TestOfCheckbox extends UnitTestCase { + + function testCanSetCheckboxToNamedValueWithBooleanTrue() { + $tag = &new SimpleCheckboxTag(array('name' => 'a', 'value' => 'A')); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), false); + $tag->setValue(true); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getValue(), 'A'); + } +} + +class TestOfSelection extends UnitTestCase { + + function testEmpty() { + $tag = &new SimpleSelectionTag(array('name' => 'a')); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getValue(), ''); + } + + function testSingle() { + $tag = &new SimpleSelectionTag(array('name' => 'a')); + $option = &new SimpleOptionTag(array()); + $option->addContent('AAA'); + $tag->addTag($option); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), 'AAA'); + } + + function testSingleDefault() { + $tag = &new SimpleSelectionTag(array('name' => 'a')); + $option = &new SimpleOptionTag(array('selected' => '')); + $option->addContent('AAA'); + $tag->addTag($option); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), 'AAA'); + } + + function testSingleMappedDefault() { + $tag = &new SimpleSelectionTag(array('name' => 'a')); + $option = &new SimpleOptionTag(array('selected' => '', 'value' => 'aaa')); + $option->addContent('AAA'); + $tag->addTag($option); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), 'aaa'); + } + + function testStartsWithDefault() { + $tag = &new SimpleSelectionTag(array('name' => 'a')); + $a = &new SimpleOptionTag(array()); + $a->addContent('AAA'); + $tag->addTag($a); + $b = &new SimpleOptionTag(array('selected' => '')); + $b->addContent('BBB'); + $tag->addTag($b); + $c = &new SimpleOptionTag(array()); + $c->addContent('CCC'); + $tag->addTag($c); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), 'BBB'); + } + + function testSettingOption() { + $tag = &new SimpleSelectionTag(array('name' => 'a')); + $a = &new SimpleOptionTag(array()); + $a->addContent('AAA'); + $tag->addTag($a); + $b = &new SimpleOptionTag(array('selected' => '')); + $b->addContent('BBB'); + $tag->addTag($b); + $c = &new SimpleOptionTag(array()); + $c->addContent('CCC'); + $tag->setValue('AAA'); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), 'AAA'); + } + + function testSettingMappedOption() { + $tag = &new SimpleSelectionTag(array('name' => 'a')); + $a = &new SimpleOptionTag(array('value' => 'aaa')); + $a->addContent('AAA'); + $tag->addTag($a); + $b = &new SimpleOptionTag(array('value' => 'bbb', 'selected' => '')); + $b->addContent('BBB'); + $tag->addTag($b); + $c = &new SimpleOptionTag(array('value' => 'ccc')); + $c->addContent('CCC'); + $tag->addTag($c); + $tag->setValue('AAA'); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), 'aaa'); + $tag->setValue('ccc'); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), 'ccc'); + } + + function testSelectionDespiteSpuriousWhitespace() { + $tag = &new SimpleSelectionTag(array('name' => 'a')); + $a = &new SimpleOptionTag(array()); + $a->addContent(' AAA '); + $tag->addTag($a); + $b = &new SimpleOptionTag(array('selected' => '')); + $b->addContent(' BBB '); + $tag->addTag($b); + $c = &new SimpleOptionTag(array()); + $c->addContent(' CCC '); + $tag->addTag($c); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), ' BBB '); + $tag->setValue('AAA'); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), ' AAA '); + } + + function testFailToSetIllegalOption() { + $tag = &new SimpleSelectionTag(array('name' => 'a')); + $a = &new SimpleOptionTag(array()); + $a->addContent('AAA'); + $tag->addTag($a); + $b = &new SimpleOptionTag(array('selected' => '')); + $b->addContent('BBB'); + $tag->addTag($b); + $c = &new SimpleOptionTag(array()); + $c->addContent('CCC'); + $tag->addTag($c); + $this->assertFalse($tag->setValue('Not present')); + $this->assertEqual($tag->getValue(), 'BBB'); + } + + function testNastyOptionValuesThatLookLikeFalse() { + $tag = &new SimpleSelectionTag(array('name' => 'a')); + $a = &new SimpleOptionTag(array('value' => '1')); + $a->addContent('One'); + $tag->addTag($a); + $b = &new SimpleOptionTag(array('value' => '0')); + $b->addContent('Zero'); + $tag->addTag($b); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getValue(), '1'); + $tag->setValue('Zero'); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getValue(), '0'); + } + + function testBlankOption() { + $tag = &new SimpleSelectionTag(array('name' => 'A')); + $a = &new SimpleOptionTag(array()); + $tag->addTag($a); + $b = &new SimpleOptionTag(array()); + $b->addContent('b'); + $tag->addTag($b); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getValue(), ''); + $tag->setValue('b'); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getValue(), 'b'); + $tag->setValue(''); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getValue(), ''); + } + + function testMultipleDefaultWithNoSelections() { + $tag = &new MultipleSelectionTag(array('name' => 'a', 'multiple' => '')); + $a = &new SimpleOptionTag(array()); + $a->addContent('AAA'); + $tag->addTag($a); + $b = &new SimpleOptionTag(array()); + $b->addContent('BBB'); + $tag->addTag($b); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getDefault(), array()); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getValue(), array()); + } + + function testMultipleDefaultWithSelections() { + $tag = &new MultipleSelectionTag(array('name' => 'a', 'multiple' => '')); + $a = &new SimpleOptionTag(array('selected' => '')); + $a->addContent('AAA'); + $tag->addTag($a); + $b = &new SimpleOptionTag(array('selected' => '')); + $b->addContent('BBB'); + $tag->addTag($b); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getDefault(), array('AAA', 'BBB')); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getValue(), array('AAA', 'BBB')); + } + + function testSettingMultiple() { + $tag = &new MultipleSelectionTag(array('name' => 'a', 'multiple' => '')); + $a = &new SimpleOptionTag(array('selected' => '')); + $a->addContent('AAA'); + $tag->addTag($a); + $b = &new SimpleOptionTag(array()); + $b->addContent('BBB'); + $tag->addTag($b); + $c = &new SimpleOptionTag(array('selected' => '', 'value' => 'ccc')); + $c->addContent('CCC'); + $tag->addTag($c); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getDefault(), array('AAA', 'ccc')); + $this->assertTrue($tag->setValue(array('BBB', 'ccc'))); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getValue(), array('BBB', 'ccc')); + $this->assertTrue($tag->setValue(array())); + $this->assertIdentical($tag->getValue(), array()); + } + + function testFailToSetIllegalOptionsInMultiple() { + $tag = &new MultipleSelectionTag(array('name' => 'a', 'multiple' => '')); + $a = &new SimpleOptionTag(array('selected' => '')); + $a->addContent('AAA'); + $tag->addTag($a); + $b = &new SimpleOptionTag(array()); + $b->addContent('BBB'); + $tag->addTag($b); + $this->assertFalse($tag->setValue(array('CCC'))); + $this->assertTrue($tag->setValue(array('AAA', 'BBB'))); + $this->assertFalse($tag->setValue(array('AAA', 'CCC'))); + } +} + +class TestOfRadioGroup extends UnitTestCase { + + function testEmptyGroup() { + $group = &new SimpleRadioGroup(); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getDefault(), false); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getValue(), false); + $this->assertFalse($group->setValue('a')); + } + + function testReadingSingleButtonGroup() { + $group = &new SimpleRadioGroup(); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleRadioButtonTag( + array('value' => 'A', 'checked' => ''))); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getDefault(), 'A'); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getValue(), 'A'); + } + + function testReadingMultipleButtonGroup() { + $group = &new SimpleRadioGroup(); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleRadioButtonTag( + array('value' => 'A'))); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleRadioButtonTag( + array('value' => 'B', 'checked' => ''))); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getDefault(), 'B'); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getValue(), 'B'); + } + + function testFailToSetUnlistedValue() { + $group = &new SimpleRadioGroup(); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleRadioButtonTag(array('value' => 'z'))); + $this->assertFalse($group->setValue('a')); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getValue(), false); + } + + function testSettingNewValueClearsTheOldOne() { + $group = &new SimpleRadioGroup(); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleRadioButtonTag( + array('value' => 'A'))); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleRadioButtonTag( + array('value' => 'B', 'checked' => ''))); + $this->assertTrue($group->setValue('A')); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getValue(), 'A'); + } + + function testIsIdMatchesAnyWidgetInSet() { + $group = &new SimpleRadioGroup(); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleRadioButtonTag( + array('value' => 'A', 'id' => 'i1'))); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleRadioButtonTag( + array('value' => 'B', 'id' => 'i2'))); + $this->assertFalse($group->isId('i0')); + $this->assertTrue($group->isId('i1')); + $this->assertTrue($group->isId('i2')); + } + + function testIsLabelMatchesAnyWidgetInSet() { + $group = &new SimpleRadioGroup(); + $button1 = &new SimpleRadioButtonTag(array('value' => 'A')); + $button1->setLabel('one'); + $group->addWidget($button1); + $button2 = &new SimpleRadioButtonTag(array('value' => 'B')); + $button2->setLabel('two'); + $group->addWidget($button2); + $this->assertFalse($group->isLabel('three')); + $this->assertTrue($group->isLabel('one')); + $this->assertTrue($group->isLabel('two')); + } +} + +class TestOfTagGroup extends UnitTestCase { + + function testReadingMultipleCheckboxGroup() { + $group = &new SimpleCheckboxGroup(); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag(array('value' => 'A'))); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag( + array('value' => 'B', 'checked' => ''))); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getDefault(), 'B'); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getValue(), 'B'); + } + + function testReadingMultipleUncheckedItems() { + $group = &new SimpleCheckboxGroup(); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag(array('value' => 'A'))); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag(array('value' => 'B'))); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getDefault(), false); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getValue(), false); + } + + function testReadingMultipleCheckedItems() { + $group = &new SimpleCheckboxGroup(); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag( + array('value' => 'A', 'checked' => ''))); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag( + array('value' => 'B', 'checked' => ''))); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getDefault(), array('A', 'B')); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getValue(), array('A', 'B')); + } + + function testSettingSingleValue() { + $group = &new SimpleCheckboxGroup(); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag(array('value' => 'A'))); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag(array('value' => 'B'))); + $this->assertTrue($group->setValue('A')); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getValue(), 'A'); + $this->assertTrue($group->setValue('B')); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getValue(), 'B'); + } + + function testSettingMultipleValues() { + $group = &new SimpleCheckboxGroup(); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag(array('value' => 'A'))); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag(array('value' => 'B'))); + $this->assertTrue($group->setValue(array('A', 'B'))); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getValue(), array('A', 'B')); + } + + function testSettingNoValue() { + $group = &new SimpleCheckboxGroup(); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag(array('value' => 'A'))); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag(array('value' => 'B'))); + $this->assertTrue($group->setValue(false)); + $this->assertIdentical($group->getValue(), false); + } + + function testIsIdMatchesAnyIdInSet() { + $group = &new SimpleCheckboxGroup(); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag(array('id' => 1, 'value' => 'A'))); + $group->addWidget(new SimpleCheckboxTag(array('id' => 2, 'value' => 'B'))); + $this->assertFalse($group->isId(0)); + $this->assertTrue($group->isId(1)); + $this->assertTrue($group->isId(2)); + } +} + +class TestOfUploadWidget extends UnitTestCase { + + function testValueIsFilePath() { + $upload = &new SimpleUploadTag(array('name' => 'a')); + $upload->setValue(dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/upload_sample.txt'); + $this->assertEqual($upload->getValue(), dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/upload_sample.txt'); + } + + function testSubmitsFileContents() { + $encoding = &new MockSimpleMultipartEncoding(); + $encoding->expectOnce('attach', array( + 'a', + 'Sample for testing file upload', + 'upload_sample.txt')); + $upload = &new SimpleUploadTag(array('name' => 'a')); + $upload->setValue(dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/upload_sample.txt'); + $upload->write($encoding); + } +} + +class TestOfLabelTag extends UnitTestCase { + + function testLabelShouldHaveAnEndTag() { + $label = &new SimpleLabelTag(array()); + $this->assertTrue($label->expectEndTag()); + } + + function testContentIsTextOnly() { + $label = &new SimpleLabelTag(array()); + $label->addContent('Here <tag>are</tag> words'); + $this->assertEqual($label->getText(), 'Here are words'); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/test_with_parse_error.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/test_with_parse_error.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41a5832a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/test_with_parse_error.php @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +<?php + // $Id: test_with_parse_error.php 901 2005-01-24 00:32:14Z lastcraft $ + + class TestCaseWithParseError extends UnitTestCase { + wibble + } + +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/unit_tester_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/unit_tester_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5fe78fe91 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/unit_tester_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +<?php +// $Id: unit_tester_test.php 1509 2007-05-08 22:11:49Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); + +class ReferenceForTesting { +} + +class TestOfUnitTester extends UnitTestCase { + + function testAssertTrueReturnsAssertionAsBoolean() { + $this->assertTrue($this->assertTrue(true)); + } + + function testAssertFalseReturnsAssertionAsBoolean() { + $this->assertTrue($this->assertFalse(false)); + } + + function testAssertEqualReturnsAssertionAsBoolean() { + $this->assertTrue($this->assertEqual(5, 5)); + } + + function testAssertIdenticalReturnsAssertionAsBoolean() { + $this->assertTrue($this->assertIdentical(5, 5)); + } + + function testCoreAssertionsDoNotThrowErrors() { + $this->assertIsA($this, 'UnitTestCase'); + $this->assertNotA($this, 'WebTestCase'); + } + + function testReferenceAssertionOnObjects() { + $a = &new ReferenceForTesting(); + $b = &$a; + $this->assertReference($a, $b); + } + + function testReferenceAssertionOnScalars() { + $a = 25; + $b = &$a; + $this->assertReference($a, $b); + } + + function testCloneOnObjects() { + $a = &new ReferenceForTesting(); + $b = &new ReferenceForTesting(); + $this->assertClone($a, $b); + } + + function testCloneOnScalars() { + $a = 25; + $b = 25; + $this->assertClone($a, $b); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/unit_tests.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/unit_tests.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..04dbc46ca --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/unit_tests.php @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +<?php +// $Id: unit_tests.php 1661 2008-02-26 21:04:31Z pp11 $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../unit_tester.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../shell_tester.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../mock_objects.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../web_tester.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../extensions/pear_test_case.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../extensions/phpunit_test_case.php'); + +class UnitTests extends TestSuite { + function UnitTests() { + $this->TestSuite('Unit tests'); + $path = dirname(__FILE__); + $this->addFile($path . '/errors_test.php'); + if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5') >= 0) { + $this->addFile($path . '/exceptions_test.php'); + } + $this->addFile($path . '/autorun_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/compatibility_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/simpletest_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/dumper_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/expectation_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/unit_tester_test.php'); + if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5', '>=')) { + $this->addFile($path . '/reflection_php5_test.php'); + } else { + $this->addFile($path . '/reflection_php4_test.php'); + } + $this->addFile($path . '/mock_objects_test.php'); + if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5', '>=')) { + $this->addFile($path . '/interfaces_test.php'); + } + $this->addFile($path . '/collector_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/adapter_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/socket_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/encoding_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/url_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/cookies_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/http_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/authentication_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/user_agent_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/parser_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/tag_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/form_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/page_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/frames_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/browser_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/web_tester_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/shell_tester_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/xml_test.php'); + $this->addFile($path . '/../extensions/testdox/test.php'); + } +} +?> diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/url_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/url_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..550717038 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/url_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,443 @@ +<?php +// $Id: url_test.php 1598 2007-12-24 10:44:09Z pp11 $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../url.php'); + +class TestOfUrl extends UnitTestCase { + + function testDefaultUrl() { + $url = new SimpleUrl(''); + $this->assertEqual($url->getScheme(), ''); + $this->assertEqual($url->getHost(), ''); + $this->assertEqual($url->getScheme('http'), 'http'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getHost('localhost'), 'localhost'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), ''); + } + + function testBasicParsing() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('https://www.lastcraft.com/test/'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getScheme(), 'https'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getHost(), 'www.lastcraft.com'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), '/test/'); + } + + function testRelativeUrls() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('../somewhere.php'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getScheme(), false); + $this->assertEqual($url->getHost(), false); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), '../somewhere.php'); + } + + function testParseBareParameter() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('?a'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), ''); + $this->assertEqual($url->getEncodedRequest(), '?a'); + $url->addRequestParameter('x', 'X'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getEncodedRequest(), '?a=&x=X'); + } + + function testParseEmptyParameter() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('?a='); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), ''); + $this->assertEqual($url->getEncodedRequest(), '?a='); + $url->addRequestParameter('x', 'X'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getEncodedRequest(), '?a=&x=X'); + } + + function testParseParameterPair() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('?a=A'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), ''); + $this->assertEqual($url->getEncodedRequest(), '?a=A'); + $url->addRequestParameter('x', 'X'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getEncodedRequest(), '?a=A&x=X'); + } + + function testParseMultipleParameters() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('?a=A&b=B'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getEncodedRequest(), '?a=A&b=B'); + $url->addRequestParameter('x', 'X'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getEncodedRequest(), '?a=A&b=B&x=X'); + } + + function testParsingParameterMixture() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('?a=A&b=&c'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getEncodedRequest(), '?a=A&b=&c'); + $url->addRequestParameter('x', 'X'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getEncodedRequest(), '?a=A&b=&c=&x=X'); + } + + function testAddParametersFromScratch() { + $url = new SimpleUrl(''); + $url->addRequestParameter('a', 'A'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getEncodedRequest(), '?a=A'); + $url->addRequestParameter('b', 'B'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getEncodedRequest(), '?a=A&b=B'); + $url->addRequestParameter('a', 'aaa'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getEncodedRequest(), '?a=A&b=B&a=aaa'); + } + + function testClearingParameters() { + $url = new SimpleUrl(''); + $url->addRequestParameter('a', 'A'); + $url->clearRequest(); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getEncodedRequest(), ''); + } + + function testEncodingParameters() { + $url = new SimpleUrl(''); + $url->addRequestParameter('a', '?!"\'#~@[]{}:;<>,./|�$%^&*()_+-='); + $this->assertIdentical( + $request = $url->getEncodedRequest(), + '?a=%3F%21%22%27%23%7E%40%5B%5D%7B%7D%3A%3B%3C%3E%2C.%2F%7C%A3%24%25%5E%26%2A%28%29_%2B-%3D'); + } + + function testDecodingParameters() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('?a=%3F%21%22%27%23%7E%40%5B%5D%7B%7D%3A%3B%3C%3E%2C.%2F%7C%A3%24%25%5E%26%2A%28%29_%2B-%3D'); + $this->assertEqual( + $url->getEncodedRequest(), + '?a=' . urlencode('?!"\'#~@[]{}:;<>,./|�$%^&*()_+-=')); + } + + function testUrlInQueryDoesNotConfuseParsing() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('wibble/login.php?url=http://www.google.com/moo/'); + $this->assertFalse($url->getScheme()); + $this->assertFalse($url->getHost()); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), 'wibble/login.php'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getEncodedRequest(), '?url=http://www.google.com/moo/'); + } + + function testSettingCordinates() { + $url = new SimpleUrl(''); + $url->setCoordinates('32', '45'); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getX(), 32); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getY(), 45); + $this->assertEqual($url->getEncodedRequest(), ''); + } + + function testParseCordinates() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('?32,45'); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getX(), 32); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getY(), 45); + } + + function testClearingCordinates() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('?32,45'); + $url->setCoordinates(); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getX(), false); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getY(), false); + } + + function testParsingParameterCordinateMixture() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('?a=A&b=&c?32,45'); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getX(), 32); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getY(), 45); + $this->assertEqual($url->getEncodedRequest(), '?a=A&b=&c'); + } + + function testParsingParameterWithBadCordinates() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('?a=A&b=&c?32'); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getX(), false); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getY(), false); + $this->assertEqual($url->getEncodedRequest(), '?a=A&b=&c?32'); + } + + function testPageSplitting() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('./here/../there/somewhere.php'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), './here/../there/somewhere.php'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPage(), 'somewhere.php'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getBasePath(), './here/../there/'); + } + + function testAbsolutePathPageSplitting() { + $url = new SimpleUrl("http://host.com/here/there/somewhere.php"); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), "/here/there/somewhere.php"); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPage(), "somewhere.php"); + $this->assertEqual($url->getBasePath(), "/here/there/"); + } + + function testSplittingUrlWithNoPageGivesEmptyPage() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('/here/there/'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), '/here/there/'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPage(), ''); + $this->assertEqual($url->getBasePath(), '/here/there/'); + } + + function testPathNormalisation() { + $this->assertEqual( + SimpleUrl::normalisePath('https://host.com/I/am/here/../there/somewhere.php'), + 'https://host.com/I/am/there/somewhere.php'); + } + + // regression test for #1535407 + function testPathNormalisationWithSinglePeriod() { + $this->assertEqual( + SimpleUrl::normalisePath('https://host.com/I/am/here/./../there/somewhere.php'), + 'https://host.com/I/am/there/somewhere.php'); + } + + // regression test for #1852413 + function testHostnameExtractedFromUContainingAtSign() { + $url = new SimpleUrl("http://localhost/name@example.com"); + $this->assertEqual($url->getScheme(), "http"); + $this->assertEqual($url->getUsername(), ""); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPassword(), ""); + $this->assertEqual($url->getHost(), "localhost"); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), "/name@example.com"); + } + + function testHostnameInLocalhost() { + $url = new SimpleUrl("http://localhost/name/example.com"); + $this->assertEqual($url->getScheme(), "http"); + $this->assertEqual($url->getUsername(), ""); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPassword(), ""); + $this->assertEqual($url->getHost(), "localhost"); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), "/name/example.com"); + } + + function testUsernameAndPasswordAreUrlDecoded() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('http://' . urlencode('test@test') . + ':' . urlencode('$!�@*&%') . '@www.lastcraft.com'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getUsername(), 'test@test'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPassword(), '$!�@*&%'); + } + + function testBlitz() { + $this->assertUrl( + "https://username:password@www.somewhere.com:243/this/that/here.php?a=1&b=2#anchor", + array("https", "username", "password", "www.somewhere.com", 243, "/this/that/here.php", "com", "?a=1&b=2", "anchor"), + array("a" => "1", "b" => "2")); + $this->assertUrl( + "username:password@www.somewhere.com/this/that/here.php?a=1", + array(false, "username", "password", "www.somewhere.com", false, "/this/that/here.php", "com", "?a=1", false), + array("a" => "1")); + $this->assertUrl( + "username:password@somewhere.com:243?1,2", + array(false, "username", "password", "somewhere.com", 243, "/", "com", "", false), + array(), + array(1, 2)); + $this->assertUrl( + "https://www.somewhere.com", + array("https", false, false, "www.somewhere.com", false, "/", "com", "", false)); + $this->assertUrl( + "username@www.somewhere.com:243#anchor", + array(false, "username", false, "www.somewhere.com", 243, "/", "com", "", "anchor")); + $this->assertUrl( + "/this/that/here.php?a=1&b=2?3,4", + array(false, false, false, false, false, "/this/that/here.php", false, "?a=1&b=2", false), + array("a" => "1", "b" => "2"), + array(3, 4)); + $this->assertUrl( + "username@/here.php?a=1&b=2", + array(false, "username", false, false, false, "/here.php", false, "?a=1&b=2", false), + array("a" => "1", "b" => "2")); + } + + function testAmbiguousHosts() { + $this->assertUrl( + "tigger", + array(false, false, false, false, false, "tigger", false, "", false)); + $this->assertUrl( + "/tigger", + array(false, false, false, false, false, "/tigger", false, "", false)); + $this->assertUrl( + "//tigger", + array(false, false, false, "tigger", false, "/", false, "", false)); + $this->assertUrl( + "//tigger/", + array(false, false, false, "tigger", false, "/", false, "", false)); + $this->assertUrl( + "tigger.com", + array(false, false, false, "tigger.com", false, "/", "com", "", false)); + $this->assertUrl( + "me.net/tigger", + array(false, false, false, "me.net", false, "/tigger", "net", "", false)); + } + + function testAsString() { + $this->assertPreserved('https://www.here.com'); + $this->assertPreserved('http://me:secret@www.here.com'); + $this->assertPreserved('http://here/there'); + $this->assertPreserved('http://here/there?a=A&b=B'); + $this->assertPreserved('http://here/there?a=1&a=2'); + $this->assertPreserved('http://here/there?a=1&a=2?9,8'); + $this->assertPreserved('http://host?a=1&a=2'); + $this->assertPreserved('http://host#stuff'); + $this->assertPreserved('http://me:secret@www.here.com/a/b/c/here.html?a=A?7,6'); + $this->assertPreserved('http://www.here.com/?a=A__b=B'); + } + + function assertUrl($raw, $parts, $params = false, $coords = false) { + if (! is_array($params)) { + $params = array(); + } + $url = new SimpleUrl($raw); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getScheme(), $parts[0], "[$raw] scheme -> %s"); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getUsername(), $parts[1], "[$raw] username -> %s"); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getPassword(), $parts[2], "[$raw] password -> %s"); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getHost(), $parts[3], "[$raw] host -> %s"); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getPort(), $parts[4], "[$raw] port -> %s"); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getPath(), $parts[5], "[$raw] path -> %s"); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getTld(), $parts[6], "[$raw] tld -> %s"); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getEncodedRequest(), $parts[7], "[$raw] encoded -> %s"); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getFragment(), $parts[8], "[$raw] fragment -> %s"); + if ($coords) { + $this->assertIdentical($url->getX(), $coords[0], "[$raw] x -> %s"); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getY(), $coords[1], "[$raw] y -> %s"); + } + } + + function testUrlWithTwoSlashesInPath() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('/article/categoryedit/insert//'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), '/article/categoryedit/insert//'); + } + + function assertPreserved($string) { + $url = new SimpleUrl($string); + $this->assertEqual($url->asString(), $string); + } +} + +class TestOfAbsoluteUrls extends UnitTestCase { + + function testDirectoriesAfterFilename() { + $string = '../../index.php/foo/bar'; + $url = new SimpleUrl($string); + $this->assertEqual($url->asString(), $string); + + $absolute = $url->makeAbsolute('http://www.domain.com/some/path/'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->asString(), 'http://www.domain.com/index.php/foo/bar'); + } + + function testMakingAbsolute() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('../there/somewhere.php'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), '../there/somewhere.php'); + $absolute = $url->makeAbsolute('https://host.com:1234/I/am/here/'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getScheme(), 'https'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getHost(), 'host.com'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPort(), 1234); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPath(), '/I/am/there/somewhere.php'); + } + + function testMakingAnEmptyUrlAbsolute() { + $url = new SimpleUrl(''); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), ''); + $absolute = $url->makeAbsolute('http://host.com/I/am/here/page.html'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getScheme(), 'http'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getHost(), 'host.com'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPath(), '/I/am/here/page.html'); + } + + function testMakingAnEmptyUrlAbsoluteWithMissingPageName() { + $url = new SimpleUrl(''); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), ''); + $absolute = $url->makeAbsolute('http://host.com/I/am/here/'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getScheme(), 'http'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getHost(), 'host.com'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPath(), '/I/am/here/'); + } + + function testMakingAShortQueryUrlAbsolute() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('?a#b'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), ''); + $absolute = $url->makeAbsolute('http://host.com/I/am/here/'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getScheme(), 'http'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getHost(), 'host.com'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPath(), '/I/am/here/'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getEncodedRequest(), '?a'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getFragment(), 'b'); + } + + function testMakingADirectoryUrlAbsolute() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('hello/'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), 'hello/'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getBasePath(), 'hello/'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPage(), ''); + $absolute = $url->makeAbsolute('http://host.com/I/am/here/page.html'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPath(), '/I/am/here/hello/'); + } + + function testMakingARootUrlAbsolute() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('/'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), '/'); + $absolute = $url->makeAbsolute('http://host.com/I/am/here/page.html'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPath(), '/'); + } + + function testMakingARootPageUrlAbsolute() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('/here.html'); + $absolute = $url->makeAbsolute('http://host.com/I/am/here/page.html'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPath(), '/here.html'); + } + + function testCarryAuthenticationFromRootPage() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('here.html'); + $absolute = $url->makeAbsolute('http://test:secret@host.com/'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPath(), '/here.html'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getUsername(), 'test'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPassword(), 'secret'); + } + + function testMakingCoordinateUrlAbsolute() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('?1,2'); + $this->assertEqual($url->getPath(), ''); + $absolute = $url->makeAbsolute('http://host.com/I/am/here/'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getScheme(), 'http'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getHost(), 'host.com'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPath(), '/I/am/here/'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getX(), 1); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getY(), 2); + } + + function testMakingAbsoluteAppendedPath() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('./there/somewhere.php'); + $absolute = $url->makeAbsolute('https://host.com/here/'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPath(), '/here/there/somewhere.php'); + } + + function testMakingAbsoluteBadlyFormedAppendedPath() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('there/somewhere.php'); + $absolute = $url->makeAbsolute('https://host.com/here/'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPath(), '/here/there/somewhere.php'); + } + + function testMakingAbsoluteHasNoEffectWhenAlreadyAbsolute() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('https://test:secret@www.lastcraft.com:321/stuff/?a=1#f'); + $absolute = $url->makeAbsolute('http://host.com/here/'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getScheme(), 'https'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getUsername(), 'test'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPassword(), 'secret'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getHost(), 'www.lastcraft.com'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPort(), 321); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPath(), '/stuff/'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getEncodedRequest(), '?a=1'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getFragment(), 'f'); + } + + function testMakingAbsoluteCarriesAuthenticationWhenAlreadyAbsolute() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('https://www.lastcraft.com'); + $absolute = $url->makeAbsolute('http://test:secret@host.com/here/'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getHost(), 'www.lastcraft.com'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getUsername(), 'test'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPassword(), 'secret'); + } + + function testMakingHostOnlyAbsoluteDoesNotCarryAnyOtherInformation() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('http://www.lastcraft.com'); + $absolute = $url->makeAbsolute('https://host.com:81/here/'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getScheme(), 'http'); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getHost(), 'www.lastcraft.com'); + $this->assertIdentical($absolute->getPort(), false); + $this->assertEqual($absolute->getPath(), '/'); + } +} + +class TestOfFrameUrl extends UnitTestCase { + + function testTargetAttachment() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('http://www.site.com/home.html'); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getTarget(), false); + $url->setTarget('A frame'); + $this->assertIdentical($url->getTarget(), 'A frame'); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/user_agent_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/user_agent_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..657c7e155 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/user_agent_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,358 @@ +<?php +// $Id: user_agent_test.php 1509 2007-05-08 22:11:49Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../user_agent.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../authentication.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../http.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../encoding.php'); +Mock::generate('SimpleHttpRequest'); +Mock::generate('SimpleHttpResponse'); +Mock::generate('SimpleHttpHeaders'); +Mock::generatePartial('SimpleUserAgent', 'MockRequestUserAgent', array('_createHttpRequest')); + +class TestOfFetchingUrlParameters extends UnitTestCase { + + function setUp() { + $this->_headers = &new MockSimpleHttpHeaders(); + + $this->_response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $this->_response->setReturnValue('isError', false); + $this->_response->setReturnReference('getHeaders', new MockSimpleHttpHeaders()); + + $this->_request = &new MockSimpleHttpRequest(); + $this->_request->setReturnReference('fetch', $this->_response); + } + + function testGetRequestWithoutIncidentGivesNoErrors() { + $url = new SimpleUrl('http://test:secret@this.com/page.html'); + $url->addRequestParameters(array('a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B')); + + $agent = &new MockRequestUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('_createHttpRequest', $this->_request); + $agent->SimpleUserAgent(); + + $response = &$agent->fetchResponse( + new SimpleUrl('http://test:secret@this.com/page.html'), + new SimpleGetEncoding(array('a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B'))); + $this->assertFalse($response->isError()); + } +} + +class TestOfAdditionalHeaders extends UnitTestCase { + + function testAdditionalHeaderAddedToRequest() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnReference('getHeaders', new MockSimpleHttpHeaders()); + + $request = &new MockSimpleHttpRequest(); + $request->setReturnReference('fetch', $response); + $request->expectOnce( + 'addHeaderLine', + array('User-Agent: SimpleTest')); + + $agent = &new MockRequestUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('_createHttpRequest', $request); + $agent->SimpleUserAgent(); + $agent->addHeader('User-Agent: SimpleTest'); + $response = &$agent->fetchResponse(new SimpleUrl('http://this.host/'), new SimpleGetEncoding()); + } +} + +class TestOfBrowserCookies extends UnitTestCase { + + function &_createStandardResponse() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue("isError", false); + $response->setReturnValue("getContent", "stuff"); + $response->setReturnReference("getHeaders", new MockSimpleHttpHeaders()); + return $response; + } + + function &_createCookieSite($header_lines) { + $headers = &new SimpleHttpHeaders($header_lines); + + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue("isError", false); + $response->setReturnReference("getHeaders", $headers); + $response->setReturnValue("getContent", "stuff"); + + $request = &new MockSimpleHttpRequest(); + $request->setReturnReference("fetch", $response); + return $request; + } + + function &_createMockedRequestUserAgent(&$request) { + $agent = &new MockRequestUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('_createHttpRequest', $request); + $agent->SimpleUserAgent(); + return $agent; + } + + function testCookieJarIsSentToRequest() { + $jar = new SimpleCookieJar(); + $jar->setCookie('a', 'A'); + + $request = &new MockSimpleHttpRequest(); + $request->setReturnReference('fetch', $this->_createStandardResponse()); + $request->expectOnce('readCookiesFromJar', array($jar, '*')); + + $agent = &$this->_createMockedRequestUserAgent($request); + $agent->setCookie('a', 'A'); + $agent->fetchResponse( + new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/this/path/page.html'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + } + + function testNoCookieJarIsSentToRequestWhenCookiesAreDisabled() { + $request = &new MockSimpleHttpRequest(); + $request->setReturnReference('fetch', $this->_createStandardResponse()); + $request->expectNever('readCookiesFromJar'); + + $agent = &$this->_createMockedRequestUserAgent($request); + $agent->setCookie('a', 'A'); + $agent->ignoreCookies(); + $agent->fetchResponse( + new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/this/path/page.html'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + } + + function testReadingNewCookie() { + $request = &$this->_createCookieSite('Set-cookie: a=AAAA'); + $agent = &$this->_createMockedRequestUserAgent($request); + $agent->fetchResponse( + new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/this/path/page.html'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertEqual($agent->getCookieValue("this.com", "this/path/", "a"), "AAAA"); + } + + function testIgnoringNewCookieWhenCookiesDisabled() { + $request = &$this->_createCookieSite('Set-cookie: a=AAAA'); + $agent = &$this->_createMockedRequestUserAgent($request); + $agent->ignoreCookies(); + $agent->fetchResponse( + new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/this/path/page.html'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertIdentical($agent->getCookieValue("this.com", "this/path/", "a"), false); + } + + function testOverwriteCookieThatAlreadyExists() { + $request = &$this->_createCookieSite('Set-cookie: a=AAAA'); + $agent = &$this->_createMockedRequestUserAgent($request); + $agent->setCookie('a', 'A'); + $agent->fetchResponse( + new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/this/path/page.html'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertEqual($agent->getCookieValue("this.com", "this/path/", "a"), "AAAA"); + } + + function testClearCookieBySettingExpiry() { + $request = &$this->_createCookieSite('Set-cookie: a=b'); + $agent = &$this->_createMockedRequestUserAgent($request); + + $agent->setCookie("a", "A", "this/path/", "Wed, 25-Dec-02 04:24:21 GMT"); + $agent->fetchResponse( + new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/this/path/page.html'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertIdentical( + $agent->getCookieValue("this.com", "this/path/", "a"), + "b"); + $agent->restart("Wed, 25-Dec-02 04:24:20 GMT"); + $this->assertIdentical( + $agent->getCookieValue("this.com", "this/path/", "a"), + false); + } + + function testAgeingAndClearing() { + $request = &$this->_createCookieSite('Set-cookie: a=A; expires=Wed, 25-Dec-02 04:24:21 GMT; path=/this/path'); + $agent = &$this->_createMockedRequestUserAgent($request); + + $agent->fetchResponse( + new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/this/path/page.html'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $agent->restart("Wed, 25-Dec-02 04:24:20 GMT"); + $this->assertIdentical( + $agent->getCookieValue("this.com", "this/path/", "a"), + "A"); + $agent->ageCookies(2); + $agent->restart("Wed, 25-Dec-02 04:24:20 GMT"); + $this->assertIdentical( + $agent->getCookieValue("this.com", "this/path/", "a"), + false); + } + + function testReadingIncomingAndSettingNewCookies() { + $request = &$this->_createCookieSite('Set-cookie: a=AAA'); + $agent = &$this->_createMockedRequestUserAgent($request); + + $this->assertNull($agent->getBaseCookieValue("a", false)); + $agent->fetchResponse( + new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/this/path/page.html'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $agent->setCookie("b", "BBB", "this.com", "this/path/"); + $this->assertEqual( + $agent->getBaseCookieValue("a", new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/this/path/page.html')), + "AAA"); + $this->assertEqual( + $agent->getBaseCookieValue("b", new SimpleUrl('http://this.com/this/path/page.html')), + "BBB"); + } +} + +class TestOfHttpRedirects extends UnitTestCase { + + function &createRedirect($content, $redirect) { + $headers = &new MockSimpleHttpHeaders(); + $headers->setReturnValue('isRedirect', (boolean)$redirect); + $headers->setReturnValue('getLocation', $redirect); + + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', $content); + $response->setReturnReference('getHeaders', $headers); + + $request = &new MockSimpleHttpRequest(); + $request->setReturnReference('fetch', $response); + return $request; + } + + function testDisabledRedirects() { + $agent = &new MockRequestUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference( + '_createHttpRequest', + $this->createRedirect('stuff', 'there.html')); + $agent->expectOnce('_createHttpRequest'); + $agent->SimpleUserAgent(); + + $agent->setMaximumRedirects(0); + $response = &$agent->fetchResponse(new SimpleUrl('here.html'), new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertEqual($response->getContent(), 'stuff'); + } + + function testSingleRedirect() { + $agent = &new MockRequestUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReferenceAt( + 0, + '_createHttpRequest', + $this->createRedirect('first', 'two.html')); + $agent->setReturnReferenceAt( + 1, + '_createHttpRequest', + $this->createRedirect('second', 'three.html')); + $agent->expectCallCount('_createHttpRequest', 2); + $agent->SimpleUserAgent(); + + $agent->setMaximumRedirects(1); + $response = &$agent->fetchResponse(new SimpleUrl('one.html'), new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertEqual($response->getContent(), 'second'); + } + + function testDoubleRedirect() { + $agent = &new MockRequestUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReferenceAt( + 0, + '_createHttpRequest', + $this->createRedirect('first', 'two.html')); + $agent->setReturnReferenceAt( + 1, + '_createHttpRequest', + $this->createRedirect('second', 'three.html')); + $agent->setReturnReferenceAt( + 2, + '_createHttpRequest', + $this->createRedirect('third', 'four.html')); + $agent->expectCallCount('_createHttpRequest', 3); + $agent->SimpleUserAgent(); + + $agent->setMaximumRedirects(2); + $response = &$agent->fetchResponse(new SimpleUrl('one.html'), new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertEqual($response->getContent(), 'third'); + } + + function testSuccessAfterRedirect() { + $agent = &new MockRequestUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReferenceAt( + 0, + '_createHttpRequest', + $this->createRedirect('first', 'two.html')); + $agent->setReturnReferenceAt( + 1, + '_createHttpRequest', + $this->createRedirect('second', false)); + $agent->setReturnReferenceAt( + 2, + '_createHttpRequest', + $this->createRedirect('third', 'four.html')); + $agent->expectCallCount('_createHttpRequest', 2); + $agent->SimpleUserAgent(); + + $agent->setMaximumRedirects(2); + $response = &$agent->fetchResponse(new SimpleUrl('one.html'), new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertEqual($response->getContent(), 'second'); + } + + function testRedirectChangesPostToGet() { + $agent = &new MockRequestUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReferenceAt( + 0, + '_createHttpRequest', + $this->createRedirect('first', 'two.html')); + $agent->expectArgumentsAt(0, '_createHttpRequest', array('*', new IsAExpectation('SimplePostEncoding'))); + $agent->setReturnReferenceAt( + 1, + '_createHttpRequest', + $this->createRedirect('second', 'three.html')); + $agent->expectArgumentsAt(1, '_createHttpRequest', array('*', new IsAExpectation('SimpleGetEncoding'))); + $agent->expectCallCount('_createHttpRequest', 2); + $agent->SimpleUserAgent(); + $agent->setMaximumRedirects(1); + $response = &$agent->fetchResponse(new SimpleUrl('one.html'), new SimplePostEncoding()); + } +} + +class TestOfBadHosts extends UnitTestCase { + + function &_createSimulatedBadHost() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnValue('isError', true); + $response->setReturnValue('getError', 'Bad socket'); + $response->setReturnValue('getContent', false); + + $request = &new MockSimpleHttpRequest(); + $request->setReturnReference('fetch', $response); + return $request; + } + + function testUntestedHost() { + $request = &$this->_createSimulatedBadHost(); + + $agent = &new MockRequestUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('_createHttpRequest', $request); + $agent->SimpleUserAgent(); + + $response = &$agent->fetchResponse( + new SimpleUrl('http://this.host/this/path/page.html'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + $this->assertTrue($response->isError()); + } +} + +class TestOfAuthorisation extends UnitTestCase { + + function testAuthenticateHeaderAdded() { + $response = &new MockSimpleHttpResponse(); + $response->setReturnReference('getHeaders', new MockSimpleHttpHeaders()); + + $request = &new MockSimpleHttpRequest(); + $request->setReturnReference('fetch', $response); + $request->expectOnce( + 'addHeaderLine', + array('Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode('test:secret'))); + + $agent = &new MockRequestUserAgent(); + $agent->setReturnReference('_createHttpRequest', $request); + $agent->SimpleUserAgent(); + $response = &$agent->fetchResponse( + new SimpleUrl('http://test:secret@this.host'), + new SimpleGetEncoding()); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/visual_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/visual_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..13781bb65 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/visual_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,495 @@ +<?php + // $Id: visual_test.php 1547 2007-07-04 00:42:05Z lastcraft $ + + // NOTE: + // Some of these tests are designed to fail! Do not be alarmed. + // ---------------- + + // The following tests are a bit hacky. Whilst Kent Beck tried to + // build a unit tester with a unit tester, I am not that brave. + // Instead I have just hacked together odd test scripts until + // I have enough of a tester to procede more formally. + // + // The proper tests start in all_tests.php + require_once('../unit_tester.php'); + require_once('../shell_tester.php'); + require_once('../mock_objects.php'); + require_once('../reporter.php'); + require_once('../xml.php'); + + class TestDisplayClass { + var $_a; + + function TestDisplayClass($a) { + $this->_a = $a; + } + } + + class PassingUnitTestCaseOutput extends UnitTestCase { + + function testOfResults() { + $this->pass('Pass'); + } + + function testTrue() { + $this->assertTrue(true); + } + + function testFalse() { + $this->assertFalse(false); + } + + function testExpectation() { + $expectation = &new EqualExpectation(25, 'My expectation message: %s'); + $this->assert($expectation, 25, 'My assert message : %s'); + } + + function testNull() { + $this->assertNull(null, "%s -> Pass"); + $this->assertNotNull(false, "%s -> Pass"); + } + + function testType() { + $this->assertIsA("hello", "string", "%s -> Pass"); + $this->assertIsA($this, "PassingUnitTestCaseOutput", "%s -> Pass"); + $this->assertIsA($this, "UnitTestCase", "%s -> Pass"); + } + + function testTypeEquality() { + $this->assertEqual("0", 0, "%s -> Pass"); + } + + function testNullEquality() { + $this->assertNotEqual(null, 1, "%s -> Pass"); + $this->assertNotEqual(1, null, "%s -> Pass"); + } + + function testIntegerEquality() { + $this->assertNotEqual(1, 2, "%s -> Pass"); + } + + function testStringEquality() { + $this->assertEqual("a", "a", "%s -> Pass"); + $this->assertNotEqual("aa", "ab", "%s -> Pass"); + } + + function testHashEquality() { + $this->assertEqual(array("a" => "A", "b" => "B"), array("b" => "B", "a" => "A"), "%s -> Pass"); + } + + function testWithin() { + $this->assertWithinMargin(5, 5.4, 0.5, "%s -> Pass"); + } + + function testOutside() { + $this->assertOutsideMargin(5, 5.6, 0.5, "%s -> Pass"); + } + + function testStringIdentity() { + $a = "fred"; + $b = $a; + $this->assertIdentical($a, $b, "%s -> Pass"); + } + + function testTypeIdentity() { + $a = "0"; + $b = 0; + $this->assertNotIdentical($a, $b, "%s -> Pass"); + } + + function testNullIdentity() { + $this->assertNotIdentical(null, 1, "%s -> Pass"); + $this->assertNotIdentical(1, null, "%s -> Pass"); + } + + function testHashIdentity() { + } + + function testObjectEquality() { + $this->assertEqual(new TestDisplayClass(4), new TestDisplayClass(4), "%s -> Pass"); + $this->assertNotEqual(new TestDisplayClass(4), new TestDisplayClass(5), "%s -> Pass"); + } + + function testObjectIndentity() { + $this->assertIdentical(new TestDisplayClass(false), new TestDisplayClass(false), "%s -> Pass"); + $this->assertNotIdentical(new TestDisplayClass(false), new TestDisplayClass(0), "%s -> Pass"); + } + + function testReference() { + $a = "fred"; + $b = &$a; + $this->assertReference($a, $b, "%s -> Pass"); + } + + function testCloneOnDifferentObjects() { + $a = "fred"; + $b = $a; + $c = "Hello"; + $this->assertClone($a, $b, "%s -> Pass"); + } + + function testPatterns() { + $this->assertPattern('/hello/i', "Hello there", "%s -> Pass"); + $this->assertNoPattern('/hello/', "Hello there", "%s -> Pass"); + } + + function testLongStrings() { + $text = ""; + for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { + $text .= "0123456789"; + } + $this->assertEqual($text, $text); + } + } + + class FailingUnitTestCaseOutput extends UnitTestCase { + + function testOfResults() { + $this->fail('Fail'); // Fail. + } + + function testTrue() { + $this->assertTrue(false); // Fail. + } + + function testFalse() { + $this->assertFalse(true); // Fail. + } + + function testExpectation() { + $expectation = &new EqualExpectation(25, 'My expectation message: %s'); + $this->assert($expectation, 24, 'My assert message : %s'); // Fail. + } + + function testNull() { + $this->assertNull(false, "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + $this->assertNotNull(null, "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testType() { + $this->assertIsA(14, "string", "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + $this->assertIsA(14, "TestOfUnitTestCaseOutput", "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + $this->assertIsA($this, "TestReporter", "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testTypeEquality() { + $this->assertNotEqual("0", 0, "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testNullEquality() { + $this->assertEqual(null, 1, "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + $this->assertEqual(1, null, "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testIntegerEquality() { + $this->assertEqual(1, 2, "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testStringEquality() { + $this->assertNotEqual("a", "a", "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + $this->assertEqual("aa", "ab", "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testHashEquality() { + $this->assertEqual(array("a" => "A", "b" => "B"), array("b" => "B", "a" => "Z"), "%s -> Fail"); + } + + function testWithin() { + $this->assertWithinMargin(5, 5.6, 0.5, "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testOutside() { + $this->assertOutsideMargin(5, 5.4, 0.5, "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testStringIdentity() { + $a = "fred"; + $b = $a; + $this->assertNotIdentical($a, $b, "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testTypeIdentity() { + $a = "0"; + $b = 0; + $this->assertIdentical($a, $b, "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testNullIdentity() { + $this->assertIdentical(null, 1, "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + $this->assertIdentical(1, null, "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testHashIdentity() { + $this->assertIdentical(array("a" => "A", "b" => "B"), array("b" => "B", "a" => "A"), "%s -> fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testObjectEquality() { + $this->assertNotEqual(new TestDisplayClass(4), new TestDisplayClass(4), "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + $this->assertEqual(new TestDisplayClass(4), new TestDisplayClass(5), "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testObjectIndentity() { + $this->assertNotIdentical(new TestDisplayClass(false), new TestDisplayClass(false), "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + $this->assertIdentical(new TestDisplayClass(false), new TestDisplayClass(0), "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testReference() { + $a = "fred"; + $b = &$a; + $this->assertClone($a, $b, "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testCloneOnDifferentObjects() { + $a = "fred"; + $b = $a; + $c = "Hello"; + $this->assertClone($a, $c, "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testPatterns() { + $this->assertPattern('/hello/', "Hello there", "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + $this->assertNoPattern('/hello/i', "Hello there", "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testLongStrings() { + $text = ""; + for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { + $text .= "0123456789"; + } + $this->assertEqual($text . $text, $text . "a" . $text); // Fail. + } + } + + class Dummy { + function Dummy() { + } + + function a() { + } + } + Mock::generate('Dummy'); + + class TestOfMockObjectsOutput extends UnitTestCase { + + function testCallCounts() { + $dummy = &new MockDummy(); + $dummy->expectCallCount('a', 1, 'My message: %s'); + $dummy->a(); + $dummy->a(); + } + + function testMinimumCallCounts() { + $dummy = &new MockDummy(); + $dummy->expectMinimumCallCount('a', 2, 'My message: %s'); + $dummy->a(); + $dummy->a(); + } + + function testEmptyMatching() { + $dummy = &new MockDummy(); + $dummy->expectArguments('a', array()); + $dummy->a(); + $dummy->a(null); // Fail. + } + + function testEmptyMatchingWithCustomMessage() { + $dummy = &new MockDummy(); + $dummy->expectArguments('a', array(), 'My expectation message: %s'); + $dummy->a(); + $dummy->a(null); // Fail. + } + + function testNullMatching() { + $dummy = &new MockDummy(); + $dummy->expectArguments('a', array(null)); + $dummy->a(null); + $dummy->a(); // Fail. + } + + function testBooleanMatching() { + $dummy = &new MockDummy(); + $dummy->expectArguments('a', array(true, false)); + $dummy->a(true, false); + $dummy->a(true, true); // Fail. + } + + function testIntegerMatching() { + $dummy = &new MockDummy(); + $dummy->expectArguments('a', array(32, 33)); + $dummy->a(32, 33); + $dummy->a(32, 34); // Fail. + } + + function testFloatMatching() { + $dummy = &new MockDummy(); + $dummy->expectArguments('a', array(3.2, 3.3)); + $dummy->a(3.2, 3.3); + $dummy->a(3.2, 3.4); // Fail. + } + + function testStringMatching() { + $dummy = &new MockDummy(); + $dummy->expectArguments('a', array('32', '33')); + $dummy->a('32', '33'); + $dummy->a('32', '34'); // Fail. + } + + function testEmptyMatchingWithCustomExpectationMessage() { + $dummy = &new MockDummy(); + $dummy->expectArguments( + 'a', + array(new EqualExpectation('A', 'My part expectation message: %s')), + 'My expectation message: %s'); + $dummy->a('A'); + $dummy->a('B'); // Fail. + } + + function testArrayMatching() { + $dummy = &new MockDummy(); + $dummy->expectArguments('a', array(array(32), array(33))); + $dummy->a(array(32), array(33)); + $dummy->a(array(32), array('33')); // Fail. + } + + function testObjectMatching() { + $a = new Dummy(); + $a->a = 'a'; + $b = new Dummy(); + $b->b = 'b'; + $dummy = &new MockDummy(); + $dummy->expectArguments('a', array($a, $b)); + $dummy->a($a, $b); + $dummy->a($a, $a); // Fail. + } + + function testBigList() { + $dummy = &new MockDummy(); + $dummy->expectArguments('a', array(false, 0, 1, 1.0)); + $dummy->a(false, 0, 1, 1.0); + $dummy->a(true, false, 2, 2.0); // Fail. + } + } + + class TestOfPastBugs extends UnitTestCase { + + function testMixedTypes() { + $this->assertEqual(array(), null, "%s -> Pass"); + $this->assertIdentical(array(), null, "%s -> Fail"); // Fail. + } + + function testMockWildcards() { + $dummy = &new MockDummy(); + $dummy->expectArguments('a', array('*', array(33))); + $dummy->a(array(32), array(33)); + $dummy->a(array(32), array('33')); // Fail. + } + } + + class TestOfVisualShell extends ShellTestCase { + + function testDump() { + $this->execute('ls'); + $this->dumpOutput(); + $this->execute('dir'); + $this->dumpOutput(); + } + + function testDumpOfList() { + $this->execute('ls'); + $this->dump($this->getOutputAsList()); + } + } + + class PassesAsWellReporter extends HtmlReporter { + + function _getCss() { + return parent::_getCss() . ' .pass { color: darkgreen; }'; + } + + function paintPass($message) { + parent::paintPass($message); + print "<span class=\"pass\">Pass</span>: "; + $breadcrumb = $this->getTestList(); + array_shift($breadcrumb); + print implode(" -> ", $breadcrumb); + print " -> " . htmlentities($message) . "<br />\n"; + } + + function paintSignal($type, &$payload) { + print "<span class=\"fail\">$type</span>: "; + $breadcrumb = $this->getTestList(); + array_shift($breadcrumb); + print implode(" -> ", $breadcrumb); + print " -> " . htmlentities(serialize($payload)) . "<br />\n"; + } + } + + class TestOfSkippingNoMatterWhat extends UnitTestCase { + function skip() { + $this->skipIf(true, 'Always skipped -> %s'); + } + + function testFail() { + $this->fail('This really shouldn\'t have happened'); + } + } + + class TestOfSkippingOrElse extends UnitTestCase { + function skip() { + $this->skipUnless(false, 'Always skipped -> %s'); + } + + function testFail() { + $this->fail('This really shouldn\'t have happened'); + } + } + + class TestOfSkippingTwiceOver extends UnitTestCase { + function skip() { + $this->skipIf(true, 'First reason -> %s'); + $this->skipIf(true, 'Second reason -> %s'); + } + + function testFail() { + $this->fail('This really shouldn\'t have happened'); + } + } + + class TestThatShouldNotBeSkipped extends UnitTestCase { + function skip() { + $this->skipIf(false); + $this->skipUnless(true); + } + + function testFail() { + $this->fail('We should see this message'); + } + + function testPass() { + $this->pass('We should see this message'); + } + } + + $test = &new TestSuite('Visual test with 46 passes, 47 fails and 0 exceptions'); + $test->addTestCase(new PassingUnitTestCaseOutput()); + $test->addTestCase(new FailingUnitTestCaseOutput()); + $test->addTestCase(new TestOfMockObjectsOutput()); + $test->addTestCase(new TestOfPastBugs()); + $test->addTestCase(new TestOfVisualShell()); + $test->addTestCase(new TestOfSkippingNoMatterWhat()); + $test->addTestCase(new TestOfSkippingOrElse()); + $test->addTestCase(new TestOfSkippingTwiceOver()); + $test->addTestCase(new TestThatShouldNotBeSkipped()); + + if (isset($_GET['xml']) || in_array('xml', (isset($argv) ? $argv : array()))) { + $reporter = &new XmlReporter(); + } elseif (TextReporter::inCli()) { + $reporter = &new TextReporter(); + } else { + $reporter = &new PassesAsWellReporter(); + } + if (isset($_GET['dry']) || in_array('dry', (isset($argv) ? $argv : array()))) { + $reporter->makeDry(); + } + exit ($test->run($reporter) ? 0 : 1); +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/web_tester_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/web_tester_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..01f7d3c8c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/web_tester_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +<?php +// $Id: web_tester_test.php 1509 2007-05-08 22:11:49Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../web_tester.php'); + +class TestOfFieldExpectation extends UnitTestCase { + + function testStringMatchingIsCaseSensitive() { + $expectation = new FieldExpectation('a'); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test('a')); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(array('a'))); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test('A')); + } + + function testMatchesInteger() { + $expectation = new FieldExpectation('1'); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test('1')); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(1)); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(array('1'))); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(array(1))); + } + + function testNonStringFailsExpectation() { + $expectation = new FieldExpectation('a'); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(null)); + } + + function testUnsetFieldCanBeTestedFor() { + $expectation = new FieldExpectation(false); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(false)); + } + + function testMultipleValuesCanBeInAnyOrder() { + $expectation = new FieldExpectation(array('a', 'b')); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(array('a', 'b'))); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(array('b', 'a'))); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test(array('a', 'a'))); + $this->assertFalse($expectation->test('a')); + } + + function testSingleItemCanBeArrayOrString() { + $expectation = new FieldExpectation(array('a')); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test(array('a'))); + $this->assertTrue($expectation->test('a')); + } +} + +class TestOfHeaderExpectations extends UnitTestCase { + + function testExpectingOnlyTheHeaderName() { + $expectation = new HttpHeaderExpectation('a'); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test(false), false); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('a: A'), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('A: A'), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('a: B'), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test(' a : A '), true); + } + + function testHeaderValueAsWell() { + $expectation = new HttpHeaderExpectation('a', 'A'); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test(false), false); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('a: A'), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('A: A'), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('A: a'), false); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('a: B'), false); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test(' a : A '), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test(' a : AB '), false); + } + + function testHeaderValueWithColons() { + $expectation = new HttpHeaderExpectation('a', 'A:B:C'); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('a: A'), false); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('a: A:B'), false); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('a: A:B:C'), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('a: A:B:C:D'), false); + } + + function testMultilineSearch() { + $expectation = new HttpHeaderExpectation('a', 'A'); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test("aa: A\r\nb: B\r\nc: C"), false); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test("aa: A\r\na: A\r\nb: B"), true); + } + + function testMultilineSearchWithPadding() { + $expectation = new HttpHeaderExpectation('a', ' A '); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test("aa:A\r\nb:B\r\nc:C"), false); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test("aa:A\r\na:A\r\nb:B"), true); + } + + function testPatternMatching() { + $expectation = new HttpHeaderExpectation('a', new PatternExpectation('/A/')); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('a: A'), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('A: A'), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('A: a'), false); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('a: B'), false); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test(' a : A '), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test(' a : AB '), true); + } + + function testCaseInsensitivePatternMatching() { + $expectation = new HttpHeaderExpectation('a', new PatternExpectation('/A/i')); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('a: a'), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('a: B'), false); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test(' a : A '), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test(' a : BAB '), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test(' a : bab '), true); + } + + function testUnwantedHeader() { + $expectation = new NoHttpHeaderExpectation('a'); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test(''), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('stuff'), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('b: B'), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('a: A'), false); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('A: A'), false); + } + + function testMultilineUnwantedSearch() { + $expectation = new NoHttpHeaderExpectation('a'); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test("aa:A\r\nb:B\r\nc:C"), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test("aa:A\r\na:A\r\nb:B"), false); + } + + function testLocationHeaderSplitsCorrectly() { + $expectation = new HttpHeaderExpectation('Location', 'http://here/'); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('Location: http://here/'), true); + } +} + +class TestOfTextExpectations extends UnitTestCase { + + function testMatchingSubString() { + $expectation = new TextExpectation('wanted'); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test(''), false); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('Wanted'), false); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('wanted'), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('the wanted text is here'), true); + } + + function testNotMatchingSubString() { + $expectation = new NoTextExpectation('wanted'); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test(''), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('Wanted'), true); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('wanted'), false); + $this->assertIdentical($expectation->test('the wanted text is here'), false); + } +} + +class TestOfGenericAssertionsInWebTester extends WebTestCase { + + function testEquality() { + $this->assertEqual('a', 'a'); + $this->assertNotEqual('a', 'A'); + } +} +?>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendors/simpletest/test/xml_test.php b/vendors/simpletest/test/xml_test.php new file mode 100644 index 000000000..91985b5d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendors/simpletest/test/xml_test.php @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +<?php +// $Id: xml_test.php 1509 2007-05-08 22:11:49Z lastcraft $ +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php'); +require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../xml.php'); +Mock::generate('SimpleScorer'); + +if (! function_exists('xml_parser_create')) { + SimpleTest::ignore('TestOfXmlStructureParsing'); + SimpleTest::ignore('TestOfXmlResultsParsing'); +} + +class TestOfNestingTags extends UnitTestCase { + function testGroupSize() { + $nesting = new NestingGroupTag(array('SIZE' => 2)); + $this->assertEqual($nesting->getSize(), 2); + } +} + +class TestOfXmlStructureParsing extends UnitTestCase { + function testValidXml() { + $listener = &new MockSimpleScorer(); + $listener->expectNever('paintGroupStart'); + $listener->expectNever('paintGroupEnd'); + $listener->expectNever('paintCaseStart'); + $listener->expectNever('paintCaseEnd'); + $parser = &new SimpleTestXmlParser($listener); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n")); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<run>\n")); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("</run>\n")); + } + + function testEmptyGroup() { + $listener = &new MockSimpleScorer(); + $listener->expectOnce('paintGroupStart', array('a_group', 7)); + $listener->expectOnce('paintGroupEnd', array('a_group')); + $parser = &new SimpleTestXmlParser($listener); + $parser->parse("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"); + $parser->parse("<run>\n"); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<group size=\"7\">\n")); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<name>a_group</name>\n")); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("</group>\n")); + $parser->parse("</run>\n"); + } + + function testEmptyCase() { + $listener = &new MockSimpleScorer(); + $listener->expectOnce('paintCaseStart', array('a_case')); + $listener->expectOnce('paintCaseEnd', array('a_case')); + $parser = &new SimpleTestXmlParser($listener); + $parser->parse("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"); + $parser->parse("<run>\n"); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<case>\n")); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<name>a_case</name>\n")); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("</case>\n")); + $parser->parse("</run>\n"); + } + + function testEmptyMethod() { + $listener = &new MockSimpleScorer(); + $listener->expectOnce('paintCaseStart', array('a_case')); + $listener->expectOnce('paintCaseEnd', array('a_case')); + $listener->expectOnce('paintMethodStart', array('a_method')); + $listener->expectOnce('paintMethodEnd', array('a_method')); + $parser = &new SimpleTestXmlParser($listener); + $parser->parse("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"); + $parser->parse("<run>\n"); + $parser->parse("<case>\n"); + $parser->parse("<name>a_case</name>\n"); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<test>\n")); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<name>a_method</name>\n")); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("</test>\n")); + $parser->parse("</case>\n"); + $parser->parse("</run>\n"); + } + + function testNestedGroup() { + $listener = &new MockSimpleScorer(); + $listener->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'paintGroupStart', array('a_group', 7)); + $listener->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'paintGroupStart', array('b_group', 3)); + $listener->expectCallCount('paintGroupStart', 2); + $listener->expectArgumentsAt(0, 'paintGroupEnd', array('b_group')); + $listener->expectArgumentsAt(1, 'paintGroupEnd', array('a_group')); + $listener->expectCallCount('paintGroupEnd', 2); + + $parser = &new SimpleTestXmlParser($listener); + $parser->parse("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"); + $parser->parse("<run>\n"); + + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<group size=\"7\">\n")); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<name>a_group</name>\n")); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<group size=\"3\">\n")); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<name>b_group</name>\n")); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("</group>\n")); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("</group>\n")); + $parser->parse("</run>\n"); + } +} + +class AnyOldSignal { + var $stuff = true; +} + +class TestOfXmlResultsParsing extends UnitTestCase { + + function sendValidStart(&$parser) { + $parser->parse("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"); + $parser->parse("<run>\n"); + $parser->parse("<case>\n"); + $parser->parse("<name>a_case</name>\n"); + $parser->parse("<test>\n"); + $parser->parse("<name>a_method</name>\n"); + } + + function sendValidEnd(&$parser) { + $parser->parse("</test>\n"); + $parser->parse("</case>\n"); + $parser->parse("</run>\n"); + } + + function testPass() { + $listener = &new MockSimpleScorer(); + $listener->expectOnce('paintPass', array('a_message')); + $parser = &new SimpleTestXmlParser($listener); + $this->sendValidStart($parser); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<pass>a_message</pass>\n")); + $this->sendValidEnd($parser); + } + + function testFail() { + $listener = &new MockSimpleScorer(); + $listener->expectOnce('paintFail', array('a_message')); + $parser = &new SimpleTestXmlParser($listener); + $this->sendValidStart($parser); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<fail>a_message</fail>\n")); + $this->sendValidEnd($parser); + } + + function testException() { + $listener = &new MockSimpleScorer(); + $listener->expectOnce('paintError', array('a_message')); + $parser = &new SimpleTestXmlParser($listener); + $this->sendValidStart($parser); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<exception>a_message</exception>\n")); + $this->sendValidEnd($parser); + } + + function testSkip() { + $listener = &new MockSimpleScorer(); + $listener->expectOnce('paintSkip', array('a_message')); + $parser = &new SimpleTestXmlParser($listener); + $this->sendValidStart($parser); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<skip>a_message</skip>\n")); + $this->sendValidEnd($parser); + } + + function testSignal() { + $signal = new AnyOldSignal(); + $signal->stuff = "Hello"; + $listener = &new MockSimpleScorer(); + $listener->expectOnce('paintSignal', array('a_signal', $signal)); + $parser = &new SimpleTestXmlParser($listener); + $this->sendValidStart($parser); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse( + "<signal type=\"a_signal\"><![CDATA[" . + serialize($signal) . "]]></signal>\n")); + $this->sendValidEnd($parser); + } + + function testMessage() { + $listener = &new MockSimpleScorer(); + $listener->expectOnce('paintMessage', array('a_message')); + $parser = &new SimpleTestXmlParser($listener); + $this->sendValidStart($parser); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<message>a_message</message>\n")); + $this->sendValidEnd($parser); + } + + function testFormattedMessage() { + $listener = &new MockSimpleScorer(); + $listener->expectOnce('paintFormattedMessage', array("\na\tmessage\n")); + $parser = &new SimpleTestXmlParser($listener); + $this->sendValidStart($parser); + $this->assertTrue($parser->parse("<formatted><![CDATA[\na\tmessage\n]]></formatted>\n")); + $this->sendValidEnd($parser); + } +} +?>
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