path: root/vendors/simpletest/docs/en/form_testing_documentation.html
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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<title>Simple Test documentation for testing HTML forms</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="docs.css" title="Styles">
+<div class="menu_back"><div class="menu">
+<a href="index.html">SimpleTest</a>
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+ <a href="overview.html">Overview</a>
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+ <a href="unit_test_documentation.html">Unit tester</a>
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+ <a href="group_test_documentation.html">Group tests</a>
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+ <a href="mock_objects_documentation.html">Mock objects</a>
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+ <a href="partial_mocks_documentation.html">Partial mocks</a>
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+ <a href="reporter_documentation.html">Reporting</a>
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+ <a href="expectation_documentation.html">Expectations</a>
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+ <a href="web_tester_documentation.html">Web tester</a>
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+ <span class="chosen">Testing forms</span>
+ |
+ <a href="authentication_documentation.html">Authentication</a>
+ |
+ <a href="browser_documentation.html">Scriptable browser</a>
+<h1>Form testing documentation</h1>
+ This page...
+ <ul>
+ Changing form values and successfully
+ <a href="#submit">Submitting a simple form</a>
+ </li>
+ Handling <a href="#multiple">widgets with multiple values</a>
+ by setting lists.
+ </li>
+ Bypassing javascript to <a href="#hidden-field">set a hidden field</a>.
+ </li>
+ <a href="#raw">Raw posting</a> when you don't have a button
+ to click.
+ </li>
+<div class="content">
+ <p><a class="target" name="submit"><h2>Submitting a simple form</h2></a></p>
+ <p>
+ When a page is fetched by the <span class="new_code">WebTestCase</span>
+ using <span class="new_code">get()</span> or
+ <span class="new_code">post()</span> the page content is
+ automatically parsed.
+ This results in any form controls that are inside &lt;form&gt; tags
+ being available from within the test case.
+ For example, if we have this snippet of HTML...
+ &lt;input type="text" name="a" value="A default" /&gt;
+ &lt;input type="submit" value="Go" /&gt;
+ Which looks like this...
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <form class="demo">
+ <input type="text" name="a" value="A default">
+ <input type="submit" value="Go">
+ </form>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ We can navigate to this code, via the
+ <a href="http://www.lastcraft.com/form_testing_documentation.php">LastCraft</a>
+ site, with the following test...
+class SimpleFormTests extends WebTestCase {
+ <strong>
+ function testDefaultValue() {
+ $this-&gt;get('http://www.lastcraft.com/form_testing_documentation.php');
+ $this-&gt;assertField('a', 'A default');
+ }</strong>
+ Immediately after loading the page all of the HTML controls are set at
+ their default values just as they would appear in the web browser.
+ The assertion tests that a HTML widget exists in the page with the
+ name "a" and that it is currently set to the value
+ "A default".
+ As usual, we could use a pattern expectation instead if a fixed
+ string.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ We could submit the form straight away, but first we'll change
+ the value of the text field and only then submit it...
+class SimpleFormTests extends WebTestCase {
+ function testDefaultValue() {
+ $this-&gt;get('http://www.my-site.com/');
+ $this-&gt;assertField('a', 'A default');<strong>
+ $this-&gt;setField('a', 'New value');
+ $this-&gt;click('Go');</strong>
+ }
+ Because we didn't specify a method attribute on the form tag, and
+ didn't specify an action either, the test case will follow
+ the usual browser behaviour of submitting the form data as a <em>GET</em>
+ request back to the same location.
+ SimpleTest tries to emulate typical browser behaviour as much as possible,
+ rather than attempting to catch missing attributes on tags.
+ This is because the target of the testing framework is the PHP application
+ logic, not syntax or other errors in the HTML code.
+ For HTML errors, other tools such as
+ <a href="http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett/tidy/">HTMLTidy</a> should be used.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ If a field is not present in any form, or if an option is unavailable,
+ then <span class="new_code">WebTestCase::setField()</span> will return
+ <span class="new_code">false</span>.
+ For example, suppose we wish to verify that a "Superuser"
+ option is not present in this form...
+&lt;strong&gt;Select type of user to add:&lt;/strong&gt;
+&lt;select name="type"&gt;
+ &lt;option&gt;Subscriber&lt;/option&gt;
+ &lt;option&gt;Author&lt;/option&gt;
+ &lt;option&gt;Administrator&lt;/option&gt;
+ Which looks like...
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <form class="demo">
+ <strong>Select type of user to add:</strong>
+ <select name="type">
+ <option>Subscriber</option>
+ <option>Author</option>
+ <option>Administrator</option>
+ </select>
+ </form>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The following test will confirm it...
+class SimpleFormTests extends WebTestCase {
+ ...
+ function testNoSuperuserChoiceAvailable() {<strong>
+ $this-&gt;get('http://www.lastcraft.com/form_testing_documentation.php');
+ $this-&gt;assertFalse($this-&gt;setField('type', 'Superuser'));</strong>
+ }
+ The selection will not be changed on a failure to set
+ a widget value.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Here is the full list of widgets currently supported...
+ <ul>
+ <li>Text fields, including hidden and password fields.</li>
+ <li>Submit buttons including the button tag, although not yet reset buttons</li>
+ <li>Text area. This includes text wrapping behaviour.</li>
+ <li>Checkboxes, including multiple checkboxes in the same form.</li>
+ <li>Drop down selections, including multiple selects.</li>
+ <li>Radio buttons.</li>
+ <li>Images.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The browser emulation offered by SimpleTest mimics
+ the actions which can be perform by a user on a
+ standard HTML page. Javascript is not supported, and
+ it's unlikely that support will be added any time
+ soon.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Of particular note is that the Javascript idiom of
+ passing form results by setting a hidden field cannot
+ be performed using the normal SimpleTest
+ commands. See below for a way to test such forms.
+ </p>
+ <p><a class="target" name="multiple"><h2>Fields with multiple values</h2></a></p>
+ <p>
+ SimpleTest can cope with two types of multivalue controls: Multiple
+ selection drop downs, and multiple checkboxes with the same name
+ within a form.
+ The multivalue nature of these means that setting and testing
+ are slightly different.
+ Using checkboxes as an example...
+&lt;form class="demo"&gt;
+ &lt;strong&gt;Create privileges allowed:&lt;/strong&gt;
+ &lt;input type="checkbox" name="crud" value="c" checked&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+ &lt;strong&gt;Retrieve privileges allowed:&lt;/strong&gt;
+ &lt;input type="checkbox" name="crud" value="r" checked&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+ &lt;strong&gt;Update privileges allowed:&lt;/strong&gt;
+ &lt;input type="checkbox" name="crud" value="u" checked&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+ &lt;strong&gt;Destroy privileges allowed:&lt;/strong&gt;
+ &lt;input type="checkbox" name="crud" value="d" checked&gt;&lt;br&gt;
+ &lt;input type="submit" value="Enable Privileges"&gt;
+ Which renders as...
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <form class="demo">
+ <strong>Create privileges allowed:</strong>
+ <input type="checkbox" name="crud" value="c" checked><br>
+ <strong>Retrieve privileges allowed:</strong>
+ <input type="checkbox" name="crud" value="r" checked><br>
+ <strong>Update privileges allowed:</strong>
+ <input type="checkbox" name="crud" value="u" checked><br>
+ <strong>Destroy privileges allowed:</strong>
+ <input type="checkbox" name="crud" value="d" checked><br>
+ <input type="submit" value="Enable Privileges">
+ </form>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ If we wish to disable all but the retrieval privileges and
+ submit this information we can do it like this...
+class SimpleFormTests extends WebTestCase {
+ ...<strong>
+ function testDisableNastyPrivileges() {
+ $this-&gt;get('http://www.lastcraft.com/form_testing_documentation.php');
+ $this-&gt;assertField('crud', array('c', 'r', 'u', 'd'));
+ $this-&gt;setField('crud', array('r'));
+ $this-&gt;click('Enable Privileges');
+ }</strong>
+ Instead of setting the field to a single value, we give it a list
+ of values.
+ We do the same when testing expected values.
+ We can then write other test code to confirm the effect of this, perhaps
+ by logging in as that user and attempting an update.
+ </p>
+ <p><a class="target" name="hidden-field"><h2>Forms which use javascript to set a hidden field</h2></a></p>
+ <p>
+ If you want to test a form which relies on javascript to set a hidden
+ field, you can't just call setField().
+ The following code will <em>not</em> work:
+class SimpleFormTests extends WebTestCase {
+ function testMyJavascriptForm() {
+ <strong>// This does *not* work</strong>
+ $this-&gt;setField('a_hidden_field', '123');
+ $this-&gt;clickSubmit('OK');
+ }
+ Instead, you need to pass the additional form parameters to the
+ clickSubmit() method:
+class SimpleFormTests extends WebTestCase {
+ function testMyJavascriptForm() {
+ // Pass the hidden field value as an additional POST variable
+ <strong>$this-&gt;clickSubmit('OK', array('a_hidden_field'=&gt;'123'));</strong>
+ }
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Bear in mind that in doing this you're effectively stubbing out a
+ part of your software (the javascript code in the form), and
+ perhaps you might be better off using something like
+ <a href="http://selenium.openqa.org/">Selenium</a> to ensure a complete
+ acceptance test.
+ </p>
+ <p><a class="target" name="raw"><h2>Raw posting</h2></a></p>
+ <p>
+ If you want to test a form handler, but have not yet written
+ or do not have access to the form itself, you can create a
+ form submission by hand.
+class SimpleFormTests extends WebTestCase {
+ ...<strong>
+ function testAttemptedHack() {
+ $this-&gt;post(
+ 'http://www.my-site.com/add_user.php',
+ array('type' =&gt; 'superuser'));
+ $this-&gt;assertNoText('user created');
+ }</strong>
+ By adding data to the <span class="new_code">WebTestCase::post()</span>
+ method, we are attempting to fetch the page as a form submission.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ References and related information...
+ <ul>
+ SimpleTest project page on <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/simpletest/">SourceForge</a>.
+ </li>
+ SimpleTest download page on <a href="http://www.lastcraft.com/simple_test.php">LastCraft</a>.
+ </li>
+ The <a href="http://simpletest.org/api/">developer's API for SimpleTest</a>
+ gives full detail on the classes and assertions available.
+ </li>
+<div class="menu_back"><div class="menu">
+<a href="index.html">SimpleTest</a>
+ |
+ <a href="overview.html">Overview</a>
+ |
+ <a href="unit_test_documentation.html">Unit tester</a>
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+ <a href="group_test_documentation.html">Group tests</a>
+ |
+ <a href="mock_objects_documentation.html">Mock objects</a>
+ |
+ <a href="partial_mocks_documentation.html">Partial mocks</a>
+ |
+ <a href="reporter_documentation.html">Reporting</a>
+ |
+ <a href="expectation_documentation.html">Expectations</a>
+ |
+ <a href="web_tester_documentation.html">Web tester</a>
+ |
+ <span class="chosen">Testing forms</span>
+ |
+ <a href="authentication_documentation.html">Authentication</a>
+ |
+ <a href="browser_documentation.html">Scriptable browser</a>
+<div class="copyright">
+ Copyright<br>Marcus Baker 2006
+ </div>