path: root/vendors/dokuwiki/conf/acronyms.conf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendors/dokuwiki/conf/acronyms.conf')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/vendors/dokuwiki/conf/acronyms.conf b/vendors/dokuwiki/conf/acronyms.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 13708d2df..000000000
--- a/vendors/dokuwiki/conf/acronyms.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-# Acronyms.
-ACL Access Control List
-AFAICS As far as I can see
-AFAIK As far as I know
-AFAIR As far as I remember
-AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
-AIM AOL (America Online) Instant Messenger
-AOL America Online
-API Application Programming Interface
-ASAP As soon as possible
-ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
-ASP Active Server Pages
-BTW By the way
-CGI Common Gateway Interface
-CMS Content Management System
-CSS Cascading Style Sheets
-CVS Concurrent Versions System
-DBA Database Administrator
-DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
-DHTML Dynamic HyperText Markup Language
-DMCA Digital Millenium Copyright Act
-DNS Domain Name System
-DOM Document Object Model
-DTD Document Type Definition
-EOF End of file
-EOL End of line
-EOM End of message
-EOT End of text
-ESMTP Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
-FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
-FDL GNU Free Documentation License
-FTP File Transfer Protocol
-FOSS Free & Open-Source Software
-FLOSS Free/Libre and Open Source Software
-FUD Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
-GB Gigabyte
-GHz Gigahertz
-GIF Graphics Interchange Format
-GPL GNU General Public License
-GUI Graphical User Interface
-HTML HyperText Markup Language
-HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
-IANAL I am not a lawyer (but)
-ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
-ICQ I seek you (Instant Messenger)
-IE5 Internet Explorer 5
-IE6 Internet Explorer 6
-IE Internet Explorer
-IIRC If I remember correctly
-IIS Internet Information Services
-IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol
-IMHO In my humble opinion
-IMO In my opinion
-IOW In other words
-IRC Internet Relay Chat
-IRL In real life
-ISO International Organization for Standardization
-ISP Internet Service Provider
-JDK Java Development Kit
-JPEG Joint Photographics Experts Group
-JPG Joint Photographics Experts Group
-JS JavaScript
-KISS Keep it simple stupid
-LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
-LGPL GNU Lesser General Public License
-LOL Laughing out loud
-MathML Mathematical Markup Language
-MB Megabyte
-MHz Megahertz
-MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
-MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
-MML Mathematical Markup Language
-MP3 Motion Picture Experts Group Layer 3
-MPEG Motion Picture Experts Group
-MSDN Microsoft Developer Network
-MS Microsoft
-MSIE Microsoft Internet Explorer
-NIS Network Information Service
-NS4.7 Netscape 4.7
-NS4 Netscape 4
-NS6 Netscape 6
-NS7 Netscape 7
-OMG Oh my God
-OPML Outline Processor Markup Language
-OS Operating System
-OSS Open Source Software
-OTOH On the other hand
-P2P Peer to Peer
-PDA Personal Digital Assistant
-PDF Portable Document Format
-Perl Practical Extraction and Report Language
-PERL Practical Extraction and Report Language
-PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
-PICS Platform for Internet Content Selection
-PIN Personal Identification Number
-PITA Pain in the Ass
-PNG Portable Network Graphics
-POP3 Post Office Protocol 3
-POP Post Office Protocol
-QoS Quality of Service
-RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
-RDF Resource Description Framework
-ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
-RPC Remote Procedure Call
-RSS Rich Site Summary
-RTFM Read The Fine Manual
-RTF Rich Text File
-SCSI Small Computer System Interface
-SDK Software Development Kit
-SGML Standard General Markup Language
-SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
-SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
-SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
-spec specification
-SQL Structured Query Language
-SSH Secure Shell
-SSI Server Side Includes
-SSL Secure Sockets Layer
-SVG Scalable Vector Graphics
-TIA Thanks in advance
-TIFF Tagged Image File Format
-TLD Top Level Domain
-TOC Table of Contents
-URI Uniform Resource Identifier
-URL Uniform Resource Locator
-URN Uniform Resource Name
-VBA Visual Basic for Applications
-VB Visual Basic
-W3C World Wide Web Consortium
-WAN Wide Area Network
-WAP Wireless Access Protocol
-WML Wireless Markup Language
-WTF? What the f***
-WWW World Wide Web
-WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get
-XHTML Extensible HyperText Markup Language
-XML Extensible Markup Language
-XSD XML (Extensible Markup Language) Schema Definition
-XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language
-XSLT Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
-XUL XML User Interface Language
-YMMV Your mileage may vary