path: root/mod
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1 files changed, 36 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/mod/search/search_hooks.php b/mod/search/search_hooks.php
index 2236cb4f4..8dcaa76ea 100644
--- a/mod/search/search_hooks.php
+++ b/mod/search/search_hooks.php
@@ -190,21 +190,46 @@ function search_tags_hook($hook, $type, $value, $params) {
$search_tag_names = $valid_tag_names;
- $name_value_pairs = array();
- foreach ($search_tag_names as $tag_name) {
- $name_value_pairs[] = array (
- 'name' => $tag_name,
- 'value' => $query,
- 'case_sensitive' => FALSE
- );
+// $name_value_pairs = array();
+// foreach ($search_tag_names as $tag_name) {
+// $name_value_pairs[] = array (
+// 'name' => $tag_name,
+// 'value' => $query,
+// 'case_sensitive' => FALSE
+// );
+// }
+// $params['metadata_name_value_pairs'] = $name_value_pairs;
+// $params['metadata_name_value_pairs_operator'] = 'OR';
+// $params = array();
+// $entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($params);
+// $params['count'] = TRUE;
+// $count = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($params);
+ // don't use elgg_get_entities_from_metadata() here because of
+ // performance issues. since we don't care what matches at this point
+ // use an IN clause to grab everything that matches at once and sort
+ // out the matches later.
+ $params['joins'][] = "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metadata md on e.guid = md.entity_guid";
+ $params['joins'][] = "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings msn on md.name_id = msn.id";
+ $params['joins'][] = "JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings msv on md.value_id = msv.id";
+ $access = get_access_sql_suffix('md');
+ $sanitised_tags = array();
+ foreach ($search_tag_names as $tag) {
+ $sanitised_tags[] = '"' . sanitise_string($tag) . '"';
- $params['metadata_name_value_pairs'] = $name_value_pairs;
- $params['metadata_name_value_pairs_operator'] = 'OR';
+ $tags_in = implode(',', $sanitised_tags);
- $entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($params);
+ $params['wheres'][] = "(msn.string IN ($tags_in) AND msv.string = '$query' AND $access)";
+ $entities = elgg_get_entities($params);
$params['count'] = TRUE;
- $count = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($params);
+ $count = elgg_get_entities($params);
// no need to continue if nothing here.
if (!$count) {