path: root/mod
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mod')
-rw-r--r--mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/activity_widget.php (renamed from mod/groups/views/default/groups/activity_latest.php)0
-rw-r--r--mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/widgets.php (renamed from mod/groups/views/default/groups/profileitems.php)12
-rw-r--r--mod/groups/views/default/groups/sidebar/members.php (renamed from mod/groups/views/default/groups/members.php)0
11 files changed, 250 insertions, 246 deletions
diff --git a/mod/groups/groupprofile.php b/mod/groups/groupprofile.php
index 43473e261..1c35163ad 100644
--- a/mod/groups/groupprofile.php
+++ b/mod/groups/groupprofile.php
@@ -1,56 +1,43 @@
- /**
- * Full group profile
- *
- * @package ElggGroups
- */
- $group_guid = get_input('group_guid');
- elgg_set_context('groups');
- global $autofeed;
- $autofeed = true;
- $group = get_entity($group_guid);
- if ($group) {
- set_page_owner($group_guid);
- $title = $group->name;
- // Hide some items from closed groups when the user is not logged in.
- $view_all = true;
- $groupaccess = group_gatekeeper(false);
- if (!$groupaccess)
- $view_all = false;
- $area2 .= elgg_view_entity($group, TRUE);
- if ($view_all) {
- //group profile 'items' - these are not real widgets, just contents to display
- $area2 .= elgg_view('groups/profileitems',array('entity' => $group));
- //group members
- $area3 = elgg_view('groups/members',array('entity' => $group));
- } else {
- $area2 .= elgg_view('groups/closedmembership', array('entity' => $group, 'user' => get_loggedin_user(), 'full' => true));
- }
- $content = $area1 . $area2;
- $params = array(
- 'content' => $content,
- 'sidebar' => $area3
- );
- $body = elgg_view_layout('one_column_with_sidebar', $params);
- } else {
- $title = elgg_echo('groups:notfound');
- $area2 = elgg_view_title($title);
- $area2 .= "<p class='margin-top'>".elgg_echo('groups:notfound:details')."</p>";
- $body = elgg_view_layout('one_column_with_sidebar', array('content' => $area2));
- }
- // Finally draw the page
- echo elgg_view_page($title, $body);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
+ * Profile of a group
+ *
+ * @package ElggGroups
+ */
+$guid = get_input('group_guid');
+// can the user see all content
+$group_access = group_gatekeeper(false);
+// turn this into a core function
+global $autofeed;
+$autofeed = true;
+$group = get_entity($guid);
+elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('groups:all'), elgg_get_site_url() . "pg/groups/world");
+$sidebar = '';
+$content = elgg_view('groups/profile/profile_block', array('entity' => $group));
+if (group_gatekeeper(false)) {
+ $content .= elgg_view('groups/profile/widgets', array('entity' => $group));
+ $sidebar = elgg_view('groups/sidebar/members', array('entity' => $group));
+} else {
+ $content .= elgg_view('groups/profile/closed_membership');
+$params = array(
+ 'content' => $content,
+ 'sidebar' => $sidebar,
+ 'title' => $group->name,
+ 'buttons' => elgg_view('groups/profile/buttons', array('entity' => $group)),
+ 'filter' => '',
+$body = elgg_view_layout('content', $params);
+echo elgg_view_page($title, $body);
diff --git a/mod/groups/views/default/groups/closedmembership.php b/mod/groups/views/default/groups/closedmembership.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d5abe1e09..000000000
--- a/mod/groups/views/default/groups/closedmembership.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg groups plugin full profile view (for a closed group you haven't joined).
- *
- * @package ElggGroups
- */
-<p class="margin-top">
-echo elgg_echo('groups:closedgroup');
-if (isloggedin()) {
- echo ' ' . elgg_echo('groups:closedgroup:request');
diff --git a/mod/groups/views/default/groups/forum_latest.php b/mod/groups/views/default/groups/forum_latest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b6f292e0..000000000
--- a/mod/groups/views/default/groups/forum_latest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-// Latest forum discussion for the group home page
-//check to make sure this group forum has been activated
-if($vars['entity']->forum_enable != 'no'){
-<span class="group_widget_link"><a href="<?php echo elgg_get_site_url() . "pg/groups/forum/" . elgg_get_page_owner_guid(); ?>"><?php echo elgg_echo('link:view:all')?></a></span>
-<h3><?php echo elgg_echo('groups:latestdiscussion'); ?></h3>
- $forum = elgg_get_entities(array('types' => 'object', 'subtypes' => 'groupforumtopic', 'container_guid' => $vars['entity']->guid, 'limit' => 6));
- if($forum){
- foreach($forum as $f){
- $count_annotations = $f->countAnnotations("generic_comment");
- echo "<div class='entity-listing clearfix'>";
- echo "<div class='entity-listing-icon'>" . elgg_view('profile/icon',array('entity' => $f->getOwnerEntity(), 'size' => 'tiny')) . "</div>";
- echo "<div class='entity-listing-info'><p class='entity-title'><a href=\"".elgg_get_site_url()."mod/groups/topicposts.php?topic={$f->guid}&group_guid={$vars['entity']->guid}\">" . $f->title . "</a></p>";
- echo "<p class='entity-subtext'>".elgg_echo('comments').": " . $count_annotations . "</p></div>";
- echo "</div>";
- }
- } else {
- if(elgg_get_page_owner()->isMember(get_loggedin_user())){
- $create_discussion = elgg_get_site_url() . "mod/groups/addtopic.php?group_guid=" . elgg_get_page_owner_guid();
- echo "<p class='margin-top'><a href=\"{$create_discussion}\">".elgg_echo("groups:addtopic")."</a></p>";
- }else{
- echo "<p class='margin-top'>". elgg_echo("grouptopic:notcreated") . "</p>";
- }
- }
-}//end of forum active check \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/groups/views/default/groups/groupprofile.php b/mod/groups/views/default/groups/groupprofile.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a21985bea..000000000
--- a/mod/groups/views/default/groups/groupprofile.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
- * Elgg groups plugin full profile view.
- *
- * @package ElggGroups
- */
-$user = get_loggedin_user();
-elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('groups:all'), elgg_get_site_url()."pg/groups/world");
-// action or page url => label
-$actions = array();
-if ($vars['entity']->canEdit()) {
- // breadcrumb trail
- elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('groups:yours'), elgg_get_site_url()."pg/groups/member/{$user->username}");
- // edit and invite
- $url = elgg_get_site_url() . "mod/groups/edit.php?group_guid={$vars['entity']->getGUID()}";
- $actions[$url] = elgg_echo('groups:edit');
- $url = elgg_get_site_url() . "mod/groups/invite.php?group_guid={$vars['entity']->getGUID()}";
- $actions[$url] = elgg_echo('groups:invite');
-if ($vars['entity']->isMember($user)) {
- // breadcrumb trail
- elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('groups:yours'), elgg_get_site_url()."pg/groups/member/{$user->username}");
- // leave
- $url = elgg_get_site_url() . "action/groups/leave?group_guid={$vars['entity']->getGUID()}";
- $url = elgg_add_action_tokens_to_url($url);
- $actions[$url] = elgg_echo('groups:leave');
-} else {
- // join
- // admins can always join.
- if ($vars['entity']->isPublicMembership() || $vars['entity']->canEdit()) {
- $url = elgg_get_site_url() . "action/groups/join?group_guid={$vars['entity']->getGUID()}";
- $url = elgg_add_action_tokens_to_url($url);
- $actions[$url] = elgg_echo('groups:join');
- } else {
- // request membership
- $url = elgg_get_site_url() . "action/groups/joinrequest?group_guid={$vars['entity']->getGUID()}";
- $url = elgg_add_action_tokens_to_url($url);
- $actions[$url] = elgg_echo('groups:joinrequest');
- }
-// build action buttons
-$action_buttons = '';
-if (!empty($actions)) {
- $action_buttons = '<div class="content-header-options">';
- foreach ($actions as $url => $action) {
- $action_buttons .= "<a class=\"elgg-action-button\" href=\"$url\">$action</a>";
- }
- $action_buttons .= '</div>';
-// display breadcrumb
-echo elgg_view('navigation/breadcrumbs');
-// build and display header
-echo <<<__HTML
-<div id="content-header" class="clearfix">
- <div class="content-header-title">
- <h2>{$vars['entity']->name}</h2>
- </div>
- $action_buttons
-<div class="group_profile clearfix">
- <div class="group_profile_column icon">
- <div class="group_profile_icon">
- <?php
- echo elgg_view(
- "groups/icon", array(
- 'entity' => $vars['entity'],
- 'size' => 'large',
- ));
- ?>
- </div>
- <div class="group_stats">
- <?php
- echo "<p><b>" . elgg_echo("groups:owner") . ": </b><a href=\"" . get_user($vars['entity']->owner_guid)->getURL() . "\">" . get_user($vars['entity']->owner_guid)->name . "</a></p>";
- ?>
- <p><?php
- $count = $vars['entity']->getMembers(0, 0, TRUE);
- echo elgg_echo('groups:members') . ": " . $count;
- ?></p>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="group_profile_column info">
- <?php
- if ($vars['full'] == true) {
- if (is_array($vars['config']->group) && sizeof($vars['config']->group) > 0){
- foreach($vars['config']->group as $shortname => $valtype) {
- if ($shortname != "name") {
- $value = $vars['entity']->$shortname;
- if (!empty($value)) {
- //This function controls the alternating class
- $even_odd = ( 'odd' != $even_odd ) ? 'odd' : 'even';
- }
- echo "<p class=\"{$even_odd}\">";
- echo "<b>";
- echo elgg_echo("groups:{$shortname}");
- echo ": </b>";
- $options = array(
- 'value' => $vars['entity']->$shortname
- );
- if ($valtype == 'tags') {
- $options['tag_names'] = $shortname;
- }
- echo elgg_view("output/{$valtype}", $options);
- echo "</p>";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ?>
- </div>
diff --git a/mod/groups/views/default/groups/activity_latest.php b/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/activity_widget.php
index 3ac385553..3ac385553 100644
--- a/mod/groups/views/default/groups/activity_latest.php
+++ b/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/activity_widget.php
diff --git a/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/buttons.php b/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/buttons.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68cd2591a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/buttons.php
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Content header action buttons
+ *
+ * @uses $vars['entity']
+ */
+if (!isloggedin()) {
+ return true;
+$actions = array();
+// group owners
+if ($vars['entity']->canEdit()) {
+ // edit and invite
+ $url = elgg_get_site_url() . "mod/groups/edit.php?group_guid={$vars['entity']->getGUID()}";
+ $actions[$url] = elgg_echo('groups:edit');
+ $url = elgg_get_site_url() . "mod/groups/invite.php?group_guid={$vars['entity']->getGUID()}";
+ $actions[$url] = elgg_echo('groups:invite');
+// group members
+if ($vars['entity']->isMember($user)) {
+ // leave
+ $url = elgg_get_site_url() . "action/groups/leave?group_guid={$vars['entity']->getGUID()}";
+ $url = elgg_add_action_tokens_to_url($url);
+ $actions[$url] = elgg_echo('groups:leave');
+} else {
+ // join - admins can always join.
+ if ($vars['entity']->isPublicMembership() || $vars['entity']->canEdit()) {
+ $url = elgg_get_site_url() . "action/groups/join?group_guid={$vars['entity']->getGUID()}";
+ $url = elgg_add_action_tokens_to_url($url);
+ $actions[$url] = elgg_echo('groups:join');
+ } else {
+ // request membership
+ $url = elgg_get_site_url() . "action/groups/joinrequest?group_guid={$vars['entity']->getGUID()}";
+ $url = elgg_add_action_tokens_to_url($url);
+ $actions[$url] = elgg_echo('groups:joinrequest');
+ }
+// display action buttons
+if ($actions) {
+ foreach ($actions as $url => $action) {
+ echo elgg_view('output/url', array(
+ 'text' => $action,
+ 'href' => $url,
+ 'class' => 'elgg-action-button',
+ ));
+ }
diff --git a/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/closed_membership.php b/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/closed_membership.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f80103711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/closed_membership.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Display message about closed membership
+ *
+ * @package ElggGroups
+ */
+<p class="mtm">
+echo elgg_echo('groups:closedgroup');
+if (isloggedin()) {
+ echo ' ' . elgg_echo('groups:closedgroup:request');
diff --git a/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/forum_widget.php b/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/forum_widget.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..265926fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/forum_widget.php
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * Latest forum posts
+ *
+ * @uses $vars['entity']
+ */
+if ($vars['entity']->forum_enable == 'no') {
+ return true;
+$group = $vars['entity'];
+$all_link = elgg_view('output/url', array(
+ 'href' => "pg/groups/forum/$group->guid",
+ 'text' => elgg_echo('link:view:all'),
+$header = "<span class=\"group-widget-viewall\">$all_link</span>";
+$header .= '<h3>' . elgg_echo('groups:latestdiscussion') . '</h3>';
+$options = array(
+ 'type' => 'object',
+ 'subtype' => 'groupforumtopic',
+ 'container_guid' => $group->getGUID(),
+ 'limit' => 6,
+ 'full_view' => false,
+ 'pagination' => false,
+$content = elgg_list_entities($options);
+if (!$content) {
+ $content = '<p>' . elgg_echo('grouptopic:notcreated') . '</p>';
+$new_link = elgg_view('output/url', array(
+ 'href' => "mod/groups/addtopic.php?group_guid=" . $group->getGUID(),
+ 'text' => elgg_echo('groups:addtopic'),
+$content .= "<span class='elgg-widget-more'>$new_link</span>";
+$params = array(
+ 'header' => $header,
+ 'body' => $content,
+echo elgg_view('layout/objects/module', $params);
diff --git a/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/profile_block.php b/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/profile_block.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98595ad07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/profile_block.php
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ * Group profile
+ *
+ * Icon and profile fields
+ *
+ * @uses $vars['group']
+ */
+if (!isset($vars['entity']) || !$vars['entity']) {
+ echo elgg_echo('groups:notfound');
+ return true;
+$group = $vars['entity'];
+$owner = $group->getOwnerEntity();
+$profile_fields = elgg_get_config('group');
+<div class="group_profile clearfix">
+ <div class="group_profile_column icon">
+ <div class="group_profile_icon">
+ <?php
+ echo elgg_view('groups/icon', array(
+ 'entity' => $group,
+ 'size' => 'large',
+ ));
+ ?>
+ </div>
+ <div class="group_stats">
+ <p>
+ <b><?php echo elgg_echo("groups:owner"); ?>: </b>
+ <?php
+ echo elgg_view('output/url', array(
+ 'text' => $owner->name,
+ 'value' => $owner->getURL(),
+ ));
+ ?>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <?php
+ echo elgg_echo('groups:members') . ": " . $group->getMembers(0, 0, TRUE);
+ ?>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="group_profile_column info">
+if (is_array($profile_fields) && count($profile_fields) > 0) {
+ $even_odd = 'odd';
+ foreach ($profile_fields as $key => $valtype) {
+ // do not show the name
+ if ($key == 'name') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $value = $group->$key;
+ if (empty($value)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $options = array('value' => $group->$key);
+ if ($valtype == 'tags') {
+ $options['tag_names'] = $key;
+ }
+ echo "<p class=\"{$even_odd}\">";
+ echo "<b>";
+ echo elgg_echo("groups:$key");
+ echo ": </b>";
+ echo elgg_view("output/$valtype", $options);
+ echo "</p>";
+ $even_odd = ($even_odd == 'even') ? 'odd' : 'even';
+ }
+ </div>
diff --git a/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profileitems.php b/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/widgets.php
index 6f5fa32ce..af558c90d 100644
--- a/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profileitems.php
+++ b/mod/groups/views/default/groups/profile/widgets.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-* Elgg groups - group homepage (profile) - provide an area for tools to extend with their latest content.
+* Profile widgets/tools
* @package ElggGroups
@@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ echo "<div id='group_tools_latest' class='clearfix'>";
// activity latest
echo "<div class='group_tool_widget activity clearfix'>";
- echo elgg_view("groups/activity_latest",array('entity' => $vars['entity']));
+ echo elgg_view("groups/profile/activity_widget", array('entity' => $vars['entity']));
echo "</div>";
// forum latest
- echo "<div class='group_tool_widget forum clearfix'>";
- echo elgg_view("groups/forum_latest",array('entity' => $vars['entity']));
- echo "</div>";
+ //echo "<div class='group_tool_widget forum clearfix'>";
+ echo elgg_view("groups/profile/forum_widget", array('entity' => $vars['entity']));
+ //echo "</div>";
// enable tools to extend this area
- echo elgg_view("groups/tool_latest",array('entity' => $vars['entity']));
+ echo elgg_view("groups/tool_latest", array('entity' => $vars['entity']));
echo "</div>";
diff --git a/mod/groups/views/default/groups/members.php b/mod/groups/views/default/groups/sidebar/members.php
index b4e9199af..b4e9199af 100644
--- a/mod/groups/views/default/groups/members.php
+++ b/mod/groups/views/default/groups/sidebar/members.php