path: root/mod/pages
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mod/pages')
2 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mod/pages/languages/en.php b/mod/pages/languages/en.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6fc68b676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/pages/languages/en.php
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ * Pages languages
+ *
+ * @package ElggPages
+ */
+$english = array(
+ /**
+ * Menu items and titles
+ */
+ 'pages' => "Pages",
+ 'pages:owner' => "%s's pages",
+ 'pages:friends' => "Friends' pages",
+ 'pages:all' => "All site pages",
+ 'pages:add' => "Add page",
+ 'pages:group' => "Group pages",
+ 'groups:enablepages' => 'Enable group pages',
+ 'pages:edit' => "Edit this page",
+ 'pages:delete' => "Delete this page",
+ 'pages:history' => "History",
+ 'pages:view' => "View page",
+ 'pages:revision' => "Revision",
+ 'pages:navigation' => "Navigation",
+ 'pages:via' => "via pages",
+ 'item:object:page_top' => 'Top-level pages',
+ 'item:object:page' => 'Pages',
+ 'pages:nogroup' => 'This group does not have any pages yet',
+ 'pages:more' => 'More pages',
+ 'pages:none' => 'No pages created yet',
+ /**
+ * River
+ **/
+ 'river:create:object:page' => '%s created a page %s',
+ 'river:create:object:page_top' => '%s created a page %s',
+ 'river:update:object:page' => '%s updated a page %s',
+ 'river:update:object:page_top' => '%s updated a page %s',
+ 'river:comment:object:page' => '%s commented on a page titled %s',
+ 'river:comment:object:page_top' => '%s commented on a page titled %s',
+ /**
+ * Form fields
+ */
+ 'pages:title' => 'Page title',
+ 'pages:description' => 'Page text',
+ 'pages:tags' => 'Tags',
+ 'pages:access_id' => 'Read access',
+ 'pages:write_access_id' => 'Write access',
+ /**
+ * Status and error messages
+ */
+ 'pages:noaccess' => 'No access to page',
+ 'pages:cantedit' => 'You cannot edit this page',
+ 'pages:saved' => 'Page saved',
+ 'pages:notsaved' => 'Page could not be saved',
+ 'pages:error:no_title' => 'You must specify a title for this page.',
+ 'pages:delete:success' => 'The page was successfully deleted.',
+ 'pages:delete:failure' => 'The page could not be deleted.',
+ /**
+ * Page
+ */
+ 'pages:strapline' => 'Last updated %s by %s',
+ /**
+ * History
+ */
+ 'pages:revision:subtitle' => 'Revision created %s by %s',
+ /**
+ * Widget
+ **/
+ 'pages:num' => 'Number of pages to display',
+ 'pages:widget:description' => "This is a list of your pages.",
+ /**
+ * Submenu items
+ */
+ 'pages:label:view' => "View page",
+ 'pages:label:edit' => "Edit page",
+ 'pages:label:history' => "Page history",
+ /**
+ * Sidebar items
+ */
+ 'pages:sidebar:this' => "This page",
+ 'pages:sidebar:children' => "Sub-pages",
+ 'pages:sidebar:parent' => "Parent",
+ 'pages:newchild' => "Create a sub-page",
+ 'pages:backtoparent' => "Back to '%s'",
+add_translation("en", $english); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/pages/languages/es.php b/mod/pages/languages/es.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63d1ac8e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/pages/languages/es.php
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * Pages languages
+ *
+ * @package ElggPages
+ */
+$spanish = array(
+ /**
+ * Menu items and titles
+ */
+ 'pages' => "P&aacute;ginas",
+ 'pages:owner' => "P&aacute;ginas de %s",
+ 'pages:friends' => "P&aacute;ginas de amigos",
+ 'pages:all' => "Todas las P&aacute;ginas",
+ 'pages:add' => "Agregar P&aacute;gina",
+ 'pages:group' => "P&aacute;ginas de grupo",
+ 'groups:enablepages' => 'Habilitar p&aacute;ginas del grupo',
+ 'pages:edit' => "Editar esta p&aacute;gina",
+ 'pages:delete' => "Eliminar esta p&aacute;gina",
+ 'pages:history' => "Historial",
+ 'pages:view' => "Ver p&aacute;gina",
+ 'pages:revision' => "Revisi&oacute;n",
+ 'pages:navigation' => "Navegaci&oacute;n",
+ 'pages:via' => "p&aacute;ginas via",
+ 'item:object:page_top' => 'P&aacute;ginas de nivel superior',
+ 'item:object:page' => 'P&aacute;ginas',
+ 'pages:nogroup' => 'El grupo a&uacute;n no posee p&aacute;ginas',
+ 'pages:more' => 'M&aacute;s p&aacute;ginas',
+ 'pages:none' => 'No hay p&aacute;ginas creadas a&uacute;n',
+ /**
+ * River
+ **/
+ 'river:create:object:page' => '%s ha creado la p&aacute;gina %s',
+ 'river:create:object:page_top' => '%s ha creado una p&aacute;gina %s',
+ 'river:update:object:page' => '%s ha actualizado la p&aacute;gina %s',
+ 'river:update:object:page_top' => '%s ha actualizado una p&aacute;gina %s',
+ 'river:comment:object:page' => '%s ha comentado en la p&aacute;gina titulada %s',
+ 'river:comment:object:page_top' => '%s ha comentado en una p&aacute;gina titulada %s',
+ /**
+ * Form fields
+ */
+ 'pages:title' => 'T&iacute;tulo de la p&aacute;gina',
+ 'pages:description' => 'Texto de la p&aacute;gina',
+ 'pages:tags' => 'Tags',
+ 'pages:access_id' => 'Acceso de lectura',
+ 'pages:write_access_id' => 'Acceso de escritura',
+ /**
+ * Status and error messages
+ */
+ 'pages:noaccess' => 'No hay acceso a la p&aacute;gina',
+ 'pages:cantedit' => 'No puede editar esta p&aacute;gina',
+ 'pages:saved' => 'P&aacute;gina guardada',
+ 'pages:notsaved' => 'La p&aacute;gina no pudo ser guardada',
+ 'pages:error:no_title' => 'Debe especificar un t&iacute;tulo para esta p&aacute;gina.',
+ 'pages:delete:success' => 'La p&aacute;gina ha sido eliminada correctamente.',
+ 'pages:delete:failure' => 'La p&aacute;gina no pudo ser eliminada.',
+ /**
+ * Page
+ */
+ 'pages:strapline' => 'Ultima actualizaci&oacute;n %s por %s',
+ /**
+ * History
+ */
+ 'pages:revision:subtitle' => 'Revisi&oacute;n creada %s por %s',
+ /**
+ * Widget
+ **/
+ 'pages:num' => 'Cantidad de p&aacute;ginas a mostrar',
+ 'pages:widget:description' => "Este es el listado de sus p&aacute;ginas.",
+ /**
+ * Submenu items
+ */
+ 'pages:label:view' => "Ver p&aacute;gina",
+ 'pages:label:edit' => "Editar p&aacute;gina",
+ 'pages:label:history' => "Historial de la p&aacute;gina",
+ /**
+ * Sidebar items
+ */
+ 'pages:sidebar:this' => "Esta p&aacute;gina",
+ 'pages:sidebar:children' => "Sub-p&aacute;ginas",
+ 'pages:sidebar:parent' => "Padre",
+ 'pages:newchild' => "Crear una sub-p&aacute;gina",
+ 'pages:backtoparent' => "Regresar a '%s'",
+add_translation("es", $spanish); \ No newline at end of file