path: root/mod/messages/start.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mod/messages/start.php')
1 files changed, 338 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mod/messages/start.php b/mod/messages/start.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..992d60901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/messages/start.php
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+ /**
+ * Elgg internal messages plugin
+ * This plugin lets user send each other messages.
+ *
+ * @package ElggMessages
+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
+ * @author Curverider Ltd <info@elgg.com>
+ * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008-2010
+ * @link http://elgg.com/
+ */
+ /**
+ * Messages initialisation
+ *
+ * These parameters are required for the event API, but we won't use them:
+ *
+ * @param unknown_type $event
+ * @param unknown_type $object_type
+ * @param unknown_type $object
+ */
+ function messages_init() {
+ // Load system configuration
+ global $CONFIG;
+ //add submenu options
+ if (get_context() == "messages") {
+ add_submenu_item(elgg_echo('messages:compose'), $CONFIG->wwwroot . "mod/messages/send.php");
+ add_submenu_item(elgg_echo('messages:inbox'), $CONFIG->wwwroot . "pg/messages/" . $_SESSION['user']->username);
+ add_submenu_item(elgg_echo('messages:sentmessages'), $CONFIG->wwwroot . "mod/messages/sent.php");
+ }
+ // Extend system CSS with our own styles, which are defined in the shouts/css view
+ elgg_extend_view('css','messages/css');
+ // Extend the elgg topbar
+ elgg_extend_view('elgg_topbar/extend','messages/topbar');
+ // Register a page handler, so we can have nice URLs
+ register_page_handler('messages','messages_page_handler');
+ // Register a URL handler for shouts posts
+ register_entity_url_handler('messages_url','object','messages');
+ // Extend hover-over and profile menu
+ elgg_extend_view('profile/menu/links','messages/menu');
+ // Register a notification handler for site messages
+ register_notification_handler("site", "messages_site_notify_handler");
+ register_plugin_hook('notify:entity:message','object','messages_notification_msg');
+ if (is_callable('register_notification_object'))
+ register_notification_object('object','messages',elgg_echo('messages:new'));
+ // Shares widget
+ // add_widget_type('messages',elgg_echo("messages:recent"),elgg_echo("messages:widget:description"));
+ // Override metadata permissions
+ register_plugin_hook('permissions_check:metadata','object','messages_can_edit_metadata');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Override the canEditMetadata function to return true for messages
+ *
+ */
+ function messages_can_edit_metadata($hook_name, $entity_type, $return_value, $parameters) {
+ global $messagesendflag;
+ if ($messagesendflag == 1) {
+ $entity = $parameters['entity'];
+ if ($entity->getSubtype() == "messages") {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return $return_value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Override the canEdit function to return true for messages within a particular context.
+ *
+ */
+ function messages_can_edit($hook_name, $entity_type, $return_value, $parameters) {
+ global $messagesendflag;
+ if ($messagesendflag == 1) {
+ $entity = $parameters['entity'];
+ if ($entity->getSubtype() == "messages") {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return $return_value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * We really don't want to send a notification message when a message is sent, if the method is messages ...
+ *
+ */
+ function messages_notification_msg($hook_name, $entity_type, $return_value, $parameters) {
+ global $CONFIG, $messages_pm;
+ if ($parameters['entity'] instanceof ElggEntity) {
+ if ($parameters['entity']->getSubtype() == 'messages') {
+ return false;
+ /*if (!$messages_pm) return false;
+ if ($parameters['method'] == 'email') {
+ return sprintf(
+ elgg_echo('messages:email:body'),
+ get_loggedin_user()->name,
+ strip_tags($parameters['entity']->description),
+ $CONFIG->wwwroot . "pg/messages/" . $user->username,
+ get_loggedin_user()->name,
+ $CONFIG->wwwroot . "mod/messages/send.php?send_to=" . get_loggedin_user()->guid
+ );
+ } else if ($parameters['method'] == 'site') return false;*/
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Override the canEdit function to return true for messages within a particular context.
+ *
+ */
+ function messages_can_edit_container($hook_name, $entity_type, $return_value, $parameters) {
+ global $messagesendflag;
+ if ($messagesendflag == 1) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return $return_value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Send an internal message
+ *
+ * @param string $subject The subject line of the message
+ * @param string $body The body of the mesage
+ * @param int $send_to The GUID of the user to send to
+ * @param int $from Optionally, the GUID of the user to send from
+ * @param int $reply The GUID of the message to reply from (default: none)
+ * @param true|false $notify Send a notification (default: true)
+ * @param true|false $add_to_sent If true (default), will add a message to the sender's 'sent' tray
+ * @return true|false Depending on success
+ */
+ function messages_send($subject, $body, $send_to, $from = 0, $reply = 0, $notify = true, $add_to_sent = true) {
+ global $messagesendflag;
+ $messagesendflag = 1;
+ global $messages_pm;
+ if ($notify) {
+ $messages_pm = 1;
+ } else {
+ $messages_pm = 0;
+ }
+ // If $from == 0, set to current user
+ if ($from == 0)
+ $from = (int) get_loggedin_user()->guid;
+ // Initialise a new ElggObject
+ $message_to = new ElggObject();
+ $message_sent = new ElggObject();
+ // Tell the system it's a message
+ $message_to->subtype = "messages";
+ $message_sent->subtype = "messages";
+ // Set its owner to the current user
+ // $message_to->owner_guid = $_SESSION['user']->getGUID();
+ $message_to->owner_guid = $send_to;
+ $message_to->container_guid = $send_to;
+ $message_sent->owner_guid = $from;
+ $message_sent->container_guid = $from;
+ // For now, set its access to public (we'll add an access dropdown shortly)
+ $message_to->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC;
+ $message_sent->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC;
+ // Set its description appropriately
+ $message_to->title = $subject;
+ $message_to->description = $body;
+ $message_sent->title = $subject;
+ $message_sent->description = $body;
+ // set the metadata
+ $message_to->toId = $send_to; // the user receiving the message
+ $message_to->fromId = $from; // the user receiving the message
+ $message_to->readYet = 0; // this is a toggle between 0 / 1 (1 = read)
+ $message_to->hiddenFrom = 0; // this is used when a user deletes a message in their sentbox, it is a flag
+ $message_to->hiddenTo = 0; // this is used when a user deletes a message in their inbox
+ $message_sent->toId = $send_to; // the user receiving the message
+ $message_sent->fromId = $from; // the user receiving the message
+ $message_sent->readYet = 0; // this is a toggle between 0 / 1 (1 = read)
+ $message_sent->hiddenFrom = 0; // this is used when a user deletes a message in their sentbox, it is a flag
+ $message_sent->hiddenTo = 0; // this is used when a user deletes a message in their inbox
+ $message_to->msg = 1;
+ $message_sent->msg = 1;
+ // Save the copy of the message that goes to the recipient
+ $success = $message_to->save();
+ // Save the copy of the message that goes to the sender
+ if ($add_to_sent) $success2 = $message_sent->save();
+ $message_to->access_id = ACCESS_PRIVATE;
+ $message_to->save();
+ if ($add_to_sent) {
+ $message_sent->access_id = ACCESS_PRIVATE;
+ $message_sent->save();
+ }
+ // if the new message is a reply then create a relationship link between the new message
+ // and the message it is in reply to
+ if($reply && $success){
+ $create_relationship = add_entity_relationship($message_sent->guid, "reply", $reply);
+ }
+ global $CONFIG;
+ $message_contents = strip_tags($body);
+ if ($send_to != get_loggedin_user() && $notify)
+ notify_user($send_to, get_loggedin_user()->guid, elgg_echo('messages:email:subject'),
+ sprintf(
+ elgg_echo('messages:email:body'),
+ get_loggedin_user()->name,
+ $message_contents,
+ $CONFIG->wwwroot . "pg/messages/" . $user->username,
+ get_loggedin_user()->name,
+ $CONFIG->wwwroot . "mod/messages/send.php?send_to=" . get_loggedin_user()->guid
+ )
+ );
+ $messagesendflag = 0;
+ return $success;
+ }
+ /**
+ * messages page handler; allows the use of fancy URLs
+ *
+ * @param array $page From the page_handler function
+ * @return true|false Depending on success
+ */
+ function messages_page_handler($page) {
+ // The first component of a messages URL is the username
+ if (isset($page[0])) {
+ set_input('username',$page[0]);
+ }
+ // The second part dictates what we're doing
+ if (isset($page[1])) {
+ switch($page[1]) {
+ case "read": set_input('message',$page[2]);
+ include(dirname(__FILE__) . "/read.php");
+ return true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // If the URL is just 'messages/username', or just 'messages/', load the standard messages index
+ } else {
+ include(dirname(__FILE__) . "/index.php");
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function messages_url($message) {
+ global $CONFIG;
+ return $CONFIG->url . "pg/messages/" . $message->getOwnerEntity()->username . "/read/" . $message->getGUID();
+ }
+ // A simple function to count the number of messages that are unread in a user's inbox
+ function count_unread_messages() {
+ //get the users inbox messages
+ //$num_messages = get_entities_from_metadata("toId", $_SESSION['user']->getGUID(), "object", "messages", 0, 10, 0, "", 0, false);
+ $num_messages = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(array('metadata_name_value_pairs' => array(
+ 'toId' => $_SESSION['user']->guid,
+ 'readYet' => 0,
+ 'msg' => 1
+ ), 'types' => 'object', 'subtypes' => 'messages', 'owner_guid' => $_SESSION['user']->guid, 'limit' => 9999));
+ if (is_array($num_messages))
+ $counter = sizeof($num_messages);
+ else
+ $counter = 0;
+ return $counter;
+ }
+ function messages_site_notify_handler(ElggEntity $from, ElggUser $to, $subject, $message, array $params = NULL)
+ {
+ global $CONFIG;
+ if (!$from)
+ throw new NotificationException(sprintf(elgg_echo('NotificationException:MissingParameter'), 'from'));
+ if (!$to)
+ throw new NotificationException(sprintf(elgg_echo('NotificationException:MissingParameter'), 'to'));
+ global $messages_pm;
+ if (!$messages_pm)
+ return messages_send($subject,$message,$to->guid,$from->guid,0,false,false);
+ else return true;
+ }
+ // Make sure the messages initialisation function is called on initialisation
+ register_elgg_event_handler('init','system','messages_init');
+ register_plugin_hook('permissions_check','object','messages_can_edit');
+ register_plugin_hook('container_permissions_check','object','messages_can_edit_container');
+ // Register actions
+ global $CONFIG;
+ register_action("messages/send",false,$CONFIG->pluginspath . "messages/actions/send.php");
+ register_action("messages/delete",false,$CONFIG->pluginspath . "messages/actions/delete.php");
+?> \ No newline at end of file