path: root/mod/groups/actions
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mod/groups/actions')
5 files changed, 104 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/mod/groups/actions/discussion/delete.php b/mod/groups/actions/discussion/delete.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c3de612d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/groups/actions/discussion/delete.php
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * Delete topic action
+ *
+ */
+$topic_guid = (int) get_input('guid');
+$topic = get_entity($topic_guid);
+if (!$topic || !$topic->getSubtype() == "groupforumtopic") {
+ register_error(elgg_echo('discussion:error:notdeleted'));
+ forward(REFERER);
+if (!$topic->canEdit()) {
+ register_error(elgg_echo('discussion:error:permissions'));
+ forward(REFERER);
+$container = $topic->getContainerEntity();
+$result = $topic->delete();
+if ($result) {
+ system_message(elgg_echo('discussion:topic:deleted'));
+} else {
+ register_error(elgg_echo('discussion:error:notdeleted'));
diff --git a/mod/groups/actions/discussion/save.php b/mod/groups/actions/discussion/save.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e8f08a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/groups/actions/discussion/save.php
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * Topic save action
+ */
+// Get variables
+$title = get_input("title");
+$desc = get_input("description");
+$status = get_input("status");
+$access_id = (int) get_input("access_id");
+$container_guid = (int) get_input('container_guid');
+$guid = (int) get_input('topic_guid');
+$tags = get_input("tags");
+// validation of inputs
+if (!$title || !$desc) {
+ register_error(elgg_echo('discussion:error:missing'));
+ forward(REFERER);
+$container = get_entity($container_guid);
+if (!$container || (!$container->isMember() && !$container->canEdit())) {
+ register_error(elgg_echo('discussion:error:permissions'));
+ forward(REFERER);
+// check whether this is a new topic or an edit
+$new_topic = true;
+if ($guid > 0) {
+ $new_topic = false;
+if ($new_topic) {
+ $topic = new ElggObject();
+ $topic->subtype = 'groupforumtopic';
+} else {
+ // load original file object
+ $topic = new ElggObject($guid);
+ if (!$topic || !$topic->canEdit()) {
+ register_error(elgg_echo('discussion:topic:notfound'));
+ forward(REFERER);
+ }
+$topic->title = $title;
+$topic->description = $desc;
+$topic->status = $status;
+$topic->access_id = $access_id;
+$topic->container_guid = $container_guid;
+$tags = explode(",", $tags);
+$topic->tags = $tags;
+$result = $topic->save();
+if (!$result) {
+ register_error(elgg_echo('discussion:error:notsaved'));
+ forward(REFERER);
+// topic saved so clear sticky form
+// handle results differently for new topics and topic edits
+if ($new_topic) {
+ system_message(elgg_echo('discussion:topic:created'));
+ add_to_river('river/forum/topic/create', 'create', get_loggedin_userid(), $topic->guid);
+} else {
+ system_message(elgg_echo('discussion:topic:updated'));
diff --git a/mod/groups/actions/forums/addtopic.php b/mod/groups/actions/forums/addtopic.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b8a0f590..000000000
--- a/mod/groups/actions/forums/addtopic.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg groups plugin add topic action.
- *
- * @package ElggGroups
- */
- // Make sure we're logged in; forward to the front page if not
- if (!isloggedin()) forward();
- // Check the user is a group member
- $group_entity = get_entity(get_input('group_guid'));
- if (!$group_entity->isMember(get_loggedin_user())) forward();
- // Get input data
- $title = strip_tags(get_input('topictitle'));
- $message = get_input('topicmessage');
- $tags = get_input('topictags');
- $access = get_input('access_id');
- $group_guid = (int) get_input('group_guid');
- $user = get_loggedin_userid(); // you need to be logged in to comment on a group forum
- $status = get_input('status'); // sticky, resolved, closed
- // Convert string of tags into a preformatted array
- $tagarray = string_to_tag_array($tags);
- // Make sure the title / message aren't blank
- if (empty($title) || empty($message)) {
- register_error(elgg_echo("grouptopic:blank"));
- forward("pg/groups/forum/{$group_guid}/");
- // Otherwise, save the topic
- } else {
- // Initialise a new ElggObject
- $grouptopic = new ElggObject();
- // Tell the system it's a group forum topic
- $grouptopic->subtype = "groupforumtopic";
- // Set its owner to the current user
- $grouptopic->owner_guid = $user;
- // Set the group it belongs to
- $grouptopic->container_guid = $group_guid;
- // For now, set its access to public (we'll add an access dropdown shortly)
- $grouptopic->access_id = $access;
- // Set its title and description appropriately
- $grouptopic->title = $title;
- // Set its title and description appropriately
- $grouptopic->description = $message;
- // Before we can set metadata, we need to save the topic
- if (!$grouptopic->save()) {
- register_error(elgg_echo("grouptopic:error"));
- forward("pg/groups/forum/{$group_guid}/");
- }
- // Now let's add tags. We can pass an array directly to the object property! Easy.
- if (is_array($tagarray)) {
- $grouptopic->tags = $tagarray;
- }
- // add metadata
- $grouptopic->status = $status; // the current status i.e sticky, closed, resolved, open
- // add to river
- add_to_river('river/forum/topic/create','create',get_loggedin_userid(),$grouptopic->guid);
- // Success message
- system_message(elgg_echo("grouptopic:created"));
- // Forward to the group forum page
- global $CONFIG;
- $url = elgg_get_site_url() . "pg/groups/forum/{$group_guid}/";
- forward($url);
- }
diff --git a/mod/groups/actions/forums/deletetopic.php b/mod/groups/actions/forums/deletetopic.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c67228a2f..000000000
--- a/mod/groups/actions/forums/deletetopic.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg Groups: delete topic action
- *
- * @package ElggGroups
- */
- $group_entity = get_entity(get_input('group'));
- // Get input data
- $topic_guid = (int) get_input('topic');
- $group_guid = (int) get_input('group');
- $topic = get_entity($topic_guid);
- if ($topic->getSubtype() == "groupforumtopic") {
- // Make sure we actually have permission to edit
- if (!$topic->canEdit()) {
- register_error(elgg_echo("groupstopic:notdeleted"));
- forward(REFERER);
- }
- // Delete it!
- $rowsaffected = $topic->delete();
- if ($rowsaffected > 0) {
- // Success message
- system_message(elgg_echo("groupstopic:deleted"));
- } else {
- register_error(elgg_echo("groupstopic:notdeleted"));
- }
- // Forward to the group forum page
- $url = elgg_get_site_url() . "pg/groups/forum/{$group_guid}/";
- forward($url);
- }
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/groups/actions/forums/edittopic.php b/mod/groups/actions/forums/edittopic.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b032e37d7..000000000
--- a/mod/groups/actions/forums/edittopic.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-* Elgg groups plugin edit topic action.
- */
-// Make sure we're logged in (send us to the front page if not)
-if (!isloggedin()) forward();
-// Check the user is a group member
-$group_entity = get_entity(get_input('group_guid'));
-if (!$group_entity->isMember(get_loggedin_user())) forward();
-// Get input data
-$title = strip_tags(get_input('topictitle'));
-$message = get_input('topicmessage');
-$message_id = get_input('message_id');
-$tags = get_input('topictags');
-$topic_guid = get_input('topic');
-$access = get_input('access_id');
-$group_guid = get_input('group_guid');
-$status = get_input('status'); // open, closed
-// Convert string of tags into a preformatted array
-$tagarray = string_to_tag_array($tags);
-// Make sure we actually have permission to edit
-$topic = get_entity($topic_guid);
-if ($topic){
- $user = $topic->getOwnerGUID();
- if ($topic->getSubtype() == "groupforumtopic") {
- // Convert string of tags into a preformatted array
- $tagarray = string_to_tag_array($tags);
- // Make sure the title isn't blank
- if (empty($title) || empty($message)) {
- register_error(elgg_echo("groupstopic:blank"));
- // Otherwise, save the forum
- } else {
- $topic->access_id = $access;
- // Set its title
- $topic->title = $title;
- // Set the message
- $topic->description = $message;
- // if no tags are present, clear existing ones
- if (is_array($tagarray)) {
- $topic->tags = $tagarray;
- } else $topic->clearMetadata('tags');
- // edit metadata
- $topic->status = $status; // the current status i.e sticky, closed, resolved
- // save the changes
- if (!$topic->save()) {
- // register_error(elgg_echo("forumtopic:error"));
- }
- // Success message
- system_message(elgg_echo("groups:forumtopic:edited"));
- }
- }
-// Forward to the discussion
-global $CONFIG;
-$url = elgg_get_site_url() . "mod/groups/topicposts.php?topic={$topic_guid}&group_guid={$group_guid}/";