path: root/engine
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1 files changed, 76 insertions, 360 deletions
diff --git a/engine/lib/api.php b/engine/lib/api.php
index aedc6fd4e..53c548b19 100644
--- a/engine/lib/api.php
+++ b/engine/lib/api.php
@@ -158,325 +158,10 @@
- // API functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /** Create the environment for API Calls */
- $ApiEnvironment = new stdClass;
- /**
- * An array holding methods.
- * The structure of this is
- * $METHODS = array (
- * "api.method" => array (
- * "function" = 'my_function_callback'
- * "parameters" = array (
- * "variable" = array ( // NB, the order is the same as defined by your function callback
- * type => 'int' | 'bool' | 'float' | 'string'
- * required => true (default) | false
- * )
- * )
- * "require_auth" => true (default) | false
- * )
- * )
- */
- $METHODS = array();
- /**
- * Validate a token against a given site.
- *
- * A token registered with one site can not be used from a different apikey(site), so be aware of this
- * during development.
- *
- * @param int $site The ID of the site
- * @param string $token The Token.
- * @return mixed The user id attached to the token or false.
- */
- function validate_user_token($site, $token)
- {
- global $CONFIG;
- $site = (int)$site;
- $token = sanitise_string($token);
- if (!$site) throw new ConfigurationException("No site ID has been specified.");
- if (!$token) throw new APIException("User token not specified.");
- $time = time();
- $user = get_data_row("SELECT * from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}users_apisessions where token='$token' and site_id=$site and expires>$time");
- if ($user)
- return $user->user_id;
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Expose an arbitrary function as an api call.
- *
- * Limitations: Currently can not expose functions which expect objects or arrays.
- *
- * @param string $method The api name to expose this as, eg "myapi.dosomething"
- * @param string $function Your function callback.
- * @param array $parameters Optional list of parameters in the same order as in your function, with optional parameters last.
- * @param bool $require_auth Whether this requires a user authentication token or not (default is true)
- * @return bool
- */
- function expose_function($method, $function, array $parameters = NULL, $require_auth = true)
- {
- global $METHODS;
- if (
- ($method!="") &&
- ($function!="")
- )
- {
- $METHODS[$method] = array();
- $METHODS[$method]["function"] = $function;
- if ($parameters!=NULL)
- $METHODS[$method]["parameters"] = $parameters;
- $METHODS[$method]["require_auth"] = $require_auth;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Executes a method.
- * A method is a function which you have previously exposed using expose_function.
- *
- * @param string $method Method, e.g. "foo.bar"
- * @param array $parameters Array of parameters in the format "variable" => "value", thse will be sanitised before being fed to your handler.
- * @param string $token The authentication token to authorise this method call.
- * @return GenericResult The result of the execution.
- * @throws APIException, SecurityException
- */
- function execute_method($method, array $parameters, $token = "")
- {
- global $METHODS, $ApiEnvironment;
- // Sanity check
- $method = trim($method);
- $token = trim($token);
- // See if we can find the method handler
- if (is_callable($METHODS[$method]["function"]))
- {
- $serialised_parameters = "";
- $validated_userid = validate_user_token($ApiEnvironment->site_id, $token);
- if ((!$METHODS[$method]["require_auth"]) || ($validated_userid) || (isloggedin()))
- {
- // If we have parameters then we need to sanitise the parameters.
- if ((isset($METHODS[$method]["parameters"])) && (is_array($METHODS[$method]["parameters"])))
- {
- foreach ($METHODS[$method]["parameters"] as $key => $value)
- {
- if (
- (is_array($value)) // Check that this is an array
- && (isset($value['type'])) // Check we have a type defined
- )
- {
- // Check that the variable is present in the request
- if (
- (!isset($parameters[$key])) && // No parameter
- ((!isset($value['required'])) || ($value['required']!=true)) // and not optional
- )
- throw new APIException("Missing parameter $key in method $method");
- else
- {
- // Avoid debug error
- if (isset($parameters[$key]))
- {
- // Set variables casting to type.
- switch (strtolower($value['type']))
- {
- case 'int':
- case 'integer' : $serialised_parameters .= "," . (int)trim($parameters[$key]); break;
- case 'bool':
- case 'boolean':
- if (strcasecmp(trim($parameters[$key]), "false")==0)
- $parameters[$key]='';
- $serialised_parameters .= "," . (bool)trim($parameters[$key]);
- break;
- case 'string': $serialised_parameters .= ",'" . (string)mysql_real_escape_string(trim($parameters[$key])) . "'";
- break;
- case 'float': $serialised_parameters .= "," . (float)trim($parameters[$key]);
- break;
- default : throw new APIException("Unrecognised type in cast {$value['type']} for variable '$key' in method '$method'");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- throw new APIException("Invalid parameter found for '$key' in method '$method'.");
- }
- }
- // Execute function: Construct function and calling parameters
- $function = $METHODS[$method]["function"];
- $serialised_parameters = trim($serialised_parameters, ", ");
- $result = eval("return $function($serialised_parameters);");
- // Sanity check result
- if ($result instanceof GenericResult) // If this function returns an api result itself, just return it
- return $result;
- if ($result === FALSE)
- throw new APIException("$function($serialised_parameters) has a parsing error.");
- if ($result === NULL)
- throw new APIException("$function($serialised_parameters) returned no value."); // If no value
- return SuccessResult::getInstance($result); // Otherwise assume that the call was successful and return it as a success object.
- }
- else
- throw new SecurityException("Authentication token either missing, invalid or expired.", GenericResult::$RESULT_FAIL_AUTHTOKEN);
- }
- // Return an error if not found
- throw new APIException("Method call '$method' has not been implemented.");
- }
- /**
- * This function looks at the super-global variable $_SERVER and extracts the various
- * header variables needed to pass to the validation functions after performing basic validation.
- *
- * @return stdClass Containing all the values.
- * @throws APIException Detailing the error.
- */
- function get_and_validate_api_headers()
- {
- $result = new stdClass;
- $result->method = trim($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
- if (($result->method != "GET") && ($result->method!= "POST")) // Only allow these methods
- throw new APIException("Request method must be GET or POST");
- $result->api_key = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ELGG_APIKEY']);
- if ($result->api_key == "")
- throw new APIException("Missing X-Elgg-apikey HTTP header");
- $result->hmac = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ELGG_HMAC']);
- if ($result->hmac == "")
- throw new APIException("Missing X-Elgg-hmac header");
- $result->hmac_algo = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ELGG_HMAC_ALGO']);
- if ($result->hmac_algo == "")
- throw new APIException("Missing X-Elgg-hmac-algo header");
- $result->time = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ELGG_TIME']);
- if ($result->time == "")
- throw new APIException("Missing X-Elgg-time header");
- if (($result->time<(microtime(true)-86400.00)) || ($result->time>(microtime(true)+86400.00))) // Basic timecheck, think about making this smaller if we get loads of users and the cache gets really big.
- throw new APIException("X-Elgg-time is too far in the past or future");
- $result->get_variables = trim($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
- if ($result->get_variables == "")
- throw new APIException("No data on the query string");
- if ($result->method=="POST")
- {
- $result->posthash = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ELGG_POSTHASH']);
- if ($result->posthash == "")
- throw new APIException("Missing X-Elgg-posthash header");
- $result->posthash_algo = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ELGG_POSTHASH_ALGO']);
- if ($result->posthash_algo == "")
- throw new APIException("Missing X-Elgg-posthash_algo header");
- $result->content_type = trim($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']);
- if ($result->content_type == "")
- throw new APIException("Missing content type for post data");
- }
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * Find an API User's details based on the provided public api key.
- *
- * @param string $api_key The API Key
- * @return mixed stdClass representing the database row or false.
- */
- function get_api_user($api_key)
- {
- global $CONFIG;
- $api_key = sanitise_string($api_key);
- return get_data_row("SELECT * from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}api_users where api_key='$api_key'");
- }
- /**
- * Calculate the HMAC for the query.
- * This function signs an api request using the information provided and is then verified by
- * searunner.
- *
- * @param $algo string The HMAC algorithm used as stored in X-Searunner-hmac-algo.
- * @param $time string String representation of unix time as stored in X-Searunner-time.
- * @param $api_key string Your api key.
- * @param $secret string Your secret key.
- * @param $get_variables string URLEncoded string representation of the get variable parameters, eg "format=php&method=searunner.test".
- * @param $post_hash string Optional sha1 hash of the post data.
- * @return string The HMAC string.
- */
- function calculate_hmac($algo, $time, $api_key, $secret_key, $get_variables, $post_hash = "")
- {
- $ctx = hash_init($algo, HASH_HMAC, $secret_key);
- hash_update($ctx, trim($time));
- hash_update($ctx, trim($api_key));
- hash_update($ctx, trim($get_variables));
- if (trim($post_hash)!="") hash_update($ctx, trim($post_hash));
- return hash_final($ctx);
- }
- /**
- * Calculate a hash for some post data.
- *
- * TODO: Work out how to handle really large bits of data.
- *
- * @param $postdata string The post data.
- * @param $algo string The algorithm used.
- * @return string The hash.
- */
- function calculate_posthash($postdata, $algo)
- {
- $ctx = hash_init($algo);
- hash_update($ctx, $postdata);
- return hash_final($ctx);
- }
- /**
- * This function will do two things. Firstly it verifys that a $hmac hasn't been seen before, and
- * secondly it will add the given hmac to the cache.
- *
- *
- * @param $hmac The hmac string.
- * @return bool True if replay detected, false if not.
- */
- function cache_hmac_check_replay($hmac)
- {
- global $CONFIG;
- throw new NotImplementedException("Writeme!");
- return true;
- }
// XML functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
@@ -557,50 +242,94 @@
// Output functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Get output for a result in one of a number of formats.
- *
- * @param GenericResult $result
- * @param string $format Optional format, if not specified or invalid, PHP is assumed.
- * @return mixed The serialised output, or false.
+ * Register an API output handler.
+ * This function is used by the system and the plugins to register an output encoding method for
+ * returning API results.
+ *
+ * @param string $form The format string, eg 'xml' or 'php'
+ * @param string $function The function, which must be in the format function_name(stdClass $result) and return a string.
+ * @return bool
- function get_serialised_result(GenericResult $result, $format = "php")
+ function register_api_outputhandler($form, $function)
- $format = trim(strtolower($format));
- if ($result)
+ if ( ($form!="") && ($function!=""))
- // Echo
- switch ($format)
- {
- case 'xml' : return serialise_object_to_xml($result->toStdClass(), "Elgg");
- case 'json' : return json_encode($result->toStdClass());
- case 'php' :
- default: return serialize($result->toStdClass());
- }
+ $API_OUTPUT_FUNCTIONS[$form] = $function;
+ return true;
return false;
- * Output a result, altering headers and mime-types as necessary.
- *
- * @param GenericResult $result
- * @param string $format Optional format, if not specified or invalid, PHP is assumed.
+ * Output the result, with the given fault.
+ *
+ * @param GenericResult $result Result object.
+ * @param string $format The format
+ * @return string
- function output_result(GenericResult $result, $format = 'php')
+ function output_result(GenericResult $result, $format)
- switch ($format)
- {
- case 'xml' : header('Content-Type: text/xml');
- }
- echo get_serialised_result($result, $format);
+ if (
+ (array_key_exists($format, $API_OUTPUT_FUNCTIONS)) &&
+ (is_callable($API_OUTPUT_FUNCTIONS[$format]))
+ )
+ return $API_OUTPUT_FUNCTIONS[$format]($result->toStdClass());
+ // We got here, so no output format was found. Output an error
+ $result = print_r($result, true);
+ return <<< END
+<head><title>Something went wrong...</title></head>
+ <h1>API Output Error</h1>
+ <p>Something went badly wrong while outputting the result of your request to '$format'. The result and any errors are displayed in
+ raw text below.</p>
+ <pre>
+ }
+ function xml_result_handler(stdClass $result)
+ {
+ header("Content-Type: text/xml");
+ return serialise_object_to_xml($result, "elgg");
+ }
+ function php_result_handler(stdClass $result)
+ {
+ return serialize($result);
+ function json_result_handler(stdClass $result)
+ {
+ return json_encode($result);
+ }
+ function cvs_result_handler(stdClass $result)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException("CVS View currently not implemented");
+ }
+ // Register some format handlers
+ register_api_outputhandler('xml', 'xml_result_handler');
+ register_api_outputhandler('php', 'php_result_handler');
+ register_api_outputhandler('json', 'json_result_handler');
+ register_api_outputhandler('cvs', 'cvs_result_handler');
// Error handler functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
@@ -656,7 +385,7 @@
error_log("*** FATAL EXCEPTION (API) *** : " . $exception);
- output_result(
+ echo output_result(
$exception->getCode() == 0 ? ErrorResult::$RESULT_FAIL : $exception->getCode(),
@@ -665,18 +394,5 @@
get_input('format','php') // Attempt to get the requested format if passed.
- // System functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /**
- * Simple api to return a list of all api's installed on the system.
- */
- function list_all_apis()
- {
- global $METHODS;
- return $METHODS;
- }
- // Expose some system api functions
- expose_function("system.api.list", "list_all_apis", NULL, false);
?> \ No newline at end of file