path: root/engine/lib/relationships.php
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Diffstat (limited to 'engine/lib/relationships.php')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/engine/lib/relationships.php b/engine/lib/relationships.php
index 22d3c1faa..1c1e95da3 100644
--- a/engine/lib/relationships.php
+++ b/engine/lib/relationships.php
@@ -480,6 +480,99 @@ function get_entity_relationships($guid) {
return get_data($query, "row_to_elggrelationship");
+ * Return entities matching a given query joining against a relationship.
+ *
+ * @param array $options Array in format:
+ *
+ * relationship => NULL|STR relationship
+ *
+ * relationship_guid => NULL|INT Guid of relationship to test
+ *
+ * inverse_relationship => BOOL Inverse the relationship
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+function elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($options) {
+ $defaults = array(
+ 'relationship' => NULL,
+ 'relationship_guid' => NULL,
+ 'inverse_relationship' => FALSE
+ );
+ $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
+ $clauses = elgg_get_entity_relationship_where_sql('e', $options['relationship'],
+ $options['relationship_guid'], $options['inverse_relationship']);
+ // merge wheres to pass to get_entities()
+ if (isset($options['wheres']) && !is_array($options['wheres'])) {
+ $options['wheres'] = array($options['wheres']);
+ } elseif (!isset($options['wheres'])) {
+ $options['wheres'] = array();
+ }
+ $options['wheres'][] = $clauses['wheres'];
+ // merge joins to pass to get_entities()
+ if (isset($options['joins']) && !is_array($options['joins'])) {
+ $options['joins'] = array($options['joins']);
+ } elseif (!isset($options['joins'])) {
+ $options['joins'] = array();
+ }
+ $options['joins'] = array_merge($options['joins'], $clauses['joins']);
+ return elgg_get_entities($options);
+ * Returns sql appropriate for relationship joins and wheres
+ *
+ * @todo add support for multiple relationships and guids.
+ *
+ * @param $table Entities table name
+ * @param $relationship relationship string
+ * @param $entity_guid entity guid to check
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+function elgg_get_entity_relationship_where_sql($table, $relationship = NULL, $relationship_guid = NULL, $inverse_relationship = FALSE) {
+ if ($relationship == NULL && $entity_guid == NULL) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ global $CONFIG;
+ $wheres = array();
+ if ($inverse_relationship) {
+ $joins = array("JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships r on r.guid_one = e.guid");
+ //$wheres[] = "{$table}.guid = {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships.guid_two";
+ } else {
+ $joins = array("JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships r on r.guid_two = e.guid");
+ //$wheres[] = "{$table}.guid = {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships.guid_one";
+ }
+ if ($relationship) {
+ $wheres[] = "r.relationship = '$relationship'";
+ }
+ if ($relationship_guid) {
+ if ($inverse_relationship) {
+ $wheres[] = "r.guid_two = '$relationship_guid'";
+ } else {
+ $wheres[] = "r.guid_one = '$relationship_guid'";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($where_str = implode(' AND ' , $wheres)) {
+ return array('wheres' => "($where_str)", 'joins' => $joins);
+ }
+ return '';
* Return entities matching a given query joining against a relationship.
@@ -496,82 +589,67 @@ function get_entity_relationships($guid) {
* @param int $site_guid The site to get entities for. Leave as 0 (default) for the current site; -1 for all sites.
* @return array|int|false An array of entities, or the number of entities, or false on failure
-function get_entities_from_relationship($relationship, $relationship_guid, $inverse_relationship = false, $type = "", $subtype = "", $owner_guid = 0, $order_by = "", $limit = 10, $offset = 0, $count = false, $site_guid = 0) {
- global $CONFIG;
- $relationship = sanitise_string($relationship);
- $relationship_guid = (int)$relationship_guid;
- $inverse_relationship = (bool)$inverse_relationship;
- $type = sanitise_string($type);
- $subtype = get_subtype_id($type, $subtype);
- $owner_guid = (int)$owner_guid;
- if ($order_by == "") {
- $order_by = "time_created desc";
- } else {
- $order_by = "time_created, {$order_by}";
- }
- $order_by = sanitise_string($order_by);
- $limit = (int)$limit;
- $offset = (int)$offset;
- $site_guid = (int) $site_guid;
- if ($site_guid == 0) {
- $site_guid = $CONFIG->site_guid;
- }
+ * @deprecated 1.7. Use elgg_get_entities_from_relationship().
+ * @param $relationship
+ * @param $relationship_guid
+ * @param $inverse_relationship
+ * @param $type
+ * @param $subtype
+ * @param $owner_guid
+ * @param $order_by
+ * @param $limit
+ * @param $offset
+ * @param $count
+ * @param $site_guid
+ * @return unknown_type
+ */
+function get_entities_from_relationship($relationship, $relationship_guid, $inverse_relationship = false,
+$type = "", $subtype = "", $owner_guid = 0, $order_by = "", $limit = 10, $offset = 0,
+$count = false, $site_guid = 0) {
- //$access = get_access_list();
+ elgg_log('get_entities_from_relationship() was deprecated in 1.7 by elgg_get_entities_from_relationship()!', 'WARNING');
- $where = array();
+ $options = array();
- if ($relationship!="") {
- $where[] = "r.relationship='$relationship'";
+ $options['relationship'] = $relationship;
+ $options['relationship_guid'] = $relationship_guid;
+ $options['inverse_relationship'] = $inverse_relationship;
+ if ($type) {
+ $options['types'] = $type;
- if ($relationship_guid) {
- $where[] = ($inverse_relationship ? "r.guid_two='$relationship_guid'" : "r.guid_one='$relationship_guid'");
+ if (subtype) {
+ $options['subtypes'] = $subtype;
- if ($type != "") {
- $where[] = "e.type='$type'";
+ if ($owner_guid) {
+ $options['owner'] = $owner_guid;
- if ($subtype) {
- $where[] = "e.subtype=$subtype";
+ if ($limit) {
+ $options['limit'] = $limit;
- if ($owner_guid != "") {
- $where[] = "e.container_guid='$owner_guid'";
+ if ($offset) {
+ $options['offset'] = $offset;
- if ($site_guid > 0) {
- $where[] = "e.site_guid = {$site_guid}";
+ if ($order_by) {
+ $options['order_by'];
- // Select what we're joining based on the options
- $joinon = "e.guid = r.guid_one";
- if (!$inverse_relationship) {
- $joinon = "e.guid = r.guid_two";
+ if ($site_guid) {
+ $options['site_guid'];
if ($count) {
- $query = "SELECT count(distinct e.guid) as total ";
- } else {
- $query = "SELECT distinct e.* ";
- }
- $query .= " from {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships r JOIN {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities e on $joinon where ";
- foreach ($where as $w) {
- $query .= " $w and ";
- }
- $query .= get_access_sql_suffix("e"); // Add access controls
- if (!$count) {
- $query .= " order by $order_by limit $offset, $limit"; // Add order and limit
- return get_data($query, "entity_row_to_elggstar");
- } else {
- if ($count = get_data_row($query)) {
- return $count->total;
- }
+ $options['count'] = $count;
- return false;
+ return elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);