path: root/actions/addvideo.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'actions/addvideo.php')
1 files changed, 216 insertions, 216 deletions
diff --git a/actions/addvideo.php b/actions/addvideo.php
index 519f6ae04..40c231518 100644
--- a/actions/addvideo.php
+++ b/actions/addvideo.php
@@ -1,216 +1,216 @@
- /**
- * Elgg Video Plugin
- * This plugin allows users to create a library of youtube/vimeo/metacafe videos
- *
- * @package Elgg
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Prateek Choudhary <synapticfield@gmail.com>
- * @copyright Prateek Choudhary
- */
-// Make sure we're logged in (send us to the front page if not)
-// Get the current page's owner
-$page_owner = page_owner_entity();
-if ($page_owner === false || is_null($page_owner)) {
- $page_owner = $_SESSION['user'];
- set_page_owner($_SESSION['guid']);
-if($page_owner->type == "group")
- $entity_referer = $page_owner->type.":".$page_owner->getGUID();
- $entity_referer = $page_owner->username;
-require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/models/lib/class.vimeo.php");
-function fetchyoutubeDatatitle($videoid){
- $buffer = file_get_contents('http://www.youtube.com/api2_rest?method=youtube.videos.get_details&dev_id=rG48P7iz0eo&video_id='.$videoid);
- /**
- ** generate XML View
- **/
- $xml_buffer = new SimpleXMLElement($buffer);
- $vidDataTitle = $xml_buffer->video_details->title;
- return $vidDataTitle;
- //return "";
-function fetchyoutubeDatadesc($videoid){
- $buffer = file_get_contents('http://www.youtube.com/api2_rest?method=youtube.videos.get_details&dev_id=rG48P7iz0eo&video_id='.$videoid);
- /**
- ** generate XML View
- **/
- $xml_buffer = new SimpleXMLElement($buffer);
- $vidDataDesc = $xml_buffer->video_details->description;
- return $vidDataDesc;
- //return "";
-function getVimeoInfoDataTitle($iGetVideoId){
- // Now lets do the search query. We will get an response object containing everything we need
- $oResponse = VimeoVideosRequest::getInfo($iGetVideoId);
- // We want the result videos as an array of objects
- $aoVideos = $oResponse->getVideo();
- $title = $aoVideos->getTitle();
- return $title;
-function getVimeoInfoDataDesc($iGetVideoId){
- // Now lets do the search query. We will get an response object containing everything we need
- $oResponse = VimeoVideosRequest::getInfo($iGetVideoId);
- // We want the result videos as an array of objects
- $aoVideos = $oResponse->getVideo();
- $description = $aoVideos->getCaption();
- return $description;
-function getVimeoInfoImage($iGetVideoId){
- // Now lets do the search query. We will get an response object containing everything we need
- $oResponse = VimeoVideosRequest::getInfo($iGetVideoId);
- // We want the result videos as an array of objects
- $aoVideos = $oResponse->getVideo();
- //get all thumbnails
- $aThumbnails = array();
- foreach($aoVideos->getThumbnails() as $oThumbs) {
- $aThumbnails[] = $oThumbs->getImageContent();
- }
- foreach($aThumbnails as $thumbnailArray){
- $thumbnail = $thumbnailArray;
- break;
- }
- return $thumbnail;
-function fetchyoutubeDatathumbnail($videoId){
- $thumbnail = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/".$videoId."/default.jpg";
- return $thumbnail;
-function metacafeFetchData($getVideoId){
- $feedURL = "http://www.metacafe.com/api/item/".$getVideoId;
- $sxml = new DomDocument;
- $sxml->load($feedURL);
- $myitem = $sxml->getElementsByTagName('item');
- return $myitem;
-function fetchmetacafeTitle($getVideoId){
- $myitem = metacafeFetchData($getVideoId);
- foreach($myitem as $searchNode){
- $xmlTitle = $searchNode->getElementsByTagName("title");
- $valueTitle = $xmlTitle->item(0)->nodeValue;
- }
- return $valueTitle;
-function fetchmetacafeDesc($getVideoId){
- $myitem = metacafeFetchData($getVideoId);
- foreach($myitem as $searchNode){
- $xmlDesc = $searchNode->getElementsByTagName("description");
- $valueDesc = $xmlDesc->item(0)->nodeValue;
- $ot = "<p>";
- $ct = "</p>";
- $string = trim($valueDesc);
- $start = intval(strpos($string, $ot) + strlen($ot));
- $desc_src = substr($string,$start,intval(strpos($string,$ct) - $start));
- }
- return $desc_src;
-function fetchmetacafeImg($getVideoId){
- $myitem = metacafeFetchData($getVideoId);
- foreach($myitem as $searchNode){
- $xmlDesc = $searchNode->getElementsByTagName("description");
- $valueDesc = $xmlDesc->item(0)->nodeValue;
- $pattern = '/<img[^>]+src[\\s=\'"]';
- $pattern .= '+([^"\'>\\s]+)/is';
- if(preg_match($pattern,$valueDesc,$match)){
- $thumbnail = $match[1];
- }
- }
- return $thumbnail;
- $pageContainer = $_SESSION['Pagecontainer'];
- // Initialise a new ElggObject
- $videolist = new ElggObject();
- // Tell the system it's a blog post
- $videolist->subtype = "videolist";
- // Set its owner to the current user
- $videolist->owner_guid = $_SESSION['user']->getGUID();
- // Set container of the video whether it was uploaded to groups or profile
- $videolist->container_guid = $_SESSION['container_guid'];
- // For now, set its access to public (we'll add an access dropdown shortly)
- $videolist->access_id = $_SESSION['candidate_profile_video_access_id'];
- // In order to Set its title and description appropriately WE need the video ID
- $videolist->url = $_SESSION['candidate_profile_video'];
- if($pageContainer == "youtube"){
- $videoIDArray = split("/v/", $videolist->url);
- $videolist->video_id = $videoIDArray[1];
- // Now set the video title and description appropriately
- $videolist->title = fetchyoutubeDatatitle($videoIDArray[1]);
- $videolist->desc = fetchyoutubeDatadesc($videoIDArray[1]);
- $videolist->thumbnail = fetchyoutubeDatathumbnail($videoIDArray[1]);
- $videolist->videotype = "youtube";
- }
- else if($pageContainer == "metacafe"){
- $videolist->video_id = $_SESSION['candidate_profile_video'];
- // Now set the video title and description appropriately
- $videolist->title = fetchmetacafeTitle($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video']);
- $videolist->desc = fetchmetacafeDesc($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video']);
- $videolist->thumbnail = fetchmetacafeImg($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video']);
- $videolist->videotype = "metacafe";
- }
- else if($pageContainer == "vimeo"){
- $videolist->video_id = $_SESSION['candidate_profile_video'];
- // Now set the video title and description appropriately
- $videolist->title = getVimeoInfoDataTitle($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video']);
- $videolist->desc = getVimeoInfoDataDesc($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video']);
- $videolist->thumbnail = getVimeoInfoImage($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video']);
- $videolist->videotype = "vimeo";
- }
- // Before we can set metadata, we need to save the blog post
- if (!$videolist->save()) {
- register_error(elgg_echo("videolist:error"));
- forward("pg/videolist/new");
- }
- //add video tags
- $videolist_tags_array = string_to_tag_array($_SESSION['videolisttags']);
- if (is_array($videolist_tags_array)) {
- $videolist->tags = $videolist_tags_array;
- }
- // add to river
- add_to_river('river/object/videolist/create', 'create', $_SESSION['user']->guid, $videolist->guid);
- // add_to_river('river/object/blog/create','create',$_SESSION['user']->guid,$blog->guid);
- // Success message
- system_message(elgg_echo("videolist:posted"));
- // Remove the videolist cache
- unset($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video_access_id']); unset($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video']);
- unset($_SESSION['videolisttags']);unset($_SESSION['Pagecontainer']);
- // Forward to the main videolist page
-// Remove the videolist cache
- unset($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video_access_id']); unset($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video']);
- unset($_SESSION['videolisttags']);unset($_SESSION['Pagecontainer']);unset($_SESSION['container_guid']);
+ /**
+ * Elgg Video Plugin
+ * This plugin allows users to create a library of youtube/vimeo/metacafe videos
+ *
+ * @package Elgg
+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
+ * @author Prateek Choudhary <synapticfield@gmail.com>
+ * @copyright Prateek Choudhary
+ */
+// Make sure we're logged in (send us to the front page if not)
+// Get the current page's owner
+$page_owner = page_owner_entity();
+if ($page_owner === false || is_null($page_owner)) {
+ $page_owner = $_SESSION['user'];
+ set_page_owner($_SESSION['guid']);
+if($page_owner->type == "group")
+ $entity_referer = $page_owner->type.":".$page_owner->getGUID();
+ $entity_referer = $page_owner->username;
+require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/models/lib/class.vimeo.php");
+function fetchyoutubeDatatitle($videoid){
+ $buffer = file_get_contents('http://www.youtube.com/api2_rest?method=youtube.videos.get_details&dev_id=rG48P7iz0eo&video_id='.$videoid);
+ /**
+ ** generate XML View
+ **/
+ $xml_buffer = new SimpleXMLElement($buffer);
+ $vidDataTitle = $xml_buffer->video_details->title;
+ return $vidDataTitle;
+ //return "";
+function fetchyoutubeDatadesc($videoid){
+ $buffer = file_get_contents('http://www.youtube.com/api2_rest?method=youtube.videos.get_details&dev_id=rG48P7iz0eo&video_id='.$videoid);
+ /**
+ ** generate XML View
+ **/
+ $xml_buffer = new SimpleXMLElement($buffer);
+ $vidDataDesc = $xml_buffer->video_details->description;
+ return $vidDataDesc;
+ //return "";
+function getVimeoInfoDataTitle($iGetVideoId){
+ // Now lets do the search query. We will get an response object containing everything we need
+ $oResponse = VimeoVideosRequest::getInfo($iGetVideoId);
+ // We want the result videos as an array of objects
+ $aoVideos = $oResponse->getVideo();
+ $title = $aoVideos->getTitle();
+ return $title;
+function getVimeoInfoDataDesc($iGetVideoId){
+ // Now lets do the search query. We will get an response object containing everything we need
+ $oResponse = VimeoVideosRequest::getInfo($iGetVideoId);
+ // We want the result videos as an array of objects
+ $aoVideos = $oResponse->getVideo();
+ $description = $aoVideos->getCaption();
+ return $description;
+function getVimeoInfoImage($iGetVideoId){
+ // Now lets do the search query. We will get an response object containing everything we need
+ $oResponse = VimeoVideosRequest::getInfo($iGetVideoId);
+ // We want the result videos as an array of objects
+ $aoVideos = $oResponse->getVideo();
+ //get all thumbnails
+ $aThumbnails = array();
+ foreach($aoVideos->getThumbnails() as $oThumbs) {
+ $aThumbnails[] = $oThumbs->getImageContent();
+ }
+ foreach($aThumbnails as $thumbnailArray){
+ $thumbnail = $thumbnailArray;
+ break;
+ }
+ return $thumbnail;
+function fetchyoutubeDatathumbnail($videoId){
+ $thumbnail = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/".$videoId."/default.jpg";
+ return $thumbnail;
+function metacafeFetchData($getVideoId){
+ $feedURL = "http://www.metacafe.com/api/item/".$getVideoId;
+ $sxml = new DomDocument;
+ $sxml->load($feedURL);
+ $myitem = $sxml->getElementsByTagName('item');
+ return $myitem;
+function fetchmetacafeTitle($getVideoId){
+ $myitem = metacafeFetchData($getVideoId);
+ foreach($myitem as $searchNode){
+ $xmlTitle = $searchNode->getElementsByTagName("title");
+ $valueTitle = $xmlTitle->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ }
+ return $valueTitle;
+function fetchmetacafeDesc($getVideoId){
+ $myitem = metacafeFetchData($getVideoId);
+ foreach($myitem as $searchNode){
+ $xmlDesc = $searchNode->getElementsByTagName("description");
+ $valueDesc = $xmlDesc->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $ot = "<p>";
+ $ct = "</p>";
+ $string = trim($valueDesc);
+ $start = intval(strpos($string, $ot) + strlen($ot));
+ $desc_src = substr($string,$start,intval(strpos($string,$ct) - $start));
+ }
+ return $desc_src;
+function fetchmetacafeImg($getVideoId){
+ $myitem = metacafeFetchData($getVideoId);
+ foreach($myitem as $searchNode){
+ $xmlDesc = $searchNode->getElementsByTagName("description");
+ $valueDesc = $xmlDesc->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ $pattern = '/<img[^>]+src[\\s=\'"]';
+ $pattern .= '+([^"\'>\\s]+)/is';
+ if(preg_match($pattern,$valueDesc,$match)){
+ $thumbnail = $match[1];
+ }
+ }
+ return $thumbnail;
+ $pageContainer = $_SESSION['Pagecontainer'];
+ // Initialise a new ElggObject
+ $videolist = new ElggObject();
+ // Tell the system it's a blog post
+ $videolist->subtype = "videolist";
+ // Set its owner to the current user
+ $videolist->owner_guid = $_SESSION['user']->getGUID();
+ // Set container of the video whether it was uploaded to groups or profile
+ $videolist->container_guid = $_SESSION['container_guid'];
+ // For now, set its access to public (we'll add an access dropdown shortly)
+ $videolist->access_id = $_SESSION['candidate_profile_video_access_id'];
+ // In order to Set its title and description appropriately WE need the video ID
+ $videolist->url = $_SESSION['candidate_profile_video'];
+ if($pageContainer == "youtube"){
+ $videoIDArray = split("/v/", $videolist->url);
+ $videolist->video_id = $videoIDArray[1];
+ // Now set the video title and description appropriately
+ $videolist->title = fetchyoutubeDatatitle($videoIDArray[1]);
+ $videolist->desc = fetchyoutubeDatadesc($videoIDArray[1]);
+ $videolist->thumbnail = fetchyoutubeDatathumbnail($videoIDArray[1]);
+ $videolist->videotype = "youtube";
+ }
+ else if($pageContainer == "metacafe"){
+ $videolist->video_id = $_SESSION['candidate_profile_video'];
+ // Now set the video title and description appropriately
+ $videolist->title = fetchmetacafeTitle($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video']);
+ $videolist->desc = fetchmetacafeDesc($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video']);
+ $videolist->thumbnail = fetchmetacafeImg($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video']);
+ $videolist->videotype = "metacafe";
+ }
+ else if($pageContainer == "vimeo"){
+ $videolist->video_id = $_SESSION['candidate_profile_video'];
+ // Now set the video title and description appropriately
+ $videolist->title = getVimeoInfoDataTitle($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video']);
+ $videolist->desc = getVimeoInfoDataDesc($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video']);
+ $videolist->thumbnail = getVimeoInfoImage($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video']);
+ $videolist->videotype = "vimeo";
+ }
+ // Before we can set metadata, we need to save the blog post
+ if (!$videolist->save()) {
+ register_error(elgg_echo("videolist:error"));
+ forward("pg/videolist/new");
+ }
+ //add video tags
+ $videolist_tags_array = string_to_tag_array($_SESSION['videolisttags']);
+ if (is_array($videolist_tags_array)) {
+ $videolist->tags = $videolist_tags_array;
+ }
+ // add to river
+ add_to_river('river/object/videolist/create', 'create', $_SESSION['user']->guid, $videolist->guid);
+ // add_to_river('river/object/blog/create','create',$_SESSION['user']->guid,$blog->guid);
+ // Success message
+ system_message(elgg_echo("videolist:posted"));
+ // Remove the videolist cache
+ unset($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video_access_id']); unset($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video']);
+ unset($_SESSION['videolisttags']);unset($_SESSION['Pagecontainer']);
+ // Forward to the main videolist page
+// Remove the videolist cache
+ unset($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video_access_id']); unset($_SESSION['candidate_profile_video']);
+ unset($_SESSION['videolisttags']);unset($_SESSION['Pagecontainer']);unset($_SESSION['container_guid']);