diff options
39 files changed, 0 insertions, 7786 deletions
diff --git a/languages/de.php b/languages/de.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4129056ef..000000000
--- a/languages/de.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,888 +0,0 @@
- $german = array(
- /**
- * Sites
- */
- 'item:site' => 'Seiten',
- /**
- * Sessions
- */
- 'login' => "Anmelden",
- 'loginok' => "Du wurdest angemeldet.",
- 'loginerror' => "Wir konnten Dich nicht anmelden. Vielleicht hast Du dein Nutzerkonto noch nicht best&auml;tigt oder die angegeben Daten waren nicht korrekt. &Uuml;berpr&uuml;fe bitte, ob Du alle Daten richtig eingegeben hast und versuche es noch einmal.",
- 'logout' => "Abmelden",
- 'logoutok' => "Du wurdest abgemeldet.",
- 'logouterror' => "Fehler beim Abmelden. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.",
- /**
- * Errors
- */
- 'exception:title' => "Willkommen bei Elgg.",
- 'InstallationException:CantCreateSite' => "Fehler beim Einrichten der Elgg Seite mit dem Namen:%s, Url: %s",
- 'actionundefined' => "Die gew&auml;hlte Aktion(%s) ist im System nicht registriert.",
- 'actionloggedout' => "Du kannst diese Aktion nicht durchf&uuml;hren, wenn Du abgemeldet bist.",
- 'notfound' => "Die Seite wurde nicht gefunden oder Du hast keine Zugangsberechtigung.",
- 'SecurityException:Codeblock' => "Du hast keine Berechtigung den Programmcode auszuf&uuml;hren",
- 'DatabaseException:WrongCredentials' => "Elgg konnte mit den angegebenen Daten %s@%s (pw: %s) keine Verbindung zur Datenbank aufbauen.",
- 'DatabaseException:NoConnect' => "Elgg konnte nicht auf die Datenbank '%s' zugreifen. Bitte &uuml;berpr&uuml;fe, ob die Datenbank richtig eingerichtet wurde und ob Du Zugang zu ihr hast.",
- 'SecurityException:FunctionDenied' => "Die Ausf&uuml;hrung der Funktion '%s' ist nicht erlaubt.",
- 'DatabaseException:DBSetupIssues' => "Folgende Fehler sind aufgetreten: ",
- 'DatabaseException:ScriptNotFound' => "Elgg konnte das ben&ouml;tigte Daktenbankskript %s nicht finden.",
- 'IOException:FailedToLoadGUID' => " %s konnte vom GUID:%d nicht erneut geladen werden.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggObject' => "Ein Nicht-ElggObject wurde an den ElggObject Constructor &uuml;bergeben!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedValue' => "Der an den Constructor &uuml;bergebene Wert konnte nicht erkannt werden.",
- 'InvalidClassException:NotValidElggStar' => "GUID:%d ist kein g&uuml;ltiger %s",
- 'PluginException:MisconfiguredPlugin' => "%s ist ein falsch konfiguriertes Plugin.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggUser' => "Ein Nicht-ElggUser wurde and den ElggUser Constructor &uuml;bergeben!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggSite' => "Eine Nicht-ElggSite wurde an den ElggSite Constructor &uuml;bergeben!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggGroup' => "Eine Nicht-ElggGroup wurde and en ElggGroup Constructor &uuml;bergeben!",
- 'IOException:UnableToSaveNew' => "Fehler beim Speichern von %s .",
- 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotForExport' => "GUID wurde beim Export nicht angegeben, das sollte nie passieren.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonArrayReturnValue' => "Die Funtion der Serialisierung der Entit&auml;t gab als R&uuml;ckgabeparameter einen Nicht-Array aus",
- 'ConfigurationException:NoCachePath' => "Cache Pfad nicht gesetzt!",
- 'IOException:NotDirectory' => "%s ist kein Verzeichnis.",
- 'IOException:BaseEntitySaveFailed' => "Die Base Entity Information des neuen Objekts konnte nicht gespeichert werden!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedODDClass' => "import() hatt eine unerwartete ODD Klasse &uuml;bergeben",
- 'InvalidParameterException:EntityTypeNotSet' => "Der Typ der Entit&auml;t muss gestetzt sein.",
- 'ClassException:ClassnameNotClass' => "%s ist kein %s.",
- 'ClassNotFoundException:MissingClass' => "Die Klasse '%s' was wurde nicht gefunden. Fehlendes Plugin?",
- 'InstallationException:TypeNotSupported' => "Der Typ %s wurd nicht unterst&uuml;tzt. Das kann an einem Fehler in der Installation liegen, der wahrscheinlich durch ein unvollst&auml;ndiges Update verursacht wurde.",
- 'ImportException:ImportFailed' => "Das Element %d konnte nicht importiert werden",
- 'ImportException:ProblemSaving' => "Beim Speichern von %s ist ein Problem aufgetreten.",
- 'ImportException:NoGUID' => "Neue Entit&auml;t wurde ohne GUID angelegt. Das sollte nicht passieren.",
- 'ImportException:GUIDNotFound' => "Die Entit&auml;t '%d' konnte nicht gefunden werden.",
- 'ImportException:ProblemUpdatingMeta' => "Beim Update von '%s' zur Entit&auml;t '%d' ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
- 'ExportException:NoSuchEntity' => "Kein solcher GUID f&uuml;r die Entit&auml;t vorhanden:%d",
- 'ImportException:NoODDElements' => "Beim Datenimport konnten keine OpenDD Elemente gefunden werden. Import fehlgeschlagen.",
- 'ImportException:NotAllImported' => "Es wurden nicht alle Elemente wurden importiert.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedFileMode' => "Der Dateimodus '%s' wurde nicht erkannt.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:MissingOwner' => "F&uuml;r alle Dateien muss ein Eigent&uuml;mer angegeben werden!",
- 'IOException:CouldNotMake' => "%s konnte nicht durchgef&uuml;hrt werden.",
- 'IOException:MissingFileName' => "Du musst den Namen der Datei angeben, die Du &ouml;ffnen willst.",
- 'ClassNotFoundException:NotFoundNotSavedWithFile' => "Gespeicherte Datei wurde nicht gefunden, oder die Klasse wurde nicht mit Datei gespeichert!",
- 'NotificationException:NoNotificationMethod' => "Keine Methode zur Benachrichtigung angegeben.",
- 'NotificationException:NoHandlerFound' => "Keiner oder nicht aufrufbarer Handler '%s' .",
- 'NotificationException:ErrorNotifyingGuid' => "Bei der Benachrichtigung von %d ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
- 'NotificationException:NoEmailAddress' => "F&uuml;r GUID:%d konnte keine Emailadresse gefunden werden",
- 'NotificationException:MissingParameter' => "Fehlender Parameter '%s'",
- 'DatabaseException:WhereSetNonQuery' => "Die Where Abfrage enth&auml;lt eine Nicht-WhereQueryComponent",
- 'DatabaseException:SelectFieldsMissing' => "Fehlende Felder in der Select-Abfrage",
- 'DatabaseException:UnspecifiedQueryType' => "Nicht erkannter oder nicht angegebener Abfragetyp.",
- 'DatabaseException:NoTablesSpecified' => "F&uuml;r die Abfrage wurden keine Tabellen angegeben.",
- 'DatabaseException:NoACL' => "Zu der Abfrage wurde keine Zugangskontrolle angegeben.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NoEntityFound' => "Keine Entit&auml;t gefunden. Entweder gibt es keine oder Du hast keine Zugangsberechtigung.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotFound' => "GUID:%s wurde nicht gefunden oder Du hast keinen Zugang.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:IdNotExistForGUID' => "'%s' gibt es fúr GUID:%d nicht",
- 'InvalidParameterException:CanNotExportType' => "Der Exporttyp f&uuml;r '%s' ist nicht klar.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NoDataFound' => "Es wurden keine Daten gefunden.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelong' => "Geh&ouml;rt nicht zur Entit&auml;t.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelongOrRefer' => "Geh&ouml;rt nicht oder bezieht sich nicht auf die Entit&auml;t.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:MissingParameter' => "Fehlender Parameter, Du musst einen GUID angeben.",
- 'SecurityException:APIAccessDenied' => "Der API-Zugang wurde vom Administrator abgeschaltet.",
- 'SecurityException:NoAuthMethods' => "F&uuml;r diese API-Anfrage wurde keine Authentifikationsmethode angegeben.",
- 'APIException:ApiResultUnknown' => "Die API Anfrage lieferte als Ergebnis einen unbekannten Typ. Dies sollte nicht geschehen.",
- 'ConfigurationException:NoSiteID' => "Es wurde kein Site ID angegeben.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedMethod' => "Nicht erkannter Methodenaufruf '%s'",
- 'APIException:MissingParameterInMethod' => "Fehlender Parameter %s in Methode %s",
- 'APIException:ParameterNotArray' => "%s scheint kein Array zu sein.",
- 'APIException:UnrecognisedTypeCast' => "Falscher Typ in Cast %s f&uuml;r die Variable '%s' in Methode '%s'",
- 'APIException:InvalidParameter' => "Ung&uuml;ltiger Parameter f&uuml;r '%s' in der Method '%s' gefunden.",
- 'APIException:FunctionParseError' => "%s(%s) f&uuml;hrte zu einem Parserfehler.",
- 'APIException:FunctionNoReturn' => "%s(%s) hat keinen Wert zur&uuml;ckgegeben.",
- 'SecurityException:AuthTokenExpired' => "Fehlender, ung&uuml;ltiger oder abgelaufener Token bei der Authentifizierung.",
- 'CallException:InvalidCallMethod' => "%s muss mit '%s' aufgerufen werden",
- 'APIException:MethodCallNotImplemented' => "Der Methodenaufruf '%s' wurde nicht implementiert.",
- 'APIException:AlgorithmNotSupported' => "Der Algorythmus '%s' wird nicht unterst&uuml;tzt oder wurde deaktiviert.",
- 'ConfigurationException:CacheDirNotSet' => "Das Cacheverzeichnis 'cache_path' wurde nicht gesetzt.",
- 'APIException:NotGetOrPost' => "Die Requestmethode muss GET oder POST sein",
- 'APIException:MissingAPIKey' => "Fehlender X-Elgg-apikey HTTP header",
- 'APIException:MissingHmac' => "Fehlender X-Elgg-hmac header",
- 'APIException:MissingHmacAlgo' => "Fehlender X-Elgg-hmac-algo header",
- 'APIException:MissingTime' => "Fehlender X-Elgg-time header",
- 'APIException:TemporalDrift' => "X-Elgg-time liegt zu weit in der Vergangenheit oder in der Zukunft.",
- 'APIException:NoQueryString' => "Keine Daten im Query String",
- 'APIException:MissingPOSTHash' => "Fehlender X-Elgg-posthash header",
- 'APIException:MissingPOSTAlgo' => "Fehlender X-Elgg-posthash_algo header",
- 'APIException:MissingContentType' => "Fehlender Inhaltstyp f&uuml;r Post-Daten.",
- 'SecurityException:InvalidPostHash' => "POST Daten Hash is ung&uuml;ltig - Erwartet wurde %s angegeben wurde %s.",
- 'SecurityException:DupePacket' => "Paketsignatur schon benutzt.",
- 'SecurityException:InvalidAPIKey' => "Ung&uuml;ltiger oder fehlender API Key.",
- 'NotImplementedException:CallMethodNotImplemented' => "Die Aufrufmethode '%s' wird gegenw&auml;rtig nicht unterst&uuml;tzt.",
- 'NotImplementedException:XMLRPCMethodNotImplemented' => "XML-RPC Methodenaufruf '%s' ist nicht implementiert.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedReturnFormat' => "Der Aufruf der Methode '%s' gab ein unerwartetes Ergebnis zur&uuml;ck.",
- 'CallException:NotRPCCall' => "Der Aufruf scheint kein g&uuml;ltiger XML-RPC Aufruf zu sein.",
- 'PluginException:NoPluginName' => "Der Pluginname konnte nicht gefunden werden.",
- /**
- * User details
- */
- 'name' => "Angezeigter Name",
- 'email' => "Emailadresse",
- 'username' => "Nutzername",
- 'password' => "Passwort",
- 'passwordagain' => "Passwort (Wiederholung)",
- 'admin_option' => "Dem Nutzer Administratorenrechte erteilen?",
- /**
- * Access
- */
- 'ACCESS_PRIVATE' => "Privat",
- 'ACCESS_LOGGED_IN' => "Eingeloggte Nutzer",
- 'ACCESS_PUBLIC' => "&Ouml;ffentlich",
- 'PRIVATE' => "Privat",
- 'LOGGED_IN' => "Eingeloggte Nutzer",
- 'PUBLIC' => "&Ouml;ffentlich",
- 'access' => "Zugang",
- /**
- * Dashboard and widgets
- */
- 'dashboard' => "Startseite",
- 'dashboard:nowidgets' => "Deine Startseite ist der Eingang zur Community. Klicke 'Seite bearbeiten' um Widgets hinzuzuf&uuml;gen, die Inhalte und Deine Aktivit&auml;t in diesem System dokumentieren.",
- 'widgets:add' => 'Widgets zu Deiner Seite hinzuf&uuml;gen',
- 'widgets:add:description' => "W&auml;hle aus der <b>Widget Gallerie</b> rechts aus, welche Elemente Du zu deiner Seite hinzuf&uuml;gen willst und ziehe diese mit der Maus in eine der drei unteren Widgetzonen. Du kannst die Widgets in der Position einordnen, in welcher sie dann auf Deiner Seite angezeigt werden sollen.
-Um ein Widget wieder zu entfernen, ziehst Du es einfach zur&uuml;ck in die <b>Widget Gallerie</b>.",
- 'widgets:position:fixed' => '(Feste Position auf der Seite)',
- 'widgets' => "Widgets",
- 'widget' => "Widget",
- 'item:object:widget' => "Widgets",
- 'layout:customise' => "Layout &auml;ndern",
- 'widgets:gallery' => "Widget Gallerie",
- 'widgets:leftcolumn' => "Widgets Links",
- 'widgets:fixed' => "Feste Position",
- 'widgets:middlecolumn' => "Widgets Mitte",
- 'widgets:rightcolumn' => "Widgets Rechts",
- 'widgets:profilebox' => "Profilbox",
- 'widgets:panel:save:success' => "Deine Widgets wurden erfolgreich gespeichert.",
- 'widgets:panel:save:failure' => "Beim Speichern der Widgets trat ein Fehler auf. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.",
- 'widgets:save:success' => "Das Widget wurde erfolgreich gespeichert.",
- 'widgets:save:failure' => "Beim Speichern des Widgets trat ein Fehler auf. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.",
- /**
- * Groups
- */
- 'group' => "Gruppe",
- 'item:group' => "Gruppen",
- /**
- * Profile
- */
- 'profile' => "Profil",
- 'user' => "Nutzer",
- 'item:user' => "Nutzer",
- /**
- * Profile menu items and titles
- */
- 'profile:yours' => "Dein Profil",
- 'profile:user' => "Profil von %s",
- 'profile:edit' => "Profil bearbeiten",
- 'profile:editicon' => "Profilbild hochladen",
- 'profile:profilepictureinstructions' => "Das Profilbild ist das Bild, das auf Deiner Profilseite angezeigt wird. <br /> Du kannst es &auml;ndern, so oft Du willst. (Erlaubte Formate: GIF, JPG oder PNG)",
- 'profile:icon' => "Profilbild",
- 'profile:createicon' => "Avatar erstellen",
- 'profile:currentavatar' => "Dein Avatar",
- 'profile:createicon:header' => "Profilbild",
- 'profile:profilepicturecroppingtool' => "Profilbild ausschneiden",
- 'profile:createicon:instructions' => "Klicke auf das Bild und ziehe mit der Maus ein Quadrat, um dann den gew&uuml;nschten Ausschnitt zu w&auml;hlen. Eine Vorschau des Ausschnitts wird auf der rechten Seite angezeigt. Wenn Du mit dem Bildausschnitt zufrieden bist, klicke bitte auf 'Avatar erstellen'. Der Bildausschnitt wird dann auf der ganzen Seite als Dein Avatar benutzt. ",
- 'profile:editdetails' => "Details bearbeiten",
- 'profile:editicon' => "Avatar &auml;ndern",
- 'profile:aboutme' => "&Uuml;ber mich",
- 'profile:description' => "&Uuml;ber mich",
- 'profile:briefdescription' => "Kurzbeschreibung",
- 'profile:location' => "Wohnort",
- 'profile:skills' => "Was ich kann.",
- 'profile:interests' => "Interessen",
- 'profile:contactemail' => "Emailadresse",
- 'profile:phone' => "Telefon",
- 'profile:mobile' => "Handy",
- 'profile:website' => "Webseite",
- 'profile:river:update' => "Das Profil von %s wurde bearbeitet.",
- 'profile:river:iconupdate' => "Der Avatar von %s wurde bearbeitet.",
- /**
- * Profile status messages
- */
- 'profile:saved' => "Dein Profil wurde erfolgreich gespeichert.",
- 'profile:icon:uploaded' => "Dein Profilbild wurde erfolgreich hochgeladen.",
- /**
- * Profile error messages
- */
- 'profile:noaccess' => "Du bist nicht berechtigt, dieses Profil zu bearbeiten.",
- 'profile:notfound' => "Leider konnten wir das angegebene Profil nicht finden.",
- 'profile:cantedit' => "Du bist nicht berechtigt, dieses Profil zu bearbeiten.",
- 'profile:icon:notfound' => "Leider gab es ein Problem beim Hochladen von Deinem Profilbild.",
- /**
- * Friends
- */
- 'friends' => "Freunde",
- 'friends:yours' => "Deine Freunde",
- 'friends:owned' => "Freunde von %s",
- 'friend:add' => "Als Freund hinzuf&uuml;gen",
- 'friend:remove' => "Freund entfernen",
- 'friends:add:successful' => "Du hast %s erfolgreich als Freund hinzugef&uuml;gt.",
- 'friends:add:failure' => "Beim Versuch %s als ein Freund hinzuzuf&uuml;gen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.",
- 'friends:remove:successful' => "Du hast %s erfolgreich aus der Liste Deiner Freunde gel&ouml;scht.",
- 'friends:remove:failure' => "Beim Versuch %s aus der Liste Deiner Freunde zu l&ouml;schen, ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.",
- 'friends:none' => "Dieser Nutzer hat bisher noch keine Freunde hinzugef&uuml;gt.",
- 'friends:none:you' => "Du hast noch keine Freunde hinzugef&uuml;gt! Suchen andere Nutzer mit &auml;hnlichen Interessen auf der Seite.",
- 'friends:none:found' => "Es wurden keine Freunde gefunden.",
- 'friends:of:none' => "Bisher hat keiner diesen Nutzer als Freund hinzugef&uuml;gt.",
- 'friends:of:none:you' => "Bisher hat Dich niemand als Freund hinzugef&uuml;gt. Gestalte Deine Profilseite, damit andere Dich finden k&ouml;nnen.!",
- 'friends:of' => "Freunde von",
- 'friends:of:owned' => "Leute, die %s als Freund haben.",
- 'friends:num_display' => "Anzahl der Freunde, die angezeigt werden sollen",
- 'friends:icon_size' => "Icongr&ouml;&szlig;e",
- 'friends:tiny' => "winzig",
- 'friends:small' => "klein",
- 'friends' => "Freunde",
- 'friends:of' => "Freunde von",
- 'friends:collections' => "Freundesgruppen",
- 'friends:collections:add' => "Neue Freundesgruppe",
- 'friends:addfriends' => "Freunde hinzuf&uuml;gen",
- 'friends:collectionname' => "Name der Freundesgruppe",
- 'friends:collectionfriends' => "Freunde in dieser Gruppe",
- 'friends:collectionedit' => "Freundesgruppe bearbeiten",
- 'friends:nocollections' => "Sie haben noch keine Freundesgruppen.",
- 'friends:collectiondeleted' => "Die Freundesgruppe wurde gel&ouml;scht.",
- 'friends:collectiondeletefailed' => "Die Freundesgruppe konnte leider nicht gel&ouml;scht werden. Entweder bist Du dazu nicht berechtigt oder es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
- 'friends:collectionadded' => "Die neue Freundesgruppe wurde eingerichtet.",
- 'friends:nocollectionname' => "Um eine Freundesgruppe einzurichten musst Du einen Namen angeben.",
- 'friends:river:created' => "%s hat ein Freunde-Widget hinzugef&uuml;gt.",
- 'friends:river:updated' => "%s hat das Freunde-Widget aktualisiert.",
- 'friends:river:delete' => "%s hat das Freunde-Widget entfernt.",
- 'friends:river:add' => "%s hat einen Freund hinzugef&uuml;gt.",
- /**
- * Feeds
- */
- 'feed:rss' => 'Feed abonnieren',
- 'feed:odd' => 'OpenDD abonniert',
- /**
- * River
- */
- 'river' => "River",
- 'river:relationship:friend' => 'ist jetzt befreundet mit',
- /**
- * Plugins
- */
- 'plugins:settings:save:ok' => "Die Einstellungen f&uuml;r das %s Plugin wurden erfolgreich gespeichert.",
- 'plugins:settings:save:fail' => "Beim Speichern der Einstellungen f&uuml;r das %s Plugin ist ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
- 'plugins:usersettings:save:ok' => "Die Nutzereinstellungen f&uuml;r das %s Plugin wurden erfolgreich gespeichert.",
- 'plugins:usersettings:save:fail' => "Beim Speichern der Nutzereinstellungen f&uuml;r das %s Plugin ist ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
- /**
- * Notifications
- */
- 'notifications:usersettings' => "Einstellungen f&uuml;r Benachrichtigungen",
- 'notifications:methods' => "Bitte gebe an, welche Methoden Du erlauben willst...",
- 'notifications:usersettings:save:ok' => "Die Einstellungen f&uuml;r Benachrichtigungen wurden erfolgreich gespeichert.",
- 'notifications:usersettings:save:fail' => "Beim Speichern der Einstellungen f&uuml;r Benachrichtigungen ist ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
- /**
- * Search
- */
- 'search' => "Suche",
- 'searchtitle' => "Suche: %s",
- 'users:searchtitle' => "Nutzersuche: %s",
- 'advancedsearchtitle' => "%s kombiniert mit den Suchergebnissen %s",
- 'notfound' => "Es wurden leider keine Ergebnisse gefunden.",
- 'next' => "Weiter",
- 'previous' => "Zur&uuml;ck",
- 'viewtype:change' => "Ansicht &auml;ndern",
- 'viewtype:list' => "Listenansicht",
- 'viewtype:gallery' => "Galerie",
- 'tag:search:startblurb' => "Elemente, die auf das Tag '%s' passen:",
- 'user:search:startblurb' => "Nutzer die zu '%s' gefunden wurden:",
- 'user:search:finishblurb' => "Um mehr anzuzeigen, hier klicken.",
- /**
- * Account
- */
- 'account' => "Nutzerkonto",
- 'settings' => "Einstellungen",
- 'register' => "Anmelden",
- 'registerok' => "Du wurdest bei %s erfolgreich angemeldet. Um Dein Nutzerkonto zu aktivieren, best&auml;tige bitte Deine Emailadresse, indem Du auf den Link in der Email klickst, die Ihnen soeben geschickt wurde.",
- 'registerbad' => "Deine Anmeldung war nicht erfolgreich. M&ouml;gliche Gr&uuml;nde: Den Nutzernamen gibt es schon, die Passw&ouml;rter waren nicht gleich oder aber der Nutzernamen oder das Passwort waren zu kurz.",
- 'registerdisabled' => "Die Anmeldung wurde vom Systemadministrator abgeschaltet.",
- 'registration:notemail' => 'Die angegebene Emailadresse scheint nicht g&uuml;ltig zu sein...',
- 'registration:userexists' => 'Diesen Nutzernamen gibt es leider bereits',
- 'registration:usernametooshort' => 'Der Nutzername muss mindestens vier Buchstaben lang sein.',
- 'registration:passwordtooshort' => 'Das Passwort muss mindestens sechs Buchstaben lang sein.',
- 'registration:dupeemail' => 'Diese Emailadresse wurde bereits f&uuml;r ein Nutzerkonto angegeben.',
- 'adduser' => "Nutzer hinzuf&uuml;gen",
- 'adduser:ok' => "Du hast erfolgreich einen neuen Nutzer hinzugef&uuml;gt.",
- 'adduser:bad' => "Der neue Nutzer konnte nicht eingerichtet werden.",
- 'item:object:reported_content' => "Bericht &uuml;ber folgende Objekte",
- 'user:set:name' => "Einstellungen zum Nutzernamen",
- 'user:name:label' => "Dein Name",
- 'user:name:success' => "Dein Nutzername wurde im System erfolgreich ge&auml;ndert.",
- 'user:name:fail' => "Dein Nutzername konnte nicht ge&auml;ndert werden.",
- 'user:set:password' => "Passwort f&uuml;r das Nutzerkonto",
- 'user:password:label' => "Dein neues Passwort",
- 'user:password2:label' => "Neues Passwort wiederholen",
- 'user:password:success' => "Das Passwort wurde ge&auml;ndert.",
- 'user:password:fail' => "Dein Passwort konnte nicht ge&auml;ndert werden.",
- 'user:password:fail:notsame' => "Die beiden Passw&ouml;rter stimmen nicht &uuml;berein!",
- 'user:password:fail:tooshort' => "Das Passwort ist zu kurz!",
- 'user:set:language' => "Spracheinstellungen",
- 'user:language:label' => "Deine Sprache",
- 'user:language:success' => "Deine Spracheinstellungen wurden ge&auml;ndert.",
- 'user:language:fail' => "Deine Spracheinstellungen konnten nicht ge&auml;ndert werden.",
- 'user:username:notfound' => 'Der Nutzername %s wurde nicht gefunden.',
- 'user:password:lost' => 'Passwort vergessen',
- 'user:password:resetreq:success' => 'Dir wurde soeben eine Email mit dem neuen Passwort geschickt.',
- 'user:password:resetreq:fail' => 'Das Passwort konnte nicht neu erstellt werden.',
- 'user:password:text' => 'F&uuml;r ein neues Passwort gibst Du bitte Deinen Nutzernamen ein. Wir schicken Dir per Email dann einen Link, mit dem Du die Anfrage eines neuen Passworts best&auml;tigen musst. Danach erh&auml;ltst Du eine Mail mit Deinem neuen Passwort.',
- /**
- * Administration
- */
- 'admin:configuration:success' => "Deine Einstellungen wurden gespeichert.",
- 'admin:configuration:fail' => "Deine Einstellungen konnten nicht gespeichert werden.",
- 'admin' => "Administration",
- 'admin:description' => "Die Admin-Seite erlaubt es Dir, alle Einstellungen des Systems von der Nutzerverwaltung bis hin zum Verhalten der Plugins zu kontrollieren. W&auml;hle unten eine Option um zu beginnen.",
- 'admin:user' => "Nutzerverwaltung",
- 'admin:user:description' => "Diese Adminseite erlaubt Dir die Nutzereinstellungen auf der Seite zu kontrollieren. W&auml;hle eine Option unten um zu beginnen.",
- 'admin:user:adduser:label' => "Klickehier, um einen neuen Nutzer hinzuzuf&uuml;gen...",
- 'admin:user:opt:linktext' => "Nutereinstellungen...",
- 'admin:user:opt:description' => "Nutereinstellungen und Informationen zu Nutzerkonten. ",
- 'admin:site' => "Seitenadministration",
- 'admin:site:description' => "Diese Adminseite erlaubt Dir die globlalen Einstellungen der Seite zu kontrollieren. W&auml;hle eine Option unten umd zu beginnen.",
- 'admin:site:opt:linktext' => "Seite konfigurieren...",
- 'admin:site:opt:description' => "Kontrolliere technische und nichttechnische Einstellungen. ",
- 'admin:plugins' => "Tool Verwaltung",
- 'admin:plugins:description' => "Diese Adminseite erlaubt Dir, die auf der Seite installierten Anwendungen zu kontrollieren.",
- 'admin:plugins:opt:linktext' => "Anwendungen konfigurieren...",
- 'admin:plugins:opt:description' => "Konfiguriere die Anwendungen, welche auf der Seite installiert sind... ",
- 'admin:plugins:label:author' => "Autor",
- 'admin:plugins:label:copyright' => "Copyright",
- 'admin:plugins:label:licence' => "Lizenz",
- 'admin:plugins:label:website' => "URL",
- 'admin:plugins:disable:yes' => "Das Plugin %s wurde erfolgreich deaktiviert.",
- 'admin:plugins:disable:no' => "Das Plugin %s konnte nicht deaktiviert werden.",
- 'admin:plugins:enable:yes' => "Das Plugin %s wurde erfolgreich aktiviert.",
- 'admin:plugins:enable:no' => "Das Plugin %s konnte nicht aktiviert werden.",
- 'admin:statistics' => "Statistik",
- 'admin:statistics:description' => "Auf dieser Seite erh&auml;tst Du einen Statistik&uuml;berblick. Falls Du detailliertere Statistiken brauchst, steht Dir auch ein professionelles Administrations-Feature zur Verf&uuml;gung.",
- 'admin:statistics:opt:description' => "Statistische Informationen &uuml;ber Nutzer und Objekte auf Deiner Seite.",
- 'admin:statistics:opt:linktext' => "Statistiken einsehen...",
- 'admin:statistics:label:basic' => "Allgemeine Statistik der Seite",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numentities' => "Einheiten auf der Seite",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numusers' => "Zahl der Nutzer",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numonline' => "Nutzer online",
- 'admin:statistics:label:onlineusers' => "Jetzt online",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version' => "Elgg Version",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version:release' => "Release",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version:version' => "Version",
- 'admin:user:label:search' => "Nutzer suchen:",
- 'admin:user:label:seachbutton' => "Suche",
- 'admin:user:ban:no' => "Nutzerkonto kann nicht gesperrt werden",
- 'admin:user:ban:yes' => "Nutzerkonto gesperrt.",
- 'admin:user:unban:no' => "Nutzerkonto kann nicht freigeschaltet werden",
- 'admin:user:unban:yes' => "Nutzerkonto freigeschaltet.",
- 'admin:user:delete:no' => "Nutzerkonto kann nicht gel&ouml;scht werden",
- 'admin:user:delete:yes' => "Nutzerkonto gel&ouml;scht",
- 'admin:user:resetpassword:yes' => "Das Passwort wurde neu gesetzt, der Nutzer wurde benachrichtigt.",
- 'admin:user:resetpassword:no' => "Das Passwort konnte nicht neu gesetzt werden.",
- 'admin:user:makeadmin:yes' => "Der Nutzer hat nun Administratorenrechte.",
- 'admin:user:makeadmin:no' => "Dem Nutzer konnten keine Administratorenrechte erteilt werden.",
- /**
- * User settings
- */
- 'usersettings:description' => "Unter Nutzereinstellungen kannst Du alle pers&ouml;nlichen Einstellungen vom Nutzermanagment bis zum Verhalten der Plugins kontrollieren. W&auml;hle unten eine der Optionen.",
- 'usersettings:statistics' => "Deine Statistik",
- 'usersettings:statistics:opt:description' => "Statistische Information &uuml;ber Nutzer und Objekte auf Deiner Seite.",
- 'usersettings:statistics:opt:linktext' => "Statistik f&uuml;r das Nutzerkonto",
- 'usersettings:user' => "Deine Einstellungen",
- 'usersettings:user:opt:description' => "Hier kannst Du die Nutzereinstellungen kontrollieren.",
- 'usersettings:user:opt:linktext' => "Einstellungen &auml;ndern",
- 'usersettings:plugins' => "Anwendungen",
- 'usersettings:plugins:opt:description' => "Einstellungen f&uuml;r die aktiven Anwendungen.",
- 'usersettings:plugins:opt:linktext' => "Konfiguriere Deine Anwendungen...",
- 'usersettings:plugins:description' => "Auf dieser Seite kannst Du die pers&ouml;nlichen Einstellungen f&uuml;r die Tools, die vom Administrator f&uuml;r Dich installiert wurden, kontrollieren und konfigurieren.",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:numentities' => "Deine Objekte",
- 'usersettings:statistics:yourdetails' => "Deine Details",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:name' => "Voller Name",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:email' => "Emailadresse",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:membersince' => "Angemeldet seit",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:lastlogin' => "Zuletzt online",
- /**
- * Generic action words
- */
- 'save' => "Speichern",
- 'cancel' => "Abbrechen",
- 'saving' => "Speichern ...",
- 'update' => "Aktualisieren",
- 'edit' => "Bearbeiten",
- 'delete' => "L&ouml;schen",
- 'load' => "Laden",
- 'upload' => "Hochladen",
- 'ban' => "Sperren",
- 'unban' => "Freischalten",
- 'enable' => "Aktivieren",
- 'disable' => "Deaktivieren",
- 'request' => "Anfrage",
- 'invite' => "Einladung",
- 'resetpassword' => "Passwort &auml;ndern",
- 'makeadmin' => "Adminrechte geben",
- 'option:yes' => "Ja",
- 'option:no' => "Nein",
- 'unknown' => 'Unbekannt',
- 'learnmore' => "Mehr Informationen.",
- 'content' => "Inhalt",
- 'content:latest' => 'Neuste Aktivit&auml;ten',
- 'content:latest:blurb' => 'Alternativ kannst Du hier die neusten Inhalte der ganzen Seite sehen.',
- /**
- * Generic data words
- */
- 'title' => "Titel",
- 'description' => "Beschreibung",
- 'tags' => "Tags",
- 'spotlight' => "Spotlight",
- 'all' => "Alle",
- 'by' => 'von',
- 'annotations' => "Anmerkungen",
- 'relationships' => "Beziehungen",
- 'metadata' => "Metadaten",
- /**
- * Input / output strings
- */
- 'deleteconfirm' => "Bist du sicher, dass Du diesen Eintrag l&ouml;schen willst?",
- 'fileexists' => "Die Datei wurde bereits hochgeladen. Whle unten, welche ersetzt werden soll:",
- /**
- * Import / export
- */
- 'importsuccess' => "Die Daten wurden erfolgreich importiert.",
- 'importfail' => "OpenDD Import der Daten ist fehlgeschlagen.",
- /**
- * Time
- */
- 'friendlytime:justnow' => "jetzt gerade",
- 'friendlytime:minutes' => "vor %s Minuten",
- 'friendlytime:minutes:singular' => "vor einer Minute",
- 'friendlytime:hours' => "vor %s Stunden",
- 'friendlytime:hours:singular' => "vor einer Stunde",
- 'friendlytime:days' => "vor %s Tagen",
- 'friendlytime:days:singular' => "gestern",
- /**
- * Installation und Systemeinstellungen
- */
- 'installation:error:htaccess' => "Elgg braucht eine Datei mit dem Namen .htaccess im Root-Verzeichnis der Installation. Das Installationsprogramm hat versucht diese Datei einzurichten, aber Elgg hat keine Schreibrechte in dem Verzeichnis.
-Du kannst diese Datei leicht einrichten. Kopiere den Inhalt aus dem Textfeld unten in einen Texteditor und speicher die Datei als .htaccess in deinem Root-Verzeichnis.
- 'installation:error:settings' => "Elgg konnte die Datei mit den Einstellungen nicht finden. Die meisten Einstellungen von Elgg kannst Du pers&ouml;nlich steuern, aber wir brauchen die Details f&uuml;r Deine Datenbankverbindung. Mache bitte folgendes:
-1. &Auml;nder den Namen der Datei engine/settings.example.php in Ihrer Elgg-Installation zu settings.php.
-2. &Ouml;ffne die Datei in einem Texteditor und gebe die Daten f&uuml;r Deine MySQL Datenbank ein. Wenn Du diese nicht kennst, frage Deinen Systemadministrator oder bitte den technischen Support um Hilfe.
-Alternativ kannst Du die Datenbankverbindung unten eingeben und das Installationsprogramm versucht diesen Schritt f&uuml;r Dich durchzuf&uuml;hren ...",
- 'installation:error:configuration' => "Korrigiere die Einstellungen und aktualisiere die Seite.",
- 'installation' => "Installation",
- 'installation:success' => "Die Datenbank von Elgg wurde erfolgreich installiert.",
- 'installation:configuration:success' => "Die Einstellungen wurden gespeichert. Melde nun den ersten Nutzer an. Er wird auch der erste Administrator der Seite sein.",
- 'installation:settings' => "Systemeinstellungen",
- 'installation:settings:description' => "Die Elgg-Datenbank wurde erfolgreich installiert. Nun musst Du noch einige weitere Informationen eingeben, um die Seite vollst&auml;ndig einzurichten. Das Installationsprogramm versucht, die notwendigen Daten selbst herauszufinden, aber vielleicht m&uuml;ssen einige der Details korrigiert werden.",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:prompt' => "Gebe die Datenbankverbindung ein und klicke speichern:",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:user' => "Datenbanknutzer",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:pass' => "Datenbankpasswort",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:dbname' => "Elggdatenbank",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:host' => "Datenbankhost (normalerweise 'localhost')",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:prefix' => "Datenbanktabellenpr&auml;fix (normalerweise 'elgg')",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:savefail' => "Die neue Datei settings.php konnte nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte speicher die folgende Datei als engine/settings.php in einem Texteditor.",
- 'sitename' => "Name f&uuml;r Deine Seite (eg \"Mein soziales Netzwerk\"):",
- 'sitedescription' => "Kurzbeschreibung f&uuml;r Deine Seite (optional)",
- 'wwwroot' => "URL zu Deiner Seite, mit Schr&auml;gstrich abgeschlossen:",
- 'path' => "Voller Pfad zu Deiner Installation, abgeschlossen mit einem Schr&auml;gstrich:",
- 'dataroot' => "Voller Pfad zum Verzeichnis in dem die hochgeladenen Dateien gespeichert werden, abgeschlossen mit einem Schr&auml;gstrich:",
- 'language' => "Sprache f&uuml;r Deine Seite:",
- 'debug' => "Der Debug-Modus gibt Dir zus&auml;tzliche Informationen, die bei der Behebung von Fehlern hilfreich sein k&ouml;nnen. Allerdings l&auml;uft Ihr System dadurch langsamer. Daher sollte dieser Modus nur aktiviert werden, wenn Du Probleme hast:",
- 'debug:label' => "Debug Modus aktivieren",
- 'usage' => "Diese Option erlaubt es Elgg anonyme Statistiken &uuml;ber die Nutzung an Curverider zu &uuml;bermitteln.",
- 'usage:label' => "Anonyme Statistiken &uuml;ber die Nutzung &uuml;bermitteln",
- 'view' => "Geben Sie an, welche Standardansicht f&uuml;r Ihre Seite benutzt werden soll (z.B mobil) oder lassen Sie den Eintrag leer, um die Standardansicht zu verwenden:",
- /**
- * Welcome
- */
- 'welcome' => "Wilkommen %s",
- 'welcome_message' => "Wilkommen zur Installation von Elgg.",
- /**
- * Emails
- */
- 'email:settings' => "Emaileinstellungen",
- 'email:address:label' => "Ihre Emailadresse",
- 'email:save:success' => "Die neue Emailadresse wurde gespeichert, eine Best&auml;tigungsanfrage wurde verschickt.",
- 'email:save:fail' => "Deine neue Emailadresse konnte nicht gespeichert werden.",
- 'email:confirm:success' => "Die Emailadresse wurde best&auml;tigt!",
- 'email:confirm:fail' => "Die angegebene Emailadresse konnte nicht best&auml;tigt werden ...",
- 'friend:newfriend:subject' => "%s hat Dich als Freund hinzugef&uuml;gt!",
- 'friend:newfriend:body' => "%s hat Dich als Freund hinzugef&uuml;gt!
-Hier kommst Du zur Profilseite:
- %s
-Nicht auf diese Email antworten.",
- 'email:validate:subject' => "%s bitte best&auml;tige Deine Emailadresse!",
- 'email:validate:body' => "Hallo %s,
-Bitte best&auml;tige Deine Emailadresse, indem Du unten auf den Link klickst:
- 'email:validate:success:subject' => "Die Emailadresse wurde best&auml;tigt %s!",
- 'email:validate:success:body' => "Hallo %s,
-Deine Emailadresse wurde erfolgreich best&auml;tigt.",
- 'email:resetpassword:subject' => "Neues Passwort!",
- 'email:resetpassword:body' => "Hallo %s,
-Dein neues Passwort ist: %s",
- 'email:resetreq:subject' => "Anfrage f&uuml;r ein neues Passwort.",
- 'email:resetreq:body' => "Hallo %s,
-Jemand hat (von der IP Adresse %s aus) ein neuese Passwort f&uuml;r Dein Nutzerkonto angefordert.
-Wenn Du dieses Passwort angefordert hast, klicken Sie auf den Link unten und es wird dir erneut eine Email mit einem vorlufigen Passwort an Dich geschickt.
-Ansonsten mache bitte nichts weiter.
- /**
- */
- 'xmlrpc:noinputdata' => "Keine Daten",
- /**
- * Comments
- */
- 'comments:count' => "%s Kommentare",
- 'generic_comments:add' => "Einen Kommentar schreiben",
- 'generic_comments:text' => "Kommentar",
- 'generic_comment:posted' => "Dein Kommentar wurde abgeschickt.",
- 'generic_comment:deleted' => "Dein Kommentar wurde gel&ouml;scht.",
- 'generic_comment:blank' => "Entschuldigung, aber Du musst erst etwas schreiben, bevor Du den Kommentar speichern kannst.",
- 'generic_comment:notfound' => "Wir konnten den angegebenen Eintrag leider nicht finden.",
- 'generic_comment:notdeleted' => "Der Kommentar konnte leider nicht gel&ouml;scht werden.",
- 'generic_comment:failure' => "Beim Speichern des Kommentars ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es nochmal.",
- 'generic_comment:email:subject' => 'Du hast einen neuen Kommentar!',
- 'generic_comment:email:body' => "Du hast zum Eintrag \"%s\" einen neuen Kommentar von %s bekommen. Hier der Text:
-Wenn Du antworten oder den Orginaleintrag sehen willst, klicke bitte hier:
- %s
-Um das Profil von %s zu sehen, klickebitte hier:
- %s
-Bitte nicht auf diese Mail anworten!",
- /**
- * Entities
- */
- 'entity:default:strapline' => '%s geschrieben von %s',
- 'entity:default:missingsupport:popup' => 'Dieser Eintrag kann nicht angezeigt werden. Das k&ouml;nnte daran liegen, dass ein Plugin ben&ouml;tigt wird, das deinstalliert wurde..',
- 'entity:delete:success' => 'Der Eintrag %s wurde gel&ouml;scht',
- 'entity:delete:fail' => 'Der Eintrag %s konnte nicht gel&ouml;scht werden',
- /**
- * Action gatekeeper
- */
- 'actiongatekeeper:missingfields' => 'Im Formular fehlen die Felder __token oder __ts ',
- 'actiongatekeeper:tokeninvalid' => 'Der im Formular mitgeschickte Schl&uuml;ssel entspricht nicht dem auf dem Server hinterlegten.',
- 'actiongatekeeper:timeerror' => 'Das Formular ist abgelaufen. Bitte aktualisiere die Seite und versuche es noch einmal.',
- 'actiongatekeeper:pluginprevents' => 'Eine Erweiterung verhindert, dass das Formular korrekt abgeschickt werden kann.',
- /**
- * Languages according to ISO 639-1
- */
-"aa" => "Afar",
-"ab" => "Abchasisch",
-"af" => "Afrikaans",
-"am" => "Amharisch",
-"ar" => "Arabisch",
-"as" => "Assamesisch",
-"ay" => "Aymara",
-"az" => "Aserbaidschanisch",
-"ba" => "Baschkirisch",
-"be" => "Belorussisch",
-"bg" => "Bulgarisch",
-"bh" => "Biharisch",
-"bi" => "Bislamisch",
-"bn" => "Bengalisch",
-"bo" => "Tibetanisch",
-"br" => "Bretonisch",
-"ca" => "Katalanisch",
-"co" => "Korsisch",
-"cs" => "Tschechisch",
-"cy" => "Walisisch",
-"da" => "D&auml;nisch",
-"de" => "Deutsch",
-"dz" => "Dzongkha, Bhutani",
-"el" => "Griechisch",
-"en" => "Englisch",
-"eo" => "Esperanto",
-"es" => "Spanisch",
-"et" => "Estnisch",
-"eu" => "Baskisch",
-"fa" => "Persisch",
-"fi" => "Finnisch",
-"fj" => "Fiji",
-"fo" => "F&auml;r&ouml;isch",
-"fr" => "Franz&ouml;sisch",
-"fy" => "Friesisch",
-"ga" => "Irisch",
-"gd" => "Schottisches G&auml;lisch",
-"gl" => "Galizisch",
-"gn" => "Guarani",
-"gu" => "Gujaratisch",
-"ha" => "Haussa",
-"he" => "Hebr&auml;isch",
-"hi" => "Hindi",
-"hr" => "Kroatisch",
-"hu" => "Ungarisch",
-"hy" => "Armenisch",
-"ia" => "Interlingua",
-"id" => "Indonesisch",
-"ie" => "Interlingue",
-"ik" => "Inupiak",
-"in" => "Indonesisch",
-"is" => "Isl&auml;ndisch",
-"it" => "Italienisch",
-"iu" => "Inuktitut",
-"ja" => "Japanisch",
-"ji" => "Jiddish (veraltet, nun: yi)",
-"jw" => "Javanisch",
-"ka" => "Georgisch",
-"kk" => "Kasachisch",
-"kl" => "Kalaallisut (Gr&ouml;nl&auml;ndisch)",
-"km" => "Kambodschanisch",
-"kn" => "Kannada",
-"ko" => "Koreanisch",
-"ks" => "Kaschmirisch",
-"ku" => "Kurdisch",
-"ky" => "Kirgisisch",
-"la" => "Lateinisch",
-"ln" => "Lingala",
-"lo" => "Laotisch",
-"lt" => "Litauisch",
-"lv" => "Lettisch",
-"mg" => "Malagasisch",
-"mi" => "Maorisch",
-"mk" => "Mazedonisch",
-"ml" => "Malajalam",
-"mn" => "Mongolisch",
-"mo" => "Moldawisch",
-"mr" => "Marathi",
-"mt" => "Maltesisch",
-"my" => "Burmesisch",
-"na" => "Nauruisch",
-"ne" => "Nepalesisch",
-"nl" => "Holl&auml;ndisch",
-"no" => "Norwegisch",
-"oc" => "Okzitanisch",
-"om" => "Oromo",
-"or" => "Oriya",
-"pa" => "Pundjabisch",
-"pl" => "Polnisch",
-"ps" => "Paschtu",
-"pt" => "Portugiesisch",
-"qu" => "Quechua",
-"rm" => "R&auml;toromanisch",
-"rn" => "Kirundisch",
-"ro" => "Rum&auml;nisch",
-"ru" => "Russisch",
-"rw" => "Kijarwanda",
-"sa" => "Sanskrit",
-"sd" => "Zinti",
-"sg" => "Sango",
-"sh" => "Serbokroatisch (veraltet)",
-"si" => "Singhalesisch",
-"sk" => "Slowakisch",
-"sl" => "Slowenisch",
-"sm" => "Samoanisch",
-"sn" => "Schonisch",
-"so" => "Somalisch",
-"sq" => "Albanisch",
-"sr" => "Serbisch",
-"ss" => "Swasil&auml;ndisch",
-"st" => "Sesothisch",
-"su" => "Sudanesisch",
-"sv" => "Schwedisch",
-"sw" => "Suaheli",
-"ta" => "Tamilisch",
-"te" => "Tegulu",
-"tg" => "Tadschikisch",
-"th" => "Thai",
-"ti" => "Tigrinja",
-"tk" => "Turkmenisch",
-"tl" => "Tagalog",
-"tn" => "Sezuan",
-"to" => "Tongaisch",
-"tr" => "T&uuml;rkisch",
-"ts" => "Tsongaisch",
-"tt" => "Tatarisch",
-"tw" => "Twi",
-"ug" => "Uigur",
-"uk" => "Ukrainisch",
-"ur" => "Urdu",
-"uz" => "Usbekisch",
-"vi" => "Vietnamesisch",
-"vo" => "Volap&uuml;k",
-"wo" => "Wolof",
-"xh" => "Xhosa",
-"yi" => "Jiddish",
-"yo" => "Joruba",
-"za" => "Zhuang",
-"zh" => "Chinesisch",
-"zu" => "Zulu",
- );
diff --git a/languages/es.php b/languages/es.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f7a263c91..000000000
--- a/languages/es.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,907 +0,0 @@
- $spanish = array(
- /*
- * This translation is still incomplete
- * Version 0.2
- * September 2nd-2008
- * TODO
- * Review for orthographic mistakes
- * Translate plug-in (in the respective files)
- */
- /**
- * Sites
- */
- 'item:site' => 'Sitios',
- /**
- * Sessions
- */
- 'login' => "Ingresar",
- 'loginok' => "Acceso Autorizado.",
- 'loginerror' => "Acceso Denegado. Revisa los datos e intenta nuevamente.",
- 'logout' => "Salir",
- 'logoutok' => "Haz terminado tu sesión",
- 'logouterror' => "Error en el proceso de salida.",
- /**
- * Errors
- */
- 'exception:title' => "Bienvenido a Elgg.",
- 'InstallationException:CantCreateSite' => "No puedo crear un sitio con el nombre de la credencial:%s, Url: %s",
- 'actionundefined' => "La acción requerida (%s) no esta definida en el sistema.",
- 'actionloggedout' => "Perdón, no puedes realizar estar acción mientras no est√©s fuera del servicio.",
- 'notfound' => "El recurso que se pide no fue encontrado, o no tienes los permisos necesarios.",
- 'SecurityException:Codeblock' => "Acceso denegado para ejecutar bloque de código privilegiado",
- 'DatabaseException:WrongCredentials' => "Elgg no pudo conectarse a la base de datos usando los datos que completaste %s@%s (pw: %s).",
- 'DatabaseException:NoConnect' => "Elgg no pudo seleccionar la base de datos '%s', por favor checa que la base esta creada y se puede accesar.",
- 'SecurityException:FunctionDenied' => "El acceso a la función privilegiada '%s' no está permitida.",
- 'DatabaseException:DBSetupIssues' => "Hay un número de cuestiones: ",
- 'DatabaseException:ScriptNotFound' => "Elgg no pudo encontrar el script de la base de datos en %s.",
- 'IOException:FailedToLoadGUID' => "Fallo al leer el nuevo %s del GUID:%d",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggObject' => "Error al pasar un objeto incorrecto a un constructor ElggObject!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedValue' => "Se paso incorrectamente un valor irreconocible a un constructor.",
- 'InvalidClassException:NotValidElggStar' => "GUID:%d no es un valido %s",
- 'PluginException:MisconfiguredPlugin' => "%s es un plugin mal configurado.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggUser' => "Error al pasar un objeto incorrecto a un constructor ElggUser!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggSite' => "Error al pasar un objeto incorrecto a un constructor ElggSite!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggGroup' => "Error al pasar un objeto incorrecto a un constructor ElggGroup!",
- 'IOException:UnableToSaveNew' => "No se puede salvar %s",
- 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotForExport' => "GUID no ha sido especificado durante la exportación, esto nunca debería pasar.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonArrayReturnValue' => "La funcion de la serialización de la entidad paso un parámetro que no es un arreglo",
- 'ConfigurationException:NoCachePath' => "El path del cache no esta especificado!",
- 'IOException:NotDirectory' => "%s no es un directorio.",
- 'IOException:BaseEntitySaveFailed' => "No se puede salvar la información de entidad base del nuevo objeto!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedODDClass' => "La función import() paso una clase ODD no esperada",
- 'InvalidParameterException:EntityTypeNotSet' => "El tipo de entidad debe estar definido.",
- 'ClassException:ClassnameNotClass' => "%s no es un %s.",
- 'ClassNotFoundException:MissingClass' => "La clase '%s' no fue encontrada, plugin esta perdido?",
- 'InstallationException:TypeNotSupported' => "El tipo %s no esta soportado. Esto indica un error en la instalación, muy probablemente causado por una actualización incompleta.",
- 'ImportException:ImportFailed' => "No se puede importar el elemento %d",
- 'ImportException:ProblemSaving' => "Hubo un problema salvando %s",
- 'ImportException:NoGUID' => "Se creo una nueva entidad que no tiene GUID, esto no debería de pasar.",
- 'ImportException:GUIDNotFound' => "La entidad '%d' no pudo ser encontrada.",
- 'ImportException:ProblemUpdatingMeta' => "Hubo un problema actualizando '%s' en la entidad '%d'",
- 'ExportException:NoSuchEntity' => "No existe la entidad GUID:%d",
- 'ImportException:NoODDElements' => "No hay elementos OpenDD encontrados en los datos importados, la importación falló.",
- 'ImportException:NotAllImported' => "No todos los elementos fueron importados.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedFileMode' => "Modo de archivo no reconocido '%s'",
- 'InvalidParameterException:MissingOwner' => "¡Todos los archivos deben de tener un dueño!",
- 'IOException:CouldNotMake' => "No puedo hacer %s",
- 'IOException:MissingFileName' => "Debe especificar un nombre antes de abrir un archivo.",
- 'ClassNotFoundException:NotFoundNotSavedWithFile' => "No se encontró Filestore o la clase no fue salvada con el archivo!",
- 'NotificationException:NoNotificationMethod' => "No se especificó un m√©todo de notificación.",
- 'NotificationException:NoHandlerFound' => "No se encontró la liga para '%s' o no puede ser llamada.",
- 'NotificationException:ErrorNotifyingGuid' => "Hubo un error al notificar %d",
- 'NotificationException:NoEmailAddress' => "No se pudo obtener una dirección de correo electrónico para GUID:%d",
- 'NotificationException:MissingParameter' => "No se encuentra el parametro requerido, '%s'",
- 'DatabaseException:WhereSetNonQuery' => "El set Where no contiene WhereQueryComponent",
- 'DatabaseException:SelectFieldsMissing' => "Los campos no se encuentran en la requisición de base de datos estilo Select",
- 'DatabaseException:UnspecifiedQueryType' => "Tipo de requisición de base de datos no reconocida o no especificada.",
- 'DatabaseException:NoTablesSpecified' => "No hay tablas especificadas para la requisición de base de datos.",
- 'DatabaseException:NoACL' => "No se proveyo de control de acceso en la requisición de base de datos",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NoEntityFound' => "No se encontró la entidad, no existe o no tiene acceso a ella.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotFound' => "GUID:%s no pudo ser encontrada, o no tiene acceso a ella.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:IdNotExistForGUID' => "Disculpa, '%s' no existe para guid:%d",
- 'InvalidParameterException:CanNotExportType' => "Disculpa, no se como exportar '%s'",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NoDataFound' => "No se pudo encontrar ningun dato.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelong' => "No pertenece a la entidad.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelongOrRefer' => "No pertenece a la entidad o se refiere a la entidad.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:MissingParameter' => "Parámetro no encontrado, necesita proveer un GUID.",
- 'SecurityException:APIAccessDenied' => "Disculpa, el acceso al API ha sido deshabilitado por el administrador.",
- 'SecurityException:NoAuthMethods' => "No se encontraron métodos de autentificacion que puedan autentificar esta requisicion de API.",
- 'APIException:ApiResultUnknown' => "El resultado del API es de tipo desconocido, esto nunca debe ocurrir.",
- 'ConfigurationException:NoSiteID' => "No ID del sitio ha sido especificado.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedMethod' => "Método de llamada no reconocido '%s'",
- 'APIException:MissingParameterInMethod' => "Parámetro no encontrado %s en el m√©todo %s",
- 'APIException:ParameterNotArray' => "%s no parece ser un arreglo.",
- 'APIException:UnrecognisedTypeCast' => "Tipo no reconocido en el computo %s de la variable '%s' en el método '%s'",
- 'APIException:InvalidParameter' => "Se encontró un parametro invalido para '%s' en el m√©todo '%s'.",
- 'APIException:FunctionParseError' => "%s(%s) tiene un error de parseo.",
- 'APIException:FunctionNoReturn' => "%s(%s) no regreso un valor.",
- 'SecurityException:AuthTokenExpired' => "El token de autentificación esta perdido, o es invalido o expiro.",
- 'CallException:InvalidCallMethod' => "%s debe ser llamado usando '%s'",
- 'APIException:MethodCallNotImplemented' => "El método de llamada '%s' no ha sido implementado.",
- 'APIException:AlgorithmNotSupported' => "El algoritmo '%s' no está soportado o no se habilitó.",
- 'ConfigurationException:CacheDirNotSet' => "El directorio del Cache 'cache_path' no está definido.",
- 'APIException:NotGetOrPost' => "El metodo de requisición debe ser GET o POST",
- 'APIException:MissingAPIKey' => "No se encuentra el encabezado de HTTP X-Elgg-apikey",
- 'APIException:MissingHmac' => "No se encuentra el encabezado X-Elgg-hmac",
- 'APIException:MissingHmacAlgo' => "No se encuentra el encabezado X-Elgg-hmac-algo",
- 'APIException:MissingTime' => "No se encuentra el encabezado X-Elgg-time",
- 'APIException:TemporalDrift' => "X-Elgg-time se encuentra muy alejado en el pasado o futuro. Hubo un fallo de Epoch.",
- 'APIException:NoQueryString' => "No hubo datos en la línea de requisición de base de datos",
- 'APIException:MissingPOSTHash' => "No se encuentra el encabezado X-Elgg-posthash",
- 'APIException:MissingPOSTAlgo' => "No se encuentra el encabezado X-Elgg-posthash_algo",
- 'APIException:MissingContentType' => "No se encuentra el tipo de contenido para enviar los datos",
- 'SecurityException:InvalidPostHash' => "El Hash de POST no es valido - Se espero %s pero se obtuvo %s.",
- 'SecurityException:DupePacket' => "La firma del paquete ha sido vista.",
- 'SecurityException:InvalidAPIKey' => "Llave del API invalida o no se encuentra.",
- 'NotImplementedException:CallMethodNotImplemented' => "El metodo de llamada '%s' no se encuentra soportado en este momento.",
- 'NotImplementedException:XMLRPCMethodNotImplemented' => "El método de llamada XML-RPC '%s' no esta implementado.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedReturnFormat' => "La llamada al método '%s' regreso un resultado inesperado.",
- 'CallException:NotRPCCall' => "La llamada no parece ser una llamada XML-RPC valida",
- 'PluginException:NoPluginName' => "El nombre del plugin no pudo ser encontrado",
- /**
- * User details
- */
- 'name' => "Nombre",
- 'email' => "Dirección de correo electrónico",
- 'username' => "Nombre de usuario",
- 'password' => "Contraseña",
- 'passwordagain' => "Contraseña (para verificar)",
- 'admin_option' => "¬øHacer de este usuario un administrador?",
- /**
- * Access
- */
- 'ACCESS_PRIVATE' => "Privado",
- 'ACCESS_LOGGED_IN' => "Registrado",
- 'ACCESS_PUBLIC' => "Público",
- 'PRIVATE' => "Privado",
- 'LOGGED_IN' => "Registrado",
- 'PUBLIC' => "Público",
- 'access' => "Acceso",
- /**
- * Dashboard and widgets
- */
- 'dashboard' => "Panel de Control",
- 'dashboard:nowidgets' => "Su tablero de instrumentos es su puente hacia el sitio. Siga la liga a 'Editar página' para agregar Widgets que lleven registro del contenido y su existencia dentro del sistema.",
- 'widgets:add' => 'Agregar Widgets a tu página',
- 'widgets:add:description' => "Escoja las opciones de funcionalidad que quiera agregar a su página arrastrandolas desde el <b>Widget gallery</b> a la derecha, a cualquiera de las tres areas Widget abajo, y posicionelas donde le gustaria que aparecieran.
-Para remover un Widget arrastrelo de regreso a la <b>Galeria de Widget </b>.",
- 'widgets:position:fixed' => '(Posicion fija en la página)',
- 'widgets' => "Widgets",
- 'widget' => "Widget",
- 'item:object:widget' => "Widgets",
- 'layout:customise' => "Adaptar el esquema",
- 'widgets:gallery' => "Galeria de Widgets",
- 'widgets:leftcolumn' => "Widgets de la izquierda",
- 'widgets:fixed' => "Posicion fija",
- 'widgets:middlecolumn' => "Widgets centrales",
- 'widgets:rightcolumn' => "Widgets de la derecha",
- 'widgets:profilebox' => "Caja de perfil",
- 'widgets:panel:save:success' => "Sus Widgets fueron salvados exitosamente.",
- 'widgets:panel:save:failure' => "Hubo un problema salvando sus Widgets. Por favor intente de nuevo.",
- 'widgets:save:success' => "El Widget fue salvado exitósamente.",
- 'widgets:save:failure' => "No se pudo salvar el Widget. Por favor trate nuevamente.",
- /**
- * Groups
- */
- 'group' => "Grupo",
- 'item:group' => "Grupos",
- /**
- * Profile
- */
- 'profile' => "Perfil",
- 'user' => "Usuario",
- 'item:user' => "Usuarios",
- /**
- * Profile menu items and titles
- */
- 'profile:yours' => "Tu perfil",
- 'profile:user' => "El perfil de %s",
- 'profile:edit' => "Editar perfil",
- 'profile:editicon' => "Subir una nueva imagen al perfil",
- 'profile:profilepictureinstructions' => "La fotografía del perfil es la imagen que se mostrara en tu página de perfil. <br /> Puedes cambiarla cuantas veces quieras. (Tipos de archivos permitidos: GIF, JPG o PNG)",
- 'profile:icon' => "Imagen del perfil",
- 'profile:createicon' => "Crea tu avatar",
- 'profile:currentavatar' => "Avatar actual",
- 'profile:createicon:header' => "Imagen del perfil",
- 'profile:profilepicturecroppingtool' => "Herramienta para recortar la foto del perfil",
- 'profile:createicon:instructions' => "Seleccione con el ratón y arrastre un cuadrado hacia abajo para ajustar como quiere su foto recortada. Una imagen preliminar de la foto recortada aparecera en la caja de la derecha. Cuando este satisfecho con la imagen, presione \"Crear su Avatar\". Esta imagen recortada sera usada en el sitio como su Avatar. ",
- 'profile:editdetails' => "Editar detalles",
- 'profile:editicon' => "Icono para editar el perfil",
- 'profile:aboutme' => "Acerca de",
- 'profile:description' => "Descripción",
- 'profile:briefdescription' => "Descripción breve",
- 'profile:location' => "Ubicación",
- 'profile:skills' => "Habilidades",
- 'profile:interests' => "Intereses",
- 'profile:contactemail' => "Correo Electrónico",
- 'profile:phone' => "Teléfono",
- 'profile:mobile' => "Celular",
- 'profile:website' => "página web",
- 'profile:river:update' => "%s actualizo su perfil",
- 'profile:river:iconupdate' => "%s actualizo su icono del perfil",
- /**
- * Profile status messages
- */
- 'profile:saved' => "Tu perfil fue satisfactoriamente guardado.",
- 'profile:icon:uploaded' => "Tu imagen del perfil fue subida.",
- /**
- * Profile error messages
- */
- 'profile:noaccess' => "No tiene permiso para editar este perfil.",
- 'profile:notfound' => "Lo siento, no pudimos encontrar el perfil especificado.",
- 'profile:cantedit' => "Lo siento, no tiene los permisos requeridos para editar este perfil.",
- 'profile:icon:notfound' => "Lo siento, hubo un problema para subir la foto de su perfil.",
- /**
- * Friends
- */
- 'friends' => "Amigos",
- 'friends:yours' => "Tus amigos",
- 'friends:owned' => "Los amigos de %s",
- 'friend:add' => "Agregar amigos",
- 'friend:remove' => "Eliminar amigos",
- 'friends:add:successful' => "Has agregado exitosamente a %s como un amigo.",
- 'friends:add:failure' => "No hemos podido agregar a %s como un amigo. Por favor intente de nuevo.",
- 'friends:remove:successful' => "Has dado de baja exitosamente a %s de tu lista de amigos.",
- 'friends:remove:failure' => "No pudimos remover a %s de tu lista de amigos. Por favor intenta de nuevo.",
- 'friends:none' => "Este usuario no ha agregado a nadie en su lista todavía.",
- 'friends:none:you' => "No has agregado a nadie en tu lista de amigos! Busca personas basado en lo que te interesa.",
- 'friends:none:found' => "No se encontraron amigos.",
- 'friends:of:none' => "Nadie hasta este momento ha agregado a este usuario como su amigo.",
- 'friends:of:none:you' => "Nadie te ha agregado como su amigo todavía. Empieza a agregar contenido y completa tu perfil para que le permitas a los demas encontrarte!",
- 'friends:of' => "Amigos de",
- 'friends:of:owned' => "Gente que ha hecho a %s su amigo",
- 'friends:num_display' => "Número de amigos para mostrar",
- 'friends:icon_size' => "Tamaño del icono",
- 'friends:tiny' => "diminuto",
- 'friends:small' => "pequeño",
- 'friends' => "Amigos",
- 'friends:of' => "Amigos de",
- 'friends:collections' => "Colecciones de amigos",
- 'friends:collections:add' => "Colección de amigos nueva",
- 'friends:addfriends' => "Agregar amigos",
- 'friends:collectionname' => "Nombre de la colección de amigos",
- 'friends:collectionfriends' => "Amigos en la colección",
- 'friends:collectionedit' => "Editar esta colección",
- 'friends:nocollections' => "No tiene ninguna colección de amigos todavía.",
- 'friends:collectiondeleted' => "Su colección de amigos ha sido borrada.",
- 'friends:collectiondeletefailed' => "No ha sido posible borrar la colección de amigos. No cuenta con el permiso requerido, o algún otro problema ha ocurrido.",
- 'friends:collectionadded' => "Su colección de amigos fue creada exitosamente",
- 'friends:nocollectionname' => "Usted necesita darle a la colección de amigos un nombre antes de que pueda ser creada.",
- 'friends:river:created' => "%s agregó el Widget de amigos.",
- 'friends:river:updated' => "%s actualizó su Widget de amigos.",
- 'friends:river:delete' => "%s borró su Widget de amigos.",
- 'friends:river:add' => "%s agregó a alguien como su amigo.",
- /**
- * Feeds
- */
- 'feed:rss' => 'Suscríbete al RSS',
- 'feed:odd' => 'Syndicate OpenDD',
- /**
- * River
- */
- 'river' => "River",
- 'river:relationship:friend' => 'es ahora amigo con',
- /**
- * Plugins
- */
- 'plugins:settings:save:ok' => "La configuración del Plugin %s fueron salvados exitosamente.",
- 'plugins:settings:save:fail' => "Hubo un problema salvando la configuración del Plugin %s.",
- 'plugins:usersettings:save:ok' => "La configuracion de usuario para el Plugin %s fueron salvados exitosamente.",
- 'plugins:usersettings:save:fail' => "Hubo un problema para salvar la configuración de usuario para el Plugin %s.",
- /**
- * Notifications
- */
- 'notifications:usersettings' => "Configuración de notificaciones",
- 'notifications:methods' => "Por favor especifique que métodos quiere autorizar.",
- 'notifications:usersettings:save:ok' => "La configuración de sus notificaciones se salvo exitosamente.",
- 'notifications:usersettings:save:fail' => "Hubo un problema salvando la configuración de sus notificaciones.",
- /**
- * Search
- */
- 'search' => "Buscar",
- 'searchtitle' => "Buscar: %s",
- 'users:searchtitle' => "Buscando usuarios: %s",
- 'advancedsearchtitle' => "%s con resultados concordando con %s",
- 'notfound' => "No se encontraron resultados.",
- 'next' => "Siguiente",
- 'previous' => "Anterior",
- 'viewtype:change' => "Cambiar tipo de listado",
- 'viewtype:list' => "Ver listado",
- 'viewtype:gallery' => "Ver galeria",
- 'tag:search:startblurb' => "Objetos con etiquetas concordando '%s':",
- 'user:search:startblurb' => "Usuarios concordando con '%s':",
- 'user:search:finishblurb' => "Para ver mas, siga esta liga.",
- /**
- * Account
- */
- 'account' => "Cuenta",
- 'settings' => "Configuración",
- 'register' => "Registro",
- 'registerok' => "Se ha registrado exitosamente para %s. Para activar su cuenta, por favor confirme su correo electronico siguiendo la liga que le enviamos en un correo electrónico a la cuenta que nos proporciono.",
- 'registerbad' => "No ha podido ser registrado. El nombre de usuario puede existir con anterioridad, o puede ser que sus password no concuerden.",
- 'registerdisabled' => "Los registros han sido deshabilitados por el administrador del sistema.",
- 'registration:notemail' => 'The email address you provided does not appear to be a valid email address.',
- 'registration:userexists' => 'That username already exists',
- 'registration:usernametooshort' => 'Your username must be a minimum of 4 characters long.',
- 'registration:passwordtooshort' => 'The password must be a minimum of 6 characters long.',
- 'registration:dupeemail' => 'This email address has already been registered.',
- 'adduser' => "Agregar usuario",
- 'adduser:ok' => "Ha agregado exitosamente a un nuevo usuario.",
- 'adduser:bad' => "El nuevo usuario no pudo ser creado.",
- 'item:object:reported_content' => "Reported items",
- 'user:set:name' => "Configuración de nombre de cuenta",
- 'user:name:label' => "Su nombre",
- 'user:name:success' => "Se cambio exitosamente su nombre en el sistema.",
- 'user:name:fail' => "No se pudo cambiar su nombre en el sistema.",
- 'user:set:password' => "Contraseña de su cuenta",
- 'user:password:label' => "Su nueva contraseña",
- 'user:password2:label' => "Su contraseña de nuevo",
- 'user:password:success' => "Contraseña cambiada",
- 'user:password:fail' => "No se pudo cambiar su contraseña en el sistema.",
- 'user:password:fail:notsame' => "Las dos contraseñas no son las mismas!",
- 'user:password:fail:tooshort' => "La contraseña es muy corta!",
- 'user:set:language' => "Configuración de lenguaje",
- 'user:language:label' => "Su lenguaje",
- 'user:language:success' => "Su configuración de lenguaje ha sido actualizada.",
- 'user:language:fail' => "Su configuración de lenguaje no pudo ser salvada.",
- 'user:username:notfound' => 'No se encontró el nombre del usuario %s.',
- 'user:password:lost' => 'Contraseña perdida',
- 'user:password:resetreq:success' => 'Petición de nueva contraseña ha sido exitoso, se ha enviado un correo electrónico.',
- 'user:password:resetreq:fail' => 'No se pudo obtener una nueva contraeña.',
- 'user:password:text' => 'Para generar una nueva contraseña, de de alta su cuenta de usuario abajo. Le enviaremos la dirección de una página de verificación única vía correo electrónico. Siga la liga en ese correo electrónico y una nueva contrasena le sera enviada.',
- /**
- * Administración
- */
- 'admin:configuration:success' => "Tu configuración ha sido guardada.",
- 'admin:configuration:fail' => "Tu configuraciónn no pudo guardada.",
- 'admin' => "Administración",
- 'admin:description' => "El panel de administración te permite controlar todos los aspectos del sistema, desde gestión de usuarios al comportamiento de los plugins. Elige una upción abajo para comenzar.",
- 'admin:user' => "Administración de usuario.",
- 'admin:user:description' => "Este panel de administración te permite a controlar la configuración de usuario para tu sitio. Elige una opción abajo para comenzar.",
- 'admin:user:adduser:label' => "Haz click aquí para añadir un usuario nuevo...",
- 'admin:user:opt:linktext' => "Configurar usuarios...",
- 'admin:user:opt:description' => "Configurar usuarios e información de cuenta... ",
- 'admin:site' => "Administración del sitio",
- 'admin:site:description' => "Este panel de administración de permite controlar una configuración global para tu sitio. Elige una opción abajo para comenzar.",
- 'admin:site:opt:linktext' => "Configurar el sitio...",
- 'admin:site:opt:description' => "Configurar los parámetros técnicos y no técnicos. ",
- 'admin:plugins' => "Aministrar herramientas.",
- 'admin:plugins:description' => "Este panel de administración te permite controlar y configurar las herramientas instaladas en tu sistema.",
- 'admin:plugins:opt:linktext' => "Configurar herramientas...",
- 'admin:plugins:opt:description' => "Configurar las herramientas instaladas en el sitio. ",
- 'admin:plugins:label:author' => "Autor",
- 'admin:plugins:label:copyright' => "Copyright",
- 'admin:plugins:label:licence' => "Licencia",
- 'admin:plugins:label:website' => "URL",
- 'admin:plugins:disable:yes' => "El plugin %s se deshabilitó con éxito.",
- 'admin:plugins:disable:no' => "El plugin %s no se pudo deshabilitar.",
- 'admin:plugins:enable:yes' => "El plugin %s se habilito con éxito.",
- 'admin:plugins:enable:no' => "El plugin %s no se pudo habilitar.",
- 'admin:statistics' => "Estadísticas",
- 'admin:statistics:description' => "Esta es una vista general de las estadísticas en tu sitio. Si necesitar estadísticas más detalladas, hay una ventana de administración profesional disponible.",
- 'admin:statistics:opt:description' => "Ver información estadística sobre usuarios y objetos en tu sitio.",
- 'admin:statistics:opt:linktext' => "Ver estadísticas...",
- 'admin:statistics:label:basic' => "Estadísticas básicas del sitio",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numentities' => "Entidades en el sitio",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numusers' => "Número de usuarios",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numonline' => "Número de usuarios online",
- 'admin:statistics:label:onlineusers' => "Usuarios online ahora",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version' => "Versión de Elgg",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version:release' => "Lanzamiento",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version:version' => "Versión",
- 'admin:user:label:search' => "Encontrar usuarios:",
- 'admin:user:label:seachbutton' => "Buscar",
- 'admin:user:ban:no' => "No se puede banear al usuario",
- 'admin:user:ban:yes' => "Usuario baneado.",
- 'admin:user:unban:no' => "No se puede quitar el baneo al usuario",
- 'admin:user:unban:yes' => "Se le quitó el baneo al usuario.",
- 'admin:user:delete:no' => "No se puede eliminar al usuario",
- 'admin:user:delete:yes' => "Usuario eliminado",
- 'admin:user:resetpassword:yes' => "Contraseña reseteada, usuario notificado.",
- 'admin:user:resetpassword:no' => "La contraseña no se pudo resetear.",
- 'admin:user:makeadmin:yes' => "El usuario es ahora administrador.",
- 'admin:user:makeadmin:no' => "No pudimos hacer a este usuario administrador.",
- /**
- * Configuración de usuario
- */
- 'usersettings:description' => "El panel de configuración de usuario te permtie controlar toda tu configuración personal, desde gestión de usuarios al comportamiento de los plugins. Elige una opción abajo para comenzar.",
- 'usersettings:statistics' => "Tus estadísticas",
- 'usersettings:statistics:opt:description' => "ver información estadística sobre usuarios y objetos en tu sitio.",
- 'usersettings:statistics:opt:linktext' => "Estadísticas de la cuenta",
- 'usersettings:user' => "Tu configuración",
- 'usersettings:user:opt:description' => "Esto te permite controlar tu configuración de usuario.",
- 'usersettings:user:opt:linktext' => "Cambia tu configuración",
- 'usersettings:plugins' => "Herramientas",
- 'usersettings:plugins:opt:description' => "Opciones de configuración para tus herramientas activas.",
- 'usersettings:plugins:opt:linktext' => "Configurar tus herramientas...",
- 'usersettings:plugins:description' => "Este panel te permite controlar y configurar tus opciones personales para las herramientas instaladas por tu administrador del sistema.",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:numentities' => "Tus entidades",
- 'usersettings:statistics:yourdetails' => "Tus detalles",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:name' => "Nombre completo",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:email' => "Email",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:membersince' => "Miembro desde",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:lastlogin' => "Última vez conectado",
- /**
- * Generic action words
- */
- 'save' => "Guardar",
- 'cancel' => "Cancelar",
- 'saving' => "Guardando ...",
- 'update' => "Actualizar",
- 'edit' => "Editar",
- 'delete' => "Borrar",
- 'load' => "Bajar",
- 'upload' => "Subir",
- 'ban' => "Prohibir",
- 'unban' => "Unban",
- 'enable' => "Activar",
- 'disable' => "Desactivar",
- 'request' => "Requisición",
- 'invite' => "Invitar",
- 'resetpassword' => "Eliminar contraseña",
- 'makeadmin' => "Hacer administrador",
- 'option:yes' => "Si",
- 'option:no' => "No",
- 'unknown' => 'Desconocida',
- 'learnmore' => "Siga la liga para aprender mas.",
- 'content' => "content",
- 'content:latest' => 'Latest activity',
- 'content:latest:blurb' => 'Alternatively, click here to view the latest content from across the site.',
- /**
- * Generic data words
- */
- 'title' => "Título",
- 'description' => "Descripción",
- 'tags' => "Etiquetas",
- 'spotlight' => "En la mira",
- /* This was the original translation, but I prefer the other one. Feel free to change
- 'spotlight' => "Centro de atracción", */
- 'all' => "Todos",
- 'by' => 'Por',
- 'annotations' => "Anotaciones",
- 'relationships' => "Relaciones",
- 'metadata' => "Metadata",
- /**
- * Input / output strings
- */
- 'deleteconfirm' => "¿Estas seguro que quieres borrar este objeto?",
- 'fileexists' => "Un archivo ha sido subido con anterioridad. Para reemplazarlo, selecciónelo de la lista de abajo:",
- /**
- * Import / export
- */
- 'importsuccess' => "Los datos fueron exportados satisfactóriamente",
- 'importfail' => "Los datos de OpenDD no pudierson ser importados",
- /**
- * Time
- */
- 'friendlytime:justnow' => "ahora mismo",
- 'friendlytime:minutes' => "hace %s minutos",
- 'friendlytime:minutes:singular' => "hace un minuto",
- 'friendlytime:hours' => "hace %s horas",
- 'friendlytime:hours:singular' => "hace una hora",
- 'friendlytime:days' => "hace %s días",
- 'friendlytime:days:singular' => "ayer",
- /**
- * Instalación y configuración del sistema
- */
- 'installation:error:htaccess' => "Elgg requiere que se llame a un archivo .htaccess que se emplace en el directorio raíz de su instalación. Intentamos crearlo para ti, pero Elgg no tiene permiso de escritura en ese directorio.
-Crear esto es fácil. Copia el contenido del cuadro de texto inferior en un editor de texto y guárdalo como .htaccess
- 'installation:error:settings' => "Elgg no pudo encontrar su archivo de configuración de usuario. La mayor parte de opciones de configuración de Elgg serán manejadas por tí, pero necesitamos que proporciones los detalles de tu base de datos. Para hacer esto:
-1. Cambia el nombre de engine/settings.example.php a settings.php en tu instalación Elgg.
-2. Ábrelo con un editor de textos e introduce los detalles de tu base de datos MySQL. Si no los conoces, pregunta a tu administrador del sistema o soporte técnico para ayuda.
-De forma alternativa, puedes introducir la configuración de tu base de datos abajo y nosotros intentaremos hacerlo por tí...",
- 'installation:error:configuration' => "Una vez hayas corregido problemas de configuración, pulsa recargar para volver a intentarlo.",
- 'installation' => "Instalación",
- 'installation:success' => "La base de datos de Elgg se instaló con éxito.",
- 'installation:configuration:success' => "Tus opaciones de configuración iniciales se han guardado. Ahora registra a tu usuario inicial; este será tu primer administrador del sistema.",
- 'installation:settings' => "Configuración del sistema",
- 'installation:settings:description' => "Ahora que la base de datos de Elgg ha sido instalada con éxito, necesitas introducir un poco de información para tener tu sitio completo y funcionando. Hemos intentado adivinar y rellenar todo lo posible, pero debes revisar estos detalles.",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:prompt' => "Introduce la configuración de tu base de datos abajo y pulsa en guardar:",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:user' => "Usuario de la base de datos",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:pass' => "Contraseña de la base de datos",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:dbname' => "Base de datos de Elgg",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:host' => "Nombre del host de la base de datos (normalmente 'localhost')",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:prefix' => "Prefijo para la tabla de la base de datos (normalmente 'elgg')",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:savefail' => "No pudimos guardar el nuevo archivo settings.php. Por favor guarda el archivo siguiente como engine/settings.php utilizando un editor de textos.",
- 'sitename' => "El nombre de tu sitio (ej. \"El sitio de mi red social\"):",
- 'sitedescription' => "Breve descripción de tu sitio (opcional)",
- 'wwwroot' => "El sitio URL, seguido de una barra invertida:",
- 'path' => "La ruta completa de tu directorio raíz en tu disco, seguido de una barra invertida:",
- 'dataroot' => "La ruta completa del directorio donde se guardarán los ficheros subidos, seguida de una barra invertida:",
- 'language' => "El lenguaje por defecto para tu sitio:",
- 'debug' => "El modo Debug proporciona información extra que puede ser utilizad para realizar un diagnóstico de fallos, pero puede realentizar tu sistema así que sólo debe utilizarse si experimentas problemas:",
- 'debug:label' => "Activar el modo Debug",
- 'usage' => "Esta opción permite a Elgg mandar estadñisticas anónimas de utilización a Curverider.",
- 'usage:label' => "mandar estadísticas anónimas de uso",
- 'view' => "Introducir la vista que se utilizará por defecto para tu sitio (ej. 'móvil'), o deja este espacio en blanco para tener la que viene por defecto:",
- /**
- * Bienvenido
- */
- 'welcome' => "Bienvenido/a %s",
- 'welcome_message' => "Bienvenido a esta instalación de Elgg.",
- /**
- * Emails
- */
- 'email:settings' => "Configuración de email",
- 'email:address:label' => "Tu dirección de email",
- 'email:save:success' => "Nueva dirección email guardada, verificación solicitada.",
- 'email:save:fail' => "Tu nueva dirección email no pudo guardarse.",
- 'email:confirm:success' => "¡Has confirmado tu dirección email!",
- 'email:confirm:fail' => "Tu dirección email no pudo ser verificada...",
- 'friend:newfriend:subject' => "¡%s te ha hecho su amigo!",
- 'friend:newfriend:body' => "¡%s te ha hecho su amigo!
-Para ver su perfil, haz click aquí:
- %s
-No puedes responder a este email.",
- 'email:validate:subject' => "¡Por favor confirma tu dirección email %s!",
- 'email:validate:body' => "Hola %s,
-Por favor confirma tu dirección email haciendo click en el enlace inferior:
- 'email:validate:success:subject' => "¡Email validado %s!",
- 'email:validate:success:body' => "Hola %s,
-Enhorabuena, has validado con éxito tu dirección email.",
- 'email:resetpassword:subject' => "¡Contraseña reseteada!",
- 'email:resetpassword:body' => "Hola %s,
-Tu contraseña se ha reseteado a: %s",
- 'email:resetreq:subject' => "Solicitud para una nueva contraseña.",
- 'email:resetreq:body' => "Hola %s,
-Alguien (desde la dirección IP %s) ha solicitado una contraseña nueva para su cuenta.
-Si solicitastes esto haz click en el enlace inferior, en otro caso por favor ignora este email.
- /**
- */
- 'xmlrpc:noinputdata' => "Faltan los datos de entrada",
- /**
- * Comments
- */
- 'comments:count' => "%s comentarios",
- 'generic_comments:add' => "Agrega un comenario",
- 'generic_comments:text' => "Comentario",
- 'generic_comment:posted' => "Tu comentario fue exitósamente enviado.",
- 'generic_comment:deleted' => "Tu comentario fue exitósamente borrado.",
- 'generic_comment:blank' => "Lo sentimos; tienes que poner algo en tu comenario antes de que podamos guardarlo.",
- 'generic_comment:notfound' => "Lo sentimos; no pudimos encontrar el objeto especificado.",
- 'generic_comment:notdeleted' => "Lo sentimos; no pudimos borrar el comentario.",
- 'generic_comment:failure' => "Upps, un error inesperado ocurrió al agregar tu comentario. Por favor trata de nuevo.",
- 'generic_comment:email:subject' => '¡Tienes un nuevo comentario!',
- 'generic_comment:email:body' => "Tienes un comentario nuevo en tu elemento \"%s\" de %s. Dice:
-Para responder o ver el objeto original, haz click aquí:
- %s
-Para ver el perfil de %s, haz click aquí:
- %s
-No puedes responder a este email.",
- /**
- * Entidades
- */
- 'entity:default:strapline' => 'Creado %s por %s',
- 'entity:default:missingsupport:popup' => 'Esta entidad no puede mostrarse correctamente. Esto puede ser porque se requiera un plugin que ya no está instalado.',
- 'entity:delete:success' => 'La entidad %s se ha borrado',
- 'entity:delete:fail' => 'La entidad %s no pudo eliminarse',
- /**
- * Action gatekeeper
- */
- 'actiongatekeeper:missingfields' => 'Faltan los campos __token o __ts en el form',
- 'actiongatekeeper:tokeninvalid' => 'El token proporcionado por el form no coincide con el generado por el servidor.',
- 'actiongatekeeper:timeerror' => 'El form ha expirado, por favor actualiza y vuelve a intentar.',
- 'actiongatekeeper:pluginprevents' => 'Una extensión ha prevenido al form de ser enviado.',
- /**
- * Languages according to ISO 639-1
- */
- "aa" => "Afar",
- "ab" => "Abkhazian",
- "af" => "Afrikaans",
- "am" => "Amharic",
- "ar" => "Arabic",
- "as" => "Assamese",
- "ay" => "Aymara",
- "az" => "Azerbaijani",
- "ba" => "Bashkir",
- "be" => "Byelorussian",
- "bg" => "Bulgarian",
- "bh" => "Bihari",
- "bi" => "Bislama",
- "bn" => "Bengali; Bangla",
- "bo" => "Tibetan",
- "br" => "Breton",
- "ca" => "Catalan",
- "co" => "Corsican",
- "cs" => "Czech",
- "cy" => "Welsh",
- "da" => "Danish",
- "de" => "German",
- "dz" => "Bhutani",
- "el" => "Greek",
- "en" => "English",
- "eo" => "Esperanto",
- "es" => "Spanish",
- "et" => "Estonian",
- "eu" => "Basque",
- "fa" => "Persian",
- "fi" => "Finnish",
- "fj" => "Fiji",
- "fo" => "Faeroese",
- "fr" => "French",
- "fy" => "Frisian",
- "ga" => "Irish",
- "gd" => "Scots / Gaelic",
- "gl" => "Galician",
- "gn" => "Guarani",
- "gu" => "Gujarati",
- "he" => "Hebrew",
- "ha" => "Hausa",
- "hi" => "Hindi",
- "hr" => "Croatian",
- "hu" => "Hungarian",
- "hy" => "Armenian",
- "ia" => "Interlingua",
- "id" => "Indonesian",
- "ie" => "Interlingue",
- "ik" => "Inupiak",
- "in" => "Indonesian",
- "is" => "Icelandic",
- "it" => "Italian",
- "iu" => "Inuktitut",
- "iw" => "Hebrew (obsolete)",
- "ja" => "Japanese",
- "ji" => "Yiddish (obsolete)",
- "jw" => "Javanese",
- "ka" => "Georgian",
- "kk" => "Kazakh",
- "kl" => "Greenlandic",
- "km" => "Cambodian",
- "kn" => "Kannada",
- "ko" => "Korean",
- "ks" => "Kashmiri",
- "ku" => "Kurdish",
- "ky" => "Kirghiz",
- "la" => "Latin",
- "ln" => "Lingala",
- "lo" => "Laothian",
- "lt" => "Lithuanian",
- "lv" => "Latvian/Lettish",
- "mg" => "Malagasy",
- "mi" => "Maori",
- "mk" => "Macedonian",
- "ml" => "Malayalam",
- "mn" => "Mongolian",
- "mo" => "Moldavian",
- "mr" => "Marathi",
- "ms" => "Malay",
- "mt" => "Maltese",
- "my" => "Burmese",
- "na" => "Nauru",
- "ne" => "Nepali",
- "nl" => "Dutch",
- "no" => "Norwegian",
- "oc" => "Occitan",
- "om" => "(Afan) Oromo",
- "or" => "Oriya",
- "pa" => "Punjabi",
- "pl" => "Polish",
- "ps" => "Pashto / Pushto",
- "pt" => "Portuguese",
- "qu" => "Quechua",
- "rm" => "Rhaeto-Romance",
- "rn" => "Kirundi",
- "ro" => "Romanian",
- "ru" => "Russian",
- "rw" => "Kinyarwanda",
- "sa" => "Sanskrit",
- "sd" => "Sindhi",
- "sg" => "Sangro",
- "sh" => "Serbo-Croatian",
- "si" => "Singhalese",
- "sk" => "Slovak",
- "sl" => "Slovenian",
- "sm" => "Samoan",
- "sn" => "Shona",
- "so" => "Somali",
- "sq" => "Albanian",
- "sr" => "Serbian",
- "ss" => "Siswati",
- "st" => "Sesotho",
- "su" => "Sundanese",
- "sv" => "Swedish",
- "sw" => "Swahili",
- "ta" => "Tamil",
- "te" => "Tegulu",
- "tg" => "Tajik",
- "th" => "Thai",
- "ti" => "Tigrinya",
- "tk" => "Turkmen",
- "tl" => "Tagalog",
- "tn" => "Setswana",
- "to" => "Tonga",
- "tr" => "Turkish",
- "ts" => "Tsonga",
- "tt" => "Tatar",
- "tw" => "Twi",
- "ug" => "Uigur",
- "uk" => "Ukrainian",
- "ur" => "Urdu",
- "uz" => "Uzbek",
- "vi" => "Vietnamese",
- "vo" => "Volapuk",
- "wo" => "Wolof",
- "xh" => "Xhosa",
- "y" => "Yiddish",
- "yo" => "Yoruba",
- "za" => "Zuang",
- "zh" => "Chinese",
- "zu" => "Zulu",
- );
- add_translation("es",$spanish);
diff --git a/languages/fr.php b/languages/fr.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e0671b484..000000000
--- a/languages/fr.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,911 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * translation by RONNEL Jérémy
- * jeremy.ronnel@elbee.fr
- *
- * Modified by Laurent Grangeau
- * laurent.grangeau@gmail.com
- */
- $french = array(
- /**
- * Sites
- */
- 'item:site' => "Sites",
- /**
- * Sessions
- */
- 'login' => "Connexion",
- 'loginok' => "Vous êtes désormais connecté.",
- 'loginerror' => "Nous n'avons pas pu vous connecter. Vérifiez votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe avant de réessayer.",
- 'logout' => "Déconnexion",
- 'logoutok' => "Vous avez été déconnecté.",
- 'logouterror' => "Nous n'avons pas pu vous connecter. Essayez de nouveau.",
- /**
- * Errors
- */
- 'exception:title' => "Bienvenue sur Elgg.",
- 'InstallationException:CantCreateSite' => "Impossibilité de créer le site Elgg %s à l'adresse %s",
- 'actionundefined' => "L'action demandée (%s) n'est pas définie par le système.",
- 'actionloggedout' => "Désolé, vous devez être connecté pour exécuter cette action.",
- 'notfound' => "La ressource demandée n'a pas été trouvée, ou peut être vous n'avez pas les autorisations nécessaire pour y accéder.",
- 'SecurityException:Codeblock' => "Accès non autorisé pour la création de block.",
- 'DatabaseException:WrongCredentials' => "Elgg n'a pas pu se connecter à la base de données %s@%s (pw: %s).",
- 'DatabaseException:NoConnect' => "Elgg n'a pas pu se sélectionner '%s', vérifiez qu'elle soit créée et que vous y avez accès.",
- 'SecurityException:FunctionDenied' => "Accès non autorisé à la fonction '%s'.",
- 'DatabaseException:DBSetupIssues' => "Le système a retourné ces problèmes: ",
- 'DatabaseException:ScriptNotFound' => "Elgg n'a pas pu atteindre le script de données à %s.",
- 'IOException:FailedToLoadGUID' => "Chargement échoué de %s avec le GUID:%d",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggObject' => "Types incompatibles, objet de type non-Elgg vers un constructeur d'objet Elgg !",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedValue' => "Valeur de type non reconnu passée en argument.",
- 'InvalidClassException:NotValidElggStar' => "GUID:%d n'est pas valide %s",
- 'PluginException:MisconfiguredPlugin' => "%s est un plugin non configuré.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggUser' => "Types incompatibles, utilisateur de type non-Elgg vers un constructeur d'utilisateur Elgg !",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggSite' => "Types incompatibles, site de type non-Elgg vers un constructeur de site Elgg !",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggGroup' => "Types incompatibles, groupe de type non-Elgg vers un constructeur de groupe Elgg !",
- 'IOException:UnableToSaveNew' => "Impossible de sauvegarder nouveau %s",
- 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotForExport' => "GUID non spécifié durant l'export, ceci ne devrait pas se produire.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonArrayReturnValue' => "La fonction de sérialisation de l'entité a retourné une valeur dont le type n'est pas un tableau.",
- 'ConfigurationException:NoCachePath' => "Le chemin du cache est vide!",
- 'IOException:NotDirectory' => "%s n'est pas un répertoire.",
- 'IOException:BaseEntitySaveFailed' => "Impossibilité de sauver les informations de bases du nouvel objet!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedODDClass' => "import() a passé un argument qui n'est pas du type ODD class",
- 'InvalidParameterException:EntityTypeNotSet' => "Le type d'entité doit être renseigné.",
- 'ClassException:ClassnameNotClass' => "%s n'est pas %s.",
- 'ClassNotFoundException:MissingClass' => "La classe '%s' n'a pas été trouvée, le plugin serait-il manquant?",
- 'InstallationException:TypeNotSupported' => "Le type %s n'est pas supporté. Il y a une erreur dans votre installation, le plus souvent causé par une mise à jour non-complète.",
- 'ImportException:ImportFailed' => "Impossible d'importer l'élément %d",
- 'ImportException:ProblemSaving' => "Une erreur est survenue en sauvant %s",
- 'ImportException:NoGUID' => "La nouvelle entité a été créée mais n'a pas de GUID, ceci ne devrait pas se produire.",
- 'ImportException:GUIDNotFound' => "L'entité '%d' n'a pas été trouvée.",
- 'ImportException:ProblemUpdatingMeta' => "Il y a eu un problème lors de la mise à jour de '%s' pour l'entité '%d'",
- 'ExportException:NoSuchEntity' => "Aucune entité avec le GUID:%d",
- 'ImportException:NoODDElements' => "Aucun élément OpenDD n'a été trouvé dans les données importées, l'importation a échoué.",
- 'ImportException:NotAllImported' => "Tous les éléments n'ont pas été importé.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedFileMode' => "Mode de fichier non-reconnu : '%s'",
- 'InvalidParameterException:MissingOwner' => "Tous les fichiers doivent avoir un propriétaire",
- 'IOException:CouldNotMake' => "Impossible de faire %s",
- 'IOException:MissingFileName' => "Vous devez spécifier un nom avant d'ouvrir un fichier.",
- 'ClassNotFoundException:NotFoundNotSavedWithFile' => "Fichier stockés non trouvé ou classes non sauvegardée avec le fichier!",
- 'NotificationException:NoNotificationMethod' => "Aucune méthode de notification spécifiée.",
- 'NotificationException:NoHandlerFound' => "Aucune fonction trouvée pour '%s' ou elle ne peut être appelé.",
- 'NotificationException:ErrorNotifyingGuid' => "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la notification %d",
- 'NotificationException:NoEmailAddress' => "Impossible de trouver une adresse email pour GUID:%d",
- 'NotificationException:MissingParameter' => "Un argument obligatoire a été omis, '%s'",
- 'DatabaseException:WhereSetNonQuery' => "La requête where ne contient pas de WhereQueryComponent",
- 'DatabaseException:SelectFieldsMissing' => "Des champs sont manquants sur la requête de sélection.",
- 'DatabaseException:UnspecifiedQueryType' => "Type de requête non-reconnue ou non-spécifiée.",
- 'DatabaseException:NoTablesSpecified' => "Aucune table spécifiée pour la requête.",
- 'DatabaseException:NoACL' => "Pas de liste d'accès fourni pour la requête",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NoEntityFound' => "Aucune entité trouvée, soit elle est inexistante, soit vous n'y avez pas accès.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotFound' => "GUID : %s n'a pas été trouvé ou vous n'y avez pas accès.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:IdNotExistForGUID' => "Désolé, '%s' n'existe pas pour guid : %d",
- 'InvalidParameterException:CanNotExportType' => "Désolé, je ne sais pas comment exporter '%s'",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NoDataFound' => "Aucune donnée trouvée.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelong' => "N'appartient pas à l'entité.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelongOrRefer' => "N'appartient pas ou aucune référence à l'entité.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:MissingParameter' => "Argument manquant, il faut fournir un GUID.",
- 'SecurityException:APIAccessDenied' => "Désolé, l'accès API a été désactivé par l'administrateur.",
- 'SecurityException:NoAuthMethods' => "Aucune méthode d'authentification n'a été trouvé pour cette requête API.",
- 'APIException:ApiResultUnknown' => "Les résultats de API sont de types inconnus, ceci ne devrait pas se produire.",
- 'ConfigurationException:NoSiteID' => "L'identifiant du site n'a pas été spécifiée.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedMethod' => "Appel à la méthode '%s' non-reconnu",
- 'APIException:MissingParameterInMethod' => "Argument %s manquant pour la méthode %s",
- 'APIException:ParameterNotArray' => "%s n'est semble t-il pas un tableau.",
- 'APIException:UnrecognisedTypeCast' => "Type %s non reconnu pour la variable '%s' pour la fonction '%s'",
- 'APIException:InvalidParameter' => "Paramètre invalide pour '%s' pour la fonction '%s'.",
- 'APIException:FunctionParseError' => "%s(%s) a une erreur d'analyse.",
- 'APIException:FunctionNoReturn' => "%s(%s) ne retourne aucune valeur.",
- 'SecurityException:AuthTokenExpired' => "Le jeton d'authentification est manquant, invalide ou expiré.",
- 'CallException:InvalidCallMethod' => "%s doit être appelé en utilisant '%s'",
- 'APIException:MethodCallNotImplemented' => "L'appel à la méthode '%s' n'a pas été implémenté.",
- 'APIException:AlgorithmNotSupported' => "L'algorithme '%s' n'est pas supporté ou a été désactivé.",
- 'ConfigurationException:CacheDirNotSet' => "Le répertoire de cache 'cache_path' n'a pas été renseigné.",
- 'APIException:NotGetOrPost' => "La méthode de requête doit être GET ou POST",
- 'APIException:MissingAPIKey' => "X-Elgg-apikey manquant dans l'entête HTTP",
- 'APIException:MissingHmac' => "X-Elgg-hmac manquant dans l'entête",
- 'APIException:MissingHmacAlgo' => "X-Elgg-hmac-algo manquant dans l'entête",
- 'APIException:MissingTime' => "X-Elgg-time manquant dans l'entête",
- 'APIException:TemporalDrift' => "X-Elgg-time est trop éloigné dans le temps. Epoch a échoué.",
- 'APIException:NoQueryString' => "Aucune valeur dans la requête",
- 'APIException:MissingPOSTHash' => "X-Elgg-posthash manquant dans l'entête",
- 'APIException:MissingPOSTAlgo' => "X-Elgg-posthash_algo manquant dans l'entête",
- 'APIException:MissingContentType' => "Le content-type est manquant pour les données postées",
- 'SecurityException:InvalidPostHash' => "La signature des données POST est invalide.%s attendu mais %s reçu.",
- 'SecurityException:DupePacket' => "La signature du paquet a déjà été envoyée.",
- 'SecurityException:InvalidAPIKey' => "API Key invalide ou non-reconnue.",
- 'NotImplementedException:CallMethodNotImplemented' => "La méthode '%s' n'est pas supportée actuellement.",
- 'NotImplementedException:XMLRPCMethodNotImplemented' => "L'appel à la méthode XML-RPC '%s' n'a pas été implémentée.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedReturnFormat' => "L'appel à la méthode '%s' a retourné un résultat inattendu.",
- 'CallException:NotRPCCall' => "L'appel ne semble pas être un appel XML-RPC valide",
- 'PluginException:NoPluginName' => "Le nom du plugin n'a pas pu être trouvé",
- 'ConfigurationException:BadDatabaseVersion' => "La version de la base de données ne correspondant pas au minimum requis par Elgg. Veuillez vous référer à la documentation de Elgg.",
- 'ConfigurationException:BadPHPVersion' => "Elgg requiert au minimum PHP 5.2.",
- 'InstallationException:DatarootNotWritable' => "Le répertoire des données %s n'est pas accessible en écriture.",
- 'InstallationException:DatarootUnderPath' => "Le répertoire des données %s doit être en dehors de votre dossier d'installation de Elgg.",
- 'InstallationException:DatarootBlank' => "Vous n'avez pas spécifié de dossier pour le stockage des fichiers.",
- /**
- * User details
- */
- 'name' => "Nom à afficher",
- 'email' => "Adresse mail",
- 'username' => "Nom d'utilisateur",
- 'password' => "Mot de passe",
- 'passwordagain' => "Confirmation du mot de passe",
- 'admin_option' => "Définir cet utilisateur comme administrateur ?",
- /**
- * Access
- */
- 'ACCESS_PRIVATE' => "Privé",
- 'ACCESS_LOGGED_IN' => "Utilisateurs connectés seulement",
- 'ACCESS_PUBLIC' => "Publique",
- 'PRIVATE' => "Privé",
- 'LOGGED_IN' => "Utilisateurs connectés",
- 'PUBLIC' => "Publique",
- 'access' => "Accès",
- /**
- * Dashboard and widgets
- */
- 'dashboard' => "Tableau de bord",
- 'dashboard:nowidgets' => "Votre tableau de bord est votre page d'accueil sur le site. Cliquez sur 'Configurer la page' pour ajouter des widgets pour garder un oeil sur le contenu ou votre activité sur le site.",
- 'widgets:add' => "Ajouter un widget à votre page",
- 'widgets:add:description' => "Choisissez les fonctionnalités à faire apparaître en glissant un élément de <b>la liste de Widgets</b> sur la droite, vers l'une des trois zones ci-dessous. Positionnez-les selon vos désirs.
-Pour retirer un widget, glissez le vers <b>la liste de Widgets</b>.",
- 'widgets:position:fixed' => "(Position modifiée sur la page)",
- 'widgets' => "Widgets",
- 'widget' => "Widget",
- 'item:object:widget' => "Widgets",
- 'layout:customise' => "Personnaliser la mise en page",
- 'widgets:gallery' => "Liste des widgets",
- 'widgets:leftcolumn' => "Côté gauche",
- 'widgets:fixed' => "Position modifiée",
- 'widgets:middlecolumn' => "Milieu",
- 'widgets:rightcolumn' => "Côté droit",
- 'widgets:profilebox' => "Boite de profil",
- 'widgets:panel:save:success' => "Vos widgets ont été sauvegardés avec succès.",
- 'widgets:panel:save:failure' => "Un problème est survenu lors de l'enregistrement de vos widgets. Veuillez recommencer.",
- 'widgets:save:success' => "Le widget a été sauvegarder avec succès.",
- 'widgets:save:failure' => "Un problème est survenu lors de l'enregistrement de votre widget. Veuillez recommencer.",
- /**
- * Groups
- */
- 'group' => "Groupe",
- 'item:group' => "Groupes",
- /**
- * Profile
- */
- 'profile' => "Profil",
- 'user' => "Utilisateur",
- 'item:user' => "Utilisateurs",
- /**
- * Profile menu items and titles
- */
- 'profile:yours' => "Votre profil",
- 'profile:user' => "Le profil de %s",
- 'profile:edit' => "Edit profile",
- 'profile:editicon' => "Uploader une nouvelle image de profil",
- 'profile:profilepictureinstructions' => "Un avatar est une image qui sera associée à votre profil. <br /> Vous pouvez la changer autant de fois que vous le souhaitez. (Formats de fichiers acceptés: GIF, JPG ou PNG)",
- 'profile:icon' => "Avatar",
- 'profile:createicon' => "Créer votre avatar",
- 'profile:currentavatar' => "Avatar actuel",
- 'profile:createicon:header' => "Avatar",
- 'profile:profilepicturecroppingtool' => "Outil de retaillage de l'avatar",
- 'profile:createicon:instructions' => "Cliquez, maintenez le clic et glissez pour créer, à l'endroit désiré, à la taille désirée, une miniature de votre avatar. Un aperçu sera disponible sur la droite de l'image. Une fois la sélection réalisée, cliquez sur 'Créer la miniature' pour sauver les modifications. Cette miniature sera visualisable par les autres utilisateurs lors de leur navigation sur le site.",
- 'profile:editdetails' => "Editer mon profil",
- 'profile:editicon' => "Editer mon avatar",
- 'profile:aboutme' => "A propos de moi",
- 'profile:description' => "A propos de moi",
- 'profile:briefdescription' => "Brève description",
- 'profile:location' => "Localisation géographique",
- 'profile:skills' => "Expériences",
- 'profile:interests' => "Centres d'intérêt",
- 'profile:contactemail' => "Adresse email de contact",
- 'profile:phone' => "Téléphone",
- 'profile:mobile' => "Téléphone mobile",
- 'profile:website' => "Site internet",
- 'profile:river:update' => "%s a mis à jour son profil",
- 'profile:river:iconupdate' => "%s a mis à jour son avatar",
- /**
- * Profile status messages
- */
- 'profile:saved' => "Votre profil a été sauvegardé.",
- 'profile:icon:uploaded' => "Votre avatar a été sauvegardé.",
- /**
- * Profile error messages
- */
- 'profile:noaccess' => "Vous n'avez pas la permission de mettre à jour ce profil.",
- 'profile:notfound' => "Désolé, le profil recherché n'a pas été trouvé.",
- 'profile:cantedit' => "Désolé, vous ne pouvez pas éditer ce profil.",
- 'profile:icon:notfound' => "Désolé, une erreur est survenue pendant le chargement de votre avatar.",
- /**
- * Friends
- */
- 'friends' => "Amis",
- 'friends:yours' => "Vos amis",
- 'friends:owned' => "Les amis de %s",
- 'friend:add' => "Ajouter en tant qu'ami(e)",
- 'friend:remove' => "Supprimer cet(te) ami(e)",
- 'friends:add:successful' => "%s fait désormais parti(e) de votre liste d'amis.",
- 'friends:add:failure' => "%s n'a pas pu être ajouté(e) à votre liste d'amis. Veuillez réessayer.",
- 'friends:remove:successful' => "%s ne fait plus parti(e) de votre liste d'amis.",
- 'friends:remove:failure' => "%s n'a pas pu être retiré(e) de votre liste d'amis. Veuillez réessayer.",
- 'friends:none' => "Cet utilisateur n'a pas encore d'ami.",
- 'friends:none:you' => "Votre liste d'amis est vide! Trouvez des gens sur le site avec les mêmes centres d'intérêts.",
- 'friends:none:found' => "Aucun ami trouvé.",
- 'friends:of:none' => "Personne n'a ajouté cet personne sur sa liste d'amis.",
- 'friends:of:none:you' => "Personne ne vous a ajouté sur sa liste d'amis. Rendez-vous visible sur la communauté; ajoutez du contenu, mettez votre profil à jour...",
- 'friends:of' => "Liste d'amis",
- 'friends:of:owned' => "Les amis de %s",
- 'friends:num_display' => "Nombre d'amis à afficher",
- 'friends:icon_size' => "Taille d'icône",
- 'friends:tiny' => "toute petite",
- 'friends:small' => "petite",
- 'friends' => "Amis",
- 'friends:of' => "Liste d'amis",
- 'friends:collections' => "Regroupements d'amis",
- 'friends:collections:add' => "Nouveau regroupement d'amis",
- 'friends:addfriends' => "Ajouter des amis",
- 'friends:collectionname' => "Nom du groupe d'amis",
- 'friends:collectionfriends' => "Amis de ce regroupement",
- 'friends:collectionedit' => "Editer ce regroupement",
- 'friends:nocollections' => "Vous n'avez pas encore de regroupement d'amis.",
- 'friends:collectiondeleted' => "Le regroupement a été supprimé.",
- 'friends:collectiondeletefailed' => "Impossible de supprimer le regroupement. Vous n'avez peut être pas les droits nécessaires, sinon il s'agit d'un autre problème.",
- 'friends:collectionadded' => "Le groupe d'amis a été créé avec succès",
- 'friends:nocollectionname' => "Le nom du groupe d'amis est obligatoire.",
- 'friends:river:created' => "%s a ajouté le widget amis.",
- 'friends:river:updated' => "%s a mis à jour son widget amis.",
- 'friends:river:delete' => "%s a supprimé son widget amis.",
- 'friends:river:add' => "%s a ajouté un ami.",
- /**
- * Feeds
- */
- 'feed:rss' => "Souscrire au flux RSS",
- 'feed:odd' => "Souscrire au flux OpenDD",
- /**
- * River
- */
- 'river' => "River",
- 'river:relationship:friend' => "est désormais ami avec",
- /**
- * Plugins
- */
- 'plugins:settings:save:ok' => "La configuration du plugin %s a été sauvegardée.",
- 'plugins:settings:save:fail' => "Une erreur est survenue lors de la mise à jour du plugin %s.",
- 'plugins:usersettings:save:ok' => "La configuration de l'utilisateur pour le plugin %s a été sauvegardée.",
- 'plugins:usersettings:save:fail' => "Une erreur est survenue lors de la mise à jour de la configuration utilisateur pour le plugin %s.",
- /**
- * Notifications
- */
- 'notifications:usersettings' => "Configuration des alertes",
- 'notifications:methods' => "Veuillez définir les méthodes à permettre.",
- 'notifications:usersettings:save:ok' => "Votre configuration des alertes a été sauvegardée avec succès.",
- 'notifications:usersettings:save:fail' => "Une erreur est survenue lors de la mise à jour de votre configuration des alertes.",
- /**
- * Search
- */
- 'search' => "Rechercher",
- 'searchtitle' => "Rechercher : %s",
- 'advancedsearchtitle' => "%s résultat(s) trouvé(s) pour %s",
- 'notfound' => "Aucun résultat.",
- 'next' => "Suivant",
- 'previous' => "Précédent",
- 'viewtype:change' => "Changer le type de liste",
- 'viewtype:list' => "Lister les vues",
- 'viewtype:gallery' => "Galerie",
- 'tag:search:startblurb' => "Eléments avec un tag correspondant à '%s':",
- 'user:search:startblurb' => "Utilisateurs associés '%s':",
- 'user:search:finishblurb' => "Plus de résultats...",
- /**
- * Account
- */
- 'account' => "Compte",
- 'settings' => "Configuration",
- 'tools' => "Outils",
- 'tools:yours' => "Vos outils",
- 'register' => "Inscription",
- 'registerok' => "L'inscription de %s a bien été prise en compte. Pour activer votre compte, veuillez cliquer sur le lien se trouvant dans le mail que nous venons de vous envoyer.",
- 'registerbad' => "Une erreur est survenue durant l'inscription. Le nom d'utilisateur existe déjà peut-être, vos mots de passe ne coïncident pas, ou peut être que votre nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe sont trop court.",
- 'registerdisabled' => "Les inscriptions ont été suspendues par l'administrateur.",
- 'registration:notemail' => "L'adresse email fournie n'est pas valide.",
- 'registration:userexists' => "Ce nom d'utilisateur existe déjà.",
- 'registration:usernametooshort' => "Le nom d'utilisateur doit comporter au minimum 4 lettres.",
- 'registration:passwordtooshort' => "Le mot de passe doit comporter au minimum 6 lettres.",
- 'registration:dupeemail' => "Cette adresse mail est déjà enregistrée.",
- 'registration:invalidchars' => "Votre adresse mail contient des caractères invalides.",
- 'registration:emailnotvalid' => "L'adresse email est invalide.",
- 'registration:passwordnotvalid' => "Le mot de passe renseigné est invalide",
- 'registration:usernamenotvalid' => "Le nom d'utilisateur renseigné est invalide",
- 'adduser' => "Ajouter un utilisateur",
- 'adduser:ok' => "Le nouvel utilisateur a été créé.",
- 'adduser:bad' => "Le nouvel utilisateur n'a pas pu être créé.",
- 'user:set:name' => "Nom du compte utilisateur",
- 'user:name:label' => "Votre nom",
- 'user:name:success' => "Votre nom a été sauvegardé.",
- 'user:name:fail' => "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la sauvegarde du nom.",
- 'user:set:password' => "Mot de passe du compte utilisateur",
- 'user:password:label' => "Votre nouveau mot de passe",
- 'user:password2:label' => "Confirmer le nouveau mot de passe",
- 'user:password:success' => "Le mot de passe a été sauvegarder.",
- 'user:password:fail' => "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la sauvegarde du mot de passe.",
- 'user:password:fail:notsame' => "Les mots de passe diffèrent !",
- 'user:password:fail:tooshort' => "Le mot de passe est trop court !",
- 'user:set:language' => "Langue du compte utilisateur",
- 'user:language:label' => "Votre langue",
- 'user:language:success' => "La langue du compte a été sauvegardée.",
- 'user:language:fail' => "Une erreur est survenue lors de la sauvegarde de la langue du compte.",
- 'user:username:notfound' => "Le nom d'utilisateur %s n'a pas été trouvé.",
- 'user:password:lost' => "Mot de passe perdu",
- 'user:password:resetreq:success' => "Votre nouveau mot de passe vous a été envoyé.",
- 'user:password:resetreq:fail' => "Erreur lors de l'envoie d'un nouveau de passe.",
- 'user:password:text' => "Pour obtenir un nouveau mot de passe, entrez votre nom d'utilisateur ci-dessous. Vous recevrez un lien de vérification pour l'obtention d'un nouveau mot de passe, celui-ci vous sera alors envoyé par email.",
- /**
- * Administration
- */
- 'admin:configuration:success' => "La configuration a été sauvegardée.",
- 'admin:configuration:fail' => "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la sauvegarde de la configuration.",
- 'admin' => "Administration",
- 'admin:description' => "Le panneau d'administration vous permet de controler les fonctionnalités et l'aspect du site, Choisissez une option ci-dessous pour continuer.",
- 'admin:user' => "Gestion des utilisateurs",
- 'admin:user:description' => "Ce panneau de configuration vous permet de gérer les inscriptions à votre site. Choisissez une option ci-dessous pour continuer.",
- 'admin:user:adduser:label' => "Ajouter un nouvel utilisateur.",
- 'admin:user:opt:linktext' => "Configurer les utilisateurs.",
- 'admin:user:opt:description' => "Configurer les utilisateurs et leurs informations.",
- 'admin:site' => "Gestion du site",
- 'admin:site:description' => "Ce panneau de configuration vous permet de gérer les paramètres globaux du site. Choisissez une option pour continuer.",
- 'admin:site:opt:linktext' => "Configurer le site.",
- 'admin:site:opt:description' => "Configurer les paramètres techniques et non-techniques du site.",
- 'admin:plugins' => "Gestion des outils",
- 'admin:plugins:description' => "Ce panneau de configuration vous permet de gérer et de configurer les outils disponibles sur votre site. Choisissez une option pour continuer.",
- 'admin:plugins:opt:linktext' => "Configurer l'outil",
- 'admin:plugins:opt:description' => "Configurer les outils installés sur le site.",
- 'admin:plugins:label:author' => "Auteur",
- 'admin:plugins:label:copyright' => "Copyright",
- 'admin:plugins:label:licence' => "License",
- 'admin:plugins:label:website' => "URL",
- 'admin:plugins:disable:yes' => "Le plugin %s a été désactivé avec succès.",
- 'admin:plugins:disable:no' => "Le plugin %s ne peut pas être désactivé.",
- 'admin:plugins:enable:yes' => "Le plugin %s a été activé avec succès.",
- 'admin:plugins:enable:no' => "Le plugin %s ne peut pas être activé.",
- 'admin:statistics' => "Statistiques",
- 'admin:statistics:description' => "Visualiser les statistiques d'accès à votre site. Pour plus d'informations un outil plus complet est disponible.",
- 'admin:statistics:opt:description' => "Visualiser les statistiques relatives aux utilisateurs et objets du site.",
- 'admin:statistics:opt:linktext' => "Voir les statistiques...",
- 'admin:statistics:label:basic' => "Statistiques basiques du site",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numentities' => "Les entités du site",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numusers' => "Nombre d'utilisateurs",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numonline' => "Nombre d'utilisateurs en ligne",
- 'admin:statistics:label:onlineusers' => "Utilisateur en ligne actuellement",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version' => "Version de Elgg",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version:release' => "Release",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version:version' => "Version",
- 'admin:user:label:search' => "Trouver un utilisateur :",
- 'admin:user:label:seachbutton' => "Rechercher",
- 'admin:user:ban:no' => "L'utilisateur ne peut pas être banni",
- 'admin:user:ban:yes' => "Utilisateur banni !",
- 'admin:user:unban:no' => "L'utilisateur ne peut pas être réintégré au site",
- 'admin:user:unban:yes' => "Utilisateur réintégré",
- 'admin:user:delete:no' => "L'utilisateur ne peut pas être supprimé",
- 'admin:user:delete:yes' => "Utilisateur supprimé",
- 'admin:user:resetpassword:yes' => "Le mot de passe a été réinitialisé.",
- 'admin:user:resetpassword:no' => "Le mot de passe ne peut pas être réinitialisé.",
- 'admin:user:makeadmin:yes' => "L'utilisateur est désormais administrateur.",
- 'admin:user:makeadmin:no' => "L'utilisateur ne peut pas devenir administrateur.",
- /**
- * User settings
- */
- 'usersettings:description' => "Le panneau d'administration de compte vous permettra de modifier vos informations, ainsi que le fonctionnement de vos outils. Choisissez une options pour continuer.",
- 'usersettings:statistics' => "Vos statistiques",
- 'usersettings:statistics:opt:description' => "Visualiser les statistiques des utilisateurs et des objets sur votre espace.",
- 'usersettings:statistics:opt:linktext' => "Statistiques de votre compte.",
- 'usersettings:user' => "Vos paramètres",
- 'usersettings:user:opt:description' => "Editez vos informations.",
- 'usersettings:user:opt:linktext' => "Editer vos informations personnelles",
- 'usersettings:plugins' => "Outils",
- 'usersettings:plugins:opt:description' => "Configurez vos outils.",
- 'usersettings:plugins:opt:linktext' => "Configurez vos outils...",
- 'usersettings:plugins:description' => "Ce panneau de configuration vous permez de mettre à jour les options de vos outils installés par l'administrateur.",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:numentities' => "Vos entités",
- 'usersettings:statistics:yourdetails' => "Vos informations",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:name' => "Votre nom",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:email' => "Email",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:membersince' => "Membre depuis",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:lastlogin' => "Dernière connexion",
- /**
- * Generic action words
- */
- 'save' => "Enregistrer",
- 'cancel' => "Annuler",
- 'saving' => "Sauvegarde en cours...",
- 'update' => "Mettre à jour",
- 'edit' => "Editer",
- 'delete' => "Supprimer",
- 'load' => "Charger",
- 'upload' => "Charger",
- 'ban' => "Bannir",
- 'unban' => "Réintégrer",
- 'enable' => "Activer",
- 'disable' => "Désactiver",
- 'request' => "Requête",
- 'complete' => "Compléter",
- 'invite' => "Inviter",
- 'resetpassword' => "Réinitialiser le mot de passe",
- 'makeadmin' => "Faire devenir administrateur",
- 'option:yes' => "Oui",
- 'option:no' => "Non",
- 'unknown' => "Inconnu",
- 'learnmore' => "Cliquer pour connaître d'avantage.",
- 'content' => "contenu",
- 'content:latest' => "Dernières activités",
- 'content:latest:blurb' => "Cliquez ici pour voir les dernières activités sur le site.",
- /**
- * Generic data words
- */
- 'title' => "Titre",
- 'description' => "Description",
- 'tags' => "Tags",
- 'spotlight' => "Projecteur sur",
- 'all' => "Tous",
- 'by' => "par",
- 'annotations' => "Annotations",
- 'relationships' => "Relations",
- 'metadata' => "Métadonnées",
- /**
- * Input / output strings
- */
- 'deleteconfirm' => "Etes vous sur de vouloir supprimer cet élément?",
- 'fileexists' => "Un fichier a déjà été uploadé. Pour le remplacer, sélectionnez-le ci-dessous:",
- /**
- * Import / export
- */
- 'importsuccess' => "L'import des données a été réalisée avec succès",
- 'importfail' => "L'import OpenDD des données a échouée.",
- /**
- * Time
- */
- 'friendlytime:justnow' => "à l'instant",
- 'friendlytime:minutes' => "il y a %s minutes",
- 'friendlytime:minutes:singular' => "il y a une minute",
- 'friendlytime:hours' => "il y a %s heures",
- 'friendlytime:hours:singular' => "il y a une heure",
- 'friendlytime:days' => "il y a %s jours",
- 'friendlytime:days:singular' => "hier",
- /**
- * Installation and system settings
- */
- 'installation:error:htaccess' => "Elgg requiert un fichier .htaccess à la racine de n'installation. L'écriture automatique du fichier par l'installeur a échoué.
-La création de ce fichier est facile. Copiez-collez le texte ci-dessous dans un fichier texte que vous nommerez .htaccess
- 'installation:error:settings' => "Elgg requiert un fichier de configuration. Pour continuer :
-1. Renommez 'engine/settings.example.php' en 'settings.php' dans le répertoire d'installation de Elgg.
-2. Editer le fichier avec le bloc-notes et entrez les informations relatives à votre base de données MySQL. Si vous ne les connaissez pas contacter votre administrateur ou le support technique.
-Elgg peut créer ce fichier pour vous, entrez les informations ci-dessous...",
- 'installation:error:configuration' => "Une fois les corrections de configuration apportées, pressez 'Réessayer'.",
- 'installation' => "Installation",
- 'installation:success' => "La base de données a été créée avec succès.",
- 'installation:configuration:success' => "Votre configuration initiale a été sauvegardée. Désormais enregistrer un premier utilisateur; il sera administrateur du système.",
- 'installation:settings' => "Configuration du système",
- 'installation:settings:description' => "Désormais la base de données de Elgg est installée, entrez quelques informations supplémentaires relatives à votre site. Certaines de ces informations sont automatiquement renseignées, <b>veuillez vérifier ces détails.</b>",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:prompt' => "Entrez la configuration de votre base de données ci-dessous:",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:user' => "Utilisateur",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:pass' => "Mot de passe",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:dbname' => "Nom de la base",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:host' => "Serveur hôte (le plus souvent 'localhost')",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:prefix' => "Préfixe des tables de données (le plus souvent 'elgg')",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:savefail' => "La création du fichier 'settings.php' a échoué. Copiez-collez le texte ci-dessous dans un fichier texte 'engine/settings.php'.",
- 'installation:sitename' => "Nom du site (par exemple \"Ma communauté\"):",
- 'installation:sitedescription' => "Brève description du site (optionnel)",
- 'installation:wwwroot' => "Adresse du site internet suivi de '\' :",
- 'installation:path' => "Chemin physique des fichiers sur le serveur suivi de '\' :",
- 'installation:dataroot' => "Chemin complet où héberger les fichiers uploadés par les utilisateurs suivi de '\' :",
- 'installation:dataroot:warning' => "Vous devez créer ce dossier manuellement. Il doit se trouver en dehors de votre installation de Elgg.",
- 'installation:language' => "Langue par défaut du site :",
- 'installation:debug' => "Le mode de débogage permet de mettre en évidence certaines erreurs de fonctionnement, cependant il ralenti l'accès au site, il est à utiliser uniquement en cas de problème :",
- 'installation:debug:label' => "Activer le mode debug",
- 'installation:usage' => "Cette option permet l'envoie de statistiques anonyme vers Curverider.",
- 'installation:usage:label' => "Envoyer des statistiques anonymement",
- 'installation:view' => "Entrer le nom de la vue qui sera utilisée automatiquement pour l'affichage du site (par exemple : 'mobile'), laissez \"default\" en cas de doute :",
- /**
- * Welcome
- */
- 'welcome' => "Bienvenue %s",
- 'welcome_message' => "Bienvenue dans l'installation de Elgg.",
- /**
- * Emails
- */
- 'email:settings' => "Paramètre email",
- 'email:address:label' => "Adresse email",
- 'email:save:success' => "Nouvelle adresse sauvegardée, un email de validation vous a été envoyé.",
- 'email:save:fail' => "Une erreur est survenue lors de la sauvegarde de votre adresse email, veuillez recommencer.",
- 'email:confirm:success' => "Adresse email confirmée !",
- 'email:confirm:fail' => "Votre email n'a pas pu été vérifié...",
- 'friend:newfriend:subject' => "%s est devenu(e) votre ami(e) !",
- 'friend:newfriend:body' => "%s est devenu(e) votre ami(e) !
-Pour voir son profil cliquez ici:
- %s
-Ne répondez pas à ce mail.",
- 'email:validate:subject' => "%s, veuillez confirmer votre adresse email !",
- 'email:validate:body' => "Salut %s,
-Veuillez s'il vous plait confirmer votre adresse email en suivant le lien suivant:
- 'email:validate:success:subject' => "Email validé %s !",
- 'email:validate:success:body' => "Salut %s,
-Féliciations, votre adresse email a été validée, vous pouvez désormais vous connecter sur notre site.
- 'email:resetpassword:subject' => "Mot de passe réinitialisé !",
- 'email:resetpassword:body' => "Salut %s,
-Voici votre nouveau mot de passe : %s",
- 'email:resetreq:subject' => "Mot de passe oublié ?!",
- 'email:resetreq:body' => "Salut %s,
-Une personne (avec l'adresse IP %s) a réclamé un nouveau mot de passe pour votre compte.
-S'il s'agit bien de vous, cliquez sur le lien suivant, autrement veuillez ignorer cet email.
- /**
- */
- 'xmlrpc:noinputdata' => "Données d'entrées manquantes.",
- /**
- * Comments
- */
- 'comments:count' => "%s commentaire(s)",
- 'generic_comments:add' => "Ajouter un commentaire",
- 'generic_comments:text' => "Commentaire",
- 'generic_comment:posted' => "Votre commentaire a été sauvegardé.",
- 'generic_comment:deleted' => "Votre commentaire a été supprimé.",
- 'generic_comment:blank' => "Veuillez remplir le champ texte avant de soumettre votre commentaire.",
- 'generic_comment:notfound' => "Impossible de trouver l'élément spécifié.",
- 'generic_comment:notdeleted' => "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'enregistrement de votre commentaire.",
- 'generic_comment:failure' => "Une erreur est survenue lors de la sauvegarde de votre commentaire, veuillez recommencer.",
- 'generic_comment:email:subject' => "Vous avez un nouveau commentaire !",
- 'generic_comment:email:body' => "Vous avez un nouveau commentaire sur l'objet \"%s\" de %s. Voici son contenu :
-Pour répondre ou voir le contenu de référence, suivez le lien :
- %s
-Pour voir le profil de %s, suivez ce lien :
- %s
-Ne répondez pas à ce mail.",
- /**
- * Entities
- */
- 'entity:default:strapline' => "Créé le %s par %s",
- 'entity:default:missingsupport:popup' => "Impossible d'afficher le contenu correctement. Le problème réside sans doute dans la disparition d'un plugin supprimé, veuillez contacter l'administrateur du site.",
- 'entity:delete:success' => "Le contenu %s a été supprimé",
- 'entity:delete:fail' => "Une erreur est survenue lors de la suppression de %s. Impossible de supprimer le contenu.",
- /**
- * Action gatekeeper
- */
- 'actiongatekeeper:missingfields' => "Il manque les champs __token ou __ts dans le formulaire.",
- 'actiongatekeeper:tokeninvalid' => "Les données transmises ne correspondent pas à celles attendues par le serveur.",
- 'actiongatekeeper:timeerror' => "Le formulaire a expiré, rafraichissez et recommencez à nouveau.",
- 'actiongatekeeper:pluginprevents' => "Une extension a empêchée ce formulaire d'envoyer ses données.",
- /**
- * Languages according to ISO 639-1
- */
- "aa" => "Afar",
- "ab" => "Abkhazian",
- "af" => "Africain",
- "am" => "Amharic",
- "ar" => "Arabe",
- "as" => "Assamese",
- "ay" => "Aymara",
- "az" => "Azerbaijani",
- "ba" => "Bashkir",
- "be" => "Bielorusse",
- "bg" => "Bulgare",
- "bh" => "Bihari",
- "bi" => "Bislama",
- "bn" => "Bengali; Bangla",
- "bo" => "Tibetin",
- "br" => "Breton",
- "ca" => "Catalan",
- "co" => "Corse",
- "cs" => "Tchèque",
- "cy" => "Welsh",
- "da" => "Danois",
- "de" => "Allemand",
- "dz" => "Bhutani",
- "el" => "Grecques",
- "en" => "Anglais",
- "eo" => "Esperanto",
- "es" => "Espagnol",
- "et" => "Estonian",
- "eu" => "Basque",
- "fa" => "Perse",
- "fi" => "Finnois",
- "fj" => "Fiji",
- "fo" => "Faeroese",
- "fr" => "Français",
- "fy" => "Frisian",
- "ga" => "Irlandais",
- "gd" => "Écossais / Gaélique",
- "gl" => "Gaélique",
- "gn" => "Guarani",
- "gu" => "Gujarati",
- "he" => "Hebreu",
- "ha" => "Hausa",
- "hi" => "Hindi",
- "hr" => "Croate",
- "hu" => "Hongrois",
- "hy" => "Armenien",
- "ia" => "Interlingua",
- "id" => "Indonésien",
- "ie" => "Interlingue",
- "ik" => "Inupiak",
- "in" => "Indonésien",
- "is" => "Islandais",
- "it" => "Italien",
- "iu" => "Inuktitut",
- "iw" => "Hébreu (obsolete)",
- "ja" => "Japonnais",
- "ji" => "Yiddish (obsolete)",
- "jw" => "Javanais",
- "ka" => "Georgien",
- "kk" => "Kazakh",
- "kl" => "Greenlandic",
- "km" => "Cambodgien",
- "kn" => "Kannada",
- "ko" => "Coréen",
- "ks" => "Kashmiri",
- "ku" => "Kurdish",
- "ky" => "Kirghiz",
- "la" => "Latin",
- "ln" => "Lingala",
- "lo" => "Laothian",
- "lt" => "Lithuanian",
- "lv" => "Latvian/Lettish",
- "mg" => "Malagasy",
- "mi" => "Maori",
- "mk" => "Macédonien",
- "ml" => "Malayalam",
- "mn" => "Mongol",
- "mo" => "Moldavian",
- "mr" => "Marathi",
- "ms" => "Malay",
- "mt" => "Maltese",
- "my" => "Burmese",
- "na" => "Nauru",
- "ne" => "Nepali",
- "nl" => "Hollandais",
- "no" => "Norvégien",
- "oc" => "Occitan",
- "om" => "(Afan) Oromo",
- "or" => "Oriya",
- "pa" => "Punjabi",
- "pl" => "Polonais",
- "ps" => "Pashto / Pushto",
- "pt" => "Portuguais",
- "qu" => "Quechua",
- "rm" => "Rhaeto-Romance",
- "rn" => "Kirundi",
- "ro" => "Roumain",
- "ru" => "Russe",
- "rw" => "Kinyarwanda",
- "sa" => "Sanskrit",
- "sd" => "Sindhi",
- "sg" => "Sangro",
- "sh" => "Serbo-Croate",
- "si" => "Singhalese",
- "sk" => "Slovak",
- "sl" => "Slovène",
- "sm" => "Samoan",
- "sn" => "Shona",
- "so" => "Somali",
- "sq" => "Albanian",
- "sr" => "Serbe",
- "ss" => "Siswati",
- "st" => "Sesotho",
- "su" => "Sundanese",
- "sv" => "Suèdois",
- "sw" => "Swahili",
- "ta" => "Tamil",
- "te" => "Tegulu",
- "tg" => "Tajik",
- "th" => "Thaïlandais",
- "ti" => "Tigrinya",
- "tk" => "Turkmen",
- "tl" => "Tagalog",
- "tn" => "Setswana",
- "to" => "Tonga",
- "tr" => "Turque",
- "ts" => "Tsonga",
- "tt" => "Tatar",
- "tw" => "Twi",
- "ug" => "Uigur",
- "uk" => "Ukrainien",
- "ur" => "Urdu",
- "uz" => "Uzbek",
- "vi" => "Vietnamien",
- "vo" => "Volapuk",
- "wo" => "Wolof",
- "xh" => "Xhosa",
- "y" => "Yiddish",
- "yo" => "Yoruba",
- "za" => "Zuang",
- "zh" => "Chinois",
- "zu" => "Zulu",
- );
- add_translation("fr",$french);
diff --git a/languages/it.php b/languages/it.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c40d42c6..000000000
--- a/languages/it.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,987 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg Core language pack
- *
- * @package ElggCore
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- * ****************************************
- * @Italian Language Pack
- * @Core System
- * @version: beta
- * @revision: 2097
- * @translation by Lord55
- * @link http://www.nobilityofequals.com
- ****************************************/
- $italian = array(
- /**
- * Sites ###Siti###
- */
- 'item:site' => 'Siti',
- /**
- * Sessions ###Sessioni### OK
- */
- 'login' => "Entra",
- 'loginok' => "Sei entrato.",
- 'loginerror' => "Non possiamo farti entrare. Questo può accadere perchè non hai ancora validato il tuo account, o i dati che hai fornito non erano corretti. Assicurati che i tuoi dati siano corretti e per favore riprova.",
- 'logout' => "Esci",
- 'logoutok' => "Sei uscito.",
- 'logouterror' => "Non possiamo farti uscire. Per favore riprova.",
- /**
- * Errors ###Errori###
- */
- 'exception:title' => "Benvenuto Elgg.",
- 'InstallationException:CantCreateSite' => "Unable to create a default ElggSite with credentials Name:%s, Url: %s",
- 'actionundefined' => "The requested action (%s) was not defined in the system.",
- 'actionloggedout' => "Sorry, you cannot perform this action while logged out.",
- 'notfound' => "The requested resource could not be found, or you do not have access to it.",
- 'SecurityException:Codeblock' => "Denied access to execute privileged code block",
- 'DatabaseException:WrongCredentials' => "Elgg couldn't connect to the database using the given credentials %s@%s (pw: %s).",
- 'DatabaseException:NoConnect' => "Elgg couldn't select the database '%s', please check that the database is created and you have access to it.",
- 'SecurityException:FunctionDenied' => "Access to privileged function '%s' is denied.",
- 'DatabaseException:DBSetupIssues' => "There were a number of issues: ",
- 'DatabaseException:ScriptNotFound' => "Elgg couldn't find the requested database script at %s.",
- 'IOException:FailedToLoadGUID' => "Failed to load new %s from GUID:%d",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggObject' => "Passing a non-ElggObject to an ElggObject constructor!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedValue' => "Unrecognised value passed to constuctor.",
- 'InvalidClassException:NotValidElggStar' => "GUID:%d is not a valid %s",
- 'PluginException:MisconfiguredPlugin' => "%s is a misconfigured plugin.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggUser' => "Passing a non-ElggUser to an ElggUser constructor!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggSite' => "Passing a non-ElggSite to an ElggSite constructor!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggGroup' => "Passing a non-ElggGroup to an ElggGroup constructor!",
- 'IOException:UnableToSaveNew' => "Unable to save new %s",
- 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotForExport' => "GUID has not been specified during export, this should never happen.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonArrayReturnValue' => "Entity serialisation function passed a non-array returnvalue parameter",
- 'ConfigurationException:NoCachePath' => "Cache path set to nothing!",
- 'IOException:NotDirectory' => "%s is not a directory.",
- 'IOException:BaseEntitySaveFailed' => "Unable to save new object's base entity information!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedODDClass' => "import() passed an unexpected ODD class",
- 'InvalidParameterException:EntityTypeNotSet' => "Entity type must be set.",
- 'ClassException:ClassnameNotClass' => "%s is not a %s.",
- 'ClassNotFoundException:MissingClass' => "Class '%s' was not found, missing plugin?",
- 'InstallationException:TypeNotSupported' => "Type %s is not supported. This indicates an error in your installation, most likely caused by an incomplete upgrade.",
- 'ImportException:ImportFailed' => "Could not import element %d",
- 'ImportException:ProblemSaving' => "There was a problem saving %s",
- 'ImportException:NoGUID' => "New entity created but has no GUID, this should not happen.",
- 'ImportException:GUIDNotFound' => "Entity '%d' could not be found.",
- 'ImportException:ProblemUpdatingMeta' => "There was a problem updating '%s' on entity '%d'",
- 'ExportException:NoSuchEntity' => "No such entity GUID:%d",
- 'ImportException:NoODDElements' => "No OpenDD elements found in import data, import failed.",
- 'ImportException:NotAllImported' => "Not all elements were imported.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedFileMode' => "Unrecognised file mode '%s'",
- 'InvalidParameterException:MissingOwner' => "All files must have an owner!",
- 'IOException:CouldNotMake' => "Could not make %s",
- 'IOException:MissingFileName' => "You must specify a name before opening a file.",
- 'ClassNotFoundException:NotFoundNotSavedWithFile' => "Filestore not found or class not saved with file!",
- 'NotificationException:NoNotificationMethod' => "No notification method specified.",
- 'NotificationException:NoHandlerFound' => "No handler found for '%s' or it was not callable.",
- 'NotificationException:ErrorNotifyingGuid' => "There was an error while notifying %d",
- 'NotificationException:NoEmailAddress' => "Could not get the email address for GUID:%d",
- 'NotificationException:MissingParameter' => "Missing a required parameter, '%s'",
- 'DatabaseException:WhereSetNonQuery' => "Where set contains non WhereQueryComponent",
- 'DatabaseException:SelectFieldsMissing' => "Fields missing on a select style query",
- 'DatabaseException:UnspecifiedQueryType' => "Unrecognised or unspecified query type.",
- 'DatabaseException:NoTablesSpecified' => "No tables specified for query.",
- 'DatabaseException:NoACL' => "No access control was provided on query",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NoEntityFound' => "No entity found, it either doesn't exist or you don't have access to it.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotFound' => "GUID:%s could not be found, or you can not access it.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:IdNotExistForGUID' => "Sorry, '%s' does not exist for guid:%d",
- 'InvalidParameterException:CanNotExportType' => "Sorry, I don't know how to export '%s'",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NoDataFound' => "Could not find any data.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelong' => "Does not belong to entity.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelongOrRefer' => "Does not belong to entity or refer to entity.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:MissingParameter' => "Missing parameter, you need to provide a GUID.",
- 'SecurityException:APIAccessDenied' => "Sorry, API access has been disabled by the administrator.",
- 'SecurityException:NoAuthMethods' => "No authentication methods were found that could authenticate this API request.",
- 'APIException:ApiResultUnknown' => "API Result is of an unknown type, this should never happen.",
- 'ConfigurationException:NoSiteID' => "No site ID has been specified.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedMethod' => "Unrecognised call method '%s'",
- 'APIException:MissingParameterInMethod' => "Missing parameter %s in method %s",
- 'APIException:ParameterNotArray' => "%s does not appear to be an array.",
- 'APIException:UnrecognisedTypeCast' => "Unrecognised type in cast %s for variable '%s' in method '%s'",
- 'APIException:InvalidParameter' => "Invalid parameter found for '%s' in method '%s'.",
- 'APIException:FunctionParseError' => "%s(%s) has a parsing error.",
- 'APIException:FunctionNoReturn' => "%s(%s) returned no value.",
- 'SecurityException:AuthTokenExpired' => "Authentication token either missing, invalid or expired.",
- 'CallException:InvalidCallMethod' => "%s must be called using '%s'",
- 'APIException:MethodCallNotImplemented' => "Method call '%s' has not been implemented.",
- 'APIException:AlgorithmNotSupported' => "Algorithm '%s' is not supported or has been disabled.",
- 'ConfigurationException:CacheDirNotSet' => "Cache directory 'cache_path' not set.",
- 'APIException:NotGetOrPost' => "Request method must be GET or POST",
- 'APIException:MissingAPIKey' => "Missing X-Elgg-apikey HTTP header",
- 'APIException:MissingHmac' => "Missing X-Elgg-hmac header",
- 'APIException:MissingHmacAlgo' => "Missing X-Elgg-hmac-algo header",
- 'APIException:MissingTime' => "Missing X-Elgg-time header",
- 'APIException:TemporalDrift' => "X-Elgg-time is too far in the past or future. Epoch fail.",
- 'APIException:NoQueryString' => "No data on the query string",
- 'APIException:MissingPOSTHash' => "Missing X-Elgg-posthash header",
- 'APIException:MissingPOSTAlgo' => "Missing X-Elgg-posthash_algo header",
- 'APIException:MissingContentType' => "Missing content type for post data",
- 'SecurityException:InvalidPostHash' => "POST data hash is invalid - Expected %s but got %s.",
- 'SecurityException:DupePacket' => "Packet signature already seen.",
- 'SecurityException:InvalidAPIKey' => "Invalid or missing API Key.",
- 'NotImplementedException:CallMethodNotImplemented' => "Call method '%s' is currently not supported.",
- 'NotImplementedException:XMLRPCMethodNotImplemented' => "XML-RPC method call '%s' not implemented.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedReturnFormat' => "Call to method '%s' returned an unexpected result.",
- 'CallException:NotRPCCall' => "Call does not appear to be a valid XML-RPC call",
- 'PluginException:NoPluginName' => "Il nome del Plugin installato non può essere trovato",
- 'ConfigurationException:BadDatabaseVersion' => "Il backend del database che hai installato non incontra le condizioni di base per far funzionare Elgg. Per favore consulta la tua documentazione.",
- 'ConfigurationException:BadPHPVersion' => "Necessiti almeno della versione PHP version 5.2 per far funzionare Elgg.",
- 'InstallationException:DatarootNotWritable' => "La tua cartella dati %s non è scrivibile.",
- 'InstallationException:DatarootUnderPath' => "La tua cartella dati %s deve stare fuori dal tuo percorso di installazione.",
- 'InstallationException:DatarootBlank' => "Non hai specificato una cartella dati.",
- /**
- * API OK
- */
- 'system.api.list' => "Elenca tutte le chiamate di API disponibili sul sito.",
- 'auth.gettoken' => "Questa chiamata dell'API permette il login dell'utente, facendo ritornare un token di autenticazione il quale può essere usato in sostituzione di username e password per ulteriori chiamate di autenticazione.",
- /**
- * User details ###Visualizza nome### OK
- */
- 'name' => "Nome pubblico",
- 'email' => "Indirizzo Email",
- 'username' => "Nome utente",
- 'password' => "Password",
- 'passwordagain' => "Password (ripetila per la verifica)",
- 'admin_option' => "Nomina questo utente Amministratore?",
- /**
- * Access ###Accesso### OK
- */
- 'ACCESS_PRIVATE' => "Privato",
- 'ACCESS_LOGGED_IN' => "Membri",
- 'ACCESS_PUBLIC' => "Pubblico",
- 'PRIVATE' => "Privato",
- 'LOGGED_IN' => "Membri",
- 'PUBLIC' => "Pubblico",
- 'access' => "Accedi",
- /**
- * Dashboard and widgets ###Dashboard e widget### OK
- */
- 'dashboard' => "Dashboard",
- 'dashboard:configure' => "Modifica pagina",
- 'dashboard:nowidgets' => "La Dashboard è la tua porta d'ingresso nel sito. Clicca su 'Modifica pagina' per aggiungere i Widget che ti permetteranno di tenere traccia di tutte le interazioni dentro il sistema.",
- 'widgets:add' => 'Aggiungi i Widget alla tua pagina.',
- 'widgets:add:description' => "Scegli le caratteristiche che vorresti aggiungere alla tua pagina personale spostando i Widget dalla <b>Galleria-Widget</b> (qui a destra), su una delle tre Aree-Widget qui sotto e posizionali dove vorresti farli apparire.
-Per rimuovere un Widget, riportalo indietro nella <b>Galleria-Widget</b>.",
- 'widgets:position:fixed' => '(Posizione sistemata sulla pagina)',
- 'widgets' => "Widget",
- 'widget' => "Widget",
- 'item:object:widget' => "Widget",
- 'layout:customise' => "Personalizza la grafica",
- 'widgets:gallery' => "Galleria-Widget",
- 'widgets:leftcolumn' => "Sinistra-Area Widget",
- 'widgets:fixed' => "Posizione sistemata",
- 'widgets:middlecolumn' => "Centro-Area Widget",
- 'widgets:rightcolumn' => "Destra-Area Widget",
- 'widgets:profilebox' => "Modulo profilo",
- 'widgets:panel:save:success' => "Il tuo Widget è stato salvato con successo.",
- 'widgets:panel:save:failure' => "C'è stato un problema nel salvare il tuo Widget. Per favore riprova.",
- 'widgets:save:success' => "Il Widget è stato salvato con successo.",
- 'widgets:save:failure' => "Non possiamo salvare il tuo widget. Per favore riprova.",
- /**
- * Groups ###Gruppi### OK
- */
- 'group' => "Gruppo",
- 'item:group' => "Gruppi",
- /**
- * Profile ###Profilo### OK
- */
- 'profile' => "Profilo",
- 'user' => "Utente",
- 'item:user' => "Utenti",
- /**
- * Profile menu items and titles ####Argomenti del menu profilo e titoli### OK
- */
- 'profile:yours' => "Il tuo profilo",
- 'profile:user' => "Profilo di %s",
- 'profile:edit' => "Modifica profilo",
- 'profile:editicon' => "Invia una nuova foto nel profilo",
- 'profile:profilepictureinstructions' => "La Foto-profilo è un'immagine che viene visualizzata sulla tua pagina-profilo. <br /> Potrai cambiarla quante volte vorrai. (Formati file accettati: GIF, JPG o PNG)",
- 'profile:icon' => "Foto del profilo",
- 'profile:createicon' => "Crea il tuo avatar",
- 'profile:currentavatar' => "Avatar corrente",
- 'profile:createicon:header' => "Foto del profilo",
- 'profile:profilepicturecroppingtool' => "Strumento di ritaglio per la Foto-Profilo",
- 'profile:createicon:instructions' => "Clicca e trascina un quadrato qui sotto per definire quanta immagine vuoi tagliare. Un'anteprima dell'immagina tagliata apparirà nel riquadro sulla destra. Quando sarai contento dell'anteprima, clicca 'Crea il tuo avatar'. Questa immagine tagliata sarà utilizzata in ogni parte del sito come il tuo avatar. ",
- 'profile:editdetails' => "Modifica dettagli",
- 'profile:editicon' => "Modifica Foto-Profilo",
- 'profile:aboutme' => "Chi sono",
- 'profile:description' => "Chi sono",
- 'profile:briefdescription' => "Descrizione breve",
- 'profile:location' => "Località",
- 'profile:skills' => "Attitudini",
- 'profile:interests' => "Interessi",
- 'profile:contactemail' => "Indirizzo email",
- 'profile:phone' => "Telefono",
- 'profile:mobile' => "Cellulare",
- 'profile:website' => "Sito Web",
- 'profile:river:update' => "%s ha aggiornato il suo profilo",
- 'profile:river:iconupdate' => "%s ha aggiornato l'icona sul suo profilo",
- /**
- * Profile status messages ###Messaggi sullo stato del profilo### OK
- */
- 'profile:saved' => "Il tuo profilo è stato salvato con successo.",
- 'profile:icon:uploaded' => "La foto sul tuo profilo è stata inviata con successo.",
- /**
- * Profile error messages ###Messaggio di errore sul profilo### OK
- */
- 'profile:noaccess' => "Non hai il permesso di modificare questo profilo.",
- 'profile:notfound' => "Scusaci; non possiamo trovare il profilo specificato.",
- 'profile:cantedit' => "Scusaci; non hai il permesso di modificare questo profilo.",
- 'profile:icon:notfound' => "Scusaci; c'è un problema nell'inviare la tua foto sul profilo.",
- /**
- * Friends ###Amici### OK
- */
- 'friends' => "Amici",
- 'friends:yours' => "I tuoi amici",
- 'friends:owned' => "Amici di %s",
- 'friend:add' => "Aggiungi amico",
- 'friend:remove' => "Rimuovi amico",
- 'friends:add:successful' => "Hai aggiunto con successo %s come un amico.",
- 'friends:add:failure' => "Non possiamo aggiungere %s come un amico. Per favore riprova.",
- 'friends:remove:successful' => "Hai rimosso con successo %s dai tuoi amici.",
- 'friends:remove:failure' => "Non possiamo rimuovere %s dai tuoi amici. Per favore riprova.",
- 'friends:none' => "Questo utente non ha ancora aggiunto nessuno come amico.",
- 'friends:none:you' => "Non hai aggiunto nessuno come amico! Inizia a cercare in base ai tuoi interessi, gli amici da seguire.",
- 'friends:none:found' => "Nessun amico è stato trovato.",
- 'friends:of:none' => "Nessuno ancora ha aggiunto questo utente come amico.",
- 'friends:of:none:you' => "Nessuno ti ha ancora aggiunto come amico. Inizia aggiungendo contenuti e a riempire il tuo profilo per permettere alle persone di preferirti!",
- 'friends:of' => "Amici di",
- 'friends:of:owned' => "Persone che hanno fatto di %s un amico",
- 'friends:num_display' => "Numero di amici da visualizzare",
- 'friends:icon_size' => "Dimensione icona",
- 'friends:tiny' => "minuscola",
- 'friends:small' => "piccola",
- 'friends' => "Amici",
- 'friends:of' => "Amici di",
- 'friends:collections' => "Collezioni di amici",
- 'friends:collections:add' => "Crea collezione di amici",
- 'friends:addfriends' => "Aggiungi amici",
- 'friends:collectionname' => "Collezione di nomi",
- 'friends:collectionfriends' => "Amici nella collezione",
- 'friends:collectionedit' => "Modifica questa collezione",
- 'friends:nocollections' => "Non hai ancora nessuna collezione.",
- 'friends:collectiondeleted' => "La tua collezione è stata cancellata.",
- 'friends:collectiondeletefailed' => "Non siamo abilitati a cancellare la collezione. We were unable to delete the collection. Nemmeno tu hai il permesso, o qualche altro problema è avvenuto.",
- 'friends:collectionadded' => "La tua collezione è stata creata con successo.",
- 'friends:nocollectionname' => "Devi dare alla tua collezione un nome prima di poterla salvare.",
- 'friends:river:created' => "%s ha aggiunto il widget Amici.",
- 'friends:river:updated' => "%s ha aggiornato il suo widget Amici.",
- 'friends:river:delete' => "%s ha rimosso il suo widget Amici.",
- 'friends:river:add' => "%s ha aggiunto qualcuno come amico.",
- /**
- * Feeds ###Feeds### OK
- */
- 'feed:rss' => 'Sottoscriviti al feed',
- 'feed:odd' => 'Sincronizza con OpenDD',
- /**
- * River ###River### OK
- */
- 'river' => "River",
- 'river:relationship:friend' => 'è ora amico con',
- /**
- * Plugins ###Plugin### OK
- */
- 'plugins:settings:save:ok' => "I settaggi per il plugin %s sono stati salvati con successo.",
- 'plugins:settings:save:fail' => "C'è stato un problema nel salvare i settaggi per il plugin %s.",
- 'plugins:usersettings:save:ok' => "I settaggi-utente per il plugin %s sono stati salvati con successo.",
- 'plugins:usersettings:save:fail' => "C'è stato un problema nel salvare i settaggi-utente per il plugin %s.",
- /**
- * Notifications ###Notifiche### OK
- */
- 'notifications:usersettings' => "Configurazione delle Notifiche",
- 'notifications:methods' => "Per favore specifica il metodo che vuoi permettere.",
- 'notifications:usersettings:save:ok' => "La configurazione-Notifiche è stata salvata con successo.",
- 'notifications:usersettings:save:fail' => "C'è stato un problema nel salvare la tua configurazione-Notifiche.",
- /**
- * Search ###Ricerca### OK
- */
- 'search' => "Ricerca",
- 'searchtitle' => "Ricerca: %s",
- 'users:searchtitle' => "Ricercando per utenti: %s",
- 'advancedsearchtitle' => "%s trovati coi risultati %s.",
- 'notfound' => "Nessun risultato trovato.",
- 'next' => "Avanti",
- 'previous' => "Indietro",
- 'viewtype:change' => "Cambia il tipo di visualizzazione",
- 'viewtype:list' => "Elenco",
- 'viewtype:gallery' => "Galleria",
- 'tag:search:startblurb' => "Argomenti con tags '%s' trovati:",
- 'user:search:startblurb' => "Utenti risultanti come '%s':",
- 'user:search:finishblurb' => "Vedi altri, clicca qui.",
- /**
- * Account ###Account### OK
- */
- 'account' => "Account",
- 'settings' => "Settaggi",
- 'tools' => "Strumenti",
- 'tools:yours' => "I tuoi Strumenti",
- 'register' => "Registrati",
- 'registerok' => "Ti sei registrato con successo su %s. Per attivare il tuo account,per favore conferma il tuo indirizzo email cliccando sul link che ti abbiamo inviato.",
- 'registerbad' => "La tua registrazione non è avvenuta con successo. Il tuo nome-utente può essere già in uso, la tua password può non essere valida, o il tuo nome-utente o password possono essere troppo brevi.",
- 'registerdisabled' => "La registrazione è stata disabilitata dall'amministratore del sistema.",
- 'registration:notemail' => 'Un Indirizzo email fornito non sembra essere un valido indirizzo email.',
- 'registration:userexists' => 'Quel nome-utente già esiste',
- 'registration:usernametooshort' => 'Il tuo nome-utente deve avere una lunghezza di minimo 4 caratteri.',
- 'registration:passwordtooshort' => 'La password deve avere una lunghezza di minimo 6 caratteri.',
- 'registration:dupeemail' => 'Questo indirizzo email è già stato registrato.',
- 'registration:invalidchars' => 'Scusaci, il tuo indirizzo email contiene caratteri non validi.',
- 'registration:emailnotvalid' => 'Scusaci,un indirizzo email che hai inserito non è valido su questo sistema',
- 'registration:passwordnotvalid' => 'Scusaci, la password che hai inserito non è valida su questo sistema',
- 'registration:usernamenotvalid' => 'Scusaci, il nome-utente che hai inserito non è valido su questo sistema',
- 'adduser' => "Aggiugi utente",
- 'adduser:ok' => "Hai aggiunto con successo un nuovo utente.",
- 'adduser:bad' => "Il nuovo utente non può essere creato.",
- 'item:object:reported_content' => "Riporta argomento",
- 'user:set:name' => "Configurazione del Nome-Account",
- 'user:name:label' => "Il tuo Nome pubblico",
- 'user:name:success' => "Hai cambiato con successo il tuo nome su questo sistema.",
- 'user:name:fail' => "Non puoi cambiare il tuo nome su questo sistema.",
- 'user:set:password' => "Configurazione della Password-Account",
- 'user:password:label' => "La tua nuova Password",
- 'user:password2:label' => "Ripeti la Password per la verifica",
- 'user:password:success' => "Password cambiata",
- 'user:password:fail' => "Non puoi cambiare la password su questo sistema.",
- 'user:password:fail:notsame' => "Le due passwords non sono identiche!",
- 'user:password:fail:tooshort' => "La Password è troppo breve!",
- 'user:set:language' => "Configurazione della Lingua",
- 'user:language:label' => "La tua lingua",
- 'user:language:success' => "La configurazione della tua lingua è stata aggiornata.",
- 'user:language:fail' => "La configurazione della tua lingua non può essere salvata.",
- 'user:username:notfound' => 'Nome-utente %s non trovato.',
- 'user:password:lost' => 'Password dimenticata',
- 'user:password:resetreq:success' => 'Richiesta nuova password avvenuta con successo, email inviata',
- 'user:password:resetreq:fail' => 'Non puoi richiedere una nuova password.',
- 'user:password:text' => 'Per generare una nuova Password, inserisci il tuo Nome-utente qui sotto. Ti invieremo per email un indirizzo di una pagina di verifica univoca, clicca sul link nel corpo del messaggio e una nuova password ti sarà inviata.',
- /**
- * Administration ###Amministrazione### OK
- */
- 'admin:configuration:success' => "I tuoi settaggi sono stati salvati.",
- 'admin:configuration:fail' => "I tuoi settaggi non possono essere salvati.",
- 'admin' => "Amministrazione",
- 'admin:description' => "Il pannello amministrativo ti permette di controllare tutti gli aspetti del sistema, dall'amministrazione dell'utente a come far funzionare i plugin. Scegli un'opzione qui sotto per iniziare.",
- 'admin:user' => "Amministrazione Utente",
- 'admin:user:description' => "Questo pannello amministrativo ti permette di controllare i settaggi degli utenti per il tuo sito. Scegli un'opzione qui sotto per iniziare.",
- 'admin:user:adduser:label' => "Clicca qui per aggiungere un nuovo utente...",
- 'admin:user:opt:linktext' => "Configura gli utenti...",
- 'admin:user:opt:description' => "Configura gli utenti e l'informazione sull'account. ",
- 'admin:site' => "Amministrazione Sito",
- 'admin:site:description' => "Questo pannello amministrativo ti permette di controllare i settaggi globali per il tuo sito. Scegli un'opzione qui sotto per iniziare.",
- 'admin:site:opt:linktext' => "Configura il sito...",
- 'admin:site:opt:description' => "Configura i settaggi tecnici e non-tecnici del sito. ",
- 'admin:plugins' => "Amministrazione Strumenti",
- 'admin:plugins:description' => "Questo pannello ammministrativo ti permette di controllare e configurara gli Strumenti installati sul tuo sito.",
- 'admin:plugins:opt:linktext' => "Configura gli Strumenti...",
- 'admin:plugins:opt:description' => "Configura gli Strumenti installati sul sito. ",
- 'admin:plugins:label:author' => "Autore",
- 'admin:plugins:label:copyright' => "Copyright",
- 'admin:plugins:label:licence' => "Licenza",
- 'admin:plugins:label:website' => "URL",
- 'admin:plugins:disable:yes' => "Il plugin %s è stato disabilitato con successo.",
- 'admin:plugins:disable:no' => "Il plugin %s non può essere disabilitato.",
- 'admin:plugins:enable:yes' => "Il plugin %s è stato abilitato con successo.",
- 'admin:plugins:enable:no' => "Il plugin %s non può essere abilitato.",
- 'admin:statistics' => "Statistiche",
- 'admin:statistics:description' => "Questa è una visione d'insieme delle statistiche sul tuo sito. Se hai bisogno di statistiche più dettagliate, è disponibile un servizio amministrativo professionale.",
- 'admin:statistics:opt:description' => "Visualizza i dati statistici riguardanti gli utenti e gli oggetti sul tuo sito.",
- 'admin:statistics:opt:linktext' => "Visualizza le statistiche...",
- 'admin:statistics:label:basic' => "Statistiche di base del sito",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numentities' => "Entità sul sito",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numusers' => "Numero di utenti",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numonline' => "Numbero di utenti online",
- 'admin:statistics:label:onlineusers' => "Utenti online ora",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version' => "Elgg version",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version:release' => "Release",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version:version' => "Versione",
- 'admin:user:label:search' => "Cerca utenti:",
- 'admin:user:label:seachbutton' => "Ricerca",
- 'admin:user:ban:no' => "Non puoi bandire l'utente.",
- 'admin:user:ban:yes' => "Utente esiliato.",
- 'admin:user:unban:no' => "Non puoi riattivare l'utente.",
- 'admin:user:unban:yes' => "Utente riammesso.",
- 'admin:user:delete:no' => "Non puoi cancellare l'utente.",
- 'admin:user:delete:yes' => "Utente cancellato.",
- 'admin:user:resetpassword:yes' => "Password cambiata, l'utente è stato avvertito.",
- 'admin:user:resetpassword:no' => "La Password non può essere cambiata.",
- 'admin:user:makeadmin:yes' => "L'utente è ora un amministratore.",
- 'admin:user:makeadmin:no' => "Non possiamo nominare questo utente come amministratore.",
- /**
- * User settings ### Settaggi dell' utente ### OK
- */
- 'usersettings:description' => "Il pannello dei settaggi utente ti permette di controllare tutti i tuoi settaggi personali: dall'amministrazione dell'utente a come i plugins si comportano. Scegli un'opzione qui sotto per iniziare.",
- 'usersettings:statistics' => "Le tue statistiche",
- 'usersettings:statistics:opt:description' => "Visualizza i dati statistici riguardo gli utenti e gli oggetti sul tuo sito.",
- 'usersettings:statistics:opt:linktext' => "Statistiche dell'account",
- 'usersettings:user' => "I tuoi settaggi",
- 'usersettings:user:opt:description' => "Questo ti permette di controllare i settaggi dell'utente.",
- 'usersettings:user:opt:linktext' => "Cambia i tuoi settaggi",
- 'usersettings:plugins' => "Strumenti",
- 'usersettings:plugins:opt:description' => "Configura i settaggi per i tuoi strumenti attivi.",
- 'usersettings:plugins:opt:linktext' => "Configura i tuoi strumenti...",
- 'usersettings:plugins:description' => "Questo pannello ti permette di controllare e configurare i settaggi personali per gli Strumenti installati dal tuo amministratore di sistema.",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:numentities' => "Le tue entità",
- 'usersettings:statistics:yourdetails' => "I tuoi dettagli",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:name' => "Nome completo",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:email' => "Email",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:membersince' => "Membro dal ",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:lastlogin' => "Ultima visita",
- /**
- * Generic action words ### Parole di azione generica ### OK ---ma vedi note
- */
- 'save' => "Salva",
- 'cancel' => "Cancella",
- 'saving' => "Salvataggio ...",
- 'update' => "Aggiornamento",
- 'edit' => "Modifica",
- 'delete' => "Cancella",
- 'load' => "Carica",
- 'upload' => "Aggiorna",
- 'ban' => "Bandisci",
- 'unban' => "Riabilita",
- 'enable' => "Attiva",
- 'disable' => "Disattiva",
- 'request' => "Richiedi",
- 'complete' => "Completo",
- 'invite' => "Invita",
- 'resetpassword' => "Modifica password",
- 'makeadmin' => "Nominalo amministratore",
- 'option:yes' => "Si", //manca richiamo in /settings/user?
- 'option:no' => "No", //manca in /settings/user?
- 'unknown' => 'Sconosciuto',
- 'active' => 'Attivo',
- 'total' => 'Totale',
- 'learnmore' => "Clicca qui per imparare di più.",
- 'content' => "contenuto",
- 'content:latest' => 'Attività recenti',
- 'content:latest:blurb' => 'In alternativa,clicca qui per vedere le attività recenti del sito.',
- 'link:text' => 'Vedi link',
- /**
- * Generic data words ### Parole di valore generico ### OK
-Metadata:"catalogare sotto un altro nome"
-I metadata sono "dati sui dati", ovvero informazioni, generalmente strutturate e scandite in campi, relative a documenti primari "a testo pieno" (full-text), che ne permettono una più efficiente organizzazione e recupero.
-La loro funzione è permettere o comunque facilitare il raggiungimento dei seguenti obiettivi:
- */
- 'title' => "Titolo",
- 'description' => "Descrizione",
- 'tags' => "Tags",
- 'spotlight' => "Riflettore",
- 'all' => "Tutto",
- 'by' => 'da',
- 'annotations' => "Annotazioni",
- 'relationships' => "Relazioni",
- 'metadata' => "Metadati",
- /**
- * Input / output strings ### Input / output stringhe### OK
- */
- 'deleteconfirm' => "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questo articolo?",
- 'fileexists' => "Un file è già stato inviato. Per rimpiazzarlo, selezionalo qui sotto:",
- /**
- * Import / export ### Importa/Esporta### OK
- */
- 'importsuccess' => "L'importazione del valore è stata fatta con successo",
- 'importfail' => "L'importazione OpenDD del valore è fallita.",
- /**
- * Time ### Tempo ### OK
- */
- 'friendlytime:justnow' => "proprio ora",
- 'friendlytime:minutes' => "%s minuti fa",
- 'friendlytime:minutes:singular' => "un minuto fa",
- 'friendlytime:hours' => "%s ore fa",
- 'friendlytime:hours:singular' => "un'ora fa",
- 'friendlytime:days' => "%s giorni fa",
- 'friendlytime:days:singular' => "ieri",
- /**
- * Installation and system settings ### Installazione e configurazioni del sistema ### OK
- */
- 'installation:error:htaccess' => "Elgg richiede un file chiamato .htaccess per essere collocato nella cartella root della sua installazione. Abbiamo provato a creala per te, ma Elgg non ha il permesso per scrivere in quella cartella.
-La creazione di questo file è facile. Copia i contenuti del riquadro sottostante in un programma di testo e salvalo come .htaccess
- 'installation:error:settings' => "Elgg non può trovare i propri file di configurazione. Molte settaggi di Elgg saranno configurati per te, ma è necessario che tu ci fornisca i dettagli del tuo database. Per fare questo:
-1. Rinomina engine/settings.example.php a settings.php nella tua installazione di Elgg.
-2. Aprilo in un programma di testo e inserisci i dettagli del tuo database. Se non li conosci, chiedi aiuto al tuo amministratore di sistema o al supporto tecnico.
-In alternativa,puoi inserire la configurazione del tuo database qui sotto e noi proveremo e faremo questo per te...",
- 'installation:error:configuration' => "Una volta corretto ogni richiesta di configurazione, premi riaggiorna per provare di nuovo.",
- 'installation' => "Installazione",
- 'installation:success' => "Il database di Elgg è stato installato con successo.",
- 'installation:configuration:success' => "I settaggi della tua configurazione iniziale sono stati salvati. Ora registra il tuo utente iniziale; questo sarà il tuo primo amministratore di sistema.",
- 'installation:settings' => "Settaggi di sistema",
- 'installation:settings:description' => "Ora che il database di Elgg è stato installato con successo, devi inserire un alcune informazioni per avere il tuo sito pienamente funzionante. Noi proviamo a supporre dove possiamo,ma <b>tu dovresti controllare questi dettagli.</b>",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:prompt' => "Inserisci i settaggi del tuo database qui sotto e schiaccia salva:",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:user' => "Database user",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:pass' => "Database password",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:dbname' => "Elgg database",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:host' => "Database hostname (di solito 'localhost')",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:prefix' => "Database table prefix (di solito 'elgg')",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:savefail' => "Non siamo abilitati a salvare il nuovo settings.php. Per favore salva il seguente file come engine/settings.php usando un programma di testo.",
- 'installation:sitename' => "Il nome del tuo sito (es. \"Il mio sito di collaborazione sociale\"):",
- 'installation:sitedescription' => "Breve descrizione del tuo sito(opzionale)",
- 'installation:wwwroot' => "L'URL del sito, seguito da uno slash:",
- 'installation:path' => "Il percorso completo alla root del tuo sito sul tuo disco,seguito da uno slash:",
- 'installation:dataroot' => "Il percorso completo alla cartella dove hai inviato i files sarà memorizzato,seguito da uno slash:",
- 'installation:dataroot:warning' => "Devi creare questa cartella manualmente. Potrebbe risiedere in una cartella differente rispetto alla tua installazione di Elgg.",
- 'installation:language' => "La lingua principale per il tuo sito:",
- 'installation:debug' => "La modalità debug fornisce informazioni extra che possono essere utilizzate per diagnosticare gli errori, però può rallentare il tuo sistema e per questo potrebbe essere utilizzata solo se avrai problemi:",
- 'installation:debug:label' => "Attiva la modalità debug",
- 'installation:usage' => "Questa opzione abilita Elgg a inviare l'uso delle statistiche anonime a Curverider.",
- 'installation:usage:label' => "Invia l'uso di statistiche anonime",
- 'installation:view' => "Inserisci la visualizzazione di base che sarà usata per il tuo sito o lascialo vuoto per la visualizzazione di default (se sei nel dubbio, lascialo in default):",
- /**
- * Welcome ###Benvenuto### OK
- */
- 'welcome' => "Benvenuto %s",
- 'welcome_message' => "Benvenuto a questa installazione di Elgg.",
- /**
- * Emails ### Posta Elettronica ### OK
- */
- 'email:settings' => "Configurazione dell' Email",
- 'email:address:label' => "Il tuo indirizzo email ",
- 'email:save:success' => "Il nuovo indirizzo email è salvato, verifica la richiesta.",
- 'email:save:fail' => "Il tuo nuovo indirizzo email non può essere salvato.",
- 'email:confirm:success' => "Hai confermato il tuo indirizzo email!",
- 'email:confirm:fail' => "Il tuo indirizzo email non può essere verificato...",
- 'friend:newfriend:subject' => "%s ha fatto di te un amico!",
- 'friend:newfriend:body' => "%s ha fatto di te un amico!
-Per vedere il proprio profilo,clicca qui:
- %s
-Non puoi replicare a questa email.",
- 'email:validate:subject' => "%s per favore conferma il tuo indirizzo email!",
- 'email:validate:body' => "Ciao %s,
-Per favore conferma il tuo indirizzo email cliccando sul link sottostante:
- 'email:validate:success:subject' => "Email validata %s!",
- 'email:validate:success:body' => "Ciao %s,
-Congratulazioni,hai validato con successo il tuo indirizzo email.",
- 'email:resetpassword:subject' => "Password ricambiata!",
- 'email:resetpassword:body' => "Ciao %s,
-La tua password è stata ricambiata: %s",
- 'email:resetreq:subject' => "Richiesta per una nuova password.",
- 'email:resetreq:body' => "Ciao %s,
-Qualcuno (dall'indirizzo IP %s) ha richiesto una nuova password per il proprio account.
-Se questa è stata richiesta da te, clicca sul link sottostante, altrimenti ignora questa email.
- /**
- */
- 'xmlrpc:noinputdata' => "Valore immesso mancante",
- /**
- * Comments ###Commenti### OK
- */
- 'comments:count' => "%s commenti",
- 'generic_comments:add' => "Aggiungi un commento",
- 'generic_comments:text' => "Commento",
- 'generic_comment:posted' => "Il tuo commento è stato inviato con successo.",
- 'generic_comment:deleted' => "Il tuo commento è stato cancellato con successo.",
- 'generic_comment:blank' => "Spiacente; è necessario che effettivamente venga scritto qualcosa nel tuo commento prima di poter essere salvato.",
- 'generic_comment:notfound' => "Spiacente; Non è possibile trovare l'argomento specificato.",
- 'generic_comment:notdeleted' => "Spiacente; Non è possibile cancellare questo commento.",
- 'generic_comment:failure' => "E' accaduto un errore inaspettato nell'aggiungere il tuo commento. Per favore riprova.",
- 'generic_comment:email:subject' => 'Hai un nuovo commento!',
- 'generic_comment:email:body' => "Hai un nuovo commento sul tuo argomento \"%s\" da %s. Dice:
-Per rispondere o visualizzare l'argomento originale,clicca qui:
- %s
-Per visualizzare il profilo di %s, clicca qui:
- %s
-Non puoi rispondere a questa email.",
- /**
- * Entities ###Entità### OK
- */
- 'entity:default:strapline' => 'Creati %s da %s',
- 'entity:default:missingsupport:popup' => 'Questa entità non può essere visualizzata correttamente. Questo può accadere perchè è necessario il supporto fornito da un plugin che non è più installato.',
- 'entity:delete:success' => 'Entità %s è stata cancellata',
- 'entity:delete:fail' => 'Entità %s non è stata cancellata',
- /**
- * Action gatekeeper ###Intervento del controllore d’accesso### OK
-Letteralmente: segno, simbolo, emblema
-Token si solito si lascia in inglese.
-In generale un token è un oggetto che rappresenta qualcosaltro.
-1) In una rete Token Ring, il token rappresenta la presenza nel pacchetto di un messaggio inviato da un computer e destinato ad un altro computer della rete.
-2) Nella programmazione, il codice sorgente si può suddividere in 5 classi di tokens (costanti, identificatori, operatori, parole riservate e separatori), in accordo con le regole del linguaggio di programmazione.
-3) Un token di sicurezza è un dispositivo fisico che, insieme a qualcosa in possesso dell'utente (come un codice), consente l'utilizzo di un servizio.
- */
- 'actiongatekeeper:missingfields' => 'Il Modulo è mancante di __token or __ts campi.',
- 'actiongatekeeper:tokeninvalid' => 'Il Token fornito dal modulo non corrisponde a quello generato dal server.',
- 'actiongatekeeper:timeerror' => 'Il Modulo è scaduto,per favore riaggiorna e prova di nuovo.',
- 'actiongatekeeper:pluginprevents' => 'Una estensione ha impedito a questo Modulo di poter essere inviato.',
- /**
- * Custom ###Personalizzazione###
- * !!!Put here your custom words!!! ###!!!Inserisci qui le tue parole personalizzate!!!###
- */
- /**
- * Languages according to ISO 639-1 #### Lingue in base all' ISO 639-1
- !!!IMPORTANTE: sono state inserite solo le lingue a cui segue "//" !!!
-Azero az
-Armeno hy
-Bielorusso be
-Bulgaro bg
-Catalano ca
-Ceco cs
-Coreano ko
-Corso co
-Croato hr
-Danese da
-Estone et
-Faroese fo
-Gaelico gd
-Galiziano gl
-Gallese cy
-Hindi hi
-Islandese is
-Kazako kk
-Latino la
-Lettone lv
-Lituano lt
-Macedone mk
-Malgascio mg
-Maltese mt
-Moldavo mo
-Mongolo mn
-Osseto os
-Pashtun ps
-Persiano fa
-Rumeno ro
-Sanscrito sa
-Serbo sr
-Singalese si
- */
- "aa" => "Afar",
- "ab" => "Abkhazian",
- "af" => "Afrikaans",
- "am" => "Amharic",
- "ar" => "Arabo",//
- "as" => "Assamese",
- "ay" => "Aymara",
- "az" => "Azerbaijani",
- "ba" => "Bashkir",
- "be" => "Byelorussian",
- "bg" => "Bulgarian",
- "bh" => "Bihari",
- "bi" => "Bislama",
- "bn" => "Bengali; Bangla",
- "bo" => "Tibetan",
- "br" => "Breton",
- "ca" => "Catalan",
- "co" => "Corsican",
- "cs" => "Czech",
- "cy" => "Welsh",
- "da" => "Danish",
- "de" => "Tedesco",//
- "dz" => "Bhutani",
- "el" => "Greco moderno",//
- "en" => "Inglese",//
- "eo" => "Esperanto",
- "es" => "Spagnolo",//
- "et" => "Estonian",
- "eu" => "Basco",//
- "fa" => "Persian",
- "fi" => "Finlandese",//
- "fj" => "Fiji",
- "fo" => "Faeroese",
- "fr" => "Francese",//
- "fy" => "Frisian",
- "ga" => "Irish",
- "gd" => "Scots / Gaelic",
- "gl" => "Galician",
- "gn" => "Guarani",
- "gu" => "Gujarati",
- "he" => "Ebraico",//
- "ha" => "Hausa",
- "hi" => "Hindi",
- "hr" => "Croatian",
- "hu" => "Ungherese",//
- "hy" => "Armenian",
- "ia" => "Interlingua",
- "id" => "Indonesiano",//
- "ie" => "Interlingue",
- "ik" => "Inupiak",
- "is" => "Icelandic",
- "it" => "Italiano",//
- "iu" => "Inuktitut",
- "iw" => "Hebrew (obsolete)",
- "ja" => "Giapponese",//
- "ji" => "Yiddish (obsolete)",
- "jw" => "Javanese",
- "ka" => "Georgian",
- "kk" => "Kazakh",
- "kl" => "Greenlandic",
- "km" => "Cambodian",
- "kn" => "Kannada",
- "ko" => "Korean",
- "ks" => "Kashmiri",
- "ku" => "Kurdish",
- "ky" => "Kirghiz",
- "la" => "Latin",
- "ln" => "Lingala",
- "lo" => "Laothian",
- "lt" => "Lithuanian",
- "lv" => "Latvian/Lettish",
- "mg" => "Malagasy",
- "mi" => "Maori",
- "mk" => "Macedonian",
- "ml" => "Malayalam",
- "mn" => "Mongolian",
- "mo" => "Moldavian",
- "mr" => "Marathi",
- "ms" => "Malay",
- "mt" => "Maltese",
- "my" => "Burmese",
- "na" => "Nauru",
- "ne" => "Nepali",
- "nl" => "Olandese",//
- "no" => "Norvegese",//
- "oc" => "Provenzale / Occitano",//
- "om" => "(Afan) Oromo",
- "or" => "Oriya",
- "pa" => "Punjabi",
- "pl" => "Polacco",//
- "ps" => "Pashto / Pushto",
- "pt" => "Portoghese",//
- "qu" => "Quechua",
- "rm" => "Rhaeto-Romance",
- "rn" => "Kirundi",
- "ro" => "Romanian",
- "ru" => "Russo",//
- "rw" => "Kinyarwanda",
- "sa" => "Sanskrit",
- "sd" => "Sindhi",
- "sg" => "Sangro",
- "sh" => "Serbo-Croatian",
- "si" => "Singhalese",
- "sk" => "Slovacco",//
- "sl" => "Sloveno",//
- "sm" => "Samoan",
- "sn" => "Shona",
- "so" => "Somalo ",//
- "sq" => "Albanese",//
- "sr" => "Serbian",
- "ss" => "Siswati",
- "st" => "Sesotho",
- "su" => "Sundanese",
- "sv" => "Svedese ",//
- "sw" => "Swahili",//
- "ta" => "Tamil",//
- "te" => "Tegulu",
- "tg" => "Tajik",
- "th" => "Thailandese",//
- "ti" => "Tigrinya",
- "tk" => "Turkmeno",//
- "tl" => "Tagalog",
- "tn" => "Setswana",
- "to" => "Tonga",
- "tr" => "Turco",//
- "ts" => "Tsonga",
- "tt" => "Tatar",
- "tw" => "Twi",
- "ug" => "Uigur",
- "uk" => "Ucraino",//
- "ur" => "Urdu",//
- "uz" => "Uzbeko ",//
- "vi" => "Vietnamita",//
- "vo" => "Volapuk",
- "wo" => "Wolof",
- "xh" => "Xhosa",
- "yi" => "Yiddish", //
- "yo" => "Yoruba",
- "za" => "Zuang",
- "zh" => "Cinese",//
- "zu" => "Zulu",
- );
- add_translation("it",$italian);
diff --git a/languages/ru.php b/languages/ru.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 436d92202..000000000
--- a/languages/ru.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1044 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Translators
- * Olga Ivannikova
- * Pillgrim
- *
- */
- $russian = array(
- /**
- * Sites
- */
- 'item:site' => 'Сайты',
- /**
- * Sessions
- */
- 'login' => "Войти",
- 'loginok' => "Вы вошли.",
- 'loginerror' => "Пароль или имя не найдены. Система не может авторизовать вас.",
- 'logout' => "Выйти",
- 'logoutok' => "Вы вышли из системы.",
- 'logouterror' => "Ошибка при выходе. Пожалуйста попробуйте еще раз.",
- /**
- * Errors
- */
- 'exception:title' => "Добро пожаловать в Elgg.",
- 'InstallationException:CantCreateSite' => "Не удалось создать ElggSite по умолчанию со следующими настройками Имя:%s, Url: %s",
- 'actionundefined' => "Указанное действие (%s) не зарегистрировано в системе.",
- 'actionloggedout' => "Извините, что бы сделать это необходимо войти в систему.",
- 'notfound' => "Указанный объект не найден, или у вас нет прав на доступ к нему.",
- 'SecurityException:Codeblock' => "Доступ на выполнение привилегированного участка кода запрещён",
- 'DatabaseException:WrongCredentials' => "Невозможно установить соединение с базой данных %s@%s (pw: %s).",
- 'DatabaseException:NoConnect' => "Невозможно выбрать базу данных '%s', убедитесь что она существует и у вас есть к ней доступ.",
- 'SecurityException:FunctionDenied' => "Доступ к привилегированной функции '%s' запрещён.",
- 'DatabaseException:DBSetupIssues' => "Произошли следующие проблемы: ",
- 'DatabaseException:ScriptNotFound' => "Невозможно найти запрошенный скрипт в %s.",
- 'IOException:FailedToLoadGUID' => "Не удалось загрузить %s из GUID:%d",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggObject' => "Передан не-ElggObject в конструктор ElggObject!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedValue' => "Неизвестное значение предано в конструктор.",
- 'InvalidClassException:NotValidElggStar' => "GUID:%d недействителен %s",
- 'PluginException:MisconfiguredPlugin' => "Приложение %s установленно некорректно.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggUser' => "Передан не-ElggUser в конструктор ElggUser!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggSite' => "Передан не-ElggSite в конструктор ElggSite!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggGroup' => "Передан не--ElggGroup в конструктор ElggGroup!",
- 'IOException:UnableToSaveNew' => "Невозможно сохранить новый %s",
- 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotForExport' => "GUID не был указан во врему экспорта, этого никогда не должно было произойти.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonArrayReturnValue' => "В функцию сериализации Сущность передан параметр returnvalue не являющийся массивом",
- 'ConfigurationException:NoCachePath' => "Путь к кэшу пуст!",
- 'IOException:NotDirectory' => "%s не является директорией.",
- 'IOException:BaseEntitySaveFailed' => "Невозможно сохранить базовую информацию об новой сущности!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedODDClass' => "import() передал неожиданный класс ODD",
- 'InvalidParameterException:EntityTypeNotSet' => "Тип сущности должен быть установлен.",
- 'ClassException:ClassnameNotClass' => "%s не %s.",
- 'ClassNotFoundException:MissingClass' => "Класс '%s' не найден, возможно не установлен нужны плагин?",
- 'InstallationException:TypeNotSupported' => "Тип %s не поддерживается. Это указывает на проблемы в вашей копии Elgg, скорее всего после неудачного обновления.",
- 'ImportException:ImportFailed' => "Невозможно импортировать элемент %d",
- 'ImportException:ProblemSaving' => "При сохранении %s случилась ошибка",
- 'ImportException:NoGUID' => "Создана новая сущность без GUID, этого не должно никогда случаться.",
- 'ImportException:GUIDNotFound' => "Сущность '%d' не найдена.",
- 'ImportException:ProblemUpdatingMeta' => "При обновлении свойства '%s' сущности '%d' произошла ошибка",
- 'ExportException:NoSuchEntity' => "Нет такой сущности GUID:%d",
- 'ImportException:NoODDElements' => "Не найдены OpenDD элементы в импортированных данных, import не удался.",
- 'ImportException:NotAllImported' => "Не все элементы были импортированы.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedFileMode' => "Неизвестный режим файла '%s'",
- 'InvalidParameterException:MissingOwner' => "Все файлы должны иметь владельца!",
- 'IOException:CouldNotMake' => "Невозможно создать %s",
- 'IOException:MissingFileName' => "Необходимо указать имя перед открытием файла.",
- 'ClassNotFoundException:NotFoundNotSavedWithFile' => "Filestore не найден или имя класса не сохранёно с файлом!",
- 'NotificationException:NoNotificationMethod' => "Не указан метод уведомления.",
- 'NotificationException:NoHandlerFound' => "Нет обработчика для '%s', или его не возможно вызвать.",
- 'NotificationException:ErrorNotifyingGuid' => "Случилась ошибка при уведомлении %d",
- 'NotificationException:NoEmailAddress' => "Невозможно получить email адрес для GUID:%d",
- 'NotificationException:MissingParameter' => "Не хватает обязательного параметра '%s'",
- 'DatabaseException:WhereSetNonQuery' => "Where часть запроса содержит несовместимые с WhereQueryComponent компоненты",
- 'DatabaseException:SelectFieldsMissing' => "Нет полей в SELECT запросе",
- 'DatabaseException:UnspecifiedQueryType' => "В запросе не указан тип запроса.",
- 'DatabaseException:NoTablesSpecified' => "В запросе не указаны таблицы.",
- 'DatabaseException:NoACL' => "В запросе не указаны настройки доступа",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NoEntityFound' => "Сущность не найдена, она либо не существует, либо у вас нет доступа к ней.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotFound' => "GUID:%s не найден, либо у вас нет доступа к нему.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:IdNotExistForGUID' => "Извините, '%s' не существует для guid:%d",
- 'InvalidParameterException:CanNotExportType' => "Извините, не знаю как экспортировать '%s'",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NoDataFound' => "Данные не найдены.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelong' => "Не принадлежит сущности.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelongOrRefer' => "Не принадлежит сущности и не указывает на сущность.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:MissingParameter' => "Не хватает параметра, необходимо указать GUID.",
- 'SecurityException:APIAccessDenied' => "Извините, доступ к API был отключен администратором.",
- 'SecurityException:NoAuthMethods' => "Не удалось найти подходящего метода для авторизации данного API запроса.",
- 'APIException:ApiResultUnknown' => "Тип результата API запроса неопределён, этого не должно было никогда случиться.",
- 'ConfigurationException:NoSiteID' => "Не указан ID сайта.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedMethod' => "Неизвестный метод '%s'",
- 'APIException:MissingParameterInMethod' => "Не хватает параметра %s в методе %s",
- 'APIException:ParameterNotArray' => "%s не является массивом.",
- 'APIException:UnrecognisedTypeCast' => "Неизвестный тип при касте %s переменной '%s' в методе '%s'",
- 'APIException:InvalidParameter' => "Невалидный параметр найден для '%s' в методе '%s'.",
- 'APIException:FunctionParseError' => "Ошибка парсинга %s(%s).",
- 'APIException:FunctionNoReturn' => "%s(%s) не вернул значения.",
- 'SecurityException:AuthTokenExpired' => "Авторизационный token не передан, не валиден или просрочен.",
- 'CallException:InvalidCallMethod' => "%s должен вызываться при помощи '%s'",
- 'APIException:MethodCallNotImplemented' => "Метод '%s' не существует.",
- 'APIException:AlgorithmNotSupported' => "Алгоритм '%s' не поддерживается или выключен.",
- 'ConfigurationException:CacheDirNotSet' => "Директория для кэша 'cache_path' не установлена.",
- 'APIException:NotGetOrPost' => "Метод должен быть GET или POST",
- 'APIException:MissingAPIKey' => "Не хватает X-Elgg-apikey HTTP заголовка",
- 'APIException:MissingHmac' => "Не хватает X-Elgg-hmac заголовка",
- 'APIException:MissingHmacAlgo' => "Не хватает X-Elgg-hmac-algo заголовка",
- 'APIException:MissingTime' => "Не хватает X-Elgg-time заголовка",
- 'APIException:TemporalDrift' => "X-Elgg-time в слишком отдалённом будущем.",
- 'APIException:NoQueryString' => "Нет данных в строке запроса",
- 'APIException:MissingPOSTHash' => "Не хватает X-Elgg-posthash заголовка",
- 'APIException:MissingPOSTAlgo' => "Не хватает X-Elgg-posthash_algo заголовка",
- 'APIException:MissingContentType' => "Не указан тип содержимого для POST запроса",
- 'SecurityException:InvalidPostHash' => "Hash для POST данных не валиден - ождался %s, а получен %s.",
- 'SecurityException:DupePacket' => "Подпись пакета повторяется.",
- 'SecurityException:InvalidAPIKey' => "Не валидный или пустой API Key.",
- 'NotImplementedException:CallMethodNotImplemented' => "Вызов метода '%s' пока не поддерживается.",
- 'NotImplementedException:XMLRPCMethodNotImplemented' => "XML-RPC вызов метода '%s' не поддерживается.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedReturnFormat' => "Метод '%s' вернул неожиданный результат.",
- 'CallException:NotRPCCall' => "Вызов не похож на валидный XML-RPC запрос",
- 'PluginException:NoPluginName' => "Приложение не найдено",
- 'ConfigurationException:BadDatabaseVersion' => "База данных не соответствует требованиям Elgg. Пожалуйста, проконсультируйтесь с документацией.",
- 'ConfigurationException:BadPHPVersion' => "Необходим PHP версии не менее 5.2 что бы запустить Elgg.",
- 'configurationwarning:phpversion' => "Elgg нуждается по крайней мере в PHP версии 5.2, возможно будет работать с ограничениями на 5.1.6. Используйте на ваш страх и риск.",
- 'InstallationException:DatarootNotWritable' => "Директория для данных %s не имеет прав на запись.",
- 'InstallationException:DatarootUnderPath' => "Директория для данных %s должна находится вне пути, в котором находится Elgg.",
- 'InstallationException:DatarootBlank' => "Директория для данных не указана.",
- 'SecurityException:authenticationfailed' => "Пользователь не может быть авторизован",
- 'CronException:unknownperiod' => '%s не является правильным периодом.',
- 'system.api.list' => "Выводит список всех доступных API вызовов в системе.",
- 'auth.gettoken' => "Этот вызов API позволяет пользователю войти в систему, возвращая token авторизации, который может быть использован вместо имени пользователя и пароля",
- /**
- * User details
- */
- 'name' => "Отображаемое имя",
- 'email' => "Адрес электронной почты",
- 'username' => "Логин",
- 'password' => "Пароль",
- 'passwordagain' => "Пароль (повтор для проверки)",
- 'admin_option' => "Сделать этого пользователя администратором?",
- /**
- * Access
- */
- 'ACCESS_PRIVATE' => "Только себе",
- 'ACCESS_LOGGED_IN' => "Зарегистрированным пользователям",
- 'ACCESS_PUBLIC' => "Всем",
- 'PRIVATE' => "Только себе",
- 'LOGGED_IN' => "Зарегистрированным пользователям",
- 'PUBLIC' => "Всем",
- 'access' => "Доступ",
- /**
- * Dashboard and widgets
- */
- 'dashboard' => "Панель инструментов",
- 'dashboard:configure' => "Настроить вид",
- 'dashboard:nowidgets' => "Это Ваша главная страница. Нажмите 'Редактировать' что бы добавить виджеты, позволяющие следить за происходящим в системе.",
- 'widgets:add' => 'Добавить виджеты на вашу страницу',
- 'widgets:add:description' => "Выбирите интересующие вас виджеты перетащив их мышью из <b>Галлереи</b> в правой части страницы в любую из 3-х колонок ниже, и расположите в том порядке, в котором они должны отображаться.
-Чтобы удалить виджет, переместите его обратно в <b>Галлерею</b>.",
- 'widgets:position:fixed' => '(Фиксированная позиция на странице)',
- 'widgets' => "Виджеты",
- 'widget' => "Виджет",
- 'item:object:widget' => "Виджеты",
- 'layout:customise' => "Настроить расположение",
- 'widgets:gallery' => "Галлерея",
- 'widgets:leftcolumn' => "Левая колонка",
- 'widgets:fixed' => "Фиксированная позиция",
- 'widgets:middlecolumn' => "Средняя колонка",
- 'widgets:rightcolumn' => "Правая колонка",
- 'widgets:profilebox' => "Блок личных данных",
- 'widgets:panel:save:success' => "Настройки виджетов успешно сохранены.",
- 'widgets:panel:save:failure' => "При сохранении виджетов, произошла какая-то ошибка. Попробуйте ещё раз.",
- 'widgets:save:success' => "Виджет успешно сохранён.",
- 'widgets:save:failure' => "Невозможно сохранить виджет, попробуйте ещё раз.",
- /**
- * Groups
- */
- 'group' => "Группы",
- 'item:group' => "Группы",
- /**
- * Profile
- */
- 'profile' => "Личные данные",
- 'user' => "Пользователь",
- 'item:user' => "Пользователи",
- /**
- * Profile menu items and titles
- */
- 'profile:yours' => "Ваши личные данные",
- 'profile:user' => "Личные данные пользователя %s",
- 'profile:edit' => "Редактировать личные данные",
- 'profile:editicon' => "Закачать новое фото",
- 'profile:profilepictureinstructions' => "Моё фото - это картинка, которая будет показываться на странице вашего профайла. <br /> Вы можете её менять так часто, как пожелаете. (Разрешённые форматы: GIF, JPG или PNG)",
- 'profile:icon' => "Моё фото",
- 'profile:createicon' => "Сохранить",
- 'profile:currentavatar' => "Текущее",
- 'profile:createicon:header' => "Моё фото",
- 'profile:profilepicturecroppingtool' => "Выбор границ",
- 'profile:createicon:instructions' => "Нажмите и, удерживая кнопку мыши, укажите область, которую вы хотите обрезать на вашей картинке. Предварительный просмотр вашей обрезанной картинки появится справа. Когда вы будете удовлетворены картинкой в предварительном просмотре, нажмите <b>'Сохранить'</b>. Это обрезанное изображение будет использоваться как ваше фото во всех разделах сайта.",
- 'profile:editdetails' => "Редактировать",
- 'profile:editicon' => "Моё фото",
- 'profile:aboutme' => "Обо мне",
- 'profile:description' => "Обо мне",
- 'profile:briefdescription' => "Коротко о себе",
- 'profile:location' => "Город, Страна",
- 'profile:skills' => "Навыки",
- 'profile:interests' => "Интересы",
- 'profile:contactemail' => "Контактный имэйл",
- 'profile:phone' => "Telephone",
- 'profile:mobile' => "Мобильныйтелефон",
- 'profile:website' => "Веб-сайт",
- 'name' => "Отображаемое имя",
- 'email' => "Адрес электронной почты",
- 'username' => "Логин",
- 'password' => "Пароль",
- 'passwordagain' => "Пароль (повтор для проверки)",
- 'admin_option' => "Сделать этого пользователя администратором?",
- /**
- * Access
- */
- 'ACCESS_PRIVATE' => "Только себе",
- 'ACCESS_LOGGED_IN' => "Зарегистрированным пользователям",
- 'ACCESS_PUBLIC' => "Всем",
- 'PRIVATE' => "Только себе",
- 'LOGGED_IN' => "Зарегистрированным пользователям",
- 'PUBLIC' => "Всем",
- 'access' => "Доступ",
- /**
- * Dashboard and widgets
- */
- 'dashboard' => "Панель инструментов",
- 'dashboard:configure' => "Настроить вид",
- 'dashboard:nowidgets' => "Это Ваша главная страница. Нажмите 'Редактировать' что бы добавить виджеты, позволяющие следить за происходящим в системе.",
- 'widgets:add' => 'Добавить виджеты на вашу страницу',
- 'widgets:add:description' => "Выбирите интересующие вас виджеты перетащив их мышью из <b>Галлереи</b> в правой части страницы в любую из 3-х колонок ниже, и расположите в том порядке, в котором они должны отображаться.
-Чтобы удалить виджет, переместите его обратно в <b>Галлерею</b>.",
- 'widgets:position:fixed' => '(Фиксированная позиция на странице)',
- 'widgets' => "Виджеты",
- 'widget' => "Виджет",
- 'item:object:widget' => "Виджеты",
- 'layout:customise' => "Настроить расположение",
- 'widgets:gallery' => "Галлерея",
- 'widgets:leftcolumn' => "Левая колонка",
- 'widgets:fixed' => "Фиксированная позиция",
- 'widgets:middlecolumn' => "Средняя колонка",
- 'widgets:rightcolumn' => "Правая колонка",
- 'widgets:profilebox' => "Блок личных данных",
- 'widgets:panel:save:success' => "Настройки виджетов успешно сохранены.",
- 'widgets:panel:save:failure' => "При сохранении виджетов, произошла какая-то ошибка. Попробуйте ещё раз.",
- 'widgets:save:success' => "Виджет успешно сохранён.",
- 'widgets:save:failure' => "Невозможно сохранить виджет, попробуйте ещё раз.",
- /**
- * Groups
- */
- 'group' => "Группы",
- 'item:group' => "Группы",
- /**
- * Profile
- */
- 'profile' => "Личные данные",
- 'user' => "Пользователь",
- 'item:user' => "Пользователи",
- /**
- * Profile menu items and titles
- */
- 'profile:yours' => "Ваши личные данные",
- 'profile:user' => "Личные данные пользователя %s",
- 'profile:edit' => "Редактировать личные данные",
- 'profile:editicon' => "Закачать новое фото",
- 'profile:profilepictureinstructions' => "Моё фото - это картинка, которая будет показываться на странице вашего профайла. <br /> Вы можете её менять так часто, как пожелаете. (Разрешённые форматы: GIF, JPG или PNG)",
- 'profile:icon' => "Моё фото",
- 'profile:createicon' => "Сохранить",
- 'profile:currentavatar' => "Текущее",
- 'profile:createicon:header' => "Моё фото",
- 'profile:profilepicturecroppingtool' => "Выбор границ",
- 'profile:createicon:instructions' => "Нажмите и, удерживая кнопку мыши, укажите область, которую вы хотите обрезать на вашей картинке. Предварительный просмотр вашей обрезанной картинки появится справа. Когда вы будете удовлетворены картинкой в предварительном просмотре, нажмите <b>'Сохранить'</b>. Это обрезанное изображение будет использоваться как ваше фото во всех разделах сайта.",
- 'profile:editdetails' => "Редактировать",
- 'profile:editicon' => "Моё фото",
- 'profile:aboutme' => "Обо мне",
- 'profile:description' => "Обо мне",
- 'profile:briefdescription' => "Коротко о себе",
- 'profile:location' => "Город, Страна",
- 'profile:skills' => "Навыки",
- 'profile:interests' => "Интересы",
- 'profile:contactemail' => "Контактный email",
- 'profile:phone' => "Домашний телефон",
- 'profile:mobile' => "Мобильный телефон",
- 'profile:website' => "Вебсайт",
- 'profile:river:update' => "%s обновил свои личные данные",
- 'profile:river:iconupdate' => "%s обновил своё фото",
- /**
- * Profile status messages
- */
- 'profile:saved' => "Профайл успешно сохранён.",
- 'profile:icon:uploaded' => "Ваше фото успешно сохранено.",
- /**
- * Profile error messages
- */
- 'profile:noaccess' => "У вас нет прав на редактирование данных этого пользователя.",
- 'profile:notfound' => "Извините, мы не можем найти данные указанного пользователя.",
- 'profile:cantedit' => "Извините, у вас нет прав на редактирование данных этого пользователя.",
- 'profile:icon:notfound' => "Извините, не удалось сохранить ваше фото.",
- /**
- * Friends
- */
- 'friends' => "Друзья",
- 'friends:yours' => "Ваши друзья",
- 'friends:owned' => "Друзья пользователя %s",
- 'friend:add' => "Добавить друга",
- 'friend:remove' => "Убрать из друзей",
- 'friends:add:successful' => "Вы успешно добавили %s в друзья.",
- 'friends:add:failure' => "Невозможно добавить %s в друзья. Попробуйте ещё раз.",
- 'friends:remove:successful' => "Выуспешно убрали %s из друзей.",
- 'friends:remove:failure' => "Мы не смогли удалить пользователя %s из списка ваших друзей. Попробуйте ещё раз.",
- 'friends:none' => "У этого пользователя пока нет друзей.",
- 'friends:none:you' => "У вас пока нет друзей! Воспользуйтесь поиском что бы найти ваших старых друзей или найти новых друзей по интересам.",
- 'friends:none:found' => "Не найдено ни одно друга.",
- 'friends:of:none' => "Никто не добавил данного пользователя как своего друга.",
- 'friends:of:none:you' => "Никто вас не добавил как своего друга. Заполните свои личные данные что бы вас было легче найти!",
- 'friends:of' => "Friends of",
- 'friends:of:owned' => "Люди, которые добавили %s в друзья",
- 'friends:num_display' => "Количество друзей на одной странице",
- 'friends:icon_size' => "Размер фото",
- 'friends:tiny' => "крошечный",
- 'friends:small' => "маленький",
- 'friends' => "Друзья",
- 'friends:of' => "Чей друг",
- 'friends:collections' => "Группы друзей",
- 'friends:collections:add' => "Создать группу друзей",
- 'friends:addfriends' => "Добавить друзей",
- 'friends:collectionname' => "Название группы",
- 'friends:collectionfriends' => "Друзья в группе",
- 'friends:collectionedit' => "Редактировать эту группу",
- 'friends:nocollections' => "У вас нет групп друзей.",
- 'friends:collectiondeleted' => "Группа была удалена.",
- 'friends:collectiondeletefailed' => "Мы не смогли удалить группу. Либо у вас нет прав, либо случилась какая-то другая ошибка.",
- 'friends:collectionadded' => "Ваша группа была успешно создана",
- 'friends:nocollectionname' => "Необходимо указать название группы что бы её создать.",
- 'friends:river:created' => "%s добавил себе виджет 'Друзья'.",
- 'friends:river:updated' => "%s обновил виджет 'Друзья'.",
- 'friends:river:delete' => "%s удалил виджет 'Друзья'.",
- 'friends:river:add' => "%s добавил себе друга.",
- /**
- * Feeds
- */
- 'feed:rss' => 'Подписаться на ленту',
- 'feed:odd' => 'Синхронизировать через OpenDD',
- /**
- * River
- */
- 'river' => "River",
- 'river:relationship:friend' => 'теперь друзья с',
- /**
- * Plugins
- */
- 'plugins:settings:save:ok' => "Настройки для приложения %s успешно сохранены.",
- 'plugins:settings:save:fail' => "Настройки для приложения %s не сохранены.",
- 'plugins:usersettings:save:ok' => "Пользовательские настройки для приложения %s успешно сохранены.",
- 'plugins:usersettings:save:fail' => "Пользовательский настройки для приложения %s не сохранены.",
- 'item:object:plugin' => 'Настройки приложения',
- /**
- * Notifications
- */
- 'notifications:usersettings' => "Настройки оповещения",
- 'notifications:methods' => "Пожалуйста укажите методы оповещания.",
- 'notifications:usersettings:save:ok' => "Настройки оповещения были успешно сохранены.",
- 'notifications:usersettings:save:fail' => "Не удалось сохранить изменения настроек оповещения.",
- 'user.notification.get' => 'Вернуться с настройкам оповещения данного пользователя.',
- 'user.notification.set' => 'Устанавливает настройки уведомлений для указанного пользователя.',
- /**
- * Search
- */
- 'search' => "Поиск",
- 'searchtitle' => "Поиск: %s",
- 'users:searchtitle' => "Поиск пользователей: %s",
- 'advancedsearchtitle' => "%s среди результатов, подходящих под %s",
- 'notfound' => "Ваш запрос не дал результатов.",
- 'next' => "Дальше",
- 'previous' => "Назад",
- 'viewtype:change' => "Изменить вид",
- 'viewtype:list' => "Список",
- 'viewtype:gallery' => "Галлерея",
- 'tag:search:startblurb' => "Записи, отвечающие запросу '%s':",
- 'user:search:startblurb' => "Пользователи, отвечающие запросу '%s':",
- 'user:search:finishblurb' => "Нажмите сюда, что бы увидеть больше.",
- /**
- * Account
- */
- 'account' => "Учётная запись",
- 'settings' => "Настройки",
- 'tools' => "Приложения",
- 'tools:yours' => "Мои приложения",
- 'register' => "Регистрация",
- 'registerok' => "Вы успешно зарегистрировались в %s. Чтобы активировать аккаунт, пожалуйста подтвердите email адрес перейдя по ссылке, которую мы вам выслали.",
- 'registerbad' => "Регистрация не возможна. Имя пользователя уже занято, либо пароли не совпадают, либо имя пользователя или пароль слишком короткие.",
- 'registerdisabled' => "Регистрация новых пользователей отключена администратором.",
- 'registration:notemail' => 'Адрес электронной почты, указанный вами, не корректен.',
- 'registration:userexists' => 'Такой пользователь уже зарегистрирован в системе',
- 'registration:usernametooshort' => 'Имя пользователя должно быть длиной не менее 4 символов.',
- 'registration:passwordtooshort' => 'Пароль должен быть длиной не менее 6 символов.',
- 'registration:dupeemail' => 'Этот адрес электронной почты уже используется в системе.',
- 'registration:invalidchars' => 'Имя пользователя содержит недопустимые символы.',
- 'registration:emailnotvalid' => 'Такой адрес электронной почты недопустим',
- 'registration:passwordnotvalid' => 'Такой пароль недопустим',
- 'registration:usernamenotvalid' => 'Такое имя пользователя не допустимо',
- 'adduser' => "Добавить пользователя",
- 'adduser:ok' => "Вы успешно добавили нового пользователя.",
- 'adduser:bad' => "Новый пользователь не может быть создан.",
- 'item:object:reported_content' => "Нарушения",
- 'user:set:name' => "Имя пользователя",
- 'user:name:label' => "Ваше имя",
- 'user:name:success' => "Ваше имя успешно изменено.",
- 'user:name:fail' => "Не удалось изменить ваше имя.",
- 'user:set:password' => "Пароль",
- 'user:password:label' => "Новый пароль",
- 'user:password2:label' => "Повторите новый пароль",
- 'user:password:success' => "Пароль изменён",
- 'user:password:fail' => "Невозможно изменить пароль.",
- 'user:password:fail:notsame' => "Пароли не совпадают!",
- 'user:password:fail:tooshort' => "Пароль слишком короткий!",
- 'user:set:language' => "Языковые настройки",
- 'user:language:label' => "Ваш язык",
- 'user:language:success' => "Ваши языковые настройки успешно сохранены.",
- 'user:language:fail' => "Не удалось сохранить ваши языковые настройки.",
- 'user:username:notfound' => 'Пользователь %s не найден.',
- 'user:password:lost' => 'Забыл пароль',
- 'user:password:resetreq:success' => 'Новый пароль успешно установлен, инструкции высланы по почте',
- 'user:password:resetreq:fail' => 'Не возможно сбросить пароль.',
- 'user:password:text' => 'Что бы сбросить пароль, введите ваш логин ниже. Мы вышлем вам уникальный адрес страницы, на который вам надо будет зайти, что бы получить новый пароль.',
- /**
- * Administration
- */
- 'admin:configuration:success' => "Изменения были сохранены.",
- 'admin:configuration:fail' => "Изменения не были сохранены.",
- 'admin' => "Администрирование",
- 'admin:description' => "Административная панель позволяет вам управлять всеми аспектами системы, от управления пользователями до поведения приложений.",
- 'admin:user' => "Управление пользователями",
- 'admin:user:description' => "Эта страница позволяет менять настройки вашего сайта.",
- 'admin:user:adduser:label' => "Кликнуть тут что бы добавить нового пользователя...",
- 'admin:user:opt:linktext' => "Настроить пользователей...",
- 'admin:user:opt:description' => "Настроить пользователей и информацию об аккаунтах. ",
- 'admin:site' => "Управление сайтом",
- 'admin:site:description' => "Эта страница позволяет вам управлять глобальными настройками вашего сайта.",
- 'admin:site:opt:linktext' => "Настроить сайт...",
- 'admin:site:opt:description' => "Установить технические и нетехнические настройки. ",
- 'admin:plugins' => "Управление приложениями",
- 'admin:plugins:description' => "Эта страница позволяет вам управлять приложениями, установленными на вашем сайте.",
- 'admin:plugins:opt:linktext' => "Настроить приложения...",
- 'admin:plugins:opt:description' => "Настроить установленные на сайте приложения. ",
- 'admin:plugins:label:author' => "Автор",
- 'admin:plugins:label:copyright' => "Копирайт",
- 'admin:plugins:label:licence' => "Лицензия",
- 'admin:plugins:label:website' => "URL",
- 'admin:plugins:disable:yes' => "Приложение %s было успешно выключено.",
- 'admin:plugins:disable:no' => "Не удалось выключить приложение %s.",
- 'admin:plugins:enable:yes' => "Приложение %s было успешно включено.",
- 'admin:plugins:enable:no' => "Не удалось включить приложение %s.",
- 'admin:statistics' => "Статистика",
- 'admin:statistics:description' => "Это обзорная статистика вашего сайта. Если вам нужна более детальная статистика, вы можете воспользоваться профессиональными услугами.",
- 'admin:statistics:opt:description' => "Просмотреть статистику о пользователях и объектах на вашем сайте.",
- 'admin:statistics:opt:linktext' => "Посмотреть статистику...",
- 'admin:statistics:label:basic' => "Статистика сайта",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numentities' => "Объекты",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numusers' => "Количество ползователей",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numonline' => "Количество пользователей в сети",
- 'admin:statistics:label:onlineusers' => "Пользователей в сети",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version' => "Версия Elgg",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version:release' => "Релиз",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version:version' => "Версия",
- 'admin:user:label:search' => "Найти пользователей:",
- 'admin:user:label:seachbutton' => "Поиск",
- 'admin:user:ban:no' => "Невозможно забанить пользователя",
- 'admin:user:ban:yes' => "Пользователь забанен.",
- 'admin:user:unban:no' => "Невозможно разбанить пользователя",
- 'admin:user:unban:yes' => "Пользователь разбанен.",
- 'admin:user:delete:no' => "Невозможно удалить пользователя",
- 'admin:user:delete:yes' => "Пользователь удалён",
- 'admin:user:resetpassword:yes' => "Пароль сброшен, пользователь уведомлён.",
- 'admin:user:resetpassword:no' => "Не удалось сбросить пароль.",
- 'admin:user:makeadmin:yes' => "Пользователю даны права администратора.",
- 'admin:user:makeadmin:no' => "Не удалось дать пользователю права администратора.",
- /**
- * User settings
- */
- 'usersettings:description' => "Страница управления пользовательскими настройками позволяет вам контролировать все ваши персональные настройки, от управления пользователями до поведения приложений.",
- 'usersettings:statistics' => "Ваша статистика",
- 'usersettings:statistics:opt:description' => "Просмотр статистической информации о пользователях и объетах вашего сайта.",
- 'usersettings:statistics:opt:linktext' => "Моя статистика",
- 'usersettings:user' => "Мои настройки",
- 'usersettings:user:opt:description' => "Это позволяет менять пользовательские настройки.",
- 'usersettings:user:opt:linktext' => "Мои настройки",
- 'usersettings:plugins' => "Приложения",
- 'usersettings:plugins:opt:description' => "Настроить активные приложения.",
- 'usersettings:plugins:opt:linktext' => "Настроить активные приложения...",
- 'usersettings:plugins:description' => "Эта страница позволяет вам контролировать и настраивать установленные в системе приложения.",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:numentities' => "Мои объекты",
- 'usersettings:statistics:yourdetails' => "Мои детали",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:name' => "Полное имя",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:email' => "Адрес эл. почты",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:membersince' => "Дата создания",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:lastlogin' => "Последний раз в сети",
- /**
- * Generic action words
- */
- 'save' => "Сохранить",
- 'cancel' => "Отменить",
- 'saving' => "Сохранение ...",
- 'update' => "Обновить",
- 'edit' => "Редактировать",
- 'delete' => "Удалить",
- 'load' => "Загрузить",
- 'upload' => "Закачать",
- 'ban' => "Забанить",
- 'unban' => "Разбанить",
- 'enable' => "Включить",
- 'disable' => "Выключить",
- 'request' => "Запросить",
- 'complete' => "Завершить",
- 'invite' => "Пригласить",
- 'resetpassword' => "Изменить пароли",
- 'makeadmin' => "Сделать администратором",
- 'option:yes' => "Да",
- 'option:no' => "Нет",
- 'unknown' => 'Неизвестный',
- 'active' => 'Активный',
- 'total' => 'Общий',
- 'learnmore' => "Нажмите здесь, что бы узнать больше.",
- 'content' => "содержимое",
- 'content:latest' => 'Последние события',
- 'content:latest:blurb' => 'Нажмите сюда, что бы посмотреть последние посты со всего сайта.',
- 'link:text' => 'дальше &raquo;',
- /**
- * Generic data words
- */
- 'title' => "Название",
- 'description' => "Описание",
- 'tags' => "Тэги",
- 'spotlight' => "Spotlight",
- 'all' => "Все",
- 'by' => 'от',
- 'annotations' => "Аннотации",
- 'relationships' => "Связи",
- 'metadata' => "Метаданные",
- /**
- * Input / output strings
- */
- 'deleteconfirm' => "Вы уверены, что хотите удалит этот объект?",
- 'fileexists' => "Файл уже отправлен на сервер. Что бы заменить его, выберите его ниже:",
- /**
- * System messages
- **/
- 'systemmessages:dismiss' => "закрыть",
- /**
- * Import / export
- */
- 'importsuccess' => "Импорт данных завершился успешно",
- 'importfail' => "OpenDD импорт данных .",
- /**
- * Time
- */
- 'friendlytime:justnow' => "только сейчас",
- 'friendlytime:minutes' => "%s минут назад",
- 'friendlytime:minutes:singular' => "минуту назад",
- 'friendlytime:hours' => "%s часов назад",
- 'friendlytime:hours:singular' => "час назад",
- 'friendlytime:days' => "%s дней назад",
- 'friendlytime:days:singular' => "вчера",
- /**
- * Installation and system settings
- */
- 'installation:error:htaccess' => "Elgg requires a file called .htaccess to be set in the root directory of its installation. We tried to create it for you, but Elgg doesn't have permission to write to that directory.
-Creating this is easy. Copy the contents of the textbox below into a text editor and save it as .htaccess
- 'installation:error:settings' => "Elgg couldn't find its settings file. Most of Elgg's settings will be handled for you, but we need you to supply your database details. To do this:
-1. Rename engine/settings.example.php to settings.php in your Elgg installation.
-2. Open it with a text editor and enter your MySQL database details. If you don't know these, ask your system administrator or technical support for help.
-Alternatively, you can enter your database settings below and we will try and do this for you...",
- 'installation:error:configuration' => "После исправления всех проблем конфигурации, обновите страницу что бы попытаться ещё раз.",
- 'installation' => "Инсталляция",
- 'installation:success' => "База данных Elgg успешно установлена.",
- 'installation:configuration:success' => "Ваши настройки сохранены. Теперь зарегистрируйте первого пользователя, который будет являться администратором.",
- 'installation:settings' => "Системные настройки",
- 'installation:settings:description' => "Теперь, когда база данных была успешно установлена, необходимо настроить остальные аспекты сайта. Мы попробовали автоматически определить настройки, но <b>вам следует их перепроверить.</b>",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:prompt' => "Настройте доступ к базе данных и нажмите 'Сохранить':",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:user' => "Пользователь",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:pass' => "Пароль",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:dbname' => "База данных",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:host' => "Хост (обычно 'localhost')",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:prefix' => "Префикс таблиц (обычно 'elgg')",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:savefail' => "Не удалось сохранить settings.php. Пожалуйста, сохраните следующую информацию в файл engine/settings.php используя текстовый редактор.",
- 'installation:sitename' => "Название вашего сайта (например \"Моя социальная сеть\"):",
- 'installation:sitedescription' => "Краткое описание вашего сайта (не обязательно)",
- 'installation:wwwroot' => "URL вашего сайта, заканчивающийся на /:",
- 'installation:path' => "Полный путь к корневой директории сайта на сервере, заканчивающийся на /:",
- 'installation:dataroot' => "Полный путь к директории, в которой будут храниться закачанные на сайт файлы, заканчивающийся на /:",
- 'installation:dataroot:warning' => "Вам придётся создать её самостоятельно. Она должна находится вне директории в которую установлен Elgg.",
- 'installation:language' => "Язык сайта по умолчанию:",
- 'installation:debug' => "Режим отладки предоставляет дополнительную инофрмацию для диагностики ошибок, но это может замедлить системы, поэтому режим должен быть использован только для отладки:",
- 'installation:debug:label' => "Включить режим отладки",
- 'installation:usage' => "Это позволит Elgg посылать анонимную статистику использования разработчикам Elgg.",
- 'installation:usage:label' => "Отсылать анонимную статистику использования",
- 'installation:view' => "Укажите, какой view должен быть использован по умолчанию для сайта, или оставьте пустым, что бы использовался default:",
- 'installation:disableapi' => "Elgg предоставляет гибкое и расширяемое API, которое позволяет приложениям использовать некоторые возможности Elgg удалённо",
- 'installation:disableapi:label' => "Включить RESTful API",
- 'installation:siteemail' => "Обратный адрес электронной почты, который будет использоваться для посылки системных писем",
- 'upgrade:db' => 'База данных была обновлена.',
- 'upgrade:core' => 'Ваша копия Elgg была обновлена.',
- /**
- * Welcome
- */
- 'welcome' => "Привет %s",
- 'welcome_message' => "Рады привествовать вас в свежеустановленной системе.",
- /**
- * Emails
- */
- 'email:settings' => "Настройки имэйл адреса",
- 'email:address:label' => "Ваш адрес электронной почты",
- 'email:save:success' => "Новый имэйл сохранён,подтверждение запрошено.",
- 'email:save:fail' => "Новый имэйл не был сохранён",
- 'email:confirm:success' => "Вы подтвердили ваш новый имэйл!",
- 'email:confirm:fail' => "Адрес вашей электронной почты не был изменён...",
- 'friend:newfriend:subject' => "%s добавил вас в друзья!",
- 'friend:newfriend:body' => "%s добавил вас в друзья!
-Что бы посмотреть его профайл, нажмите сюда:
- %s
-Не надо отвечать на это письмо.",
- 'email:validate:subject' => "%s, пожалуйста, подтвердите адрес!",
- 'email:validate:body' => "Привет %s,
-Пожалуйста, подтвердите ваш адрес электронной почты нажав на ссылку ниже:
- 'email:validate:success:subject' => "Адрес электронной почты проверен!",
- 'email:validate:success:body' => "Привет, %s,
-Поздравляем, ваш адрес электронной почты успешно проверен.",
- 'email:resetpassword:subject' => "Пароль сброшен!",
- 'email:resetpassword:body' => "Привет %s,
-Ваш пароль был сброшен, новый пароль: %s",
- 'email:resetreq:subject' => "Запрос нового пароля.",
- 'email:resetreq:body' => "Привет %s,
-Кто-то (IP адрес %s) запросил новый пароль для вашего аккаунта.
-Если это были вы, нажмите на ссылку ниже, иначе просто проигнорируйте это сообщение.
- /**
- */
- 'xmlrpc:noinputdata' => "Отсутствуют входные данные",
- /**
- * Comments
- */
- 'comments:count' => "%s комментарии",
- 'generic_comments:add' => "Добавить комментарий",
- 'generic_comments:text' => "Комментарий",
- 'generic_comment:posted' => "Ваш комментарий успешно добавлен.",
- 'generic_comment:deleted' => "Ваш комментарий успешно удалён.",
- 'generic_comment:blank' => "Извините, нельзя добавить пустой комментарий.",
- 'generic_comment:notfound' => "Извините, мы не можем найти указанный объект.",
- 'generic_comment:notdeleted' => "Извините, мы не можем удалить этот комментарий.",
- 'generic_comment:failure' => "Не удалоcь добавить ваш комментарий. Попробуйте ещё раз.",
- 'generic_comment:email:subject' => 'Вы получили новый комментарий!',
- 'generic_comment:email:body' => "Вы получили новый комментарий на ваше \"%s\" от %s:
-Что бы ответить или просто посмотреть оригинальный объект, перейдите по ссылке:
- %s
-Что бы посмотреть профайл пользователя %s, перейдите по ссылке:
- %s
-Не надо отвечать на это письмо.",
- /**
- * Entities
- */
- 'entity:default:strapline' => 'Добавлено %s пользователем %s',
- 'entity:default:missingsupport:popup' => 'Этот объект не может быть корректно отображён. Возможно, это случилось потому, что был удалёно приложение, которое умеет его отображать.',
- 'entity:delete:success' => 'Объект %s успешно удалён',
- 'entity:delete:fail' => 'Объект %s не может быть удалён',
- /**
- * Action gatekeeper
- */
- 'actiongatekeeper:missingfields' => 'В форме не хватает полей __token или __ts',
- 'actiongatekeeper:tokeninvalid' => 'Токен в форме не соответствует токену, сгенерированному на сервере.',
- 'actiongatekeeper:timeerror' => 'Форма потеряла актуальность, пожалуйста обновите страницу и попробуйте ещё раз.',
- 'actiongatekeeper:pluginprevents' => 'Какое-то браузерное расширение не позволило отправить эту форму.',
- /**
- * Extras
- */
- 'more info' => 'больше &raquo;',
- /**
- * Languages according to ISO 639-1
- */
- "aa" => "Афарский",
- "ab" => "Абхазский",
- "af" => "Африкаанс",
- "am" => "Амхарский",
- "ar" => "Арабский",
- "as" => "Ассаамский",
- "ay" => "Аймара",
- "az" => "Азербайнджанский",
- "ba" => "Башкирский",
- "be" => "Белорусский",
- "bg" => "Болгарский",
- "bh" => "Бихари",
- "bi" => "Бислама",
- "bn" => "Бенгальский,",
- "bo" => "Тибетский",
- "br" => "Бретонский",
- "ca" => "Каталанский",
- "co" => "Корсиканский",
- "cs" => "Чешский",
- "cy" => "Уэльский",
- "da" => "Датский",
- "de" => "Немецкий",
- "dz" => "Бхутани",
- "el" => "Греческий",
- "en" => "Английский",
- "eo" => "Эсперанто",
- "es" => "Испанский",
- "et" => "Эстонский",
- "eu" => "Баскский язык",
- "fa" => "Персидский",
- "fi" => "Финский",
- "fj" => "Фиджийский",
- "fo" => "Фарерский",
- "fr" => "Французский",
- "fy" => "Фарерский",
- "ga" => "Ирландский",
- "gd" => "Шотландский(гальский)",
- "gl" => "Galician",
- "gn" => "Гуарани",
- "gu" => "Гуджаратский",
- "he" => "Иврит",
- "ha" => "Хауса",
- "hi" => "Хинди",
- "hr" => "Хорватский",
- "hu" => "Венгерский",
- "hy" => "Армянский",
- "ia" => "Интерлингва",
- "id" => "Индонезейский",
- "ie" => "Окйиденталь",
- "ik" => "Инупиак",
- //"in" => "Индонезийский",
- "is" => "Исландский",
- "it" => "Итальянский",
- "iu" => "Инуктитут",
- "iw" => "Иврит",
- "ja" => "Японский",
- "ji" => "Йдиш",
- "jw" => "Яванский",
- "ka" => "Грузинский",
- "kk" => "Казахский",
- "kl" => "Гренландский",
- "km" => "Кхмерский",
- "kn" => "Kанада",
- "ko" => "Корейский",
- "ks" => "Кашмири",
- "ku" => "Курдский",
- "ky" => "Киргизский",
- "la" => "Латинский",
- "ln" => "Лингала",
- "lo" => "Лаосский",
- "lt" => "Латышский",
- "lv" => "Литовский",
- "mg" => "Малагасийский",
- "mi" => "Маори",
- "mk" => "Mакедонский",
- "ml" => "Малаялам",
- "mn" => "Монгольский",
- "mo" => "Молдавский",
- "mr" => "Маратхи",
- "ms" => "Малагасийский",
- "mt" => "Мальтийский",
- "my" => "Бирманский",
- "na" => "Науранский",
- "ne" => "Непальский",
- "nl" => "Датский",
- "no" => "Норвежский",
- "oc" => "Окситанский",
- "om" => "Афан Оромо",
- "or" => "Ория",
- "pa" => "Панджаби",
- "pl" => "Польский",
- "ps" => "Пашто",
- "pt" => "Португальский",
- "qu" => "Кечуа",
- "rm" => "Рето-романский",
- "rn" => "Рунди",
- "ro" => "Румынский",
- "ru" => "Русский",
- "rw" => "Руанда",
- "sa" => "Санскрит",
- "sd" => "Синдхи",
- "sg" => "Сангхо",
- "sh" => "Сербохорватский",
- "si" => "Сингальский",
- "sk" => "Словацкий",
- "sl" => "Словенский",
- "sm" => "Самоанский",
- "sn" => "Шона",
- "so" => "Сомали",
- "sq" => "Албанский",
- "sr" => "Сербский",
- "ss" => "Свати",
- "st" => "Сеперди",
- "su" => "Сунданский",
- "sv" => "Шведский",
- "sw" => "Суахили",
- "ta" => "Тамильский",
- "te" => "Телугу",
- "tg" => "Таджикский",
- "th" => "Тайский",
- "ti" => "Семитский",
- "tk" => "Туркменский",
- "tl" => "Тагальский",
- "tn" => "Тсвана",
- "to" => "Tонганский",
- "tr" => "Турецкий",
- "ts" => "Тсонга",
- "tt" => "Татарский",
- "tw" => "Тви",
- "ug" => "Уйгурский",
- "uk" => "Украинский",
- "ur" => "Урду",
- "uz" => "Узбекский",
- "vi" => "Вьетнамский",
- "vo" => "Волапюк",
- "wo" => "Волоф",
- "xh" => "Коса",
- //"y" => "Yiddish",
- "yi" => "Идиш",
- "yo" => "Йоруба",
- "za" => "Чжуанский",
- "zh" => "Китайский",
- "zu" => "Зулусский",
- );
- add_translation("ru",$russian);
diff --git a/languages/th.php b/languages/th.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dc7d1801..000000000
--- a/languages/th.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,928 +0,0 @@
- * Translator: Pisan chueachatchai <webmaster@lungkao.com>
- * Language-Team: Laithai http://elgg.in.th
- * Language: Thai
- * Country: THAILAND
- * Version: 1.0
- * Creation-Date: 2008-09-28 15:19+0700
- */
- $thai = array(
- /**
- * Sites
- */
- 'item:site' => 'ไซต์',
- /**
- * Sessions
- */
- 'login' => "เข้าสู่ระบบ",
- 'loginok' => "คุณกำลังเข้าสู่ระบบ",
-'loginerror' => "เราไม่สามารถให้คุณเข้าสู่ระบบได้เนื่องจากคุณยังไม่ยืนยันตัวตนผ่านอีเมลที่สมัคร",
- 'logout' => "ออกจากระบบ",
- 'logoutok' => "คุณออกจากระบบแล้ว",
- 'logouterror' => "เราไม่สามารถให้คุณออกจากระบบได้ กรุณาลองใหม่",
- /**
- * Errors
- */
- 'exception:title' => "ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ Elgg",
- 'InstallationException:CantCreateSite' => "ไม่สามารถสร้างภายใต้ชื่อ:%s, Url: %s ได้",
- 'actionundefined' => "การกระทำของ (%s) ไม่สามารถทำงานได้",
- 'actionloggedout' => "เสียใจด้วย, คุณไม่สามารถทำได้ขณะที่คุณออกจากระบบแล้ว",
- 'notfound' => "คุณไม่สามารถเข้าถึงได้ ตรวจสอบว่าคุณมีสิทธิที่จะเข้าใช้หรือไม่",
- 'SecurityException:Codeblock' => "คุณไม่ได้รับอนุญาติให้เข้าถึง",
- 'DatabaseException:WrongCredentials' => "ระบบไม่สามารถติดต่อฐานข้อมูล %s@%s (pw: %s)ได้",
- 'DatabaseException:NoConnect' => "ระบบไม่สามารถเลือกใช้ฐานข้อมูล '%s'ได้, โปรดตรวจสอบว่า",
- 'SecurityException:FunctionDenied' => "การเข้าใช้ '%s' ไม่ได้ระบอนุญาติ",
- 'DatabaseException:DBSetupIssues' => "ใส่หมายเลขที่ต้องการ: ",
- 'DatabaseException:ScriptNotFound' => "ระบบหาสคริป %s ไม่เจอ",
- 'IOException:FailedToLoadGUID' => "มีข้อผิดพลาด %s จาก GUID:%d",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggObject' => "Passing a non-ElggObject to an ElggObject constructor!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedValue' => "Unrecognised value passed to constuctor.",
- 'InvalidClassException:NotValidElggStar' => "GUID:%d ไม่ถูกต้อง %s",
- 'PluginException:MisconfiguredPlugin' => "%s ไม่สามารถตั้งค่าปลั๊กอินได้เนื่องจากหาไฟล์ไม่เจอ",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggUser' => "ผ่าน non-ElggUser การสร้าง!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggSite' => "ผ่าน non-ElggSite tการสร้างระบบ!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggGroup' => "ผ่าน non-ElggGroup การสร้างกลุ่ม!",
- 'IOException:UnableToSaveNew' => "ไม่สามารถบันทึก %s",
- 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotForExport' => "GUID ไม่สามารถนำออกมาได้",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonArrayReturnValue' => "ผ่าน non-array พารามิเตอร์",
- 'ConfigurationException:NoCachePath' => "ไม่ได้ตั้งค่าพาทของแคช!",
- 'IOException:NotDirectory' => "%s ไม่มีไดแรกเทอรี่",
- 'IOException:BaseEntitySaveFailed' => "ไม่สามารถบันทึกได้!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedODDClass' => "นำเข้า() ผ่านและ unexpected ODD class",
- 'InvalidParameterException:EntityTypeNotSet' => "ตั้งค่าการกระทำแล้ว",
- 'ClassException:ClassnameNotClass' => "%s ไม่ใช่ %s.",
- 'ClassNotFoundException:MissingClass' => "คลาส '%s' หาปลั๊กอินไม่เจอ?",
- 'InstallationException:TypeNotSupported' => "ไฟล์ %s ไม่สนับสนุน",
- 'ImportException:ImportFailed' => "ไม่สามารถนำเข้า %d",
- 'ImportException:ProblemSaving' => "มีปัญหาในการบันทึก %s",
- 'ImportException:NoGUID' => "ไม่มี GUID, แต่ก็ไม่เป็นปัญหา",
- 'ImportException:GUIDNotFound' => "Entity '%d' ไม่มี",
- 'ImportException:ProblemUpdatingMeta' => "ไม่สามารถอัพเดต '%s' ใน '%d'",
- 'ExportException:NoSuchEntity' => "ไม่มี GUID:%d",
- 'ImportException:NoODDElements' => "ไม่มี OpenDD การนำเข้าผิดพลาด",
- 'ImportException:NotAllImported' => "ไม่สามารถนำเข้าได้",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedFileMode' => "ไม่สามารถทำได้ที่โหมดไฟล์ '%s'",
- 'InvalidParameterException:MissingOwner' => "ทุกไฟล์มีเจ้าของ!",
- 'IOException:CouldNotMake' => "ไม่สามารถสร้าง %s",
- 'IOException:MissingFileName' => "คุณต้องมีชื่อไฟล์เพื่อใช้ในการเปิด",
- 'ClassNotFoundException:NotFoundNotSavedWithFile' => "ไฟลืไม่สามารถจัดเก็บได้!",
- 'NotificationException:NoNotificationMethod' => "ไม่ มีบางอย่างไม่สมบูรณ์",
- 'NotificationException:NoHandlerFound' => "ไม่มีหัว '%s' หรือเรียกไม่ได้",
- 'NotificationException:ErrorNotifyingGuid' => "มีข้อผิดพลาดการประกาศ %d",
- 'NotificationException:NoEmailAddress' => "ไม่สามารถเข้าใจ GUID:%d",
- 'NotificationException:MissingParameter' => "มีข้อผิดพลาดการร้องขอ, '%s'",
- 'DatabaseException:WhereSetNonQuery' => "Where set contains non WhereQueryComponent",
- 'DatabaseException:SelectFieldsMissing' => "หาฟิลไม่เจอ",
- 'DatabaseException:UnspecifiedQueryType' => "Unrecognised or unspecified query type.",
- 'DatabaseException:NoTablesSpecified' => "ไม่มีตารางเพื่อดึงข้อมูล",
- 'DatabaseException:NoACL' => "ไม่สามารถเข้าถึงได้",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NoEntityFound' => "ไม่มีสิทธิ์ในการเข้ถึงข้อมูล",
- 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotFound' => "GUID:%s ไม่มี หรือคุณไม่มีสิทธิเข้าถึงข้อมูล",
- 'InvalidParameterException:IdNotExistForGUID' => "เสียใจด้วย, '%s' ไม่สามารถออกจาก guid:%d ได้",
- 'InvalidParameterException:CanNotExportType' => "เสียใจด้วย, Iไม่สามารถนำออก '%s'ได้",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NoDataFound' => "ไม่มีฟิลข้อมูล",
- 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelong' => "คุณไม่ได้เป็นสมาชิกของการกระทำนี้",
- 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelongOrRefer' => "คุณไม่ได้เป็นสมาชิกของการกระทำนี้",
- 'InvalidParameterException:MissingParameter' => "พารามิเตอร์ไม่มี, คุณต้องจัดเตียมสำหรับ GUID.",
- 'SecurityException:APIAccessDenied' => "เสียใจด้วย, API ตัวนี้ถูกจำกัดการเข้าถึงโดยผู้ดูแล",
- 'SecurityException:NoAuthMethods' => "ไม่สามารถเข้าถึงข้อมูลได้แต่ API ต้องการเข้าถึง",
- 'APIException:ApiResultUnknown' => "API ไม่สามารถแสดงผลได้",
- 'ConfigurationException:NoSiteID' => "ไม่มี ID ",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedMethod' => "ไม่สามารถเรียก '%s'",
- 'APIException:MissingParameterInMethod' => "ไม่มีพารามิเตอร์ %s ใน %s",
- 'APIException:ParameterNotArray' => "%s ไม่สามารถแสดงได้ ตามลำดับ",
- 'APIException:UnrecognisedTypeCast' => "ไม่สามารคำนวณ %s สำหรับ '%s' ใน '%s'",
- 'APIException:InvalidParameter' => "ไม่มีพารามิเตอร์ '%s' ใน '%s'.",
- 'APIException:FunctionParseError' => "%s(%s) มีข้อผิดพลาด",
- 'APIException:FunctionNoReturn' => "%s(%s) ไม่มีค่ากลับมา",
- 'SecurityException:AuthTokenExpired' => "หารส่งค่าหมดอายุ",
- 'CallException:InvalidCallMethod' => "%s ไม่สามารถเรียก '%s'",
- 'APIException:MethodCallNotImplemented' => "การเรียก '%s' ไม่สามารถแสดงได้",
- 'APIException:AlgorithmNotSupported' => "Algorithm '%s' ไม่รองรับหรือถูกปิดอยู่",
- 'ConfigurationException:CacheDirNotSet' => "ไดแรกเทอรี่แคช 'cache_path'ไม่ได้เตียมไว้ ",
- 'APIException:NotGetOrPost' => "การร้องขอ GET หรือ POST",
- 'APIException:MissingAPIKey' => "มีข้อผิดพลาดหา X-Elgg-apikey HTTP header",
- 'APIException:MissingHmac' => "มีข้อผิดพลาดหา X-Elgg-hmac header",
- 'APIException:MissingHmacAlgo' => "มีข้อผิดพลาดหา X-Elgg-hmac-algo header",
- 'APIException:MissingTime' => "มีข้อผิดพลาดหา X-Elgg-time header",
- 'APIException:TemporalDrift' => "X-Elgg-time is too far in the past or future. Epoch fail.",
- 'APIException:NoQueryString' => "No data on the query string",
- 'APIException:MissingPOSTHash' => "มีข้อผิดพลาดหา X-Elgg-posthash header",
- 'APIException:MissingPOSTAlgo' => "มีข้อผิดพลาดหาX-Elgg-posthash_algo header",
- 'APIException:MissingContentType' => "มีข้อผิดพลาดหา content type for post data",
- 'SecurityException:InvalidPostHash' => "POST data hash is invalid - Expected %s but got %s.",
- 'SecurityException:DupePacket' => "Packet signature already seen.",
- 'SecurityException:InvalidAPIKey' => "มีข้อผิดพลาดหา API ไม่เจอ.",
- 'NotImplementedException:CallMethodNotImplemented' => "Call method '%s' is currently not supported.",
- 'NotImplementedException:XMLRPCMethodNotImplemented' => "XML-RPC method call '%s' not implemented.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedReturnFormat' => "Call to method '%s' returned an unexpected result.",
- 'CallException:NotRPCCall' => "Call does not appear to be a valid XML-RPC call",
- 'PluginException:NoPluginName' => "หาปลั๊กอินไม่เจอ",
- 'ConfigurationException:BadDatabaseVersion' => "ฐานข้อมูลไม่ได้ตั้งค่าตามที่ Elggต้องการ",
- 'ConfigurationException:BadPHPVersion' => "คุณต้องใช้ PHP รุ่น 5. 2ขึ้นไปเพื่อใช้ Elgg.",
- 'configurationwarning:phpversion' => "Elgg ต้องการ PHP รุ่น 5.2,คุณสามารถติดตั้งได้ที่รุ่น 5.1.6 แต่ความสามารถบางอย่างจะใช้ไม่ได้",
- 'InstallationException:DatarootNotWritable' => "ที่เก็บ %sไม่สามารถเขียนได้.",
- 'InstallationException:DatarootUnderPath' => "ที่เก็บ %sไม่ได้อยู่นอกพาทที่ติดตั้ง",
- 'InstallationException:DatarootBlank' => "คุณไม่ได้ใส่ไดเรกเทอรี่เก็บไฟล์",
- 'SecurityException:authenticationfailed' => "สมาชิกไม่ได้ยืนยัน",
- 'CronException:unknownperiod' => '%s is not a recognised period.',
- /**
- * API
- */
- 'system.api.list' => "แสดง API ทั้งหมดของระบบ",
- 'auth.gettoken' => " API นี้จะเรียกใช้เมื่อสมาชิกเข้าสู่ระบบ",
- /**
- * User details
- */
- 'name' => "ชื่อที่จะแสดง",
- 'email' => "อีเมล",
- 'username' => "ชื่อสมาชิก",
- 'password' => "รหัสผ่าน",
- 'passwordagain' => "รหัสผ่าน (ใส่อีกครั้งเพื่อยืนยัน)",
- 'admin_option' => "ต้องการให้สมาชิกเป็นผู้ดูแล?",
- /**
- * Access
- */
- 'ACCESS_PRIVATE' => "ส่วนตัว",
- 'ACCESS_LOGGED_IN' => "สมาชิกที่เข้าสู่ระบบ",
- 'ACCESS_PUBLIC' => "ทั่วไป",
- 'PRIVATE' => "ส่วนตัว",
- 'LOGGED_IN' => "สมาชิกที่เข้าสู่ระบบ",
- 'PUBLIC' => "ทั่วไป",
- 'access' => "การเข้าถึง",
- /**
- * Dashboard and widgets
- */
- 'dashboard' => "พื้นที่ส่วนตัว",
- 'dashboard:configure' => "แก้ไขหน้านี้",
- 'dashboard:nowidgets' => "พื้นที่ส่วนตัวของคุณในเว็บนี้ คลิ๊ก 'แก้ไขหน้านี้' เพื่อเพิ่มหรือแก้ไขการแสดงผล",
- 'widgets:add' => 'เพิ่มวิดเจ็ต',
- 'widgets:add:description' => "เลือกสิ่งที่คุณต้องการใน <b>คลังวิดเจ๊ต</b> ด้านขวา, โดยการลากเข้าสู่พื้นที่แสดงผลสามช่อง, และสามารถลากเปลี่ยนตำแหน่งได้.
-หากต้องการลบออกจากพื้นที่แสดงผลให้ลากสิ่งที่ไม่ต้องการเข้าไปที่ <b>คลังวิดเจ๊ต</b>",
- 'widgets:position:fixed' => '(จำกัดตำแหน่ง)',
- 'widgets' => "วิดเจ็ต",
- 'widget' => "วิดเจ็ต",
- 'item:object:widget' => "วิดเจ็ต",
- 'layout:customise' => "แก้ไขการแสดงผล",
- 'widgets:gallery' => "คลังวิดเจ๊ต",
- 'widgets:leftcolumn' => "วิดเจ็ตด้านซ้าย",
- 'widgets:fixed' => "จำกัดตำแหน่ง",
- 'widgets:middlecolumn' => "วิดเจ็ตตรงกลาง",
- 'widgets:rightcolumn' => "วิดเจ็ตด้านขวา",
- 'widgets:profilebox' => "กล่องโปรไฟล์",
- 'widgets:panel:save:success' => "วิดเจ็ตของคุณถูกบันทึกแล้ว",
- 'widgets:panel:save:failure' => "มีปัญหาในการบันทึกวิดเจ็ต ลองใหม่อีกครั้ง",
- 'widgets:save:success' => "วิดเจ็ตของคุณถูกบันทึกแล้ว",
- 'widgets:save:failure' => "มีปัญหาในการบันทึกวิดเจ็ต ลองใหม่อีกครั้ง",
- /**
- * Groups
- */
- 'group' => "กลุ่ม",
- 'item:group' => "กลุ่ม",
- /**
- * Profile
- */
- 'profile' => "โปรไฟล์",
- 'user' => "สมาชิก",
- 'item:user' => "สมาชิก",
- /**
- * Profile menu items and titles
- */
- 'profile:yours' => "โปรไฟล์ของคุณ",
- 'profile:user' => "โปรไฟล์ของ %s",
- 'profile:edit' => "แก้ไขโปรไฟล์",
- 'profile:editicon' => "อัพโหลดรูปโปรไฟล์ใหม่",
- 'profile:profilepictureinstructions' => "รูปโปรไฟล์จะถูกแสดง ในหน้าโปรไฟล์ของคุณ<br /> คุณสามารถเปลี่ยนมันได้ตลอดเวลา. (ไฟล์ที่สามารถใส่ได้: GIF, JPG or PNG)",
- 'profile:icon' => "รูปโปรไฟล์",
- 'profile:createicon' => "สร้่างรูปแทนตัว",
- 'profile:currentavatar' => "รูปแทนตัวปัจจุบัน",
- 'profile:createicon:header' => "รูปแทนตัว",
- 'profile:profilepicturecroppingtool' => "เครื่องมือตัดรูป",
- 'profile:createicon:instructions' => "คลิ๊กแล้วลากเป็นสี่เหลี่ยมตรวบริเวณที่คุณต้องการ สามารถดูสิ่งที่คุณได้ทำตรงกล่งด้านขวา หากคุณพอดใจแล้วให้คลิ๊ก 'สร้างรูปแทนตัว'ระบบจะไปจัดขนาดของรูปที่เหมาะสมให้เอง ",
- 'profile:editdetails' => "แก้ไขรายละเอียด",
- 'profile:editicon' => "แก้ไขรูปแทนตัว",
- 'profile:aboutme' => "นี่แหละตัวฉัน",
- 'profile:description' => "นี่แหละตัวฉัน(เขียนอธิบายตัวคุณ)",
- 'profile:briefdescription' => "รายละเอียดย่อ(หรือคติประจำตัว)",
- 'profile:location' => "ที่อยู่อาจใส่แค่จังหวัดหรืออำเภอ",
- 'profile:skills' => "ความสามารถ",
- 'profile:interests' => "ความสนใจ",
- 'profile:contactemail' => "อีเมลที่ติดต่อได้",
- 'profile:phone' => "โทรศัพท์",
- 'profile:mobile' => "มือถือ",
- 'profile:website' => "เว็บไซต์",
- 'profile:river:update' => "%s อัพเดตโปรไฟล์",
- 'profile:river:iconupdate' => "%s อัพเดตรูปโปรไฟล์",
- /**
- * Profile status messages
- */
- 'profile:saved' => "โปรไฟล์ของคุณถูกบันทึก",
- 'profile:icon:uploaded' => "รูปโปรไฟล์ของคุณถูกบันทึก",
- /**
- * Profile error messages
- */
- 'profile:noaccess' => "คุณไม่มีสิทธิแก้ไขโปรไฟล์",
- 'profile:notfound' => "เสียใจด้วย; เราไม่สามารถหาโปรไฟล์นี้ได้.",
- 'profile:cantedit' => "เสียใจด้วย; คุณไม่มีสิทธิแก้ไขโปรไฟล์",
- 'profile:icon:notfound' => "เสียใจด้วย; มีปัญหาในการอัพโหลดรูปโปรไฟล์",
- /**
- * Friends
- */
- 'friends' => "เพื่อน",
- 'friends:yours' => "เพื่อนของคุณ",
- 'friends:owned' => "เพื่อนของ %s",
- 'friend:add' => "เพิ่มเป็นเพื่อน",
- 'friend:remove' => "บอกเลิกการเป็นเพื่อน",
- 'friends:add:successful' => "คุณได้เพิ่ม %s เป็นเพื่อน",
- 'friends:add:failure' => "ไม่สามารถเพิ่ม %s เป็นเพื่อนได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง",
- 'friends:remove:successful' => "คุณได้ลบ %s จากการเป็นเพื่อน",
- 'friends:remove:failure' => "ไม่สามารถลบ %s จากการเป็นเพื่อนได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง",
- 'friends:none' => "สมาชิกคนนี้ยังไม่เคยเพิ่มใครเป็นเพื่อน",
- 'friends:none:you' => "คุณยังไม่มีเพื่อนเลย! ลองค้นหาใครสักคนมาเป็นเพื่อนคุณ",
- 'friends:none:found' => "ไม่มีเพื่อนเลย",
- 'friends:of:none' => "ไม่มีใครเพิ่มเขาเป็นเพื่อนเลย",
- 'friends:of:none:you' => "ยังไม่มีใครเพิ่มคุณเป็นเพื่อนเลยลองเขียนอะไรในบล๊อค หรือเพิ่มไฟล์ดูสิ!",
- 'friends:of' => "คนที่กำลังขอเป็นเพื่อน",
- 'friends:of:owned' => "ใครบางคนเพิ่ม %s เป็นเพื่อน",
- 'friends:num_display' => "ใส่จำนวนของเพื่อนที่ต้องการแสดง",
- 'friends:icon_size' => "ขนาดของรูป",
- 'friends:tiny' => "ใหญ่สุด",
- 'friends:small' => "เล็กสุด",
- 'friends' => "เพื่อน",
- 'friends:of' => "คนที่กำลังขอเป็นเพื่อน",
- 'friends:collections' => "ประเภทของเพื่อน",
- 'friends:collections:add' => "เพิ่มประเภทของเืพื่อน",
- 'friends:addfriends' => "เพิ่มเพื่อน",
- 'friends:collectionname' => "ชื่อประเภท",
- 'friends:collectionfriends' => "เพื่อนในประเภท",
- 'friends:collectionedit' => "แก้ไขประเภท",
- 'friends:nocollections' => "คุณยังไม่มีประเภท",
- 'friends:collectiondeleted' => "ประเภทของเพื่อนถูกลบ",
- 'friends:collectiondeletefailed' => "ไม่สามารถลบประเภทได้ เนื่องจากคุณไม่มีสิทธิ, หรืออาจมีข้อผิดพลาดบางอย่าง",
- 'friends:collectionadded' => "ประเภทของเพื่อนได้ถูกสร้างแล้ว",
- 'friends:nocollectionname' => "คุณต้องใส่ชื่อ ประเภทของเพื่อน",
- 'friends:river:created' => "%s เพิ่มวิดเจ็ต เพื่อน",
- 'friends:river:updated' => "%s อัพเดตวิดเจ็ต เพื่อน",
- 'friends:river:delete' => "%s ลบวิดเจ็ตเพื่อน",
- 'friends:river:add' => "%s เพิ่มใครบางคนเป็นเพื่อน",
- /**
- * Feeds
- */
- 'feed:rss' => 'Subscribe to feed',
- 'feed:odd' => 'Syndicate OpenDD',
- /**
- * River
- */
- 'river' => "River",
- 'river:relationship:friend' => 'เป็นเพื่อนโดย',
- /**
- * Plugins
- */
- 'plugins:settings:save:ok' => "การตั้งค่า %s เสร็จสิ้น",
- 'plugins:settings:save:fail' => "มีปัญหาในการบันทึก ปลั้กอิน %s ",
- 'plugins:usersettings:save:ok' => "การจั้งค่าปลั้กอิน %s เสร็จสิ้น",
- 'plugins:usersettings:save:fail' => "มีปัญหาในการบันทึก ปลั้กอิน %s ",
- 'item:object:plugin' => 'การตั้งค่าปลั๊กอิน',
- /**
- * Notifications
- */
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- 'notifications:methods' => "โปรดเลือกการกระทำอย่างใดอย่างหนึ่งกับระบบเตือน",
- 'notifications:usersettings:save:ok' => "ระบบเตือนถูกบันทึกแล้ว",
- 'notifications:usersettings:save:fail' => "มีปัญหากับการบันทึกระบบเตือน",
- 'user.notification.get' => 'กลับไปยังการตั้งค่าเตือนของสมาชิก',
- 'user.notification.set' => 'ตั้งค่าการเตือนสำหรับสมาชิก',
- /**
- * Search
- */
- 'search' => "ค้นหา",
- 'searchtitle' => "ค้นหา: %s",
- 'users:searchtitle' => "ค้นหาสำหรับสมาชิก: %s",
- 'advancedsearchtitle' => "%s ผลลัพธ์ของ %s",
- 'notfound' => "ไม่มีผลลัพธ์ หรือไม่เจออะไรเลย",
- 'next' => "ต่อไป",
- 'previous' => "ย้อนกลับ",
- 'viewtype:change' => "เปลี่ยนรูปแบบการแสดง",
- 'viewtype:list' => "แสดงแบบรายการ",
- 'viewtype:gallery' => "แกลลอรี่",
- 'tag:search:startblurb' => "จำนวนที่เหมือนกันของแท็ก '%s':",
- 'user:search:startblurb' => "สมาชิกที่เหมือน '%s':",
- 'user:search:finishblurb' => "ดูอื่นๆเพิ่มเติม, คลิ๊กที่นี่",
- /**
- * Account
- */
- 'account' => "บัญชี",
- 'settings' => "ตั้งค่า",
- 'tools' => "เครื่องมือ",
- 'tools:yours' => "เครื่องมือของคุณ",
- 'register' => "สมัครสมาชิก",
- 'registerok' => "คุณได้ละทะเบียนสำหรับ %s แล้ว เพื่อการยืนยันว่ามีอีเมลจริงกรุณากลับไปตรวจสอบอีเมลแล้วคลิ๊กลิ้งค์ที่เราส่งให้เพื่อยืนยัน",
- 'registerbad' => "ไม่สามารถลงทะเบียนได้. ชื่ออาจจะซ้ำ, หรือรหัสผ่านไม่ตรงกัน, หรือชื่อและรหัสผ่านสั้นเกินไป",
- 'registerdisabled' => "ระบบไม่ได้เปิดให้มีการสมัครสมาชิกสมัครสมาชิก",
- 'registration:notemail' => 'อีเมลไม่ถูกต้อง',
- 'registration:userexists' => 'ชื่อสมาชิกนี้มีคนใช้แล้ว',
- 'registration:usernametooshort' => 'ชื่อสมาชิกต้องไม่ต่ำกว่า 4 ตัวอักษร',
- 'registration:passwordtooshort' => 'รหัสผ่านต้องไม่น้อยกว่า 6 ตัวอักษร',
- 'registration:dupeemail' => 'อีเมลนี้ได้มีคนอื่นใช้ในการสมัครแล้ว',
- 'registration:invalidchars' => 'เสียใจด้วย, อีเมลของคุณไม่สมบูรณ์',
- 'registration:emailnotvalid' => 'เสียใจด้วย, อีเมลไม่มีในระบบ',
- 'registration:passwordnotvalid' => 'เสียใจด้วย, รหัสผ่านไม่ตรงกับระบบ',
- 'registration:usernamenotvalid' => 'เสียใจด้วย, ชื่อสมาชิกไม่มีในระบบ',
- 'adduser' => "เพิ่มสมาชิก",
- 'adduser:ok' => "เพิ่มสมาชิกใหม่แล้ว",
- 'adduser:bad' => "การเพิ่มสมาชิกใหม่ไม่สามารถทำได้",
- 'item:object:reported_content' => "แจ้งผู้ดูแล",
- 'user:set:name' => "ตั้งค่าชื่อบัญชีคุณ",
- 'user:name:label' => "ชื่อของคุณ",
- 'user:name:success' => "การเปลี่ยนชื่อเสร็จสิ้น",
- 'user:name:fail' => "ไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนชื่อได้",
- 'user:set:password' => "ตั้งค่ารหัสผ่านของบัญชีคุณ",
- 'user:password:label' => "รหัสผ่านใหม่",
- 'user:password2:label' => "รหัสผ่านใหม่อีกครั้ง",
- 'user:password:success' => "เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านแล้ว",
- 'user:password:fail' => "ไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านได้",
- 'user:password:fail:notsame' => "คุณใส่รหัสผ่านสองครั้งไม่เหมือนกัน!",
- 'user:password:fail:tooshort' => "รหัสผ่านสั้นเกินไป!",
- 'user:set:language' => "การตั้งค่าภาษา",
- 'user:language:label' => "ภาษาของคุณ",
- 'user:language:success' => "ภาษาในการใช้งานได้อัพเดตแล้ว",
- 'user:language:fail' => "การตั้งค่าภาษาไม่สามารถบันทึกได้",
- 'user:username:notfound' => 'ชื่อสมาชิก %s ไม่มี',
- 'user:password:lost' => 'ลืมรหัสผ่าน',
- 'user:password:resetreq:success' => 'ได้รับการขอรหัสผ่านใหม่แล้ว และถูกส่งไปยังอีเมล',
- 'user:password:resetreq:fail' => 'ไม่สามารถขอรหัสผ่านใหม่ได้',
- 'user:password:text' => 'เพื่อสร้างรหัสผ่านใหม่, ให้ใส่ชื่อสมาชิกลงไปในช่องด้านล่าง จากนั้นเราจะส่งลิ้งยืนยันไปทางอีเมล ให้คุณคลิ๊กลิ้งที่ส่งไปแล้วคุณจะได้รหัสผ่านใหม่ ',
- /**
- * Administration
- */
- 'admin:configuration:success' => "การตั้งค่าถูกบันทึก",
- 'admin:configuration:fail' => "การตั้งค่าไม่สามารถบันทึกได้",
- 'admin' => "ส่วนผู้ดูแล",
- 'admin:description' => "หน้านี้คุณสามารถตั้งค่าต่างๆของระบบได้ ",
- 'admin:user' => "รายชื่อผู้ดูแลระบบ",
- 'admin:user:description' => "หน้านี้คุณสามารถตั้งค่าต่างๆของระบบได้",
- 'admin:user:adduser:label' => "คลิ้กเพื่อเพิ่มสมาชิก...",
- 'admin:user:opt:linktext' => "แก้ไขสมาชิก...",
- 'admin:user:opt:description' => "ตั้งค่ารายละเอียดสมาชิก ",
- 'admin:site' => "ตั้งค่าของระบบ",
- 'admin:site:description' => "หน้านี้คุณสามารถตั้งค่าต่างๆของระบบได้",
- 'admin:site:opt:linktext' => "แก้ไขค่าระบบ...",
- 'admin:site:opt:description' => "การตั้งค่าต่างๆของระบบ ",
- 'admin:plugins' => "จัดการเครื่องมือ",
- 'admin:plugins:description' => "หน้านี้คุณสามารถตั้งค่าต่างๆของปลั๊กอินได้",
- 'admin:plugins:opt:linktext' => "ตั้งค่าเครื่องมือ...",
- 'admin:plugins:opt:description' => "ตั้งค่าเครื่องมือของระบบ ",
- 'admin:plugins:label:author' => "ผู้พัฒนา",
- 'admin:plugins:label:copyright' => "ลิขสิทธิ์",
- 'admin:plugins:label:licence' => "การอนุญาตลิขสิทธิ์",
- 'admin:plugins:label:website' => "URL",
- 'admin:plugins:disable:yes' => "ปลั๊กอิน %s ได้ถูกปิดการใช้งานแล้ว",
- 'admin:plugins:disable:no' => "ปลั๊กอิน %s ไม่สามารถปิดการใช้งานแล้ว",
- 'admin:plugins:enable:yes' => "ปลั๊กอิน %s ได้ถูกเปิดใช้งานแล้ว",
- 'admin:plugins:enable:no' => "ปลั๊กอิน %s ไม่สามารถเปิดการใช้งานได้",
- 'admin:statistics' => "สถิติ",
- 'admin:statistics:description' => "นี่คือหน้ารายงานสำหรับผู้ดูแล",
- 'admin:statistics:opt:description' => "ดูสถิติต่างๆของสมาชิกในระบบ",
- 'admin:statistics:opt:linktext' => "ดูสถิติ...",
- 'admin:statistics:label:basic' => "สถิติพื้นฐาน",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numentities' => "การใช้งานทั้งหมด",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numusers' => "จำนวนสมาชิก",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numonline' => "จำนวนสมาชิกที่เข้าสู่ระบบ",
- 'admin:statistics:label:onlineusers' => "สมาชิกที่อยู่ในระบบตอนนี้",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version' => "รุ่นของ Elgg",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version:release' => "รีรีส",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version:version' => "รุ่น",
- 'admin:user:label:search' => "หาสมาชิก:",
- 'admin:user:label:seachbutton' => "ค้นหา",
- 'admin:user:ban:no' => "ไม่สามารถแบนสมาชิกได้",
- 'admin:user:ban:yes' => "สมาชิกนี้ถูกแบน",
- 'admin:user:unban:no' => "ไม่สามารถบอกเลิกการแบนสมาชิกได้",
- 'admin:user:unban:yes' => "เลิกการแบนสมาชิก",
- 'admin:user:delete:no' => "ไม่สามารถลบสมาชิกได้",
- 'admin:user:delete:yes' => "ลบสมาชิก",
- 'admin:user:resetpassword:yes' => "ล้างรหัสผ่าน, แจ้งไปยังสมาชิก",
- 'admin:user:resetpassword:no' => "ไม่สามารถล้างรหัสผ่านได้",
- 'admin:user:makeadmin:yes' => "สมาชิกเป็นผู้ดูแลแล้ว",
- 'admin:user:makeadmin:no' => "ไม่สามารถทำให้สมชิกเป็นผู้ดูแลได้",
- /**
- * User settings
- */
- 'usersettings:description' => "หน้าจัดการสมาชิก",
- 'usersettings:statistics' => "สถิติของคุณ",
- 'usersettings:statistics:opt:description' => "ดูสถิติต่างๆที่เกิดขึ้นบนเว็บ",
- 'usersettings:statistics:opt:linktext' => "สถิติ",
- 'usersettings:user' => "การตั้งค่าของคุณ",
- 'usersettings:user:opt:description' => "คุณสามารถตั้งค่าต่างๆได้ที่นี้",
- 'usersettings:user:opt:linktext' => "เปลี่ยนการตั้งค่า",
- 'usersettings:plugins' => "เครื่องมือ",
- 'usersettings:plugins:opt:description' => "ตั้งค่าการทำงานของเครื่องมือ",
- 'usersettings:plugins:opt:linktext' => "กำลังตั้งค่าเครื่องมือ...",
- 'usersettings:plugins:description' => "คุณสามารถตั้งค่าต่างๆได้ที่นี่",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:numentities' => "การใช้งานต่างๆ",
- 'usersettings:statistics:yourdetails' => "รายละเอียดของคุณ",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:name' => "ชื่อจริง",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:email' => "อีเมล",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:membersince' => "เป็นสมาชิกเมือ",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:lastlogin' => "เข้าสู่ระบบล่าสุด",
- /**
- * Generic action words
- */
- 'save' => "บันทึก",
- 'cancel' => "ยกเลิก",
- 'saving' => "กำลังบันทึก ...",
- 'update' => "อัพเดต",
- 'edit' => "แก้ไข",
- 'delete' => "ลบ",
- 'load' => "โหลด",
- 'upload' => "อัพโหลด",
- 'ban' => "แบน",
- 'unban' => "ยกเลิกการแบน",
- 'enable' => "ทำงาน",
- 'disable' => "ไม่ทำงาน",
- 'request' => "ต้องการ",
- 'complete' => "Complete",
- 'invite' => "Invite",
- 'resetpassword' => "ล้างรหัสผ่าน",
- 'makeadmin' => "ให้เป็นผู่ดูแล",
- 'option:yes' => "ใช่",
- 'option:no' => "ไม่",
- 'unknown' => 'ไม่รู้',
- 'learnmore' => "คลิ๊กเพื่อเรียนรู้ต่อ",
- 'content' => "เนื้อหา",
- 'content:latest' => 'ความเคลือนไหวล่าสุด',
- 'content:latest:blurb' => 'ลองคลิ๊กไปดูความเคลือนไหวล่าสุด',
- 'link:text' => 'view link',
- /**
- * Generic data words
- */
- 'title' => "ชื่อ",
- 'description' => "รายละเอียด",
- 'tags' => "แท็ก",
- 'spotlight' => "คู่มือ",
- 'all' => "ทั้งหมด",
- 'by' => 'โดย',
- 'annotations' => "หมายเหตุ",
- 'relationships' => "ความสัมพันธ์",
- 'metadata' => "เมต้าดาต้า",
- /**
- * Input / output strings
- */
- 'deleteconfirm' => "คุณแน่ใจไหมที่จะลบ?",
- 'fileexists' => "ไฟล์ถูกอัพโหลดแล้ว. หากให้ต้องการทับไฟล์เดิมคลิ๊กด้านล่าง:",
- /**
- * Import / export
- */
- 'importsuccess' => "นำเข้าข้อมูลเรียบร้อย",
- 'importfail' => "OpenDD นำเข้าข้อมูลไม่ได้",
- /**
- * Time
- */
- 'friendlytime:justnow' => "ตอนนี้",
- 'friendlytime:minutes' => "%s นาทีที่แล้ว",
- 'friendlytime:minutes:singular' => "นาทีที่แล้ว",
- 'friendlytime:hours' => "%s ชัวโมงที่แล้ว",
- 'friendlytime:hours:singular' => "ชั่วโมงที่แล้ว",
- 'friendlytime:days' => "%s วันที่แล้ว",
- 'friendlytime:days:singular' => "เมื่อวานนี้",
- /**
- * Installation and system settings
- */
- 'installation:error:htaccess' => "ระบบต้องการไฟล์ .htaccess คุณต้องมีไฟล์นี้ในโฟลเดอร์เดียวกับโฟลเดอร์ที่ติดตั้ง ระบบสามารถสร้างให้คุณได้อัตโนมัติหากโฟลเดอร์ที่ติดตั้งสามารถเขียนได้
-หรือสร้างเองโดยคัดลอกโค๊ดที่เห็นไปบันทักเป็นไฟล์ชื่อ .htaccess
- 'installation:error:settings' => "Elgg ไม่สามารถหาไฟล์ settings.php ได้นี่เป็นรายละเอียดที่คุณต้องทำ:
-1. เปลี่ยนชื่อ engine/settings.example.php เป็น settings.php
-2. เปิดไฟล์ settings.php แล้วใส่รายละเอียดการติดต่อฐานข้อมูล MySQL ลงไป ถ้าคุณไมู่้รู้กรุณาติดต่อผู้ดูแล server ของคุณ
-หรือ, ใส่รายละเอียดตามด้านล่าง...",
- 'installation:error:configuration' => "หากตั้งค่าต่างๆแล้วให้รีโหลดหน้านี้อีกครั้ง",
- 'installation' => "การติดตั้ง",
- 'installation:success' => "ฐานข้อมูล Elgg ติดตั้งแล้ว",
- 'installation:configuration:success' => "ระบบได้ถูกตั้งค่าแล้ว ต่อไปคุณต้องสร้างสมาชิกที่เป็นผู้ดูแลระบบ",
- 'installation:settings' => "ตั้งค่าระบบ",
- 'installation:settings:description' => "ตอนนี้ระบบได้ถูกติดตั้งแล้ว, คุณต้องใส่รายละเอียดต่างๆของเว็บคุณลงไป",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:prompt' => "ใส่รายละเอียดฐานข้อมูล:",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:user' => "ชื่อผู้ใช้ฐานข้อมูล",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:pass' => "รหัสผ่านฐานข้อมูล",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:dbname' => "ชื่อฐานข้อมูล",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:host' => "ชื่อโอสฐานข้อมูล (ปรกติจะเป็น 'localhost')",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:prefix' => "ชื่อนำหน้าฐานข้อมูล (เช่น 'elgg')",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:savefail' => "ไม่สามารถบันทึก settings.php ได้คุณสามารถคัดลอกรายละเอียดด้านล่างแล้วนำไปใส่ในไฟล์ engine/settings.php",
- 'installation:sitename' => "ชื่อ (เช่น \"My social networking site\"):",
- 'installation:sitedescription' => "รายละเอียดย่อ (ไม่ใส่ก็ได้)",
- 'installation:wwwroot' => " URL, ใส่ / ต่อท้ายด้วย:",
- 'installation:path' => "พาทที่ถูกติดตั้ง ใส่ / ต่อท้ายด้วย:",
- 'installation:dataroot' => "พาทที่จะเก็บไฟล์ที่อัพโหลด, ใส่ / ต่อท้ายด้วย:",
- 'installation:dataroot:warning' => "คุณสามารถสร้างได้เอง. โดยให้อยู่คนละที่กับที่ติดตั้ง elgg",
- 'installation:language' => "ภาษาหลักของเว็บ:",
- 'installation:debug' => "ดีบัคเหมาะกับผู้ที่เป็นนักพัฒนา:",
- 'installation:debug:label' => "เปิดดีบัค",
- 'installation:usage' => "ดีบัคเหมาะกับผู้ที่เป็นนักพัฒนา",
- 'installation:usage:label' => "เปิดสถิติ",
- 'installation:view' => "ใส่้ ชื่อของแทมเพลตที่ใช้แสดงหากไม่รู้ให้ข้ามไป (ระบบใส่ให้เอง):",
- 'installation:siteemail' => "อีเมลของเว็บ (ใช้ในการส่งเมล)",
- 'installation:disableapi' => "Elgg comes with an flexible and extendible API that enables applications use certain Elgg features remotely",
- 'installation:disableapi:label' => "เปิดการใช้ RESTful API",
- 'upgrade:db' => 'ฐานข้อมูลถูกอัพเดต',
- /**
- * Welcome
- */
- 'welcome' => "ขอต้อนรับ %s",
- 'welcome_message' => "ขอต้อนรับสู่การติดตั้งระบบ",
- /**
- * Emails
- */
- 'email:settings' => "ตั้งค่าอีเมล",
- 'email:address:label' => "อีเมลของคุณ",
- 'email:save:success' => "อีเมลใหม่ถูกบันทึกแล้ว",
- 'email:save:fail' => "อีเมลใหม่บันทึกไม่ได้",
- 'email:confirm:success' => "คุณได้ยืนยันอีเมลแล้ว!",
- 'email:confirm:fail' => "อีเมลของคุณยังไม่ผ่านการยืนยัน...",
- 'friend:newfriend:subject' => "%s เพิ่มคุณเป็นเพื่อน!",
- 'friend:newfriend:body' => "%s เพิ่มคุณเป็นเพื่อน!
- %s
-You cannot reply to this email.",
- 'email:resetpassword:subject' => "เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่าน!",
- 'email:resetpassword:body' => "สวัสดี %s,
-รหัสผ่านของคุณเปลี่ยนเป็น: %s",
- 'email:resetreq:subject' => "ตุณได้ขอรหัสผ่านใหม่มา",
- 'email:resetreq:body' => "สวัสดี %s,
-มีบางคน (จากไอพี %s) ต้องการขอรหัสผ่านใหม่มา
- /**
- */
- 'xmlrpc:noinputdata' => "การเพิ่มข้อมูลผิดพลาด",
- /**
- * Comments
- */
- 'comments:count' => "%s ความคิดเห็น",
- 'generic_comments:add' => "เพิ่มความคิดเห็น",
- 'generic_comments:text' => "ความคิดเห็น",
- 'generic_comment:posted' => "คุณได้เพิ่มความคิดเห็นแล้ว",
- 'generic_comment:deleted' => "ความคิดเห็นของคุณถูกลบแล้ว",
- 'generic_comment:blank' => "เสียใจด้วย; คุณต้องใส่อะไรบางอย่างลงกล่องข้อความเพื่อบันทึก",
- 'generic_comment:notfound' => "เสียใจด้วย; เราไม่สามารถหาอะไรบางอย่างเจอ",
- 'generic_comment:notdeleted' => "เสียใจด้วย; เราไม่สามารถลบความคิดเห็นได้",
- 'generic_comment:failure' => "มีข้อผิดพลาดอะไรบ่างอย่าง หากต้องการแสดงความคิดเห็นให้ลองใหม่อีกครั้ง",
- 'generic_comment:email:subject' => 'คุณมีความคิดเห็นใหม่!',
- 'generic_comment:email:body' => "คุณได้รับความคิดเห็นใหม่ใน \"%s\" จาก %s. ไปอ่านที่:
- %s
-ต้องการดูโปรไฟล์ของ %s คลิ๊ก:
- %s
- /**
- * Entities
- */
- 'entity:default:strapline' => 'สร้าง %s โดย %s',
- 'entity:default:missingsupport:popup' => 'ไม่สามารถแสดงได้ระบบต้องการ ปลั๊กอินบางตัว',
- 'entity:delete:success' => 'การกระทำ %s ถูกลบ',
- 'entity:delete:fail' => 'การกระทำ %s ไม่สามารถลบได้',
- /**
- * Action gatekeeper
- */
- 'actiongatekeeper:missingfields' => 'ไม่มีฟิล __token หรือ __ts',
- 'actiongatekeeper:tokeninvalid' => 'Token ไม่เหมือนบนserver.',
- 'actiongatekeeper:timeerror' => 'หมดอายุ, โปรดลองใหม่',
- 'actiongatekeeper:pluginprevents' => 'ระบบป้องกันการซัพมิต',
- /**
- * Languages according to ISO 639-1
- */
- "aa" => "Afar",
- "ab" => "Abkhazian",
- "af" => "Afrikaans",
- "am" => "Amharic",
- "ar" => "Arabic",
- "as" => "Assamese",
- "ay" => "Aymara",
- "az" => "Azerbaijani",
- "ba" => "Bashkir",
- "be" => "Byelorussian",
- "bg" => "Bulgarian",
- "bh" => "Bihari",
- "bi" => "Bislama",
- "bn" => "Bengali; Bangla",
- "bo" => "Tibetan",
- "br" => "Breton",
- "ca" => "Catalan",
- "co" => "Corsican",
- "cs" => "Czech",
- "cy" => "Welsh",
- "da" => "Danish",
- "de" => "German",
- "dz" => "Bhutani",
- "el" => "Greek",
- "en" => "English",
- "eo" => "Esperanto",
- "es" => "Spanish",
- "et" => "Estonian",
- "eu" => "Basque",
- "fa" => "Persian",
- "fi" => "Finnish",
- "fj" => "Fiji",
- "fo" => "Faeroese",
- "fr" => "French",
- "fy" => "Frisian",
- "ga" => "Irish",
- "gd" => "Scots / Gaelic",
- "gl" => "Galician",
- "gn" => "Guarani",
- "gu" => "Gujarati",
- "he" => "Hebrew",
- "ha" => "Hausa",
- "hi" => "Hindi",
- "hr" => "Croatian",
- "hu" => "Hungarian",
- "hy" => "Armenian",
- "ia" => "Interlingua",
- "id" => "Indonesian",
- "ie" => "Interlingue",
- "ik" => "Inupiak",
- //"in" => "Indonesian",
- "is" => "Icelandic",
- "it" => "Italian",
- "iu" => "Inuktitut",
- "iw" => "Hebrew (obsolete)",
- "ja" => "Japanese",
- "ji" => "Yiddish (obsolete)",
- "jw" => "Javanese",
- "ka" => "Georgian",
- "kk" => "Kazakh",
- "kl" => "Greenlandic",
- "km" => "Cambodian",
- "kn" => "Kannada",
- "ko" => "Korean",
- "ks" => "Kashmiri",
- "ku" => "Kurdish",
- "ky" => "Kirghiz",
- "la" => "Latin",
- "ln" => "Lingala",
- "lo" => "Laothian",
- "lt" => "Lithuanian",
- "lv" => "Latvian/Lettish",
- "mg" => "Malagasy",
- "mi" => "Maori",
- "mk" => "Macedonian",
- "ml" => "Malayalam",
- "mn" => "Mongolian",
- "mo" => "Moldavian",
- "mr" => "Marathi",
- "ms" => "Malay",
- "mt" => "Maltese",
- "my" => "Burmese",
- "na" => "Nauru",
- "ne" => "Nepali",
- "nl" => "Dutch",
- "no" => "Norwegian",
- "oc" => "Occitan",
- "om" => "(Afan) Oromo",
- "or" => "Oriya",
- "pa" => "Punjabi",
- "pl" => "Polish",
- "ps" => "Pashto / Pushto",
- "pt" => "Portuguese",
- "qu" => "Quechua",
- "rm" => "Rhaeto-Romance",
- "rn" => "Kirundi",
- "ro" => "Romanian",
- "ru" => "Russian",
- "rw" => "Kinyarwanda",
- "sa" => "Sanskrit",
- "sd" => "Sindhi",
- "sg" => "Sangro",
- "sh" => "Serbo-Croatian",
- "si" => "Singhalese",
- "sk" => "Slovak",
- "sl" => "Slovenian",
- "sm" => "Samoan",
- "sn" => "Shona",
- "so" => "Somali",
- "sq" => "Albanian",
- "sr" => "Serbian",
- "ss" => "Siswati",
- "st" => "Sesotho",
- "su" => "Sundanese",
- "sv" => "Swedish",
- "sw" => "Swahili",
- "ta" => "Tamil",
- "te" => "Tegulu",
- "tg" => "Tajik",
- "th" => "Thai",
- "ti" => "Tigrinya",
- "tk" => "Turkmen",
- "tl" => "Tagalog",
- "tn" => "Setswana",
- "to" => "Tonga",
- "tr" => "Turkish",
- "ts" => "Tsonga",
- "tt" => "Tatar",
- "tw" => "Twi",
- "ug" => "Uigur",
- "uk" => "Ukrainian",
- "ur" => "Urdu",
- "uz" => "Uzbek",
- "vi" => "Vietnamese",
- "vo" => "Volapuk",
- "wo" => "Wolof",
- "xh" => "Xhosa",
- //"y" => "Yiddish",
- "yi" => "Yiddish",
- "yo" => "Yoruba",
- "za" => "Zuang",
- "zh" => "Chinese",
- "zu" => "Zulu",
- );
- add_translation("th",$thai);
diff --git a/languages/zh.php b/languages/zh.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5743cda65..000000000
--- a/languages/zh.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,910 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Chinese Language Package
- *
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @translator Cosmo Mao
- * @copyright cOSmoCommerce.com 2008
- * @link http://www.elggsns.cn/
- * @version 0.1
- */
- $chinese= array(
- /**
- * Sites
- */
- 'item:site' => '网站',
- /**
- * Sessions
- */
- 'login' => "登录",
- 'loginok' => "您已经登录了.",
- 'loginerror' => "我们无法让您登录,这是因为你还没有验证您的帐户(验证链接发到您的邮箱),或您所提供的信息不正确。请确认您的信息正确的,然后再试一次。",
- 'logout' => "登出",
- 'logoutok' => "您已经登出了.",
- 'logouterror' => "登出遇到问题,请稍候再试.",
- /**
- * Errors
- */
- 'exception:title' => "欢迎来到ElggSNS.cn,最优秀的中文社交网络",
- 'InstallationException:CantCreateSite' => "无法创建一个Elgg默认站点的证书名称:%s, Url: %s",
- 'actionundefined' => "请求的行为 (%s) 没有在系统中定义.",
- 'actionloggedout' => "很抱歉,您不能执行这个动作的同时登出。",
- 'notfound' => "所要求的资源无法找到,或者你没有获得它。",
- 'SecurityException:Codeblock' => "得不到执行特权代码块的权限",
- 'DatabaseException:WrongCredentials' => "Elgg无法连接到数据库使用指定的全权证书 %s@%s (pw: %s).",
- 'DatabaseException:NoConnect' => "Elgg不能选择数据库 '%s',请检查该数据库是建立和可以访问它",
- 'SecurityException:FunctionDenied' => "访问特权函数 '%s' 被拒绝了。",
- 'DatabaseException:DBSetupIssues' => "有以下问题: ",
- 'DatabaseException:ScriptNotFound' => "Elgg找不到数据库脚本位于 %s.",
- 'IOException:FailedToLoadGUID' => "从GUID:%d 加载 %s 失败",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggObject' => "传递一个非ElggObject到另一个ElggObject构造函数!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedValue' => "未知值传递给了构造函数。",
- 'InvalidClassException:NotValidElggStar' => "GUID:%d 不合法 %s",
- 'PluginException:MisconfiguredPlugin' => "%s 错误的配置了。",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggUser' => "传递一个非ElggUser到ElggUser构造函数!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggSite' => "传递一个非ElggSite到ElggSite构造函数!",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonElggGroup' => "传递一个非ElggGroup到ElggGroup构造函数!",
- 'IOException:UnableToSaveNew' => "无法保存新 %s",
- 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotForExport' => "GUID 在输出的时候遇到错误",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NonArrayReturnValue' => "实体序列化函数传递了一个非数组返回值参",
- 'ConfigurationException:NoCachePath' => "缓存路径没有设置!",
- 'IOException:NotDirectory' => "%s 不是一个目录。",
- 'IOException:BaseEntitySaveFailed' => "无法保存新的对象的原型实体信息",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedODDClass' => "import() passed an unexpected ODD class",
- 'InvalidParameterException:EntityTypeNotSet' => "Entity type must be set.",
- 'ClassException:ClassnameNotClass' => "%s is not a %s.",
- 'ClassNotFoundException:MissingClass' => "Class '%s' was not found, missing plugin?",
- 'InstallationException:TypeNotSupported' => "Type %s is not supported. This indicates an error in your installation, most likely caused by an incomplete upgrade.",
- 'ImportException:ImportFailed' => "无法导入元素 %d",
- 'ImportException:ProblemSaving' => "保存 %s 过程遇到错误",
- 'ImportException:NoGUID' => "New entity created but has no GUID, this should not happen.",
- 'ImportException:GUIDNotFound' => "实体 '%d' 无法找到",
- 'ImportException:ProblemUpdatingMeta' => "There was a problem updating '%s' on entity '%d'",
- 'ExportException:NoSuchEntity' => "没有实体 GUID:%d",
- 'ImportException:NoODDElements' => "No OpenDD elements found in import data, import failed.",
- 'ImportException:NotAllImported' => "Not all elements were imported.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedFileMode' => "Unrecognised file mode '%s'",
- 'InvalidParameterException:MissingOwner' => "All files must have an owner!",
- 'IOException:CouldNotMake' => "Could not make %s",
- 'IOException:MissingFileName' => "在打开一个文件时候,您必须指定文件名",
- 'ClassNotFoundException:NotFoundNotSavedWithFile' => "Filestore not found or class not saved with file!",
- 'NotificationException:NoNotificationMethod' => "No notification method specified.",
- 'NotificationException:NoHandlerFound' => "No handler found for '%s' or it was not callable.",
- 'NotificationException:ErrorNotifyingGuid' => "There was an error while notifying %d",
- 'NotificationException:NoEmailAddress' => "Could not get the email address for GUID:%d",
- 'NotificationException:MissingParameter' => "Missing a required parameter, '%s'",
- 'DatabaseException:WhereSetNonQuery' => "Where set contains non WhereQueryComponent",
- 'DatabaseException:SelectFieldsMissing' => "Fields missing on a select style query",
- 'DatabaseException:UnspecifiedQueryType' => "Unrecognised or unspecified query type.",
- 'DatabaseException:NoTablesSpecified' => "No tables specified for query.",
- 'DatabaseException:NoACL' => "No access control was provided on query",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NoEntityFound' => "No entity found, it either doesn't exist or you don't have access to it.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:GUIDNotFound' => "GUID:%s could not be found, or you can not access it.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:IdNotExistForGUID' => "Sorry, '%s' does not exist for guid:%d",
- 'InvalidParameterException:CanNotExportType' => "Sorry, I don't know how to export '%s'",
- 'InvalidParameterException:NoDataFound' => "无法找到任何数据。",
- 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelong' => "Does not belong to entity.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:DoesNotBelongOrRefer' => "Does not belong to entity or refer to entity.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:MissingParameter' => "Missing parameter, you need to provide a GUID.",
- 'SecurityException:APIAccessDenied' => "对不起, API 访问功能被管理员关闭了。",
- 'SecurityException:NoAuthMethods' => "No authentication methods were found that could authenticate this API request.",
- 'APIException:ApiResultUnknown' => "API Result is of an unknown type, this should never happen.",
- 'ConfigurationException:NoSiteID' => "No site ID has been specified.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnrecognisedMethod' => "Unrecognised call method '%s'",
- 'APIException:MissingParameterInMethod' => "Missing parameter %s in method %s",
- 'APIException:ParameterNotArray' => "%s does not appear to be an array.",
- 'APIException:UnrecognisedTypeCast' => "Unrecognised type in cast %s for variable '%s' in method '%s'",
- 'APIException:InvalidParameter' => "Invalid parameter found for '%s' in method '%s'.",
- 'APIException:FunctionParseError' => "%s(%s) has a parsing error.",
- 'APIException:FunctionNoReturn' => "%s(%s) returned no value.",
- 'SecurityException:AuthTokenExpired' => "Authentication token either missing, invalid or expired.",
- 'CallException:InvalidCallMethod' => "%s must be called using '%s'",
- 'APIException:MethodCallNotImplemented' => "Method call '%s' has not been implemented.",
- 'APIException:AlgorithmNotSupported' => "Algorithm '%s' is not supported or has been disabled.",
- 'ConfigurationException:CacheDirNotSet' => "Cache directory 'cache_path' not set.",
- 'APIException:NotGetOrPost' => "Request method must be GET or POST",
- 'APIException:MissingAPIKey' => "Missing X-Elgg-apikey HTTP header",
- 'APIException:MissingHmac' => "Missing X-Elgg-hmac header",
- 'APIException:MissingHmacAlgo' => "Missing X-Elgg-hmac-algo header",
- 'APIException:MissingTime' => "Missing X-Elgg-time header",
- 'APIException:TemporalDrift' => "X-Elgg-time is too far in the past or future. Epoch fail.",
- 'APIException:NoQueryString' => "No data on the query string",
- 'APIException:MissingPOSTHash' => "Missing X-Elgg-posthash header",
- 'APIException:MissingPOSTAlgo' => "Missing X-Elgg-posthash_algo header",
- 'APIException:MissingContentType' => "Missing content type for post data",
- 'SecurityException:InvalidPostHash' => "POST data hash is invalid - Expected %s but got %s.",
- 'SecurityException:DupePacket' => "Packet signature already seen.",
- 'SecurityException:InvalidAPIKey' => "Invalid or missing API Key.",
- 'NotImplementedException:CallMethodNotImplemented' => "Call method '%s' is currently not supported.",
- 'NotImplementedException:XMLRPCMethodNotImplemented' => "XML-RPC method call '%s' not implemented.",
- 'InvalidParameterException:UnexpectedReturnFormat' => "Call to method '%s' returned an unexpected result.",
- 'CallException:NotRPCCall' => "Call does not appear to be a valid XML-RPC call",
- 'PluginException:NoPluginName' => "The plugin name could not be found",
- 'ConfigurationException:BadDatabaseVersion' => "The database backend you have installed doesn't meet the basic requirements to run Elgg. Please consult your documentation.",
- 'ConfigurationException:BadPHPVersion' => "You need at least PHP version 5.2 to run Elgg.",
- 'InstallationException:DatarootNotWritable' => "您的数据目录 %s 不可写",
- 'InstallationException:DatarootUnderPath' => "Your data directory %s must be outside of your install path.",
- 'InstallationException:DatarootBlank' => "You have not specified a data directory.",
- /**
- * User details
- */
- 'name' => "显示名",
- 'email' => "邮箱地址",
- 'username' => "用户名",
- 'password' => "密码",
- 'passwordagain' => "密码 (确认)",
- 'admin_option' => "使成为管理员?",
- /**
- * Access
- */
- 'ACCESS_PRIVATE' => "私有",
- 'ACCESS_LOGGED_IN' => "登陆的用户",
- 'ACCESS_PUBLIC' => "公开",
- 'PRIVATE' => "私有",
- 'LOGGED_IN' => "登陆的用户",
- 'PUBLIC' => "公开",
- 'access' => "访问",
- /**
- * Dashboard and widgets
- */
- 'dashboard' => "控制面板",
- 'dashboard:nowidgets' => "控制面板是您网站的门户。点击'编辑页面'添加插件来跟踪信息,以及展示您的丰富生活。",
- 'widgets:add' => '添加插件到您的页面',
- 'widgets:add:description' => "选择所需的功能,从右边的<b>插件库</b>添加到下方的三个方框里的任何位置。
- 'widgets:position:fixed' => '(页面上的固定位置)',
- 'widgets' => "插件",
- 'widget' => "插件",
- 'item:object:widget' => "插件",
- 'layout:customise' => "自定义布局",
- 'widgets:gallery' => "插件库",
- 'widgets:leftcolumn' => "左栏",
- 'widgets:fixed' => "固定位置",
- 'widgets:middlecolumn' => "中栏",
- 'widgets:rightcolumn' => "右栏",
- 'widgets:profilebox' => "档案框",
- 'widgets:panel:save:success' => "您的插件配置信息保存好了。",
- 'widgets:panel:save:failure' => "在保存您的插件配置信息的时候遇到了问题,请稍后再试。",
- 'widgets:save:success' => "插件配置信息保存好了。",
- 'widgets:save:failure' => "我们不能保存您的插件,请再试一次。",
- /**
- * Groups
- */
- 'group' => "群组",
- 'item:group' => "群组",
- /**
- * Profile
- */
- 'profile' => "档案",
- 'user' => "用户",
- 'item:user' => "用户",
- /**
- * Profile menu items and titles
- */
- 'profile:yours' => "您的档案",
- 'profile:user' => "%s 的档案",
- 'profile:edit' => "编辑档案",
- 'profile:editicon' => "上传档案图片",
- 'profile:profilepictureinstructions' => "的档案图片显示在您的个人资料页上。<br /> 您可以随时修改更换。 (支持格式: GIF, JPG 或者 PNG)",
- 'profile:icon' => "档案图片",
- 'profile:createicon' => "建立您的头像",
- 'profile:currentavatar' => "当前头像",
- 'profile:createicon:header' => "档案图片",
- 'profile:profilepicturecroppingtool' => "档案图片裁减工具",
- 'profile:createicon:instructions' => "点击下面并拖动一个方块来匹配剪裁您希望的图片效果。预览您的剪裁图片将出现在右边的方块中。当你满意预览时候,点击'创建您的头像。剪裁图像将被用于整个网站作为您的头像。",
- 'profile:editdetails' => "编辑详细情况",
- 'profile:editicon' => "编辑档案图标",
- 'profile:aboutme' => "关于",
- 'profile:description' => "关于",
- 'profile:briefdescription' => "简介",
- 'profile:location' => "地址",
- 'profile:skills' => "技能",
- 'profile:interests' => "兴趣",
- 'profile:contactemail' => "联系电子邮件",
- 'profile:phone' => "电话",
- 'profile:mobile' => "手机",
- 'profile:website' => "网站",
- 'profile:river:update' => "%s 更新了他的档案",
- 'profile:river:iconupdate' => "%s 更新了他的档案图标",
- /**
- * Profile status messages
- */
- 'profile:saved' => "您的档案已经保存成功.",
- 'profile:icon:uploaded' => "您的档案图片已经成功的上传好了。",
- /**
- * Profile error messages
- */
- 'profile:noaccess' => "您无权编辑这个档案。",
- 'profile:notfound' => "对不起;我们没有找到制定的档案。",
- 'profile:cantedit' => "对不起;您无权编辑这个档案。",
- 'profile:icon:notfound' => "对不起;在您上传档案图片的时候发生了一个错误。",
- /**
- * Friends
- */
- 'friends' => "好友",
- 'friends:yours' => "您的好友",
- 'friends:owned' => "%s 的好友",
- 'friend:add' => "添加好友",
- 'friend:remove' => "删除好友",
- 'friends:add:successful' => "你已经成功的添加了 %s 作为好友。",
- 'friends:add:failure' => "我们没法添加 %s 作为您的好友,请再试一次。",
- 'friends:remove:successful' => "您成功的将 %s 从您的好友中移除了。",
- 'friends:remove:failure' => "我们无法从您的好友中移除 %s 。请再试一次。",
- 'friends:none' => "这个用户还没有添加任何好友。",
- 'friends:none:you' => "您还未添加任何好友!搜索您的兴趣来找一些志同道合的朋友们吧。",
- 'friends:none:found' => "没找到好友。",
- 'friends:of:none' => "还没有人加该用户为好友",
- 'friends:of:none:you' => "还没有人加你为好友。请输入一些信息到个人档案里让别人可以找到你!",
- 'friends:of' => "好友属于",
- 'friends:of:owned' => "与 %s 交朋友的人们",
- 'friends:num_display' => "好友显示数量",
- 'friends:icon_size' => "图标大小",
- 'friends:tiny' => "很小",
- 'friends:small' => "小",
- 'friends' => "好友",
- 'friends:of' => "好友属于",
- 'friends:collections' => "好友集",
- 'friends:collections:add' => "添加好友集",
- 'friends:addfriends' => "添加好友",
- 'friends:collectionname' => "集合名称",
- 'friends:collectionfriends' => "集内好友",
- 'friends:collectionedit' => "编辑",
- 'friends:nocollections' => "您还没有任何好友集",
- 'friends:collectiondeleted' => "您的好友集已经删除了",
- 'friends:collectiondeletefailed' => "我们无法删除好友集。或您没有权限执行操作。",
- 'friends:collectionadded' => "您的集合建立好了。",
- 'friends:nocollectionname' => "在创建前,您需要给集合命名。",
- 'friends:river:created' => "%s 添加了好友插件。",
- 'friends:river:updated' => "%s 更新了好友插件。",
- 'friends:river:delete' => "%s 移除了好友插件。",
- 'friends:river:add' => "%s 添加了某人作为好友。",
- /**
- * Feeds
- */
- 'feed:rss' => '订阅',
- 'feed:odd' => '同步数据(OpenDD)',
- /**
- * River
- */
- 'river' => "河流",
- 'river:relationship:friend' => '现在结交了好友',
- /**
- * Plugins
- */
- 'plugins:settings:save:ok' => "插件 %s 的配置保存好了。",
- 'plugins:settings:save:fail' => "插件 %s 的配置保存遇到了问题。",
- 'plugins:usersettings:save:ok' => "插件 %s 的用户设定保存好了。",
- 'plugins:usersettings:save:fail' => "插件 %s 的用户设定保存遇到了问题。",
- /**
- * Notifications
- */
- 'notifications:usersettings' => "通知设定",
- 'notifications:methods' => "请明确哪种方式允许。",
- 'notifications:usersettings:save:ok' => "您的通知设定成功的保存好了。",
- 'notifications:usersettings:save:fail' => "在保存您的通知设定时遇到了问题",
- /**
- * Search
- */
- 'search' => "搜索",
- 'searchtitle' => "搜索: %s",
- 'users:searchtitle' => "搜索用户: %s",
- 'advancedsearchtitle' => "%s 搜索结果中匹配的有 %s",
- 'notfound' => "没找到.",
- 'next' => "下一页",
- 'previous' => "前一页",
- 'viewtype:change' => "修改列表类型",
- 'viewtype:list' => "列表视图",
- 'viewtype:gallery' => "相册视图",
- 'tag:search:startblurb' => "标签匹配的有 '%s':",
- 'user:search:startblurb' => "用户匹配 '%s':",
- 'user:search:finishblurb' => "点击查看更多。",
- /**
- * Account
- */
- 'account' => "帐户",
- 'settings' => "设定",
- 'register' => "注册",
- 'registerok' => "您已经成功注册 %s。要激活您的账户需要您到邮箱中点击链接进行确认。",
- 'registerbad' => "您的注册遇到了问题。用户名已存在,两次密码不匹配,或者用户名与密码过短。",
- 'registerdisabled' => "注册功能已经被管理员关闭了。",
- 'registration:notemail' => '您的邮箱地址不合法。',
- 'registration:userexists' => '用户名存在',
- 'registration:usernametooshort' => '用户名至少4位',
- 'registration:passwordtooshort' => '密码至少6位',
- 'registration:dupeemail' => '该邮箱地址已经被注册过了',
- 'adduser' => "添加用户",
- 'adduser:ok' => "您成功的添加了一名用户。",
- 'adduser:bad' => "无法创建新用户",
- 'item:object:reported_content' => "报告的项目",
- 'user:set:name' => "帐户名字设定",
- 'user:name:label' => "您的名字",
- 'user:name:success' => "成功的修改了您在系统中的项目。",
- 'user:name:fail' => "无法修改您在系统中的项目。",
- 'user:set:password' => "密码",
- 'user:password:label' => "新密码",
- 'user:password2:label' => "新密码(确认)",
- 'user:password:success' => "密码修改成功",
- 'user:password:fail' => "无法修改您在系统中的密码。",
- 'user:password:fail:notsame' => "两次密码不匹配!",
- 'user:password:fail:tooshort' => "密码太短!",
- 'user:set:language' => "语言设定",
- 'user:language:label' => "您的语言",
- 'user:language:success' => "您的语言设定已经更新!",
- 'user:language:fail' => "您的语言设定还未保存。",
- 'user:username:notfound' => '用户名 %s 未找到。',
- 'user:password:lost' => '找回密码',
- 'user:password:resetreq:success' => '找回密码的邮件已经发送给您了',
- 'user:password:resetreq:fail' => '无法请求生成新的密码。',
- 'user:password:text' => '生成新密码请在下方输入您的用户名。我们将发送地址的一个唯一的验证网页向你点击通过电子邮件中的链接,电子邮件的正文中和一个新的密码将被发送给您。',
- /**
- * Administration
- */
- 'admin:configuration:success' => "您的设定保存成功。",
- 'admin:configuration:fail' => "您的设定无法保存。",
- 'admin' => "管理",
- 'admin:description' => "管理员面板允许您控制系统的所有方面,从用户管理到插件的配置。",
- 'admin:user' => "用户管理",
- 'admin:user:description' => "本面板用来控制用户在您网站上的设定。",
- 'admin:user:adduser:label' => "添加新用户...",
- 'admin:user:opt:linktext' => "配置用户...",
- 'admin:user:opt:description' => "配置用户和账户信息",
- 'admin:site' => "站点管理",
- 'admin:site:description' => "本面板允许您控制整站设定。",
- 'admin:site:opt:linktext' => "配置网站...",
- 'admin:site:opt:description' => "配置技术和非技术的设定。",
- 'admin:plugins' => "插件管理",
- 'admin:plugins:description' => "本面板允许你配置插件设定。",
- 'admin:plugins:opt:linktext' => "配置插件...",
- 'admin:plugins:opt:description' => "配置网站的插件设定",
- 'admin:plugins:label:author' => "作者",
- 'admin:plugins:label:copyright' => "版权",
- 'admin:plugins:label:licence' => "协议",
- 'admin:plugins:label:website' => "URL",
- 'admin:plugins:disable:yes' => "插件 %s 已经被禁用了.",
- 'admin:plugins:disable:no' => "插件 %s 禁用失败。",
- 'admin:plugins:enable:yes' => "插件 %s 已经被启用了.",
- 'admin:plugins:enable:no' => "插件 %s 启用失败。",
- 'admin:statistics' => "统计",
- 'admin:statistics:description' => "这个是您网站统计信息的总览。",
- 'admin:statistics:opt:description' => "查看关于您会员和网站内容的统计信息。",
- 'admin:statistics:opt:linktext' => "查看统计...",
- 'admin:statistics:label:basic' => "基本统计",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numentities' => "网站项目",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numusers' => "用户数",
- 'admin:statistics:label:numonline' => "在线人数",
- 'admin:statistics:label:onlineusers' => "当前在线",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version' => "版本",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version:release' => "发布",
- 'admin:statistics:label:version:version' => "版本",
- 'admin:user:label:search' => "查找用户:",
- 'admin:user:label:seachbutton' => "搜索",
- 'admin:user:ban:no' => "屏蔽用户失败",
- 'admin:user:ban:yes' => "屏蔽用户成功",
- 'admin:user:unban:no' => "取消屏蔽用户失败",
- 'admin:user:unban:yes' => "取消屏蔽用户成功",
- 'admin:user:delete:no' => "删除用户失败",
- 'admin:user:delete:yes' => "用户删除成功",
- 'admin:user:resetpassword:yes' => "密码重设告知用户了。",
- 'admin:user:resetpassword:no' => "密码无法重设。",
- 'admin:user:makeadmin:yes' => "该用户现在是管理员了。",
- 'admin:user:makeadmin:no' => "我们无法设置该用户为管理员",
- /**
- * User settings
- */
- 'usersettings:description' => "用户设定面板允许您控制个人信息。",
- 'usersettings:statistics' => "您的统计",
- 'usersettings:statistics:opt:description' => "查看用户和系统的统计信息。",
- 'usersettings:statistics:opt:linktext' => "账户统计",
- 'usersettings:user' => "您的设定",
- 'usersettings:user:opt:description' => "控制用户设定。",
- 'usersettings:user:opt:linktext' => "修改设定",
- 'usersettings:plugins' => "插件",
- 'usersettings:plugins:opt:description' => "您当前激活的插件配置",
- 'usersettings:plugins:opt:linktext' => "配置插件...",
- 'usersettings:plugins:description' => "本面板让您可以配置设定个人信息。",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:numentities' => "您的条目",
- 'usersettings:statistics:yourdetails' => "详细信息",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:name' => "全名",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:email' => "邮箱",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:membersince' => "注册自从",
- 'usersettings:statistics:label:lastlogin' => "上次登陆",
- /**
- * Generic action words
- */
- 'save' => "保存",
- 'cancel' => "取消",
- 'saving' => "保存中 ...",
- 'update' => "更新",
- 'edit' => "编辑",
- 'delete' => "删除",
- 'load' => "加载",
- 'upload' => "上传",
- 'ban' => "屏蔽",
- 'unban' => "取消屏蔽",
- 'enable' => "激活",
- 'disable' => "取消激活",
- 'request' => "请求",
- 'invite' => "邀请",
- 'resetpassword' => "重置密码",
- 'makeadmin' => "设为管理员",
- 'option:yes' => "是",
- 'option:no' => "否",
- 'unknown' => '未知',
- 'learnmore' => "点击查看更多.",
- 'content' => "内容",
- 'content:latest' => '最近活动',
- 'content:latest:blurb' => '或者,点击这里查看网站最新内容。',
- /**
- * Generic data words
- */
- 'title' => "标题",
- 'description' => "描述",
- 'tags' => "标签",
- 'spotlight' => "关注",
- 'all' => "所有",
- 'by' => '由',
- 'annotations' => "注释",
- 'relationships' => "关系",
- 'metadata' => "元数据",
- /**
- * Input / output strings
- */
- 'deleteconfirm' => "您确认删除这个项目?",
- 'fileexists' => "一个文件已经上传好了。要替换该文件,选择下方:",
- /**
- * Import / export
- */
- 'importsuccess' => "导入数据成功",
- 'importfail' => "OpenDD 导入数据失败。",
- /**
- * Time
- */
- 'friendlytime:justnow' => "刚才",
- 'friendlytime:minutes' => "%s 分钟前",
- 'friendlytime:minutes:singular' => "一分钟前",
- 'friendlytime:hours' => "%s 小时前",
- 'friendlytime:hours:singular' => "一小时前",
- 'friendlytime:days' => "%s 天前",
- 'friendlytime:days:singular' => "昨天",
- /**
- * Installation and system settings
- */
- 'installation:error:htaccess' => "Elgg requires a file called .htaccess to be set in the root directory of its installation. We tried to create it for you, but Elgg doesn't have permission to write to that directory.
-Creating this is easy. Copy the contents of the textbox below into a text editor and save it as .htaccess
- 'installation:error:settings' => "Elgg couldn't find its settings file. Most of Elgg's settings will be handled for you, but we need you to supply your database details. To do this:
-1. Rename engine/settings.example.php to settings.php in your Elgg installation.
-2. Open it with a text editor and enter your MySQL database details. If you don't know these, ask your system administrator or technical support for help.
-Alternatively, you can enter your database settings below and we will try and do this for you...",
- 'installation:error:configuration' => "Once you've corrected any configuration issues, press reload to try again.",
- 'installation' => "Installation",
- 'installation:success' => "Elgg's database was installed successfully.",
- 'installation:configuration:success' => "Your initial configuration settings have been saved. Now register your initial user; this will be your first system administrator.",
- 'installation:settings' => "系统设定",
- 'installation:settings:description' => "Now that the Elgg database has been successfully installed, you need to enter a couple of pieces of information to get your site fully up and running. We've tried to guess where we could, but <b>you should check these details.</b>",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:prompt' => "Enter your database settings below and hit save:",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:user' => "Database user",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:pass' => "Database password",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:dbname' => "Elgg database",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:host' => "Database hostname (usually 'localhost')",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:label:prefix' => "Database table prefix (usually 'elgg')",
- 'installation:settings:dbwizard:savefail' => "We were unable to save the new settings.php. Please save the following file as engine/settings.php using a text editor.",
- 'installation:sitename' => "网站名称 (例如 \"My social networking site\"):",
- 'installation:sitedescription' => "简要介绍 (可选)",
- 'installation:wwwroot' => "The site URL, followed by a trailing slash:",
- 'installation:path' => "The full path to your site root on your disk, followed by a trailing slash:",
- 'installation:dataroot' => "The full path to the directory where uploaded files will be stored, followed by a trailing slash:",
- 'installation:dataroot:warning' => "You must create this directory manually. It should sit in a different directory to your Elgg installation.",
- 'installation:language' => "The default language for your site:",
- 'installation:debug' => "Debug mode provides extra information which can be used to diagnose faults, however it can slow your system down so should only be used if you are having problems:",
- 'installation:debug:label' => "Turn on debug mode",
- 'installation:usage' => "This option lets Elgg send anonymous usage statistics back to Curverider.",
- 'installation:usage:label' => "Send anonymous usage statistics",
- 'installation:view' => "Enter the view which will be used as the default for your site or leave this blank for the default view (if in doubt, leave as default):",
- /**
- * Welcome
- */
- 'welcome' => "欢迎 %s",
- 'welcome_message' => "欢迎使用本系统",
- /**
- * Emails
- */
- 'email:settings' => "邮件设定",
- 'email:address:label' => "您的邮箱地址",
- 'email:save:success' => "新的邮箱地址保存好了,等待验证。",
- 'email:save:fail' => "您新的邮箱地址无法保存。",
- 'email:confirm:success' => "您的邮箱已经验证通过了!",
- 'email:confirm:fail' => "您的邮箱地址还未验证...",
- 'friend:newfriend:subject' => "%s 加您为好友!",
- 'friend:newfriend:body' => "%s 加您为好友!
- %s
- 'email:validate:subject' => "%s 请验证您的邮箱地址!",
- 'email:validate:body' => "您好 %s,
- 'email:validate:success:subject' => "邮件验证 %s!",
- 'email:validate:success:body' => "您好 %s,
- 'email:resetpassword:subject' => "密码重置!",
- 'email:resetpassword:body' => "您好 %s,
-您的密码已经重置为: %s",
- 'email:resetreq:subject' => "请求新密码",
- 'email:resetreq:body' => "您好 %s,
-有人 (IP地址为 %s) 请求新的密码设置。
- /**
- */
- 'xmlrpc:noinputdata' => "输入数据丢失",
- /**
- * Comments
- */
- 'comments:count' => "%s 评论",
- 'generic_comments:add' => "添加评论",
- 'generic_comments:text' => "评论",
- 'generic_comment:posted' => "您的评论已经发表了。",
- 'generic_comment:deleted' => "您的评论已经删除了。",
- 'generic_comment:blank' => "对不起,在发表评论前请输入内容。",
- 'generic_comment:notfound' => "对不起我们找不到指定评论。",
- 'generic_comment:notdeleted' => "对不起,我们删除不了该评论。",
- 'generic_comment:failure' => "在添加评论的时候我们遇到了一个异常,请再试一次。",
- 'generic_comment:email:subject' => '您的评论已经发布!',
- 'generic_comment:email:body' => "您收到一条评论在 \"%s\" 上,来自 %s。内容是:
- %s
-要查看评论者 %s 的个人资料,点击:
- %s
- /**
- * Entities
- */
- 'entity:default:strapline' => '由 %s 创建 %s ',
- 'entity:default:missingsupport:popup' => '本项目可能显示不正确。这是因为插件可能不兼容或者需要升级。',
- 'entity:delete:success' => '实体 %s 已经被删除了',
- 'entity:delete:fail' => '实体 %s 删除失败',
- /**
- * Action gatekeeper
- */
- 'actiongatekeeper:missingfields' => '表单缺少 __token 或者 __ts 域',
- 'actiongatekeeper:tokeninvalid' => '表单验证和服务器的不一致。',
- 'actiongatekeeper:timeerror' => '表单过期了,请重新登陆或者再次刷新页面。',
- 'actiongatekeeper:pluginprevents' => '插件屏蔽了这次表单的提交。',
- /**
- * Languages according to ISO 639-1
- */
- "aa" => "Afar",
- "ab" => "Abkhazian",
- "af" => "Afrikaans",
- "am" => "Amharic",
- "ar" => "Arabic",
- "as" => "Assamese",
- "ay" => "Aymara",
- "az" => "Azerbaijani",
- "ba" => "Bashkir",
- "be" => "Byelorussian",
- "bg" => "Bulgarian",
- "bh" => "Bihari",
- "bi" => "Bislama",
- "bn" => "Bengali; Bangla",
- "bo" => "Tibetan",
- "br" => "Breton",
- "ca" => "Catalan",
- "co" => "Corsican",
- "cs" => "Czech",
- "cy" => "Welsh",
- "da" => "Danish",
- "de" => "German",
- "dz" => "Bhutani",
- "el" => "Greek",
- "en" => "English",
- "eo" => "Esperanto",
- "es" => "Spanish",
- "et" => "Estonian",
- "eu" => "Basque",
- "fa" => "Persian",
- "fi" => "Finnish",
- "fj" => "Fiji",
- "fo" => "Faeroese",
- "fr" => "French",
- "fy" => "Frisian",
- "ga" => "Irish",
- "gd" => "Scots / Gaelic",
- "gl" => "Galician",
- "gn" => "Guarani",
- "gu" => "Gujarati",
- "he" => "Hebrew",
- "ha" => "Hausa",
- "hi" => "Hindi",
- "hr" => "Croatian",
- "hu" => "Hungarian",
- "hy" => "Armenian",
- "ia" => "Interlingua",
- "id" => "Indonesian",
- "ie" => "Interlingue",
- "ik" => "Inupiak",
- "in" => "Indonesian",
- "is" => "Icelandic",
- "it" => "Italian",
- "iu" => "Inuktitut",
- "iw" => "Hebrew (obsolete)",
- "ja" => "Japanese",
- "ji" => "Yiddish (obsolete)",
- "jw" => "Javanese",
- "ka" => "Georgian",
- "kk" => "Kazakh",
- "kl" => "Greenlandic",
- "km" => "Cambodian",
- "kn" => "Kannada",
- "ko" => "Korean",
- "ks" => "Kashmiri",
- "ku" => "Kurdish",
- "ky" => "Kirghiz",
- "la" => "Latin",
- "ln" => "Lingala",
- "lo" => "Laothian",
- "lt" => "Lithuanian",
- "lv" => "Latvian/Lettish",
- "mg" => "Malagasy",
- "mi" => "Maori",
- "mk" => "Macedonian",
- "ml" => "Malayalam",
- "mn" => "Mongolian",
- "mo" => "Moldavian",
- "mr" => "Marathi",
- "ms" => "Malay",
- "mt" => "Maltese",
- "my" => "Burmese",
- "na" => "Nauru",
- "ne" => "Nepali",
- "nl" => "Dutch",
- "no" => "Norwegian",
- "oc" => "Occitan",
- "om" => "(Afan) Oromo",
- "or" => "Oriya",
- "pa" => "Punjabi",
- "pl" => "Polish",
- "ps" => "Pashto / Pushto",
- "pt" => "Portuguese",
- "qu" => "Quechua",
- "rm" => "Rhaeto-Romance",
- "rn" => "Kirundi",
- "ro" => "Romanian",
- "ru" => "Russian",
- "rw" => "Kinyarwanda",
- "sa" => "Sanskrit",
- "sd" => "Sindhi",
- "sg" => "Sangro",
- "sh" => "Serbo-Croatian",
- "si" => "Singhalese",
- "sk" => "Slovak",
- "sl" => "Slovenian",
- "sm" => "Samoan",
- "sn" => "Shona",
- "so" => "Somali",
- "sq" => "Albanian",
- "sr" => "Serbian",
- "ss" => "Siswati",
- "st" => "Sesotho",
- "su" => "Sundanese",
- "sv" => "Swedish",
- "sw" => "Swahili",
- "ta" => "Tamil",
- "te" => "Tegulu",
- "tg" => "Tajik",
- "th" => "Thai",
- "ti" => "Tigrinya",
- "tk" => "Turkmen",
- "tl" => "Tagalog",
- "tn" => "Setswana",
- "to" => "Tonga",
- "tr" => "Turkish",
- "ts" => "Tsonga",
- "tt" => "Tatar",
- "tw" => "Twi",
- "ug" => "Uigur",
- "uk" => "Ukrainian",
- "ur" => "Urdu",
- "uz" => "Uzbek",
- "vi" => "Vietnamese",
- "vo" => "Volapuk",
- "wo" => "Wolof",
- "xh" => "Xhosa",
- "y" => "Yiddish",
- "yo" => "Yoruba",
- "za" => "Zuang",
- "zh" => "Chinese",
- "zu" => "Zulu",
- );
- add_translation("zh",$chinese);
diff --git a/mod/activity/languages/ru.php b/mod/activity/languages/ru.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fcdd15f31..000000000
--- a/mod/activity/languages/ru.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- $russian = array(
- 'activity:all' => 'Все действия',
- 'activity:your' => 'Мои действия',
- 'activity:friends' => 'Действия моих друзей',
- 'activity:person' => 'Действия пользователя %s',
- 'activity:person:friends' => 'Действия друзей пользователя %s',
- 'activity:useasdashboard' => 'Вы хотите использовать список действий в качестве главной страницы?',
- 'activity:noactivity' => 'Извините, но действий, удовлетворяющих критерию поиска, не найдено',
- 'activity:usernotfound' => 'Пользователь не найден',
- 'activity:nofriendactivity' => 'Нет действий, возможно вам нужно больше друзей?',
- );
- add_translation("ru",$russian);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/apiadmin/languages/ru.php b/mod/apiadmin/languages/ru.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 81996f60e..000000000
--- a/mod/apiadmin/languages/ru.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * API Admin language pack.
- *
- * @package ElggAPIAdmin
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- */
- $russian = array(
- /**
- * Menu items and titles
- */
- 'apiadmin' => 'Управление API',
- 'apiadmin:keyrevoked' => 'Ключ API отозван',
- 'apiadmin:keynotrevoked' => 'Ключ API не может быть отозван',
- 'apiadmin:generated' => 'Ключ API успешно сгенерирован',
- 'apiadmin:yourref' => 'Наименование',
- 'apiadmin:generate' => 'Сгенерировать новую пару ключей',
- 'apiadmin:noreference' => 'Необходимо указать наименование для вашего нового ключа.',
- 'apiadmin:generationfail' => 'При генерации ключей случилась ошибка',
- 'apiadmin:generated' => 'Новая пара ключей API успешно сгенерирована',
- 'apiadmin:revoke' => 'Отозвать ключ',
- 'apiadmin:public' => 'Публичный',
- 'apiadmin:private' => 'Приватный',
- 'item:object:api_key' => 'Ключи API',
- );
- add_translation("ru",$russian);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/diagnostics/languages/fr.php b/mod/diagnostics/languages/fr.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ac1571155..000000000
--- a/mod/diagnostics/languages/fr.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * translation by RONNEL Jérémy
- * jeremy.ronnel@elbee.fr
- */
- $french = array(
- 'diagnostics' => 'Diagnostic système',
- 'diagnostics:description' => 'Ce rapport vous sera utile pour identifier tous les problèmes rencontrés par Elgg, il pourra être joint à votre tracker de bug.',
- 'diagnostics:download' => 'Diagnostic.txt',
- 'diagnostics:header' => '========================================================================
-Elgg Diagnostic Report
-Generated %s by %s
- 'diagnostics:report:basic' => '
-Elgg Release %s, version %s
- 'diagnostics:report:php' => '
-PHP info:
- 'diagnostics:report:plugins' => '
-Installed plugins and details:
- 'diagnostics:report:md5' => '
-Installed files and checksums:
- 'diagnostics:report:globals' => '
-Global variables:
- );
- add_translation("fr",$french);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/diagnostics/languages/it.php b/mod/diagnostics/languages/it.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c11eb6c5..000000000
--- a/mod/diagnostics/languages/it.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg Plugin language pack
- *
- * @package Elgg Diagnostic
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- * ****************************************
- * @Italian Language Pack
- * @Plugin: Diagnostic
- * @version: beta
- * english_revision: 2061
- * @translation by Lord55
- * @link http://www.nobilityofequals.com
- ****************************************/
- $italian = array(
- 'diagnostics' => 'Sistema di Diagnostica',
- 'diagnostics:description' => 'Il seguente rapporto diagnostico è utile per una diagnosi di qualsiasi problema con Elgg, e potrebbe essere allegato e archiviato a qualsiasi rapporto sui bug di sistema.',
- 'diagnostics:download' => 'Scarica .txt',
- 'diagnostics:header' => '========================================================================
-Rapporto di diagnostica di Elgg
-Generato %s da %s
- 'diagnostics:report:basic' => '
-Elgg Release %s, versione %s
- 'diagnostics:report:php' => '
-PHP info:
- 'diagnostics:report:plugins' => '
-Installazione plugins and dettagli:
- 'diagnostics:report:md5' => '
-Installazione files and checksums:
- 'diagnostics:report:globals' => '
-Variabili globali:
- );
- add_translation("it",$italian);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/diagnostics/languages/ru.php b/mod/diagnostics/languages/ru.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eb7e92fc..000000000
--- a/mod/diagnostics/languages/ru.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg diagnostics language pack.
- *
- * @package ElggDiagnostics
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- */
- $russian = array(
- 'diagnostics' => 'Диагностика системы',
- 'diagnostics:description' => 'Следующий отчёт полезен для диагностики любых проблем с Elgg, и должен быть присоединён ко всем багам, которые вы репортите.',
- 'diagnostics:download' => 'Download .txt',
- 'diagnostics:header' => '========================================================================
-Elgg Diagnostic Report
-Generated %s by %s
- 'diagnostics:report:basic' => '
-Elgg Release %s, version %s
- 'diagnostics:report:php' => '
-PHP info:
- 'diagnostics:report:plugins' => '
-Installed plugins and details:
- 'diagnostics:report:md5' => '
-Installed files and checksums:
- 'diagnostics:report:globals' => '
-Global variables:
- );
- add_translation("ru",$russian);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/diagnostics/languages/th.php b/mod/diagnostics/languages/th.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4da3dd718..000000000
--- a/mod/diagnostics/languages/th.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg diagnostics language pack.
- *
- * @package ElggDiagnostics
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- */
- $thai = array(
- 'diagnostics' => 'ระบบรายงานปัญหา',
- 'diagnostics:description' => 'ระบบนี้จะรายงานปัญหาการใช้งานและตรวจสอบไฟล์ของElgg',
- 'diagnostics:download' => 'Download .txt',
- 'diagnostics:header' => '========================================================================
-Elgg Diagnostic Report
-Generated %s by %s
- 'diagnostics:report:basic' => '
-Elgg Release %s, version %s
- 'diagnostics:report:php' => '
-PHP info:
- 'diagnostics:report:plugins' => '
-Installed plugins and details:
- 'diagnostics:report:md5' => '
-Installed files and checksums:
- 'diagnostics:report:globals' => '
-Global variables:
- );
- add_translation("th",$thai);
diff --git a/mod/diagnostics/languages/zh.php b/mod/diagnostics/languages/zh.php
deleted file mode 100644
index dec8df00f..000000000
--- a/mod/diagnostics/languages/zh.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg diagnostics language pack.
- *
- * @package ElggDiagnostics
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- */
- /**
- * Chinese Language Package
- *
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @translator Cosmo Mao
- * @copyright cOSmoCommerce.com 2008
- * @link http://www.elggsns.cn/
- * @version 0.1
- */
- $chinese = array(
- 'diagnostics' => '系统诊断',
- 'diagnostics:description' => '下列诊断报告提供有用的信息,您可以附件错误来提交问题。',
- 'diagnostics:download' => 'Download .txt',
- 'diagnostics:header' => '========================================================================
-Elgg 诊断报告
-生成 %s 于 %s
- 'diagnostics:report:basic' => '
-Elgg 发布 %s, 版本 %s
- 'diagnostics:report:php' => '
-PHP 信息:
- 'diagnostics:report:plugins' => '
- 'diagnostics:report:md5' => '
- 'diagnostics:report:globals' => '
- );
- add_translation("zh",$chinese);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/guidtool/languages/it.php b/mod/guidtool/languages/it.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f0da01799..000000000
--- a/mod/guidtool/languages/it.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg Plugin language pack
- *
- * @package Elgg GuidTool
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- * ****************************************
- * @Italian Language Pack
- * @Plugin: GuidTool
- * @version: beta
- * english_revision: 1806
- * @translation by Lord55
- * @link http://www.nobilityofequals.com
- ****************************************/
- $italian = array(
- /**
- * Menu items and titles ###Argomenti del menu e titoli###
- */
- 'guidtool' => 'GUID Tool',
- 'guidtool:browse' => 'Naviga nei GUIDs',
- 'guidtool:import' => 'Importa',
- 'guidtool:import:desc' => 'Incolla il valore che desideri per importare nella seguente finestra,questo deve avere il formato "%s".',
- 'guidtool:pickformat' => 'Per favore seleziona il formato che preferisci importare o esportare.',
- 'guidbrowser:export' => 'Esporta',
- );
- add_translation("it",$italian);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/guidtool/languages/ru.php b/mod/guidtool/languages/ru.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c5ec4e8f1..000000000
--- a/mod/guidtool/languages/ru.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg GUID Tool
- *
- * @package ElggGUIDTool
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- */
- $russian = array(
- /**
- * Menu items and titles
- */
- 'guidtool' => 'Управление GUID',
- 'guidtool:browse' => 'Навигация по GUIDs',
- 'guidtool:import' => 'Импорт',
- 'guidtool:import:desc' => 'Вставтье данные, которые вы хотите импортировать в окно ниже, они должны быть в формате "%s".',
- 'guidtool:pickformat' => 'Пожалуйста, выберите формат в котором вы хотите импортировать или экспортировать.',
- 'guidbrowser:export' => 'Экспорт',
- );
- add_translation("ru", $russian);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/guidtool/languages/th.php b/mod/guidtool/languages/th.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b7cf3a49..000000000
--- a/mod/guidtool/languages/th.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg GUID Tool
- *
- * @package ElggGUIDTool
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- */
- $thai = array(
- /**
- * Menu items and titles
- */
- 'guidtool' => 'เครื่องมือ GUID',
- 'guidtool:browse' => 'ดู GUIDs',
- 'guidtool:import' => 'นำเข้า',
- 'guidtool:import:desc' => 'วางข้มูลที่ต้องการนำเข้าในกล่งด้านล่าง, โดยรูปแบบ "%s" .',
- 'guidtool:pickformat' => 'โปรดเลือกรูปแบบที่จะนำเข้าและส่งออก',
- 'guidbrowser:export' => 'ส่งออก',
- );
- add_translation("th",$thai);
diff --git a/mod/guidtool/languages/zh.php b/mod/guidtool/languages/zh.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 87bb11de2..000000000
--- a/mod/guidtool/languages/zh.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg GUID Tool
- *
- * @package ElggGUIDTool
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- */
- /**
- * Chinese Language Package
- *
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @translator Cosmo Mao
- * @copyright cOSmoCommerce.com 2008
- * @link http://www.elggsns.cn/
- * @version 0.1
- */
- $chinese = array(
- /**
- * Menu items and titles
- */
- 'guidtool' => 'GUIDͬ',
- 'guidtool:browse' => ' GUIDs',
- 'guidtool:import' => '',
- 'guidtool:import:desc' => 'ճ뵼ݵУļʽ "%s" ġ',
- 'guidtool:pickformat' => 'ѡҪߵĸʽ',
- 'guidbrowser:export' => '',
- );
- add_translation("zh",$chinese);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/logbrowser/languages/fr.php b/mod/logbrowser/languages/fr.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 325f48325..000000000
--- a/mod/logbrowser/languages/fr.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * translation by RONNEL Jérémy
- * jeremy.ronnel@elbee.fr
- */
- $french = array(
- /**
- * Menu items and titles
- */
- 'logbrowser' => 'Explorateur de log',
- 'logbrowser:browse' => 'Explorer les logs du système',
- 'logbrowser:search' => 'Afficher la recherche',
- 'logbrowser:user' => "Rechercher les nom d'utilisateur par",
- 'logbrowser:starttime' => 'Date de début (par exemple "lundi dernier", "il y a une heure")',
- 'logbrowser:endtime' => 'Date de fin',
- 'logbrowser:explore' => 'Explorer les logs',
- );
- add_translation("fr",$french);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/logbrowser/languages/it.php b/mod/logbrowser/languages/it.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eb171acd..000000000
--- a/mod/logbrowser/languages/it.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg Plugin language pack
- *
- * @package Elgg LogBrowser
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- * ****************************************
- * @Italian Language Pack
- * @Plugin: LogBrowser
- * @version: beta
- * english_revision: 2061
- * @translation by Lord55
- * @link http://www.nobilityofequals.com
- ****************************************/
- $italian = array(
- /**
- * Menu items and titles ###Argomenti del menu e titoli###
- */
- 'logbrowser' => 'Navigatore di Resoconti',
- 'logbrowser:browse' => 'Naviga il sistema dei resoconti',
- 'logbrowser:search' => 'Raffina i risultati',
- 'logbrowser:user' => 'Nome-utente da cercare',
- 'logbrowser:starttime' => 'Tempo di partenza (per esempio "lunedi scorso", "1 ora fa").',
- 'logbrowser:endtime' => 'Fino a',
- 'logbrowser:explore' => 'Esplora resoconto',
- );
- add_translation("it",$italian);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/logbrowser/languages/ru.php b/mod/logbrowser/languages/ru.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 19cf81d6f..000000000
--- a/mod/logbrowser/languages/ru.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg log browser plugin language pack
- *
- * @package ElggLogBrowser
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- */
- $russian = array(
- /**
- * Menu items and titles
- */
- 'logbrowser' => 'Логи',
- 'logbrowser:browse' => 'Системный лог',
- 'logbrowser:search' => 'Фильтровать результат',
- 'logbrowser:user' => 'Искать по имени пользователя',
- 'logbrowser:starttime' => 'От (к примеру "last monday", "1 hour ago")',
- 'logbrowser:endtime' => 'До',
- 'logbrowser:explore' => 'Просмотреть логи',
- );
- add_translation("ru",$russian);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/logbrowser/languages/th.php b/mod/logbrowser/languages/th.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b0f11e12..000000000
--- a/mod/logbrowser/languages/th.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg log browser plugin language pack
- *
- * @package ElggLogBrowser
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- */
- $thai = array(
- /**
- * Menu items and titles
- */
- 'logbrowser' => 'ดู ข้อมูลการใช้งาน',
- 'logbrowser:browse' => 'ดูข้อมูลการใช้งานระบบ',
- 'logbrowser:search' => 'ค้นหาข้อมูลการใช้งานระบบ',
- 'logbrowser:user' => 'ค้นหาชื่อผู้ใช้',
- 'logbrowser:starttime' => 'เวลา (เช่น "เดือนที่แล้ว", "1 ชั่วโมงที่แล้ว")',
- 'logbrowser:endtime' => 'เวลาที่จบ',
- 'logbrowser:explore' => 'ข้อมูลการใช้งาน',
- );
- add_translation("th",$thai);
diff --git a/mod/logbrowser/languages/zh.php b/mod/logbrowser/languages/zh.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e1924bf41..000000000
--- a/mod/logbrowser/languages/zh.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg log browser plugin language pack
- *
- * @package ElggLogBrowser
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- */
- /**
- * Chinese Language Package
- *
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @translator Cosmo Mao
- * @copyright cOSmoCommerce.com 2008
- * @link http://www.elggsns.cn/
- * @version 0.1
- */
- $chinese = array(
- /**
- * Menu items and titles
- */
- 'logbrowser' => '系统记录',
- 'logbrowser:browse' => '浏览记录',
- 'logbrowser:search' => '筛选搜索',
- 'logbrowser:user' => '按照用户名',
- 'logbrowser:starttime' => '起始时间 (例如 "last monday", "1 hour ago")',
- 'logbrowser:endtime' => '结束时间',
- 'logbrowser:explore' => '浏览日志',
- );
- add_translation("zh",$chinese);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/reportedcontent/languages/fr.php b/mod/reportedcontent/languages/fr.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fce8f2a0..000000000
--- a/mod/reportedcontent/languages/fr.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * translation by RONNEL Jérémy
- * jeremy.ronnel@elbee.fr
- */
- $french = array(
- /**
- * Menu items and titles
- */
- 'item:object:reported_content' => 'Objets alertés',
- 'reportedcontent' => 'Alertes',
- 'reportedcontent:this' => 'Alerter',
- 'reportedcontent:none' => "Il n'y a pas de contenu",
- 'reportedcontent:report' => "Alerter l'administrateur",
- 'reportedcontent:title' => 'Titre de la page',
- 'reportedcontent:deleted' => 'Le contenu a été supprimé',
- 'reportedcontent:notdeleted' => 'Impossible de supprimer cette alerte',
- 'reportedcontent:delete' => 'Supprimer',
- 'reportedcontent:areyousure' => 'Etes-vous sur de le supprimer ?',
- 'reportedcontent:archive' => 'Archiver',
- 'reportedcontent:archived' => "L'alerte a été archivée",
- 'reportedcontent:visit' => "Visiter l'objet",
- 'reportedcontent:by' => "alerté par",
- 'reportedcontent:objecttitle' => "Titre de l'objet",
- 'reportedcontent:objecturl' => "Url de l'objet",
- 'reportedcontent:reason' => "Raison de l'alerte",
- 'reportedcontent:description' => "Pourquoi posez-vous une alerte sur ce contenu ?",
- 'reportedcontent:address' => "Objet à alerter",
- 'reportedcontent:success' => "Votre alerte a été envoyée",
- 'reportedcontent:failing' => "Votre alerte n'a pas pu être envoyée",
- );
- add_translation("fr",$french);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/reportedcontent/languages/it.php b/mod/reportedcontent/languages/it.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d6a7fccdb..000000000
--- a/mod/reportedcontent/languages/it.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg Plugin language pack
- *
- * @package Elgg ReportedContent
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- * ****************************************
- * @Italian Language Pack
- * @Plugin: ReportedContent
- * @version: beta
- * english_revision: 2073
- * @translation by Lord55
- * @link http://www.nobilityofequals.com
- ****************************************/
- $italian = array(
- /**
- * Menu items and titles ###Argomenti del menu e titoli###
- */
- 'item:object:reported_content' => 'Argomenti comunicati',
- 'reportedcontent' => 'contenuto comunicato',
- 'reportedcontent:this' => 'Comunica questo',
- 'reportedcontent:none' => 'Nessun contunuto è stato comunicato',
- 'reportedcontent:report' => 'Comunicalo a un amministratore',
- 'reportedcontent:title' => 'Titolo della Pagina',
- 'reportedcontent:deleted' => 'Il contenuto comunicato è stato cancellato',
- 'reportedcontent:notdeleted' => 'Non siamo stati abilitati a cancellare questa comunicazione',
- 'reportedcontent:delete' => 'Cancellalo',
- 'reportedcontent:areyousure' => 'Sei sicuro di volerlo cancellare?',
- 'reportedcontent:archive' => 'Archivialo',
- 'reportedcontent:archived' => 'La comunicazione è stata cancellata',
- 'reportedcontent:visit' => 'Visit reported item',
- 'reportedcontent:by' => 'Comunicato by',
- 'reportedcontent:objecttitle' => 'Titolo di questo oggetto',
- 'reportedcontent:objecturl' => 'Url di questo oggetto',
- 'reportedcontent:reason' => 'Motivo della comunicazione',
- 'reportedcontent:description' => 'Perchè ci stai comunicando questo?',
- 'reportedcontent:address' => 'Localizzazione di questo argomento',
- 'reportedcontent:success' => 'La tua comunicazione è stata inviata a un amministratore del sito',
- 'reportedcontent:failing' => 'La tua comunicazione non può essere inviata',
- 'reportedcontent:report' => 'Comunicalo',
- );
- add_translation("it",$italian);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/reportedcontent/languages/ru.php b/mod/reportedcontent/languages/ru.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 33750d696..000000000
--- a/mod/reportedcontent/languages/ru.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg reported content plugin language pack
- *
- * @package ElggReportedContent
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- */
- $russian = array(
- /**
- * Menu items and titles
- */
- 'item:object:reported_content' => 'Жалобы',
- 'reportedcontent' => 'Жалобы',
- 'reportedcontent:report' => 'Пожаловаться',
- 'reportedcontent:this' => 'Пожаловаться',
- 'reportedcontent:none' => 'Жалоб нет',
- 'reportedcontent:report' => 'Пожаловаться',
- 'reportedcontent:title' => 'Название страницы',
- 'reportedcontent:deleted' => 'Жалоба успешно удалена',
- 'reportedcontent:notdeleted' => 'Не удалось удалить жалобу',
- 'reportedcontent:delete' => 'Удалить',
- 'reportedcontent:areyousure' => 'Вы уверены что хотите удалить?',
- 'reportedcontent:archive' => 'В архив',
- 'reportedcontent:archived' => 'Жалоба заархивирована',
- 'reportedcontent:visit' => 'Просмотреть',
- 'reportedcontent:by' => 'Кем',
- 'reportedcontent:objecttitle' => 'Название объекта',
- 'reportedcontent:objecturl' => 'Ссылка на страницу',
- 'reportedcontent:reason' => 'Причина жалобы',
- 'reportedcontent:description' => 'Причина жалобы',
- 'reportedcontent:address' => 'Ссылка на страницу',
- 'reportedcontent:success' => 'Ваша жалоба отправлена администрации',
- 'reportedcontent:failing' => 'Ваша жалоба не может быть отправлена',
- 'reportedcontent:report' => 'Пожаловаться',
- 'reportedcontent:failed' => 'Извините, попытка пожаловаться не удалась.',
- );
- add_translation("ru",$russian);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/reportedcontent/languages/th.php b/mod/reportedcontent/languages/th.php
deleted file mode 100644
index be8efaa68..000000000
--- a/mod/reportedcontent/languages/th.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg reported content plugin language pack
- *
- * @package ElggReportedContent
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- */
- $thai = array(
- /**
- * Menu items and titles
- */
- 'item:object:reported_content' => 'แจ้งผู้ดูแล',
- 'reportedcontent' => 'รายงานการใช้งาน',
- 'reportedcontent:this' => 'แจ้งผู้ดูแล',
- 'reportedcontent:none' => 'ไม่มีการแจ้ง',
- 'reportedcontent:report' => 'แจ้งไปยังผู้ดูแล',
- 'reportedcontent:title' => 'ชื่อหน้า',
- 'reportedcontent:deleted' => 'รายงานถูกลบแล้ว',
- 'reportedcontent:notdeleted' => 'ไม่สามารถลบรายงานได้',
- 'reportedcontent:delete' => 'ลบเดี่ยวนี้',
- 'reportedcontent:areyousure' => 'แน่ใจไหมที่จะลบ?',
- 'reportedcontent:archive' => 'เก็บไว้ก่อน',
- 'reportedcontent:archived' => 'ระบบได้เก็บรายงานไว้แล้ว',
- 'reportedcontent:visit' => 'ผู้เยี่ยใชมรายงาน',
- 'reportedcontent:by' => 'แจ้งโดย',
- 'reportedcontent:objecttitle' => 'ชื่อ',
- 'reportedcontent:objecturl' => 'ที่อยู่ url',
- 'reportedcontent:reason' => 'เหตุผลที่แจ้ง',
- 'reportedcontent:description' => 'ทำไม่ถึงคิดว่าไม่เหมาะสม?',
- 'reportedcontent:address' => 'ที่อยู่ของหน้าที่แจ้ง',
- 'reportedcontent:success' => 'การรายงานของคุณได้แจ้งไปยังผู้ดูแลแล้ว',
- 'reportedcontent:failing' => 'รายงานของคุณส่งไม่ได้',
- );
- add_translation("th",$thai);
diff --git a/mod/reportedcontent/languages/zh.php b/mod/reportedcontent/languages/zh.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 67e85482e..000000000
--- a/mod/reportedcontent/languages/zh.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg reported content plugin language pack
- *
- * @package ElggReportedContent
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- */
- /**
- * Chinese Language Package
- *
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @translator Cosmo Mao
- * @copyright cOSmoCommerce.com 2008
- * @link http://www.elggsns.cn/
- * @version 0.1
- */
- $chinese = array(
- /**
- * Menu items and titles
- */
- 'item:object:reported_content' => '报告项目',
- 'reportedcontent' => '已经报告',
- 'reportedcontent:this' => '报告这个',
- 'reportedcontent:none' => '没有报告内容',
- 'reportedcontent:report' => '报告给管理员',
- 'reportedcontent:title' => '页面标题',
- 'reportedcontent:deleted' => '报告内容已经删除',
- 'reportedcontent:notdeleted' => '我们无法删除报告内容',
- 'reportedcontent:delete' => '删除',
- 'reportedcontent:areyousure' => '您确认删除吗?',
- 'reportedcontent:archive' => '归档',
- 'reportedcontent:archived' => '报告已经归档',
- 'reportedcontent:visit' => '访问已经报告的项目',
- 'reportedcontent:by' => '报告于',
- 'reportedcontent:objecttitle' => '对象标题',
- 'reportedcontent:objecturl' => '目标URL地址',
- 'reportedcontent:reason' => '报告原因',
- 'reportedcontent:description' => '您问什么报告这个',
- 'reportedcontent:address' => '项目地址',
- 'reportedcontent:success' => '您的报告已经发送给了网站管理员',
- 'reportedcontent:failing' => '您的报告还没有发送',
- );
- add_translation("zh",$chinese);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/river/languages/fr.php b/mod/river/languages/fr.php
deleted file mode 100644
index af82cc493..000000000
--- a/mod/river/languages/fr.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * translation by RONNEL Jérémy
- * jeremy.ronnel@elbee.fr
- */
- $french = array(
- /**
- * Manifest
- */
- 'river:widget:noactivity' => 'Aucune activité trouvée.',
- 'river:widget:title' => "Activités",
- 'river:widget:description' => "Montrer vos activités récentes.",
- 'river:widget:title:friends' => "Activités de vos amis",
- 'river:widget:description:friends' => "Voir ce que font mes amis.",
- 'river:widget:label:displaynum' => "Nombre d'activités à afficher :",
- );
- add_translation("fr",$french);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/river/languages/it.php b/mod/river/languages/it.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e9bb6747..000000000
--- a/mod/river/languages/it.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg Plugin language pack
- *
- * @package Elgg River
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- * ****************************************
- * @Italian Language Pack
- * @Plugin: River
- * @version: beta
- * english_revision: 1023
- * @translation by Lord55
- * @link http://www.nobilityofequals.com
- ****************************************/
- $italian = array(
- /**
- * Manifest ###Manifesto###
- */
- 'river:widget:noactivity' => 'Non possiamo trovare nessuna attività.',
- 'river:widget:title' => "Attività",
- 'river:widget:description' => "Mostra le tue ultime attività.",
- 'river:widget:title:friends' => "Attività degli Amici",
- 'river:widget:description:friends' => "Mostra le attività dei tuoi amici.",
- 'river:widget:label:displaynum' => "Numero di voci da visualizzare:",
- );
- add_translation("it",$italian);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/river/languages/ru.php b/mod/river/languages/ru.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f57b77d31..000000000
--- a/mod/river/languages/ru.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- $russian = array(
- /**
- * Manifest
- */
- 'river:widget:noactivity' => 'Нет никакой активности.',
- 'river:widget:title' => "Действия",
- 'river:widget:description' => "Показать ваши последние действия.",
- 'river:widget:title:friends' => "Действия друзей",
- 'river:widget:description:friends' => "Показать, чем занимаются ваши друзья прямо сейчас.",
- 'river:widget:label:displaynum' => "Количество действий на странице:",
- );
- add_translation("ru",$russian);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/river/languages/th.php b/mod/river/languages/th.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b265a5e1..000000000
--- a/mod/river/languages/th.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- $thai = array(
- /**
- * Manifest
- */
- 'river:widget:noactivity' => 'เราไม่สามารถหาการกระทำล่าสุดได้',
- 'river:widget:title' => "การกระทำ",
- 'river:widget:description' => "แสดงการกระทำล่าสุดของคุณ",
- 'river:widget:title:friends' => "การกระทำของเพื่อน",
- 'river:widget:description:friends' => "แสดงสิ่งที่เพื่อนคุณกระทำ",
- 'river:widget:label:displaynum' => "หมายเลขที่ต้องการแสดงการกระทำ:",
- );
- add_translation("th",$thai);
diff --git a/mod/river/languages/zh.php b/mod/river/languages/zh.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 35c91373b..000000000
--- a/mod/river/languages/zh.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Chinese Language Package
- *
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @translator Cosmo Mao
- * @copyright cOSmoCommerce.com 2008
- * @link http://www.elggsns.cn/
- * @version 0.1
- */
- $chinese = array(
- /**
- * Manifest
- */
- 'river:widget:noactivity' => '我们没找到最新活动。',
- 'river:widget:title' => "活动",
- 'river:widget:description' => "显示您最新的活动。",
- 'river:widget:title:friends' => "好友活动",
- 'river:widget:description:friends' => "显示您的好友目前在干嘛",
- 'river:widget:label:displaynum' => "显示条目数量:",
- );
- add_translation("zh",$chinese);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/updateclient/languages/fr.php b/mod/updateclient/languages/fr.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f71d0174..000000000
--- a/mod/updateclient/languages/fr.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * translation by RONNEL Jérémy
- * jeremy.ronnel@elbee.fr
- */
- $french = array(
- 'updateclient:label:core' => 'Noyaux',
- 'updateclient:label:plugins' => 'Extensions',
- 'updateclient:settings:days' => 'Rechercher les mises à jours tous les',
- 'updateclient:days' => 'jours',
- 'updateclient:settings:server' => 'Mettre à jour le serveur',
- 'updateclient:message:title' => 'Une nouvelle version de Elgg est disponible !',
- 'updateclient:message:body' => 'Une nouvelle version de Elgg est disponible (%s %s) baptisée "%s" est disponible !
-Rendez-vous ici pour télécharger la nouvelle version : %s
-Les nouveautés de cette version :
- );
- add_translation("fr", $french);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/updateclient/languages/it.php b/mod/updateclient/languages/it.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 59e0c484a..000000000
--- a/mod/updateclient/languages/it.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Elgg Plugin language pack
- *
- * @package Elgg River
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- * ****************************************
- * @Italian Language Pack
- * @Plugin: River
- * @version: beta
- * english_revision: 1807
- * @translation by Lord55
- * @link http://www.nobilityofequals.com
- ****************************************/
- $italian = array(
- 'updateclient:label:core' => 'Core',
- 'updateclient:label:plugins' => 'Plugins',
- 'updateclient:settings:days' => 'Controlla aggiornamenti ogni',
- 'updateclient:days' => 'giorni',
- 'updateclient:settings:server' => 'Aggiorna server',
- 'updateclient:message:title' => 'Una nuova versione di Elgg è stata rilasciata!',
- 'updateclient:message:body' => 'Una nuova versione di Elgg (%s %s) nome in codice "%s" è stata rilasciata!
-Vai qui per scaricarla: %s
-O scendi giù e leggi le note del rilascio:
- );
- add_translation("it",$italian);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/updateclient/languages/ru.php b/mod/updateclient/languages/ru.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bea75b64a..000000000
--- a/mod/updateclient/languages/ru.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Update client language pack.
- *
- * @package ElggUpdateClient
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- */
- $russian = array(
- 'updateclient:label:core' => 'Ядро',
- 'updateclient:label:plugins' => 'Приложения',
- 'updateclient:settings:days' => 'Проверять на наличие обновлений каждые',
- 'updateclient:days' => 'дней',
- 'updateclient:settings:server' => 'Обновить сервер',
- 'updateclient:message:title' => 'Вышла новая версия Elgg!',
- 'updateclient:message:body' => 'Вышла новая верся Elgg (%s %s) под кодовым названием "%s"!
-Скачать её можно здесь: %s
-Или прочитайте аннотацию к новой версии:
- );
- add_translation("ru", $russian);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/updateclient/languages/th.php b/mod/updateclient/languages/th.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f2e9a1bed..000000000
--- a/mod/updateclient/languages/th.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Update client language pack.
- *
- * @package ElggUpdateClient
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- */
- $thai = array(
- 'updateclient:label:core' => 'คอร์',
- 'updateclient:label:plugins' => 'ปลั๊กอิน',
- 'updateclient:settings:days' => 'ตรวจสอบการอัพเดตทุก',
- 'updateclient:days' => 'วัน',
- 'updateclient:settings:server' => 'อัพเดตเซพเวอร์',
- 'updateclient:message:title' => 'Elgg มีรุ่นใหม่!',
- 'updateclient:message:body' => 'Elgg รุ่นใหม่ (%s %s) ชื่อ "%s"ออกมาแล้ว!
-ดาวน์โหลด: %s
- );
- add_translation("th", $thai);
diff --git a/mod/updateclient/languages/zh.php b/mod/updateclient/languages/zh.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a199f7c9..000000000
--- a/mod/updateclient/languages/zh.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Update client language pack.
- *
- * @package ElggUpdateClient
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- */
- /**
- * Chinese Language Package
- *
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @translator Cosmo Mao
- * @copyright cOSmoCommerce.com 2008
- * @link http://www.elggsns.cn/
- * @version 0.1
- */
- $chinese = array(
- 'updateclient:label:core' => '核心',
- 'updateclient:label:plugins' => '插件',
- 'updateclient:settings:days' => '检查更新每',
- 'updateclient:days' => '天',
- 'updateclient:settings:server' => '更新服务器',
- 'updateclient:message:title' => '新版本系统发布了!',
- 'updateclient:message:body' => '新的Elgg系统 (%s %s) 代号 "%s" 发布了!
-下载地址: %s
- );
- add_translation("zh", $chinese);
-?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/uservalidationbyemail/languages/ru.php b/mod/uservalidationbyemail/languages/ru.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5933acfd3..000000000
--- a/mod/uservalidationbyemail/languages/ru.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * Email user validation plugin language pack.
- *
- * @package ElggUserValidationByEmail
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU Public License version 2
- * @author Curverider Ltd
- * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008
- * @link http://elgg.com/
- */
- $russian = array(
- 'email:validate:subject' => "%s, пожалуйста, подтвердите ваш адрес электронной почты!",
- 'email:validate:body' => "Привет %s,
-Пожалуйста, подтвердите ваш адрес электронной почты нажав на следующую ссылку:
- 'email:validate:success:subject' => "Адрес электронной почты подтверждён%s!",
- 'email:validate:success:body' => "Привет %s,
-Поздравляем, вы успешно подтвердили ваш адрес электронной почты.",
- 'uservalidationbyemail:registerok' => "Чтобы активировать ваш аккаунт, пожалуйста подтвердите ваш адрес электронной почты нажатием на ссылку, которую мы вам выслали."
- );
- add_translation("ru",$russian);
-?> \ No newline at end of file