path: root/vendors/simpletest/docs/en/partial_mocks_documentation.html
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authorbrettp <brettp@36083f99-b078-4883-b0ff-0f9b5a30f544>2009-10-02 18:40:04 +0000
committerbrettp <brettp@36083f99-b078-4883-b0ff-0f9b5a30f544>2009-10-02 18:40:04 +0000
commit322bb9cd2be9e51422cb2b82684692e825c2bfb7 (patch)
tree1e8e75c1ff0c47d6eda9db114a13dfa2b83adf72 /vendors/simpletest/docs/en/partial_mocks_documentation.html
parent4ffb02ad9c1b95013a0fbf97cefde827600ecc3f (diff)
Added simpletest and start of unit tests.
git-svn-id: http://code.elgg.org/elgg/trunk@3503 36083f99-b078-4883-b0ff-0f9b5a30f544
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1 files changed, 445 insertions, 0 deletions
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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<title>SimpleTest for PHP partial mocks documentation</title>
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+<h1>Partial mock objects documentation</h1>
+ This page...
+ <ul>
+ <a href="#inject">The mock injection problem</a>.
+ </li>
+ Moving creation to a <a href="#creation">protected factory</a> method.
+ </li>
+ <a href="#partial">Partial mocks</a> generate subclasses.
+ </li>
+ Partial mocks <a href="#less">test less than a class</a>.
+ </li>
+<div class="content">
+ <p>
+ A partial mock is simply a pattern to alleviate a specific problem
+ in testing with mock objects,
+ that of getting mock objects into tight corners.
+ It's quite a limited tool and possibly not even a good idea.
+ It is included with SimpleTest because I have found it useful
+ on more than one occasion and has saved a lot of work at that point.
+ </p>
+ <p><a class="target" name="inject"><h2>The mock injection problem</h2></a></p>
+ <p>
+ When one object uses another it is very simple to just pass a mock
+ version in already set up with its expectations.
+ Things are rather tricker if one object creates another and the
+ creator is the one you want to test.
+ This means that the created object should be mocked, but we can
+ hardly tell our class under test to create a mock instead.
+ The tested class doesn't even know it is running inside a test
+ after all.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ For example, suppose we are building a telnet client and it
+ needs to create a network socket to pass its messages.
+ The connection method might look something like...
+class Telnet {
+ ...
+ function &amp;connect($ip, $port, $username, $password) {
+ $socket = &amp;new Socket($ip, $port);
+ $socket-&gt;read( ... );
+ ...
+ }
+ We would really like to have a mock object version of the socket
+ here, what can we do?
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The first solution is to pass the socket in as a parameter,
+ forcing the creation up a level.
+ Having the client handle this is actually a very good approach
+ if you can manage it and should lead to factoring the creation from
+ the doing.
+ In fact, this is one way in which testing with mock objects actually
+ forces you to code more tightly focused solutions.
+ They improve your programming.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Here this would be...
+class Telnet {
+ ...
+ <strong>function &amp;connect(&amp;$socket, $username, $password) {
+ $socket-&gt;read( ... );
+ ...
+ }</strong>
+ This means that the test code is typical for a test involving
+ mock objects.
+class TelnetTest extends UnitTestCase {
+ ...
+ function testConnection() {<strong>
+ $socket = &amp;new MockSocket($this);
+ ...
+ $telnet = &amp;new Telnet();
+ $telnet-&gt;connect($socket, 'Me', 'Secret');
+ ...</strong>
+ }
+ It is pretty obvious though that one level is all you can go.
+ You would hardly want your top level application creating
+ every low level file, socket and database connection ever
+ needed.
+ It wouldn't know the constructor parameters anyway.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The next simplest compromise is to have the created object passed
+ in as an optional parameter...
+class Telnet {
+ ...<strong>
+ function &amp;connect($ip, $port, $username, $password, $socket = false) {
+ if (!$socket) {
+ $socket = &amp;new Socket($ip, $port);
+ }
+ $socket-&gt;read( ... );</strong>
+ ...
+ return $socket;
+ }
+ For a quick solution this is usually good enough.
+ The test now looks almost the same as if the parameter
+ was formally passed...
+class TelnetTest extends UnitTestCase {
+ ...
+ function testConnection() {<strong>
+ $socket = &amp;new MockSocket($this);
+ ...
+ $telnet = &amp;new Telnet();
+ $telnet-&gt;connect('', 21, 'Me', 'Secret', &amp;$socket);
+ ...</strong>
+ }
+ The problem with this approach is its untidiness.
+ There is test code in the main class and parameters passed
+ in the test case that are never used.
+ This is a quick and dirty approach, but nevertheless effective
+ in most situations.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The next method is to pass in a factory object to do the creation...
+class Telnet {<strong>
+ function Telnet(&amp;$network) {
+ $this-&gt;_network = &amp;$network;
+ }</strong>
+ ...
+ function &amp;connect($ip, $port, $username, $password) {<strong>
+ $socket = &amp;$this-&gt;_network-&gt;createSocket($ip, $port);
+ $socket-&gt;read( ... );</strong>
+ ...
+ return $socket;
+ }
+ This is probably the most highly factored answer as creation
+ is now moved into a small specialist class.
+ The networking factory can now be tested separately, but mocked
+ easily when we are testing the telnet class...
+class TelnetTest extends UnitTestCase {
+ ...
+ function testConnection() {<strong>
+ $socket = &amp;new MockSocket($this);
+ ...
+ $network = &amp;new MockNetwork($this);
+ $network-&gt;setReturnReference('createSocket', $socket);
+ $telnet = &amp;new Telnet($network);
+ $telnet-&gt;connect('', 21, 'Me', 'Secret');
+ ...</strong>
+ }
+ The downside is that we are adding a lot more classes to the
+ library.
+ Also we are passing a lot of factories around which will
+ make the code a little less intuitive.
+ The most flexible solution, but the most complex.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Is there a middle ground?
+ </p>
+ <p><a class="target" name="creation"><h2>Protected factory method</h2></a></p>
+ <p>
+ There is a way we can circumvent the problem without creating
+ any new application classes, but it involves creating a subclass
+ when we do the actual testing.
+ Firstly we move the socket creation into its own method...
+class Telnet {
+ ...
+ function &amp;connect($ip, $port, $username, $password) {<strong>
+ $socket = &amp;$this-&gt;_createSocket($ip, $port);</strong>
+ $socket-&gt;read( ... );
+ ...
+ }<strong>
+ function &amp;_createSocket($ip, $port) {
+ return new Socket($ip, $port);
+ }</strong>
+ This is the only change we make to the application code.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ For the test case we have to create a subclass so that
+ we can intercept the socket creation...
+<strong>class TelnetTestVersion extends Telnet {
+ var $_mock;
+ function TelnetTestVersion(&amp;$mock) {
+ $this-&gt;_mock = &amp;$mock;
+ $this-&gt;Telnet();
+ }
+ function &amp;_createSocket() {
+ return $this-&gt;_mock;
+ }
+ Here I have passed the mock in the constructor, but a
+ setter would have done just as well.
+ Note that the mock was set into the object variable
+ before the constructor was chained.
+ This is necessary in case the constructor calls
+ <span class="new_code">connect()</span>.
+ Otherwise it could get a null value from
+ <span class="new_code">_createSocket()</span>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ After the completion of all of this extra work the
+ actual test case is fairly easy.
+ We just test our new class instead...
+class TelnetTest extends UnitTestCase {
+ ...
+ function testConnection() {<strong>
+ $socket = &amp;new MockSocket($this);
+ ...
+ $telnet = &amp;new TelnetTestVersion($socket);
+ $telnet-&gt;connect('', 21, 'Me', 'Secret');
+ ...</strong>
+ }
+ The new class is very simple of course.
+ It just sets up a return value, rather like a mock.
+ It would be nice if it also checked the incoming parameters
+ as well.
+ Just like a mock.
+ It seems we are likely to do this often, can
+ we automate the subclass creation?
+ </p>
+ <p><a class="target" name="partial"><h2>A partial mock</h2></a></p>
+ <p>
+ Of course the answer is "yes" or I would have stopped writing
+ this by now!
+ The previous test case was a lot of work, but we can
+ generate the subclass using a similar approach to the mock objects.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Here is the partial mock version of the test...
+ 'Telnet',
+ 'TelnetTestVersion',
+ array('_createSocket'));</strong>
+class TelnetTest extends UnitTestCase {
+ ...
+ function testConnection() {<strong>
+ $socket = &amp;new MockSocket($this);
+ ...
+ $telnet = &amp;new TelnetTestVersion($this);
+ $telnet-&gt;setReturnReference('_createSocket', $socket);
+ $telnet-&gt;Telnet();
+ $telnet-&gt;connect('', 21, 'Me', 'Secret');
+ ...</strong>
+ }
+ The partial mock is a subclass of the original with
+ selected methods "knocked out" with test
+ versions.
+ The <span class="new_code">generatePartial()</span> call
+ takes three parameters: the class to be subclassed,
+ the new test class name and a list of methods to mock.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Instantiating the resulting objects is slightly tricky.
+ The only constructor parameter of a partial mock is
+ the unit tester reference.
+ As with the normal mock objects this is needed for sending
+ test results in response to checked expectations.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The original constructor is not run yet.
+ This is necessary in case the constructor is going to
+ make use of the as yet unset mocked methods.
+ We set any return values at this point and then run the
+ constructor with its normal parameters.
+ This three step construction of "new", followed
+ by setting up the methods, followed by running the constructor
+ proper is what distinguishes the partial mock code.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Apart from construction, all of the mocked methods have
+ the same features as mock objects and all of the unmocked
+ methods behave as before.
+ We can set expectations very easily...
+class TelnetTest extends UnitTestCase {
+ ...
+ function testConnection() {
+ $socket = &amp;new MockSocket($this);
+ ...
+ $telnet = &amp;new TelnetTestVersion($this);
+ $telnet-&gt;setReturnReference('_createSocket', $socket);<strong>
+ $telnet-&gt;expectOnce('_createSocket', array('', 21));</strong>
+ $telnet-&gt;Telnet();
+ $telnet-&gt;connect('', 21, 'Me', 'Secret');
+ ...<strong>
+ $telnet-&gt;tally();</strong>
+ }
+ </p>
+ <p><a class="target" name="less"><h2>Testing less than a class</h2></a></p>
+ <p>
+ The mocked out methods don't have to be factory methods,
+ they could be any sort of method.
+ In this way partial mocks allow us to take control of any part of
+ a class except the constructor.
+ We could even go as far as to mock every method
+ except one we actually want to test.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ This last situation is all rather hypothetical, as I haven't
+ tried it.
+ I am open to the possibility, but a little worried that
+ forcing object granularity may be better for the code quality.
+ I personally use partial mocks as a way of overriding creation
+ or for occasional testing of the TemplateMethod pattern.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ It's all going to come down to the coding standards of your
+ project to decide which mechanism you use.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ References and related information...
+ <ul>
+ SimpleTest project page on <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/simpletest/">SourceForge</a>.
+ </li>
+ <a href="http://simpletest.org/api/">Full API for SimpleTest</a>
+ from the PHPDoc.
+ </li>
+ The protected factory is described in
+ <a href="http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-mocktest.html">this paper from IBM</a>.
+ This is the only formal comment I have seen on this problem.
+ </li>
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+ <a href="mock_objects_documentation.html">Mock objects</a>
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+ <span class="chosen">Partial mocks</span>
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+ <a href="reporter_documentation.html">Reporting</a>
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+ <a href="expectation_documentation.html">Expectations</a>
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+ Copyright<br>Marcus Baker 2006
+ </div>