path: root/languages
diff options
authorSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2014-03-15 14:58:52 -0300
committerSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2014-03-15 14:58:52 -0300
commit2d9b20157957a55bd83875775085ed31c9062577 (patch)
treef051d6d805a3448ea243379a2457be8d67dcfa5f /languages
Squashed 'mod/translation_editor/' content from commit 9d86955
git-subtree-dir: mod/translation_editor git-subtree-split: 9d86955e6d8b6807578f5a9da0346ac1a146881c
Diffstat (limited to 'languages')
6 files changed, 391 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/languages/ca.php b/languages/ca.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80ac88a17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/ca.php
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+$language = array (
+ 'translation_editor:language' => 'Idioma',
+ 'translation_editor:disabled' => 'Desactivar',
+ 'translation_editor:menu:title' => 'Editor de traduccions',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:title' => 'Selecciona l\'idioma que vols editar',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:add_language' => 'Afegir un nou idioma',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:remove_language:confirm' => 'Estàs segur de voler esborrar aquest idioma? Pots afegir-lo de nou igualment!',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:site_language' => 'Idioma del lloc',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:title' => 'Selecciona un component a traduïr',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:plugin' => 'Nom de l\'extensió',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:total' => 'Claus totals',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:exists' => 'Traduïdes',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:custom' => 'Pròpies',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:percentage' => 'Percentatge completat',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:merge' => 'Fusionar a l\'arxiu PHP d\'idiomes',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:delete' => 'Esborrar traducció',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:delete:confirm' => 'Estàs segur de voler esborrar la traducció? Això no es pot desfer!',
+ 'translation_editor:search' => 'Resultats de la cerca',
+ 'translation_editor:forms:search:default' => 'Cercar una traducció',
+ 'translation_editor:search_results:no_results' => 'No s\'ha trobat cap traducció',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:title' => 'Afegir una clau d\'idioma pròpia',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:key' => 'Clau',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:translation' => 'Traducció',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:translation_info' => 'Noves claus s\'han de crear sempre com a traducció anglesa. Després de crear-la pots traduïr-la a altres idiomes',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:title' => 'Editar les traduccions per a l\'extensió:',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show' => 'mostra',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:missing' => 'falta',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:equal' => 'igual',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:all' => 'totes',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:custom' => 'pròpies',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:params' => 'falten params',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:input' => 'Entrada incorrecta a l\'intentar afegir una traducció',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:no_changed_values' => 'No es necessita afegir cap traducció',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:write' => 'Error escrivint les traduccions',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:not_authorized' => 'No estàs autoritzada a traduïr',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:success' => 'Traduccions desades correctament',
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor' => 'Fer-se Traductora',
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor:success' => 'Feta traductora correctament',
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor:error' => 'Error en fer a la usuària traductora',
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor' => 'Desfer-se Traductora',
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor:success' => 'Traductora eliminada correctament',
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor:error' => 'Error en desfer a la usuària traductora',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:error:input' => 'Entrada incorrecta per esborrar traducció',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:error:delete' => 'Error en esborrar traducció',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:success' => 'Traducció esborrada correctament',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_language:success' => 'Idioma afegit correctament',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete_language:success' => 'Idioma esborrat correctament',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:success' => 'Clau pròpia afegida correctament',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:file_error' => 'Error en desar la clau pròpia a l\'arxiu',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:exists' => 'No es pot afegir aquesta clau ja que ja existeix. Introdueix una clau única',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:invalid_chars' => 'La clau conté caràcters invàlids. Només a-z 0-9, dos punts o guions són permesos.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:key_numeric' => 'La clau no pot contenir només números',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:missing_input' => 'Entrada invàlida. Si us plau entra una clau i un idioma per defecte (anglès)',
+ 'translation_editor:settings:everybody_translate' => 'Totes les traduccions',
+add_translation("ca", $language); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/de.php b/languages/de.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7d6b80f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/de.php
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+$language = array (
+ 'translation_editor:language' => 'Sprache',
+ 'translation_editor:disabled' => 'Ausschalten',
+ 'translation_editor:menu:title' => 'Übersetzungseditor',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:title' => 'Wähle die Sprache, die du bearbeiten möchtest',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:add_language' => 'Füge eine neue Sprache hinzu',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:remove_language:confirm' => 'Bist du sicher, dass du die Sprache löschen möchtest? Du kannst sie jederzeit wieder hinzufügen.',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:site_language' => 'Sprache der Community',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:title' => 'Wähle eine Komponente für zur Übersetzung',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:plugin' => 'Pluginname',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:total' => 'Gesamteinträge',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:exists' => 'Übersetzt',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:custom' => 'Selbst erstellt',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:percentage' => '% Komplett',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:merge' => 'Kombiniere zu einer PHP-Datei',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:delete' => 'Lösche Übersetzung',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:delete:confirm' => 'Möchtest du wirklich diese Übersetzung löschen? Das kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!',
+ 'translation_editor:search' => 'Suchergebnis',
+ 'translation_editor:forms:search:default' => 'Finde eine Übersetzung',
+ 'translation_editor:search_results:no_results' => 'Kein Übersetzung gefunden',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:title' => 'Füge neuen Sprachschlüssel hinzu',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:key' => 'Schlüssel',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:translation' => 'Übersetzung',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:translation_info' => 'Neue Schlüssel werden immer als englische Übersetzung erstellt. Danach kannst du sie in andere Sprachen übersetzen.',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:title' => 'Bearbeite die Übersetzung für das Plugin:',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show' => 'zeige',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:missing' => 'zu tun',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:equal' => 'identisch',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:all' => 'alle',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:custom' => 'übersetzt',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:params' => 'fehlender Parameter',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:input' => 'Falsche Eingabe, um eine neue Übersetzung hinzuzufügen',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:no_changed_values' => 'Keine Übersetzung erforderlich.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:write' => 'Fehler beim Speichern der Übersetzung',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:not_authorized' => 'Du bist nicht zum Übersetzen authorisiert',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:success' => 'Übersetzung erfolgreich gespeichert',
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor' => 'Zum Übersetzer machen',
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor:success' => 'Erfolgreich zum Übersetzer gemacht',
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor:error' => 'Fehler beim Hinzufügen der Übersetzerrolle.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor' => 'Übersetzerrolle entfernen',
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor:success' => 'Erfolgreich Übersetzerrolle entfernt.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor:error' => 'Fehler beim Entfernen der Übersetzerrolle.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:error:input' => 'Falsche Eingabe, um eine Übersetzung zu löschen',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:error:delete' => 'Fehler beim Löschen der Übersetzung.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:success' => 'Übersetzung erfolgreich gelöscht',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_language:success' => 'Sprache erfolgreich hinzugefügt',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete_language:success' => 'Sprache erfolgreich gelöscht',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:success' => 'Neuer Schlüssel erfolgreich hinzugefügt.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:file_error' => 'Fehler beim Speichern des selbst erstellten Schlüssels in die Datei.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:exists' => 'Kann einen existierenden Schlüssel nicht erstellen. Bitte gib einen eindeutigen Schlüssel ein.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:invalid_chars' => 'Schlüssel enthält ungültige Zeichen. Nur a-z, 0-9, Doppelpunkt und Unterstrich sind erlaubt.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:key_numeric' => 'Schlüssel darf nur Zahlen enthalten.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:missing_input' => 'Falsche Eingabe. Bitte gib einen Schlüssel und eine englische Übersetzung ein.',
+add_translation("de", $language); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/en.php b/languages/en.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b358411b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/en.php
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ $english = array(
+ //'translation_editor' => "Translation Editor",
+ // global
+ 'translation_editor:language' => "Language",
+ 'translation_editor:disabled' => "Disable",
+ // menu
+ 'translation_editor:menu:title' => "Translation Editor",
+ // views
+ // language selector
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:title' => "Select the language you wish to edit",
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:add_language' => "Add a new language",
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:remove_language:confirm' => "Are you sure you wish to remove this language? You can always add it again!",
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:site_language' => "Site language",
+ // plugins list
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:title' => "Select a component to translate",
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:plugin' => "Plugin name",
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:total' => "Total keys",
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:exists' => "Translated",
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:custom' => "Custom",
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:percentage' => "Percentage complete",
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:merge' => "Merge to PHP language file",
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:delete' => "Delete translation",
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:delete:confirm' => "Are you sure you wish to delete the translation? This cannot be undone!",
+ // search
+ 'translation_editor:search' => "Search results",
+ 'translation_editor:forms:search:default' => "Find a translation",
+ 'translation_editor:search_results:no_results' => "No translation found",
+ // custom key
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:title' => "Add a custom language key",
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:key' => "Key",
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:translation' => "Translation",
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:translation_info' => "New keys will always be created as an English translation. After creation you can translate it to other languages.",
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:title' => "Edit the translations for plugin:",
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show' => "show",
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:missing' => "missing",
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:equal' => "equal",
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:all' => "all",
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:custom' => "custom",
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:params' => "missing params",
+ // actions
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:input' => "Incorrect input provided to add a translation",
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:no_changed_values' => "No translations needed to be added",
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:write' => "Error while writing the translations",
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:not_authorized' => "You are not authorized to translate",
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:success' => "Translations saved successfully",
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor' => "Make Translator",
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor:success' => "Succesfully made a translator",
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor:error' => "Error while making the user a translator",
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor' => "UnMake Translator",
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor:success' => "Succesfully removed translator",
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor:error' => "Error while removing the translator role",
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:error:input' => "Incorrect input to delete translation",
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:error:delete' => "Error while deleting translation",
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:success' => "Translation successfully deleted",
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_language:success' => "Language successfully added",
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete_language:success' => "Language successfully removed",
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:success' => "Custom key successfully added",
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:file_error' => "Error when saving the custom key to the file",
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:exists' => "Can't add this key as it already exists. Enter a unique key.",
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:invalid_chars' => "Key contains invalid characters. Only a-z, 0-9, colon or underscore are allowed.",
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:key_numeric' => "Key can not contain only numbers",
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:missing_input' => "Invalid input. Please enter a key and a default (English) translation.",
+ // settings
+ 'translation_editor:settings:everybody_translate' => "Everybody translate",
+ );
+ add_translation("en", $english);
diff --git a/languages/es.php b/languages/es.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c942e470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/es.php
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+$es = array (
+ 'translation_editor:language' => 'Idioma',
+ 'translation_editor:disabled' => 'Deshabilita',
+ 'translation_editor:menu:title' => 'Editor de traducción',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:title' => 'Selecciona el idioma que quieres editar',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:add_language' => 'Añade un nuevo idioma',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:remove_language:confirm' => '¿Estás seguro que quieres eliminar este idioma? ¡Puedes volver a añadirlo luego!',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:site_language' => 'Idioma del sitio',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:title' => 'Selecciona un componente a traducir',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:plugin' => 'Nombre de la extensión',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:total' => 'Claves totales',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:exists' => 'Traducido',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:custom' => 'Personalizado',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:percentage' => 'Porcentaje completado',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:merge' => 'Mezcla en un fichero de idioma PHP',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:delete' => 'Elimina traducción',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:delete:confirm' => '¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar la traducción? ¡Esto no se puede deshacer!',
+ 'translation_editor:search' => 'Resultados de la búsqueda',
+ 'translation_editor:forms:search:default' => 'Encuentra una traducción',
+ 'translation_editor:search_results:no_results' => 'No se ha encontrado la traducción',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:title' => 'Añade una clave de lenguage personalizada',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:key' => 'Clave',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:translation' => 'Traducción',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:translation_info' => 'Se crearán nuevas claves con la traducción inglesa. Después de crearse puedes traducirlas a otros idiomas.',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:title' => 'Edita las traducciones para la extensión:',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show' => 'muestra',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:missing' => 'falta',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:equal' => 'igual',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:all' => 'todo',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:custom' => 'personalizado',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:params' => 'faltan parámetros',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:input' => 'Entrada inválida para añadir una traducción',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:no_changed_values' => 'No es necesario añadir nuevas traducciones',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:write' => 'Error mientras se escribían las traducciones',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:not_authorized' => 'No estás autorizado a traducir',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:success' => 'Las traducciones se han guardado satisfactoriamente',
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor' => 'Dar permisos de traducción',
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor:success' => 'Ahora es traductor',
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor:error' => 'Error mientras se daban permisos de traducción',
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor' => 'Quitar permisos de traducción',
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor:success' => 'Ya no es traductor',
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor:error' => 'Error mientras se quitaban los permisos de traductor',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:error:input' => 'Entrada incorrecta al eliminar traducción',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:error:delete' => 'Error mientras se eliminaba la traducción',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:success' => 'Traducción eliminada correctamente',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_language:success' => 'Idioma añadido satisfactoriamente',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete_language:success' => 'Idioma eliminado satisfactoriamente',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:success' => 'Clave personalizada añadida satisfactoriamente',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:file_error' => 'Error mientras se guarda la clave personalizada en el fichero',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:exists' => 'No se puede añadir la clave porque ya existe. Entra una clave única.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:invalid_chars' => 'La clave contiene caracteres inválidos. Sólo a-z, 0-9, dos puntos o barra baja son permitidos.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:key_numeric' => 'La clave no puede contener sólo números',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:missing_input' => 'Entrada no válida. Por favor, entre una clave y una traducción por defecto (en inglés).',
+ 'translation_editor:settings:everybody_translate' => 'Todo el mundo traduce',
+add_translation("es", $es);
diff --git a/languages/fr.php b/languages/fr.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fda3c5237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/fr.php
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+$language = array (
+ //'translation_editor' => "Translation Editor",
+ // global
+ 'translation_editor:language' => 'Langage',
+ 'translation_editor:disabled' => 'Indisponible',
+ // menu
+ 'translation_editor:menu:title' => 'Editeur de traduction',
+ // views
+ // language selector
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:title' => 'Sélectionner le langage que vous souhaitez édité',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:add_language' => 'Ajout d\'un nouveau langage',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:remove_language:confirm' => 'Etes-vous sûr de vouloir enlever ce langage ? Vous pouvez toujours l\'ajouter à nouveau !',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:site_language' => 'Langage du site',
+ // plugins list
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:title' => 'Sélectionner un composant à traduire',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:plugin' => 'Nom du plugin',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:total' => 'Total des Clés',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:exists' => 'Traduit',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:custom' => 'Personnalisation',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:percentage' => 'Pourcentage de complètement',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:merge' => 'Fusionner au fichier langage PHP',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:delete' => 'Effacer une traduction',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:delete:confirm' => 'Etes-vous sûr de vouloir effacer ce langage ? Vous ne pourrez pas revenir sur votre choix !',
+ // search
+ 'translation_editor:search' => 'Cherche des résultats',
+ 'translation_editor:forms:search:default' => 'Trouver une traduction',
+ 'translation_editor:search_results:no_results' => 'Aucune traduction trouvé',
+ // custom key
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:title' => 'Ajout d\'une clé langage personnalisé',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:key' => 'Clé',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:translation' => 'Traduction,',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:translation_info' => 'Les nouvelles clés seront toujours créées tant que que traduction anglaise. Après la création vous pouvez les traduire dans un autre langage.',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:title' => 'Editer la traduction pour le plugin',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show' => 'Montrer',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:missing' => 'Manque',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:equal' => 'égal',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:all' => 'Tous',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:custom' => 'Personnalisé',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:params' => 'Paramètres manquant',
+ // actions
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:input' => 'Une entrée incorrecte revient à ajouter une traduction',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:no_changed_values' => 'Aucune traduction n\'a besoin d\'être ajouté',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:write' => 'Erreur pendant l\'écriture des traductions',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:not_authorized' => 'Vous n\'êtes pas autorisé à traduire',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:success' => 'Les traduction ont été sauvegardée avec succès',
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor' => 'Faire un fichier traduction',
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor:success' => 'Fichier traduction fait avec succès',
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor:error' => 'Erreur pendant la fabrication du fichier traduction de l\'utilisateur',
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor' => 'Défaire le fichier traduction',
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor:success' => 'Fichier traduction enlevé avec succès',
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor:error' => 'Erreur pendant retirement du role du fichier de traduction',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:error:input' => 'Entrée incorrecte pour effacer la traduction',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:error:delete' => 'Erreur durant l\'effacement de la traduction',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:success' => 'Traduction effacé avec succès',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_language:success' => 'Langage ajouté avec succès',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete_language:success' => 'Langage enlevé avec succès',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:success' => 'La clé personnalisé ajoutée avec succès',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:file_error' => 'Erreur lors de la sauvegarde de la clé personnalisé dans le fichier',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:exists' => 'Impossible d\'ajouter cet clé, car elle existe déjà. Entrer une clé unique.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:invalid_chars' => 'Une clé contient des caractères invalides. Seuls les caractères a-z, 0-9 les virgules "," et souligné "_" sont admis.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:key_numeric' => 'Une clé ne peut contenir que des chiffres',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:missing_input' => 'Entrée invalide. Merci d\'entrer une clé (anglaise) et une traduction par défault',
+add_translation("fr", $language);
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/languages/nl.php b/languages/nl.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..114094dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/nl.php
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+$language = array (
+ 'translation_editor:language' => 'Taal',
+ 'translation_editor:disabled' => 'Uitschakelen',
+ 'translation_editor:search' => 'Zoekresultaten',
+ 'translation_editor:forms:search:default' => 'Zoek een vertaling',
+ 'translation_editor:search_results:no_results' => 'Geen vertalingen gevonden',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:title' => 'Voeg een custom taal sleutel toe',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:key' => 'Sleutel',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:translation' => 'Vertaling',
+ 'translation_editor:custom_keys:translation_info' => 'Nieuwe sleutels zullen altijd aangemaakt worden als een Engelse taalsleutel. Nadat deze is aangemaakt kan het in andere talen worden vertaald.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:input' => 'Onjuiste invoer voor het toevoegen van een vertaling',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:write' => 'Fout tijdens wegschrijven van vertalingen',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:error:not_authorized' => 'Je bent niet geautoriseerd als vertaler',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:success' => 'Vertalingen opgeslagen',
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor:success' => 'Vertaler toegevoegd',
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor' => 'Verwijder vertaler',
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor:success' => 'Vertaler rol verwijderd',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:success' => 'Custom sleutel toegevoegd',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:file_error' => 'Fout tijdens wegschrijven van de custom sleutel',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:exists' => 'Deze sleutel bestaat al. Voer een unieke sleutel in.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:invalid_chars' => 'De sleutel bevat ongeldige karakters. Alleen a-z, 0-9, dubbele punt of underscore zijn toegestaan.',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:key_numeric' => 'Sleutel mag niet uit enkel getallen bestaan',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_custom_key:missing_input' => 'Ongeldige invoer. Voer een sleutel en een standaard (Engelse) vertaling in.',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:delete' => 'Verwijder vertaling',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:delete:confirm' => 'Weet je zeker dat je de vertaling wilt verwijderen? Dit kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden!',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:error:input' => 'Onjuiste invoer om de vertaling te verwijderen',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:error:delete' => 'Fout tijden het verwijderen van de vertaling',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete:success' => 'Vertaling succesvol verwijderd',
+ 'translation_editor:menu:title' => 'Vertaalmodule',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:title' => 'Selecteer de taal die je wilt bewerken',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:add_language' => 'Nieuwe taal toevoegen',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:remove_language:confirm' => 'Weet u zeker dat u deze taal wilt verwijderen? U kunt deze altijd later weer toevoegen!',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:title' => 'Selecteer een component om te vertalen',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:plugin' => 'Plugin naam',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:total' => 'Totaal sleutels',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:exists' => 'Vertaald',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:custom' => 'Aangepast',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:percentage' => 'Percentage compleet',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_list:merge' => 'Samenvoegen in een PHP taal bestand',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:title' => 'Bewerkt de vertalingen voor de plugin:',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show' => 'toon',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:missing' => 'ontbrekend',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:equal' => 'gelijk',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:all' => 'alle',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:custom' => 'aangepast',
+ 'translation_editor:plugin_edit:show:params' => 'ontbrekende variabele',
+ 'translation_editor:action:translate:no_changed_values' => 'het was niet nodig vertalingen toe te voegen',
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor' => 'Maak vertaler',
+ 'translation_editor:action:make_translation_editor:error' => 'Fout tijdens het toewijzen van de vertaler',
+ 'translation_editor:action:unmake_translation_editor:error' => 'Fout tijdens het verwijderen van de vertaler rol',
+ 'translation_editor:action:add_language:success' => 'Taal succesvol toegevoegd',
+ 'translation_editor:action:delete_language:success' => 'Taal succesvol verwijderd',
+ 'translation_editor:language_selector:site_language' => 'Site taal',
+add_translation("nl", $language);