path: root/engine/lib/output.php
diff options
authorSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2013-02-16 11:48:34 -0200
committerSilvio Rhatto <rhatto@riseup.net>2013-02-16 11:48:34 -0200
commitb6ee1b93376d42f8a8fcee0127bc10f84d1e018e (patch)
treecbde5e4d0b745c3bb854c215bccea8b2d6bb367e /engine/lib/output.php
parent694306cf537fb8cb45beb7d4fd63c5b56cb5c4da (diff)
parent5aff5b3913fbb6226d8fb3162453c58888fba38d (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into saravea
Diffstat (limited to 'engine/lib/output.php')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/engine/lib/output.php b/engine/lib/output.php
index 352de863b..9295f2173 100644
--- a/engine/lib/output.php
+++ b/engine/lib/output.php
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
function parse_urls($text) {
// @todo this causes problems with <attr = "val">
- // must be ing <attr="val"> format (no space).
+ // must be in <attr="val"> format (no space).
// By default htmlawed rewrites tags to this format.
// if PHP supported conditional negative lookbehinds we could use this:
// $r = preg_replace_callback('/(?<!=)(?<![ ])?(?<!["\'])((ht|f)tps?:\/\/[^\s\r\n\t<>"\'\!\(\),]+)/i',
@@ -43,51 +43,26 @@ function parse_urls($text) {
* Create paragraphs from text with line spacing
- * Borrowed from Wordpress.
* @param string $pee The string
- * @param bool $br Add BRs?
+ * @deprecated Use elgg_autop instead
+ * @todo Add deprecation warning in 1.9
- * @todo Rewrite
* @return string
-function autop($pee, $br = 1) {
- $pee = $pee . "\n"; // just to make things a little easier, pad the end
- $pee = preg_replace('|<br />\s*<br />|', "\n\n", $pee);
- // Space things out a little
- $allblocks = '(?:table|thead|tfoot|caption|colgroup|tbody|tr|td|th|div|dl|dd|dt|ul|ol|li|pre|select|form|map|area|blockquote|address|math|style|input|p|h[1-6]|hr)';
- $pee = preg_replace('!(<' . $allblocks . '[^>]*>)!', "\n$1", $pee);
- $pee = preg_replace('!(</' . $allblocks . '>)!', "$1\n\n", $pee);
- $pee = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $pee); // cross-platform newlines
- if (strpos($pee, '<object') !== false) {
- $pee = preg_replace('|\s*<param([^>]*)>\s*|', "<param$1>", $pee); // no pee inside object/embed
- $pee = preg_replace('|\s*</embed>\s*|', '</embed>', $pee);
- }
- $pee = preg_replace("/\n\n+/", "\n\n", $pee); // take care of duplicates
- $pee = preg_replace('/\n?(.+?)(?:\n\s*\n|\z)/s', "<p>$1</p>\n", $pee); // make paragraphs, including one at the end
- $pee = preg_replace('|<p>\s*?</p>|', '', $pee); // under certain strange conditions it could create a P of entirely whitespace
- $pee = preg_replace('!<p>([^<]+)\s*?(</(?:div|address|form)[^>]*>)!', "<p>$1</p>$2", $pee);
- $pee = preg_replace('|<p>|', "$1<p>", $pee);
- $pee = preg_replace('!<p>\s*(</?' . $allblocks . '[^>]*>)\s*</p>!', "$1", $pee); // don't pee all over a tag
- $pee = preg_replace("|<p>(<li.+?)</p>|", "$1", $pee); // problem with nested lists
- $pee = preg_replace('|<p><blockquote([^>]*)>|i', "<blockquote$1><p>", $pee);
- $pee = str_replace('</blockquote></p>', '</p></blockquote>', $pee);
- $pee = preg_replace('!<p>\s*(</?' . $allblocks . '[^>]*>)!', "$1", $pee);
- $pee = preg_replace('!(</?' . $allblocks . '[^>]*>)\s*</p>!', "$1", $pee);
- if ($br) {
- $pee = preg_replace_callback('/<(script|style).*?<\/\\1>/s', create_function('$matches', 'return str_replace("\n", "<WPPreserveNewline />", $matches[0]);'), $pee);
- $pee = preg_replace('|(?<!<br />)\s*\n|', "<br />\n", $pee); // optionally make line breaks
- $pee = str_replace('<WPPreserveNewline />', "\n", $pee);
- }
- $pee = preg_replace('!(</?' . $allblocks . '[^>]*>)\s*<br />!', "$1", $pee);
- $pee = preg_replace('!<br />(\s*</?(?:p|li|div|dl|dd|dt|th|pre|td|ul|ol)[^>]*>)!', '$1', $pee);
- //if (strpos($pee, '<pre') !== false) {
- // mind the space between the ? and >. Only there because of the comment.
- // $pee = preg_replace_callback('!(<pre.*? >)(.*?)</pre>!is', 'clean_pre', $pee );
- //}
- $pee = preg_replace("|\n</p>$|", '</p>', $pee);
- return $pee;
+function autop($pee) {
+ return elgg_autop($pee);
+ * Create paragraphs from text with line spacing
+ *
+ * @param string $string The string
+ *
+ * @return string
+ **/
+function elgg_autop($string) {
+ return ElggAutoP::getInstance()->process($string);
@@ -312,6 +287,8 @@ function elgg_get_friendly_title($title) {
// handle some special cases
$title = str_replace('&amp;', 'and', $title);
+ // quotes and angle brackets stored in the database as html encoded
+ $title = htmlspecialchars_decode($title);
$title = ElggTranslit::urlize($title);
@@ -384,7 +361,7 @@ function elgg_get_friendly_time($time) {
* Strip tags and offer plugins the chance.
* Plugins register for output:strip_tags plugin hook.
- * Original string included in $params['original_string']
+ * Original string included in $params['original_string']
* @param string $string Formatted string
@@ -440,3 +417,32 @@ function _elgg_html_decode($string) {
return $string;
+ * Unit tests for Output
+ *
+ * @param sting $hook unit_test
+ * @param string $type system
+ * @param mixed $value Array of tests
+ * @param mixed $params Params
+ *
+ * @return array
+ * @access private
+ */
+function output_unit_test($hook, $type, $value, $params) {
+ global $CONFIG;
+ $value[] = $CONFIG->path . 'engine/tests/api/output.php';
+ return $value;
+ * Initialise the Output subsystem.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ * @access private
+ */
+function output_init() {
+ elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('unit_test', 'system', 'output_unit_test');
+elgg_register_event_handler('init', 'system', 'output_init');