path: root/actions/resize.php
diff options
authorCash Costello <cash.costello@gmail.com>2009-05-17 17:45:58 +0000
committerCash Costello <cash.costello@gmail.com>2009-05-17 17:45:58 +0000
commit47a49c851ab285e7e4f48aa29247a8a71fdb9d5c (patch)
tree828eb5e03395149504b35f618ebdcce263c3a441 /actions/resize.php
parent7e09496c62e79eaaadbfdd2ee8b83602fde50497 (diff)
moved all resize code into lib/resize.php
Diffstat (limited to 'actions/resize.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 111 deletions
diff --git a/actions/resize.php b/actions/resize.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bcb2ba520..000000000
--- a/actions/resize.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
- * Gets the jpeg contents of the resized version of an already uploaded image
- * (Returns false if the uploaded file was not an image)
- *
- * @param string $input_name The name of the file input field on the submission form
- * @param string $prefix The text to prefix to the existing filename
- * @param int $maxwidth The maximum width of the resized image
- * @param int $maxheight The maximum height of the resized image
- * @param true|false $square If set to true, will take the smallest of maxwidth and maxheight and use it to set the dimensions on all size; the image will be cropped.
- * @return false|mixed The contents of the resized image, or false on failure
- */
- function tp_resize($input_name, $prefix, $maxwidth, $maxheight, $square = false, $x1 = 0, $y1 = 0, $x2 = 0, $y2 = 0) {
- $params = array(
- "input_name"=>$input_name,
- "output_name"=>$output_name,
- "maxwidth"=>$maxwidth,
- "maxheight"=>$maxheight,
- "square"=>$square,
- "x1"=>$x1,
- "y1"=>$y1,
- "x2"=>$x2,
- "y2"=>$y2);
- $path = pathinfo($input_name);
- $output_name = $path["dirname"] . "/$prefix" . $path["filename"] . "." . $path["extension"];
- // Get the size information from the image
- if ($imgsizearray = getimagesize($input_name)) {
- // Get width and height
- $width = $imgsizearray[0];
- $height = $imgsizearray[1];
- $newwidth = $width;
- $newheight = $height;
- // Square the image dimensions if we're wanting a square image
- if ($square) {
- if ($width < $height) {
- $height = $width;
- } else {
- $width = $height;
- }
- $newwidth = $width;
- $newheight = $height;
- }
- if ($width > $maxwidth) {
- $newheight = floor($height * ($maxwidth / $width));
- $newwidth = $maxwidth;
- }
- if ($newheight > $maxheight) {
- $newwidth = floor($newwidth * ($maxheight / $newheight));
- $newheight = $maxheight;
- }
- $accepted_formats = array(
- 'image/jpeg' => 'jpeg',
- 'image/png' => 'png',
- 'image/gif' => 'gif'
- );
- // If it's a file we can manipulate ...
- if (array_key_exists($imgsizearray['mime'],$accepted_formats)) {
- // Crop the image if we need a square
- if ($square) {
- if ($x1 == 0 && $y1 == 0 && $x2 == 0 && $y2 ==0) {
- $widthoffset = floor(($imgsizearray[0] - $width) / 2);
- $heightoffset = floor(($imgsizearray[1] - $height) / 2);
- } else {
- $widthoffset = $x1;
- $heightoffset = $y1;
- $width = ($x2 - $x1);
- $height = $width;
- }
- } else {
- if ($x1 == 0 && $y1 == 0 && $x2 == 0 && $y2 ==0) {
- $widthoffset = 0;
- $heightoffset = 0;
- } else {
- $widthoffset = $x1;
- $heightoffset = $y1;
- $width = ($x2 - $x1);
- $height = ($y2 - $y1);
- }
- }
- // Resize and return the image contents!
- if ($square) {
- $newheight = $maxheight;
- $newwidth = $maxwidth;
- }
- $im_path = get_plugin_setting('convert_command', 'tidypics');
- if(!$im_path) {
- $im_path = "/usr/bin/";
- }
- if(substr($im_path, strlen($im_path)-1, 1) != "/") $im_path .= "/";
- $command = $im_path . "convert \"$input_name\" -resize ".$newwidth."x".$newheight."^ -gravity center -extent ".$newwidth."x".$newheight." \"$output_name\"";
- system($command);
- return $output_name;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }