module SupplyDrop class Rsync class << self def command(from, to, options={}) flags = ['-az'] flags << '--delete' if options[:delete] flags << excludes(options[:excludes]) if options.has_key?(:excludes) flags << ssh_options(options[:ssh]) if options.has_key?(:ssh) "rsync #{flags.compact.join(' ')} #{from} #{to}" end def remote_address(user, host, path) user_with_host = [user, host].compact.join('@') [user_with_host, path].join(':') end def excludes(patterns) [patterns] { |p| "--exclude=#{p}" } end def ssh_options(options) mapped_options = do |key, value| next unless value # # Convert Net::SSH options into OpenSSH options. # # For a list of the options normally support by Net::SSH (and thus Capistrano), see # # # Also, to see how Net::SSH does the opposite of the conversion we are doing here, check out: # # # API mismatch: # # * many OpenSSH options not supported # * some options only make sense for Net::SSH # * compression: for Net::SSH, this option is supposed to accept true, false, or algorithm. OpenSSH accepts 'yes' or 'no' # # case key when :auth_methods then opt_auth_methods(value) when :bind_address then opt('BindAddress', value) when :compression then opt('Compression', value ? 'yes' : 'no') when :compression_level then opt('CompressionLevel', value.to_i) when :config then "-F '#{value}'" when :encryption then opt('Ciphers', [value].flatten.join(',')) when :forward_agent then opt('ForwardAgent', value) when :global_known_hosts_file then opt('GlobalKnownHostsFile', value) when :hmac then opt('MACs', [value].flatten.join(',')) when :host_key then opt('HostKeyAlgorithms', [value].flatten.join(',')) when :host_key_alias then opt('HostKeyAlias', value) when :host_name then opt('HostName', value) when :kex then opt('KexAlgorithms', [value].flatten.join(',')) when :key_data then nil # not supported when :keys then [value] { |k| File.exist?(k) }.map { |k| "-i #{k}" } when :keys_only then opt('IdentitiesOnly', value ? 'yes' : 'no') when :languages then nil # not applicable when :logger then nil # not applicable when :paranoid then opt('StrictHostKeyChecking', value ? 'yes' : 'no') when :passphrase then nil # not supported when :password then nil # not supported when :port then "-p #{value.to_i}" when :properties then nil # not applicable when :proxy then nil # not applicable when :rekey_blocks_limit then nil # not supported when :rekey_limit then opt('RekeyLimit', reverse_interpret_size(value)) when :rekey_packet_limit then nil # not supported when :timeout then opt('ConnectTimeout', value.to_i) when :user then "-l #{value}" when :user_known_hosts_file then opt('UserKnownHostsFile', value) when :verbose then opt('LogLevel', interpret_log_level(value)) end end.compact %[-e "ssh #{mapped_options.join(' ')}"] unless mapped_options.empty? end private def opt(option_name, option_value) "-o #{option_name}='#{option_value}'" end # # In OpenSSH, password and pubkey default to 'yes', hostbased defaults to 'no'. # Regardless, if :auth_method is configured, then we explicitly set the auth method. # def opt_auth_methods(value) value = [value].flatten opts = [] if value.any? if value.include? 'password' opts << opt('PasswordAuthentication', 'yes') else opts << opt('PasswordAuthentication', 'no') end if value.include? 'publickey' opts << opt('PubkeyAuthentication', 'yes') else opts << opt('PubkeyAuthentication', 'no') end if value.include? 'hostbased' opts << opt('HostbasedAuthentication', 'yes') else opts << opt('HostbasedAuthentication', 'no') end end if opts.any? return opts.join(' ') else nil end end # # Converts the given integer size in bytes into a string with 'K', 'M', 'G' suffix, as appropriate. # # reverse of interpret_size in # def reverse_interpret_size(size) size = size.to_i if size < 1024 "#{size}" elsif size < 1024 * 1024 "#{size/1024}K" elsif size < 1024 * 1024 * 1024 "#{size/(1024*1024)}M" else "#{size/(1024*1024*1024)}G" end end def interpret_log_level(level) if level.is_a? Symbol case level when :debug then "DEBUG" when :info then "INFO" when :warn then "ERROR" when :error then "ERROR" when :fatal then "FATAL" else "INFO" end elsif level.is_a? Integer case level when Logger::DEBUG then "DEBUG" when Logger::INFO then "INFO" when Logger::WARN then "ERROR" when Logger::ERROR then "ERROR" when Logger::FATAL then "FATAL" else "INFO" end else "INFO" end end end end end