module CertificateAuthority class Certificate include ActiveModel::Validations include Revocable attr_accessor :distinguished_name attr_accessor :serial_number attr_accessor :key_material attr_accessor :not_before attr_accessor :not_after attr_accessor :extensions attr_accessor :openssl_body alias :subject :distinguished_name #Same thing as the DN attr_accessor :parent validate do |certificate| errors.add :base, "Distinguished name must be valid" unless distinguished_name.valid? errors.add :base, "Key material must be valid" unless key_material.valid? errors.add :base, "Serial number must be valid" unless serial_number.valid? errors.add :base, "Extensions must be valid" unless extensions.each do |item| unless item.respond_to?(:valid?) true else item.valid? end end end def initialize self.distinguished_name = self.serial_number = self.key_material = self.not_before = self.not_after = + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 # One year self.parent = self self.extensions = load_extensions() self.signing_entity = false end =begin def self.from_openssl openssl_cert unless openssl_cert.is_a? OpenSSL::X509::Certificate raise "Can only construct from an OpenSSL::X509::Certificate" end certificate = # Only subject, key_material, and body are used for signing certificate.distinguished_name = DistinguishedName.from_openssl openssl_cert.subject certificate.key_material.public_key = openssl_cert.public_key certificate.openssl_body = openssl_cert certificate.serial_number.number = openssl_cert.serial.to_i certificate.not_before = openssl_cert.not_before certificate.not_after = openssl_cert.not_after # TODO extensions certificate end =end def sign!(signing_profile={}) raise "Invalid certificate #{self.errors.full_messages}" unless valid? merge_profile_with_extensions(signing_profile) openssl_cert = openssl_cert.version = 2 openssl_cert.not_before = self.not_before openssl_cert.not_after = self.not_after openssl_cert.public_key = self.key_material.public_key openssl_cert.serial = self.serial_number.number openssl_cert.subject = self.distinguished_name.to_x509_name openssl_cert.issuer = parent.distinguished_name.to_x509_name require 'tempfile' t ="bullshit_conf") ## The config requires a file even though we won't use it openssl_config = factory = factory.subject_certificate = openssl_cert #NB: If the parent doesn't have an SSL body we're making this a self-signed cert if parent.openssl_body.nil? factory.issuer_certificate = openssl_cert else factory.issuer_certificate = parent.openssl_body end self.extensions.keys.each do |k| config_extensions = extensions[k].config_extensions openssl_config = merge_options(openssl_config,config_extensions) end # p openssl_config.sections factory.config = openssl_config # Order matters: e.g. for self-signed, subjectKeyIdentifier must come before authorityKeyIdentifier self.extensions.keys.sort{|a,b| b<=>a}.each do |k| e = extensions[k] next if e.to_s.nil? or e.to_s == "" ## If the extension returns an empty string we won't include it ext = factory.create_ext(e.openssl_identifier, e.to_s, e.critical) openssl_cert.add_extension(ext) end if signing_profile["digest"].nil? digest ="SHA512") else digest =["digest"]) end self.openssl_body = openssl_cert.sign(parent.key_material.private_key, digest) ensure t.close! if t # We can get rid of the ridiculous temp file end def is_signing_entity? self.extensions["basicConstraints"].ca end def signing_entity=(signing) self.extensions["basicConstraints"].ca = signing end def revoked? !self.revoked_at.nil? end def to_pem raise "Certificate has no signed body" if self.openssl_body.nil? self.openssl_body.to_pem end def to_csr csr = csr.distinguished_name = self.distinguished_name csr.key_material = self.key_material factory = exts = [] self.extensions.keys.each do |k| ## Don't copy over key identifiers for CSRs next if k == "subjectKeyIdentifier" || k == "authorityKeyIdentifier" e = extensions[k] ## If the extension returns an empty string we won't include it next if e.to_s.nil? or e.to_s == "" exts << factory.create_ext(e.openssl_identifier, e.to_s, e.critical) end attrval = OpenSSL::ASN1::Set([OpenSSL::ASN1::Sequence(exts)]) attrs = ["extReq", attrval),"msExtReq", attrval) ] csr.attributes = attrs csr end def self.from_x509_cert(raw_cert) openssl_cert = Certificate.from_openssl(openssl_cert) end def is_root_entity? self.parent == self && is_signing_entity? end def is_intermediate_entity? (self.parent != self) && is_signing_entity? end private def merge_profile_with_extensions(signing_profile={}) return self.extensions if signing_profile["extensions"].nil? signing_config = signing_profile["extensions"] signing_config.keys.each do |k| extension = self.extensions[k] items = signing_config[k] items.keys.each do |profile_item_key| if extension.respond_to?("#{profile_item_key}=".to_sym) if k == 'subjectAltName' && profile_item_key == 'emails' items[profile_item_key].map do |email| if email == 'email:copy' fail "no email address provided for subject: #{subject.to_x509_name}" unless subject.email_address "email:#{subject.email_address}" else email end end end extension.send("#{profile_item_key}=".to_sym, items[profile_item_key] ) else p "Tried applying '#{profile_item_key}' to #{extension.class} but it doesn't respond!" end end end end # Enumeration of the extensions. Not the worst option since # the likelihood of these needing to be updated is low at best. EXTENSIONS = [ CertificateAuthority::Extensions::BasicConstraints, CertificateAuthority::Extensions::CrlDistributionPoints, CertificateAuthority::Extensions::SubjectKeyIdentifier, CertificateAuthority::Extensions::AuthorityKeyIdentifier, CertificateAuthority::Extensions::AuthorityInfoAccess, CertificateAuthority::Extensions::KeyUsage, CertificateAuthority::Extensions::ExtendedKeyUsage, CertificateAuthority::Extensions::SubjectAlternativeName, CertificateAuthority::Extensions::CertificatePolicies ] def load_extensions extension_hash = {} EXTENSIONS.each do |klass| extension = extension_hash[extension.openssl_identifier] = extension end extension_hash end def merge_options(config,hash) hash.keys.each do |k| config[k] = hash[k] end config end def self.from_openssl openssl_cert unless openssl_cert.is_a? OpenSSL::X509::Certificate raise "Can only construct from an OpenSSL::X509::Certificate" end certificate = # Only subject, key_material, and body are used for signing certificate.distinguished_name = DistinguishedName.from_openssl openssl_cert.subject certificate.key_material.public_key = openssl_cert.public_key certificate.openssl_body = openssl_cert certificate.serial_number.number = openssl_cert.serial.to_i certificate.not_before = openssl_cert.not_before certificate.not_after = openssl_cert.not_after EXTENSIONS.each do |klass| _,v,c = (openssl_cert.extensions.detect { |e| e.to_a.first == klass::OPENSSL_IDENTIFIER } || []).to_a certificate.extensions[klass::OPENSSL_IDENTIFIER] = klass.parse(v, c) if v end certificate end end end