# # print subcommands indented in the main global help screen # module GLI module Commands module HelpModules class GlobalHelpFormat SUB_CMD_INDENT = " " def format program_desc = @app.program_desc program_long_desc = @app.program_long_desc if program_long_desc wrapper = @wrapper_class.new(Terminal.instance.size[0],4) program_long_desc = "\n #{wrapper.wrap(program_long_desc)}\n\n" if program_long_desc else program_long_desc = "\n" end # build a list of commands, sort them so the commands with subcommands are at the bottom commands = @sorter.call(@app.commands_declaration_order.reject(&:nodoc)).sort do |a,b| if a.commands.any? && b.commands.any?; a.name <=> b.name elsif a.commands.any?; 1 elsif b.commands.any?; -1 else; a.name <=> b.name end end # build a list of command info ([name, description]), including subcommands if appropriate command_info_list = [] commands.each do |command| name = [command.name, Array(command.aliases)].flatten.join(', ') command_info_list << [name, command.description] if command.commands.any? @sorter.call(command.commands_declaration_order).each do |cmd| command_info_list << [SUB_CMD_INDENT + command.name.to_s + " " + cmd.names,cmd.description + (command.get_default_command == cmd.name ? " (default)" : "")] end end end # display command_formatter = ListFormatter.new(command_info_list, @wrapper_class) stringio = StringIO.new command_formatter.output(stringio) commands = stringio.string global_option_descriptions = OptionsFormatter.new(global_flags_and_switches,@wrapper_class).format GLOBAL_HELP.result(binding) end end end end end