# # these methods are made available in capistrano tasks as 'rsync.method_name' # (see RemoteCommand::new_capistrano) # require 'rsync_command' module LeapCli; module Remote; module RsyncPlugin # # takes a block, yielded a server, that should return a hash with various rsync options. # supported options include: # # {:source => '', :dest => '', :flags => '', :includes => [], :excludes => []} # def update rsync = RsyncCommand.new(:logger => logger, :flags => '-rltp --chmod=u+rX,go-rwx') rsync.asynchronously(find_servers) do |server| options = yield server next unless options remote_user = server.user || fetch(:user, ENV['USER']) src = options[:source] dest = {:user => remote_user, :host => server.host, :path => options[:dest]} options[:ssh] = ssh_options.merge(server.options[:ssh_options]||{}) options[:chdir] ||= Path.provider rsync.exec(src, dest, options) end if rsync.failed? LeapCli::Util.bail! do LeapCli::Util.log :failed, "to rsync to #{rsync.failures.map{|f|f[:dest][:host]}.join(' ')}" end end end end; end; end