# # these methods are made available in capistrano tasks as 'leap.method_name' # (see RemoteCommand::new_capistrano) # module LeapCli; module Remote; module LeapPlugin def required_packages "puppet ruby-hiera-puppet rsync lsb-release" end def log(*args, &block) LeapCli::Util::log(*args, &block) end # # creates directories that are owned by root and 700 permissions # def mkdirs(*dirs) raise ArgumentError.new('illegal dir name') if dirs.grep(/[\' ]/).any? run dirs.collect{|dir| "mkdir -m 700 -p #{dir}; "}.join end def assert_initialized begin test_initialized_file = "test -f #{INITIALIZED_FILE}" check_required_packages = "! dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Status}\n' #{required_packages} 2>&1 | grep -q -E '(deinstall|no packages)'" run "#{test_initialized_file} && #{check_required_packages}" rescue Capistrano::CommandError => exc LeapCli::Util.bail! do exc.hosts.each do |host| LeapCli::Util.log :error, "running deploy: node not initialized. Run 'leap node init #{host}'", :host => host end end end end def mark_initialized run "touch #{INITIALIZED_FILE}" end #def mkdir(dir) # run "mkdir -p #{dir}" #end #def chown_root(dir) # run "chown root -R #{dir} && chmod -R ag-rwx,u+rwX #{dir}" #end #def logrun(cmd) # @streamer ||= LeapCli::Remote::LogStreamer.new # run cmd do |channel, stream, data| # @streamer.collect_output(channel[:host], data) # end #end # return_code = nil # run "something; echo return code: $?" do |channel, stream, data| # if data =~ /return code: (\d+)/ # return_code = $1.to_i # else # Capistrano::Configuration.default_io_proc.call(channel, stream, data) # end # end # puts "finished with return code: #{return_code}" end; end; end