module LeapCli class ConfigList < Hash def initialize(config=nil) if config self << config end end # # if the key is a hash, we treat it as a condition and filter all the configs using the condition # # for example: # # nodes[:public_dns => true] # # will return a ConfigList with node configs that have public_dns set to true # def [](key) if key.is_a? Hash results = field, match_value = key.to_a.first field = field.is_a?(Symbol) ? field.to_s : field match_value = match_value.is_a?(Symbol) ? match_value.to_s : match_value each do |name, config| value = config[field] if !value.nil? if value.is_a? Array if value.includes?(match_value) results[name] = config end else if value == match_value results[name] = config end end end end results else super end end def <<(config) if config.is_a? ConfigList self.merge!(config) else self[config['name']] = config end end # # converts the hash of configs into an array of hashes, with ONLY the specified fields # def fields(*fields) result = [] keys.sort.each do |name| result << self[name].to_h(*fields) end result end # # like fields(), but returns an array of values instead of an array of hashes. # def field(field) field = field.to_s result = [] keys.sort.each do |name| result << self[name][field] end result end end end