require 'json/pure' require 'yaml' module LeapCli module Config # # A class to manage all the objects in all the configuration files. # class Manager attr_reader :services, :tags, :nodes, :provider ## ## IMPORT EXPORT ## # # load .json configuration files # def load(dir) @services = load_all_json("#{dir}/services/*.json") @tags = load_all_json("#{dir}/tags/*.json") @common = load_all_json("#{dir}/common.json")['common'] @provider = load_all_json("#{dir}/provider.json")['provider'] @nodes = load_all_json("#{dir}/nodes/*.json") @nodes.each do |name, node| @nodes[name] = apply_inheritance(node) end end # # save compiled hiera .yaml files # def export(dir) existing_files = Dir.glob(dir + '/*.yaml') updated_files = [] @nodes.each do |name, node| # not sure if people will approve of this change: filepath = "#{dir}/#{name}.yaml" updated_files << filepath Util::write_file!(filepath, node.to_yaml) end (existing_files - updated_files).each do |filepath| Util::remove_file!(filepath) end end ## ## FILTERING ## # # returns a node list consisting only of nodes that satisfy the filter criteria. # # filter: condition [condition] [condition] [+condition] # condition: [node_name | service_name | tag_name] # # if conditions is prefixed with +, then it works like an AND. Otherwise, it works like an OR. # def filter(filters) if filters.empty? return nodes end if filters[0] =~ /^\+/ # don't let the first filter have a + prefix filters[0] = filters[0][1..-1] end node_list = filters.each do |filter| if filter =~ /^\+/ keep_list = nodes_for_name(filter[1..-1]) node_list.delete_if do |name, node| if keep_list[name] false else true end end else node_list.merge!(nodes_for_name(filter)) end end return node_list end # # returns a single Config::Object that corresponds to a Node. # def node(name) nodes[name] end private def load_all_json(pattern, config_type = :class) results = Dir.glob(pattern).each do |filename| obj = load_json(filename, config_type) if obj name = File.basename(filename).sub(/\.json$/,'') obj['name'] ||= name results[name] = obj end end results end def load_json(filename, config_type) #log2 { filename.sub(/^#{Regexp.escape(Path.root)}/,'') } # # read file, strip out comments # ( would be faster, but we like ability to have comments) # buffer = do |f| while (line = f.gets) next if line =~ /^\s*#/ buffer << line end end # parse json, and flatten hash begin #hash = Oj.load(buffer.string) || {} hash = JSON.parse(buffer.string, :object_class => Hash, :array_class => Array) || {} rescue SyntaxError => exc log0 'Error in file "%s":' % filename log0 exc.to_s return nil end object = object.deep_merge!(hash) return object end # # remove all the nesting from a hash. # # def flatten_hash(input = {}, output = {}, options = {}) # input.each do |key, value| # key = options[:prefix].nil? ? "#{key}" : "#{options[:prefix]}#{options[:delimiter]||"_"}#{key}" # if value.is_a? Hash # flatten_hash(value, output, :prefix => key, :delimiter => options[:delimiter]) # else # output[key] = value # end # end # output.replace(input) # output # end # # makes a node inherit options from appropriate the common, service, and tag json files. # def apply_inheritance(node) new_node = name = # inherit from common new_node.deep_merge!(@common) # inherit from services if node['services'] node['services'].sort.each do |node_service| service = @services[node_service] if service.nil? log0('Error in node "%s": the service "%s" does not exist.' % [node['name'], node_service]) else new_node.deep_merge!(service) service.node_list.add(name, new_node) end end end # inherit from tags if node['tags'] node['tags'].sort.each do |node_tag| tag = @tags[node_tag] if tag.nil? log0('Error in node "%s": the tag "%s" does not exist.' % [node['name'], node_tag]) else new_node.deep_merge!(tag) tag.node_list.add(name, new_node) end end end # inherit from node new_node.deep_merge!(node) return new_node end # # returns a set of nodes corresponding to a single name, where name could be a node name, service name, or tag name. # def nodes_for_name(name) if node = self.nodes[name] elsif service =[name] service.node_list elsif tag = self.tags[name] tag.node_list end end end end end