module LeapCli; module Commands desc 'Run tests.' command :test do |test| test.desc 'Creates files needed to run tests.' test.command :init do |init| init.action do |global_options,options,args| generate_test_client_openvpn_configs end end test.desc 'Run tests.' test.command :run do |run| run.switch 'continue', :desc => 'Continue over errors and failures (default is --no-continue).', :negatable => true run.action do |global_options,options,args| manager.filter!(args).each_node do |node| ssh_connect(node) do |ssh| end end end end test.default_command :run end private def test_cmd(options) if options[:continue] "#{PUPPET_DESTINATION}/bin/run_tests --continue" else "#{PUPPET_DESTINATION}/bin/run_tests" end end # # generates a whole bunch of openvpn configs that can be used to connect to different openvpn gateways # def generate_test_client_openvpn_configs assert_config! '' assert_config! '' template = read_file! Path.find_file(:test_client_openvpn_template) manager.environments.each do |env| vpn_nodes = manager.nodes[:environment => env][:services => 'openvpn']['openvpn.allow_limited' => true] if vpn_nodes.any? generate_test_client_cert( do |key, cert| write_file! [:test_openvpn_config, [env, 'limited'].compact.join('_')], Util.erb_eval(template, binding) end end vpn_nodes = manager.nodes[:environment => env][:services => 'openvpn']['openvpn.allow_unlimited' => true] if vpn_nodes.any? generate_test_client_cert( do |key, cert| write_file! [:test_openvpn_config, [env, 'unlimited'].compact.join('_')], Util.erb_eval(template, binding) end end end end end; end