module LeapCli; module Commands desc 'Log in to the specified node with an interactive shell.' arg_name 'NAME' #, :optional => false, :multiple => false command :ssh do |c| c.flag 'ssh', :desc => "Pass through raw options to ssh (e.g. --ssh '-F ~/sshconfig')" c.flag 'port', :desc => 'Override ssh port for remote host' c.action do |global_options,options,args| exec_ssh(:ssh, options, args) end end desc 'Log in to the specified node with an interactive shell using mosh (requires node to have mosh.enabled set to true).' arg_name 'NAME' command :mosh do |c| c.action do |global_options,options,args| exec_ssh(:mosh, options, args) end end protected # # allow for ssh overrides of all commands that use ssh_connect # def connect_options(options) connect_options = {:ssh_options=>{}} if options[:port] connect_options[:ssh_options][:port] = options[:port] end if options[:ip] connect_options[:ssh_options][:host_name] = options[:ip] end return connect_options end def ssh_config_help_message puts "" puts "Are 'too many authentication failures' getting you down?" puts "Then we have the solution for you! Add something like this to your ~/.ssh/config file:" puts " Host *.#{manager.provider.domain}" puts " IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa" puts " IdentitiesOnly=yes" puts "(replace `id_rsa` with the actual private key filename that you use for this provider)" end private def exec_ssh(cmd, cli_options, args) node = get_node_from_args(args, :include_disabled => true) port = node.ssh.port options = [ "-o 'HostName=#{node.ip_address}'", # "-o 'HostKeyAlias=#{}'", << oddly incompatible with ports in known_hosts file, so we must not use this or non-standard ports break. "-o 'GlobalKnownHostsFile=#{path(:known_hosts)}'", "-o 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null'" ] if node.vagrant? options << "-i #{vagrant_ssh_key_file}" # use the universal vagrant insecure key options << "-o IdentitiesOnly=yes" # force the use of the insecure vagrant key options << "-o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no'" # blindly accept host key and don't save it (since userknownhostsfile is /dev/null) else options << "-o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=yes'" end username = 'root' if LeapCli.log_level >= 3 options << "-vv" elsif LeapCli.log_level >= 2 options << "-v" end if cli_options[:port] port = cli_options[:port] end if cli_options[:ssh] options << cli_options[:ssh] end ssh = "ssh -l #{username} -p #{port} #{options.join(' ')}" if cmd == :ssh command = "#{ssh} #{node.domain.full}" elsif cmd == :mosh command = "MOSH_TITLE_NOPREFIX=1 mosh --ssh \"#{ssh}\" #{node.domain.full}" end log 2, command # exec the shell command in a subprocess pid = fork { exec "#{command}" } # wait for shell to exit so we can grab the exit status _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) if status.exitstatus == 255 ssh_config_help_message elsif status.exitstatus != 0 exit_now! status.exitstatus, status.exitstatus end end end; end