# # Ensure we require the local version and not one we might have installed already # require File.join([File.dirname(__FILE__),'lib','leap_cli','version.rb']) spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s| ## ## ABOUT THIS GEM ## s.name = 'leap_cli' s.version = LeapCli::VERSION s.author = 'LEAP' s.email = 'root@leap.se' s.homepage = 'https://leap.se' s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.summary = 'Command line interface to the LEAP platform.' s.description = 'Provides the command "leap", used to manage a bevy of servers running the LEAP platform from the comfort of your own home.' ## ## GEM FILES ## s.files = `find lib vendor -name '*.rb'`.split("\n") << "bin/leap" s.require_paths << 'lib' s.bindir = 'bin' s.executables << 'leap' ## ## DOCUMENTATION ## #s.has_rdoc = true #s.extra_rdoc_files = ['README.rdoc','leap_cli.rdoc'] #s.rdoc_options << '--title' << 'leap_cli' << '--main' << 'README.rdoc' << '-ri' ## ## DEPENDENCIES ## s.add_development_dependency('rake') #s.add_development_dependency('rdoc') #s.add_development_dependency('aruba') # console gems s.add_runtime_dependency('gli','~> 2.3') s.add_runtime_dependency('terminal-table') s.add_runtime_dependency('highline') # network gems s.add_runtime_dependency('net-ssh') s.add_runtime_dependency('capistrano') #s.add_runtime_dependency('supply_drop') # misc gems s.add_runtime_dependency('json_pure') # we use this json library for output so we can keep the keys sorted. s.add_runtime_dependency('gpgme') # not essential, but used for some minor stuff in adding sysadmins end