require "rubygems" require "pty" require "fileutils" require "rake/testtask" ## ## HELPER ## def run(cmd) PTY.spawn(cmd) do |output, input, pid| begin while line = output.gets do puts line end rescue Errno::EIO end end rescue PTY::ChildExited end ## ## GEM BUILDING AND INSTALLING ## $spec_path = 'leap_cli.gemspec' $base_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) $spec = eval($base_dir, $spec_path))) $gem_path = File.join($base_dir, 'pkg', "#{$}-#{$spec.version}.gem") $lib_dir = "#{$base_dir}/lib" $LOAD_PATH.unshift $lib_dir def built_gem_path Dir[File.join($base_dir, "#{$}-*.gem")].sort_by{|f| File.mtime(f)}.last end desc "Build #{$}-#{$spec.version}.gem into the pkg directory" task 'build' do FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join($base_dir, 'pkg')) FileUtils.rm($gem_path) if File.exists?($gem_path) run "gem build -V '#{$spec_path}'" file_name = File.basename(built_gem_path), 'pkg') puts "#{$} #{$spec.version} built to pkg/#{file_name}" end desc "Install #{$}-#{$spec.version}.gem into either system-wide or user gems" task 'install' do if !File.exists?($gem_path) puts("Could not file #{$gem_path}. Try running 'rake build'") else options = '--verbose --conservative --no-rdoc --no-ri' if ENV["USER"] == "root" run "gem install #{options} '#{$gem_path}'" else home_gem_path = Gem.path.grep(/home/).first puts "You are installing as an unprivileged user, which will result in the installation being placed in '#{home_gem_path}'." print "Do you want to continue installing to #{home_gem_path}? [y/N] " input = STDIN.readline if input =~ /[yY]/ run "gem install #{$gem_path} #{options} --install-dir '#{home_gem_path}' " else puts "bailing out." end end end end desc "Uninstall #{$}-#{$spec.version}.gem from either system-wide or user gems" task 'uninstall' do if ENV["USER"] == "root" puts "Removing #{$}-#{$spec.version}.gem from system-wide gems" run "gem uninstall '#{$}' --version #{$spec.version} --verbose -x -I" else puts "Removing #{$}-#{$spec.version}.gem from user's gems" run "gem uninstall '#{$}' --version #{$spec.version} --verbose --user-install -x -I" end end ## ## TESTING ## do |t| t.pattern = "test/unit/*_test.rb" end task :default => :test ## ## CODE GENERATION ## desc "Updates the list of required configuration options for this version of LEAP CLI" task 'update-requirements' do Dir.chdir($base_dir) do required_configs = `find -name '*.rb' | xargs grep -R 'assert_config!'`.split("\n").collect{|line| if line =~ /def/ || line =~ /pre\.rb/ nil else line.sub(/.*assert_config! ["'](.*?)["'].*/,'"\1"') end }.compact"#{$base_dir}/lib/leap_cli/requirements.rb", 'w') do |f| f.puts "# run 'rake update-requirements' to generate this file." f.puts "module LeapCli" f.puts " REQUIREMENTS = [" f.puts " " + required_configs.join(",\n ") f.puts " ]" f.puts "end" end puts "updated #{$base_dir}/lib/leap_cli/requirements.rb" #puts `cat '#{$base_dir}/lib/leap_cli/requirements.rb'` end end ## ## DOCUMENTATION ## # require 'rdoc/task' # do |rd| # rd.main = "README.rdoc" # rd.rdoc_files.include("README.rdoc","lib/**/*.rb","bin/**/*") # rd.title = 'Your application title' # end desc "Generate documentation" task 'doc' do require 'leap_cli' require 'leap_cli/app' class DocMaker < GLI::Command def initialize(app) @app = app @listener =[],[],[]) end def create @listener.beginning @listener.program_desc(@app.program_desc) unless @app.program_desc.nil? @listener.program_long_desc(@app.program_long_desc) unless @app.program_long_desc.nil? @listener.version(@app.version_string) if any_options?(@app) @listener.options end document_flags_and_switches(@listener, @app.flags.values.sort(&by_name), @app.switches.values.sort(&by_name)) if any_options?(@app) @listener.end_options end @listener.commands document_commands(@listener, @app) @listener.end_commands @listener.ending end private def document_commands(document_listener,context) context.commands.values.reject {|_| _.nodoc }.sort(&by_name).each do |command| call_command_method_being_backwards_compatible(document_listener,command) document_listener.options if any_options?(command) document_flags_and_switches(document_listener,command_flags(command),command_switches(command)) document_listener.end_options if any_options?(command) document_listener.commands if any_commands?(command) document_commands(document_listener,command) document_listener.end_commands if any_commands?(command) document_listener.end_command( end document_listener.default_command(context.get_default_command) end def call_command_method_being_backwards_compatible(document_listener,command) command_args = [, Array(command.aliases), command.description, command.long_description, command.arguments_description] if document_listener.method(:command).arity == 6 command_args << command.arguments_options end document_listener.command(*command_args) end def by_name lambda { |a,b| <=> } end def command_flags(command) { |flag| flag.associated_command == command }.sort(&by_name) end def command_switches(command) { |switch| switch.associated_command == command }.sort(&by_name) end def document_flags_and_switches(document_listener,flags,switches) flags.each do |flag| document_listener.flag(, Array(flag.aliases), flag.description, flag.long_description, flag.safe_default_value, flag.argument_name, flag.must_match, flag.type) end switches.each do |switch| document_listener.switch(, Array(switch.aliases), switch.description, switch.long_description, switch.negatable) end end def any_options?(context) options = if context.kind_of?(GLI::Command) command_flags(context) + command_switches(context) else context.flags.values + context.switches.values end !options.empty? end def any_commands?(command) !command.commands.empty? end end puts end