module Backend # a store for the recipients configuration class RecipientsStore # Instantiates and stores password def initialize(aBaseDir = "") @baseDir = aBaseDir end def addRecipient(aRecipientAddress, aRecipientKey) @recipients.push(, aRecipientKey)) end def removeRecipient(aRecipientKey) # read() # @recipients.push(, aRecipientKey)) # write() end def getRecipients() return @recipients end def load() read() end def save() write() end private def read() fileName = File.join(@baseDir, "config", "recipients") file =, "r") begin recipients = [] while (line = file.gets) parts = line.split() if (parts.length == 2) recipients.push([1], parts[0])) end end @recipients = recipients rescue => err throw err ensure file.close end end def write() fileName = File.join(@baseDir, "config", "recipients") file =, "w") begin @recipients.each do |recipient| file.puts("#{} #{recipient.keySignature}") end rescue => err throw err ensure file.close end end end class Recipient def initialize(aKeySignature, anEmail) @keySignature = aKeySignature @email = anEmail end attr_reader :keySignature attr_reader :email end end