[[!meta title="Keyringer: encrypted and distributed secret sharing software"]] Keyringer lets you manage and share secrets using GnuPG and Git with custom commands to encrypt, decrypt, recrypt, create key pairs, etc. - Project page: [https://keyringer.pw](https://keyringer.pw) - Manpage: [keyringer.1](share/man/keyringer.1) - License: [GPLv3+](LICENSE) - Issue tracker: [https://keyringer.pw/trac](https://keyringer.pw/trac) - Tor hidden service: [http://y6ntvl5bzs3c7ffa.onion](http://y6ntvl5bzs3c7ffa.onion) - Releases: [https://keyringer.pw/releases](releases) - Contact: rhatto at riseup.net Index ----- [[!toc levels=4]] Installation ------------ Just clone git clone git://git.sarava.org/keyringer.git And then leave it somewhere, optionally adding it to your `$PATH` environment variable or package it to your preferred distro. If you're using Debian `jessie` or `unstable`, just run apt-get install keyringer Creating a keyringer repository ------------------------------- The first step is to setup a keyring. Keyringer supports management of multiple isolated keyrings. To start a new keyring (or register an existing one with your config file), run: keyringer init [remote] This will 1. Add an entry at `$HOME/.keyringer/config` aliasing 'keyring' to 'path'. 2. Initialize a git repository if needed. For example, keyringer friends init $HOME/keyrings/friends will create an alias "friends" pointing to `$HOME/keyrings/friends`. All other keyring actions should be called using this alias. If there is an existing remote keyring git repository and you just want to checkout it, use keyringer friends init $HOME/keyrings/friends Managing recipients ------------------- Your next step is tell keyringer the OpenPGP key IDs to encrypt files to: keyringer recipients edit [recipient-name] keyringer recipients ls Keyringer support multiple recipients in a per-folder style. Try it by creating a sample keyringer keyringer recipients edit closest-friends Fill it with your friends key IDs. Now encrypt a secret just for then: keyringer encrypt closest-friends/secret In other words, if keyringer finds a recipient file matching a given path, it will use it instead of the global recipients file. Each recipient list is defined in a file placed at `config/recipients` in your keyring repository. Take care to add just trustable recipients. Managing secrets ---------------- Each secret has a corresponding file in your `keys` subdirectory. Keyringer is agnostic about how you store your secrets. You may choose to have one encrypted file that contains one line for each secret, e.g. a single file called secrets with lines such as: emma : root : secret1 emma - /dev/hda : : secret2 Or you may also have a different encrypted file for each secret, e.g. a file called emma.root that contains the root passphrase for the server named `emma` and another called emma.hda with the passphrase to decrypt `/dev/hda` on `emma`. Encrypting a secret keyringer encrypt Encrypting a secret from a file keyringer encrypt Decrypting a secret (only to stdout) keyringer decrypt Re-encrypting a secret or the whole repository keyringer recrypt [secret] Appending information to a secret keyringer append Editing a secret keyringer edit Use this option with caution as it keeps temporary unencrypted data into a temporary folder. Listing secrets keyringer ls [arguments] Each `` is stored as a file inside the `keys/` folder of your keyring directory. Git wrapper ----------- Keyringer comes with a simple git wrapper to ease common management tasks: keyringer git remote add keyringer keyringer git push keyringer master keyringer git pull Configuration files, preferences and options -------------------------------------------- 1. Main config file: `$HOME/.keyringer/config`: store the location of each keyring. 2. User preferences per keyring: `$HOME/.keyringer/`: managed by "keyringer preferences". 3. Custom keyring options: `$KEYRING_FOLDER/config/options`: managed by "keyringer options". Using a non-default OpenPGP key ------------------------------- If you want to use a different key other than your default for a given keyringer, use keyringer preferences add KEYID= Example: keyringer preferences add KEYID=0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE012345678 Concepts -------- Basic idea is: - Encrypt screts using multiple users's OpenPGP public keys and commit the output in a git repository. - Let users keep it in sync with the repository and the secrets are shared :) Secrets can be any regular file as the script work with stdin and output things to files, so it can be passphrases, private keys or other kind of information. With theses scripts, the workflow is more or less like this: - You have a git repo for secret keys. - You run the "encrypt" command and paste your private key to this command (so no plaintext is written to disk). - The encrypt command writes an encrypted file to the repo. - You manually add it to git and push it to remote repositories. - Optionally, other users pulls the changes but they dont need to decrypt anything until they need to use the keys. In summary, keyringer data store is basically gpg-encrypted data atop of a git repository (one can think of a kind of distributed encrypted filesystem). Git was chosen to host encrypted info mostly for two reasos: easy to distribute and its the only VCS known to make easier repository history manipulation. One possible drawback: the repo has pubkey information attached, which can be linked to real people (and then disclose the information about who has access to a given key). To mitigate that, it's possible to: - Keep the repo just atop of an encrypted and non-public place. - Or to consider an integration with gpg's --hidden-recipient option. Never decrypt a key and write it to the disk, except if you're adding it to your personall keyring. Check [this page](https://wiki.koumbit.net/PasswordManagementService/SoftwareComparison) a comparison on different password management tools. Requirements ------------ Keyringer needs: - [Bash](http://tiswww.case.edu/php/chet/bash/bashtop.html) - [Git](http://git-scm.com) - [GNU Privacy Guard](http://gnupg.org) - Grep, awk, tail, cut, sed and other GNU tools Optional dependencies if you want to manage ssl keys: - [OpenSSL](http://www.openssl.org) Development guidelines ---------------------- See [development](development).