#!/bin/bash # # Gather hardware information and dump into a folder. # # Load. source $APP_BASE/lib/hydra/functions || exit 1 hydra_config_load # Parameters BASENAME="`basename $0`" # This command could be converted to a "hydra hwinfo" fact collector, storing results # at $HYDRA_FOLDER/config/hardware if we had a way to uniquelly determine hardware UUID, independent # from the operating system. # # Some references that might help: # # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35883313/dmidecode-product-uuid-and-product-serial-what-is-the-difference # https://wiki.debian.org/HowToIdentifyADevice/System # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/211327/get-the-same-uuid-on-different-linux-distributions#211398 # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10152762/best-way-to-get-machine-id-on-linux#10152797 # https://www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0134_3.0.0.pdf # # Some files to look around: # # /sys/class/dmi/id/board_serial # /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid # /var/lib/dbus/machine-id # # This would work in some systems, while in others wont: # # manufacturer="`$SUDO dmidecode -s system-manufacturer`" # version="`$SUDO dmidecode -s system-version`" # # Best way would either get a UUID from BIOS or build our own, manual database with arbitrary generated UUIDs. # Sudo config if [ "`whoami`" != 'root' ]; then SUDO="sudo" fi if which lshw &> /dev/null; then $SUDO lshw #> lshw.txt #$SUDO lshw --json > lshw.json #$SUDO lshw --xml > lshw.xml fi if which lscpu &> /dev/null; then $SUDO lscpu #> lscpu.txt fi if which cpuid &> /dev/null; then $SUDO cpuid #> cpuid.txt fi if which dmidecode &> /dev/null; then $SUDO dmidecode #> dmidecode.txt #$SUDO dmidecode --dump-bin dmidecode.bin fi if which lspci &> /dev/null; then $SUDO lspci #> lspci.txt fi if which lsusb &> /dev/null; then $SUDO lsusb #> lsusb.txt fi if which lsblk &> /dev/null; then $SUDO lsblk #> lsblk.txt fi if which hwinfo &> /dev/null; then $SUDO hwinfo #> hwinfo.txt fi