# Management ## Sets and supersets The Hydra Suite is flexible enough so you can use it to: * Manage a single machine using `hydractl` command. * Manage a set or a subset of machines -- a *network* -- from the same organization using `hydra` command. * Manage a superset of machines -- *a constelation* -- comprised of one or more organizations using `hydras` command. ## Creating a new network Use the following commands to create the needed repositories when starting a new network: hydra example init ~/file/example hydra example config domain example.org This makes `~/files/example` the base folder for all configuration of the network of machines called `example`. ## Managing an existing network If you have enough credentials (ssh pubkey set in the server), you can fetch all the needed repositories and configurations to a local folder `~/file/example` using simply the following command: hydra example init ~/file/example git@admin.example.org: This will try to fetch a superproject from git@admin.example.org:example.git -- if exists, plus submodules -- or each git repository used by a network previously created by the `init` action (`config.git`, `puppet.git`, etc).