HTTRUTA Crawler Project ======================= Download all links from a feed using tools like [httrack]( and [wkhtmltopdf]( This is the engine behind the [Cache]( feature used by the [Semantic Scuttle]( instance known as [Fluxo de Links]( Installation ------------ git clone Dependencies ------------ Recommended: sudo apt install httrack wkhtmltopdf Configuration ------------- The default config is optimized for getting all new stuff added into [Fluxo de Links]( You might use httruta to archive any other website that has RSS support. To customize httruta, just copy the file `config.default` into `config` and edit to suit your needs. Usage ----- Place this script somewhere and setup a cronjob like this: `*/5 * * * * /var/sites/cache/httruta/httracker &> /dev/null`