/********************************* * CSS @media print rules (not projection or screen) */ /************* * Make sure all slides are visible (to make them all appear in prin) */ .slide { page-break-inside: avoid; display: block !important; } h1 { page-break-after: avoid; } ul { page-break-inside: avoid; } body { font-size: 12pt; } /******************** * Extra styling for first slide (title slide) */ #slide1 h1 { font-size: 200%; border: none; margin: 0.5em 0 0.25em; } #slide1 h3 { margin: 0; padding: 0;} #slide1 h4 { margin: 0 0 0.5em; padding: 0;} #slide1 { margin-bottom: 3em; } h1 { border-top: 2pt solid gray; border-bottom: 1px dotted silver; } /****** * Turn on print-specific stuff/classes */ .extra { background: transparent !important; } div.extra, pre.extra, .example { font-size: 10pt; color: #333; } ul.extra a { font-weight: bold; } /***** * Turn off online (screen/projection)-specific stuff/classes */ p.example { display: none; } /***************** * The following rule keeps the layout stuff out of print. * Remove at your own risk! */ .layout, .layout * {display: none !important;} .projection { display: none; }