Firma Development Policy ------------------------ This policy helps control all development steps to keep a clean and junk-free code. In the future this procedure can be automatic. After any addition to firma, check the following: ------------------------------------------------- - If a new variable has to be declared via a config-file, remember to set it to be created in the NewList function. - Put all new functions in the FUNCTIONS variable. - Put all new global variables in the GLOBAL_VARS variable. - If you are using an unix command, check if it's already listed in the commands list bellow. If it's not, please add it. Variables usage --------------- - Global vars: uppercase, with spaces replaced by underscores. - Local vars: lowercase, with spaces replaced by underscores and declared using "local". - Attention to variables initialization, unset all vars after use. Used commands ------------- - bash itself - $GPG_BINARY - $MAIL_AGENT - basename - chmod - chown - cut - echo - expect - fold - grep - head - logger - mkdir - mv - rm - sed - sha1sum - sleep - sort - touch - tr - uniq - wc