// $Id$ -- SUMMARY -- Sky is a minimal, re-colorable, multi-column theme which uses the 960 Grid System and HTML5. Supported browsers include IE6+, FF3+, Safari 3+, Chrome and Opera 10+. Please note that Sky is not an administrative theme. -- REQUIREMENTS -- In order to view the live preview on the color settings page (admin/appearance/settings/sky), you must install the Color Theme module. It is a very small module that sets the current theme to theme that's being configured. This allows for live previews of the color schemes and customization. It is not technically required, but highly recommended: http://drupal.org/project/colortheme -- INSTALLATION -- Install as usual, see http://drupal.org/node/70151 for further information. -- CONFIGURATION -- * Color options: Enable the theme at admin/appearance, and visit admin/appearance/settings/sky to modify the color scheme if desired. * Menus: The Sky theme does not support the hard coded menu defaults. To setup your main navigation menu, place the block containing the menu you want in the "Navigation" region. -- CREATING A SUBTHEME -- 1. Create a new theme directory and .info file with the following inside it: name = Name of your theme. description = Description of your theme. core = 7.x base theme = sky stylesheets[all][] = colors.css stylesheets[all][] = custom.css regions[page_top] = Page Top regions[header] = Header regions[navigation] = Navigation regions[highlighted] = Highlighted regions[help] = Help regions[content] = Content regions[sidebar_first] = Sidebar First regions[sidebar_second] = Sidebar Second regions[footer] = Footer regions[copyright] = Copyright regions[collapsible] = Collapsible regions[page_bottom] = Page Bottom features[] = logo features[] = favicon features[] = name features[] = slogan features[] = node_user_picture features[] = comment_user_picture features[] = comment_user_verification 2. Create a custom.css file which will contain any styles you want to change or add. 3. Copy the colors.css file into the root of your theme. It can go wherever you want, just make sure you match the path to the .info entry. 4. Copy the entire color directory from Sky into your subtheme. 5. Open color/color.inc change the occurences of 'sky' (lines 18-19) to the name of your subtheme: $css = ($theme == 'sky') ? 'color/preview.css' : array(); $js = ($theme == 'sky') ? 'color/preview.js' : array(); -- FAQ -- * Skinr Integration: When the Skinr module is available many more block styles, including drop down menus will be added. -- CONTACT -- Current maintainer: * Jacine Luisi (Jacine) - http://drupal.org/user/88931