'; if ($type == 'sent') { $title = t('Items I requested from people'); } else { $title = t('My items that people requested'); } $output .= '

'. $title .'

'; if (empty($transactions)) { $output .= t('There are no transactions.'); $output .= ''; return $output; } foreach($transactions as $transaction) { $actions = array(); foreach (muamba_actions_available($type, $transaction['status']) as $action) { $callback = muamba_actions($action); $actions[] = l(t($callback), 'muamba/'. $callback .'/'. $transaction['mid']); } $rows[] = array( 'asset' => $transaction['node']->title, 'user' => $transaction['user']->name, 'status' => t(muamba_statuses($transaction['status'])), 'actions' => implode($actions, ' | '), //'thread' => theme('muamba_colorbox_link', array( // 'path' => '/messages/view/'. $transaction['thread_id'], // 'text' => t('view messages'), //)), 'thread' => l( t('view messages'), 'messages/view/'. $transaction['thread_id'], array( 'attributes' => array( //'class' => array('colorbox-ajax', 'colorbox-load') ) ) ) ); } // Make a table for them. $header = array(t('Item'), t('User'), t('Status'), t('Actions'), t('Negotiation')); $output .= theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows)); $output .= ''; return $output; } /** * Theme callback. */ function theme_muamba_colorbox_link($variables) { $path = $variables['path']; $text = $variables['text']; $output = ''; $output .= $text .''; return $output; } /** * Theme callback. */ function theme_muamba_request_message($transaction = NULL) { $link = l(t('your requests page'), 'muamba'); return t('Hi, I would like to request this item of yours. Please visit @link to manage this request', array('@link' => $link)); } /** * Theme callback. */ function theme_muamba_accept_message($transaction = NULL) { return t('I accept your item request'); } /** * Theme callback. */ function theme_muamba_reject_message($transaction = NULL) { return t('I reject your item request'); } /** * Theme callback. */ function theme_muamba_cancel_message($transaction = NULL) { return t('I cancel my item request'); } /** * Theme callback. */ function theme_muamba_return_message($transaction = NULL) { return t('I return your item'); } /** * Theme callback. */ function theme_muamba_recovered_message($transaction = NULL) { return t('I recovered my item'); } /** * Theme callback. */ function theme_muamba_lost_message($transaction = NULL) { return t('I declare that my item is lost'); } /** * Theme callback. */ function theme_muamba_widget_icon($variables) { $status = $variables['status']; $id = $variables['id']; $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'muamba'); $action = muamba_actions($status); $image = $path .'/images/'. $action .'.png'; $title = ucfirst($action) .' item'; $icon = theme('image', array( 'path' => $image, 'alt' => t($title), 'title' => t($title), ) ); $output = l($icon, 'muamba/'. $action .'/'. $id, array('html' => TRUE)); return $output; }