# Borger A script for home folder backups using [Borg](https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io). # Features * Multiple destinations using config files. * Automatically initializes repository in the remote destination. * Automatically pruning of old backups. # Usage Create a config for your `servername` destination at `~/.config/borger/servername`: # Backup destination export SSH_SERVER="user@host" export SSH_PORT="2202" # Repository path export BORG_REPO_DIR="/var/backups/users/$USER/borg" export BORG_REPO="ssh://$SSH_SERVER:$SSH_PORT/$BORG_REPO_DIR" # Setting one of those, so you won't be asked for your repository passphrase: #export BORG_PASSPHRASE='HACKME' #export BORG_PASSCOMMAND='pass show backup' #export BORG_PASSCOMMAND='keyringer default decrypt borg 2> /dev/null' # Backup config keepdaily="7" keepweekly="4" keepmonth="6" encryption="keyfile" placeholder="{user}" Then run borger: borger servername If you want to backup to local folder or a locally-mounted USB disk, use the following config at `~/.config/borger/my-disk`: # Repository path export BORG_REPO="/media/my-disk/backups/users/$USER/borg" # Setting one of those, so you won't be asked for your repository passphrase: #export BORG_PASSPHRASE='HACKME' #export BORG_PASSCOMMAND='pass show backup' #export BORG_PASSCOMMAND='keyringer default decrypt borg 2> /dev/null' # Backup config keepdaily="7" keepweekly="4" keepmonth="6" encryption="keyfile" placeholder="{user}" Then run borger normally: borger my-disk # Checking your backups As simply as borger servername --check borger mydisk --check # WARNING Borger uses `keyfile` encrytion by default. That means **you should backup your keyfile** somewhere else. **If you don't want that, use `encryption="repokey"` at your config.** See [Repository Encryption](https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/quickstart.html#repository-encryption) for details.