[[!meta title="Bootless: TODO"]] ## Add support for Full Disk Encryption with LUKS version 2 with Argon2id ### About This is a major task that need to be evaluated, since currently (as of 2024-07-13) [GNU Grub][] does not natively supports LUKS 2 and Argon2id. This can be either implemented as a patch with a custom [GNU Grub][] build, or wait for an official implementation. ### Status * As of 2024-07-13, the GRUB packages for Debian bookworm still does not have support for luks2 and argon2id: [GNU GRUB - Bugs: bug #55093, Add LUKS2 support](https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?55093). * This means that Full Disk Encryption won't work along with luks2 and argon2id when using vanilla GRUB packages from Debian. * But it's now possible to migrate non-boot volumes. ### References References on LUKS 2 and Argon2id are available in the [references](/references) page. [GNU Grub]: https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/