% Bookdown LaTeX footer file % Put all indexes in a final chapter \ifx\BookupListIndex\undefined \else \chapter{Índice} \ifx\BookupListElements\undefined \else %Listas de tabelas, figuras, definições e etimologias. %Listas de tabelas e figuras. Listas de tabelas, figuras etc. \fi % Print the list of tables \ifx\BookupListTables\undefined \else \listoftables \fi % Print the list of figures \ifx\BookupListFigures\undefined \else \listoffigures \fi % Print the list of definitions % See https://latex.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17679 % https://ctan.org/pkg/thmtools \ifx\BookupListDefinitions\undefined \else \renewcommand\listtheoremname{Lista de Definições} \listoftheorems[ignoreall,show={definition}] \fi % Print the list of etimologies % The "proposition" theorem type is allocated for etimologies in this book % See the _bookdown.yml at the top-level project folder for more information \ifx\BookupListEtimologies\undefined \else \renewcommand\listtheoremname{Lista de Etimologias} \listoftheorems[ignoreall,show={proposition}] \fi % Print the index \ifx\BookupListWordIndex\undefined \else \printindex \fi % ChangeLog % This is commented until a LaTeX version is available %\IfFileExists{snippets/changes.md}{\input{snippets/changes.md}}{} \fi