# Bookdown YAML header
# See https://bookdown.org/yihui/bookdown/usage.html#usage
#     https://bookdown.org/yihui/bookdown/yaml-options.html

# Site
site: "bookdown::bookdown_site"

# Automatically generate the list of tables and figures
# These can also be explicitly generated using LaTeX commands
lot: false
lof: false

# Cover image
#cover-image: "images/cover.png"

# Fonts
mainfont: "Linux Libertine O"
monofont: "Liberation Mono"

# Paper size
#papersize: a4paper
#papersize: letterpaper
papersize: b5paper

# Geometry
#geometry: paperwidth=6in,paperheight=9in

# Class option
# Use "symmetric" in the classoption if you want margin notes in alternating sides
#classoption: "symmetric,justified"
#classoption: "twoside,symmetric,justified"
classoption: "justified"

# Header includes
  # Support for deeply nested lists
  # See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57945414/too-deeply-nested-at-just-fourth-nesting-level-using-pandoc-with-markdown
  - \usepackage{enumitem}
  - \setlistdepth{20}
  - \renewlist{itemize}{itemize}{20}
  - \renewlist{enumerate}{enumerate}{20}
  - \setlist[itemize]{label=$\cdot$}
  - \setlist[itemize,1]{label=\textbullet}
  - \setlist[itemize,2]{label=--}
  - \setlist[itemize,3]{label=*}