[[!meta title="Libraries"]]

Library Management

* [Open Publication Distribution System | Official Specification & Blog](http://opds-spec.org/).
* [FBReader Calibre connector - F-Droid](https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdfilter=calibre&fdid=org.geometerplus.fbreader.plugin.local_opds_scanner).
* [Create Your Own Cloud of Ebooks with Calibre + Calibre OPDS + Dropbox](http://dearauthor.com/ebooks/create-your-own-cloud-of-ebooks-with-calibre-calibre-opds-dropbox/).
* [Turn Raspberry Pi into an Ebook Server with Cal... » Linux Magazine](http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/Blogs/Productivity-Sauce/Turn-Raspberry-Pi-into-an-Ebook-Server-with-Calibre).
* [Here is COPS : Calibre OPDS (and HTML) PHP Server | Technology and Me](http://blog.slucas.fr/en/oss/calibre-opds-php-server).

Bibliography Management

* [Comparison of reference management software - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_reference_management_software).
* [Citeproc YAML for bibliographies](http://blog.martinfenner.org/2013/07/30/citeproc-yaml-for-bibliographies/).
* [BibTeX](http://www.bibtex.org/) ([ikiwiki plugin](https://ikiwiki.info/plugins/contrib/bibtex/)).
* [Citation Style Language - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citation_Style_Language).
* [JSON-LD - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON-LD).
* [Exporting all yaml bibliographic in a pdf file using pandoc - Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20077939/exporting-all-yaml-bibliographic-in-a-pdf-file-using-pandoc).
* [FileMeta/MicroYaml: A simple parser for the MicroYaml dialect of the YAML file format.](https://github.com/FileMeta/MicroYaml).
* [jtprince/bivy: "bibliography in vim and yaml" is a lightweight bibliographic management system. Create bibliographies and citations with simple tools.](https://github.com/jtprince/bivy)
* [jbaiter/zotero-cli: Command-line interface for Zotero](https://github.com/jbaiter/zotero-cli).
* [vhotspur/cli-zotero: Command-line client for Zotero (BibTeX export now only)](https://github.com/vhotspur/cli-zotero).
* [pandoc-citeproc in stretch](https://packages.debian.org/stretch/pandoc-citeproc).


* Metadata organization:
  * Lowercase, underlines and dashes.
  * Easytag and picard.
  * UUID, IMDB ID, etc.
  * AcousticBrainz: http://lwn.net/Articles/622682/rss
  * Update changes in playlists.
* Filenaming, fixing names with [convmv](https://packages.debian.org/stable/convmv).


* http://subscene.com
* http://www.subtitleseeker.com
* http://www.opensubtitles.org

Corrente dos Achados & Deixados

Recebi algo assim:

    Esqueça um livro e espalhe conhecimento.


    Deixe no restaurante, no ponto de ônibus, dentro do metrô, sobre a bancada do
    banco , no táxi. A escolha é  livre.

    Vale um bilhetinho, explicando o projeto e o presente !

    Modelo de Bilhetinho:

      Ei, você que achou este livro!

      Agora ele é SEU!

      A iniciativa faz parte de um projeto de incentivo à leitura e
      compartilhamento de conhecimento.

      Encoraje-se a fazer o mesmo! :)


* http://www.datalove.net